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Homesite, Bacolod City

Educational Learning Packet
Grade School Department


Topic: Some of the Philippine National Heroes

Materials: books, pictures on line, video, power point
 Students will be able to identify and describe the contributions of our national heroes.
 Students will be able to explain the significance of our national heroes in Philippine history.

A national hero of the Philippines is a Filipino who has been recognized as a national hero for their
role in the history of the Philippines. Loosely, the term may refer to all Filipino historical figures
recognized as heroes, but the term more strictly refers to those officially designated as such. In 1995
the Philippine National Heroes Committee officially recommended several people for the designation,
but this was not acted upon. As of 2007, no one had ever been officially recognized as a Philippine
national hero.i
Direction: Identify the following person by connecting the line in each picture.
If you were a superhero, what will your name be? What are your superpowers? And who will be your
Draw yourself as a superhero


Topic: Some of the Philippine Heroes

Jose Rizal
Jose Rizal was a Philippine national hero who was born on June 19, 1861,
in Calamba, Laguna. He was a polymath who excelled in various fields,
including literature, medicine, and politics. Rizal wrote two influential novels,
"Noli Me Tangere" and "El Filibusterismo," which exposed the injustices and
corruption in the Spanish colonial government and the Catholic Church. He
was a staunch advocate of reform and peaceful change in the Philippines.
However, his writings and ideas sparked a revolution among Filipinos who
were oppressed and exploited by the Spanish colonial government. In 1896,
Rizal was arrested and executed by the Spanish authorities for his alleged
involvement in the revolution. Today, Rizal is celebrated as a national hero
and a symbol of the Filipino spirit of resistance against oppression and injustice.
Emilio Aguinaldo
Emilio Aguinaldo was a Filipino revolutionary and political leader who played
a crucial role in the Philippine Revolution against the Spanish colonial rule.
He was born on March 22, 1869, in Kawit, Cavite. Aguinaldo was the first
president of the Philippine Republic and led the country's struggle for
independence against both Spanish and American colonial powers. He
fought in numerous battles and campaigns, including the Siege of Baler and
the Battle of Imus, which helped secure victories for the Philippine
revolutionaries. Despite the challenges and setbacks he faced, Aguinaldo
remained committed to his vision of a free and independent Philippines. He
is considered a national hero and a symbol of the Filipino people's resilience
and determination in the face of colonial oppression.
Andres Bonifacio
Andres Bonifacio was a Filipino nationalist and revolutionary leader who
played a significant role in the Philippine Revolution against Spanish
colonial rule. He was born on November 30, 1863, in Tondo, Manila.
Bonifacio founded the Kataastaasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan ng
mga Anak ng Bayan, a secret society that aimed to unite Filipinos in their
fight for independence from Spain. He led the Katipunan in numerous
battles against the Spanish colonial forces, including the Battle of San Juan
del Monte. Bonifacio's leadership and revolutionary ideas inspired Filipinos
from all walks of life to join the struggle for freedom and independence.
Despite his contributions to the revolution, Bonifacio was executed by his
fellow revolutionaries on May 10, 1897, in a dispute over leadership. He is
considered a national hero and a symbol of the Filipino people's courage and resilience in the fight
against colonial oppression.
Juan Luna
Juan Luna was a Filipino painter and revolutionary who is widely regarded as
one of the most important artists in Philippine history. He was born on
October 23, 1857, in Badoc, Ilocos Norte. Luna studied art in Europe and
gained international recognition for his masterpiece, "Spoliarium," which won
a gold medal at the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes in Madrid, Spain in
1884. He was also a fervent nationalist and revolutionary who supported the
Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. Luna used his artistic
talent to create political cartoons and propaganda materials for the
revolutionaries. He also served as a general in the revolutionary army and
fought in several battles against the Spanish forces. Luna's contributions to
Philippine art and history continue to inspire Filipinos today, and his legacy as
a national hero and cultural icon remains an important part of Philippine culture and identity.
Melchora Aquino
Melchora Aquino, also known as "Tandang Sora," was a Filipina revolutionary
who played a crucial role in the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial
rule. She was born on January 6, 1812, in Banlat, Caloocan. Aquino provided
shelter, food, and medical care to Filipino revolutionaries, earning her the
nickname "Mother of the Philippine Revolution." She was a key figure in the
Katipunan, the secret society that aimed to unite Filipinos in their fight for
independence. Aquino was arrested and exiled to Guam by the Spanish
authorities, but she continued to support the revolutionaries even from afar.
She returned to the Philippines after the revolution and lived the rest of her life
as a respected and revered figure in Philippine history. Aquino's bravery and dedication to the cause
of Philippine independence have made her a national hero and an inspiration to generations of
Gabriela Silang
Gabriela Silang was a Filipina revolutionary who fought against Spanish
colonial rule in the Philippines. She was born on March 19, 1731, in Santa,
Ilocos Sur. Silang was the wife of Diego Silang, a revolutionary leader who was
assassinated by Spanish colonial authorities in 1763. After her husband's
death, Silang took over as the leader of the revolutionary movement and led
successful campaigns against the Spanish colonial forces. She formed
alliances with other indigenous groups and even sought the help of the British
to defeat the Spanish. Silang's leadership and bravery made her a symbol of
resistance against colonial oppression in the Philippines. However, she was
eventually captured and executed by the Spanish authorities in 1763. Silang's contributions to
Philippine history have earned her a place as a national hero and a symbol of the Filipino people's
struggle for freedom and independence.
Marcelo H. del Pilar
Marcelo H. del Pilar, was a Filipino writer, journalist, and revolutionary leader
who played a crucial role in the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial
rule. He was born on August 30, 1850, in Cupang, Bulacan. Del Pilar was a
prolific writer who used his pen to expose the injustices and abuses of the
Spanish colonial regime. He founded several newspapers and publications,
including "Diariong Tagalog" and "La Solidaridad," which became influential
platforms for Filipino nationalism and independence. Del Pilar's writings inspired
many Filipinos to join the revolution and fight for their freedom. He also served
as a key figure in the propaganda movement, which aimed to raise awareness
and support for the revolution among Filipinos living abroad. Despite facing
persecution and exile from the Spanish authorities, Del Pilar remained steadfast in his commitment to
the cause of Philippine independence. He is considered a national hero and an important figure in
Philippine literature and history.
Apolinario Mabini
Apolinario Mabini was a Filipino revolutionary, writer, and political
philosopher who played a significant role in the Philippine Revolution
against Spanish colonial rule. He was born on July 23, 1864, in Talaga,
Tanauan, Batangas. Mabini was known as the "Sublime Paralytic" because he
was paralyzed from the waist down due to polio. Despite his physical
limitations, he used his sharp intellect and writing skills to become a key
advisor to Emilio Aguinaldo, the leader of the Philippine Revolution.
Mabini's political writings, particularly his works on Philippine government
and society, became influential texts in the development of Philippine
political thought. He served as the first Prime Minister of the Philippines and
played a crucial role in the drafting of the Malolos Constitution, the first constitution of the Philippine
Republic. Mabini's contributions to Philippine history have earned him a place as a national hero and
a symbol of the Filipino people's struggle for independence and self-determination.

Think of your real life hero and fill up this form.
Direction: Choose the correct answer and write your answer on the space provided.
_______1.Who is known as the "Father of Philippine Revolution"?
A.Emilio Aguinaldo B) Jose Rizal C) Melchora Aquino D) Andres Bonifacio
_______2.Which national hero led the Katipunan, a secret society that aimed to overthrow Spanish
colonial rule?
A) Emilio Aguinaldo B) Marcelo H. del Pilar C) Apolinario Mabini D) Andres Bonifacio
_______3.Who is the national hero known as the "Brains of the Revolution"?
A.Jose Rizal B) Emilio Jacinto C) Apolinario Mabini D) Marcelo H. del Pilar
_______4.Who is the national hero who led the longest revolt against Spanish colonization in
Philippine history? A) Lapu-Lapu B) Francisco Dagohoy C) Juan Luna D) Gabriela Silang
_______5.Who is the national hero known for his famous last words, "Mi Ultimo Adios" (My Last
A. Andres Bonifacio B) Jose Rizal C) Emilio Aguinaldo D) Marcelo H. del Pilar
Essay: How did their actions inspire and influence others to fight for freedom?

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