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Wine oetividian ~ Boek your homehwn h i museurns washer Comune Nove an Ble) te Ni Wry rome yyningees pe Vike, nightlife ? 5 ae sant he ~ Mave you wer involved in, ape. nightlife ¢ - Ww i a ; wi ? - why What activitier +o j ‘ru want fo attend in the Salure? A100 apo Har nine Am} f Should govornment build more * What ienes you spencl fo gp b pants? - what do ym offen clo in parka. - Would you like playin a public gerclen ot park? EN ERO ow offen do you go to shopping’ So AL Gatcl willbe, oc ~ Do you enjoy shopping? important in the furrure? - When wos the (act fime ypu went - whot holiday of festival has hecome to a street market? More popular in VN ev recently ? a eS i li = Do youthink i#s better to know So Se et an eat about other cultutas’ shopping offline is better? etc ‘hink is the best way ent fo learn about foreign cultures? ——— = Do you often go fo etol monuments Do. \you spenel often spend much in te your city money, for eatingin restaurant? = Do you think we should preserve awe you ever cat twxury food) monuments in cies? in top Beste restaurant? _ Are these ony, mmument you wart pp you ke eating in rettaurantk ? ea g ae or te skeeks odd ? — what shouldl we we do profect aces i ig ali

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