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First Semester-First Term, S.Y. 2022-2023

Test I. Answer the following questions. Shade the letter of your correct answer on your answer
sheets. Each question merits 1 point. STRICTLY NO ERASURES AND ALTERATIONS!

_________1. This is referred as the human activity of a human person by which he attains an end he wants to attain.
a. Human Acts b. Voluntary Natural Acts c. Involuntary Natural Act
_________2. Acts of human are not subject to?
a. Morality b. Amoral Acts c. Human Act
_________3. We must distinguish involuntary natural acts from?
a. Human Acts b. Natural Acts c. Voluntary Natural Acts
_________4. It can be morally good or morally evil..
a. Voluntary Natural Acts b. Human Act c. Involuntary Natural Act
_________5.These are activities of man as animal.
a. Voluntary Natural Acts b. Acts of Man c. Involuntary Natural Act
_________6. Defines human act as “an act which proceeds from the deliberate free will of man.”
a. Socrates b. Reyes c. Paul J. Glenn
_________7. These include the involuntary, intuitive of reflex acts exhibited by man.
a. Involuntary Natural Act b. Voluntary Natural Act c. Human Act
_________8. It includes voluntary and natural.
a. Voluntary Natural Actsb. Involuntary Natural Acts c. Human Act
_________9. These actions are similarly categorized under acts of man because they are neither moral nor immoral.
a. Human Acts b. Involuntary Natural Acts c. Voluntary Natural Acts
_________10. Involuntary natural acts are neither moral nor immoral, do not possess any?
a. Moral Valuesb. Moral c. Values
_________11. It can hardly be the formal object ethics.
a. Human Acts b. Normal Acts c. Voluntary Natural Acts
_________12. Are judged as to their moral worth based on conforming to standards or norms of morality.
a. Acts b. Morality c. Value
_________13. These are human acts that observe conform to a standard norm or morality.
a. Immoral or Unethical Acts b. Amoral or Neutral Acts c.Moral or Ethical Acts
_________14. Do not apply to human acts because human acts can neither be moral or immoral but not morally
a. Immoral or Unethical Acts b.Moral or Ethical Acts c. Amoral or Neutral Acts
_________15. These are human acts that violate or deviate from a standard of morality.
a. Amoral or Neutral Acts b. Moral or Ethical Acts c. Immoral or Unethical Acts
_________16. Emanate from the will of agent.
a. Human Acts b. Commanded Acts c. Elicited Acts
_________17. These are body-mind acts to carry out the elicited acts of the subject or agent.
a. Commanded Acts b. Elicited Acts c. Human Acts
_________18. He enumerated the six elicited acts.
a. Paul Glenn b. John Reyes c. Aristotle
_________19. Is the acceptance of the will to implement the agent’s intention.
a. Wish b. Intention c. Consent
_________20. Stem from the human will that controls or influences the internal actions of man.
a. Modifier of Human Act b. Moral Act and Human Will c. Free will and freedom
_________21. The degree or intensity of the morality of human acts depends upon the presence of certain factors
that affect the commission or omission of human act.
a. Free will and freedom b. Modifier of Human Act c. Moral Act and Human Will
_________22. These are vital elements of human act.
a. Free will and freedom b. Modifier of Human Act c. Moral Act and Human Will
_________23. It is made between the end and the consequences of the act.
a. Human Act b. Voluntary Acts c. Distinction
_________24. Which directs the will to its proper choice.
a. Reflection b. Consent c. Morality
_________25. These acts are done by the body as commanded by the will.
a. Internal Acts b. Mixed c. External Acts
_________26. As the term connotes, mixed acts are those done by both bodily and mental powers.
a. Internal Acts b. External Acts c. Mixed
_________27. These acts refers to the purely mental faculties under the command of the will.
a. Mixed b. Internal Acts c. External Acts
_________28. Cannot be caused to be performed without an object in view.
a. Human Act b. Internal Acts c. External Acts
_________29.The intent of the act is assumed to be always directed towards a desired end.
a. End of the act b. Mean of the act c. Motive of the act
_________30. This is the act or object employed to carry out the intent of the act.
a. End of the act b. Mean of the act c. Motive of the act


Direction: Identify the correct answer of each question. Choose your answer from the box.
(2pts. each)

Wish Mixed Consent Use Triage

Intention Egalitarian Theories Fruition
Election Internal Acts Scope of Practice

_______________ 1. This is the will’s command to make use of the selected means in
carrying out the intention.
_______________ 2. This is the will’s tendency towards something attainable but not
_______________ 3. The agent chooses from among a variety of means what he believes to
be the most effective to carry out an intention.
_______________ 4. It is a natural inclination of the will towards an object.
_______________ 5. This is the enjoyment of the will as a result of the attainment of the
object desired earlier.
_______________ 6. This scope is recognized duties for health practitioners.
_______________ 7. Similar in some aspect to lifeboat ethics is the process of triage.
_______________ 8. It emphasizes equal access to goods and services.
_______________ 9. Are those done by both bodily and mental power.
_______________ 10. Acts that refer to the purely mental faculties under the command of
the will.
ANSWER KEY (2nd Prelim Exam)

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. C
15. C
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. B
22. A
23. C
24. C
25. C
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. A
30. B


1. USE

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