Script F2F Orientation

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“2nd day seminar on Basic Gender Sensitivity in Inclusive Education”.

AVP “Achieving gender
26, 2023 requires
@3pm the engagement of women and
men,girls and boys. It is everyone’s responsibility.-Ban-ki-Moon

MC : - A pleasant afternoon, everyone. Welcome for today’s seminar on

Basic Gender Sensitivity in Inclusive Education”.
-To start with, may I request everyone to please stand for our prayer
and to be followed by singing of the Philippine National Anthem
through an Audio-Visual Presentation.

WELCOME MC : Please Be Seated.

ADDRESS : Once again, good afternoon everyone. And to welcome us all for today’s
Dr. Lani L.
seminar, let us give a hand to our dearest and gorgeous principal, Doctor
Lani L. Torculas to be represented by Ma’am Arlene Mancio Master
Teacher 2 officer-in-charge.

Thank u Ma’am for your heart-warming message.

Rationale At this point , to give us the rationale of the topic basic gender sensitivity
Irish V. Lim in inclusive education, may I call our young GAD Coordinator Maam
GAD Coordinator
Irish Lim. A big round of applause please.

Thank you Ma’am IRish

Seminar Proper And now, for the seminar proper let me introduce to you our Resource
speaker :
He his a graduate of two bachelor’s degrees in Nursing and Accountancy
with a master’s in business administration (MBA) with his thesis
entitled “Empowerment and Participation of Women in Organizational
Development Among Employees of Philippine Ports Authority” and a
Doctor in Business Management (DBM) and earned his 18 units in
education and recently passed the licensure exam for teacher.
He attended and presented four papers at various conferences during
the Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Rights (APCSRHR) in Manila, Hyderabad, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, and
the 1st International Conference on Reproductive Health Managers
(ICRHM) in Bali, Indonesia.

He is 21 years in the academe, 17 years in the development works

handling various programs such as Humanitarian Response, Gender,
Reproductive Health, Violence Against Women, Adolescent Sexual and
Reproductive Health and Rights, and Primary Health Care; and almost 8
years in the government service.

At present, He is the Planning Officer III and the Division Research

Coordinator of the Schools Division of the Island Garden City of Samal, a
Member of the Institutional Ethics Committee of San Pedro Hospital, and
a part-time graduate school professor at the University of Immaculate
Conception (UIC) at the same time taking-up his Master of Arts in
Teaching Guidance and Counseling (MATGC) at the Rizal Memorial
Colleges, Inc. (RMC) – Thesis Proposal. WoW !
Please help me welcome our brilliant resource speaker Dr. Rolando
Galinada Borja . Lets give him a hand of applause.please.

Thank you so much sir for the very comprehensive discussion. Indeed, it
was a plenty of food for thoughts.
Acknowledgement This activity wouldn’t be made possible, allow me to acknowledge the persons
behind this event : First, to our 2 brilliant speakers Pastor Beltazazar Tumabini of
CSWD LGU IGACOS, Dr. Rolando G. Borja of Division of IGACOS.
Of course, to our ever dynamic school principal Dr. Lani L. Torculas
To Ma’am Rossielyn Basa (Guidance Coordinator)
Ma’am Mary Rose Delijero, Ma’am Minerva Jandayan
To the grade 2-3 teachers for the stage preparation. To kuya jocel and kuya jayson.
To the event Coordinator Ma’am Irish Lim
And to all the teaching and non-teaching personnel in attendance. Daghan Kaayong
Giving of And now as of token of appreciation for his time and valuable contributions , may I
certificates/token call on Ma’am Rosielyn Basa to kindly present a memento to the resource speaker ..
I will read to you the citation of this certificate…

To formally close our activity , we shall be graced by an endearing message from
Ma’am Rosielyn Basa and to be followed by a closing prayer to be given by Pastor
ruvel Albino.
Alright, that concludes our seminar on Basic gender Sensitivity in Inclusive
Education, thank you for your utmost participation may you all apply the knowledge
gained in today’s activity to your respective endeavors.May Godbless us all.

Once again good afternoon everyone. Mabuhay po tayong lahat!

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