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This house would create a separate

section for transgender athletes

Model and Setup
● Separate section
○ existing or happening independently or in a different area
○ This looks like transgender athletes not being in the same changing
room, Not receiving the same medal
○ possibly not even judged same as male and females
● Transgender
○ A person whose gender identity differs from the sex that was assigned
at birth
● Stance
○ Oppose the idea of creating separate section of transgender athletes
and let transgender athletes compete with non transgender athletes
● Main stakeholder
○ Transgender athletes
○ Transgender people
○ Non-transgender athletes
● Burden
○ If side propositions can prove that going against principles of diversity
wont harm transgender people they should take this debate.

Argument 1
It goes against the principles of diversity
- Why is going against the principles of diversity harmful ?
- 3 main reasons why it’s harmful
- First reason of why going against the principles of diversity is harmful is:
● excludes and discriminates against marginalized groups
○ Why is this true ?
○ Because it creates a society where certain groups are not
recognized, valued, or respected for who they are.

○ For example, if a workplace only hires people from a certain race

or gender, it excludes other qualified individuals who could have
different backgrounds and experiences. This can create a less
diverse workforce, which often leads to less innovation, creativity,
and productivity

○ Another example is, if a school only teaches one perspective or

point of view, it excludes and marginalizes students who come
from different backgrounds and experiences. This limits students'
ability to learn and grow and may perpetuate harmful
stereotypes and biases.

- Second reason of why going against the principles of diversity is harmful is:
● perpetuates harmful stereotypes and biases
○ Why is this true ?
○ Firstly, when we fail to embrace diversity, we limit our exposure to
different perspectives, experiences, and ways of thinking.
○ This narrow-mindedness can lead to the perpetuation of harmful
stereotypes and biases, as we rely on our limited experiences and
assumptions to make judgments about others.
○ For example, If a company fails to embrace diversity and
inclusivity, they unintentionally create a workplace culture that
favors one particular group over others.

- Third reason of why going against the principles of diversity is harmful is:
● Creates more less inclusive and less accepting society
○ Why is this true ?
○ This is true because, If we fail to challenge our assumptions
about people who are different from us, we are more likely to
view them in negative or limiting ways.
○ For example, we could assume that all members of a certain
racial group are lazy or uneducated, or that people who are
LGBTQ+ are immoral or can't drive.
● it would require them to compete separately from cisgender athletes
○ This is true according to our model
● requiring them to compete separately from cisgender athletes is a form of
○ Segregation is defined as the action or state of setting someone or
something apart from others.
○ Requiring them to compete separately
● This segregation goes against the principles of diversity
○ Principles of diversity is an understanding and appreciation of diverse
peoples, cultures, and perspectives
○ Because this segregation is an action of setting athletes apart and it
does not understand and appreciate diverse people it goes against the
principles of diversity

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