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Chapter 2 : Ready for Anything

Writing : The person I admire the most ( 120-150 words)

We all have someone or another whom we admire the most. The person I admire the
most is Datuk Lee Chong Wei, Malaysian former badminton player.
Datuk Lee Chong Wei is considered one of the most successful international

badminton players, and I try to imbibe some of his virtues that will help me succeed in life.

Datuk Lee Chong Wei has always inspired me with supremacy and success in his game.
Regardless of his situation during the match, he always tries to finish the game with self-
determination, bravery, talent, and the ability to win.
I also try to succeed in my studies by drawing inspiration from his personality traits.

What made Datuk Lee Chong Wei a youth icon is his passion for playing badminton and
winning matches for our country. His commitment to his game is no longer a hidden fact.

His professionalism inspires me to pursue my goals regardless of the

circumstances. Self-discipline and practice are the most important aspects of his
personality. To master his game, Datuk Lee Chong Wei practiced more and more to succeed.
His never giving up attitude really makes me his fan. He is an inspiration to millions

including me. His infused values will remain forever in me and he will continue to be
my idol.
Therefore, we all have someone or the other who makes our love worth living. One

who teaches us that the sky's the limit and one who always pushes us to go out of our
comfort zone. They are the people who teach us to be the best version of ourselves and we
should always hold onto these people and learn from them.


1. Imbibe – take in / absorb or assimilate (ideas or knowledge).

2. supremacy – authority /the state or condition of being superior to all others
in authority, power, or status.
3. icon- idol/hero
4. inspires – motivate / fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel
something, especially to do something creative.
5. circumstances – situation
6. infused values – values in a person
7. the sky's the limit - used to say that there are no limits and that anything is

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