Dragon Mage

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Nv Ef LooKk ‘Names: Dagran, Hennet, Ritorick, Gorblax. Lenin, Nicobola, Veor, Zadalos, ‘Hina, Chandra, Rain, Ket, Zerna, Mita, Andromeda, Bellx, Kalitar Burning Fyes, Ca’s Eyes, or Lizard’ Eyes Hunched Body, Musced Body, or Strangely Proportioned Body Burnt Skin, Cracked Skin, or Sealed Patches of Skin Sigseisee Sern Sara Wa HH WNC Die ‘What has driven you to cal upon the power of your dangerously burning blood? Choose one: [AMemion AND POWER Endanger others for your own gain. ODeFiaNce Break the law or defy authority DSHow Orr Impress another with your wealth or sil DRaGon's DESIRE (Choose any race, then choose the desire that urs deeply within your drconic Blood. Ocruenty ‘When your dragon’ desire overtake yu, youbave a burning ‘eed to make someone effer, by any means ealble. ‘Whenever you tke damage, you take +2 forward to damage guna the cause of our damage Youlosethisbonus when younes ake damays, COTREASURE ‘When your dragon's desire overtakes you, youbave a burning need to gain somthing of material vale, by any means posable. ‘When you examine an item for the first tims, the GM wl tll youthe most aluble agpctof that tem. OPoweR When your dragon's desire overtakes you, you have a burning ‘ed to take contro of the situation by any means necessary. ‘When you Parley with someone who is afraid of you, roll STR insted of +CHA, ponies Fillin the name of one of your companions in atleast one: socks power like mine, but isnot yet ready and! are bound by blood, shared or otherwise. has much toleam about the word cannot campechend my chaotic whims. ome soo joan io STARTING Berea eo a oy) FORM OF THE DRAGON (STR) ‘You have the power of dragons coursing through your veins and with abit of magic, you an draw great power from that blood. When you take a moment to draw on the power ‘of the dragon, roll STR. Oma 10+, set your Blaze to 3. Oma 79, et your Blaze to 2, but your dragon's desire overtakes you. Om a6-setyour Blaze to 1 and you dragon's desire ‘overtakes you, but when you spend that point of Blaze, the transformation has flaws - the ‘GM will tell you what happens. Ifyou do not give in to this desire before spending all of ‘your held Blaze, you take 1dé damage, ignoring armor, as your draconic blood rebels against you, "Anyone with held Blaze can spend I-Blaze to gain one ofthe following benefit fora few ‘racial moments, their body changing for that short time: + Rending Claws: Hand, Piercing 3, Messy. + Spiked Tail: Reach, Forceful + Hardened Scales: You gti 2 Armor and +2 Armor vs Fire + Dragon's Wings: With a wing boosted lep, you jump to anywhere within Near range. DraGon's GiFt (STR) ‘When you grant the power of dragons to another by spilling your blood upon them, tke 1 damage (ignoring armor) and oll STR. Ona 10+, theyhold 2-Blaze. On a7-9, they bold {Blaze but they are overcome with your dragon's desire. If they do not give in to this desire ‘before spending all of their held Blaze, they take 1d6 damage, ignoring armor, a the blood ‘bars them. Ona 6- they hol 1-Blaze anyway, but they are overcome with your Dragon's Desireand take-1 ongoing untl they fulfil it they spend thetr point af Blaze before ‘alfilling this desire, they are no longer overcome with desire, but the transformation has side effects the GM wil tll you what. RAGS To RICHES. ‘When you hold a non-magical item in your hands, you may destroy it using ancient dragon magice. It melts into a nurnber of coins equal to the item's fall market cos. Dracon's Fire (STR) ‘When you unleash a burning gout offre from your mouth or hands, roll +STR. (On 27+, something within Near range catches fie, along with up to other things ‘within Close range of your target. On a 10+, they also take your damage. Ona 7-9, you also set something else om fire that you did not intend to, BLAZE: THE DRAGON MAGE Your Loadis7 + STR. You start with dungeon rations (5 uses, weight). ‘Choose two: 1D An ancient sword (close, valuable, weight) 1D 3 hotles of oi, stoppered with cloth 1 Bag of books (5 wses,2 weight) A sinall personal hoard of 200 coin (2 weight) A kobold underting (+1 Loyalty, +2 ina sill of your choice, anda Costof your choice} DEATH MOVE: GLORIOUS ANCESTRY ‘Your blood keeps burning even when you're gone. When you die, your ‘blood burss from your body, burning with ancient rage and memories. You gain the shape ofa dragon, with 16 HP, 5 Armor, and your damage becomes bl2di2]+5. Youhave infinite hold for Form ofthe Dragon and always get 2 12+ result when using Dragon's Fie. When you next Make Camp or have some downtime, your draconic body fills apart, no longer able to keep. together, and you finally dic. Ifyou are illed before this happens, whatever kulled you is covered in burning dragon's blood, taking your damage and catching irs. ‘When you gainalevel from -5,choose from these moves. DLBLazING Wearonry ‘While you have held Blaze, you deal +Blaze damage with all attacks, COBURNING COUNTERSFELL (STR) ‘When you blast fire at an incoming spell or ranged attack, roll +STR. (Ona 10+, the attack is burned to nothingness, destroyed and negated ‘entirely. Ona 7-5, the attack burns up, but breaks through - it deals 1d damage. Ona 6, the attack breaks through, and now anything affected by it also catches Sire CLBURNING DESIRE ‘When you fulfil your Dragon's Desire, you take +1 forward to your next action that goes towards fulfilling your Dragon's Desire, COCALLOF DRAGONS You can speak to dragons and any beasts related to dragons. snakes,

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