Christus Factus Est - A. Anerio

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21 Aneno: Chnstus factus est

27 *

- lum, et- de - dit il li- no mell., quod est SU per

l{amí; and nl.t Il/ame shall stand for- e7) grt o aer ev 'yy

-lum, et de dit il Ii_ no men. quod est)

I{ance; his l{arne shall stand for- ev €r, sltall stand,

-lum, et de dit il li- no men) quod est su - pero

Ir[ann'e; and n;t Il/ame shall stand for- e7) €Tt shall stand o aer e7)

-lum, et de dit il li- no men, quod est su - per

I{ame; and it shall stand for- ez) aft shall StAtt,J o-aer
* Ternpo I


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o-mne no men, quod est su - per o mne no men.

o ther nq,me, his ll/ame shall- stand- fo, ea er.

quod est su -per o-mne, su per o mne no men.

his ll/ame shall be o * l.)er ea ,ry o ther reame for OU

mne no men, quod est su per o mne no men.

'ry o ther, his ll/ame sh.all- stand fo, ev er.

o mne
no men, quod est su per o mne no men.
e7) o ther, his It.Iame shall- stand Ío, ez) - er.

l-rr cresc"

I ?

J .L ) j\

* This f is in the source, but a Ch may be thought preferable here.
f C in source

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