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McRoberts maneuver
• The McRoberts maneuver is a
procedure to correct shoulder
dystocia during childbirth.
Shoulder dystocia is when your
baby’s shoulders are stuck inside
your pelvis during delivery. It’s
performed by pressing a
pregnant person’s legs against
their abdomen. The McRoberts
maneuver is safe and effective.
• First maneveur performed in
shoulder dystocia ( exam ques)
Løvset’s Manoeuvre (1937)
• Løvset’s Manoeuvre involves
rotation of the trunk of the
foetus during a breech birth to
facilitate delivery of the
extended foetal arms and the
shoulders. In 1933, Løvset
devised a simple and logical
technique for dealing with this
Ritgen´s maneuver
• Ritgen´s maneuver means that
the fetal chin is reached for
between the anus and the
coccyx and pulled anteriorly,
while using the fingers of the
other hand on the fetal occiput
to control speed of delivery and
keep flexion of the fetal neck.
• Ritgen’s maneveur is to be
performed to avoid Perineal
laceration ( PYQ)
Pinard maneuver

• The Pinard maneuver (pressure

in the popliteal space of the
knee, which results in external
rotation of the thigh and flexion
of the knee) assists delivery of
the legs
Prague manoeuvre
• Prague manoeuvre: When the
occiput rotates posteriorly and the
head extends, the chin hangs above
the symphysis pubis. Foetus is
grasped from its feet and flexed
towards the mother’s abdomen,
while the other hand is doing
simultaneous traction on the
shoulders to deliver the head by
• Prague maneveur used for chin to
pubis delivery ( exam questions
NORCET 2022 )
Zavanelli maneuver
• The Zavanelli maneuver is an
obstetric maneuver that
involves pushing back the
delivered fetal head into the
birth canal in anticipation of
performing a cesarean section
in cases of shoulder dstocia
• Last maneveur to be performed
in Shoulder dystocia
Bracht’s manoeuvre

• After the arms are delivered, the

infant is grasped by the hips and
lifted with two hands toward the
mother’s stomach, without any
traction, the neck pivoting around
the symphysis.
• Having an assistant apply
suprapubic pressure facilitates
delivery of the aftercoming head.
• The Burns–Marshall method
involves allowing the breech to
‘hang’ by its weight until the
nape of the neck (or the ‘hair-
line’) is visible. This is followed
by holding both feet and the
fetus on to the maternal
abdomen to deliver the fetal

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