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11/1/2019 MOM | Employment / S Pass Self Assessment Tool (SAT)

Employment / S Pass Self-Assessment Tool (SAT)


This assessment is for a

New application

Intended date of pass application

08 Nov 2019

Position details

Finance Manager

Fixed monthly salary

SGD 6,000

Personal particulars


Date of birth
02 Aug 1969

Work experience

Total work experience

25 years 2 months

Relevant work experience

11 years 2 months 1/2
11/1/2019 MOM | Employment / S Pass Self Assessment Tool (SAT)

Educational qualifications

Qualification 1 Qualification 2

Awarding institution Awarding institution

Association Of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Myanmar Accountancy Council

Country / Region Country / Region

United Kingdom Myanmar

Qualification Qualification
Acca - Affiliate Certified Accounting Technician (ADVANCED LEVEL)

Faculty Faculty
Accountancy Accountancy

Mode of study Mode of study

Distance learning Full-time

Length of study Length of study

17 years 0 months 2 years 0 months

Graduation date Graduation date

Aug 2012 Mar 1996

Assessment result

You qualify for an S Pass (subject to quota availability) based on the

information provided.

This assessment is an indication of your eligibility. It does not guarantee the actual outcome as
there are other checks such as your employer's eligibility and your history. 2/2

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