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1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................... 6

2.0 PIPING AND INSTRUMENTATION DIAGRAM (P&ID) ....................................................... 7


ENVIRONMENT.............................................................................................................................. 8


ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................................ 10

3.0 HAZARD AND OPERABILITY STUDIES (HAZOP) ............................................................. 12


4.1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 20

4.2 HIRARC .................................................................................................................................... 25

5.0 IMPROVED PIPING AND INSTRUMENTATIONS DIAGRAM (P&ID) ............................ 36


ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................................ 40

6.0 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 42

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 43

Ethanol is a common chemical, widely used in most manufacturing industry to produce
desired end-products to fulfil the needs of consumers. Ethanol is made naturally by yeasts
fermenting carbohydrates or through petrochemical processes like ethylene hydration
(Mohsenzadeh et al., 2017). Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is a clear, colourless liquid. It is also known
as ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol. Ethanol is a main alcohol that is ethane with a hydroxyl group
replacing one of the hydrogens (Ethanol | CH3CH2OH - PubChem, n.d.). Ethanol is a simple
chemical compound with two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms, and one oxygen atom.

Since ethanol is an alcohol, it can most easily be detected in alcoholic beverages like beer
and wine. Aside from the obvious application of making alcoholic beverages, ethanol is also
utilised in a wide range of industries, such as cleaning, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. In the
recent years, the world was declared into a pandemic phase when the first case of corona virus
was found in Wuhan, China and the virus kept on spreading and it causes death of thousands
of people. Due to its effectiveness in killing microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and viruses,
ethanol is a common ingredient in hand sanitizers.

The two main methods for producing ethanol are chemical and fermentation. There are a
few processes that can produce ethanol such as fermentation of biomass, esterification-
hydrolysis process which is indirect hydration and direct hydration of ethylene. However, in
this situation, ethanol is produced via catalytic hydration of ethylene (Ayaou et al., n.d.).

Figure 1 Structural Formula of Ethanol

Table 1 Chemical Properties of Ethanol

Substance name Ethanol

Molecular formula CH3CH2OH
Synonyms Ethyl alcohol
Melting point -114°C
Boiling point 78.5°C
Specific gravity 0.8
Flash point 9-11°C
Chemical properties Ethanol rapidly absorbs water from the air. It mixes readily with
most organic liquids - Flammable
Physical properties Ethanol is a colourless, transparent liquid with a distinctive pleasant
odour and a burning taste. It's quite flammable. Ethanol dissolves
other chemicals and combines easily with water and many organic
liquids. The National Pollutant Inventory classifies ethanol as a
volatile organic component.

Every chemical process plant has its own risks and hazards. All safety and health experts
aim to identify and reduce occupational hazard exposures before work even starts. Through its
understanding of the Hierarchy of Controls, NIOSH provides a basic framework (The
Hierarchy of Controls | April 2018 | Safety+Health, n.d.). In the past, a hierarchy of controls
has been employed to decide how to put into practise workable and efficient control methods.
The reasoning for this hierarchy is that the top-tier control mechanisms may be more effective
and protective than the bottom-tier ones. Following this hierarchy typically results in the
development of fundamentally safer systems, where there is a significantly lower danger of
disease or damage (Hierarchy of Controls | NIOSH | CDC, n.d.).

Figure 2 Representation of Hierarchy of Controls

Elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal

protective equipment are the five rungs of the hierarchy of controls, according to NIOSH.
Beginning with the most effective controls, the hierarchy is sorted from least to most effective.
Although eliminating the hazard is the ultimate goal, doing so is not always feasible. As defined
by NIOSH, it flows as follows

• Elimination - To remove the hazards physically

• Substitution – To replace the hazards
• Engineering Controls – To isolate people from the hazards
• Administrative Controls – To change the way people work
• Personal Protective Equipment – To protect the worker with PPE

Ethylene catalytic hydration is mostly used to produce ethanol as a solvent. Considering
every other processes to produce ethanol, fermentation produces the vast majority of ethanol
(approximately 93 percent), while ethylene hydration produces only 7% (Roozbehani et al.,
2013). It is due to the high cost of ethylene and the abundant supply of agricultural products.
Hence, ethanol synthesis is less economically advantageous than fermentation (Mohsenzadeh
et al., 2017). The reaction of catalytic hydration is represented in the equation shown below:

𝐶2 𝐻4 + 𝐻2 𝑂 ↔ 𝐶2 𝐻5 𝑂𝐻

Catalytic hydration is a process whereby water is added to an unsaturated substrate under

the influence of an acid catalyst. In this reaction, phosphoric acid coated onto a solid silicon
dioxide is used as a catalyst to assist the reaction (Ayaou et al., n.d.). The process involves a
boiler, mixer, heater, reactor, cooler, separator vessel, compressor, distillation column and
condenser. Feed ethylene and steam is mixed, cooled and then fed into the reactor. Then, the
product from the reactor is cooled before being transferred into a flash separator where
unreacted ethylene is separated from ethanol and water. The unreacted ethylene is recycled
back to the feed stream while ethanol and water is fed into a distillation column where product
ethanol is separated from wastewater.


Figure 3 Piping and Instrumentations Diagram (P&ID)


Hazardous materials include any kind of substance that poses a significant harm to the
environment, human or public health, or infrastructure. These chemicals are used in a variety
of fields, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, research, and the development of commercial
products. Depending on the chemical, a leak or spill can result in fatalities, serious injuries,
long-term health issues, and structural damage (Bullock et al., n.d.).

1. Ethylene

Ethylene is the most basic of the organic molecules with carbon-carbon double bonds referred
to as alkenes. It is a gas that is colourless, combustible, and smells and tastes sweet. The
production of ethylene, which is used extensively in the chemical industry, far outpaces that of
any other organic compound globally. A large portion of this production is utilised to create
polyethylene, a common plastic made of polymer chains of ethylene units in different chain
lengths. In agriculture, ethylene, a crucial natural plant hormone, is used to accelerate the
ripening of fruits (Ethylene | Structure, Sources, Production, Uses, & Facts | Britannica, n.d.). As
much benefits as ethylene can give, it can also be very hazardous.

Hazard summary for ethylene is as below (HAZARD SUMMARY IDENTIFICATION


• Ethylene gas can affect a person when breathed in.

• Skin contact with liquid ethylene can cause frostbite.
• Exposure to ethylene can cause headache, dizziness, fatigue, light-headedness,
confusion and unconsciousness.
• Ethylene is a highly flammable and reactive chemical and a dangerous fire and
explosion hazard.
2. Ethanol

Ethanol is a main alcohol composed of ethane with one of the hydrogen atoms replaced by a
hydroxy group. It is colourless, volatile, and extremely combustible with a slight odour. Due
to its flexibility, ethanol mixes well with other solvents, water, chlorides, and hydrocarbons.
Ethanol is the easiest alcohol to work with. However, ethanol also possesses high risk and

Hazard summary for ethanol is as below (Right to Know Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet,

• Ethanol can affect a person when inhaled and by passing through skin.
• High concentration of ethanol can damage the fetus.
• Contact can irritate the skin and eyes. Prolonged or repeated exposure can cause drying
and cracking of the skin with peeling, redness and itching.
• Inhaling ethanol can irritate the nose, throat and lungs.
• Exposure to ethanol can cause headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting and
unconsciousness. It can also affect concentration and vision.
• Repeated high exposure may affect the liver and the nervous system.
• Ethanol is a flammable liquid and a dangerous fire hazard.


Anything that has the potential to be harmful, cause harm, or have negative health impacts on
someone or something is considered a hazardous condition. There are always risks at work, but
they take different forms depending on the services provided (What’s a Hazardous Condition?
Who’s Responsible for It? - El Dabe Ritter Trial Lawyers, n.d.). There is some hazardous
condition in any production plant.

In an ethanol production plant, the process of ethanol production inherent risk because it
involves flammable materials. When the flammable component is handled incorrectly, a fire
could break out, causing death, serious injury, substantial property damage, and financial loss.
Fires are a regular hazard in industries that work with extremely combustible liquids and might
shut down a facility's production for months. Fires are a major issue for any company, but
ethanol producers may be particularly at risk if the fire is being fuelled by ethyl alcohol. Ethanol
fires cannot always be put out using conventional fire extinguisher. These flames can be
challenging to put out without the use of extinguisher that is resistant to alcohol (Playing It
Safe: Areas of Focus for Safety Compliance | EthanolProducer.Com, n.d.). For example,
distillation column has a large concentrations of ethanol, which makes it more flammable.
Intense ethanol vapour and heat are the main hazards in this process area. Leakage is quite
likely if the equipment's structure is harmed by mechanical and overpressure damage. A fire
and explosion will follow from the concentrated ethanol vapour being released when one of
several potential ignition sources, including static electricity, heat from heated surfaces, or a
spark, ignites it.

The development of a flammable mixture in a storage tank's headspace is one of the risky
situations. Since the product is generally stored in large quantities before being distributed, this
is in reference to the storage space. The headspace is the portion of the tank or vessel that is in
the gas phase and is located above the liquid ethanol. When combined with air, ethanol liquid
can produce flammable vapours at room temperature as well as a variety of other ambient
temperatures inside the tank. A fuel-air combination is a flammable substance that, if ignited,
will create a flame that can spread throughout the tank's mixture (Gardiner et al., 2010).

The hazardous condition stated above all lead to fire and explosion. Fire and explosion does
not only affect the workplace of the ethanol plant, but it is also affecting the society and
environment around it. Since intense heat generates flash burns, the impacts of the fire's thermal

radiation are threatening people more. People nearby the plant can experience up to a third-
degree burn, depending on the distance they were when the fire and explosion happened.

Apart from that, ethanol spillage can also happen in an ethanol production plant. Ethanol
dissolves in water and breaks down quickly in soil, surface water, and groundwater. The
breakdown of ethanol in surface water reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen, which is
harmful and could kill aquatic life nearby.

To make sure the proposed new arrangements will function as intended and won't have
unforeseen negative effects, organizations that build new processes or procedures or alter
existing ones benefit greatly from stress testing. The structured and methodical technique of
Hazard and Operability Analysis (HAZOP) is used for system evaluation and risk management.
HAZOP is a technique that is frequently used, in particular, to identify possible risks in a system
and operability issues that might result in nonconforming goods (Hazard & Operability
Analysis (HAZOP) 1 Overview, n.d.). HAZOP is based on a hypothesis that holds that
deviations from design or operating goals are what lead to risk events. The use of collections
of "guide words" as a systematic list of divergence views makes it easier to spot these
deviations. This strategy, a special aspect of the HAZOP system, encourages team members'
creative thinking when examining potential deviations. As a tool for risk assessment, HAZOP
is frequently referred to as(Mohd. Yunus & Ali, 2012):

• An approach to brainstorming
• a high-quality risk assessment instrument
• It is a "bottom-up" risk identification method known as an "inductive risk assessment
tool," and its effectiveness depends on the capacity of subject matter experts (SMEs) to
anticipate deviations based on prior knowledge and broader subject expertise.

HAZOP research evaluates a procedure's resilience by seeing how it handles pressures

or deviations from the norm, as shown by the guidewords. This can help with:

• Determining the potential effects of a new operation or a tweak to an existing procedure

• Pointing out areas where a procedure's design should be improved, either to avoid a
failure or underperformance or to record and secure greater performance than
• Creating additional measures to make sure the change is successful—that is, that the
organization's goals are achieved effectively and efficiently—is essential.

The steps in a HAZOP study involve going through each process line in the process and
instrumentation (P&I) line diagram. Hence, the stages below are used by the HAZOP technique
to finish the process analysis(Mohd. Yunus & Ali, 2012):

1. Divide the system into several sections such as reactor or storage.

2. Choose a study node such as line, vessel, pump, operating instruction.
3. Describe the design intent.
4. Select a process parameter.
5. Apply a guide-word.
6. Determine the cause(s) that cause the parameter’s deviation
7. Evaluate the consequences or problems.
8. Recommend an action
9. Record the information
10. Repeat from step 2 for the next hazard.

The HAZOP procedure may be illustrated in a form of flow chart as in the figure below:

Figure 4 HAZOP procedure flow chart (Mohd. Yunus & Ali, 2012)
The HAZOP analysis often uses the guiding phrases listed in Table 1. As illustrated in Table
2, each guideword is applied to a process parameter.

Table 2 HAZOP Guidewords and their meanings(Mohd. Yunus & Ali, 2012)

Guidewords Meaning
No Negation of design intent
Less Quantitative decrease
More Quantitative increase
Part of Qualitative decrease
As well as Qualitative increase
Reverse Logical opposite of the intent
Other than Complete substitution

Table 3 Application of guidewords to process parameter(Mohd. Yunus & Ali, 2012)

Guidewords Parameter Deviation

No Flow No flow
More Pressure High pressure
As well as One phase Two phases
Other than Operation Maintenance

Hazard and Operability Review
Project Name: Production of Ethanol by Catalytic Hydration of Date: 8th July 2022 Page 1 of 4
Process: Mixing
Section: Feed Mixer M-101 Reference
Item Study Node Process Deviations Possible Causes Possible Existing Action Required
Parameter (Guide Words) Consequences Safeguard
1A Feed Mixer Flow No Valve failure due Delay in Flow 1. Install a manual
to electrical production controller at stand-by pump.
causes the stream 2. Immediately
change the valve.
3. Frequent

1B High The level of Decrease the Valve of the Installation of flow

supplying unit concentration of feed controller.
increases. the solution
Hazard and Operability Review
Project Production of Ethanol by Catalytic Hydration of Date: 8th July 2022 Page 2 of 4
Name: Ethylene
Process: Heating
Section: Heat Exchanger Reference
Item Study Node Process Deviations Possible Causes Possible Existing Action Required
Parameter (Guide Words) Consequences Safeguard
2A Reactor Feed Temperature High 1. There is no Increase the heat None. 1. Installation of
Heater(E-101) temperature release and can temperature
indicator that cause corrosion controller.
can be refer by and fouling to the 2. The heater and
the operator. pipeline. tubes need to be
2. Loss of heat. maintained
2B Low 1. There is no Inadequate None. 1. Installation of
temperature conversion of the temperature
indicator that solution prior controller.
can be refer by entering reactor. 2. The heater and
the operator. tubes need to be
2. Loss of heat. maintained on a
regular basis.
2C Pressure High Blockage in the Heater rupture or None. Always inspect and
pipeline explosion may keep an eye on the
result from a machinery.

sudden increase
in pressure.

2D Low Undetected Delay in None. Requesting that the

leakage production operator in charge to
process examine the pressure
2E Column Temperature High 1. There is no Increase the heat None. 1. Installation of
Reboiler (E- temperature release and can temperature
104) indicator that cause corrosion controller.
can be refer by and fouling to the 2. The heater and
the operator. pipeline. tubes need to be
2. Loss of heat. maintained
2F Low 1. There is no Inadequate None. 1. Installation of
temperature conversion of the temperature
indicator that solution prior controller.
can be refer by entering reactor. 2. The heater and
the operator. tubes need to be
2. Loss of heat. maintained

Hazard and Operability Review
Project Name: Production of Ethanol by Catalytic Hydration of Date: 8th July 2022 Page 3 of 4
Process: Separation
Section: Distillation column (T-101) Reference
Item Study Node Process Deviations Possible Causes Possible Existing Action Required
Parameter (Guide Words) Consequences Safeguard
3A Distillation Flow Low Less reflux flow 1. The None. Install a high-level
column (T- from the distillation alarm.
101) condenser column will
experience an
increase in
level flow.
2. The purity of
the overhead
3B High The control valve Flooding in the None. Installation of flow
is fully opened distillation controller.

Hazard and Operability Review
Project Name: Production of Ethanol by Catalytic Hydration of Date: 8th July 2022 Page 4 of 4
Process: Separation
Section: Product Flash Separator (V- Reference
101) Drawing:
Item Study Node Process Deviations Possible Causes Possible Existing Action Required
Parameter (Guide Words) Consequences Safeguard
4A V-101 Flow No There is no flow Inadequate Valve Flow controller
controller conversion of the controller at installation.
installed. solution prior the stream
entering reactor.

Before getting into what HIRARC is, we should have knowledge on OSH. The reason
why one should done that because HIRARC is a requirement that lies under this OSH law. We
must take steps to ensure the welfare, health, and safety of our colleagues and we must take
steps to safeguard our customers from dangers to their health or safety associated with our
business and operations. One of the general obligations outlined in the Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1994 (Act 514) is for employers to ensure that their workers and other
associated parties have a safe workplace (Malaysia. Kementerian Sumber Manusia. Jabatan
Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan., 2008).

We must examine HIRARC, the foundation of occupational safety and health, if we are
to accomplish the goals of OSH. The compound word HIRARC is made up of three
independent actions that occur one after another. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and
Risk Control make up the activities brought HIRARC. In other words, HIRARC which is the
foundation of risk management, has recently become a crucial component of corporate
planning, management, and operation as a risk management feature (Ahmad et al., n.d.).
Organizations have experienced several changes in their working methods because of risk
assessment in the workplace. Risk assessment at the workplace has resulted in several
improvements for the companies that have conducted it. Those who have already performed
risk assessments at work have seen improvements in their working methods. They also
acknowledge when subpar acts and working conditions arise and take the appropriate remedial

In order to ensure that the results are accurate, and the analysis is thorough, the law
mandates that this procedure be methodical and documented. The process of risk assessment
should be ongoing and not seen as a one-time activity. The use of HIRARC makes it possible
to identify risks, analyse and evaluate them, and put the right controls in place. Guidelines
should offer guidance on the best way to conduct HIRARC, and they should be straightforward
enough for small and medium-sized businesses to use while also being adaptable enough to be
used in a variety of economic sectors, including manufacturing, construction, and any other
sector for that matter. Identification of hazards involves spotting objects that might hurt or
injure a person. A risk assessment examines the likelihood that a person may suffer harm or be

injured if exposed to a danger. Risk control refers to the implementation of actions that will
either completely or substantially lower the risk of an individual being exposed to a danger
(Centre for Professional Development CONTENTS ( The Legal Requirement for OSH Risk
Management ( Accident Prevention Philosophy ( The Four (4) Elements OSH Risk
Management System ( Review of Four (4) Major Industrial Accident Cases ( Fundamental of
Hazard ( Risk Assessment Process ( Risk Control Process ( Review the Content Of DOSH
HIRARC Guidelines 2008 ( Purpose of Establishing Risk Management ( Group Activity-
Perform Hazard Identification at Workplace ( Prepare HIRARC Register, n.d.).

Therefore, it can be simplified that the purpose of HIRARC are; (1) to determine any
potential dangers that might injure both employees and other people; (2) must take into account
the likelihood that the damage would really befall someone in the specific circumstances of a
case and the potential severity that may result from it (the risks); and (3) to make it possible
for employers to organise, implement, and keep track of preventative actions so that risks are
always effectively managed. There are a few steps to conduct HIRARC process:

1. Classifying work activities that existed in the operational plant

a. Physical condition inside or outside the plant
b. Stages in the production processes
2. Hazard identification – Identify hazard in the work activities
a. Determine the important operation of tasks using hazard identification
b. Three categories can be used to categorise hazards:
i. Health hazards
ii. Safety hazards
iii. Environmental hazards
c. Sources of hazards:
i. Human being – Dangerous action
ii. Machines
iii. Material – Chemicals
iv. Process and surrounding
3. Risk assessment – Analyse and estimate the risk of each hazard by approximately
determining or estimating; (i) likelihood of occurrence and (ii) the severity of the hazard
4. Risk control – Decide whether the risk is acceptable and apply control measures (if

Figure 5 Flowchart of HIRARC Procedure

Likelihood of an occurrence

This value is determined via the likelihood of an event occurring especially in the past.
How many times this incident has occurred in the past, you might wonder. Based on worker
experience, analysis, or measurement, probability is evaluated. The range of likelihoods is
"most likely" to "inconceivable."

Figure 6 A table shows an indication likelihood

Severity of hazard

Five categories can be used to categorise severity. Severity is based on how seriously
something is affecting someone's health, the environment, or their property.

Figure 7 A table shows severity levels
Risk Assessment

Risk may be presented in a number of ways to explain the findings of analysis and
help decision-makers choose how to reduce risk. Presenting results in a risk matrix is a highly
effective technique to convey the distribution of the risk throughout a plant and region in the
workplace for risk analysis that employs likelihood and severity in a qualitative fashion.

Risk can be calculated by using this following formula:

𝐿×𝑆 = 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘

𝐿 = 𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒𝑙𝑖ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑
𝑆 = 𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦

Figure 8 Table of Risk Matrix

Find the severity column in this matrix that most accurately represents the risk result before
using it. Find the description that best describes the possibility that the severity will occur by

following the likelihood row. The box where the row and column meet contains the risk level

Figure 9 Ranges to determine the priority of necessary action to manage workplace hazards

Figure 10 Complete range of risk level

For risks to life safety and/or the environment that have been deemed "High Risk,"
quick action is required. It is important to identify the people who will be in charge of taking
the necessary action and following up. Quantitative risk assessment may be needed as a more
thorough risk assessment technique to identify the most effective countermeasures (2017-09-
28-Hirac-Program, n.d.).

Company Name: HEMM Company Sdn Bhd Conducted by: 1. Mr. Abang Akmal ‘Irfan
Process/Location Production plant site (Name, Designation) Bin Abang Abdul Razak
(Safety Officer)
2. Mr. Muhamad Nor Amirul
Bin Md Nor Halizi (Safety
3. Ms. Siti Halwa Binti
Othman (Safety Engineer)
Approved by: Ms. Nor Aszreeyn Binti Norizan Date: 8th July 2022
(Name., Designation) (Safety Manager)
Date: 8th July 2022 Last Review Date: 8th July 2022

No Hazard Identification Risk Analysis Risk Control

. Work Hazard Potential Effect Existing Risk Likelihoo Severit Risk Recommend Person
Activity Control (If any) d y Control Measure In
1. Feed • Ethylene gas • Ethylene gas • Wearing a 4 4 16 • Wear Mr.
material is hazardous can affect full personal (High) exposure Abang
because it is protective limit device Akmal

transportatio flammable when it is equipment to detect the ‘Irfan
n and reactive. breathed in especially exposure Bin
• High • Ethylene mask and towards Abang
possibility of exposure can gloves. hazardous Abdul
leakage of result in • Normal chemicals. Razak
gas in the headaches, transportatio • Provide
piping light- n procedure. workers with
system headedness, • Safe work Material
during weariness, practice. Safety Data
transportatio disorientation, Sheet
n. and even (MSDS).
coma. • Frequent
• Ethylene is a maintenance
chemical that to check for
can explode leakage.
since it is very
reactive and
• Spilling of the
chemical from
leakage can
cause pollution
towards land,
air and water
due to the

2. Ethanol • Ethanol is • When ingested • Wearing a 4 4 16 • Wear Mr.
storage flammable, and absorbed full personal (High) exposure Muhama
producing via the skin, protective limit device d Nor
poisonous ethanol can equipment to detect the Amirul
gases when have negative especially exposure Bin Md
it burns. effects such as mask and towards Nor
• High irritating nose, gloves. hazardous Halizi
possibility of throat, and • Storing chemical.
spillage in lungs. ethanol at • Provide
the storing • The skin and suitable workers with
tank. eyes might get temperature Material
irritated when surrounding Safety Data
exposed to area. Sheet
ethanol. • Safe work (MSDS).
Exposure for a practice. • Frequent
long time or maintenance
repeatedly can to check for
result in the leakage.
skin withering • Isolate the
and cracking, storage
along with placement
peeling, from other
redness, and dangerous
itching. source of
• Headache, ignition such
sleepiness, as sunlight.

vomiting, and
ss can all
result from
Additionally, it
may impair
eyesight and
3. Operation of • Most of this • Able to cause • Safe work 4 5 20 • Check on the Ms. Siti
reactor, heat equipment overheating practice. (High) reactor's Halwa
exchanger, existed in which • Temperatur state of Binti
separator, the plant eventually can e of each operation Othman
and involved in leads to equipment often. Set up
distillation high leakage and is monitored a sensor or
column temperature. rupture on the by the alarm to
• Because of walls of digital alert you if
the equipment, system. the
material's damaging the temperature
poor quality, interior design rises.
overheating and explosion • regularly
it might and fire will checking the
result in occur. condition of
runaway the
reactions and equipment to
the find any

production fractures,
of hazardous leaks, or
waste. corrosion
that might
possibly lead
to ruptures.
4. Workstation Ergonomic Poor ergonomics, • Using 3 3 9 • Ensure that Ms. Siti
with tools, which are a result specialised (Medium every Halwa
equipment of repeated equipment ) machine, Binti
and activity, awkward to lift and equipment Othman
machinery postures, unstable move and tool is
temperature massive ergonomicall
condition and pieces of y sound.
many more can equipment. • Workers
lead to muscular • Utilizing a who are in
tension, muscle crane, middle aged
imbalance, and forklift, or need to be
fatigue. other considered
suitable to place in
transport the position.
device, a Put priority
heavy to younger
object is workers due
lifted. to good
• A proper posture and
scheduling alert mind.
system to
change the

shift of
5. Working on • High altitude • Strong winds • Using 3 3 9 Practice “buddy Ms. Siti
platform platform can may cause harness (Medium system” which Halwa
jeopardize workers to system to ) at least two Binti
balance of become keep one workers are Othman
the workers. unbalanced from falling working
• Platform and fall when to the together at high
consists of they are ground. place so one will
railings. elevated • Wear proper be alert when
Leaning places. personal one is on the
towards • Railings can protective accident.
railing can be slippery, equipment
cause rusty due to (PPE) such
imbalance. rain can cause as boots to
slipping. prevent
6. Electrical Electrical shocks • Burns might • Safe work 4 4 16 • Use full Mr.
section with result after an practice. (High) body Abang
wiring electrical • Usage of equipment to Akmal
system shock, or there specialised insulate to ‘Irfan
can be no tools and prevent any Bin
outward signs protective contact with Abang
of damage. equipment. the electrical Abdul
• In either • Workers signal. Razak
situation, an with a • Put a
electrical proper warning sign

current electrical near the area
running safety to indicate
through the knowledge, the use of
body might training and high voltage
result in qualification of electric.
internal organ are
damage, permitted to
cardiac arrest, work.
or other harm.
Even a modest
amount of
electricity can
be lethal in
Electrical • Can cause fire • Proper 3 5 15 • Application Mr.
ignition and explosion, electrical (High) of grounding Abang
resulting in managemen (earthling) Akmal
damaging the t system. and bonding ‘Irfan
equipment and • Wear proper to reduce the Bin
some section personal danger of Abang
therefore, protective static Abdul
affecting the equipment electrical Razak
whole especially discharge by
operational thermal preventing
process plant. resistant static
clothes. electric build

• Put a
warning sign
near the area
to indicate
the use of
high voltage
of electric.

7. Maintenance • Exposure to • It is poisonous • During the 2 4 8 • Announce to Mr.

of machines the toxicant, and can result maintenance (Medium everyone on Muhama
and unstable in burns, , the ) the d Nor
equipment temperature nausea, equipment maintenance Amirul
and high vomiting, is shut down scheduling Bin Md
pressurize diarrhoea, and, and it will system so Nor
gaseous. in very high not affect everyone is Halizi
quantities, the alerted on
sleepiness or production the
death. Some process. maintenance
chemicals are • Wear a process
dangerous due proper undergoing.
to their personal • Hire workers
physical protective with proper
characteristics, equipment. qualification
such as their • Safe work that have
capacity to practice. knowledge
burn, explode, on the safety
or readily of the
interact with machinery.

other • Put on a
compounds. warning sign
• Extreme to indicate
temperature that the area
compromises has been
the body's under
capacity to inspection.
control its
which has a
direct impact
on health.
disorders, such
as heat
cramps, heat
heatstroke, and
extremely hot
events, can
arise from a
loss of internal

extremes can
make chronic
disease, lung
r disease, and
connected to
worse. Illness,
and a
connected to
8. Disposal of • Exposure • Several short- • Wearing a 4 3 12 • Put on a Mr.
waste that towards and long-term full personal (Medium warning sign Muhama
could be hazardous health protective ) to indicate d Nor
hazardous material problems, equipment that the area Amirul
materials could cause including especially is used for Bin Md
many poisoning, skin mask and waste Nor
diseases rashes, and gloves disposal. Halizi
ailments of the during the

lung, kidney, disposal • Isolate the
and liver, can process. disposal area
result from • Safe work far from the
exposure to practice any source
common of people.


Figure 11 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) of Ethanol Production

The diagram above illustrated the improved Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID)
done based on the Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study done. The purpose of this
improvement is to increase the level of safety in a power plant so that power plant has lower
tendency in encountering danger or hazards. By doing Hazard and Operability Analysis
thoroughly, a lot of lacking and risk have been identified in the process that have been paid no
attention. Thus, more safety guards and precautions were added into the new improvised Piping
and Instrumentations Diagram (P&ID). The enhancements done will be explain and listed

Section 1: Mixer (M-101)

Figure 12 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) on

Improvements done at M-101
Based on the diagram shown above, one of the improvements that have been done is stand-
by pump was installed after the boiler feed water stream. The purpose of installing stand-by
pump at this stream is to avoid delay in production, in case the inlet flow of boiler feed water
suddenly slows down or faulty occur such as failure in valve. This stand-by pump act as a
backup pump for the boiler feed water stream. Other than that, second improvement that have
been done in this section is installation of flow controller in stream 1 after the inlet feed of
ethylene. The purpose of installing this flow controller is to avoid improper in concentration of
ethylene solution in mixer (M-101) that might be caused by the high flow of ethylene from the
supplying unit of ethylene feed. By installing this flow controller, it can also detect leakage in
process pipeline if it occurs since it can be seen from the Flow Indicator Controller (FIC). Thus,
this flow controller is useful to be installed in this stream as it has multifunction.

Section 2: Reactor Feed Heater (E-101) and Column Reboiler (E-104)

Figure 13 Piping and Instrumentations Diagram

(P&ID) at Heater E-101 and E-104
Based on above diagram, the improvement that have been done in this section is temperature
controller was installed. The purpose of installation of this temperature controller is to avoid
possibilities in increase of heat release leak from the pipeline which could lead to worser
consequences such as corrosion and fouling. Corrosion is usually caused by an electrochemical
reaction between metal and another element where another element here is the water steam.
Small bubbles of vapour are created on the surface of a liquid when it begins to boil which is
called nucleate boiling. These bubbles may burst, leading to the surface being eroded by
cavitation and possibly eliminating a protective coating of a metal (Faes et al., 2019).
Moreover, fouling in heat exchanger usually caused by the growth of microorganisms, such as
algae. These microorganisms exist within the fluid which it will deposit onto the surfaces of
heat exchanger. Several cases contribute to fouling are water pH, product viscosity, and
roughness of component surfaces where these variables can be represented by resistance to
heat transfer or thermal resistance in the system. Some factors causing fouling in heat
exchanger are fluid velocity, fluid temperature, fluid chemistry and materials of fabrication
(Fouling in Heat Exchangers: Learn Causes, Detection, and Prevention, n.d.). Thus, here we
are trying to control the fluid temperature in order to avoid corrosion and fouling.

Next, another possible consequence that might occur caused by absence of temperature
controller is the heater has the tendency to overheat and cause machine faulty, even in worst
scenario, may cause explosion. This is because, without the temperature controller, there is no
indicator that the operator could refer to know the current condition inside the heater.

Section 3: Distillation column (T-101)

Figure 14 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

(P&ID) of Distillation Column (T-101)
Based on the diagram shown above, the improvements that have been done towards this
distillation column section is flow controller was installed at the E-103, which the condenser
at the top product stream and level controller was installed at the inlet of the distillation column.
The purpose of the flow controller and level controller installed here is to avoid distillation
column from flooding. Flooding in distillation column occurs by the excessive of vapour flow,
causing liquid to be dragged to the vapour up column (Factors Affecting Distillation Column
Operation, n.d.). Other than that, flow controller was installed specifically at the top product
stream is to control the flow of reflux from the condenser, where less reflux ratio might reduce
the purity of the overhead product. The most crucial part of improvement in this section is
installation of the high-level alarm system. This high-level alarm system will send out loud
alert to the whole power plant when that level flow in the distillation column is overloaded
with liquid since it cannot get down the column at high vapor velocity.

Section 4: Vessel (V-101)

Figure 15 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram

(P&ID) at Vessel (V-101)

Based on the diagram displayed above, the improvement that have been done in this section
was flow controller was installed in this section. The resolution of the installation of this flow
controller is to avoid inadequate conversion of the solution preceding entering the reactor
caused by less flow going into the vessel (V-101). By having this flow controller, operators are
able to analyse and know the current reactant mixture going into the vessel for further
separations. Slow flow or less flow may cause low efficiency towards the multicomponent
separation inside the vessel (V-101). Clearly, by having the flow controller, separation process
in the vessel is ensured since the inlet flow can be manipulated conveniently.


The main objective of OSHA 1994 implemented was to ensure the safety, health and welfare
of employees at work in opposition to any workplace hazard and risk that might happen (OSHA
1994, n.d.). Thus, these improvements made is one of the alternatives to fulfil this OSHA 1994
act which in indirectly will give out positive impacts towards the society and environment.
Explanations below will state how these proposed solutions will give out positive impacts
towards the society and the environment.

The society is generally defined as an organization or club formed for a specific purpose or
activity. Hence, the society that is being mentioned here is the engineers, technicians, operators,
janitors and also the neighbourhood that is living close to the production factory. Environment
on the other side is defined as surroundings which a person, animal or plant lives which can be
affected by human activity.

Firstly, an improvement that have been made that will bring positive impact towards the
society and environment is the installation of flow controller at the ethylene feed inlet. This
installation of flow controller could detect if there is leakage of ethylene from the pipeline
when the flow suddenly drops rapidly. Theoretically, ethylene can cause headache, dizziness,
fatigue, confusion, and even worst, unconsciousness if it is being inhaled by human. Other than
that, ethylene is also known as a highly flammable and reactive chemical which can result in
dangerous fire and explosion if it is being leak and expose into the surroundings (Hazard
Summary Identification Reason For Citation How To Determine If You Are Being Exposed,
N.D.). When fire and explosion happen, it could bring bad impacts towards both society and
environment. To society it can cause injury and death. To the environment, it can cause

shattered of buildings and trees, contamination of soil for decades and poisons to leach into
healthy rivers (Dathan et al., n.d.). Thus, this flow controller can act as an analyser to monitor
the dangerous release on Ethylene to the surrounding. This to ensure the safety of the workers
that is working close to this ethylene feed inlet section and also the whole society.

Secondly, temperature controller was placed at heater E-101 and E-104. This is ensured there
are no loss of heat and overheating towards the heater. Generally, loss of heat to the
surroundings will increase the environment temperature. When temperature of surroundings
increases, which results in hot environment. When environments warm up, human’s body heat
gain is more than the rate of heat loss, thus body temperature begins to rise resulting in heat
illnesses. By installing the temperature controller, it could avoid the tendency of heat illnesses
such as heat oedema, heat rashes, hear cramps, heat exhaustion, heat syncope and heat stroke
among the society (Hot Environments - Health Effects and First Aid : OSH Answers, n.d.).
Next, overheating of heater can bring several hazards towards the society and the environment
that could be prevented by this temperature controller. If this heater is overheated, overheating
may cause the heater to crack and release of carbon monoxide to surroundings. Carbon
monoxide is a very hazardous substance although it is odourless and colourless. To prevent
more death, injury, increase in amount of greenhouse gases, climate change and global
warming this temperature controller plays the main role so that further explosion cannot be

Lastly, in Malaysia, production of Ethanol is said to have high cost of production. In order
to avoid wastage and efficiency in economic factors, smoothness of path during the production
shall be ensured so that society’s demand of ethanol can be fulfilled. Thus, in the proposed
solutions, pump at boiler feed water were added, flow controllers and temperature controllers
were added at several locations in the Piping and Instrumentations Diagram. High level alarm
also installed at the top product stream of the distillation column in purpose of preventing
flooding. Flooding in distillation column would affect separation process (Arthur et al., n.d.).
All of this equipment is to ensure an adequate amount, volume and concentrations will flow
inside every reaction process in the production of ethanol. When all concentrations and volume
is precisely fulfilled, final product of ethanol produced quality will be accurately as planned
and demanded by the society. Thus, the shortage of ethanol supply among the society can be

There are many types of processes in producing ethanol. However, in our Piping and
Instrumentations Diagram (P&ID) illustrated we have chosen to produce ethanol from catalytic
hydration of ethylene. In this process, ethylene and boiler feed water was utilized for the raw
material inlet. It has been said that operating conditions play an important role for the
conversion of ethylene to ethanol, since it is equilibrium main reaction. Optimal reacting
condition could maximize the process conversion.

Thus, in order to ensure there are no lack in the process or unintended energy leak to the
surroundings, Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies and Hazard Identification, Risk
Assessment, and Risk Control (HIRARC) were done to improve the initial ethanol production
process. Improved Piping and Instrumentations Diagram (P&ID) were done based on the
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP). From here, goals of undergoing process under optimum
conditions could be achieved since there is flow controller installed in order to supervise the
flow of every substance going in and out each equipment. This controller also made
manipulation task to be easy so that production could be maximised.

Other than that, temperature controller has also been installed at several important locations.
This temperature controller has eased the task of an operator to analyse whether the reaction in
an equipment is in an optimal condition or not. Besides maximizing productions, improvements
made has also indirectly increase the level of safety in the production plant. This safety includes
the safety of workplace, safety of employees, safety of the clients, safety of the neighbourhood
and more such as high-level alarm installed is one of the most important equipment as a safety
equipment as it can give out a loud noise to notify everyone close to that place.

Based on Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and Risk Control (HIRARC) done, there
are work activities consist of feed material transportation, ethanol product storage, operations
of reactor, heat exchanger, separator and distillation column, workstations with to equipment
and machinery, working on platform, electrical sections with wiring system, maintenance of
machines and equipment, disposal of waste. By analysing the risk level, feed material
transportation, ethanol product storage, operations of operator and electrical sections has the
highest risk where the score is above 15 which indicate it is very catastrophic. Therefore, there
are some suggestions of control measure have been proposed in order the lower down the risk.
In conclusion, HIRARC is very essential in order to make the workplace safe.


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