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Tanzania had just dismantled just completed his studies at

their University of East the University of oxford
rofessor Kimani Africa. Kenya’s part of the wrote from there saying he
joined the University University, now renamed the wanted to fill it. To ensure he
of Nairobi directly as University of Nairobi, found come and filled it for sure,
a senior lecture. Even before itself with a vacancy it had to the University of Nairobi
taking off. He was already fill immediately in it in state raised his entry point from
flying. THREE WAS already a of development Studies. that lecture to that of senior
reason. Kenya, Uganda and Professor Kimani who had lecture.

 Only a month after his arrival, he launched a noisy debate in which he demanded that the
university of Nairobi should fight for relevance in the society rather than simply being excellent.
It was not quite clear what he meant by relevance to the society. However, a few months later

he prevailed and the universities of official Motto become ` Relevance to the



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