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Install, maintain and test hardware in a technology

Unit 14: Installing and Maintaining Computer Hardware 

Assignment 3: C. Install, maintain and test hardware in a technology system

D. Review the modified technology system

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Information and Creative


Due: 12th January 2023 
Submitted by:  Joseph Baker                            Lecturer: George Wakeman  
North Wiltshire environmental want to usher their hardware into the time ahead, they are
currently using several computers/hardware that have been used for a long time and are
looking to improve/ maintain these computers.
Backing up system data in preparation for system restore

1. I backed up data on to a USB stick in preparation for system restart

2. Providing once window 10 is installed you then transfer your data into the computer system

Fault-finding and repairing of at least two different internal hardware components

1. We used a brush and a mini hoover to get dust off the motherboard to stop it from
overheating so the vans can work properly not being clogged up with dust which
means the systems runs more efficiently and at a cooler temperature.

Upgrading of at least two different internal hardware components

By putting a DVD in the drive and testing if it will be burned onto put in a new DVD drive
and put in the screenshot
Refering to the screenshot I unscrewed the exsisting disk hardrive and replaced it with an
SSD. Was fitted and screwed into it and powered cables connected and turned on.

Installing and configuring at least one external hardware device as part of an


I followed a step-by-step guide to install it the webcam and then logged onto teams to see if
the webcam worked which it did function correctly and say I teamed my peers.

Test plan
No. Test How test Result Comments Future changes
description was carried yes/no
1. Is the cost of all the prices Yes Proposal currently under Change product
the total of the budget but missing (blank) for a
system products requirements (blank list) cheaper model if
underbudget added over budget
of £150 together
2. Did the work Keep a note Yes All week carried out No need as it was
get done in 3 of the project correctly and in time all done on time
weeks' time
3. Was the Test the Yes Backed up via USB No Always have a
system backed project issues with it backup to prevent
up and data loss
restored its
4. Has the Running Yes It was fixed and works I will keep on top
overheating temperatures fine now of it and make
fault fixed test sure there is no
overheating in the
5. Has the DVD By putting a Yes It is now run and runs Too make sure it
rom fault been DVD in the disks perfectly does not break
resolved drive and ever again test it
testing if it now and again if
will be not in constant
burned onto. use and to make it

Witness statement

The system that you have created is incredibly good, but the prices could be lower for the
task, but the prices are acceptable as you have followed the budget and has also met all
the requirements for the task you have fixed are overheating solution and you have fixed
DVD drive. The systems are working faster and more efficient and staff can carry out their
work quicker and to a better ability to help with this you have added an extra stick of RAM.

Technology system improvements to enhance system performance, user experience

and meet original requirements
I Could improve the system further by upgrading the processer, by updating this product it
would make it go way over budget, therefore will not fulfil the brief. As processors of a
certain age can only be bought second hand which means it will not be reliable to you the
company as this may become faulty under replacement will be needed.

Evaluation and justification

So, I have modified it to meet the requirements for the brief from north Wiltshire
environment. I have made changes to the hardrive, the ram, the webcam and DVD drive
this has fulfilled about what has been asked by north Wiltshire environment
I have doubled the amount of RAM Added to make the system more responsive and
I have added a DVD rewriter to disks can be burnt if necessary.
I have added a webcam to add to the computer for easy access to staff to have meetings
I replace a hold hardrive with a ssd drive which effects the loading speed of the system.

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