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Definition-Language is a system of 1__rules__ (also known as grammar), a

2)_sounds__ system (phonology), and a 3)__vocabulary___ (lexicon).
When people use language, they understand each other because they
belong to same 4)__speech community____. While growing up, people acquire
the language used by those in the community. This is the process of
5)_language_acquisation__. The languages acquired while growing up are known
as 6)___mother tongues___, which may also be referred as first language. People
discover later on that other languages are needed for various reasons.
These other languages may be referred to as 7)__second language___. People
learn these languages by studying formally in school or informally on their own.
This is the process of 8)___language learning__. What happens if you for
example, who speak a mother tongue and English, go to work in China where
residents speak Putonghua (Mandarin) and a little bit of English? Will you
be able to communicate with your Chinese friends. The answer is yes.
Gradually, you will learn each other languages. This is known as 9)__language
contact__. Your language may also change as you constantly interact and
communicate with your Chinese friend, and you will produce a new
language that is understandable to both of you. Your own language may
also change as you constantly interact and communicate with each other.
Thus, 10)_language change__is the result of language contact.

LANGUAGE biodata
Write your own language autobiography by anchoring your
paragraph on the following questions.

1. How many languages do you speak? Identify these

• The two language that I speak are tagalog and english.

2. What is/are your first language/s or mother tongue/s?

• My first language is tagalog

3. How did you acquire your first languages/s or mother

• I acquire my first language through interaction with the people and also I
surrounded by people who speak in tagalog.

4. What skills can you perform out using your first language/s?
• Using my first language which is tagalog i can easily communicate with the
people around me.

5. What is/are your second language/s?

• My second language is english.

6. How did you learn your second language/s?

• I earn my second language in school and also in watching some educational
website that helps me to speak english.
7. What skills can you perform using your second language/s
• By using my second language which is English I can perform speaking in the
public, listening, reading, and writing this skills could make me more thoughtful
communicator who understands the message of other people and also it is more
interaction to wards different people with the different culture and tradition.

8. What are your language strengths?

• my strengths are i have a good understanding of a grammar.

9. What are your language weaknesses?

• My weakness in language sometimes I mispronounce some words.

10. What language is your favorite and why?

•My favorite language is tagalog because using this language i can express what i
want to say better and also this language is more understandable in my

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