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Preliminary Examination

1. How can you apply Science and Technology in your daily lives?

Through means of Science and Technology works can be easier. Basically,

technical innovation of computer has changed the life of humans. It holds a
significant position in our life. From businesses to medicine, from education to
aviation, from government departments to the corporate trading world, used and
cheap computers are available in the market for the benefit of students and
professionals, working mothers or for home-based jobs.

By Science and Technology makes society open to change which is

essential for the growth of society. Without Science and Technology, there is NO
HUMAN GROWTH, no technological advances, no knowledge generation and the
world stagnated. Science is knowledge and without and investment in science the
world as we know it would not be possible. Without Science the world has stop.
There would be no social media, no devices, and many other things that could
change the way we live. Without TECHNOLOGY, there would be no social media,
which could entail having hunt for a new profession or interest, saving time and
feeling less anxious. And the society would lose resources. Most people
nowadays, rely on media for easy information seeking, updates and news. Thus,
without media there would be less knowledge about what is happening now around

Science has influenced mankind's moral ideals and core ideas by radically
altering our means of communication, the way we work, our home, clothing, and
food, our modes of transportation, and even the duration and quality of life itself.
Science and Technology really helps us in every aspect of our daily lives which
includes the prominent and impacts that huma needs in a society. It was mentioned
above the given information regarding of how Science and Technology builds our
society to make have better access of every information and knowledge.
2. What is the role of indigenous science in science and technology?
Fundamentally, I believe that combining "modern science" with indigenous
wisdom is tremendously helpful in properly comprehending a situation. We can't
ignore the wisdom of individuals who have pioneered and comprehended
environmental changes through many generations. It is critical to comprehend the
world via the indigenous people's cultural viewpoints and wisdom gleaned from
real-life first-hand experiences. Indigenous science is important that it helped the
people in understanding the natural environment and in coping with everyday life.
Understanding and documenting natural processes has led to the
development of indigenous knowledge. Products and procedures that are based
on good scientific concepts have emerged as a result of iteration of techniques
over time. Take, for example, plant extracts. Communities took extracts and tested
them for a variety of uses after noticing that animals didn't eat some plants and
believed it was because they were dangerous. Many were and still are used as
insecticides in agriculture, as bait for catching fish, and to cure cattle maggot
infestations. Because plants differ by ecological zone, each region has evolved
goods and applications depending on the flora found in their area. Indigenous
science encompasses a wide range of topics.
Indigenous knowledge helps the people to take visual and application to
make Science and technology more useful and develop in using it. Here are the six
(6) of the many ways in which Indigenous Peoples are helping world combat
Climate change: 1. Their traditional agricultural practices are resilient to climate
Change; 2. They conserve and restore forests and natural resources.;
3 . Indigenous foods expand and diversify diets.; 4. Indigenous foods are resilient
to climate change.; 5. Indigenous territories hold 80 % of the world’s biodiversity;
and ; 6. Indigenous people’s lifestyle are locally adapted and respectful of natural

3. Should there be an ethics of Technology?

Answer: Yes, Information Technology ethics are important because they foster a
culture of trust, accountability, honesty, and excellence in resource management.
In addition, to prevent conflict and dishonesty, ethics supports privacy
confidentiality of information, and illegal access to computer networks. We must
treat technology ethics as an active and ongoing learning loop in which we
continuously monitor the ethical outcomes of our activities, learn from our failures,
gain new knowledge, acquire additional ethical and technical competence, and
then update and improve our practices. Ethics is very necessary with regards on
technology to prevent unnecessary words, cyberbullying and sexual activities.

Ethics of Technology must exist to make the society aware with the violations
and unproper way use of technology. It should there be ethics of technology
because some people are losing moral intuition when using computer technology,
the ethics need to apply in using its medium to protect human rights. Because
when you say ethics of Technology it compiles the moral and the behavior of the
person with his/ her surroundings with the use of medium. So, it’s make sense to
apply ethics in technology when using its platform.

Ethics of technology can discipline the human’s behavior and moral. It manage
people to make responsible in using technology. The consequences of illegal and
unethical use of technology are you can lose your job and reputation, organizations
can lose their credibility, general morale and productivity can decline, or the
behavior can result in significant fines and financial loss. So, that means Ethics of
Technology is very necessary to us human for the development of each individual
and society.

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