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Inverter IGBT Loss Analysis and Calculation

Bai Baodong Chen Dezhi

Special Electrical Machinery and High - Voltage Apparatus Special Electrical Machinery and High - Voltage Apparatus
Key Lab of Ministry of Education Shenyang University of Key Lab of Ministry of Education Shenyang University of
Technology Technology
Shenyang 110870, China Shenyang 110870, China

Abstract—this paper presented an analytical method to resistor, DC bus voltage, temperature difference, junction
calculate the inverter IGBT loss and water cooling system. In the temperature on the switching losses were taken into key
implementation process, the effect of gate drive resistor, DC bus consideration for the first time. The junction temperature and
voltage, temperature and junction temperature on the IGBT loss radiator were deduced using the custom thermal circuit model.
were taken into comprehensive consideration for the first time.
The method to calculate inverter IGBT and Diode conduction
Specific calculation function, relevant data and cooling
loss, switching loss, total loss, efficiency, temperature difference structure were given.
and junction temperature were given under the SVPWM
modulation algorithm. Taking the interaction characteristics of
the IGBT loss and junction temperature into account, the The inverter is composed mainly by the IGBT, and its anti-
interaction of the loop algorithm was presented on the initial parallel diode. Both work in the on-off state and periodically
condition of the ambient temperature using the custom thermal experienced a variety of dynamic and static process. Each
circuit model, the IGBT junction temperature, case temperature process will produce the portion of the loss, summing these
and radiator temperature curve were given finally. On this basis,
losses, that is, the total loss of the switching device. The total
a medium voltage variable frequency speed control system with
water cooling system was designed, it is in good agreement with loss is composed mainly by conduction losses and switching
experimental values, which affirmed the accuracy of the losses, so this article focused on the conduction losses and
analytical method and verified the correctness and feasibility of switching losses .
the method.
A. IGBT Conduction Losses
Index Terms—analytical method, water cooling, radiator, Conduction losses of the IGBT were related to conduction
IGBT loss. voltage drop, current, duty cycle, and junction temperature.
IGBT conduction losses can be expressed as[3-4]
Pcon _ IGBT   VCE (t ) I C (t ) Q (t )dt =  VCE (t ) I C (t ) DQ (t )dt (1)
In recent years, the AC variable frequency speed control T 0 T 0
technology has gradually replacing the DC speed control wherein, Pcon _ IGBT represents IGBT conduction losses; VCE (t )
system to become the most promising speed control mode
with its superior speed control performance, significant energy- represents conduction voltage drop for the IGBT; I C (t )
saving effect and wide suitability in various areas of the world represents current which flow through IGBT; DQ (t ) represents
economy[1]. But its loss, heat issues cannot be ignored. Under duty cycle of IGBT ; T represents modulation wave cycle.
normal circumstance, the power module manufacturers usually
provide loss calculation software contain its product database. B. IGBT Switching Losses
Loss calculation software are able to calculate the average loss IGBT switching losses were composed by the opening
of the power module in the specified operating conditions and losses and turn-off losses. It was related to switching frequency,
calculate the junction temperature of the power devices current, DC bus voltage, gate drive resistance and junction
according to a relatively simple thermal circuit model to draw temperature. IGBT switching losses can be expressed as
loss and junction temperature curve. But some defects such as 1 Tfsw
the topology structure and power module data is incomplete, Psw _ IGBT =  [ Eon (ti )  Eoff (ti )] (2)
the algorithm does not match the actual situation exist in most T i 1
of loss calculation software [2]. Wherein
In this paper, IGBT produced from INFINEON  VDC Eon ( Rgon )
Corporation with the model FF200R33KF2C was used to  Eon    Eon _ Test
 VTest Eon ( Rgon _ Test )
constitute two-level inverter topology structure to design loss 
calculation software and cooling system for 1140V/120kW  E  VDC  Eoff ( Rgoff )  E
variable frequency speed control system, the effect of gate  off V off _ Test
 Test Eoff ( Rgoff _ Test )

978-1-4673-4569-9/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 563

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Wherein, Psw _ IGBT represents IGBT switching losses; Eon E. Calculation of Correction Factor and the Correlation
represents energy consumption for conducting one time; Eoff
On the one hand, the practical use of the gate drive resistors,
represents energy consumption for turning off one time; VTest DC bus voltage and junction temperature will affect the
represents VCE test value for an IGBT; VDC represents the DC switching losses, therefore, we need to calculate the correction
bus voltage; Rgon _ Test , Rgoff _ Test represents IGBT gate turn-on factor; On the other hand, during the loss calculation, many
functions are unknown. Consider the direction of the current
resistor and gate turn-off resistor while the product test
and narrow pulse elimination and other factors into
respectively; Rgon , Rgoff represents the gate turn-on resistor and
consideration, you can get VCE (t ) , VF (t ) , Eon (t ) , Eoff (t ) , Erec (t )
gate turn-off resistor while practical using respectively;
at the arbitrary junction temperature by the interpolation
Eon ( Rgon ) , Eoff ( Rgoff ) represents switching energy consumption operation.
and turn-off energy consumption which corresponding to gate 1) Calculating the Duty Cycle Function
resistor respectively, while product testing at the rated current Duty cycle function D(t ) was calculated according to the
of the IGBT; Eon ( Rgon ) , Eoff ( Rgoff ) represents opening energy principle of the modulation algorithm, when the modulation
consumption and turn-off energy consumption at the ti mode was using SVPWM and AC current, the mathematical
moment. Above constant parameters can be checked from the expression was derived as follows: set the direct-axis
IGBT module specifications. component of the duty cycle function was D (t ) and
The switching losses of the IGBT can be calculated by quadrature axis component was D (t ) ,
taking switching energy consumption which corresponding to
the current at each moment after correction Eon =f ( I C ) and  3
 D (t )  M sin(t   )
 2 (6)
Eoff =f ( I C ) curve into the Equ.2. 
 3
C. Diode Conduction Losses  D (t )   2 M sin(t   )
Diode conduction losses were related to conduction voltage Order DU (t )  D (t )
drop, current, duty cycle, and junction temperature. Diode  3
conduction losses can be expressed as  DU (t )  D (t )  M sin( t   )
T  2
Pon _ Diode   VF (t ) I F (t ) DD (t )dt (4)  3 3 (7)
T 0  DV (t )   M sin( t   )  M sin( t   )
 4 4
Wherein, VF (t ) represents Diode conduction voltage drop;  3 3
 DW (t )   M sin( t   )  M sin( t   )
I F (t ) represents current that flow through Diode; DD (t )  4 4
represents duty cycle of Diode. Taking the maximum value and the minimum value of Equ.7
D. Diode Turn-off Energy Consumption  Dmax  max  DU (t ), DV (t ), DW (t )
 (8)
 Dmin  min  DU (t ), DV (t ), DW (t )
Compared with diode turn-on losses, turn-off losses were
much smaller. Therefore, the main concern in the loss
calculation process was the reverse recovery losses caused by Order
the diode shutdown. Diode reverse recovery losses were related  Dmax  Dmin  3
to switching frequency, current, DC bus voltage, and gate  Dtemp (t ) 
 2
opened resistance and junction temperature. Diode turn-off  (9)
losses can be expressed as[5]  D (t )  1  temp )  Du (t )
D (t
 A 3
f T 1 Tf sw
Psw _ Diode  sw  Erec (t )dt =  Erec (ti ) (5) Finally, the duty cycle function D(t ) obtained can be
T 0 T i 1
Erec ( Rgon ) expressed as
Wherein, Erec    Erec _ Test .As can be seen, 0 D A (t)  Tsw  Tsp
VTest Erec ( Rgon _ Test ) 
the diodes reverse recovery losses and gate opening resistance D  t  = 1 D A (t)  Tsw > Tsp (10)
presented inverse relationship. The Erec ( Rgon _ Test ) represents 
 D A (t) others
reverse recovery energy consumption which corresponding to Wherein, Tsw represents the switching cycle, Tsp represents
gate resistance for product testing at the IGBT rated current;
the narrowest pulse time. Duty cycle function presents saddle.
Erec ( Rgon ) represents reverse recovery energy consumption
Fig.1 shows the curve of the upper-arm IGBT D(t ) and I (t ) in
which corresponding to gate electrode resistance at the the same period of a modulation wave[6].
practical rated current.


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1 100 we can get VCE (t ) , VF (t ) , Eon (t ) , Eoff (t ) , Erec (t ) under the
D(t) I(t)
temperature of 25° and 125°.With correlation function
50 expressions at the specific junction temperature, correlation
0.6 function can be calculated under arbitrary junction temperature.
0 lint erp[( I CVce 0 ), ( I CVce 0 ), I (t )]; I (t )  0
VCE 0 (t )=  (13)
0; others
0.2 lint erp[( I fVf 0 ), ( I fVf 0 ),  I (t )]; I (t )  0
VF 0 (t )=  (14)
0; others
0 -100
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 KVce  K Eon _ Rg 0  lint erp[( EonIc 0 ),
t/s 
Fig. 1. Modulation waves with a phase current waveform
Eon 0 (t )= ( EonIc 0 ), I (t )]; I (t )  0, D(t )  0, D(t )  1 (15)
0; others

So that the duty cycle function can be calculated by the
Equ.10 and the function curve shown in Fig1. It was KVce  K Eoff _ Rg 0  lint erp[( EoffIc 0 ), ( EoffIc 0 ),

substituted into the inverter loss function to make it become Eoff 0 (t )=  I (t )]; I (t )  0, D(t )  0, D(t )  1 (16)
known conditions. 0; others
2) Calculating the Correction Factor 
It is necessary to calculate and correct the effect of the gate KVce  K Erec _ Rg 0  lint erp[( ErecIc 0 ), ( ErecIc 0 ),
drive resistor, the DC bus voltage, the junction temperature on 
Erecf 0 (t )=  I (t )]; I (t )  0, D(t )  0, D(t )  1 (17)
the switching losses. The correction functions were shown such 0; others
as Equ.11 and Equ.12. K Rgon represents the gate turn-on 
4) Calculating the Correlation Function under Arbitrary
resistor correction factor; K Rgoff represents the gate turn-off
Junction Temperature
resistance correction factor; K Rgrec represents the gate reverse According to the conduction voltage drop function and the
recovery resistance correction factor; KVce represents the DC switching energy consumption function under specific junction
temperature, we can get function expressions of
bus voltage correction factor; K Eon _ Tmp represents the
VCE (t ) , VF (t ) , Eon (t ) , Eoff (t ) , Erec (t ) under the arbitrary
conduction energy consumption junction temperature
junction temperature by interpolation operation. As shown in
correction factor; K Eoff _ Tmp represents the turn-off energy
Equ.18~ 22.
consumption junction temperature correction factor; K Erec _ Tmp Tj _ Q (t )  Tj _ Inv 0 (t )
represents the reverse recovery energy consumption correction VCE (t )=VCE 0 (t )0  (VCE 0 (t )1  VCE 0 (t )0 )  (18)
Tj _ Inv1 (t )  Tj _ Inv 0 (t )
factor; The curve fitting function was regress () .
T j _ D (t )  T j _ Inv 0 (t )
 Eon ( Rgon ) VF (t )=VF 0 (t )0  (VF 0 (t )1  VF 0 (t )0 )  (19)
 K Rgon  T j _ Inv1 (t )  T j _ Inv 0 (t )
 Eon ( Rgon _ Test )
Eon (t )=linterp( K Eon _ Tmp (t ), T j _ Inv , Eon 0 (t ), T j _ Q (t )) (20)
 Eoff ( Rgoff )
 K Rgoff  Eoff (t )=linterp( K Eoff _ Tmp (t ), T j _ Inv , Eoff 0 (t ), T j _ Q (t )) (21)
 Eoff ( Rgoff _ Test )
 (11) Erec (t )=linterp( K Erec _ Tmp (t ), T j _ Inv , Erec 0 (t ), T j _ D (t )) (22)
K Erec ( Rgon )
Loss of inverter were related to the temperature difference
 Rgrec  E ( R
gon _ Test ) and the junction temperature, so it is not able to directly
 rec

 VDC substitute VCE (t ) , VF (t ) , Eon (t ) , Eoff (t ) , Erec (t ) which was

 KVce  under the arbitrary junction temperature into Equ.1~5 to
 V ce _ Test
conduct the inverter loss calculation after they were determined.
 K Eon _ Tmp  regress(T j , Eon , 2) The temperature difference and the junction temperature were
 calculated below.
 K Eoff _ Tmp  regress(T j , Eoff , 2) (12)

3) Calculating the Correlation Function at the Specific
Junction Temperature A. Junction Temperature Calculation
Using known data to conduct interpolation calculation,
The junction temperature calculation can be obtained based
correcting the switching energy consumption function and the
on the loss and thermal circuit model calculation, figure 3 was
gate resistor and the DC bus voltage, taking factors such as
custom thermal circuit model.
current direction and the narrow-pulse elimination into account,


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finally obtained Theat sin k (t ) , Tcase (t ) and T j (t ) , such as shown in
 n 

  Ploss _ Diode Rthk e k

 1 
(0  t  M )
 k 1  k ( 2   ) 1  e 2 k

  k
 
 n  Ploss _ Diode Rthk e k
Fig. 2. User-defined thermal circuit model
TD (t )   (  (25)
 k 1  k ( 12   2 )
 M
2 k
 k 1 e
For a first-order RC model, that is 
d T  T
Ploss Rth  T   (23) sin  (t  M )
dt cos  (t  TM )  2 ) ( TM  t  T )
 2  k 2
Wherein, Rth represents the radiator thermal resistance, 
 represents the radiator thermal time constant, T represents  n 

the temperature difference, Ploss represents the radiator loss.   P R e k

loss _ Diode thk
(0  t  M )
However, the loss function is usually irregular curve, which 1 
 k 1  k ( 2   2 ) 1  e 2 k
brought a certain degree of difficulty to the junction   k
temperature calculation. To simplify the calculation, this paper  t

assumed that the loss function was the ideal half sine wave   Ploss _ Diode Rthk e  k T
curve. As shown in Fig.3. Ideal loss function can be expressed TQ (t )   [  cos  (t  M ) (26)
as  n  ( 1  2 ) 
  1  e 2 k
k 2

 k 1 T
 sin  (t  M )
2 ] T
  ( M  t  TM )
Total losses/W

  k 2
 n 

  Rthk e k
 1
[ Ploss _ IGBT ( T
 M
 cos t 
 k 1  k ( 2   )
2 k
k 1 e

 
 sin t e k T
 )  Ploss _ Diode ] (0  t  M )
  k
 2
Fig. 3. Ideal loss curve  1  e 2 k
 T
t M
 T  n  2

 Ploss _ IGBT sin( t ) 0t  M   Rthk e k

2 Ttot (t )   {Ploss _ IGBT (  (27)
 k 1  k ( 12   2 )
Ploss _ tot (t )=  (24)  M
2 k
 P T  k 1 e
sin( t   ) M  t  TM
 loss _ Diode 2  T
 
t M
B. Temperature Ddifference Calculation  e k T
Taking Equ.24 into Equ.23 and solving differential  Ploss _ Diode [ TM
 cos  (t  M ) 
  2
equations, converting it into n-order thermal circuit model,  1  e 2 k
calculating the temperature difference function of each order  TM
thermal circuit model respectively and then superimposing, we  sin  (t  ) T
 2 ]} ( M  t  TM )
can get the final temperature difference function. As Equ.25
  k 2
~27 showed below. 
C. The Process of Total Loss Calculation Theat sin k (t )=Tamb  Tha (t )

According to the principle described above and the thermal Tcase (t )=Theat sin k  Tch (t ) (28)
circuit model, changing only the corresponding parameter can T (t )=T  T (t )
be calculated Tha (t ) , T jc (t ) and T jc (t ) respectively, thus  j case jc

Tha (t ) represents the temperature difference between the

radiator temperature and the temperature of the environment;


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Tch (t ) represents the temperature difference between the PInvertir  6   Ptot _ IGBT  Ptot _ Diode  (31)
IGBT surface temperature and the radiator temperature; Wherein, PInvertir represents the inverter total loss. For the loss
T jc (t ) represents the temperature difference between the chip
of the IGBT and the Diode will change with the change of their
temperature and the module shell temperature; Theat sin k (t ) junction temperature, we also need to know the junction
represents the radiator temperature; Tcase (t ) represents the temperature of the IGBT and the Diode during the loss
IGBT shell temperature; T j (t ) represents the junction
a) The Junction Temperature of the IGBT
IGBT junction temperature was calculated as
Seen by the foregoing analysis, the two variables IGBT loss
and junction temperature had mutual influence in the Tvj _ IGBT  Theat sin k  Ptot _ IGBT ( Rth ( jc ) _ IGBT  Rth ( CH ) _ IGBT ) (32)
calculation process, it is not able to calculate the loss accurately Wherein, Rth ( jc ) _ IGBT represents the thermal resistance between
in the condition of the junction temperature was unknown. the IGBT chip and the copper substrate, Rth (CH ) _ IGBT represents
Making the temperature of each point is equal to the ambient
temperature, as an initial condition, and then conducting the the thermal resistance between the IGBT copper substrate and
operation of the loop iterations, ultimately we can obtain stable the radiator.
loss and junction temperature. Maximum junction temperature b) The Junction Temperature of the Diode
is the maximum of T j (t ) . Specific program flow chart was Diode junction temperature was calculated as
shown in Fig. 4. Tvj _ Diode  Theat sin k  Ptot _ Diode ( Rth ( jc ) _ Diode  Rth ( CH ) _ Diode ) (33)
Wherein, Rth ( jc ) _ Diode represents the thermal resistance between
the Diode chip and the copper substrate, Rth (CH ) _ Diode represents
the thermal resistance between the Diode copper substrate and
the radiator. Wherein, the radiator temperature was
Theat sin k  Tamb  Rth ( hs )   Ptot _ IGBT  Ptot _ Diode  (34)
Wherein, Tamb represents the ambient temperature, Rth ( hs )
represents the thermal resistance between the radiator and the
D. The Colculation Results
It can be seen that the junction temperature of IGBT and
the loss had the mutual influence by the foregoing analysis, so
during the loss calculation we obtain the associated losses
firstly according to the ambient temperature Equ.1, 2, 4, 5, 29,
and Equ.30, at the same time, substituting the correlation loss
into Equ.32, 33 and Equ.34, we can calculate the junction
temperature and the radiator temperature. Finally, conduct the
loss calculation according to this temperature, and then
calculate the junction temperature according to the recalculated
loss. So the cycle, we obtain the stable junction temperature
and the loss finally. The calculation results are shown in
Fig. 4. Loss calculation process TABLE I. Fig.5 shows the inverter junction temperature curve,
Fig.6 shows the shell temperature curve, Fig.7 shows the
1) Total Loss of IGBT and Diode radiator temperature curve.
Total loss of IGBT and Diode was the sum of its
conduction losses and switching losses respectively. TABLE I. TEMPERATURE AND LOSS CALCULATION RESULTS
Ptot _ IGBT  Pcon _ IGBT  Psw _ IGBT (29)
Parameter Parameter
Ptot _ Diode  Pcon _ Diode  Psw _ Diode (30) Values(℃) Values(W)
names names
Wherein, Ptot _ IGBT and Ptot _ Diode represents the total loss of Theat sin k 89.262 Pcon _ IGBT 42.044

IGBT and Diode. Tcase_IGBT 97.91 Pcon _ Diode 5.537

2) The Total Loss of the Inverter Tcase_Diode 98.414 Psw _ IGBT 133.645
The inverter consists of three bridge arms, there are two
TJ_IGBT 108.927 Psw _ Diode 92.447
power switches in each bridge arm, and each power switch
comprises an IGBT and a DIODE, thus the total loss of the TJ_Diode 110.057 PInverter 1642
inverter was


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120 paper taken the module substrate and IGBT shell as a test
Tj_Q (t) Tj_D (t) Tc_Q(t) Tc_D(t) TH (t) object firstly, using the infrared thermometer to measure them,
Secondly, IGBT junction temperature is calculated by using
loss calculation software provided by Infineon company and
compared with the method used in this paper. Calculation and
100 test results are shown in Table III.



Parameters Values or Model

Rated voltage /V 1140
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 DC bus voltage /V 1612
t/s Rated Current /A 48.32
IGBT module FF200R33KF2C
Fig. 5. Inverter junction temperature curve Ambient temperature/℃ 40
Output frequency/Hz 50
Switching frequency/Hz 2000
Infrared Thermometer Fluke F568
In the actual course of the experiment, the designed
"flameproof integrated inverter motor system" system rated
voltage was 1140V, rated current was 48.32A, ambient
temperature was 40°. The area of cold plate designed according
to the principles of the heat transfer was 0.11m2. Table III
shows the comparison between system calculated values and
experimental values and comparison between commercial
software calculated values and junction temperature calculated
values of this paper. It can be seen from the results of the
comparison that the calculated values were in good agreement
with the experimental values, which achieving the system
design requirements.
Fig. 6. IGBT shell temperature curve



Calculated Experimental values

System parameters
values(℃) (℃)
Radiator surface
89.262 88.37
IGBT shell
97.91 95.86
Calculated Software calculated
System parameters
values (℃) values(℃)
IGBT junction
108.927 108.7
Diode junction
110.057 112.2
Data comparation shows that the IGBT junction
Fig. 7. Radiator temperature curve temperature and the loss calculation program described herein
is comparatively consistent with commercial software and
It can be seen from Fig.7 that the start value and the end experimental measurement.
value of the radiator temperature curve is connected to a point
in one period, which indicated that the radiator temperature had V. CONCLUSION
stabilized, the calculation may terminate. The temperature of This paper based on the iteration of loop relationship that
this point was the radiator temperature. calculated loss according to the junction temperature,
calculated temperature difference according to the loss,
calculated junction temperature according to the temperature
During the experiment, the design was "flameproof difference, analyzed and designed the loss of inverter part and
integrated frequency conversion motor system". Table II shows the cold plate aimed at the 1140V/120kW "flameproof
main test parameters and instrument models of the experiment. integrated inverter motor system", deduced the conduction
Since the power device was encapsulated in the IGBT, it is losses and the switching losses of IGBT and Diode in detail,
difficult to measure the junction temperature of the device, the taking the influence of gate resistor, bus voltage, temperature,


Authorized licensed use limited to: Kwame Nkrumah Univ of Science and Technology. Downloaded on May 22,2023 at 18:19:51 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
junction temperature on the loss calculation into account. It is Design of Inverters. Transactions of China Electro technical
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