Class Activity 5 Calculate The Amount of Goods To Purchase and Cost

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Activity 5

Calculate the amount of goods to purchase

Dr Hassan Bukhari
Instruction for class activity 5
• Mark total=4
• Work individually
• Send by Black board activity assignment
• Each one in her group of practical session
• Deadline Thursday 5PM
• Late submission -1 mark subtracted
Purchase Orders cost considerations
• Buy at the best cost from suppliers who meet or
exceed the purchase specifications.
Consider both AP price and EP cost:
• As purchased (AP): the cost of food as delivered to the
food services
Price of an item before any trim or waste are
considered e.g. unpeeled, whole onion

• Edible portion (EP): the cost of food as served to the

customer and staff or visitors
Price of an item after all trim and waste has been
taken into account, e.g. peeled, cubed onion
Yield test for fruits and vegetables
Yield test: Analysis done to determine the difference between a product’s AP
weight and its EP weigh and find out yield percentage (Y%)

1) Record the quantity of purchased Step 1) APQ for carrots = 80oz; fresh raw
(APQ) food item, from the invoice carrots
2) Trim, cut food as desired, and save the Step 2) trim, cut carrots as desired, and
peels and trim separate from the edible save the peels and trim separate from the
portion in different containers edible portion in different containers
3) Weigh each portion alone and record ➢trim weight = 8.8oz
results on costing form to find out the Step 3) edible carrots=80oz (APQ) -8.8oz
edible portion quantity (EPQ) trim loss=71.2oz
4) Find out the yield percent by dividing Step 4) Yield ratio= 71.2oz (EPQ)/ 80oz
the EPQ/ APQ=Y ratio (APQ)= 0.89
5) Yield percentage of food item Step 5) carrots yield %= 0.89*100=89%
=multiply results of step 4 * 100
Calculating Edible portion (EP) Cost
Example: the EP cost of one pound of onions

Edible portion (EPQ) weight ÷ As purchased (APQ) weight = EP percentage=Yield %

8.00 ÷ 9.5 = 0.842 or 84.2%

1-As purchased (AP) price ÷ Edible portion (EP) percentage = Edible portion (EP) cost

$0.39/lb AP ÷ 0.842 = $0.46/lb EP cost

Edible portion (EP)

2-As purchased (AP) price ÷ * 100 = Edible portion (EP) cost
$0.39/lb AP ÷ 84.2 * 100 = $0.46/lb EP cost

EP cost is more than the real price you have paid for the raw food item
Calculating How Much to Buy
• Need ten (10lb) pounds of EPQ onions.
• Yield=EP% of onions = 84.2%.

How many pounds will you buy?

EPQ amount Yield

÷ = APQ amount to purchase
needed percentage
10 ÷ 0.842 = 11.87, or 11.9
Activity-5 Total

• If green Beans required as purchased =15 Lb.

• Q-Calculate the following?
• Calculate yield % or EP% for the green beans AP, if trim and peal is 7.6Lb =2 mark
• Calculate Edible portion (EP) cost if AP cost is $0.55=1 mark
• Calculate green beans amount EPQ to order if you need =25lb and EP Yield=75% =1
Answer q-1
Yield percent = EPQ ÷ APQ=Y ratio
Yield % of food item =Y ratio X 100
Answer q-2
Edible portion (EPQ) weight ÷ As purchased (APQ) weight = EP percentage=Yield %
÷ =

1-As purchased (AP) price ÷ Edible portion (EP) percentage = Edible portion (EP) cost

÷ = /lb EP cost

Edible portion (EP)

2-As purchased (AP) price ÷ * 100 = Edible portion (EP) cost
/lb AP ÷ * 100 = /lb EP cost
Answer q-3
• Need (………………. lb) of EPQ…………………….
• Yield=EP% of onions = ………………….%.

EPQ amount Yield

÷ = APQ amount to purchase
needed percentage
÷ =

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