It - Unit 15 - Assignment 2 - Template

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Plan Installation and Maintenance of Software in a

Technology System
BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Information
and Creative Technology

Unit 15: Installing and Maintaining Computer Software

Due: day/month/year

Submitted by Chris Daniels Lecturer: George Wakeman


In this assignment I have been asked to upgrade PFCs software as they have been
using the same types of software since the company was created, so they may be using
outdated software and not getting the productivity they need, they also need me to
install new software Aswell as upgrading software.

I must produce two plans on upgrading PFCs software and how I will do it. the second
will be the different installing and maintaining processes

There is also an area what should be focused on alternative ideas and reasons some
were rejected and will not be completed.

The purpose for installing and maintaining software.

 Upgrade: we upgrade software to increase security and productivity and for new
features and in this case I will be updating the windows 7 that they are using to
windows 10 so the software will be better for them as there will be extra security
going with it and I will also be upgrading the open office software they are using
to an office 365 as the software they are using is a free version called open office
what is not popular for its security and safety and office 365 will be easier to use
and will have a better security and less risks.
 Compatibility: we make sure things are compatible so files can be saved and
used again and so you can do your everyday tasks in the compatibility area I will
be making sure the files are compatible by adding office 365 as they will be saved
into file types that can be used any were in windows 10 of which will be installed
instead of windows7, when the files are compatible with the computer and
software being used by PFC they can do their work easily.
 Change in system functionality: a change in system functionality may be good as
you may be able to do things you were unable to before. I will be adding vector-

based imaging software as they have not got one currently. This will help them
expand their media creation and may give them more opportunities.
 Improve productivity, i.e., performance, speed, and reliability: PFC want to
increase their productivity I will find a way to bind a keyboard key to open some
of their frequently used software's this will make their productivity by making the
job easier and faster and there will be a chrome extension of which will remove or
lower the amount of ads that will be seen by employees, also I will make the
computer start up a frequently used software or a software of their choice as the
computer loads the whole system up.

User requirements

The company wants to take their software into the future and would like me to make an
OS upgrade from windows 7 to windows 10 they would want to stop using open office
as they want to take advantage of the added abilities and features and switch to office
365. PFC also want a vector-based image editor to expand their media creation on
vector-based images I will most likely use a program called GIMP as it is free. The
company would also like easier ways of loading up software that is regularly used when
the computer loads up and / or would like to be able to find programs and be able to
load these programs from keyboard bindings this will be an application or software in
the quick tab menu or configured into a keyboard code / binding. PFC would like to
download an ad blocker for chrome to improve the experience of google chrome for the
company and finally PFC like a macro that would add a digital signature to a file.

Installation and maintenance activities list

Installation Activities Maintenance Activities

Installing windows Fault finds
 Set the Pc and make sure every cable is Go through the computer then see if
in the right place. there are any issues or if it will not work
- Power cable, network cable, mouse, due to compatibility.

 Check your device meets the Windows
10 system requirements.
 Create USB installation media.
 Run the installer tool.
 Use your installation media. Insert your
installation media into your device and
then access the computer’s BIOS or UEFI.
 Turn on the PC and press the key that
opens the boot-screen selection menu
for the computer, such as F2. Keep
pressing F2 key till the screen comes up.
Select the options for the PC. Insert the
Windows USB in.
 Change your computer's boot order.
 Restart your device.
 Windows Setup starts.
 Complete the installation.

Installing office 365 A macro to do an automatic signature

1 Go to and sign into your go to “view” then “Macros” then “Record
2 Press the button install office. Now give the macro a name and then select
3 It may take you to a new area just keyboard
press install office again. Now press the combination of keys you would
4 Confirm you want to install. like to use to activate the macro

5 Select run the software. If this combination of keys already does

something else then it will tell you, and if so,
6 It should start to install the then pick a different combination to prevent
Microsoft office apps to your problems. If it says unassigned, then that
computer. combo is good to use
7 Open the word app or any of the Now it should be recording the Macro so simply
office apps. type whatever you want to type
8 Enter your Microsoft email and Once you’re done go back to the macro tab and
password so that you can get into click stop recording
your account.
Now whenever you press the specific
9 Once the licence agreement pops combination of keys you chose it will
up when you have signed in press

accept. automatically insert whatever you typed
10 The office app will open and will
be able to be used.

Installing GIMP Add a program to start up

1. Search “GIMP install” in search engine  Select the Start button and scroll
this should take you to their website. to find the app you wanted
2. Once on the website you should have
the option to either install from the
Microsoft store or download directly
from the site.
 Right-click the app, go to More,
3. Simply clicking the download button of
which there are two very big ones will and then press open file location
start the download which will pop up on Button. It will then open the
the bottom left of your screen. location where the shortcut to the
4. once it downloads click the pop up and it app is saved. If there isn't an
will open the file explorer app option for Open file location, it
5. click the download inside the app and means the app is unable to be ran
create a shortcut
when the computer starts up.

 When the file location opens, press

the Windows logo key + R, type
the word shell: startup, then
confirm by pressing OK. This then
will open the Startup folder.

 Copy and paste the shortcut to the

app from the file location to the
Startup folder.

Chrome ad blocker
1. Open Internet Explorer and go to

2. Click Agree and install for Internet
Explorer. A dialog box opens at bottom
3. Click the arrow and select Save and run.
4. Click Yes.
5. Click Yes.
6. Click Yes.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Install.

Pin app to quick menu

1 go into the app section on your
2 Find the app you need to put into quick
3 Right click the app.
4 Click pin to task bar or quick menu.
5 It should be on your task bar on the
home screen.

Software resources required for upgrading

Write a few sentences describing the software resources needed for the upgrades.

System Upgrades

System 1 Upgrade from windows 7 to 10

Before I do anything to a computer, I will have to backup any important
data on it.

There will be some resources that will be needed so that I can upgrade
windows 7 to windows 10 and the main one is the usb pen what will
have the install copy of windows 10 on it but in case it does not work
then I will need a second way of installing windows in case the original
does not work of if it can't fit into the usb port as I could be a different
type and this second form of installing windows will not contain any
thing extra or anything less.

System 2 Upgrade to office 365

To upgrade to office 365, you will need to login to an existing Microsoft
account or create one. If there is not one available to you this will
include an active email and a password.

If you don’t have a copy of the office 365 files then you will need to by a
subscription but in the case of the company they have bought a
subscription but I need to install the files to the computer by signing
int their Microsoft account and accepting the license and agreement
policy this will give you the files and will start installing them

Fault-finding tools and techniques used

Fault-finding tools Techniques

Device manager Go into the application and check the
system requirements and use device
manager to check that they have been
Anti-virus check Check for malware and or viruses before
you use the usb pen that holds the
windows install and maybe the computer

too so the usb does not get one
Windows event viewer Check windows installation logs
Windows activation settings Check program works and is functional

Test plan

No. Name Test description Expected results Results

1 Installed Open windows to see if it Windows will run --------------

windows 10 starts up and loads correctly smoothly

Check the windows log forms The logs will confirm

to check it has loaded it has loaded well
2 Installed Try to run an office 365 app Office 365 will be --------------
office365 such as word to see if it has installed and works
been fully installed and is
working well.
3 Installed GIMP Try to enter GIMP to see if it GIMP will load up --------------
can run and if you can do and you can do work
work on it without any issues on it
4 Program start Will have to restart the The computer will --------------
up computer to see if the restart, and the
computer starts up the program will start up
program. when the computer
turns on
5 Made a macro Go into a blank page in word The macro will do
or anything and use the what it is supposed
macro to see if it does what it to
is wanted to do
6 Pinned app to Go into the quick menu and The app will be in
taskbar / quick see if the app that is wanted the quick menu
menu is in there and that it runs
7 Chrome ad Go onto chrome and use it for The ad blocker will
blocker a while to see if the ads have work, and you will
decreased of been stopped see minimal ads

Alternative solutions and rejection reasons

There is an alternative solution on the vector-based image editor as PFC want GIMP as
it is a functional form of freeware this means it may not be as safe as you would want it
to be the alternative solution would be to get adobe creative cloud as it will be safer as
it has higher security but this will be rejected as this could turn out to be too costly as
they will have to pay for a subscription and this is not what PFC would like.

Another alternative solution is that they could keep open office but just make sure it is
updated to the most recent version, but this was the original program that they were
using and it is also a form of freeware so there may be a risk to securiy, and they want
to use another one so they can use the new and more modern features on office 365.

Conclusion of final upgrading choices

Detail your final upgrading choices and the effect of any constraints on the overall plan.

Rationale behind chosen decisions

Write a few sentences giving reasons for your selected choices explaining why you
have chosen different software resources and customization tools and techniques while
rejecting others. Making reference to the given purpose and the ‘client’ requirements.

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