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1. What is the meaning of poetic devices? Name 3 (5)
2. What is diction? Give 4 examples and explain each example. (14)
3. Briefly explain what an oxymoron is while giving 3 examples. (5)
4. What is the meaning of personification, give 2 examples (4)
5. Outline the difference between mood and tone and give an example of each.
6. Briefly explain what form entails. (2)
7. What type of poem is a sonnet? (4)
8. List the attributes of a Petrarchan sonnet. (5)
9. List the qualities of a Shakespearean sonnet. (3)
10. A couplet falls under which sonnet? (2)
11. What is a couplet? (2)
12. What is the difference between a speaker and a writer? (4)
13. Elaborate on the meaning of a free verse poem. (4)
14. Elaborate on what enjambment is and give an example. (4)
15. Alliteration is under which poetic device? (1)
16. Elaborate on the meaning of alliteration and give an example. (3)
17. Explain with an example, what assonance is. (3)
18. What is onomatopoeia? Give an example. (2)
19. Simile and Metaphors are attributes under imagery from the 6 poetic devices.
What is the difference between the two? Explain by means of providing
examples. (8)
20. How can poets provide meaning in poems? Elaborate two attributes with
examples. (6)

Total: 87 marks

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