Question Tags

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Question Tags

What are Question Tags?

Question tags are short questions used at the end of the statements to confirm if the statement
is true or not. It may also be used to evoke a reply from the person you are speaking to. The
subject of a question tag is always a pronoun.
When are question tags used?
Question tags are short questions at the end of statements.
They are mainly used in speech when we want to:

● confirm that something is true or not, or

● to encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to.

How are question tags formed?

Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal verb from the statement and the
appropriate subject.
Basic Rules

1) A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag.

● Kumar is from Chennai, isn't he?
● Your mom can speak English, can't she?

2) A negative statement is followed by a positive question tag.

● They aren't funny, are they?
● He shouldn't say things like that, should he?

3) When the verb in the main sentence is in the present simple we form the question tag
with do / does.

● You play the guitar, don't you?
● Alia likes tennis, doesn't she?

4) If the verb is in the past simple we use did.

● They went to the cinema, didn't they?

● She studied in New Zealand, didn't she?

5) When the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the question tag needs
to be positive

● He hardly ever speaks, does he?
● They rarely eat in restaurants, do they?
● He never came again, did he?
● She can rarely come these days, can she?
● You hardly ever came late, did you?
● I barely know you, do I?
● You would scarcely expect her to know that, would you?
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Advance Rules

1. Shahina is the new lead.

2. They have confirmed.
3. Tharun and Varun are on their way to the airport.
4. Her father is a doctor.
5. The baby elephant that fell into the well was rescued by the locals.
6. Arranging transport and accommodation for the guests had been their first priority.
7. You like cookies.
8. Bring me some tissue papers.
9. They bought a new LED television.
10. You have been looking for an apartment.
11. You are free.
12. George broke the glass.
13. Your sister cooks well.
14. She can swim well.
15. Ritu and Brinha were not the best of friends from the start.
16. Sheena will not be attending the ceremony.
17. She would not have done that.
18. They have not arrived yet.
19. Buying a new car when you already had a loan wasn’t a good idea.
20. Making small talk isn’t your forte.
21. Balu, the bear isn’t the one that saves Mowgli from the monkeys.
22. All students have not submitted their assignments yet.
23. Tina had not informed the others about the change of venue.
24. You cannot survive without your phone.
25. Bring a loaf of bread when you come.
26. You did not find the book you were looking for.
27. Nobody knew what happened to Sandeep.
28. He has been meaning to talk to you about it.
29. Everything was planned perfectly.
30. I am right, aren’t I?
31. Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
32. Wait a minute, can you?
33. Have some more rice, will you?
34. Somebody has called, haven’t they?
35. There is a mosque in that street, isn’t there?

1. Shahina is the new lead, isn’t she?

2. They have confirmed, haven’t they?
3. Tharun and Varun are on their way to the airport, aren’t they?
4. Her father is a doctor, isn’t he?
5. The baby elephant that fell into the well was rescued by the locals, wasn’t it?
6. Arranging transport and accommodation for the guests had been their first
priority, hadn’t it?
7. You like cookies, don’t you?
8. Bring me some tissue papers, will you?
9. They bought a new LED television, didn’t they?
10. You have been looking for an apartment, haven’t you
11. You are free, aren’t you?
12. George broke the glass, didn’t he?
13. Your sister cooks well, doesn’t she?
14. She can swim well, can’t she?
15. Ritu and Brinha were not the best of friends from the start, were they?
16. Sheena will not be attending the ceremony, will she?
17. She would not have done that, would she?
18. They have not arrived yet, have they?
19. Buying a new car when you already had a loan wasn’t a good idea, was it?
20. Making small talk isn’t your forte, is it?
21. Balu, the bear isn’t the one that saves Mowgli from the monkeys, is it?
22. All students have not submitted their assignments yet, have they?
23. Tina had not informed the others about the change of venue, had she?
24. You cannot survive without your phone, can you?
25. Bring a loaf of bread when you come, will you?
26. You did not find the book you were looking for, did you?
27. Nobody knew what happened to Sandeep, did they?
28. He has been meaning to talk to you about it, hasn’t he?
29. Everything was planned perfectly, wasn’t it?
30. I am right, aren’t I?
31. Let’s go to the beach, shall we?
32. Wait a minute, can you?
33. Have some more rice, will you?
34. Somebody has called, haven’t they?
35. There is a mosque in that street, isn’t there?

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