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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Parent/Guardian’s Signature Over Printed Name
Senior High School Department
SY 2022-2023

Name: _______________________________________________Score:
Track/Strand: _______________________________________________________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each statement carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_____1. What article emphasizes everyone has the right to education.

a. Article 26 b. Article 24 c. Article 15 c. Article 10
_____2. What is an active involvement of the stakeholders in the community in influencing and sharing control over development initiatives,
decisions and resources that affect their lives?
a. social equity b. participatory development c. gender equality d. all of the above
_____3. What article assures everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays
with pay.
a. Article 26 b. Article 10 c. Article 24 d. Article 15
_____4. What type of social equity that ensures everyone the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness?
a. education b. environment c. economic d. justice
_____5. Which of the following aims to ensure that women and girls are able to access and enjoy, equally with men and boys, their civil,
political, economic, social, and cultural rights?
a. social equity b. participatory development c. gender equality d. all of the above
_____6. All individuals of a society are entitled to the resources of the community without comprising the resource that the whole community
depends on is called __________?
a. participatory development b. social equity c. gender equality d. all of the above
_____7. What agency is embodied with this fundamental law under Article XIII, Section 18 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
a. commission on human rights b. empowerment
c. gender equality d. gender equality
_____8. Why an action plan is systematically developed?
a. to be sure what is possible for the organization
b. to increase accountability of people in the organization
c. to turn down credibility to an organization
d. to inhibit time, energy and resources of the organization
_____9. This is one reason in the participatory development which indicates that actions are required.
a. actions impede information
b. actions eliminate sense of accomplishment
c. actions create habits leading to success
d. action inhibits sense of accomplishment
_____10. This is an element of commitment in participatory development which gives a group its strength.
a. the group acts in determination and really pay attention
b. the group fosters camaraderie, trust and care among members
c. the group tries new things, make mistakes but finds new strategy
d. all of the above
_____11. This is necessary in setting up an action plan.

a. Objectives, mission, vision, strategies, targets

b. Vision, Mission, Objectives, strategies, targets
c. Vision, Mission, Objectives, strategies, targets, proposed changes
d. Objectives, mission, vision, strategies, targets, proposed changes
_____12. This is a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual.
a. vision statement b. mission statement c. objectives c. strategies
_____13. This describes commitment of members in an organization when…
a. members act in determination, commitment and really pays attention to the need of the organization.
b. members give up easily and usually
c. members are effective in a short period of time
d. members share camaraderie and distrustful.
_____14. These are the short- and medium-term goals that an organization seeks to accomplish so it might reach its overall strategic goals.
a. strategies b. objectives c. targets and frame d. resources
_____15. It creates to support community-led projects that help community to go for a change and build character is called?
a. b. c. community initiative actiond.
_____16. The following are methods and approaches of community action except?
a. partnership building b. community profiling
c. needs assessment d. inventory
_____17. What methods and approaches that a comprehensive description of the resources that exist within that community, carried out with the
active involvement of the community itself for the purpose of developing an action plan or other means of improving the quality of life of the
a. needs assessment b. resource mobilization
c. community profiling d. action planning
_____18. The following are the standard approaches to be anchored on in terms of community action development programs except?
a. evaluation of social capital
b. resource collection
c. resource management
d. none of the above
_____19. What type of approaches talks about how the collected or procured resources should be managed and taken care of?
a. resource collection b. donations
c. resource management d. fund-raising
_____20. What methods and approaches that after the community action plan has been drafted, it is now incumbent in the program implementors
to check on the availability of the resources deemed necessary in the implementation of the activities.
a. needs assessment b. resource mobilization
c. community profiling d. action planning
_____21. It refers to the program implementation proper where the activities indicated in the community action plan are carried out.
a. program implementation b. program evaluation
c. program monitoring d. action planning
_____22. After collating the community profile and the result of the needs assessment, it is incumbent in the community action initiator/s to go
back to the community in search for a so-called core group, who could be incumbent community leaders or those who have leadership potential
and raring to be groomed for leadership. What type of methods and approaches is asked?
a. program evaluation b. Leadership Development
c. action planning d. program implementation
_____23. What type of resource collection which may come from benefactors?
a. fund-raising b. advertisement c. donations d. all of the above
_____24. Which must be properly done with particular reference to whatever amount of money donated is called?
a. donations b. inventory c. collections d. budgeting
_____25. This approach says that the community action implementors need to look into the existing community rules so as to allow a room for
adjustment for the conduct of the community action program.
a. power and leadership balance b. community profiling
c. policy reforms d. leadership development
_____26. This approach suggests that the community action implementors must have a prior knowledge about the actual status of the community
leadership and participation capability of the people as these would have an implication to the success or failure of the community action
a. community profiling b. power and leadership balance
c. leadership development d. policy reforms
_____27. When did SWOT analysis started?
a. 1960s b. 1940s c. 1950s d. 1965s
_____28. What are the standout characteristics of your community in political, economic, sociocultural, technological, and environmental
a. opportunities b. Strength c. Threats d. Weaknesses
_____29. A tool used to identify and analyze the key drivers of change in the strategic or business environment.
a. specific plan of action b. SWOT Analysis
c. PESTEL Method d. Force Field Analysis
_____30. These are factors that impede or are obstacles for positive change.
a. Driving Force b. Desired Force c. action force d. Restraining Force
_____31. Conducted by engaging people through a prepared set of questions that highlight the necessary information to be acquired.
a. Key Informant Interviews c. Focus Group Discussion
b. Sampling/Survey d. all of the above
_____32. These may include the different aspects of your community that are ripe for intervention and aid to solve and counter the weaknesses
you have indicated.
a. Strength b. Opportunities c. Threatsd. weaknesses
_____33. Aimed at gathering accurate information representative of the needs of a community.
a. Community Needs Assessment c. Community Research
b. Community Profiling d. all of the above
_____34. It needs more participation by people from specific groups that share common agenda or coming from the same background.
a. Sampling/Survey c. Key Informant Interviews
b. Focus Group Discussion d. none of the above
_____35. This may include facets of your community that you think need to be addressed or improved.
a. Strength b. Threats c. Weaknesses d. opportunities
_____36. These are factors that drive positive change.
a. action force b. Desired Force c. Restraining Force d. Driving Force
_____37. What factors are all about how and to what degree a government intervenes in the economy or a certain industry?
a. economic factors b. social factors c. political factors d. technological factor
_____38. What community action plan identifies the strengths and resources available in the community to meet the needs of
community members?
a. PESTEL b. community need assessment
c. key informant interview d. mobilize project
_____39. What type of community action plan that only way to know the community is to engage it firsthand?
a. key informant interview b. PESTEL
c. community need assessment d. mobilize project
_____40. This strategic planning method was created by Albert Humphrey in the 1960's.
a. Mobilize project b. SWOT Analysis c. Force Field Analysis d. PESTEL Method
_____41. It is used to concretize the plans into working models or improvement tasks.
a. key informant interview b. Specific Plan of Action
c. Project Impact Evaluation d. Community Needs Assessment
_____42. Community action includes a broad range of activities and is sometimes described as.
a. Community Needs b. Community Research
c. Community Engagement d. Community plan
_____43. It is where we can look and see what is missing in our community action plan.
a. Specific Plan of Action b. PESTEL method
c. Community Needs Assessment d. Project Impact Evaluation
_____44. These are any activities that increase the understanding, engagement and empowerment of communities in the design and delivery of
local services.
a. Community needs b. community plan
c. Community Action d. Community Research
_____45. What organization that have a meaning give care that aims to end poverty by first restoring the dignity of the poor?
a. Gawad kabuhayan b. Gawad kalinga
c. Gawad kalinisan d. Gawad kalikasan
_____46. What year Haribon Foundation established?
a. 1972 b. 1978 c. 1975 d. 1970
_____47. The following are Haribon foundation core initiatives except.
a. conserving sites and habitats b. energy sources
c. saving species d. empowering people
_____48. What foundation that is a non-profit, non-stock, and tax-exempt non-government organization in the Philippines established
in 1991?
a. haribon foundation b. Gawad kalinga
c. Visayan Forum Foundation d. all of the above
_____49. What Haribon Foundation core initiative that restoration of greening/planting projects, restoring of mangrove forests,
improving coastal management, among other projects in partnership with companies and private individuals?
a. empowering people b. encouraging sustainability
c. saving species d. conserving sites and habitats
_____50. What function of haribon foundation core initiatives that empower people?
a. linking with the community and society groups in creating awareness to encourage sustainability and secure the welfare of
already established protected areas.

c. training and educating the citizenry and mainstreaming its environmental initiative.
d. the restoration of greening/planting projects, restoring of mangrove forests, improving coastal management, among other projects in
partnership with companies and private individuals.

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Subject Teacher Head Teacher III OIC-Principal

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