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Dear Residence,
the purpose of this questionnaire is to find out the reality of NOISE POLLUTION in
my area. Too much people have been, either  Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL),
having sleep disturbances or having problems with stress. The questionnaire is
anonymous, so please answer as truthfully and accurately as possible. The
aggregate results will be made available when the responses of all participants
have been tabulated.
Thank you!
1. What is your age range?
14-17 18-21

2.What is your gender?

Male Female Other

3.What is your ethnicity?

African y

4.What is your religion?


5.Does noise pollution occur in your area?

Yes No

6. How often does noise pollution occur in your area ?

1-3 times a week 4-7 times a week 8+ times a week

7. which type of noise pollution is most occurring in your neighbourhood ?

8.Does noise pollution effect your daily activities?
Yes No

9.If yes, please state 0ne (1) way in which it affect you.

10.Do you think that the noise pollution affects everyone in the area?
Yes Maybe No
11.Have you ever suffered from the side effects of noise pollution stated in the
paragraph on pg(1)?
Yes No
12.Have you ever been a part of contributing to noise pollution?
Yes No

13. If yes please state what caused you to do such.


14. what do you think is the leading cause of noise pollution in your area?
15. which age range is mostly involved in noise pollution?
16-19 20-29 30+
16.Do you think persons should be persecuted or charged for noise pollution?
Yes No

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