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Provide housekeeping to the guest

 Cleaning guestrooms mid-stay and after departure.

 Making beds
 Replacing dirty linens and towels
 Restocking guestroom amenities like tioletries,dringking
glasses,ang notepads
 Removing garbage,recycling, ad room service trays
 Picking up and returning valet laundry items
2.Clean and prepare rooms for incoming guest

 Ventile the room

 Change the restock bed linens and towels
 Remove Rubbish
 Dusting
 Wipe and Disinfect High touch surfaces
 Clean the bathroom thoroughly
 Clean the mirrors and windows
 Vacuuming floors and furnitures
 Restock amenities and cosumable
 Final Check

3.Provide Valet/Butler service

Valet service is performed by the valet who is assigned for
collecting soiled linen and returning clean linen to the valet
service area for sorting, tagging.After completion of all
procedure like packing,attaching bill,the valet staff returns the
clean linen to the guest rooms.

4.Laundry Linen and Guest Clothes

 Get a basket of dirty laundry, First look through your house for
dirty laundry and place in the basket
 Sort Clothes,Second,sort through the clothes and separate the
lights and dark clothes
 Place in washer
 Add detergent
 Set wash cycle

5.Clean public areas,facilities and equipment

The cleaning includes mopping of floor,vacuuming of the
carpets regular dusting of fixture and furniture are
required.Proper dusting of equipments.Cleaning of glass and
window panel.Removing of soil linens and replacing with the
fresh linen for future use.

6.Deal with/Handle intoxicated guests

Invite the problem guest to an area away from other guest,where
you can talk.Deal with the situation in a calm,friendly
way.Speak to the person directly, and firmly explaon that what
they are doing is unacceptable at your party.Listen ad empathize
with you guest.

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