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In the de-briefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss which of the

A. his educational profile and schools attended
B. his personal circumstances such as his age, religious affiliation, address, etc.
C. his political inclination and/or party affiliation
D. his observations and experiences in the intelligence                

2. It is a natural or man-made structure or physical device which is capable of

restricting, determine, or delaying illegal access to an installation.
A. alarm                   
B. wall   
C. barrier
D. hazard                                                

3. What form of intelligence is involved when information is obtained without the

knowledge of the person against whom the information or documents may be used,
or if the information is clandestinely acquired?
A. covert                
B. overt   
C. active
D. underground                                       

4. The provincial Governor shall choose the provincial Director from a list of
___________ eligible recommended by the Regional Director, preferable from the same
province, city, municipality.  
A. three (3)   
B. five (5)
C. four (4)                                         
D. Two (2)                                             

5. In disaster control operations, there is a need to establish a ______ where

telephones or any means of communication shall  
A. ensure open lines of communication.
B. command post           
C. operations center
D. field room                                                

6. Registration of a security agency must be done at the______.

A. Securities and Exchange Commission
B. National Police Commission
C. Department of National Defense
D. PNP Criminal Investigation Group                  

7. The cheapest form of police patrol.

A. Bicycle Patrol
B. Foot Patrol
C. Motorcycle Patrol
D. Helicopter Patrol
8. Registration of a security agency as a corporation must be processed at what
particular government agency.
D. SEC                                                  

9. Minimum age requirement for security manager or operator of a security agency.

A. 25 years old
B. 30 years old
C. 35 years old
D. 40 years old                                     

10. He exercises the power to revoke for cause licenses issued to security guards.
A. Chief PNP
B. DILG Usec
C. NAPOLCOM chairman
D. DILG Secretary                                 

11. It refers to means and ways that personnel and employees making them
security conscious.
A. Security Promotion
B. Security Education
C. Security Investigation
D. Security Seminar                               

12. Industrial management must establish the first line of physical defense, it refers
A. Perimeter barriers
B. The building itself
C. Door, Locks, Window barriers
D. Entry points where security guards are located       

13. Physical security is a system of barriers placed between the potential intruder
and the object matter to be protected. As criminologists, this is simply a denial of
A. Opportunity to commit the offense
B. Opportunity to the object of protection
C. Access to the object of protection
D. Criminal instinct to surface in the potential offender

14. Perimeter barriers, protective lighting and ______ system are known in industrial
security as physical security.
A. Guarding
B. Reporting
C. Relieving
D. Accounting                                        

15. This is an additional outward inclined fixed structure usually barbed wires
placed above a vertical fence to increase physical protection from intruders of a
certain area, this is known as
A. Cellar Guard
B. Tower Guard
C. Top Guard
D. Top Tower                                         

16. The exterior and interior parallel area near the perimeter barrier of an
industrial compound to afford better observation and patrol movement is known as
A. Protective zone
B. Clear zone
C. Twilight zone
D. Patrol lane zone                                

16. Protective guarding in a compound can be done by the use of electronic

hardware, human guards and even animals. In England, an owner to protect his
compound used this and they are not only effective but also the cheapest to
maintain. This man is using
A. Doberman
B. Tame Tigers
C. Geese
D. Duck                                                  

17. If access is limited only to unauthorized personnel, this particular place is

referred to as
A. Compromise area
B. Restricted area
C. Danger area
D. Exclusive area                                   

18. A security of a plant or industrial firm is also known by other terms except
A. Robbery evaluation
B. Vulnerability
C. Risk Assessment
D. Security Audit                                   

19. Today there are 3 categories of security guards belonging to the blue army.
A. Government security guards
B. Company guards
C. Agency guards
D. Body guards                                     

20. Whether to put up its own security guard organic to the firm or hire contractual
agency guards have their individual merits and disadvantages. To determine which
type of guarding system an industrial firm will require management must consult
A. A security consultant not connected to or owning a security agency
B. A military intelligence officer
C. A police officer
D. A security agency owner                  
21. As a security officer, you can not prevent nor protect natural hazards like storm,
earthquakes, floods and the like. In order to reduce the disastrous effects of these
natural hazards you will
A. Call PAGASA and inquire when the next storm is coming
B. Alert your guards when hazards occur
C. Not take any concern of such hazards
D. Prepare a disaster or emergency plan for these hazards for the firm          

22. Practical exercise or test of a plan or activity to determine its effectiveness is

A. Sham drill
B. Fire drill
C. Dry run
D. Evacuation plan                               

23. The main reason for a personnel security investigation is

A. To weed out undesirable employees
B. To check loyalty of employees to the organization
C. To determine the character and reputation  of certain employees secretly tagged
as risks.
D. Preclude assignment to sensitive positions for those who are security risks.

24. In an industrial firm there is a need for document security. As security officer,
you can advice management on this aspect although this is not totally your
assigned work. Document security is not a protection of vital records from
A. Authorized handlers
B. Theft or loss
C. Compromise or destruction
D. Unauthorized access                            

25. As a security chief of an industrial firm, inventory shows that pilferage is

rampant in the warehouses. What will be your choice of action
A. To resign if you have failed your job
B. Deploy intelligence men in pilferage prone areas to catch the culprit
C. Prepare your protective plans and confer with management for their immediate
D. Tighten checking at exists of vehicles of the compound/complex
26. There are many types of electronic and electric protective devices available for
security buildings, storehouses and compounds. One of the ff: is true
A. Electronics/electrical devices provide total protection for the place to be
B. Types of alarms needed can best be given by the dealers of said devices
C. Each building or compound requires particular electronic/electrical
protective devices
D. Electronic/electrical devices eliminate human guards 

27. The management of keys used in plant office or business organization to

prevent unauthorized access is referred to as
A. Security key control
B. Lock control
C. key control
D. Key management                                 

28. It is defined as system of barriers placed between the matters protected and the
potential intruder
A. Computer security
B. Personnel security
C. Document security
D. Physical security

29. This type of alarm system utilizes a station located outside the compound
A. Auxiliary system
B. Proprietary system
C. Central alarm system
D. Local alarm system                              

30. It is installed as part of the building which holds up to 10,000 cubic meters of
essential items. At least 12 ft. in height with enough ventilation and fire proof of at
least one hour.
A. Protective cabinet
B. File room
C. Vault
D. Safe                                                   

31. It is the susceptibility of a plant or establishment to damage, loss or disruption

of operations due to various hazards.
A. Risk analysis
B. Risk assessment
C. Relative vulnerability
D. Relative criticality                                

32. It refers to the importance of the establishment with reference to the national
economy and security.
A. Risk analysis
B. Relative vulnerability
C. Risk assessment
D. Relative criticality

33. The association of all licensed security agencies operators

D. PAOPAD                                             

34.Who among below can own or operate security agency?

A. A Filipino citizen
B. Anyone provided he knows the job
C. An alien but living in the Philippines
D. All of them                                         

35. A licensed issued to operate security agency or company forces.

A. Business license
B. License to engage in business
C. License to operate
D. All of them                                         

36. R.A. No. 5487 governs the operation of

A. Private detective
B. Company security
C. Private security forces/agencies
D. All of them                                         

37. A fact-finding prove to determine a plant adequacy and deficiency all aspects of
security with the corresponding recommendation.
A. Security audit
B. Security survey
C. Security inquiry
D. Security operations                             

38. Barrier which includes but not limited to wall, fences, grill etc.
A. Structural barriers
B. Man made barriers
C. Physical barriers
D. Natural barriers                                   

39. One who steals due to his inability to resist the unexpected opportunity and has
little fear of detection.
A. Systematic
B. Outsider
C. Casual
D. Insider                                              

40. A barrier which includes but not limited to mountains, cliffs, ravines, cliffs,
A. Energy
B. Human 
C. Natural
D. Animals                                             

41. Issued by the security guard for personnel to be admitted to the company.
A. Duress code
B. Pass system
D. Access list                                         

42. In a close-in security formations, a one man security covers

A. 360 degrees
B. 180 degrees
C. 45 degrees
D. 90 degrees                                       
43. A mechanical device of supplying water which can be manual or motor driven.
A. Stand pipe
B. Fire extinguisher
C. Fire hydrant
D. Fire pump                                          

44. Intrusion alarm devices are designed to ______ and not prevent criminals from
trespassing and should be used normally as an independent adjunct and not a
replacement of the human guard forces.
A. Detect
B. Deterred
C. Provide
D. Impeded                                           

45. An authenticated list of personnel given to security allowing entry to compound

or installation or part thereof.
A. Pass system
C. Access list
D. Duress code                                     

46. The act or condition affecting the safe operation of the facility caused by human
action, accidental or intentional. It includes sabotage, espionage, pilferage and theft,
disloyalty, disaffection and subversive activities.
A. Electronic hazard
B. natural hazard
C. Artificial hazard
D. Human hazard                                    

47. Example of the Security Communication system.

A. Telephone
B. Paging system
C. Radio
D. All of them                                         

48. The revised rules and regulations governing the organization and operation of
private detective and private security agencies and company security forces
throughout the country.
A. Private security law
B. International law
C. Private law
D. Security law                                       

49. A metallic container used for the safekeeping of documents or small items in
an office or installation.
A. Steel cabinet
B. Drawer
C. Basket
D. Safe                                 

50. A heavily constructed fire and burglar resistant container usually a part of the
building structure used to keep and protect cash, document and negotiable
A. Basket
B. Vault
C. Steel cabinet
D. Concrete coffin                                  

51. Steal or plastic pipes located in the building from the lowest to the top floor
with water under pressure for use in case of fire.
A. Lowering pipe
B. Wet pipe
C. Top pipe
D. Stand pipe                                          

52. Who among below are exempted from pre-licensing training?

A. AFP and PNP retirees
B. Graduate of ROTC basic or advance
C. AFP and PNP veterans
D. All of the above                                  

53. Tenure of security personnel is based on

A. Can be extended by the client
B. The service contract between the agency and the client
C. Labor only contracting between the agency and the guard
D. Tenure provided by the labor code           

54. Before private security agencies render security services to its clients, there
must be a contract that must bind them, it is called
A. Contract service
B. Service contract
C. Security contract
D. Security service contract

55. Which below is a qualification for the operator or manager of security agency.
A. Commissioned officer of AFP or PNP, inactive or retirees
B. At least 25 years of age
C. Filipino citizen
D. All of them                                          

56. A security force maintained and operated by any private company for its own
security requirements only.
A. Insular security force
B. Company security force
C. Government security unit
D. Private security unit                             

57. A person who offers or renders personal services to watch or secure a

residence or business establishment or both is
A. Watchman
B. Security guard
C. B only
D. B and A                                             

58. Include all the security measures designed to prevent unsuitable individuals or
persons of doubtful loyalty to the government from gaining access to classified
matter or to any security facility and to prevent appointment or retention as
employees of such individuals.
A. Security personnel
B. Employee security
C. Personnel security
D. Both A and C                                        

59. Among the following, which is the least expensive and least secure personnel
control identification system?
A. Multiple pass system
B. Group pass and badge system
C. Spot magnetized identification pass
D. Single pass or badge system

60. Factors considered in background investigation except:

A. Integrity
B. Character
C. Personal prestige
D. Loyalty                                                

61. Motives that cause people to be disloyal

A. Character
B. Revenge
C. Moral
D. Reputation                                           

62. Weakness that makes people susceptible to pressure

A. Jealousy
B. Weakness of character
C. Close relative in foreign land
D. All of them                                           

63. A security unit maintained and operated by any government entity

A. Insular security force
B. Company security force
C. Government security unit
D. Private security agency                          

64. Any person, association, partnership, firm or private corporation, who

contracts recruits, trains, furnishes or post any security guards to do its functions.
A. Insular security force
B. Company security force
C. Government security unit
D. Private security agency                          

65. Shall be responsible to the detachment commander as far as his shift is

A. Officer in charge
B. Shift in charge
C. Security guard on duty
D. Assistant detachment commander            

66. Before a security guard can practice his profession, he shall possess a valid
security license, What is this license?
A. Firearm license
B. License to operate
C. Drivers license
D. Security guard license

67. Firearms of security agency should be covered with firearms license issued by
the PNP through its Firearm Explosive Division under the civil security group
renewable every
A. 4 years
B. 3 years
C. 2 years
D. 1 year                                                

68. The aspect of security which involves the application of security measures For
the protection and safeguarding of classified information
A. Top secret
B. Information security
C. Personnel security
D. Documents security

69. Refers to assigned information by one of the four classification categories

A. Reclassify
B. Classified
C. Declassify
D. Security clearance                                

70. Refers to the administrative determination that an individual is eligible for

access to classified matter.
A. Reclassify
B. Classified
C. Declassify
D. Security clearance

71. Means loss of security which results from an unauthorized persons obtaining
knowledge of classified matter.
A. Vulnerability
B. Criticality
C. probability
D. Compromise                                         

72. These are information and material, the unauthorized disclosure of which
would cause exceptional grave damage to the nation, politically, economically
or from a security aspect, this category is reserved for the nations closest secret and
is to be used with great reserve.
A. Restricted matters
B. Secret matters
C. Confidential matters
D. Top secret matters

73. These information and material, the authorized disclosure of which would
endanger national security, cause serious injury to the interest or prestige of the
nation or of any governmental activity or would be of great advantage to a foreign
A. Restricted matters
B. Secret matters
C. Confidential matters
D. Top secret matters                                

74. These information and material, the unauthorized disclosure of which while
not endangering the national security would be prejudicial to the interest or
prestige of the nation or any government activity or would cause administrative
embarrassment or unwarranted injury to an individual or would be of the
advantage to a foreign nation.
A. Restricted matters
B. Secret matters
C. Confidential matters
D. Top secret matters                               

75. It is information that in some special way relates to the status or activities of
the possessor and over which the possessor asserts ownership.
A. Transmission security
B. Trade secret
C. Patents
D. Proprietary information

76. It maybe a formula for a chemical compound, a process of manufacturing,

treating or preserving materials, a pattern for machine or device or a list of
A. Transmission security
B. Trade secret
C. Patents
D. Proprietary information                           

77. It is the protection resulting from the application of various measures which
prevent or delay the enemy or unauthorized persons in gaining information
through communication
A. Transmission security
B. Cryptographic security
C. Communication security
D. All of the above                                   

78. That component of communication security which results from the provisions
of technically sound crypto system and their proper use.
A. Transmission security
B. Cryptographic security
C. Communication security
D. All of the above                                   

79. A system which uses words as the smallest element.

A. Transposition system
B. Code
C. Concealment
D. Cipher                                                

80. A system that manipulate 1, 2 or 3 characters at a time.

A. Transposition system
B. Code
C. Concealment
D. Cipher                                                

81. It is the potential damage or loss of an asset.

A. Adversary
B. Risk
C. Security hazard
D. Criticality                                           

82. It is the impact of a loss as measured in financial terms.

A. Adversary
B. Risk
C. Security hazard
D. Criticality                                           

83. Eliminating or removing the risk totally from the business, government or
industrial environment for which the risk manager has responsibility.
A. Risk self-assumption
B. Risk spreading
C. Risk avoidance
D. Risk avoidance                                     
84. It is an act of spying.
A. Saboteur
B. Espionage
C. pilferer
D. Sabotage                                            

85. It is one of the most annoying and common human hazards which security has
to deal with.
A. Casual pilferage
B. Systematic pilferage
C. Pilferage
D. None of the above

86. One who steals with pre conceived plans and takes always any or all types of
items or supplies for economic gain.
A. Casual pilferage
B. Systematic pilferage
C. Pilferage
D. None of the above                                

87. A natural hazards or acts of god.

A. Calamity
B. Phenomenon
C. Disaster
D. Force majeure

88. A restricted area where visitors are limited in movement and are usually
A. Exclusive area
B. Limited area
C. Restricted area
D. Protected area                                    

89. A conference similar to entrance conference, this is only done after the
completion of security survey.
A. Entrance conference
B. Briefing
C. Debriefing
D. Exit conference

90. It is the lost that would be sustained if a given target or combination of target
where totally removed, destroyed or both.
A. Risk reduction
B. Probable maximum loss
C. Risk transfer
D. Possible maximum loss                           

91. Refers to the amount of loss a target would be likely to sustain through theft
and robbery.
A. Risk reduction
B. Probable maximum loss
C. Risk transfer
D. Possible maximum loss                           

92. A term used in England for lock pickers, safe crackers and penetrators of
restricted rooms or area.
A. Superman
B. Peterpan
C. Batman
D. Peterman                                            
93. The badge or pass coded for authorization to enter specific areas is issued to
an employee who keeps it in his possession until his authorization terminates.
A. Pass system
B. Pass exchange system
C. Single pass system
D. Multi pass system                                 

94. Company owned alarm system with a unit in the nearest police station so that
in case of need, direct call is possible.
A. Auxiliary alarm
B. Proprietary system
C. Local alarm system
D. Central station station system                

95. The system consists of ringing up a visual or audible alarm system near the
object to be protected.
A. Auxiliary alarm
B. Proprietary system
C. Local alarm system
D. Central station system

96. The premier educational institution for the training, human resource development
and continuing education of all the personnel of BJMP, BFP and PNP.

97. Under the law, the city/municipal jail warden should have a rank of __.
A. Inspector
B. Chef Inspector
C. Senior Inspector
D. Superintendent

98. The required rank for the Chief of Jail Bureau.

A. Chief Superintendent
B. Director General
C. Director
D. Deputy Director General

99. The required rank for the head of the Fire Bureau.
A. Chief Superintendent
B. Director General
C. Director
D. Deputy Director General

100. It exercise supervision and control over all city and municipal jails.
B. Bureau of Prisons
C. Department of Justice
D. Local Government

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