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A process that deals with the identity, location and arrest of a person who commits a crime and
simultaneously identify, collect, preserve and evaluate evidence for the purpose of binging
criminal offender to justice.
a. Investigation c. Investigative process
b. Criminal investigation d. Criminal inquest

2. Process of ascertaining whether the information identified, collected and preserved can stand
prosecution and trial.
a. Recognition c. Preservation
b. Collection d. Evaluation

3. Criminals are identified through, except:

a. By confession or admission by the criminal
b. By corpus delicti
c. By circumstantial evidence
d. By eyewitness

4. Coerced and uncounselled statements are considered involuntary or forced which are usually
a. Judicial confession c. Prosecutorial confession
b. Extra judicial confession d. Police confession

5. Which of the following need not be present in order toprove the guilt of the accused by means of
confession or admission?
a. Confession must be supported by corroborative evidence
b. Corpus delicti must be established separately
c. Confession must be voluntarily and freely given
d. Confession must be ratified by the judge or the fiscal

6. In this method of shadowing, operatives are station at a fixed point assuming that subject
followed the same general route each day.
a. ABC Method c. Combined Foot- Auto Surveillance
b. Progressive/ Leap Frog Method d. None of the above

7. Photographsto be taken at the scene of the crime

a. Over-All and Environment’sPhotograph
b. b. Photographs of Articles of Evidence and Photographs of the Deceased
c. Photographs of the scene of the crime operatives showing their identity
d. Special TechniquesPhotograph of the Body After Removal

8. The primary reason a finished sketch is made from a rough sketch is for:
a. scale and proportion c. future use
b. accuracy and clarity d. courtroom presentation

9. Which of the following must be done to maintain the physical integrity of evidence?
a. Evidence must be photographed and packaged
b. Evidence must be properly documented
c. Maintain its chain of custody
d. Identify, tag and seal the evidence

10. In interrogating hostile witness, it is necessary to chose place:

a. Like the home of the suspect c. inside a restaurant
b. Office of the father of the suspect d. inside a police headquarters

11. Which of the following is not one of the questioning techniques that should be adopted in
a. Chronological c. Going backward
b. General to specific d. Going upward
12. In questioning a witness, an ideal type of written statement is:
a. Narrative type because it is easier and will be short
b. Question and answer because it provides details of acts
c. Combination of the two
d. Your convenient type

13. The Golden rule in homicide investigation:

a. Never touch, alter and change the position of anything until identified, measured and
b. If article has been move it can never be restored again to its original position
c. A and B are true
d. All of the above

14. The interview of a witness can be described by the acronym IRONIC, which stands for:
a. Inquiry, Recognition, Organization, Novelty, Identity, Continuity
b. Identity, Rapport, Omnipresent, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
c. Identity, Recognition, Opening statement, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion
d. Identity, Rapport, Opening statement, Narration, Inquiry, Conclusion

15. Below are the matters that the suspect must be understood before the interrogation, except:
a. He has the absolute right to remain silent and anything he does may be used against him in
b. He has the right to have a competent and independent counsel of his own choice, present
during questioning
c. If he cannot afford an attorney one will appointed for him free of charge.
d. He has the right against self-incrimination.

16. All criminal investigation is concerned either with people or with:

a. Evidence c. Criminals
b. Things d. Crimes

17. Application of the processes of planning, organizing, directing and controlling to traffic affairs.
A. Traffic Administration C. Traffic Operation
B. Traffic Management D. Traffic Supervision

18. Detection, apprehension and penalization of traffic violators.

A. Traffic Engineering C. Traffic Economy
B. Traffic Enforcement D. Traffic Ecology

19. The entire width between boundary lines of every way or place of which any part is open to the
use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.
A. Traffic way C. Traffic units
B. Road way D. Subway

20. The Land Transportation Office (LTO) is under the :


21. It is an accident, which is always accompanied by an unidentified road user who usually flees
immediately after the said collision.
A. Hit and Run cases
B. Motor vehicle traffic accident
C. motor vehicle non-traffic accident
D. non motor vehicle none traffic accident

22. This traffic warning is really form of safety education by telling the violator that he has violated
the law and explain the hazards of such actions.
A. visual warning C. verbal warning
B. written warning D. traffic control
23. A motor vehicle used by ambassador of Singapore.
A. government C. diplomatic
B. for hire D. gate away

24. What is the general rule for the movement of vehicular traffic in the Philippines?
A. “keep to the left” C. none of these
B. “keep to the right” D. “watch out”

25. What is the combination of verbal warning and citations called?

A. Traffic rules implementation C. Citation warnings
B. Traffic consultation D. Written warnings

26. The chronological arrangement of the color of the traffic lights from the top.
A. Yellow, red, green C. Red, yellow,green
B. Green, red, yellow D. Green, yellow, red

27. Post-mortem change that is characterized by the discoloration of the body after death.
A. livor mortis C. algor mortis
B. rigor mortis D. all of the above

28. What injury would a person sustain if hit in the head with a hard object?
A. lacerated wound C. hematoma
B. incised wound D. abrasions

29. Identification of a dead body through examination of the teeth:

A. Forensic pathology C. Forensic odontology
B. Forensic chemistry D. Forensic medicine

30. This is the first that an investigator must do upon his arrival at the scene of the crime:
A. Secure the crime scene C. Interview of witness
B. Taking a picture D. Attend to emergency

31. You are Criminologist-Police Commissioned Officer who leads the execution of a valid search
warrant. Who must be present when a valid search warrant is conducted on a domicile?
A. The house owner
B. Any member of the house owner’s family
C. Two witnesses residing in the same community
D. All of the above

32. Senior Police Officer III Judean and Police Officer II Castro arrested and detained Pedro Yengco
without warrant for the crime of theft. When brought to the inquest prosecutor, the latter issued
release order for further investigation. What crime if any do the dou commits?
A. Arbitrary detention
B. Delaying release
C. Delay in the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities
D. Illegal detention

33. In attempted or frustrated homicide, the offender must have the intent to kill the victim. If there is
no intent to kill, the offender is liable for-
a. Physical injury c. Serious physical injury
b. Homicide d. Consumated physical injury

34. Under RA 8294 the use of unlicensed firearm in the commission of a crime is not considered as a
separate crime but shall be appreciated as a-
a. Mere alternative circumstance c. Qualifying circumstance
b. Mere aggravating circumstance d. Generic aggravating circumstance

35. Types of rape are, by sexual assault and:

a. Statutory c. Qualified
b. Sexual assault d. Marital
36. In what order would the steps be done by the investigator upon the finding of an evidential
cigarette butt?
1. making sketch
2. photographing
3. recording
A. 2, 1 and 3 C. 2, 3 and 1
B. 3, 2 and 1 D. 1, 2 and 3

37. What is the first action of an investigator upon arriving at a homicide scene?
A. Bring the dying victim in the hospital
B. Crime scene search
C. Witness interviewing
D. Identification of witness

38. Which among the five human senses is considered the most objective?
A. Hearing C. Tasting
B. Smelling D. Seeing

39. The taking of blood samples against the will of the defendant is considered:
A. proper, but only when a warrant is obtained
B. improper unless the defendant dies
C. a violation of the individual’s right against self-incrimination
D. permissible if taken under proper conditions

40. Called “ Exclusionary Rules on Evidence” whereby evidence obtained in violation of any of this is
inadmissible, except one.
a. Rights against unreasonable search and seizures
b. Right to privacy and communication and correspondence
c. In-custodial investigation rights and right against self-incrimination
d. Right to counsel

41. Rape by fraudulent machinations under RA 8353 can be committed either among the choices
except one.
a. Promise to marry
b. Prostitute who has not been paid as agreed
c. Person in authority who arrest another and having sex with the latter with the promise
ofrelease from custody
d. Sexual intercourse while the victim is unconscious or otherwise deprive of reason

42. Considered dormant, witnesses and suspect have ample time to null over the ramifications of the
case and to put up their respective alibis or defences.
a. Cold case c. Warm case
b. Freezing case d. Hot case

43. Types of written statements or confession.

a. Narrative c. Inductive and Deductive
b. Question and Answer d. A and B

44. The convention held in Palermo, Italy in 2000 provides that an organized criminal group must
have a membership of at least:
a. 3 or more c. 4 or more
b. 2 or more d. 5 or more

45. Organized crime differs from terrorism in terms of their:

a. Membership c. Leadership
b. Motivation d. Networking

46. The organizational structure of Mafia is:

a. Bureaucratic c. Patrimonial
b. Either of the above d. Neither of the above
47. This organizational structure of organized crime is the same of those military and police
a. Bureaucratic c. Patrimonial
b. Either of the above d. Neither of the above

48. An Asian organized crime that represent mystical symbol, an equilateral triangle representing the
heaven, earth and man.
a. Yakuza c. Triad
b. Tongs d. Born to Kill of Vietnam

49. The nexus between Organized Crime and Terrorism is becoming increasingly blurred and we see
a. Traditional Relationship c. Father and Son Relationship
b. Close Relationship d. Symbiotic Relationship

50. In an organized crime such as Mafia, the entire structure is:

a. Fear c. Terror
b. Respect d. Power

51. A profit motivated and highly capable group of persons or an enterprise organized to undertake.
a. Criminal Group c. Organized Crime Group
b. Terrorist Group d. Kidnap For Ransom Group

52. It is the attributes or quality of an organized crime wherein members eschews competition and
strive hegemony over a particular geographic area.
a. Specialization/Division of Labor c. Constitute a unique subculture
b. Monopolistic d. Governed by rules and regulations

53. A process by which assets, primarily cash derived from illegal activities are manipulated in such a
manner to make them look as if they were derived from legitimate sources.
a. Illegal Banking c. Money Laundering
b. Unlawful Financial Transaction d. All of the Above

54. A high ranking police officer who is engaged in human trafficking committed a crime of:
a. Human Trafficking c. Act that promotes trafficking
b. Qualified Trafficking d. All of the Above

55. The primary means within the Muslim world for terror organizations to “legitimately” receive.
a. Islamic c. Zakat
b. Hawala d. Money Laundering

56. The most intractable safe havens of terrorist groups worldwide.

a. Internet
b. Global media
c. Regions where ineffective governance allows their presence
d. Those created by electronic infrastructure

57. Al Qaeda is an Arabic term for:

a. Student c. Carrier of the Sword
b. The Base d. God is Great

58. When does the law enforcement agents legally subject suspected terrorist to surveillance,
interception and recording of communications?
a. Upon authorization by Anti-Terrorism Council
b. Upon a written order of the Court of Appeals
c. Upon approval by the President
d. Upon issuance of warrant by the Regional Trial Court

59. Investigation, prosecution and trial of the crime of trafficking in person is done in-
a. Open and public c. Closed-door
b. Personal d. Official capacity

60. Removal of toxic substances from the body as a result of abusing drugs:
A. Cleansing process C. Abstinence
B. Aversion treatment D. Detoxification

61. Drug addicts when under the influence of drugs are menace to the community because they:
A. Are violently insane C. Flagrantly immoral
B. Ruin their life/health D. Feel no restraint in committing crimes

62. Cocaine is from South America; ivory white heroin is from;

a. The Golden Crescent c. Hongkong
b. The Golden Triangle d. Silver Triangle

63. The 24k Gang is based in Hongkong; the Bamboo Gang is based in:
a. Italy c. Macao
b. China d. Taiwan

64. The oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world that controls the Golden Triangle.
a. Medellin Cartel c. Chinese Mafia
b. Cali Cartel d. La Cosa Nostra

65. Transhipment point of all forms of heroin in the world.

a. Japan c. Philippines
b. Hongkong d. Burma

66. The Golden Triangle is controlled by the Triad; the Columbian and Peruvian drug trafficking
was controlled by:
a. The Mafia c. Medellin Cartel
b. La Cosa Nostra d. Chinese Mafia

67. World’s number one producer of Indian Hemp.

a. India c. Columbia
b. Mexico d. Philippines

68. Hashish is 8 to 10 times stronger than the commercial trade marijuana, it is:
a. concentrated resin extracted from marijuana
b. dried flower of marijuana
c. fruiting top of the plant cannabis sativa
d. Finest and high grade leaves of marijuana plant

69. Means employed to avoid the occurrence of fire.

a. Fire Suppression c. Fire Inspection
b. Fire Control d. Fire prevention

70. Fire stage that has the highest rate of intensity.

a. Incipient c. Smoldering
b. Free burning d. Initial

71. Known as the 4th element of fire.

a. Fuel c. Uninhibited chemical reaction
b. Heat d. Oxygen

72. The process of determining the cause of fire in a particular installation.

a. Fire safety c. Fire investigation
b. Fire inspection d. Fire control

73. The first to be observed in ascertaining the cause of fire.

a. The point of origin c. The room of origin
b. The burnt pattern of ceiling d. The color of smoke and flame

74. Place in the fire scene where the fire started.
a. Kitchen c. Electrical Wire
b. Point of origin d. None

75. Is one of the 4 fundamental states of matter, the other being solid, liquid and gas.
      A. Flame                                                       
      B. Plasma  
      C. Light
      D. Smoke

76. The post-mortem examination conducted on a human body to determine cause of death is called -
A. post-mortem rigidity
B. dichotomy
C. autopsy
D. medico legal examination

77. What opium preparation is combined with camphor to produce a household remedy for diarrhea
and abdominal pain?
       A. Tincture of opium
       B. Raw opium
       C. Paregoric
       D. Granulated opium

78. The hallucinogenic alkaloid from a small Mexican mushroom used by Mexican Indians to induce
nausea and muscular relaxation is called:
       A. Psilocybin
       B. STP
       C. DMT
       D. Ibogaine

79. What is the most important constituent of opium?

       A. Morphine
       B. Heroin
       C. Codeine
       D. Cocaine

80. The presence of drug paraphernalia at the drug scene in the form of syringe and needle, tourniquet,

spoon or bottle top "cookies" and tinfoil packet reveals that the drug being administered are:
       A. tablet drugs
       B. capsule drugs
       C. liquid drugs
       D. marijuana leaves

81. The drug that is obtained from the alkaloid of the leaves of the Erythorxylon coca and the other
species of Erthroxlon Linne, or by synthesis from ecgoine and its derivatives is called:
       A. Heroin
       B. Sodium Carbonate
       C. Codeine
       D. Cocaine

82. The burning of a small quantity of the suspected substance and determining the odor or smell having
similar to burnt banana leaves or has a sweetish odor is a field test that can reveal the drug ___.
       A. Marijuana
       B. Opium
       C. Coca leaves
       D. Peyote Cactus

83. Bennies and dexies are for amphetamines; red devils and double trouble are for ___.
       A. Demerol
       B. Sulfates

       C. Barbiturates
       D. Deliriants

84. An enclosed vertical space of passage that extends from the floor to floor, as well as for the base to
the top of the building is called
       A. sprinkle evidence
       B. vertical shaft
       C. flash point
       D. standpipe system

85. An extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property.

     A. Conflagration                                              
     B. Burning 
     C. Fire
     D. Combustion

86. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal to one or more persons.
       A. non-fatal injury accident
       B. fatal accident
       C. traffic law enforcer
       D. property damage accident

87. Instrument used to open and close a fire hydrant

       A. hydrant key
       B. kilowatts
       C. key board
       D. bunch of key

88. A hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.

      A. Flame                                                 
      B. Heat    
      C. Fire
      D. Smoke

89. A person can escape from the scene of the accident on one of the following ground:
       A. offense committed is serious
       B. bringing the person to your custody
       C. bring the suspect before the court to answer a charge of 
       D. if the person is under the imminent danger

90. The basic principle behind selective enforcement in traffic control is

       A. selection of geographical areas for strict enforcement
       B. concentration of enforcement activities at peak traffic hours
       C. a shifting emphasis on different types of violations
       D. a warning rather than a citation will act as preventive measure for future violation

92. A number representing the resistance to sliding of two surfaces in contract is known as:
       A. coefficient of friction
       B. traffic jam
       C. attribute
       D. contract damage

93. Which of the following types of accident is most decreased by the installation of traffic light?
       A. Cross traffic accidents
       B. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
       C. Accidents of confusion
       D. Accidents of decision of right of way

94. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic  accidents than any other part in the area.
The Police unit  assignment to the area should.

       A. Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for violators.
       B. Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to
           caution motorist
       C. Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from view
       D. Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention to the intersection

95. All lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets EXCEPT signs set into the surface or applied upon or
attached to the pavement or curbing officially place for the purpose of regulating traffic is called
       A. warning signs
       B. traffic management
       C. traffic engineering
       D. pavement marking

96. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a parade has been ordered by his superior to allow no
cars to cross the route.  While the parade is in progress, an ambulance driver on an emergency run
attempts to drive his ambulance across the route while the parade is passing. Under these circumstances
the traffic police officer should.
       A. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact his superior and obtains decisions
       B. stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to cross the street
       C. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior's order
       D. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour which will add at least then minutes to run

96. Means on fire or very hot or bright.

      A. Flame                                                         
      B. Burning
      C. Fire
      D. Combustion

97. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained
from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails.
       A. Skating
       B. Bicycle
       C. Tricycle
       D. Motor vehicles

98. The quality of being hot or high temperature at which fuel will continue to burn for at least 5 seconds
after ignition by an open flame.
      A. Flame                                                         
      B. Heat  
      C. Fire
      D. Smoke

99. Energy is transferred from one body to another by thermal interactions.

       A. Fire
       B. Smoke
       C. Heat
       D. Ember

100. The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
      A. Flame                                                       
      B. Heat  
      C. Light
      D. Smoke


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