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This volume contains the abstracts of pa-

pers that the researchers present during

the 34th Kerala Science Congress- an an-
nual event of Kerala State Council for
Science, Technology and Environment.
Focal theme of the Science Congress is
‘Science, Technology and Innovation
for Transition to a Knowledge Econo-
my’. Presentations are grouped in 12 dif-
ferent subject areas viz. Agriculture &
Food Sciences; Biotechnology; Chemical
Sciences; Earth & Planetary Sciences;
Engineering & Technology; Environmen-
tal Sciences, Forestry & Wildlife; Fisheries &
Veterinary Sciences; Health Sciences; Life
Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physical
Sciences & Scientific Social Responsibility.

Focal Theme

Science, Technology & Innovation for Transition

to a Knowledge Economy
10- 12 February 2022 Thiruvananthapuram

Focal Theme

Science, Technology & Innovation

for Transition to A Knowledge Economy



Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram
34th Kerala Science Congress - Abstracts
Focal Theme
Science, Technology & Innovation for
Transition to a Knowledge Economy
Prof. K.P. Sudheer
Executive Vice President, KSCSTE &
President, 34th Kerala Science Congress

Dr. S. Pradeepkumar
Dr. Syam Viswanath
Dr. Samson Mathew
Dr. A. V. Raghu
Dr. M. Amruth
Dr. C. Arunan
Dr. N. S. Pradeep
Dr. S. R. Sanjeev
Er. Salini P.N.
Dr. Binuja Thomas
Dr. P. Harinarayanan
Dr. K. Vijayakumar

Layout and Design: Ashokkumar P. K.

Published by: Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment,
Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram 695 004

Disclaimer: The publishers assume no responsibility for the views, statements and
opinions expressed by the authors in this book.

ISBN: 978-81-953863-1-4
© 2022 KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala
Printed at: KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi.
Pinarayi Vijayan
Chief Minister of Kerala


I am delighted to note that Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and En-
vironment (KSCSTE) is organizing its 34th Kerala Science Congress. As our State
is transforming in to a knowledge economy in the post pandemic scenario, science
& technology innovation come out from R&D activities will play a crucial role
in the development of the State. To emerge successfully, it is important to address
the opportunities & challenges and explore the research & innovation outcomes
while transitioning to a knowledge society. In this circumstance, the selection of
this year’s Focal theme “Science, Technology & Innovation for Transition to a
Knowledge Economy” is quite appropriate and I congratulate the organizers for
choosing the relevant theme for this year’s Science congress.

I sincerely hope that the 34th KSC will serve as a platform for the budding scien-
tists, young researchers and scientists in Kerala to present their scientific research
outcomes and to their effective interactions. The results of these exercises will
hopefully support the State’s efforts to emerge into a knowledge economy. I take
this opportunity to congratulate the young researchers and budding scientists of
the state who are participating and showcasing their research in the 34th KSC. I
look forward to have fruitful deliberations and recommendations from this year’s
Kerala Science Congress, which could be made use of in the development of the

Pinarayi Vijayan
Kerala State Council
for Science, Technology and Environment


Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE)

is organizing the 34th Kerala Science Congress -an annual event of the
Council- which provides a platform for scientists, researchers, budding
researchers and students to share, discuss and disseminate their research

This year’s focal theme of Kerala Science Congress is “Science, Technology

& Innovation for Transition to a Knowledge Economy”. The theme is quite
relevant as the State leaps forward to embrace the knowledge economy
with the help of science, technology and innovation. I hope the outcome
of the discussions and interactions among scholars in the meet will help
the State in building up a Knowledge Economy unique to our State.

The researchers present their findings in 12 different subject areas viz.

Agriculture & Food Sciences; Biotechnology; Chemical Sciences; Earth &
Planetary Sciences; Engineering & Technology; Environmental Sciences,
Forestry & Wildlife; Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences; Health Sciences;
Life Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physical Sciences & Scientific Social
Responsibility. Kerala Science Congress has several highlights compared
to any other Science Congress. An important highlight of Kerala Science
Congress is the Memorial Lectures, named after great scientists and
visionaries of Kerala by eminent scientists. A new Memorial Lecture
is included commemorating Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan, the great
theoretical astrophysicist, from this year. An important component of
the Congress is the PG Students’ Interactive Session in which upcoming
researchers interact with eminent Scientists in various fields. This program
motivates and encourages the students to take up their careers in science.
The Children Science Congress is another important feature of the Kerala
Science Congress where child scientists present their research findings.

This book contains the abstracts of papers that the researchers present
during the 34th KSC. I thank all the contributors to their work mentioned
in the book. The great efforts of experts who reviewed all the papers
and judiciously chose the papers for 34th KSC are commendable. I
sincerely thank each and every member of the organizing committee for
materializing this year’s Kerala Science Congress.

I wish the 34th KSC all success.

Prof. K.P. Sudheer

Executive Vice President, KSCSTE

Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom P.O., Thiruvananthapuram, 695 004, Kerala India

Tel: 0471-254 3701-05, EVP: 254 3557, MS: 253 4605, CoA: 253 3095, Fax 0471 254 0085, 253 4605
Email:; website www.kscste,


Science, Technology & Innovation for Transition to a
Knowledge Economy
Special Lecture
Perspectives on Graphene
Prof. Sir Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov FRS
Nobel Laureate in Physics 2010
Invited Lecture
Prof. V. K. Ramachandran
Vice Chairperson, Kerala State Planning Board
Invited Lecture
S. Somanath
Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization

Dr. Thanu Padmanabhan Memorial Lecture
Theory and Experiment: The tale of two space missions
Dr. P. Sreekumar
Former Director, Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP), Bangalore
Dr. P. K. Gopalakrishnan Memorial Lecture
Knowledge Economy and Development Planning
Dr. K.N. Harilal
Former Member, Kerala State Planning Board
P.T. Bhaskara Panicker Memorial Lecture
Circular Economy: New Opportunities in Sustainable
Bio Materials—A Need of the Hour
Prof. Sabu Thomas Ph.D., FRSC
Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala
Dr. E.K. Janaki Ammal Memorial Lecture
Floristic Diversity in India: An Overview
Dr. M. Sanjappa
Former Director, Botanical Survey of India
Dr. G.N. Ramachandran Memorial Lecture
Chiral Proof Reading and its Role in Eukaryotic Evolution
Dr. R. Sankarnarayanan
Group Leader, Structural Biology, CCMB, Hyderabad


Oral Presentation
Ozone Treatments for Improving the Quality Parameters
01-01 and Surface Decontamination of Tomato 59
01-02 Vacuum Impregnation: Process Optimisation 60
Investigation on the Potential Wild Indian Bananas for
01-03 Breeding Programmes 61
Impact of Fenugreek Seeds Intake on Type-2 Diabetic
01-04 Patients 62
Optical and Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing for
Mapping Cropland Area (Paddy): A Case Study of
01-05 Kuttiyadi Command Area, Kozhikode District, Kerala 63
Plant Growth Promoting Potential of Ragi Rhizobacteria
01-06 Isolated from Attappady Hill Tract 64
Potash Solubilizing Microbes in Flood-Affected Soils of
01-07 Kerala 65
Potential Actinobacteria for Fruits and Vegetable Waste
01-08 Management 66
Vulnerability of Sesame Accessions to Phyllody at
01-09 Higher Temperature in Onattukara 67
Characterization and Management of Leaf Fleck Disease
01-10 in Sugarcane 68
01-11 Technology Capability of Coconut Enterprises in Kerala 71
Assessment of Variability in Soil Parameters Under
Different Land Use Types of Banana Cultivation: A Case
01-12 Study in Kozhikode, Kerala 72
Managing Leaf Blight of Amaranthus (Amaranthus
tricolor L.) from above and below Ground: Use of Phyl-
loplane Antagonistic Bacteria and the Root Endophytic
01-13 Fungus Piriformospora indica 73
Bacterial Endophytes for Hardening and Establishment
01-14 of Tissue Culture Banana 74
Isolation of Silicate Bacteria from Paddy Rhizosphere
01-15 and its Screening Under in vitro Conditions 75
Paenibacillus sp.—A Potential Novel Nitrogen Fixing
Bacteria for an Enhancement of Growth and Yield of
01-16 eGinger (Zingiber officinal ) 77
Parapoynx diminutalis: A Pest of Submerged Aquatic
01-17 Weed Hydrilla verticillata 78
Evaluation of Numerical Response of Amblyseius largo-
ensis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) Two Species of Tetranychus
01-18 (Acari: Tetranychidae)—A Comparative Study 79
Poster Presentation
Piriformospora indica Protects Black Pepper (Piper nigrum
01-19 L.) Plants from Piper Yellow Mottle Virus Infection 83
Beneficial Effects of the Fungal Root Endophytes
Piriformospora indica and Glomus fasciculatum on
Vegetative Growth and Fusarium Rot Management in
01-20 Small Cardamom 84
Piriformospora indica Enhances Yield Production in
Tomato and Decreases Severity of Tomato Leaf Curl
01-21 Virus in The Field 86
Investigating the Complex Microbial Symbiotic Asso-
ciations Within the Gut and Fungus Comb of Higher
01-22 Termite Odontotermes longignathus, Holmgren 87
Application of Yeast-Lactic Acid Bacteria Consortium
from ‘Dahi’ for the Development of A Novel Cereal
01-23 Based Fermented Milk Product 88
Piriformospora indica Significantly Affects Mechanisms
01-24 Involved in Mitigating Drought Stress in Rice 89
Rice Husk Ash: A Potential Soil Ameliorant for
01-25 Homestead Vegetable Cultivation 90
Biotic and Abiotic Constrains of Cabbage Cultivation in
01-26 South Kerala 91
Characterization of Humic Substances in Selected
01-27 Organic Manures and Soils 92
Biology and Developmental Parameters of Aphis gossypii
Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Chilly Plant,
01-28 Capsicum annum Under Laboratory Conditions 93
Biochemical Characterization of Lodging Resistance in
01-29 Mutagenated Rice 94
Insecticidal and Biological Activities of Four Different
01-30 Essential Oils Against Stored Grain Pests 95
Pre-Sowing Seed Invigouration with a Combination
of KNO3 and Pseudomonas Improves Germination and
01-31 Growth Parameters in Vegetable Seedlings 97
Profiling of Rice Varieties of Kerala for Amylose Content
Using Molecular Markers: An Approach Towards
01-32 Diabetes Management 98
Pegylated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Smart Nanovector
01-33 for Seed Germination and Mineral Fortification 99
Endophytic Bacillus Promotes Plant Growth and
Suppresses Web Blight (Rhizoctonia solani kuhn) Disease
01-34 of Bush Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) 100
Soil Carbon Dynamics Under Long Term Fertilization in
01-35 Rice-Rice Cropping Sequence of Onattukara 102
Piriformospora indica Helps in Establishment of TC
Banana Plantlets and Tolerance to BBrMV in Field
01-36 Condition 103
Profitability of Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.).
Schott) Grown in Coconut Gardens as Influenced by
01-37 Tillage and Nutrition 104
Productivity Enhancement in Watermelon [Citrullus
lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai] Through Fertigation,
01-38 Drip Irrigation and Vertical Training Under Rain Shelter 105
Estimation of Heterosis for Yield and Yield Attributing
Traits in Tomato (Solanum lycopersiucm L.) Under
01-39 Protected Conditions 106

Oral Presentation
Recombinant Expression of an Antimicrobial Peptide
Penaeidin From Speckled Shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros
02-01 and its Functional Characterization 111
Quorum Quenching Activity of a Novel Strain of Bacillus
02-02 velezensis and its Application in Biofilm Control 112
Production and Characterization of Antineoplastic
Enzyme L-Asparaginase from Novel Geosmithia pallida
02-03 Strain KLR04 113
Response to induction of the cellulases of Penicillium
janthinellum NCIM 1366: The expression of cellulases is
preceded by reorganization of metabolic and stress-re-
02-04 sponsive pathways and their associated regulators 114
Non Polar Extract from Polyalthia korintii Leaves Inhibits
Proliferation, Migration, Invasion and Induces Apoptosis
02-05 in Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells 115
TLX3 is a Crucial Determinant for Early Cerebellar
02-06 Patterning 117
Analysing the Microbiome of A Marine Sponge Stellata
Sp., Through Cultivation-Dependent and Cultivation-In-
02-07 dependent Approaches 118
Development of Host-Specific Bicistronic Vector System
02-08 for CRISPR/CAS-Based Genome Editing in Danio rerio 119
Characterization of an Amylase Producing Halophilic
Archaeon Haloferax mucosum MS1.4 from a Solar Saltern
02-09 in Tamil Nadu, South India 121
Machine Learning Approach for the Rapid Estimation of
Biomass Chemical Composition from FTIR Spectra for
02-10 Biorefinery Applications 123
Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Investigation and
immunological Cross-Reactivity Studies of Naja naja
02-11 (Indian Cobra) Venom from the Western Ghats in Kerala 124
Implications of Differential Hes-1 Expression in Adult
02-12 Sub-Ventricular Zone (Svz) Neurogenesis 125
Poster Presentation
Genus Level Identification of Fungal Endophytes from
02-13 Indian Mangrove Ceriops tagal 129
Yes Associated Protein—Coordinately Modulate TNBC
02-14 Cellular Fate via Lyn-Dependent EGFR Activation 130
Quantitative and Molecular Analysis of Coagulant
Property of Plants Moringa oleifera, Azhadirachta indica
02-15 and Carica papaya in Water Samples 131
Bioactivity of Alkaloid Fraction from Marine Sponges of
02-16 Kerala Coast 132
Exploration of Probiotic Properties and Antagonistic
Traits of Staphylococcus warneri Isolated from Fermented
02-17 Rice Water 133
Screening of Primary and Secondary Metabolites in
Aspergillus niger for its Application in Waste Water
02-18 Treatment 135
Association of Autophagy in Cardiac Hypertrophy: an
02-19 Insight into Use of Autophagy-Targeted Drugs 136
Dye and Metal Ion Removal Ability of Byssus Thread
02-20 Complex: A Strategic Value Addition of Mariculture Waste 138
Mechanistic Insight into the Interaction of S1 Domain
Delta and Omicron of SARSCOV2 Spike Protein with
02-21 Antibodies: A Molecular Docking and Dynamics Studies 139
Industrially Important Proteases Produced by an
Endophytic Bacillus subtilis Strain Isolated from a Marine
02-22 Macro Algae, Ulva lactuca 140
02-23 Pharmacoepigenetics of Antiepileptic Drug 141
Screening and Optimization of Antibiotics for Use in
02-24 Molluscan Cell Culture 143
Preliminary Characterisation of a Vibrio alginolyticus
02-25 Specific Lytic Bacteriophage PhPV1.3 144
Y-Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis of SY255 at
AZFc Region in Infertile Males with Sperm Abnormali-
02-26 ties 145
Symbiotic Effectiveness of Ceratobasidium Sps. on
the Seed Germination and Seedling Development of
02-27 Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume 146
Valorization of Biodegradable Waste Using Microbial
02-28 Consortium: An Alternative Panacea 147

Oral Presentation
Marine Macroalga-Derived Polygalactan-Built Metallic
03-01 Nanoparticle for Osteogenesis 151
Seaweed Polysaccharide-Based Nanoparticle with
03-02 Promising Anti-Osteoporotic Effect: An in vivo Study 152
Development of Co-rGO Supported Alloys for Enhanced
03-03 Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Solution 154
A Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based Electrochemical
03-04 Sensor for the Selective Determination of Xanthine 155
A Simple and Facile Turn on Fluorescence Sensor for the
03-05 Determination of Biliverdin 156
Electropolymer Modified Electrode as A Sensitive Vol-
tammetric Sensor for the Determination of Monoamine
03-06 Neuromodulators: Norepinephrine and Octopamine 157
Voltammetric Sensor for the Simultaneous Determi-
nation of Uric Acid, Xanthine, Hypoxanthine and
03-07 Theobromine 158
A Mechanistic Insight into Electro-Reduction of Co2 to
03-08 Ethanol by a Co-Macrocyclic Complex 159
Perovskite Nanocrystal/Squaraine Dye Composite for
03-09 Security and NIR Photography Applications 161

Poster Presentation
Effect of Structural Tuning to Enchance the Nonlinear
03-10 Optical Response of Salen Type Ni(II) Compounds 165
A Copolymer Based Voltammetric Sensor for the
Simultaneous Determination of Neuroendocrine Tumour
03-11 Biomarkers 166
A Turn-Off Fluorescence Sensor for the Detection
of Histamine Using Tryptophan-Au/Ag Bimetallic
03-12 Nanoclusters (Tryp-Au/Ag BNCs) 167
Polyether Macrolide Analogues, Marginolides A-B, from
Marine Octopus Amphioctopus marginatus: Anti-Hy-
pertensive Leads Attenuate Angiotensin-Converting
03-13 Enzyme 168
Thermally-Induced Blue to Red Fluorochromism in a
03-14 Lead-Freehybrid Halide Material 169
Thermoelectric Properties of Doped Benzodithio-
phene-Based Copolymer/Single-Walled Carbon
03-15 Nanotube Hybrids 170
Ligand Controlled Spectroelectrochemical Diversifi-
cation and Molecular Permeability in Electrochromic
03-16 Metal-Organic Assemblies 172
Thermochromic Metal Organic Complexes for Multi
03-17 State Volatile Memory and Counter Operations 173


Oral Presentation
Tracing the Precipitation Microphysics of Mesoscale
04-01 Weather Events Over Kerala 179
Spatio-Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Over India Using
Multi-Year Space-Borne Lidar Observations and its
04-02 Implications 180
Chronology and Facies of Invertebrate Fossil
Assemblages of Central Kerala Coast, South India and its
04-03 Implications on Late-Quaternary Sea-Level Changes 181
Petrogenesis of Charnockites in the Western Parts of
04-04 Palghat-Cauvery Shear Zone, Southern India 182
Prediction of Tropical Cyclones Over the Indian Seas
04-05 Using a Weather Prediction Model COSMO 183
A New Water Extraction Technique for Wetlands Using
04-06 Sentinel 2 MSI Image 185
Geospatial Evaluation of Groundwater Conditions in a
04-07 HighLand Local Body, Thrissur District, Kerala 186
Poster Presentation
Spatiotemporal Variation of Atmospheric Water Vapour
04-08 over Indian Monsoon Region Using Satellite data 189
Variability of Ocean Features and the Frequent
04-09 Occurrence of Tropical Cyclones Over the Arabian Sea 189
Chemical Denudation of Mountainous Catchments
in Southern Western Ghats A case study using hydro
04-10 chemical tools and modelling 190
Observations of Radar Bright Band Features of Meso-
scale Convective System by Using C-Band Polarimetric
04-11 Doppler Weather Radar 192
Paleo-Drainage Network Identification in Central Kerala
04-12 Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning 193


Oral Presentation
Technology Development and Adaptation of Geopoly-
05-01 mer Concrete 197
Instantaneous Autonomous Self-Healing in Ionic Liquid
05-02 Modified Bio-Epoxy Resin 199
Climate Change Impact Assessment on Stream Flow
05-04 Over Vamanapuram River Basin 200
05-05 Transient Analysis and the Risk in A Pumping Main 201
Real-Time Monitoring of Curing Process of Fast Drying
05-06 Epoxy Resin Using Dynamic Laser Speckle Imaging 202
05-07 Traffic Operation Plan for Erode City 203
05-07 Development of Mobility in Attingal Town 204
Planning for Resilient Transport Infrastructure in a
05-08 Disaster-Prone Area – A Case Study of Munnar Region 205
Traffic Prediction Modelling for Major Highways in
05-09 Kerala 206
GetMap App – A GIS Based Android Application for
05-10 Road Data Collection 207
Calibration of HDM-4 Distress Models for a National
05-11 Highway 209
Poster Presentation
Prediction of Water Quality in the Upper Stretch of
05-12 Pamba River Using Water Quality Model 213
Effect of Thermal Pre-Treatment On Biogas Yield and
Pathogen Removal During Anaerobic Digestion of STP
05-13 Secondary Sludge 214
A Modular Onsite Waste Water Treatment System for
05-14 High Strength Greywater 215
Cryogenic Chilldown Experimentation Through Coated
06-15 Transfer Lines 217
06-16 Parametric Sensitivity Studies in a SSR FCC Unit 218
A Study on Strength Behavior of Red Soil Stabilized with
06-17 Different Additives 220
Polydimethylsiloxane/Conducting Polymer Composites
06-18 for Triboelectric Applications 221
Thermal Performance Investigation on Corrugated Plate
06-19 Heat Exchangers 222
05-20 Terrain Adaptive Position Changing E-Bike 223
Energy Optimization on Electricity and Transport Usage
05-21 in Seafood Processing Units 225
Evaluation of the Scope of Microalgae Based Wastewater
05-22 Bioremediation in A Polluted Urban Canal 227
An Introduction to the Advancement of Conventional
Chatbots in Malayalam Using Hybrid Approaches
for Delivering the Social Security Schemes of Kerala
05-23 Government 228
05-24 Electric Vehicles - Opportunities and Future for Kerala 229
Automatic Generation of Text from Indian Sign Lan-
05-25 guage Static Images for Communication and Research 230
Assessing the Role of Feeder Service for Encouraging
05-26 Public Transport Patronage – A Review 231
Mobility Pattern Variations Due to Covid-19 Travel
05-27 Restrictions 237
Oral Presentation
Open Burning of Municipal Solid Wastes and Human
06-01 Health Impacts – A Critical Study in Indian Context 241
Conservation and Management Studies of Selected
06-02 NTFP Plants of Western Ghats:A Participatory Approach 242
06-03 Diversity and Seasonality of Odonates in Kole Wetlands 243
ATR-FTIR and HRMS Analysis of Dust from Different
06-04 Indoor Environments in A Tropical Metropolitan Area 243
Assessment of Environmental Conditions and Determi-
nation of Ecosystem Health Score of an Urban Wetland
06-05 in Kerala 244
Thermal Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon Under
Continuous Teak Rotations in the Midland Laterites of
06-06 Kerala 246
Occurrence, Distribution and Ecological Risk Assess-
06-07 ment of Microplastics in the Ashtamudi Wetland, Kerala 247
Are We Exposed to Emerging Contaminants Through
Drinking Water? A Study of Rooftop Plastic Drinking
06-08 Water Storage Units 248
Development of Thermally Stable Coir Fibre Using
06-09 Eco-Friendly Bio Extracts of Spinacia oleracea 249
Development of Neutral and Adaptive Genomic Markers
06-10 for Management of Santalum album Linn. 250
Design and Development of Innovative Batch and Flow
06-11 Based Sorbent Systems for Bromate Removal from Water 251
The Inevitable Role of Rhizophora Species in Carbon
Sequestration: A Case Study from Kannur District,
06-12 Kerala 253
Heavy Metal Scavenging of Carbon Nano Tubes
06-13 Deciphered from Forest Floor Humic Acid 254
Diurnal Flux in CO2 Associated with Growth Response
of Terminalia cuneata Roth. And Mimusops elengi L. Under
06-14 Controlled Growth Conditions 255
Impact Evaluation of Renovated Ponds in Palakkad
06-15 District 256
Causes and Consequences of Intensive Climate Change
06-16 on Kerala During the Recent Decades 257
Specimen Matters for Diagnosis-Tackling The Menace of
06-17 Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes Virus Infection 258
Assessment of Biochemical Composition and Organic
06-18 Matter Quality of Beypore Estuary, South West India 259
Landfill Site Suitability Analysis Using Geospatial Tech-
niques and Analytical Hierarchy Process in Pudussery
06-19 Panchayat, Palakkad District, Kerala, India 261
Monitoring the Soil Phytolith and its Dynamics in
06-20 Natural and Manmade Ecosystems 262
Poster Presentation
Genome Wide and Genic Markers to Study Adaptive
06-21 Genetics in Korthalsia laciniosa 265
Cost Effective Treatment of Chloride Contaminated
Effluent from Gelatin Industries Via Friedel’s Layered
06-22 Double Hydroxide Formation 266
High Energy Faceted Superhydrophilic Anatase TiO2 for
06-23 Self-Cleaned Anti-Fog Wind Shields 267
Ecosystem Based Approach in Aquaculture can be
Adopted by Regulating Three Critical Environmental
06-24 Processes 268
Groundwater Quality in Coastal Regions of Northern
06-25 Kerala with Special Reference to Saline Water Intrusion 269
Population Dynamics and Histopathological Effects
of Potentially Toxic Bloom Forming Cyanobacterium
Microcystis aeruginosa from Aquatic Ecosystems of
06-26 Central Kerala (South India) 270
Anthropogenic Impact on Carbon Neutrality Towards
the Interaction Between Socio Economic Sectors and
06-27 Climate 271
Callitriche L., Unveiling an Unrecognized Genus from
06-28 Kerala 273
Assessment of Total Carbon Content of Pneumatophores
06-29 from Selected Mangrove Wetlands of Kannur District 274
Short Term Variability of Benthic Diatoms of Cochin
06-30 Estuary- Southwest Coast of India 275
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variation of Urban
Heat Island in Palakkad Municipal Area Using Various
06-31 Remote Sensing Indices 276
A Green Bio-Economy Through Microalga - Scenedesmus
Spp. Potential Species for Biodiesel Production, Bioactive
06-32 Molecule and Bioremediation 278
Effect of Substrate Inoculum Ratio on the Anaerobic
Degradation of Sugarcane Bagasse for Biogas Production
06-33 and Natural Fibre Extraction 279
Extraction and Enumeration of Microplastics from the
Soils of Mangalavanam Bird Sanctuary – A Protected
06-34 Mangrove Forest in Kerala, India 280
Geo Chemical Variations in Contrasting Ecosystems of
06-35 the Southern Western Ghats 281
Effect of Bio Control Agents on Post-Harvest Disease
06-36 Management and Organoleptic Properties of Banana 282
Cyanobacteria as Indicators of Water Quality, A Case
06-37 Study in Chaliyar River, Kerala 283
06-38 Miyawaki Afforestation, A Solution at Local Level? 284
06-39 An Evaluation of Lejeuneaceae on Phorophytes 285
Phylogrouping and Determination of Antimicrobial
Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolates from Faeces of Sloth
Bears (Melursus ursinus) in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary,
06-40 Kerala. 286
Effect of Sub-Micromolar Concentrations of Cadmium
and Lead on the Diversity and Carbon Utilization
Pattern of Bacteria in the Water Column of Cochin
06-41 Estuary 287
Investigation on Temporal Dynamics of Two Populations
06-42 of Hopea racophloea Dyer of the Western Ghats 288
Distribution Pattern of Marine Seaweeds in the Coastal
06-43 Region of Kannur District, Kerala 289
Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology in Karamana-
06-44 Neyyar River Basin 291
Germplasm Conservation of Wild Relatives of Cultivars
06-45 from the Andaman Archipelago Outside the Islands 292
Isolation and Characterization of Bioluminescent
Bacteria andits Application in Mercuric Chloride
06-46 Toxicity Testing in Soil 293
Taxonomic and Functional Heavy Metal Resistome
Profiling of Mangalavanam Mangrove Ecosystem and
06-47 Comparative Analysis Across Other Tropical Ecosystems 294

Effective Adsorption and Removal of Phosphate from

06-48 Aqueous Solutions by Calcined Friedel Salt 295

Deep Learning-Based Landslide Hazard Prediction in

06-49 Southern Kerala 297

Seasonal Variations in Physico Chemical Parameters and

Nutrient Dynamics in Ashtamudi Estuary, A Ramsar
06-50 Site, South West Coast, India. 298
Oral Presentation
Molecular and Functional Characterization of a Histone
H2A-Derived Antimicrobial Peptide, Hipposin from
07-01 Milk Fish Chanos chanos 303
In vitro Culture and Characterization of A Cell Line
from the Spinecheek Anemone Fish Premnas biaculeatus
07-02 (Bloch, 1790) 304
The Genomic Dissection of Diversity among Native
Goats of Kerala Farmed under Small Holder Production
07-03 System 306
Genetic Evaluation of Crossbred Cattle of Kerala for
07-04 Fertility and Production Performances 307
Viral Disease Profile of Fish Culture in Kerala: Molecular
07-05 Epidemiology During 2019-21 308
Post- Mortem Diagnosis of Rabies in Animals Using
Microchip-Based RT-PCR on Nuchal Skin Specimens for
07-06 Scaling up Rabies Surveillance 309

Primary Hemocyte Culture of Penaeus monodon: An In vitro

Model for Shrimp Virus Investigations and Development
07-07 of Antiviral Chemotherapy 310
Immobilized Bacillus cereus MCCB101 as a Bio-Augmen-
tor Preparation to Support Ecosystem-Based Approach
07-08 in Aquaculture 312
Application of Endophytic Penicillium citrinum Extract to
07-09 Control Vibrio harveyi in Penaeus monodon Culture System 313
Poster Presentation
Growth Performance and Survival of Guppy (Poecilia
reticulata) In Response to Chitosan Flocculated Marine
Microalga Picochlorum maculatum MACC3 Supplemented
07-10 Diets 317
Influence of Designer Diet and Holy Basil (Ocimum
07-11 sanctum) Leaves on Serum Lipid Profile of Layers 318
Molecular Characterization Demonstrates the Occur-
rence of Phylogenetic Similar Isolates of V. alginolyticus
07-12 and V. parahaemolyticus in Aquatic Environment 319
Multidrug Resistant Edwardsiella tarda in Goldfish,
Carassius auratus: A Crisis for Concern in Ornamental
07-13 Fish Industry 320
Improvisation of Seed Production Technology of
Scampi Through Probiotic and Immunostimulant-Based
07-14 Interventions 322
Feeding Habits of the Deep-Sea Pandalid Shrimp, Ple-
sionika semilaevis, Spence Bate, 1888 from the Southwest
07-15 Coast of India 323
Food and Feeding of Deep Sea Penaeid Shrimp,
Metapenaeopsis andamanensis Wood-Mason, 1891, Along
07-16 the South West Coast of India 324
Shell Grit as Free Choice Calcium Source for Gramasree
07-17 Male Birds 325
In Search of Anti-Vibrio Activity in Commonly Seen
07-18 Plant Species in the Region 326
First Report on Streptococcus agalactiae Involvement in
the Mortality of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia
07-19 (GIFT) In Kerala, India 327
Environmental Impact Study of Aquaculture Systems
07-20 Through Life Cycle Assessment 328


Oral Presentation
Evaluating the Diagnostic Potential of Liquid Biopsy by
08-01 Next Generation Sequencing in Oral Tongue Carcinoma 333
Glucose Oxidase – Peroxidase Incorporated Alginate
Diamine Peg-G-Poly(PEGMA) Xerogels for Diabetic
08-02 Wound Healing 334
08-03 Is Kerala Treating Its Migrant Labourers Well? 335
Yoga Reduces Hypercholesterolemia by Down Regulat-
08-04 ing Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Immunophilins 336
Immunohistochemical Profiling of p53 Mutation Status:
08-05 A Propitious Approach for TNBC Prognostication 337
Telomere Independent Nuclear and Mitochondrial Func-
tions of Human Telomerase (h TERT) in the Regulation
08-06 of Cell Cycle and Cell Death 338
Wound healing and tissue regeneration activities by
08-07 Thottea siliquosa leaf essential oil and its nanoparticles 340
siRNA and Anti-Neoplastic Agent Tethered Gold
Nanosystem: A Promising in vivo Co-Delivery System
08-08 for Breast Cancer Management 341
Poster Presentation
Effect of the Anti-Fungal Agent, Fluconazole, on
08-09 Reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster 345
Bioactivity-Guided Isolation of α-Glucosidase and
08-10 α-Amylase Inhibitors from Cassia mimosoides L. 346
Determining the Effects of High Glucose on Placental
Glucose Transporters and Insulin Receptors Using
08-11 HTR-8/SVneo Cells 347
Alginate-PEG-Starch Inspired Templates for Guided
08-12 Cardiac Tissue Engineering 348
08-13 Salutary Attributes of Probiotic Human Gut Lactobacilli 349
Genomic Screening of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian
08-14 Cancer; its Interpretation and Counselling Challenges 350
In Silico Evaluation of Some Potentially Active Natural
Phytochemicals as Effective Antiviral Agents on the
08-15 SARS-CoV-2 Mpro 351
Oral Presentation
Antimicrobial Peptides from Sin Croaker, Johnius
09-01 dussumieri 355
Sulfated Polyglucosaminopyranosyl Arabinopyranan
from Seafood Amphioctopus neglectus Attenuates
09-02 Angiotensin-II Prompted Cardiac Hypertrophy 356
Targeting NRF2 Mediated MDR Regulation in Cancer
09-03 Stem Cells Using RXRA Agonist Bexarotene 357
In silico Investigation of Anti-Dengue Lead from Annona
09-04 reticulata Linn. 358
Comparative Study of Antimicrobial Activity and
Phytochemical Analysis of Lagenandra toxicaria Dalz. and
09-05 its Endophytic Fungus 359
Faunal Diversity of Anopheles (Diptera : Culicidae)
in North Malabar and its Possible Role in Malaria
09-06 Transmission in the Future. 360
Screening of Marine Diatoms for Hydrocarbons of
09-07 Biofuel Significance 361
Cyclophilin A Impairs Efferocytosis and Advances
09-08 Atherosclerotic Lesions 362
Rice Straw Ethanol: Evaluation of Pretreatment Method
and the Performance of Low-Cost Commercial Acid
09-09 Cellulases 363
Antibiotic-Active Heterotropic Firmicutes Sheltered in
Seaweeds: Can They Add New Dimensions to Future
09-10 Antimicrobial Agents? 365
A Review of the Genus Spilomena Shuckard (Hyme-
noptera: Crabronidae) with the Description of Six New
09-11 Species from India 366
Antioxidant Effect of A Glutathione Enriched Polyherbal
09-12 Formulation on Experimental Diabetic Model 367
Growth Enhancement of Cardamom Upon Root
09-13 Colonization by Endophytic Fungus Piriformospora indica 368
Effect of Nutritionally Rich Microalgal Species on
Growth, Survival and Reproduction of Copepod Oithona
09-14 rigida 369
Antimalarial and Antimicrobial Potentials of a Marine
Actinomycete Nocardiopsis synnemataformans MCCB 972
09-15 Isolated from an Arctic Fjord. 370
In vitro Anti-Inflammatory activities and GC- MS
Profiling of Essential Oil from Thottea siliquosa (Lam.)
09-16 Ding Hou, An Ethnomedicinal Plant 371
Screening and Isolation of Cold Active Lipase Producing
09-17 Strain for Biodegradation of Lipid Rich Wastes 372
Contact Toxicity and Fumigation Effects of Methanolic
Extracts of Annona squamosa, Syzygium aromaticum and
09-18 Citrus aurentifola Against Sitophilus oryzae 374
New Records of Pemphredonid Wasps (Hymenoptera:
09-19 Crabronidae) from Kerala with an Updated Checklist 375
Nitela latreille, 1809 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae:
Crabroninae): First Record from India and a New Record
09-20 from Kerala State 376
First Record of Methocha taprobane Krombein (Hymenop-
09-21 tera: Tiphiidae: Methochinae) from India 377

Poster Presentation
Marine Endophytic Actinomycetes as Potential
09-22 Producers of Industrially Important Enzymes 381
Bioactive Potential of Endophytic Fungi from Marine
09-23 Seagrass Thalassia hemprichii of Lakshadweep Islands 382
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Trichopus zeylanicus subsp.
09-24 travancoricus Accessions Using SCoT Markers 383
Genome-Wide Analysis of Clinical Staphylococcus
aureus Isolate Reveals the Presence of a Strain-Specific
Integrated Resistance Plasmid with Antibiotic Resistance
09-25 Genes 384
Phenology, Seed Development and Seed Storage in
09-26 Mesua ferrea L., a Medicinal Tree of Indo-Malayan Region 385
s Mycobiont of Mangrove, Avicennia officinali as a
09-27 Source of Anticancer Enzyme L-Asparaginase 386
Global Climate Change Poses a Threat of Malaria
09-28 Transmission in Coastal Kerala, India 388
Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Merremia
vitifolia (Burm F.) Hallier (Convolvulaceae) Leaf Extract;
Comparing the Effectiveness of Larvicidal Activity on
N-Hexane Extract Against Aedes albopictus L. (Diptera:
09-29 Culicidae) 389
Modulation of Microbial Virulence by Activated Furan
09-30 Compounds 390
Microplastic as A “Macro” Concern – Problems and
09-31 Solutions 391
09-32 Silibinin’s Inhibitory Activity on Bacterial Gelatinases 392
Lipofection-Mediated Gene Delivery and Transgenic
Expression of DSRED2 in The Primary Cell Culture from
09-33 the Crustacean Model Daphnia pulex 393
A Study on Climate Change Impact on Selected Three
Endemic and Threatened Trees: Implications and
09-34 Adaptive Strategies 394
Copepods Infecting the Fishes of North Malabar Coast of
09-35 Kerala: Diversity, Occurrence and Fecundity 395
Fruit Morphology and Nutritional Content of Frugivore
Dispersed Trees: Identifying Drivers for the Foraging
Preferences of Fruit-Eating Birds and Animals in Shola
09-36 Forest of Western Ghats, India 396
Hormone Receptor Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Cells:
Understanding The Receptor Dynamics in Hormone
09-37 Resistance. 398
Phytochemical Investigation of the Indian Pitcher Plant,
09-38 Nepenthes khasiana 400
Understanding Mangrove Salt Tolerant Strategies Using
09-39 Anatomical Traits 401
Thismia (Thismiaceae): A Fungal-Like Flowering Plant
09-40 Often Neglected by the Taxonomists 402
Diversity of Endemic, Threat Category of Plant Species
09-41 of Chemunji Hillock, Agasthyamala, Western Ghats 403
Comparative Screening of Jacalin and Anticancer
09-42 Activity In Wild and Cultivar Varieties of Jackfruit 404
Genotoxic Study of Clerodendrum infortunatum L. in
09-43 Human Lymphocyte Culture Using CBMN Assay 405
A Study on Indian Spalangiinae (Hymenoptera:
09-44 Pteromalidae) with New Records to Kerala 406


Oral Presentation
Microstructure of Kerala State Open Market Borrowings:
10-01 A Statistical Study 411
Differential Quadrature Method to Numerically Approx-
imate the Solution of Two-Dimensional Telegraph
10-02 Equation 412
Identification of Differentially Expressed Gene in Covid-
10-03 19 Gene Expression Data 413
Poster Presentations
10-04 The Legacy of Kerala Mathematics 417
New Record Based Transmuted Exponentiated Inverse
Weibull Distribution and its Applications to Covid-19
10-05 Data 417
10-06 Radon Transformation and Its Applications 418


Oral Presentation
Assessment of Natural Radioactivity Levels in Rocks ദf
11-01 Kuthiran Tunnel and Hills, Kerala, India. 421
Charge Radii of Thorium Nuclei Lying Between the Drip
11-02 Lines 422
A Simulation Study on Enhanced Electromagnetic
11-03 Interference Shielding in Multilayered Composites 423
Luminescent Polymer Composite Film Made of Glucose
Derived Carbon Dots Embedded into Polyvinyl Alcohol
11-04 Matrix for The Detection of Pb2+ In Water. 424
Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) Films Based on
PEO-PVdF-LiNO3-Al2O3 for the Development of Next
11-05 Generation all Solid-State Li-ion Cells 425
On-Demand Assembly of Au NPs Over Solid Surfaces
from Sessile Droplets by Thermoplasmonically-Con-
11-06 trolled Liquid Flow 426
Electrochemical Detection of Imidacloprid Using MoS2
11-07 Nanowire Cluster Modified Electrodes 427
Facile, Low-Cost Hydrothermal Synthesis of Plasmonic
Ag/β-Ga2O3 Nanohybrids with Enhanced UV-VIS-NIR
Absorption - A Promising Candidate for Solar-Powered
11-08 Environmental Remediation and Fuel Production. 428

Energy Efficien WO3-x Thin Films by Rf Magnetron
11-09 Sputtering for NIR Shielding Application 430
Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets for Efficient
11-10 Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction 431
The Main Radioactive Decay Modes of Super Heavy
11-11 Nuclei290120 432
Dual Functional Exciplex with A Simple Device Design
for Blue, Yellow and White Organic Light Emitting
11-12 Diodes 433
Effect of Co and Ni Dopant on Boosting the Thermoelec-
11-13 tric Properties of CuO for Heat Energy Harvesting 434
Room Temperature Ammonia Sensors Using
11-14 Morphology-Controlled Organic Field-Effect Transistors 435
Modelling the Knot Emissions of Active Galactic
11-15 Nuclei(AGN) Jets 436
Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Organic
11-16 Thermoelectric Generator 437
Poster Presentation
Unravelling Phonon Assisted Thermographic Response
in Eu3+ Activated Sr2NaMg2V3O12 for Dualmode
11-17 Temperature Sensing 441
High-frequency EMI Shielding and Microwave Absorp-
tion in Mayenite Electride (C12A7:e-) with the Smallest
11-18 Anions, Induced Porosity and Graphene Interfaces 442
Study of Central Light Distribution in Nearby Early Type
11-19 Galaxies Hosting Nuclear Star Clusters 443
Novel Ways to Access Lower Energy Levels in GaAsBi
11-20 Quantum Well Pin Diode 444
Hydrothermally Synthesized Van Der Waal Layered
11-21 Structure of 2D WS2 for TFT Application 445
Synthesis and Characterization of Mn-doped MoS2 for
11-22 Electrochemical Sensing of Folic Acid 446
Copper Oxide Doped Polyaniline as A Bifunctional
11-23 Interlayer for Performance Enrichment of Li-S Cells 447
Improved Optical Limiting Property of Carbon Wrapped
11-24 Zinc Sulfide Core-Shell Nanostructures 448
Nd: YAG Laser Ablated Non-Hazardous Platinum-Gold
Alloy Nanoparticles for Catalytic Degradation of
11-25 Methylene Blue Dye 449
All-Optical Diode Action from Nonlinear Photonic
11-26 Crystal/Metal Hybrid Structure 450
Monte Carlo Simulation and Validation of Beam
Characteristics of 10MV Flattening-Filter-Free Photon
11-27 Beam of Truebeam® Medical Linear Accelerator. 451
Modification of Optical and Structural Properties of PCD
11-28 Deposited ZnSe Nanostructured Thin Films 452
Pairing Correlations in The Isotopes of Cobalt in the
11-29 Light of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory 453
11-30 Two Proton Decay of 19Mg, 22Si, 26S, 30Ar Isotopes 454
Liquid-Liquid Interface Decorated with Self-Assembled
11-31 Au NPs Array As An Optofluidic Modulator 456
Elucidating the Multifunctionality of NaGdMgTeO6:Eu3+
Double Perovskite in Ratiometric Thermometry and
11-32 Solid-State Lighting 457


Oral Presentation
Development of an Equipment for Sustainable Bark Har-
vesting of NTFP Yielding Trees with Special Emphasize
12-01 on Machilus macrantha (Nees) Kosterm. 463
Effective Counterfeit Currency Blocking System by AI
12-02 and Statistics. 464
Smart Learning Environment in a Knowledge Economy
12-03 Through Multiple Intelligences Based Multimedia 465
“MOZHI” – An Audio-Visual Malayalam Speech
12-04 Database 466
12-05 A Study on the Various Preschool Systems in Kerala 467
Nudge and Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Case
12-06 Study on Forest Dependent Tribal Community 469

Poster Presentation
Data: Of The People, By The People, For The People.
Ownership, Privacy and Consumption of Data in A
12-07 Knowledge Economy 473
Identification of Plant Extracts with Cytotoxicity Against
12-08 HT-29 Colorectal Cancer Cell Line 474
An Integrated Citizens’ Observatory: A Practical
12-09 Approach from a Fast Growing City in India 475
Virtual Water Foot Print of Major Imported Agricultural
12-10 Commodities of Kerala—A Case Study 476
Illuminating Fuel Oil from Garcinia gummi-gutta Seeds:
12-11 An R&D Innovation of Social Relevance 477
A Bioinformatics Approach for the Development of
Plant Based Molecules for Use in the Treatment of
12-12 Rheumatoid Arthritis, a Chronic Inflammatory Disorder 478
Focal Theme Session
Science, Technology & Innovation for
Transition to a Knowledge Economy
Focal Theme Session Special Lecture
Prof. Sir Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov FRS
Nobel Laureate in Physics 2010
of ferromagnetic walls, monitored
heartbeats of individual bacteria and
mimicked gecko’s adhesion mecha-
nism. His breakthrough moment was
the discovery of graphene.

Novoselov is now widely recognised

to be one of the pioneers in this field
(as a number of international awards
prove) and, together with Prof. Geim
FRS, leads research on various appli-
Sir Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov
cations of this new material ranging
is a Russian-British physicist, and Tan
from electronics, photonics, com-
Chin Tuan Centennial Professor
posite materials, chemistry, etc. Prof.
at the Centre for Advanced 2D
Novoselov is strongly committed to
Materials, National University of
disseminating science through public
Singapore. He is also the Langworthy lectures and media interviews.
Professor in the School of Physics
and Astronomy at the University of Novo s e l ov h a s p u b l i s h e d 3 7 6
Manchester. His work on graphene peer-reviewed research papers on
with Andre Geim earned them the several topics including mesoscopic
Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. superconductivity, subatomic move-
Kostya Novoselov’s research interests ments of magnetic domain walls, the
cover a wide range of topics from discovery of gecko tape and graphene.
mesoscopic superconductivity and fer- Novoselov is one of Directors of the
romagnetism to materials science and National Graphene Institute and
biophysics. He studied vortex struc- sits on the International Scientific
tures in mesoscopic superconductors, Advisory Committee of Australia’s
ARC Centre of Excellence in Future
observed atomic-scale movements
Low-Energy Electronics Technolo- the most highly cited researchers. He
gies. Novoselov is also a recipient of was also named among the 17 hottest
a starting grant from the European researchers worldwide—’individuals
Research Council. In 2014 Kostya who have published the greatest num-
Novoselov was included in the list of ber of hot papers during 2012–2013’.

Perspectives on Graphene

Focal Theme Session Special Lecture


Prof. Sir Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov FRS

Graphene is considered as one of the most exciting and widely used

materials for research and technology. Known as the wonder material,
it's a broad name with differences in structure, morphology or even
sometimes chemical composition. The path from lab to commercialisation
involves the exploration of a range of its properties and uses. In this talk,
Nobel prize winning physicist, Prof. Sir Konstantin (Kostya) Novoselov,
shares his thoughts and views on the future of this emerging material
and its applications.
Focal Theme Session Invited Lecture

Prof. V. K. Ramachandran
Vice Chairperson, Kerala State Planning Board

Prof. V.K. Ramachandran

Prof. VK Ramachandran has previously served as the Head

and Professor of the Economic Analysis Unit at the Indian
Statistical Institute. His areas of interest are research in
development economics, agrarian relations, agrarian issues,
rural development, labor issues in the Indian economy, class,
caste, tribe, gender discrimination and other forms of social
oppression in India. He is the editor of the Review of Agrarian
Focal Theme Session Invited Lecture
S. Somanath
Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization

S. Somanath
S. Somanath is Chairman, ISRO and an expert in system engineering of Launch
vehicles. Shri. Somanath assumed charge as Secretary, Department of Space and
Chairman, Space Commission after a stint of four years as the Director, Vikram
Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananathapuram. He also served as the
Director of Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Valiamala, for two and
half years. He is the recipient of the ‘Space Gold Medal’ from the Astronautical
Society of India. He received the ‘Merit Award” and ‘Performance Excellence
award’ from ISRO and a ‘Team excellence award’ for GSLV Mk-III development.
He is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), a Fellow
of the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), Astronautical Society of India (ASI),
and a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Astronautics
(IAA). He is in the bureau of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF)
and a recipient of the National Aeronautics Prize from the Aeronautical Society
of India (ASI).
Somanath is known for his contributions to launch vehicle design, particularly
in the areas of launch vehicle systems engineering, structural design, structural
dynamics, and pyrotechnics. He has published papers in journals & seminars
in structural dynamics and control, dynamic analysis of separation mecha-
nisms, vibration & acoustic testing, launch vehicle design, and launch services
Memorial Lectures
Dr. Thanu Padmanabhan Memorial Lecture

Dr. P. Sreekumar
Former Director, Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP),

Dr. P. Sreekumar

Sreekumar is currently the Satish Dhawan Professor at ISRO Headquarters.

Dr. Sreekumar had officiated at various capacities as the Div. Head /
Group Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore; Former Director of the
Indian Institute of AstroPhysics (IIAP), Bangalore, Research scientist for
10 years at Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, USA and Co-PI of India’s
first dedicated astronomy observatory, ASTROSAT.
Dr. Sreekumar is an expert in Space Science payload design and develop-
ment; X-ray ML optics; solar coronal abundance, extragalactic gamma-ray
background, emission from active galactic nuclei; lunar science. He has
been the Principal Investigator of payloads on lunar missions and currently
participates as member/Chair of many review committees, linked to Space
Science missions of ISRO. He is also part of many senior-level manage-
ment committees of international programs with Indian collaborations,
including the LIGO-India program, the SKA-India and the India-TMT
programs. Dr. Sreekumar has many awards and accolades to his credit
including NASA Group Achievement award, Universities Space Research
Association Scientific Excellence award and International Academy of
Astronautics. Laurels for Team Achievement: Chandrayaan-1 2013.
Theory and Experiment : The tale of two space missions
Dr P. Sreekumar
Abstract of the lecture
Fundamental research in physics and the temperature of the Universe and
astrophysics lays the foundation for testing Einstein’s grand prediction on
conceptualizing challenging experi- the existence of gravitational waves.
ments to test predictions of theoretical We will discuss the experimental
models. Experimental results have in validation of one of these by the
turn spurred new ideas and challenges COBE mission and the anticipated
for theorists. These experiments are contribution to the second from the
sometimes best done from a space future space mission LISA. These will
platform. Here we examine two inde- be used to highlight the rich rewards
pendent research areas where this that can emerge from well conceived
symbiosis is very relevant : measuring space experiments.
Dr. P. K. Gopalakrishnan Memorial Lecture

Dr. K.N. Harilal

Former Member, Kerala State Planning Board

Dr. K.N. Harilal

From 1990 to 2001, Dr. K.N. Harilal worked at the School of

International Relations of the Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam initially as lecturer and later as Reader. In 2001, he
joined the Centre for Development Studies (CDS) as Associate
Fellow. Dr. Harilal also served as the Member, Kerala State
Planning Board during 2006-2011, 2016-2021. Trade policy is
one of his areas of specialization. He is interested in under-
standing the developments in the world trading system at
multilateral and regional levels to see how global and regional
developments affected the state’s economy. Dr. Harilal com-
pleted his Masters in Economics from University of Kerala,
M.Phil in Applied Economics from Centre for Development
Studies, Thiruvananthapuram and PhD in Economics from
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Knowledge Economy and Development Planning

Abstract of the lecture

The focus of the lecture is on two dis- of everyday life of the people. The
tinguishable but related dimensions lecture will emphasise the need to
of the subject chosen for the memorial give adequate importance to both the
lecture. The first dimension is that dimensions of the knowledge econ-
of the policy framework required to omy. Development planning can play
nurture an ecosystem appropriate a very important role in ensuring the
for production and dissemination of goals delineated here. The lecture will
knowledge; pure and applied. The illustrate the arguments drawing from
second dimension is that of promot- the experience of Kerala.
ing knowledge content of activities
P.T. Bhaskara Panicker Memorial Lecture

Prof. Sabu Thomas Ph.D., FRSC

Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi University

Prof. Sabu Thomas

Prof. Sabu Thomas is currently the Vice Chancellor of

Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India. He
is also the Director of School of Energy Materials and the
Founder Director and Professor of the International and Inter-
university Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and
former Director of School of Chemical Sciences. Prof. Sabu
Thomas is one of India’s most renowned scientists known
for his contributions in polymer science and nanotechnology.
After a short stint in a multinational company, Bayer India
Ltd, Prof. Thomas joined Mahatma Gandhi University as a
Lecturer in 1987. Later he became the Reader in the same
University and a full Professor in 1997. Prof. Thomas is an
outstanding leader with sustained international acclaim for
his work in polymer science, polymer nanocomposites, elas-
tomers, polymer blends, inter-penetrating polymer networks,
polymer membranes, nanoscience, nanomedicine and green
Prof. Thomas received a number of Scientific Excellence. Recently, he was
national and international awards selected for the Kairali Global Lifetime
which include Fellowship of the Achievement Award and received the
Royal Society of Chemistry, London National Researcher Award -DST
FRSC, Distinguished Professorship Nanomission-2020. Prof. Sabu Thomas
from Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, was also one among the world’s top
MRSI medal, Nano Tech Medal, CRSI 2% scientists listed by Elsevier Pub-
medal, Distinguished Faculty Award lishers and Stanford University (USA).
and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Award for

Circular Economy: New Opportunities in Sustainable

Bio Materials—A Need of the Hour
Prof. Sabu Thomas Ph.D., FRSC

Abstract of the lecture

Green chemistry started for the search resources such as jute, coir, bamboo,
of benign methods for the develop- pineapple leafs, coir etc. Chitin is the
ment of nanoparticles from nature and second most abundant biopolymer
their use in the field of antibacterial, after cellulose, it is a characteristic
antioxidant, and antitumor appli- component of thecell walls of fungi,
cations. Bio wastes are eco-friendly the exoskeletons of arthropodsand
starting materials to produce typical nanoparticles of chitin (fibers, whiskers)
nanoparticles with well-defined can be extracted from shrimp and crab
chemical composition, size, and shells. Chitosan is the derivative of
morphology. Cellulose, starch, chitin chitin, prepared by the removal of ace-
and chitosan are the most abundant tyl group from chitin (Deacetylation).
biopolymers around the world. All are Starch nano particles can be extracted
under the polysaccharides family in from tapioca and potato wastes. These
which cellulosis one of the important nanoparticles can be converted into
structural components of the primary smart and functional biomaterials by
cell wall of green plants.Cellulose functionalization through chemical
nanoparticles (fibers, crystals and whis- modifications (esterification, etherifica-
kers) can be extracted from agro waste tion, TEMPO oxidation, carboxylation
and hydroxylation etc) due to presence starch and chitin nanoparticles
of large amount of hydroxyl group on are currently obtained as aqueous
the surface. The preparation of these suspensions which are used as rein-
nanoparticles includes both a series forcing additives for high performance
of chemical as well as mechanical environment-friendly biodegradable
treatments; crushing, grinding, alkali, polymer materials. These nanocom-
bleaching and acid treatments. Trans- posites are being used as biomedical
mission electron microscopy (TEM), composites for drug/gene delivery,
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) nano scaffolds in tissue engineering
and atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cosmetic orthodontics. The rein-
are used to investigate the morphol- forcing effect of these nanoparticles
ogy of nanoscale biopolymers. Fourier results from the formation of a per-
transform infra-red spectroscopy
colating network based on hydrogen
(FTIR) and x-ray diffraction (XRD)
bonding forces. The incorporation of
are being used to study the functional
these nano particles in several bio-
group changes, crystallographic
texture of nanoscale biopolymers based polymers have been discussed.
respectively. Since large quantities The role of nano particle dispersion,
of bio wastes are produced annually, distribution, interfacial adhesion and
further utilization of cellulose, starch orientation on the properties of the
and chitins as functionalized materials ecofriendly bio nanocomposites have
is very much desired. The cellulose, been carefully evaluated.
Dr. E.K. Janaki Ammal Memorial Lecture

Dr. M. Sanjappa
Former Director, Botanical Survey of India

Dr. M. Sanjappa

Dr. Sanjappa has over 40 years research experience in Taxonomy

and Conservation of angiosperms with particular reference to
Taxonomic revisions and floristics, cytotaxonomy. Dr. Sanjappa
did BSc(Hons.) and MSc from Central College, Bangalore and
completed PhD from M.S. University of Baroda(1977). Later, he
worked at Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute,
Mysore during 1977-78 and Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata
from1979 where he held the positions of Systematic Botanist,
Scientist C, D, E, F, Joint Director and Head of Central National
Herbarium and ultimately as Director, Botanical Survey of
India in 2001 and retired in December, 2010. He has conducted
general floristic and legume surveys in Western Ghats, East-
ern Ghats, Himalayas, Hot Deserts, Cold Deserts, North East
India and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. He and his students
have worked and enormously contributed to the taxonomy of
Leguminosae, Iridaceae, Lamiaceae and Aristalochiaceae. His
team of two dedicated students has done an in-depth survey
of remote Dihang Dibang Biosphere Reserve in Arunachal
Pradesh. He himself has collected Legumes, Primulas, Pedicu-
laris, Rhododendrons, Gaultherias, Vacciniums, Agapetes,etc.
in inhospitable areas up to 6500 m in Eastern Himalayas.
Besides this he has also collected legumes in Bangladesh,
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Australia, Scotland, Panama, etc.

Dr. Sanjappa conducted collaborative research as INSA-Royal

Society Visiting Scientist at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew,
Edinburgh, Sydney, Peradenya, Godavari, Cambridge Uni-
versity Garden, Liverpool Museum, British Museum Natural
History; Oxford University Herbarium, Linnaean Society,
London, Smithsonian Institute, Panama, etc. He had visited
and worked in many academic institutions in UK, Australia,
Panama, France, Sudan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia,
Indonesia, etc.

Floristic Diversity in India: An Overview

Dr. M. Sanjappa

Abstract of the lecture

The vast geographical, diverse climate viz., Himalayan, Indo-Burma, Indo-

and topographical realms of India Sri Lankan and Sundaland with the
have resulted in enormous ecological adjoining countries. The number of
diversity supporting about 10% of the recorded species in major groups of
world’s biological diversity on 2.4% plants is about 21,849 in angiosperms,
of earth’s surface making it one of 82 in gymnosperms, 1310 in pterido-
the 18 megadiversity countries in the
phytes, 2791 in bryophytes, 8971 in
world. Adding to this there is a very
algae, 2961 in lichens, 15,504 in fungi
high diversity of human influenced
and 1257 bacteria and viruses. About
ecosystems including agricultural and
21.29% of these plant species are
pasture lands and impressive range of
domestic aided plants and animals. endemic to India with 4 mega centers
The floral resources of India comprise (Himalayas, NE India, Western Ghats
about 54,733 species representing and Andaman & Nicobar Islands) and
about 13% of world’s known flora. 26 microcenters of endemism. The NE
India is one of the 18 megadiverse region with about 130 species of prim-
countries in the world and we share itive flowering plants is considered as
four of the hotspots of plant diversity cradle of Indian flowering plants.
The natural forest covering about India thus India is considered as one
24.56% of total geographical areas are of the 8 Vavilovian centres of origin
known repositories of bioresources in and diversification of cultivated plants
the form of food, fodder, fuel, timber, called “Hindusthan Centre of Origin
medicines, fibres, resins, tannins, dyes, of Crop Plants”. The rich diversity
oils, fruits, vegetables, etc. About includes legumes, sugarcane, paper,
8000 species of flowering plants have
citrus, brinjal, banana, mango, jute,
recorded medicinal uses but only
ginger, cinamomum, cardamom,
150 of them are extensively used in
sesame, etc. Within each of them the
indigenous system of medicine like
genetic diversity is tremendous for
Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Pso-
rig-pai (The Tibetan system). About example rice varieties grown in India
320 species of wild relative of crop are estimated to belong to about 60,000
plants are known to have originated in land races.
Dr. G.N. Ramachandran Memorial Lecture

Dr. R. Sankarnarayanan
Group Leader, Structural Biology, CCMB, Hyderabad

Dr. R. Sankaranarayanan
Dr. Rajan Sankaranarayanan obtained Bachelors and Masters in
Physics from Maduruai Kamaraj University and Ph. D. from the
Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
He was a postdoctoral research fellow at IGBMC, Strasbourg,
France from 1996-2002. Dr. Sankaranarayanan, after returning
to India in 2002, established a state-of-the-art macromolecular
crystallography laboratory and carried out research in the field
of Structural Biology. At CCMB, his group has made outstanding
contributions in the area of proofreading during protein biosynthe-
sis. He was awarded the prestigious Wellcome Trust International
Senior Research Fellowship, UK in 2003, Swarnajayanthi fellowship
of the DST, India in 2005-2006, National Bioscience Award of DBT
in 2008, Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award in 2011, G.N. Ramachan-
dran Gold Medal in 2015 and Infosys Science Prize in 2020. He is
an Associate Editor of Journal of Structural Biology and Board of
Reviewing Editor of the journal eLife. He is also a fellow of all the
three major science academies of the country.
Chiral Proof Reading and its Role in Eukaryotic Evolution
Dr. R. Sankaranarayanan

Abstract of the lecture

A major focus of our laboratory is on Proofreading’ mechanism, completely

understanding ‘proofreading’ mecha- conserved in all Bacteria and Eukary-
nisms responsible for accurate protein otes, through which D-amino acids are
biosynthesis. Linus Pauling was the prevented from infiltrating the trans-
first one to propose that such kind of lational machinery. Further structural
mechanisms may exist in biological and functional studies revealed that
systems based on simple chemical the major chiral checkpoint can act on
principles. In addition to chemically ‘achiral’ glycine, an important ingre-
similar ‘amino acids’, protein synthe- dient of proteins, thus resulting in a
sis machinery has to also discriminate ‘misediting’ paradox. Efforts to resolve
against mirror symmetric counterparts this paradox have led us to identify
of ‘L-amino acids’ since biomolecules key evolutionary stages in which these
are homochiral. Despite the biological primordial molecules played a critical
roles and abundance of some D-amino role in the emergence of eukaryotes.
acids, the fundamental issue of how I will discuss some of our recent
proteins are made only with the findings that link such ‘Chiral Check-
correct chiral entities was largely points’ to evolution of multicellularity,
ignored. Over the last two decades, it land plants and mitochondria (2, 3, 4).
has become clearer as to how multiple These studies are leading us to pro-
‘Chiral Checkpoints’ work in concert pose how molecules that originated
to avoid wrong chiral entities from very early have been used by nature at
getting incorporated into proteins (1). critical junctions during the expansion
We earlier elucidated a critical ‘Chiral of life forms.
& Food Sciences
Oral Presentation
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 59

Ozone Treatments for Improving the Quality Parameters

and Surface Decontamination of Tomato
Ardra C. Babu and Rajesh G.K.
Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Kerala Agricultural University,
Tavanur, Kerala, India

Background: Minimising pathogenic methodology was explored to opti-

and spoilage microorganisms in fruits, mise the ozone treatments with three
vegetables and their products are of independent variables: concentration
prime importance in food safety. (% weight/weight), temperature
Conventionally, thermal processing (℃), treatment time (min) and twelve
methods viz. pasteurisation, sterilisa- physio-chemical response variables
tion, frying, cooking etc. are used to of tomato.
inhibit pathogens. Ozone technology
is an emerging non-thermal process- Results: The optimised treatment con-
ing method which is highly effective ditions were 30 % ozone concentration,
in disinfection of food products with 10 ℃ temperature and a time of 11.7
a great potential for enhancing the min. The ozonation treatment retained
shelf stability of food products and to all the quality parameters of tomato
reduce all deteriorating micro-organ- along with a significant reduction in
isms present in the food commodity. the count of surface microorganisms.
Method: The impact of gaseous ozone Conclusions: This study demon-
treatment on various quality charac- strated the microbicidal effectiveness
teristics of tomato and its efficacy of ozone and the efficacy of ozone
in removing surface microflora from molecule in the retention of various
tomato samples were evaluated. A physio-chemical and organoleptic
treatment chamber specifically for attributes of tomatoes.
treating tomatoes were designed
and developed simultaneously. Keywords: Ozone, tomato, optimisa-
Consequently, response surface tion, response surface methodology.
60 34th Kerala Science Congress


Vacuum Impregnation: Process Optimisation

Binuja Thomas1, Sankalpa K.B.2 and Sudheer K. P.2
Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, India
Agri-Business Incubator, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Background: Intermediate Moisture ducted for VI of pineapple rings and

Foods (IMF) have wide acceptability the quality attributes of the products
among the consumers in terms of its were analysed.
high nutritional value and properties
close to fresh foods. The conventional Results: The quality parameters of
methods such as application of water the vacuum impregnated pineapple
activity lowering agents, osmotic namely water activity, yellowness
dehydration etc. had several limita- index, TSS, firmness, moisture con-
tions especially in terms of product tent, solid gain were analysed. Based
quality due to the prolonged time and on the highest desirability value for
related microbial load. In this paper, the product quality parameters, the
the optimisation of process parameters process parameters for VI of pineap-
for vacuum impregnation, a non-de- ple rings were optimised as: process
structive method, for the development temperature of 55ºC, vacuum pressure
of IMF from highly perishable pineap- of 23 kPa, solution concentration of
ple is envisaged. 55ºBrix and time of 20 min.
Method: Vacuum impregnation trials Conclusions: Vacuum impregnation
were performed based on four factor was found to be effective in overcom-
three level Box-Behnken design of ing the drawbacks of conventional
Response surface methodology. The methods such as osmotic dehydration.
process parameters were impreg- IMF with improved functional prop-
nation solution temperature (35, 45,
erties and enhanced shelf life were
55°C), vacuum pressure (20, 40, 60
developed within short impregnation
kPa), solution concentration (40, 50,
time of 20 min.
60°Brix) and vacuum process time (8,
16, 24 min). Accordingly, 29 runs of Keywords: IMF, vacuum impreg-
experimental trials under the various nation, RSM, optimisation, sensory
treatment combinations were con- analysis
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 61

Investigation on the Potential Wild Indian Bananas

for Breeding Programmes
Rajeesh E.P.1 and M. Sabu2
Department of Botany, University of Calicut, Thenhipalam, Kerala, India- 673635

Malabar Botanical Garden and IPS, Calicut, Kerala, India-673014

Background: Bananas and plantains sequenced and constructed a phy-

are major crop plants belonging to the logenetic tree with the support of
genus Musa (Musaceae, Zingiberales). the selected nuclear ITS database of
It is the fourth most important food Musa from NCBI. Both Maximum
crop after rice, wheat and maize. likelihood and Bayesian analyses were
The major distribution of this genus performed for the tree construction.
ranges from Tropical Asia to northern Also, constructed the phenogram of
Australia. It is believed that the vast Indian wild bananas based on the
majority of the cultivated bananas 15 morphological characters used by
are originated from the inter and Simmonds & Shepherd (1954) for the
intra-specific hybridization of two genome classification (A & B genome)
diploid (2n=2x=22) wild species, Musa of cultivars for the comparison.
acuminata (AA genome) and Musa Results: A well-supported AA genome
balbisiana (BB genome). Northeastern (M. acuminata) cluster and BB genome
regions of India are considered as (M. balbisiana) cluster were observed
one of the major centers of origin of within the clade of section Musa. Phe-
the wild bananas. From the recent nogram based on the morphological
study in India, 34 Musaceae members data also resulted in the AA genome
were identified under two genera, grouping and BB genome grouping.
Ensete and Musa, with two and 32
Conclusion: Apart from M. acum-
taxa respectively. In this study, these
inata and M. balbisiana some other
wild bananas are subjected to molec-
potential wild bananas having AA
ular-level study to understand the
and BB genome constitution may be
interrelationship of Indian Musaceae
contributed to the cultivar formation.
and suggest the potential wild banana
Also, some other wild bananas within
candidates for the future breeding
the AA group and BB group can be
selected for future breeding programs.
Method: The nuclear ITS region of Keywords: Wild banana, Cultivars,
all available Indian wild bananas is AA genome, BB genome
62 34th Kerala Science Congress


Impact of Fenugreek Seeds Intake on

Type-2 Diabetic Patients
Sreekavya.S.H. and Krishnaja U.
AWC. Neyyattinkara, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: It is observed that Dia- than 10 years ( 15 control group and

betes Mellitus is a dreadful disease 15 experiment group). Data collection
affecting majority of population was done on the individual basis in
worldwide. This study was done to interview schedule, the collected data
identify the effectiveness of soaked was analyzed by using t-test.
fenugreek seed in control of blood Results: The study revealed that, it
sugar level among Type II Diabetes was identified that Fenugreek Seed
Mellitus (T2DM). 24 hours recall was effective in reducing blood sugar
method is used for the dietary survey, level. Test reveals that BMI, FBS and
and quantification of food intake was PPBS were associated. When the
taken from all the sample. Simple BMI increases there was consequent
random sampling technique is used increase in FBS and PPBS. Statistical
to identify the effectiveness of soaked analysis of data also reveals that signif-
fenugreek seeds in control of blood icant and positive correlation between
sugar level. two variables t-value -0.263 for FBS,
0.272 for PPBS. it may be noted that
Method: The total sample for the
66.7 percent of the respondents in the
study consists of 90 type II Diabetes
less than 5 years and between 5 to 10
Mellitus clients in Thiruvananthapu-
years experimental group are recov-
ram district in Kerala. Forty five each
ered from the polyuria, symptoms
from experimental group and 45 in
and 6.7% of the greater than 10years
control group were selected. 10 gram
experimental group respondents are
of soaked Fenugreek Seed was admin-
recovered from the polyuria symp-
istered in early morning before break-
toms after the intake of fenugreek
fast and night before dinner for clients
for 45 days. Polyuria and polydipsia
in experimental group for 45 days. It is
significantly deferred after adminis-
also classified as <5 years (15 control
trating fenugreek in 45th day.
group and 15 experiment group), in
between 5 to 10 years (15 control group Conclusions: The statistical analysis
and 15 experiment group) and more of the value relieved that there are
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 63

significant difference between 0th in controlling the blood sugar level in

day and 45th day of less than 5 years Patients with diabetics and prevents
of onset of T2DM. The Fasting blood them from developing complications.
sugar and post-partum blood sugar of
T2DM was found to be significantly Keywords: Type II Diabetes Mellitus,
lower than the 0th day mean in the Soaked fenugreek seeds Fasting blood
experimental group. The study proves sugar, Post-partum blood sugar, poly-
that the fenugreek seeds is effective uria, polydipsia


Optical and Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing for Mapping

Cropland Area (Paddy): A Case Study of Kuttiyadi Command
Area, Kozhikode District, Kerala
K.Ch.V. NagaKumar1*, Ansa Peter1, Athira Jose T.1, Kavya B. Krishnan1,
Girish Gopinath1, 2, V.P. Dinesan1
Land and Water Management Research Group, Centre for Water Resources Development and
Management, Kozhikode, India– 673571
Department of Climate Variability and Aquatic Ecosystems, Kerala University of Fisheries and
Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Kochi, India– 682508

Background: In recent past, the Crop- Optical satellite data pertaining to

land area (Paddy) in the Irrigation the years 1991, 2000, 2010 and 2019,
command areas is decreasing due to which were further classified using
several anthropogenic and natural fac- Digital Image Processing technique,
tors. In this background, the present i.e., ‘supervised classification’ and the
study is taken up to assess the changes final statistics on the changes during
in the cropland area using optical and different time-periods were computed
microwave remote sensing imagery in GIS environment. And, the seasonal
for understanding the long-term and changes (rain-fed & irrigated) in the
short-term (seasonal) changes by tak- cropland area were computed from
ing Kuttiyadi command area (Kerala) the Microwave SAR satellite imagery
as a case study. for 2017-2020 time-periods using Ran-
dom Forest classifier technique and in
Methods: Long-term changes in the
Google Earth Engine platform.
cropland area in Kuttiyadi command
area were assessed using time series Results: Results of the analysis
64 34th Kerala Science Congress

showed decreasing trend in cropland crops, barren land and built-up. The
area i.e., from 6,577 ha in 1991 to 5,503 study has also demonstrated the
ha in 2000, and then to 4,346 ha by efficacy of Remote Sensing and GIS
2010 and thereon to 3,421 ha by 2019 technology for mapping the cropland
in the Kuttiyadi command area. While, area during different seasons of crop.
the results on the seasonal changes in
Keywords: Cropland area, Optical
the cropland showed that, 1st season
and Microwave Remote Sensing,
was about 3633 ha during 2017-2018,
Supervised classification, Random
3633 ha during 2018-2019, and it was
Forest classifier, Kuttiyadi command
3324 ha during 2019-2020 time-peri-
area (Kozhikode district, Kerala).
ods, and during the 2nd season it was
3505 ha during 2017-2018, 3267 ha Acknowledgements: This work was
during 2018-2019 and 3271 ha during supported by the Centre for Water
2019-2020 time-periods. Resources Development and Man-
Conclusions: The decreasing trend in agement (CWRDM) PLAN fund,
the cropland area during 1991-2019 Government of Kerala through a
in Kuttiyadi command area is due to research project (Project code No. PP
conversion of cropland to plantation 23/17, during 2017-2020).


Plant Growth Promoting Potential of Ragi Rhizobacteria

Isolated from Attappady Hill Tract
Gayathri M.1, Chitra N. 1*, Anith K. N. 1, Anu Rajan S. 1, and Soumya V. I. 1
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agriculture (Kerala Agricultural
University), Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Attappady is a tribal them. The tribal farmers of Attappady

village area where people’s livelihood are reluctant in using chemical fertiliz-
depends on subsistence agricultural ers and pesticides in their cultivation
far ming wit h minimum use of and hence the fertility of soil is mainly
chemical inputs. Farming activities based on the organic inputs given and
of Attappady farmers includes millet microbial population present in these
cultivation with ragi (Eleusine coracana) soils. The possibilities of encounter-
being the major crop cultivated by ing unique prospective biofertilizer
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 65

microorganisms is high in these soils. were obtained from the ragi rhizo-
The present study was taken up with sphere. Twenty were selected based
the objectives of isolating, character- on colony morphology and assessed
izing and estimating the plant growth for plant growth promotion activity.
promotion activities of the beneficial Pantoea agglomerans ATY10 identified
microorganisms viz. nitrogen fixers by 16s rRNA recorded highest indole
and phosphate solubilizers from ragi acetic acid production and gibberellic
rhizosphere. acid production. Burkholderia territorii
Method: Soil and root samples from PSB1 and Burkholderia cepacia PSB3
ragi rhizosphere of Attappady region had higher phosphate solubilizing
was collected and putative nitrogen capacity under both plate assay and
fixing and phosphate solubilizing broth assay.
bacteria were isolated using different
N-free media and tricalcium phos- Conclusion: This study identified
phate amended Pikovaskaya’s media. putative nitrogen fixing and phos-
They were further screened based on phate solubilizing bacteria that has the
the in vitro plant growth promotion potential to be used as biofertilizers
activity such as indole acetic acid, gib- after subjecting to in vivo evaluations.
berellic acid, extracellular ammonia,
nitrogen content and phosphate solu- Keywords: Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria,
bilizing capacity of bacterial isolates. Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria, Plant
Results: Forty-four bacterial isolates Growth Promotion, Ragi Rhizosphere


Potash Solubilizing Microbes

in Flood-Affected Soils of Kerala
Haseena A.1 and K Surendra Gopal2
Post Doctoral Fellow- KSCSTE Back to Lab

Department of Agriculture Microbiology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural
University, Vellaniakkara, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Background: Two consecutive floods trict were severely affected, causing

severely damaged Kerala’s agricul- variations in soil organic matter and
tural sector. The hill stations, Attapadi soil fertility. The influence of floods
and Nelliyampathy in Palakkad dis- on the K-solubilising microbes (KSM),
66 34th Kerala Science Congress

a promising biofertilizer has not been showed 6 microbial isolates with

assessed and seems vital for restoring multifunctional activities of dehydro-
flooded soils. genase, laccase and cellulase.
Methods: The K- solubilizers (KSM) Conclusions: The present study
were isolated from rhizosphere soils indicated that potash solubilizing
of five locations each of Attapadi and microbes were higher in flood-affected
Nelliyampathy using Aleksandrow’s soils than in non-flood-affected soils.
agar. Screening of all the microbial The potash solubilizing microbes
isolates for dehydrogenase, laccase showed multifunctional enzyme
and cellulase activities were carried activities which could be a potential
out using standard protocols biofertilizer for the rejuvenation of
potash and also organic matter in the
Results: Six locations from both Atta-
flood-affected soils.
padi and Nelliyampathy in Palakkad
recorded a higher number of KSM Keywords: Potash solubilizing
in the flooded samples, even in low microbes, Floods, Soil organic matter,
potash soils. The enzyme activities Enzyme activities


Potential Actinobacteria for

Fruits and Vegetable Waste Management
Panchami. P.S., K. Surendra Gopal, Reshma K.S., and Saeed T.
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Kerala Agricultural University,
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara. Kerala, India -680656.

Background: Actinobacteria are of various enzymes like lipase,

ubiquitous gram-positive bacteria cellulase, laccase, chitinase, proteinase
inhabiting soil with a characteristic etc. They are relatively less explored
filamentous nature. It has been well for biodegradation of lignocellulosic
exploited mainly for secondary waste. In the present study, native
metabolite production, but also isolates of actinobacteria were i
plays an important role in t he screened and evaluated for biosolid
decomposition of many organic waste management.
substances. Actinobacteria decompose Method: Soil samples were collected
organic matter through the production from different locations of Kerala
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 67

and actinobacteria were isolated and most promising isolates were again
purified. The isolates were screened selected and evaluated for biodegra-
for its ability to degrade cellulose, dation of waste under in vitro. Among
lignin, starch, protein, chitin, pectin the different isolates, WA17 (identified
and lipids for qualitatively and quan- as Streptomyces spiralis) showed higher
titatively. After primary screening, waste degradation and enzyme activi-
promising isolates were selected and ties, which could be further exploited
tested for its waste degradation and for waste management.
enzyme activities under in vitro. The Conclusions: The present study
molecular characterization of the revealed that actinobacteria could
isolates was also carried out. be potential isolates in waste degra-
Results: A total of 100 actinobacterial dation. However, further studies are
isolates were collected from different needed on pilot scale and large scale
ecological regions of Kerala. Based on to confirm the efficiency of the iso-
its ability to degrade various organic lates which could be commercialized
substrates, twenty best isolates were in future.
selected for primary screening of Key words: Actinobacteria, biosolid
biosolid waste degradation. The five waste degradation


Vulnerability of Sesame Accessions to Phyllody at Higher

Temperature in Onattukara
Lovely B.1*, Resmi A. R.2 and Jayapal, A.3
Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha- India- 690502

Sesamum is an important oil seed sesamum yields. Different types

crop in India which contains 38-54% of disease symptoms are reported
oil in the seeds. Several diseases to be associated wit h sesamum
affect the yield and productivity phyllody. Use of resistant varieties
of this crop among which sesame provides an efficient and sustainable
phyllody causes severe damage. approach to control susceptibility of
Phyllody is a serious disease of phytoplasm. The present study was
sesamum caused by phytoplasma conducted to screen the available
w h i c h d r a m a t i c a l ly d e c r e a s e s germplasm for resistance to sesame
68 34th Kerala Science Congress

phyllody. The weather parameters tibility for 3 genotypes with respect

namely temperature, rainfall and to the disease incidence values. The
relative humidity was found to be genotypes Madhukar local, Ayali-2,
congenial for the vector population S2, KYM-1, S1, Thilak, EVCS 13-11,
which resulted in higher disease TMV-3, S4 and EVCS 3-11 exhibited
incidence.. Among the 26 genotypes resistance and hence can be used
studied, resistance was observed for as a source of resistance for future
10 genotypes, moderate resistance breeding programmes
for 8 genotypes, moderate suscep- Key words: Sesame, phyllody, vul-
tibility for 5 genotypes and suscep- nerability index, disease incidence


Characterization and Management of

Leaf Fleck Disease in Sugarcane
Sanju Balan1, Viswanathan R.2*, K. Nithya2 and Anita Cherian K.
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Pilicode, Kasaragod Kerala, India-671310
ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India-641007

Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) The research project entitled ‘Char-

is a monocotyledonous perennial cash acterization and management of
crop cultivated worldwide both under Sugarcane bacilliform virus causing
tropical and sub tropical conditions. leaf fleck in sugarcane’ was initiated
It is being cultivated in more than 120 with purposive sampling surveys in
selected sugarcane fields in districts
countries in the world. Like any other
of Kerala and Tamil Nadu in order
crops, it is also susceptible to biotic
to document the symptoms under
stress. Of which, diseases caused by
natural conditions, to assess the dis-
viruses not only pose serious threat to
ease incidence, severity and to collect
sugarcane cultivation but also result infected samples for further studies.
in deterioration and exclusion of elite The per cent disease incidence of the
varieties of the germplasm. One of leaf fleck disease in Kerala ranged
the major viral disease which affects from 12 to 51 per cent whereas sever-
global exchange of sugarcane germ- ity ranged from 10 to 36.5%. In Tamil
plasm is leaf fleck disease caused by Nadu the per cent disease incidence
Sugarcane bacilliform virus (SCBV). ranged from 28 to 56 per cent while
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 69

severity ranged from 28 to 50.41%. Widespread occurrence of the dis-

ease was observed even in the early
Major symptoms observed on leaves
generation of varietal development
were mottling, chlorotic flecks, chlo-
and in newly developed varieties.
rotic patches streaks and stripes with
The transmission of the virus was
general yellowing of the canopy. In the
suspected through true seed (fluff)
case of severely affected clones, there
developed by biparental crossing
was reduction in tillering, internodal
during sugarcane varietal develop-
length, number of internodes and
ment programme. Hence, the study
appearance of deep longitudinal
was conducted to establish possible
cracks. In highly susceptible clones,
transmission of the virus from sugar-
stunted growth with bunchy top
cane parents to their progenies and the
appearance was noticed. On the basis
role of maternal and paternal parents
of phenotypic variability of symptom
in disease transmission through true
expression, genotypes were classified
seeds to the progenies. Samples from
into five groups. The development of
eight months old seedlings, three
the symptoms was also studied under
months old seedlings and parental
artificial condition through insect
clones were tested positive to the
transmission of the virus using pink
virus in PCR assays. Real time PCR
mealy bug, Saccharicoccussacchari.
was also standardized to assay these
Morphological characterisation of the
clones. Immunodiagnostic technique
virus done using electron microscopy
was validated using DAC ELISA. The
revealed the presence of bacilliform
technique of immunocapture PCR was
virus particles of size 30 X 130–150 nm
also standardized. Minimal dilution
which indicated that the virus belongs
of antisera with which SCBV could
to genus BADNA and family Caulimo-
be detected was 2:1000 (V/V). Plant
viridae and the etiology of the disease
extract (antigen) at a dilution of 1:5
was confirmed as Sugarcane bacilliform
was found to be optimal for the detec-
virus. The molecular detection of
tion of SCBV. Molecular detection of
SCBV was also standardized through
SCBV from mealy bug vector was also
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR
standardized. Both phenotypic and
amplification of RNaseH/RT gene
molecular methods were utilized to
was done using BADNA specific and
identify potential sources of natural
SCBV specific primers. The amplicons
resistance against SCBV. Based on
were sequenced and in silco analysis of
the severity of symptom expression
sequences showed sequence homol-
and PCR assays these were further
ogy of 99 to 100 percent identity to
classified as highly susceptible (HS),
moderately susceptible (MS) moder-
70 34th Kerala Science Congress

ately resistant (MR) and resistant (R). released from the vector through Not
For generation of RNAi hair pin I site and subcloned into plant expres-
construct, initially forward (SF) and sion binary vector. Thus, cassette for
reverse primer (SR) were used to RNA silencing was prepared.
amplify 700 bp fragment of RT/RNase Meristem tip culture was also stan-
H gene to be cloned in sense orienta- dardized with antiviral chemical
tion of the vector, pHANNIBAL. The tenofovir. Recovery percentage of
linearized vector and the insert were meristem varied from 70 to 75 per
ligated, and the ligation mixture was cent and the viral load was quantified
used to transform competent cells of using real time PCR.
Escherichia coli and the transformants
The outcome of the study would facil-
were selected. Later antisense for-
itate early detection and elimination
ward (AF) and reverse (AR) primer
pairswere used to amplify 700 bp of the source of infection and prevent
fragment of RT/RNase H gene to be the spread of the disease in the field.
cloned in antisense orientation. PCR Information generated in the study
product ligated into antisense direc- could be utilized while planning bipa-
tion of the vector and transformed rental crossing and reduce the spread
into competent cells of E. coli. The of the virus in varietal development
recombinant pHANNIBAL vector was programmes. The hair pin construct
digested with restriction enzymes. The developed in this study could be
recombinant pHANNIBAL vector further utilized to generate transgenic
harbouring RNase H/RT gene was disease resistant plants.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 71

Technology Capability of Coconut

Enterprises in Kerala
Shilpa P1., Lokesh S.2 and Binoo P. Bonny3
Department of Agricultural Extension, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Agri-Business Incubator, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Introduction: Technological Capabil- was 0.56, medium enterprises were

ity (TC) is a measure of the knowledge, having the highest score (0.75) and
information and skills available in an lowest score was recorded by the
enterprise that allowed productive micro enterprises (0.35). Enterprises
utilization of available resources. were more depending on the Level
Technology Capability Index (TCI) can technology use (0.75) when compared
be used as an estimate to determine with other factors. Micro enterprises
the efficiency and effectiveness were lagging in all the indices studied
of enterprises. The study used TCI in comparison with other two enter-
to understand the performance of prises viz., Level of Technology (0.47),
Coconut MSMEs which holds great Resources availability (0.40), Market
significance in the economy of Kerala. competency (0.33) and Coordination
Methodology: Analytical Hierarchi- and accessibility (0.17).
cal Process (AHP) a multi criterion Conclusion: Technology Capability
methodology was followed in the Index of Coconut enterprises in Kerala
study. It was used to get the relative was 0.56 and all the enterprises were
weights between each of the criteria depending upon the Level of technol-
used and the numerical probability ogy use for their performance. Micro
of each alternative used. The tool was enterprises were lagging in all the
used for determining the weightage indicators studied, which indicates the
for indicators, mesoindexes and macro ignorance of these enterprises. This
indexes used in technology capability warrants the immediate attention
index. for these enterprises in every aspects
Results and Discussions: The TCI and particularly on Coordination and
score of coconut enterprises in Kerala accessibility.
72 34th Kerala Science Congress


Assessment of Variability in Soil Parameters Under Different

Land Use Types of Banana Cultivation:
A Case Study in Kozhikode, Kerala
Naveena K.*, Rahna K.V. and Surendran U.
Land and Water Management Research Group, Centre for Water Resources Development and
Management (CWRDM), Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode, Kerala, India- 673571

Background: The majority of the ro-nutrients); Ca, Mg, S (Secondary-

populations in Kerala are directly or nutrient); B (Micronutrients); and pH,
indirectly dependent on agriculture EC, TDS, OC (Physicochemical param-
for their livelihood. Banana is one eters) were analyzed in the laboratory
of the major agricultural fruit crops using standard procedures. Statistical
cultivating in Kerala. The undulating models like Descriptive statistics, inde-
topography of Kerala forces farmers to pendent t-test, Principal component
cultivate bananas in different regions. analysis (PCA) were used to analyze
This makes differences in soil quality variability in soil properties.
and has a greater impact on banana
Results: The results of t test indicate
productivity. Hence it is essential to
different type of lands like garden and
better understand the potential of
low land making significant changes
soils and their sensitivity to improve
in the soil properties for banana cul-
banana productivity. In this context,
tivation. PCA results clearly indicates
the present study is carried out to
the soil parameters like TDS, Ca, K,
understand the relationships between
Ph, OC, N and B having grater varia-
soil properties and banana yield in
tion in low land of banana cultivation
different land use type (Garden land
and the soil parameters like pH, S, N,
vs Low land) in Kerala.
OC, Mg, EC, TDS, P, and K having
Method: The study was undertaken grater variation in garden land of
in major banana growing areas of banana cultivation. Conclusion: From
Kozhikode district of Kerala. Primary this information’s, farmers can arrange
observations and soil samples were the amount of which fertilizers and
collected from 58 farmers’ fields by nutrients are needed to the soil in
applying stratified random sampling. different land types to increase the
Soil parameters namely N, P, K (Mac- percentage of banana yield and also
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 73

help in devising suitable strategies for Keywords: Banana, Land Use Type,
farmers to increase the productivity in Soil Parametrs, Principal Component
different cultivation practices. Analysis


Managing Leaf Blight of Amaranthus

(Amaranthus tricolor L.) from above and below Ground:
Use of Phylloplane Antagonistic Bacteria and
the Root Endophytic Fungus Piriformospora indica
Gayathri Nair1*, S. Divya2 and K. N. Anith3
1 Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani (Kerala Agricultural
University), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
2Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani (Kerala Agricultural
University), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
3Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani (Kerala Agricultural
University), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Amaranthus is the most colonization and antagonistic poten-

popular leafy vegetable of Kerala and tial of the fungus P. indica and in vivo
is considered as a superfood with high greenhouse experiments to confirm
nutraceutical values. Leaf blight of the efficacy of selected phylloplane
amaranthus (Rhizoctonia solani) is the bacteria and P indica in suppression
most devastating disease that causes of foliar blight as well as plant growth
heavy yield loss and is a major con- promotion in amaranthus. Changes in
straint in production of amaranthus. levels of defense enzyme like phenyl
In the present study, the potential of a alanine ammonia lyase, peroxidase
combination of bacterial isolates from and poly phenol oxidase during the
amaranthus (var. Arun) phyllosphere interaction were also carried out.
and the root colonizing fungus Pirifor-
Results: Two of the phylloplane
mospora indica in suppressing the foliar
isolates (Bacillus velezensis and Roseo-
blight disease was evaluated.
monas gillardi) showed considerable
Method: The work involved isolation inhibition in the mycelial growth
of phylloplane bacteria, screening of R. solani. In detached leaf assay,
for in vitro antagonism, evaluation of both the phylloplane isolates could
74 34th Kerala Science Congress

delay the incidence of the disease control. P. indica colonization also

symptoms by 48 hours. Colonization increased defense enzyme levels in
potential of P. indica in amaranthus treated plants.
was established and confirmed by
microscopy and molecular detection. Conclusion: Biological control of ama-
P. indica colonisation significantly ranthus leaf blight with phylloplane
increased the various plant biomass bacterial isolates and combined
and growth parameters during the in application of phyllosphere bacteria
vivo test. Moreover, application of P. and P. indica could effectively manage
indica as well as a combination of the the foliar blight in amaranthus.
fungus along with the phylloplane
Keywords: Piriformospora indica, foliar
isolate Bacillus velezensis could reduce
blight, amaranthus, Rhizoctonia solani,
the disease incidence by 84.13% and
phylloplane bacteria
63.84% respectively compared to the


Bacterial Endophytes for Hardening and Establishment

of Tissue Culture Banana
Anu Rajan S.1* and Radhakrishna D.2
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agriculture (Kerala Agricultural University),
Vellayani, Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala, India
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, University of Agricultural Sciences,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Background: Endophytic bacteria are encountered with extreme environ-

found in healthy plants and are an mental stress which many times result
attractive choice as plant growth pro- in poor survival and establishment.
moters and biological control agents. Biotization of in vitro grown plantlets
Aseptic tissue culture explants are cul- with endophytic bacteria during
tured in low-light circumstances, on hardening can help them recover and
artificial media, and in tiny containers boost their performance in stressful
and they are susceptible to biotic and situations.
abiotic stress. Following transplant- Method: The effects of inoculation
ing into the natural habitat, they are with three endophytic bacterial iso-
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 75

lates individually and as a consortium Conclusion: Application of promising

on growth and establishment of tissue bacterial endophytes can be recom-
culture banana var. Nanjangudu mended for better establishment and
rasabale at primary hardening and plant growth promotion at the hard-
secondary hardening stages were ening stage on tissue-cultured banana.
investigated. The growth parameters It also ensures the establishment of
like root length, shoot length, number beneficial endophytes in plants prior
of leaves, leaf area index and the plant to transplanting to the field. Bacterized
biomass were assessed. plantlets grow faster, and are sturdier,
Results: Biotization with the endo- with a better developed root mass and
phytes significantly increased the can withstand low-level disease pres-
growth parameters of tissue culture sure than non-bacterized plantlets.
plantlets compared to the uninocu- Key words: Endophytes, biotisation,
lated control. Pseudomonas sp LEE18 tissue culture banana var. Nanjangudu
was identified as the best bioagent for rasabale, hardening


Isolation of Silicate Bacteria from Paddy Rhizosphere and its

Screening Under in vitro Conditions
Akhila P. Subhash*, K S Meenakumari, K. N. Anith and Chitra N.
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agriculture (Kerala Agricultural University),
Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Intensive crop cultiva- application. Inorganic materials such

tion practices have led to the depletion as quartz, clay, mica and feldspars are
of plant available silicon in the soil rich in silicon but acts as poor silicon
which has become one of the possible fertilizer because of the low solubility
limiting factors that contribute to yield of the silicon. However, the indiscrim-
decline in several crops. Even though inate use of chemical fertilizers has
silicon is present abundantly on the several negative effects like environ-
earth’s crust, it is unavailable to plants. mental pollution, destruction of soil
So, their increasing demands for microorganisms, soil nutrient balance
plants are met by external fertilizers and often leads to poor soil quality.
76 34th Kerala Science Congress

A suitable biological substitute that lates were obtained from the paddy
helps to solubilize insoluble silicate rhizosphere which could effectively
and thereby enhance plant growth produce clearance zone in Bunt and
without affecting the environment has Rovira medium supplemented with
become essential. The importance of 0.25 per cent insoluble magnesium
silicate solubilizing bacteria in solubi- trisilicate. Among the twenty-seven
lizing insoluble silicate minerals and isolates obtained, fourteen SSB isolates
thereby promoting plant growth are were found to solubilize the insoluble
gaining attention nowadays. phosphorus compound, tricalcium
phosphate in Pikovskaya’s agar plates
Method: Soil samples were collected
and twelve isolates could solubilize
from different upland and lowland
the insoluble potassium compound,
paddy fields of Kerala and efficient
potassium aluminosilicate in Alek-
silicate solubilizing bacteria were iso-
sandrov agar plates. Morphological
lated using Bunt and Rovira medium
studies of the superior SSB isolates
supplemented with 0.25 per cent
revealed that they show variation
insoluble magnesium trisilicate. They
in colony characters such as colour,
were further tested for their phos-
shape, margin, elevation, tecture and
phorus and potassium solubilization
potential in Pikovskaya’s medium and
in Aleksandrov medium respectively. Conclusion: This study identified effi-
The five superior SSB isolates selected cient silicate solubilizing bacterial
based on the plate as well as broth isolates that has the potential to sol-
assays of silicate in Bunt and Rovira ubilize insoluble silicate compounds
agar medium, were characterized under in vitro conditions.
based on morphological and biochem-
Keywords: Clearance zone, Silicate
ical characters.
solubilizing bacteria, Silicon, Solubi-
Results: Twenty-seven bacterial iso- lization, Paddy.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 77

Paenibacillus sp.—A Potential Novel Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria

for an Enhancement of Growth and Yield of
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Saeed, T., Surendra Gopal, K. and Panchami, P.S.
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University,
Vellanikkara ,Thrissur, Kerala, Inda

Background: The growing interest ology and screened for indole acetic
in environmental sustainability has acid production and antagonistic
led to a considerable efforts to min- activities against major pathogen of
imize the use of chemical fertilizers ginger. The experiment was conducted
and pesticides and replacing these at Kolagappara in Wayanad district for
conventional approaches with more the evaluation of the novel nitrogen
eco-friendly methods, such as the fixing bacteria under field condition.
application of beneficial soil microor- The biofertilizers were applied as soil
ganisms. The growth of the plant can application, mixed with farm yard
be promoted due to consequence of manure in 1:25 ratio and applied in
nitrogen fixation or the production of the field(20 g/bed of 3x1 m2) at two
phytohormones or biocontrol of phy- times viz., at the time of planting and
topathogens in the root zone. Ginger 3 month after planting.
has been under cultivation by many
Results: Among the novel different
farmers in Wayanad district for their
nitrogen fixing bacteria , Microbacte-
livelihood. Wayanad is a district where
rium strain recorded the maximum
more area of low lands and such lands
IAA production (2.5 µg/ml) followed
are suitable for ginger cultivation. The
by Paenibacillus. The Azospirillum zeae
application of various biofertilizers
exhibited 28.8% inhibition against
will help in better growth and thereby
Rhizoctonia and 30% inhibition against
increase the production of ginger.
Ralstonia . A significantly higher
Materials and Methods: The novel number of tillers per plant (16.37)
nitrogen fixing bacteria such as and number of leaves were observed
Microbacterium, Paenibacillus, Cellulo- in Paenibacillus treated plants(16.87).
simicrbium and Azospirillum were used Plant treated with Paeenibacillus sp
from the repository maintained in the also recorded the highest yield of fresh
Department of Agricultural Microbi- rhizome.(16.57 ton/ha).
78 34th Kerala Science Congress

Conclusion: The present study plants. The Paenibacillus sp could be

revealed that the nitrogen fixing used as a potential biofertilizer for
bacteria Paenibacillus sp recorded growth enhancement and yield in
highest number of tillers, the highest ginger.
number of leaves and the highest yield Key-words: Biofertilizer, Phytohor-
compared to the uninoculated control mones, Penibacillus, Azospirillum


Parapoynx diminutalis: A Pest of Submerged

Aquatic Weed Hydrilla verticillata
Savitha Antony, Prameela P., Haseena Bhaskar and Jeen Shaji
AICRP on Weed Management, College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara, Kerala Agricultural
University, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Background: Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Results: Infestation by a lepidopteran

Royle, commonly known as water pest, Parapoynx diminutalis was
thyme is a troublesome submerged reported for the first time in Kerala.
aquatic weed. Hydrilla is usually The egg mass of a moth (Parapoynx
controlled by mechanical removal diminutalis) was observed, under the
which is not easy and recurrence leaves of hydrilla. The hatched out
can occur even in short interval of larvae were very active and started
4- 6 months. Though some herbicides feeding voraciously. The caterpillar
recommended for aquatic systems constructed case out of hydrilla plant
are effective, use of chemicals for part and moved around by remaining
control of aquatic vegetation may within the case. The extent of damage
have adverse impact on the ecology was 95 per cent.
and hence not preferred.
Conclusion: Since the biological
control through the natural enemies
Method: Hydrilla samples (1 kg.)
of weeds do not cause any harmful
collected from pond was grown in
effect on aquatic organisms, the moth,
cylindrical concrete tanks of height
Parapoynx diminutalis can be effec-
40 cm and inner diameter of 38 cm.
tively utilized in the management of
The weed was allowed to establish in
Hydrilla based on the further studies.
the tank under open condition and
observed for the infestation by natural Key words: Parapoynx diminutalis,
enemies. Hydrilla
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 79

Evaluation of Numerical Response of Amblyseius largoensis

(Acari: Phytoseiidae) Two Species of Tetranychus
(Acari: Tetranychidae)—A Comparative Study
Sheeja U. M., Sebastian C. D. and Ramani N.
Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala, India- 673 635

Tetranychid mites, the popularly showed preference to the immature

called spider mites, forms one of the stages of the prey irrespective of the
major phytophagous pests that have difference in prey species. However,
been accepted as a constant threat to the rate of consumption of the dif-
the economy of agriculture. Chemical ferent stages of the predator showed
control of spider mites seems quite variation with respect to change in
expensive and ineffective as in most prey. The adult female was the most
cases these mites develop resistance to voracious life stage with maximum
pesticides. Hence, there is an increas- predatory potential. The adult female
ing trend recently to devise specific of A. largoensis showed a maximum
control measures against mite pests, rate of consumption on T. cinnabarinus
using biocontrol agents like predatory and a minimum on T. neocaledonicus.
mites (especially phytoseiid mites), The feeding potential of the different
predatory insects, fungi and bacteria life stages of the predators generally
etc. Biocontrol efficacy of one of the increased in the order of larva < prot-
most common phytoseiid predator onymph = adult male < deutonymph
mite viz; Amblyseius largoensis against < adult female. The data obtained on
two species of potential pest mite the consumption rate of male preda-
under the genus Tetranychus viz; T. tors when analysed statistically were
neocaledonicus and T. cinnabarinus is found significant. This clearly proved
that A. largoensis could be an effective
evaluated through the numerical
biocontrol agent in suppressing the
response of the predator on the pest
populations of all species of pest mites
mites. The experiment was initiated
by adopting Leaf flotation technique.
Results of feeding studies revealed Key words: A. largoensis, biocontrol,
that, all life stages of A. largoensis phytoseiid mite, pest mites
& Food Sciences
Poster Presentation
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 83

Piriformospora indica Protects Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

Plants from Piper Yellow Mottle Virus Infection
Lekshmi R. Krishnan and Joy Michal Johnson
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture Vellayani, Kerala Agricultural University,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 522.

Background: Piper yellow mottle of black pepper could significantly

disease (PYMoD) is a serious disease in reduce the incidence and severity
black pepper caused by a DNA virus, of PYMoV, as well as the loss in bio-
Piper yellow mottle virus (PYMoV) mass caused by the virus infection
against which no resistant variety has compared to the control plants upon
been reported so far. As most of the challenge inoculation with the virus.
high yielding black pepper varieties Titer value of the virus titer was also
lack the ability to resist this virus less in the colonized plants.
infection naturally, use of beneficial
Conclusion: Co-cultivation of rooted
endophytes can be a probable solution
cuttings of black pepper (obtained
to this problem. In this study, Pirifor-
from disease-free mother plants) with
mospora indica, a beneficial fungal root
the beneficial fungal root endophyte
endophyte was evaluated for the man-
P. indica and keeping them under
agement of PYMoV in black pepper.
insect-proof conditions for around 30
Method: A pot culture experiment was days (for successful establishment of
conducted to evaluate the efficiency the fungus inside the root cortex) and
of prophylactic as well as curative then planting them in the main field
application of P. indica in controlling is a reliable and chemical-free method
PYMoV infection in rooted cuttings of to control PYMoV infection in black
black pepper (var. Panniyur 1). pepper.

Results: P. indica-colonization resulted Keywords: Piper yellow mottle virus,

in significant increase in various Piriformospora indica, beneficial endo-
growth parameters of black pepper phytes
plants compared to the control plants. Acknowledgement: Kerala Agricultural
Prophylactic as well as curative appli- University and KSCSTE for facilities and
cation of P. indica on rooted cuttings funding.
84 34th Kerala Science Congress


Beneficial Effects of the Fungal Root Endophytes

Piriformospora indica and Glomus fasciculatum on Vegetative
Growth and Fusarium Rot Management in Small Cardamom
Aishwarya M.1, Dhanya M. K.*, Joy M. Johnson.3, Beena R.1 and Ambily Paul4
College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University,Vellayani,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University,
Kumarakom, Kerala, India
Farming System Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University,
Sadanandapuram, Kerala, India
AINP on Pesticide Residues, Department of Agricultural Entomology,
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thirvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Cardamom is known as Fusarium rot disease of cardamom.

the “Queen of spices” with highest Their role in plant nutrient uptake (P,
export value. Occurrence of Fusarium K) and hormone production was also
rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum assessed in order to deduce the part
Scheldt is a major challenge faced by of nutrients and auxin in plant growth
farmers in Cardamom Hill Reserves. promotion.
Hence, in order to open up an oppor-
Results: Endophyte-colonised suckers
tunity for management of Fusarium
showed improved vegetative charac-
rot of cardamom with minimal risk
ters like plant height, number of til-
to environment and low pesticide
lers, number of leaves, leaf length, root
residue, the response of cardamom to
parameters and biomass compared
fungal root endophyte P. indica and G.
to the uninoculated plants where
fasciculatum was studied using carda-
combinatorial treatment recorded the
mom suckers which is the commercial
highest values in all the parameters
method of propagation in cardamom.
followed by P. indica (which was more
Method: The work involves evaluation or less in par with combinatorial treat-
of the colonisation and interaction of ment for many characters) and then to
two beneficial fungi, Piriformospora G. fasciculatum. The well established
indica and Glomus fasciculatum in root systems in the endophytes-colo-
cardamom suckers’s biometric char- nized plants could be substantiated by
acters, and their potential to manage the higher amount of auxin observed
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 85

in the roots of the endophytes-treated Conclusion: Endophytes-colonisation

plants. The nutrient analysis also especially P. indica-colonisation could
revealed a higher uptake of P and K effectively improve the plant growth
in the endophytes-colonized plants in and manage Fusarium rot disease in
root and its content in the shoot and small cardamom. Similar trend could
leaf compared to the control plants. be observed in cardamom seedlings
Further in disease management, the along with a reduction of nursery
endophytic bioagents-treated plants period by one month each in both
significantly reduced the disease primary and polybag nursery by the
severity and lesion size over the con- combinatorial treatment. These find-
trol where the disease management ings are an important milestone in eco-
aspects were higher in P. indica-col- friendly management of the Fusarium
onised plants where it reduced the rot disease with no pesticide residue
disease severity by 58 per cent over which remains as a major concern
control. The higher uptake of P and K and reason for the diminishing export
by the plant observed in our study con- quality of cardamom.
tributes disease tolerance. As per the
Keywords: Cardamom, Piriformospora
previous studies P. indica is reported to
indica, Glomus fasciculatum, Endo-
have higher amount of defense related
phytes, Fusarium rot
enzymes like peroxidase, superoxide
dismutases and ascorbate peroxidase, Acknowledgement: Kerala Agri-
and this may be a possible reason for cultural University for facilities and
the disease tolerance observed here. funding.
86 34th Kerala Science Congress


Piriformospora indica Enhances Yield Production in

Tomato and Decreases Severity of
Tomato Leaf Curl Virus in The Field
Saru Sara Sam and Joy Michal Johnson
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala Agricultural University,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 522

Background: Tomato leaf curl virus tomato plants enhanced the biometric
(ToLCV) is a ssDNA Begomovirus parameters such as plant height, shoot
with wide host range, posing a threat and root biomass, number of leaves,
in the stable production of tomato leaf area; and secondary and tertiary
worldwide. ToLCV infection at early root architecture. Further, colonization
stage of crop development causes decreased the days taken for fruit set
complete loss to the farmers. Pirifor- and enhanced the yield per plant. The
mospora indica is an endophytic root fungus-colonized plants remarkably
colonizing fungus that promotes plant decreased the severity of ToLCV and
growth, increases resistance of plants increased the days taken for viral
against biotic and abiotic stress and symptoms development compared
bio-regulator for plant growth param- to the control on artificial inoculation
eters that includes early flowering and of the virus. The total protein content
enhanced seed production. in the colonized-plants were higher
against the control; also highest in P.
Methods: The tomato seedlings var.
indica-colonized plants and artificially
Vellayani Vijay were co-cultivated in
inoculated with virus.
P. indica grown portray mixture. The
biometric parameters and yield were Conclusion: P. indica can be used as a
analysed for the fungus-colonized novel and safe strategy for enhancing
plants against the control. ToLCV the productivity of tomato plants
severity was assessed by artificially and efficient management of ToLCV
inoculating the virus to colonized under the field condition.
and non-colonized plants through Key words: Tomato leaf curl virus, Piri-
wedge grafting. The effect of P. indica formospora indica, Vulnerability Index,
colonisation in total protein contents Total soluble proteins
of leaves were spectrophotometrically Acknowledgement: Kerala Agri-
analysed by Bradford method. cultural University and KSCSTE for
Results: P. indica colonization in facilities and funding.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 87

Investigating the Complex Microbial Symbiotic Associations

Within the Gut and Fungus Comb of Higher Termite
Odontotermes longignathus, Holmgren
Alina Ann Joseph and Sebastian C. D.
Division of Molecular Biology, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut,
Malappuram, Kerala, India

Termites are ecologically important to identify their role in termite diges-

arthropods that mediate carbon turn- tion. Termite gut bacterial isolates
over and maintaining soil fertility in comprised mainly of three species
terrestrial ecosystems. They degrade of bacteria, lacking cellulase activity.
complex lignocellulose matter and The predominant bacterial species
release nutrients into the surrounding isolated from the termite fungus comb
soil enhancing soil quality greatly. belonged to the genus Bacillus and the
Higher termites belonging to Family fungal isolates from the fungus comb
Termitidae contribute significantly to belonged to Division Ascomycota. The
nutrient recycling, aerating the soil bacterial and fungal isolates from the
and thereby supporting plant growth. fungus comb exhibited cellulase activ-
The microorganisms present in the gut ity suggesting their role in degrading
and fungus comb of higher termites cellulose, the major constituent of the
play an important role in their ligno- termite diet. Yeast strains were also
cellulose digestion. Higher termites isolated from the fungus comb. The
have robust prokaryotic gut popula- present study asserts the importance
tions but do not possess eukaryotic of the fungal symbionts in cellulose
gut protists. Higher termites belong- degradation within the fungus comb
ing to Subfamily Macrotermitinae
and the role of yeast and bacterial
depend on fungal symbionts cultured
species in the fungus comb aiding the
on special structures of termite-faecal
fungal potential. This work throws
origin known as fungus combs. The
light on how the fungal symbiont took
microbial communities harbored in
over the function of lignocellulose
the gut and fungus comb of the fun-
degradation from termite gut bacterial
gus- cultivating termite Odontotermes
longignathus were isolated and iden-
tified. The isolated microbes were Keywords: Odontotermes longignathus,
analysed for several enzyme activities termite gut microbiota, fungus comb,
such as cellulase, ligninase, laccase etc. yeast, bacteria, fungus
88 34th Kerala Science Congress


Application of Yeast-Lactic Acid Bacteria Consortium from

‘Dahi’ for the Development of A Novel Cereal
Based Fermented Milk Product
Archana Chandran, Beena A.K., Linsha C.K, Harikesh Manu and Rejeesh R.
Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Lakkidi P.O, Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala, India

Background: Fermentation is an oldest and microbial quality of the product was

method of preservation of foods. Cereal evaluated as per standard protocols.
based milk products have a scope in
Results: A combination of Lactiplanti-
improving the nutritional value of the
bacillus pentosus and Candida kefyr was
daily diet. The microbial flora in fer-
found to produce an organoleptically supe-
mented milks play a significant role in
rior product (Score=98/100). The dried
contributing to the nutritional and sensory
product was found to have moisture (3%),
attributes of the product. Hence an attempt
carbohydrates (71.14%), protein 9.71%,fat
is made is to develop a novel wheat based
(3.26%), pH 4.4 and energy 345.4kcal.
fermented dried milk product.
Despite the lengthy fermentation and
Methods: Lactic acid bacteria and yeast air-drying steps of the product, there was
were isolated from homemade dahi sam- no evidence of contamination by spoilage
ples and evaluated for its fermentation or pathogenic bacteria.
potential. The selected isolates were
Conclusion: This novel product devel-
identified and symbiotic effects of theses
oped can be suggested as a nutritionally
starter cultures on product preparation was
balanced diet for elderly and sensitive
studied. The best yeast lactic acid bacteria
consortium was used for the preparation
of novel wheat based fermented dried Key words: Food, Fermentation, Lactic
milk product. The nutritional, sensory acid bacteria, Yeast, Milk, Cereal
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 89

Piriformospora indica Significantly Affects Mechanisms In-

volved in Mitigating Drought Stress in Rice
Ameena M.1, Madhuri Mani1, Joy2, M., Shalini Pillai, P. 1, Jacob John3 and Beena R. 4
Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, KAU,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Farming System Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University,
Sadanandapuram. Kerala, India
Integrated Farming System Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University
Karamana, Kerala, India
Department of Plant Physiology, College of Agriculture, KAU,Vellayani, Kerala, India

Background: In the present scenario significantly enhanced the growth and

of climate change with uncertainty in yield attributes, root biomass, nutrient
receipt of rain, drought stress at critical uptake, relative leaf water content and
growth stages can unfavourably affect cell membrane stability index irrespec-
growth and yield of rice. In the present tive of interval and depth of irrigation.
study, potential of Piriformospora indica Yield and water use efficiency of P. indica
to mitigate drought stress in rice was colonized plants subjected to severe
evaluated. stress, were observed to be equivalent
Method: The field experiment was to those of non-colonized plants under
undertaken in the low land paddy moderate stress.
fields with P. indica colonized and
Conclusion: Colonization resulted in
noncolonized rice seedlings under
saving of 30 mm water or 3 irrigations
three irrigation intervals of 30 mm, 35
or 3 lakh liters of water and could
mm and 40mm cumulative pan evap-
help rice to combat drought stress
oration and two irrigation depths of
by enhanced root biomass, nutrient
1.5 cm and 3 cm. The crop was raised
uptake and water use efficiency
as per the KAU package of practices
during summer.
recommendation and observed for the
growth yield, root and physiological Keywords: climate resilient agricul-
characters. ture, drought, moisture stress, root
Results: Plants colonized with P. indica endophyte, summer rice
90 34th Kerala Science Congress


Rice Husk Ash: A Potential Soil Ameliorant for Homestead

Vegetable Cultivation
Mini, V., Rahnabai, P.J. and Sreeparvathi, P.
Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kayamkulam,
Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India

Background: Soil acidity is a major Results: The highest number of fruits

fertility constraint in the vegetable (29.3) and yield per plant (0.855 kg
cultivation of Kerala. To improve the plant-1) were recorded in T6(Soil test
acid soils for better crop performance based recommended dose of fertilizers
liming is inevitable. The high cost of + Rice husk ash @ 125% lime as per
conventional liming materials neces- soil test) and was at par with treat-
sitates the use of low-cost, internally ment T3( Soil test based RDF + 100 %
sourced, environmentally friendly and lime as per soil test). The highest B:
adoptable organic sources that could C ratio (2.7) was also recorded in T6.
serve as liming agents and fertilizer In all the treatments where, RHA was
for vegetable production. Rice husk used as soil ameliorant, the available
ash can be effectively utilized as a Si and K content in soil increased as
cheap and environment friendly soil RHA served as good source of Si and
K and reduced the iron uptake.
ameliorant. Moreover it is a rich source
of silica and potassium. Si helps to Conclusions: In the case of home
increase nutrient availability, decrease stead vegetable cultivation, rice husk
nutrient toxicity and minimize biotic ash can be used as an alternate source
and abiotic stress in plants. of lime. Application of rice husk ash @
125 % lime as per soil test was effective
Method: Present study has been as lime in managing soil acidity in the
undertaken to evaluate the effect of homestead vegetable cultivation in
rice husk ash (RHA) in soil acidity Onattukara. The use of rice husk ash
management in homestead vegetable as a substitute for lime will be reduc-
cultivation using tomato var. Vellayani ing the difficulty of lime application.
Vijai as test crop with six treatments Keywords: Rice husk ash, soil acidity,
replicated thrice. homestead, vegetable cultivation
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 91

Biotic and Abiotic Constrains of Cabbage Cultivation in

South Kerala
Shruthy. O. N.*, Divya. P, I. Sreelathakumary
Department of Vegetable Science, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University,
Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, India-695522

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.var.cap- of physiological disorders occur

itata) is a popular green leafy vegetable as a result of environmental stress,
belonging to the family Brassicaceae. nutritional deficiencies or excesses
Cabbage is comparatively a new crop in on the plants. Physiological disorders
Kerala particularly in the plains. The high observed in the study were multiple
range regions of Kerala offers great scope head/blindness and burst head. It
for cultivation of cabbage and it is culti- was observed only in October 1 st
vated in the cool climate of the hill tracts and November 15 th sowing. It was
of Idukki and Wynad districts. But with observed that incidence of multiple
the development of tropical varieties and head and burst head were found only
hybrids which can grow and form head at in genotypes Gayatri, Summer Cross,
high temperatures, cultivation of cabbage Indam 1299, Asia Cross and BC-38
was made possible in the plains of the sown on October 1 st and November
state. The present study was conducted 15th. Temperature, rainfall and relative
at the Department of Vegetable Science, humidity are the critical climatic
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, during factors that have profound effect on
the period October 2012 to March 2013. incidence of pests and diseases.
The study was conducted for identification
During the course of the study, the
of tropical cabbage varieties suitable for
important biotic stress factors noticed
plains of southern Kerala and o know the
were leaf caterpillar (Spodoptera litura),
influence of date of planting on yield and
rhizoctonia blight (Rhizoctonia solani),
quality and their interaction effects. Elevan
alternaria leaf spot and head rot
early/ mid season cabbage genotypes were
(Alternaria brassicae). Least incidence
used for the study (Table 1) under four
was observed in November 1st sowing,
dates of sowing viz. October 1,October
since the active vegetative period and
15, November 1 and November 15.
heading time coincided with low
Abiotic stresses exhibited in the form temperature, rainfall and relative
92 34th Kerala Science Congress

humidity. Low incidence of leaf cat- leaf spot, head rot and rhizoctonia
erpillar, alternaria leaf spot, head rot blight were observed for certain treat-
and rhizoctonia blight were observed ments during the period. Among the
in November 1st sowing of genotypes
varieties low incidence of these pests
NS 183, New Orient, Veer- 333 and
Red C-05.High incidence of pests and and diseases were noticed in NS 183,
diseases like leaf caterpillar, alternaria New Orient, Veer- 333 and Red C-05.


Characterization of Humic Substances in Selected

Organic Manures and Soils
Faniya Toby, Sujatha, M.P. and Nithya, E.D.
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India-680653

Background: Humic substances, (humic acid and fulvic acid) extracted

derived through the decomposition from the soil and organic manure sam-
of plant and animal residues are very ples were subjected to the functional
important components that improve group analysis using Fourier Trans-
soil health and nutrient absorption by form infrared spectroscopic (FT-IR)
the plants. In agricultural soils, humic technique.
substances are formed mainly through
Results: The spectra described for
the application of organic manures,
humic fractions showed the presence
while in forest soils natural decom-
of OH group (3200-3500cm-1), COOH
position of plant and animal residues
and COO groups (1000-1320cm -1),
leads to the formation of humic sub-
which are the most characteristic fea-
stances. The study focus mainly with
tures of soil humic materials. It also
the objective of characterizing the
showed prominent peaks of aromatic
humic substances naturally present
components. The spectra of humic
in the soils of forest ecosystems and
acid from the soils of evergreen forest
plantations, as well as in the organic
showed the characteristic peak of
manures commonly used in agricul-
OH (phenolic group) and carboxylic
acid group. In the case of fulvic acid,
Methods: The forest soils and manure soils of teak plantation showed the
samples were analysed for pH and characteristic peak for phenolic group
organic carbon. The humic fractions followed by moist deciduous forest. As
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 93

in the case of soils, organic manures phenolic group in both humic and ful-
also contain evident peaks for humic vic acid among the organic manures.
substances like H bonded OH group Antioxidant property of organic
(phenolic group (3200-3500cm-1). manures is related to the presence of
this phenolic group. Hence weed com-
Conclusion: Evergreen soil has the
post was considered as most effective
characteristic peak of OH (phenolic
with respect to anti oxidant property.
group) and carboxylic acid group
among the soils and weed compost Keywords: Humicsubstances, Humic
showed the characteristic peak for the acid, Fulvic acid


Biology and Developmental Parameters of Aphis gossypii

Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Chilly Plant,
Capsicum annum Under Laboratory Conditions
Archana M. N. and Sebastian C. D.
Division of Molecular Biology, Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Malappuram,
Kerala, India-673635.

Aphis gossypii Glover (1877) is a small, the aphid. Laboratory cultures of indi-
adaptable, easily spread aphid species, vidual stages of the pest aphid were
with a rapid reproductive rate and the maintained adopting agar-leaf method
ability to cause serious plant injury at constant temperature and relative
in isolated communities. During the humidity conditions.The biological
present study, the life cycle of A. gos- and reproduction parameters of this
sypii was studied by rearing the species aphid species were found to be signifi-
on the leaves ofchilly plant, Capsicum cant by looking at the way that reduces
annum L. collected from Kakkodi, host plant vigor. A. gossypii life cycle
Kozhikode district, Kerala during in this studyexhibited as four stages
the period of March-June, 2021.The namely, as nymphal, pre-reproductive,
leaves of infested by the pest aphid, on reproductive and post reproductive.
microscopic examination revealed the Nymphal stage includes four instars
presence of varying levels of damage with the duration 1.43, 1.35, 1.23 and
symptoms resulted through the feed- 1.32 days respectively. Their repro-
ing activity of the various life stages of duction was parthenogenetic where
94 34th Kerala Science Congress

female aphid gives young ones during don the basic information about the
the reproductive stage. The mean reproductive biology of A. gossypii,
durations of the pre-reproductive, which is crucial for their proper
reproductive and post-reproductive management. The duration of biolog-
periods under viviparous mode of ical parameters varies with climatic
reproduction were recognized to be factors, survival potential and the host
0.52, 7.67 and 1.35 days respectively. plant species.
This aphid is extremely polyphagous
on more than 700 host plant species. Keywords: Aphis gossypii, Capsicum
They distributed globally but prefers annum, life stages, agar-leaf method,
warmer regions.This study has aime- viviparity


Biochemical Characterization of Lodging Resistance

in Mutagenated Rice
Jyothilekshmi, S. and Dijee Bastian
Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University,
Kayamkulam, Kerala, India

Background: Lodging is a major Method: Swarna Prabha (PTB 43) and

constraint in most of the cereal crops Vaishak (PTB 60), suited for upland
including rice. It reduces the yield growing conditions were treated with
and adversely affects the quality of gamma irradiation with radiation
produce. Mutation breeding is one dose varying from 375-550 Gy at
of the strategies for upgrading a well 25Gy interval. The effective dose for
adapted variety by altering the trait mutagenesis was fixed using probit
limiting its potential. Swarnaprabha analysis after counting the germina-
(PTB 43) and Vaisakh (PTB 60) are two
tion percentage of irradiated seeds in
high yielding upland rice varieties
replications. M1 generation raised and
released from Kerala Agricultural
seeds were harvested and M2 raised by
University. But the major problem
pedigree method. Observations were
associated with these varieties is
recorded for yield and yield related
lodging. Irradiation of crop varieties
can induce variability which can be traits along with biochemical param-
further used to develop varieties eters like cellulose and starch content,
resilient to climatic changes. which confers rigidity to stem.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 95

Results: Significant reduction was lulose and starch content can induce
noticed in germination percentage lodging resistance.
with increase in radiation dose. From
Conclusion: Mutation breeding
the correlation studies it was noted
can induce variability in the genes
that characters such as plant height,
which influence cellulose and starch
length of the first and third inter-
biosynthesis and there by enhancing
nodes, culm diameter, starch content
the chance of breeding for lodging
and cellulose content recorded highly
significant positive correlation with
lodging resistance. From the present Keywords: Upland rice, Mutation
study it was noted that increase in cel- breeding, Lodging resistance


Insecticidal and Biological Activities of Four Different

Essential Oils Against Stored Grain Pests
V.Vinayaka,b,1,#, Thania Sara Vargheseb,1, Rajani Kurup S.Ra, B. Sabulala and V. Gayathria@
Phytochemistry and Phytopharmacology Division, KSCSTE-Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic
Garden and Research Institute, Pacha-Palode 695562, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Department of Entomology, Agriculture College, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695034
Equally Contributed Authors, # presenting author, @ Corresponding Author

Background: Owing to hazardous Tribolium castaneum, different bioactiv-

nature of synthetic pesticides, use of ity assays (Contact toxicity, Fumigant
plant products for the management of toxicity, Repellence test, persistence
stored grain insects has become essen- test) were done to check the potency.
tial because they are biodegradable Results: Essential oils were procured
and having least mammalian toxicity. from Synthite Industries private Lim-
Thus, among the plants products, ited, Kolenchery.
essential oils have been well docu-
Basil EO, Citronella EO, Eucalyptus
mented as stored grain protectants.
EO and Orange EO are the oils pro-
Methods: Basil oil, Citronella oil, cured. The chemical characterization
Eucalyptus oil and Orange oil were of Eos is done by using GC-FID and
taken to check the insecticidal activity GC-MS, the components and its per-
against., Callosobruchus chinesis and centage were calculated. The major
96 34th Kerala Science Congress

components present in the Eos are or repelled in the treated area. T. caste-
Methyl chavicol (75.7% in Basil EO), anum shows 100% repellence at 2 %
Limonene (96.1% in Orange EO), 1,8 in all Eos and it gradually decreased
Cineole (76.96 % in Eucalyptus EO) and 0% activity in 0.10%, while in C.
and Geranial (59.1% in Citronella EO). chinesis 100% repellence is shown in
Toxicity bioassays, were conducted to 1% and 0% in 0.03% in all four Eos. A
check the insecticidal activity of four persistence assay was done to check
different Eos against the storage pests, how prolong the insecticidal activity
T. casteanum and C. chinesis. It is very of Eos exists. In T. casteanum the per-
evident that the subjected Eos have sistence order is Basil Oil (37 days),
insecticidal activity. As comparing Citronella Oil (35 days), Eucalyptus
with the contact toxicity and fumigant Oil (29 days) and Orange Oil (29 days).
toxicity the Essential oils shows better The C. chinesis persistence order is
results in fumigant toxicity, the LC 50 Basil Oil (39 days), Citronella Oil (39
and LC 90 had been calculated for all days), Eucalyptus Oil (37 days) and
four Eos against the test organisms in Orange Oil (35 days).
24 and 48 Hrs respectively. Among
Conclusions: The subjected Essential
all four Essential oil, Basil EO shows
oils are very potent against the stored
upper hand in contact and fumigant
pests and these oils are biodegradable
activity against the stored grain pests.
in nature and thus no environmental
The least activity is shown by Orange
abuse is seen.
Eo and rest of the Eo shows mediocre
activity. Repellence test is done to Keywords: Callosobruchus chinesis,
check how the test insects are attracted Tribolium castaneum, persistence.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 97

Pre-Sowing Seed Invigouration with a Combination of

KNO3 and Pseudomonas Improves Germination and
Growth Parameters in Vegetable Seedlings
Arya S., Dicto Jose, Pradeepkumar T. and Anitha P.
College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara,Kerala, India- 680656

Background: Seedling establishment and perlite (3:1:1 ratio v/v). To pro-

is a critical element and largely vide nutrients N: P: K source 19:19:19
depends on seed germination and was applied after twelve and twenty
vigour. Seed invigouration technique days of sowing at 3 g/l (Bharathi et al.,
has the ability to boost the seedling 2014). Observations were recorded at
vigour and germination of normal the stage of commercial sale (15 DAS)
seeds. Since seed priming has been and statistical analysis was done.
proven to be a useful method, it is Results: The results revealed that
necessary to standardise it across all 0.5% and 1% KNO3 alone, as well as
crop species, particularly in vegeta- in combination with 1% Pseudomonas,
bles crops. Chemical substances or performed effectively in all the four
bio-control agents can be used to treat crops evaluated. It can be inferred
the seeds. that seeds treated with 0.5% and 1%
Method: A study was carried out at KNO3 concentrations alone or in com-
the Department of Vegetable Science, bination with 1% Pseudomonas yielded
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara good growth parameters viz., plant
to find out the best seed invigouration height, root length, leaf area, collar
treatment in tomato, chilli, cucumber girth, vigour index I and vigour index
and okra. The experiment comprised II, while seeds treated at 2% KNO 3
of nine treatments replicated three concentrations was detrimental for
times and conducted in a completely seedling growth.
randomized design. Seeds of tomato
var. Anagha, chilli var. Anugraha, Conclusion: A combination of 0.5%
KNO 3 and 1% Pseudomonas can be
cucumber var. Heera and okra var.
effectively used for seed treatment in
Salkeerthy were soaked in different
vegetables. Apart from giving good
concentrations of KNO3 (0.5 %, 1 %,
vigour, the combination of KNO3 and
2 %), 1 % Pseudomonas and in com-
Pseudomonas also confers resistance to
binations of these for twelve hours.
soil-borne diseases
Treated seeds were shade dried for 30
minutes and sown in pro-trays filled Keywords: Pre-sowing seed
with coir pith compost, vermiculite invigouration.
98 34th Kerala Science Congress


Profiling of Rice Varieties of Kerala for Amylose Content

Using Molecular Markers: An Approach
Towards Diabetes Management
Deepa John and Maya Raman
Faculty of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies,
Pannagad, Kerala, India

Background: Amylose and amylopec- This research will help identify accessions
tin the two constituents of starch in with low GI which will be a boon to the
rice endosperm greatly influences the breeders to develop low GI lines suitable
quality of rice. Glycemic index (GI) is to the consumer’s preference and market
an estimate to score foods how quickly quality, particularly in Asia.
they raise blood glucose level after
Method: Traditional rice varieties from
consumption. Glycemic index value
Kerala were collected and germinated for
and amylose content are negatively
DNA isolation. Rice seedlings were estab-
correlated. Therefore, consuming
lished to collect leaf samples from two to
foods having high amylase content
three week old seedlings for DN isolation.
would help in maintaining the blood
DNA was isolated from leaf samples
glucose level in diabetic patients.
as described in simple CTAB method
There is a rich genetic diversity of rice
(Doyle and Doyle 1987). Quantity check
in Kerala and therefore, screening rice
was done using UV spectrophotomer and
varieties of Kerala can help identify
quality check was done using 1% agarose
varieties with high amylose content.
gel electrophoresis. DNA isolated from
The present work aims to identify rice rice leaf samples were subjected to PCR
varieties with high amylose content using amplification with primers linked to Waxy
molecular approach. The Waxy (Wx) locus. Bands visualized using 1% agarose
gene encodes the Granule-Bound Starch gel electrophoresis. The primers used are
Synthase I (GBSSI) enzyme primarily as follows:
regulates amylose synthesis in grains. Results: A total of 18 rice varieties from
Several PCR based molecular markers Kerala were screened with three markers
linked to the Waxy gene are available to linked to Waxy allele. Glu23 was used to
identify alleles of Wx carried by the rice amplify DNA fragment containing the
varieties and can successfully correlate to 23-bp duplicate region, which discriminate
the amylose content. between varieties with Wx and wx. All the
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 99
rice varieties screened showed an amplifi- intermediate-amylose cultivars. However,
cation of 173 bp allele which corresponds there was no amplification observed with
to Wx allele classifying them as non waxy all the test samples indicating that these
rice varieties. Genotypic screening o the varieties contain amylose content higher
rice varieties with marker specific to Wxb than 24%.
produced no amplification. The samples
Conclusion: In summary, this work identi-
were then screened with Waxy-intron
fies traditional rice varieties of Kerala with
primer followed by restriction digest of
high amylose content based on molecular
the PCR fragment of the region amplified
screening. This method of using molecular
using restriction endonuclease AccI. After
markers overcomes the shortcomings of
analysis of the resulting banding pattern,
amylose content measurements by other
257bp band was observed indicating no
spectrophotometric methods.
digestion which confirms the presence
of Wx a allele. The varieties were also Keywords: Rice, amylose content, Waxy
analysed with Wx in marker to identiy allele, diabetes, molecular markers


Pegylated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Smart Nanovector for

Seed Germination and Mineral Fortification
Shily C., Unnikrishnan B.S., Swapna Alex*
Department of Plant Biotechnology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vel-
layani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Biopolymer based Iron in the seed germination of Solanum

Oxide Nanoparticles (IONPs) are melongena.
deliberated as upcoming nanovectors Met hods: Pegylated iron oxide
in the field of Plant Biotechnology. nanoparticles were synthesized and
Several studies have been conducted characterized by UV-Vis spectroscopy
during the past two decades to elu- and transmission electron microscopy.
cidate the effect of NPs in the plant Solanum melongena seeds were sub-
system and both positive and negative jected to germination in the presence
responses have been observed. The of IONPs solution at concentrations- 5,
current study focuses on the effect of 10, 15 and 20 ppm particles in basal
pegylated iron oxide nanoparticles MS medium. Plant biomass and
100 34th Kerala Science Congress

growth index were analyzed after pared to untreated seedlings. IONPs

germination.Iron accumulation in exhibited substantial enhancement in
the tissues was analyzed using Perl’s seedling growth (double the growth
staining. rate compared to untreated seedlings)
both in radicle and plumule regions.
Results: IONPs induced a statistically
Conclusion: Pegylated iron oxide
significant dose-dependent increase
nanoparticles can serve as a promising
in growth index in Solanum melongena
delivery system for rapid seed germi-
plantlets compared to untreated seed-
nation and iron fortification.
lings. Studies in root and stem sections
showed the higher accumulation of Keywords:Nanoparticles, Germina-
IONPs in the treated seedlings com- tion, MS medium, Growth


Endophytic Bacillus Promotes Plant Growth and Suppresses

Web Blight (Rhizoctonia solani kuhn) Disease of
Bush Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
Siva M. 1, Sreeja S. J. 1*, Anith K. N. 2, Susha S. Thara1 and Heera G.1
Department of Plant Pathology, 2Department of Agricultural Microbiology, College of Agricul-

ture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India


Background: Cowpea, a widely grown growth promotion and management of

vegetable crop in the wetland fallows in web blight disease in cowpea.
Kerala, suffer from serious setback due
to its susceptibility to several pests and Method: Endophytic bacteria were iso-
diseases. Among various fungal diseases, lated from healthy root, stem and leaves
web blight incited by Rhizoctonia solani of fodder cowpea and bush cowpea. The
Kuhn, has become a severe problem in isolates of endophytic bacteria were
cowpea growing tracts across the state. screened against R.solani by adopting
R. solani cause substantial yield loss dual culture technique and culture filtrate
(20 – 40 %) per annum across worldwide. assay. Bio-priming with selected bacterial
However, indiscriminate use of chemi- endophytes at 108 cfu/ ml were performed
cals may result in residual effect on the using roll towel assay. The promising
vegetable. Hence, biological control using endophytic bacterial isolates were tenta-
endophytes is an alternative way for plant tively identified through morphological,
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 101
cultural and biochemical characters and ditions, seed biopriming for 4 h along
further confirmed through 16S rRNA with foliar application (20 and 40 DAS)
analysis. of B. velezensis CBRE5 was most effective
treatment for the management of web
Results: Thirty-eight endophytic
blight of cowpea whereas, combined
bacterial isolates were obtained from
seed biopriming for 4 h along with
healthy root, stem and leaves of fod-
foliar application (20 and 40 DAS) of
der cowpea and bush cowpea. Based
B. amyloliquefaciens CBSE5 and B. velezensis
on the results of direct and indirect
CBRE5 was the best treatment in
antagonism of endophytic bacteria,
plant growth promotion. Production
20 isolates were selected as promising
of IAA, ammonia, phosphorus and
ones for biopriming of cowpea seeds.
siderophore were also investigated for
Based on the results of roll towel
elucidation as plant growth promoting
assay the isolates CFLE3, CBRE5
and CBSE5 were selected as the best
three bacterial endophytes for further Conclusion: This study elucudiated B.
studies. The identities of the species of velezensis CBRE5 as putative PGPR and
these isolates were further confirmed potent biocontrol agent against web
through 16S rRNA analyses as Bacillus blight disease incited by R. solani
subtilis CFLE3 (OL719066), B. amylolique- Keywords: Cowpea, Endophytic bac-
faciens CBRE5 (OL719067) and B. velezensis teria, Rhizoctonia solani, Antagonists,
CBSE5 (OL719068). Under in vivo con- Plant Growth Promotion
102 34th Kerala Science Congress


Soil Carbon Dynamics Under Long Term Fertilization in

Rice-Rice Cropping Sequence of Onattukara
Kavyasree G. and Mini V.
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Soil organic carbon Result: Carbon fractions, computed

(SOC) is an important index of soil indices, carbon build up rate and car-
fertility because of its relationship to bon sequestered were found the high-
crop productivity. Declining SOC level est in treatment receiving integrated
often leads to decreased crop produc- application of organic and inorganic
tivity. Hence, maintaining SOC level is fertilizers. All the treatments recorded
essential for agricultural sustainability. a positive critical carbon input which
indicates that additional carbon has to
Method: This experiment comprised be given inorder to sustain the present
of field experiment using various level of SOC stock.
combination of nitrogen, phosphorous Conclusion: Present study provided
and potassium fertilizers in rice vari- an insight on how management
ety Jaya at Onattukara. Soil analysis practices affect soil carbon buildup
for various carbon fractions in soil and carbon sequestration in rice-rice
were carried out using the standard cropping sequence of Onattukara.
procedures. Various computed carbon Integrated nutrient management sig-
indices like carbon pool index, carbon nificantly improved carbon fractions,
lability index, carbon management carbon buildup rate and yield.
index were worked out to determine Keywords: Soil organic carbon, carbon
the sustainability of management pool index, carbon lability index, car-
practices. bon management index.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 103

Piriformospora indica Helps in Establishment of TC Banana

Plantlets and Tolerance to BBrMV in Field Condition
Sinijadas K., Elizabeth T. Jojy and Joy Michal Johnson*
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture (Kerala Agricultural University), Vellayani,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - 695 522.

Background: Banana bract mosaic dis- of P. indica with different stages of TC

ease (BBrMD) is a serious virus disease banana (Var. Nendran) and suckers.
of banana. Nendran variety is more Standardization of different method
prone to this disease and the incidence of P. indica co-cultivation with banana
of disease ranges from 5 to 36 per plants was carried out. Assessment of
cent. Virus diseases are difficult biometric parameters and evaluation
to manage and tissue cultured (TC) of BBrMV tolerance of P.indica colo-
banana plantlets are extensively used nized plants were done.
to produce virus indexed and free
Result:P. indica-root colonization
planting material. As a vector borne
helped in establishment of TC banana
disease, Banana bract mosaic virus
plantlets in the secondary hardening
(BBrMV) symptom are also observed and subsequently in the field with
in TC banana cultivated field. TC enhanced root and shoot biomass in
plants are more sensitive to stress con- Nendran. P.indica could colonize inside
ditions. Acclimatization phase is the the roots irrespective of their age and
most important stage of tissue culture growth phase. P. indica-colonized
banana plantlets. Beneficial root-col- TC plants produced more number
onizing endophytic basidiomycete of roots, rootlets and root hairs, thus
fungus, Piriformospora indica conferes improved the root architecture com-
enhanced plant growth and yield in pared to the non-colonised plantlets.
addition to increased resistance/ The colonized plantlets also recorded
tolerance to (a) biotic stress in crop increased leaf area. P. indica-colonized
plants. Present study elucidates the plantlets could reduce symptoms of
role of P. indica in the establishment of BBrMV in field condition under its
TC banana plantlets, banana suckers natural incidence.
and its evaluation against BBrMV.
Conclusion:The present study demon-
Method:Work deals with colonization strated that the beneficial fungal root
104 34th Kerala Science Congress

endophyte P. indica helped in the BBrMV, Growth promotion, Disease

establishment of banana suckers, TC tolerance
plantlets and conferred increased
Acknowledgement: Kerala State Council
tolerance to BBrMV with enhanced
for Science, Technology and Environment
(KSCSTE) for funding the project and
Keywords: Piriformospora indica, Kerala Agricultural University for pro-
TC banana plantlets, Banana suckers, viding facilities.


Profitability of Tannia (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.). Schott)

Grown in Coconut Gardens as Influenced
by Tillage and Nutrition
A. Jayapal, O. K. Swadija, B. Lovely and A. R. Resmi
Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Kayamkulam,
Alappuzha, Kerala, India- 690501

Background: Tannia (Xanthosoma conditioners along with a control and

sagittifolium (L.). Schott) is one of two nutrient management practices.
the six most important tuber crops
Results: Significantly higher yield was
grown world-wide. Soil compaction
obtained due to deep tillage and pit
of agricultural soils is a well recog-
system. Coir pith as soil conditioner
nized global problem which can be
resulted in higher yield. Organic
reduced by tillage. Crop residues can
nutrition significantly improved tuber
be applied to enhance crop produc-
yield compared to INM. Deep tillage
tivity. A positive response of tannia to
followed by pit system under organic
organic manures and chemical fertil-
nutrition without any soil conditioner
izers is revealed. Hence, a study was
recorded the highest net income and
taken up to identify the ideal tillage
system, soil conditioner and nutrition
for profitable cultivation of tannia as Conclusion: Tannia can be profitably
an intercrop in coconut gardens. intercropped in coconut gardens by
adopting deep tillage followed by
Method: The experiment was laid
pit system of planting and providing
out in split plot design with four
organic nutrition.
replications. The main plot treatments
consisted of four tillage systems and Key words: Economics, Organic,
sub plot treatments were two soil Tannia, Tillage, Yield.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 105

Productivity Enhancement in Watermelon

[Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai]
Through Fertigation, Drip Irrigation and Vertical Training
Under Rain Shelter
S.K. Nisha and I. Sreelathakumary
Department of Olericulture, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala, India- 695 522

Background: Watermelon is the most vines) arranged in randomized block

popular and widely cultivated warm design with two replications and
season crop of cucurbitaceae family. control with surface irrigation, soil
Traditionally watermelon is cultivated application of fertilizer and horizontal
by trailing on the ground and adopting training of vines. Plants were trained
surface irrigation with soil application vertically in rain shelter.
of fertilizers. Recently, vertical training
of vines has emerged as an alternative Results: Fruit weight, yield per plant
to horizontal training, especially in and crop duration were significantly
protected cultivation adopting drip affected by fertigation and irrigation
irrigation and fertigation. levels under rain shelter, whereas
number of fruits per plant was
Method: An experiment was con-
affected by training levels. Fertigation
ducted at Department of Olericulture,
treatments registered higher yield
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Ker-
and longer crop duration compared
ala, to study the effects of fertigation,
to control. Highest yield was recorded
drip irrigation and training levels
in fertigation at 100 % RD, 0.8 ET and
on yield and quality of watermelon
training to two vines under rain shel-
hybrid ‘Prachi’ under rain shelter. The
ter. Water use efficiency was highest
treatments were factorial combinations
at 0.6 ET. TSS content was not affected
of three fertigation levels (75 %, 100 %
by fertigation, irrigation and training
and 125 % recommended dose (RD)
levels. Deficit irrigation had influence
of 70:50:120 NPK ha-1), two irrigation
on lycopene and ascorbic acid contents
levels (0.6 and 0.8 evapotranspiration
under rain shelter.
(ET) rates) and two training levels
(nipping to one vine, nipping to two Conclusion: The results revealed that
106 34th Kerala Science Congress

the yield of watermelon increased fruits per plant and yield of mini
under drip irrigation and fertigation watermelon.
than the conventional surface irriga-
tion and soil application of fertilizer.
Training to two vines per plant showed Key words: Watermelon, fertigation,
better performance for number of drip irrigation, training


Estimation of Heterosis for Yield and Yield Attributing

Traits in Tomato (Solanum lycopersiucm L.)
Under Protected Conditions
Lekshmi S. L.*, V. A. Celine and Jyothilekshmi, S.
Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kayamkulam, Kerala, India

Background: Heterosis breeding is a per plant with EC-775046 x EC 608365

potential method to achieve improve- recording the maximum fruits per
ment in production and productivity plant (103.93). EC 608365 x EC-775045
of tomato under protected conditions. recorded the highest yield of 3114.03
g per plant. Wide range of heterobelti-
Method: In this experiment, half
osis was manifested by the hybrids for
diallel analysis was carried out using
the characters considered. The results
nine parents and check Naveen under
revealed that the hybrids exhibited a
protected conditions. The parents
heterobeltiosis for yield in the range
were crossed in a half diallel fashion
of -47.14 (EC 608244 x EC-775045 ) to
excluding reciprocals to obtain 36 F1
89.54 (EC-775046 x EC 608365).
hybrids during 2013-2015.
Conclusion: The present investigation
Results: The study revealed that het- helped to quantify the variability
erotic vigor was present for growth among tomato genotypes for yield
and yield characters among hybrids. and yield related characters under
Heterosis was negative for days to first protected conditions. Based on the
flowering and positive for fruits per mean performance, standard heterosis
plant, and yield per plant. Consider- and sca effects three potential crosses
able variation was noticed for fruits viz., EC 608365 x EC-775045, Akshaya
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 107

x Manulakshmi and EC-775046 x EC heterosis breeding is useful for devel-

608365 could be advanced for further opment of tomato through exploita-
study under protected conditions. tion of heterosis under protected
Thus the present study reveals that conditions.
Oral Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 111


Recombinant Expression of an Antimicrobial Peptide

Penaeidin From Speckled Shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros and
its Functional Characterization
Archana K., Anju M.V., Anooja V.V., Athira P.P., Neelima,
Mohammed Musthafa and Rosamma Philip*
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi-16. Kerala, India

Background:Shrimps mainly depend pathogens of aquaculture and clinical

on innate immunity and the antimicro- importance.
bial peptides are an important compo-
Results: The rMm-Penaeidin with
nent of the innate immune system. The a molecular weight of 5.84 kDa was
development of antimicrobial peptides expressed in the E. coli RosettagamiTMB
provides a possible alternative to anti- (DE3) pLysS cells. The peptide after
biotics in the modern era of increasing purification and enterokinase cleav-
antibiotic resistance.The present study age of the thioredoxin tag showed
deals with the recombinant expression potent antimicrobial activity. The
and functional characterization of the growth inhibition percentage of the
antimicrobial peptide Penaeidin from peptide rMm-Penaeidin at the highest
Metapenaeus monoceros. concentration of 16 µM were as fol-
Method: The pET-32a (+) expression lows; Staphylococcus aureus- 13.02%,
vector with the mature peptide region Bacillus cereus- 92.89%, Escherichia
of the target gene Mm- Penaeidin coli-56.57%, Edwardsiella tarda- 33.73%,
isolated from Metapenaeus monoceros Aeromonas hydrophila- 6.45%, Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa- 56.55%, Vibrio
was transformed into the expression
parahaemolyticus- 60.41%, Vibrio algi-
host E. coli RosettagamiTM B (DE3)
nolyticus-97.14%,Vibrio cholerae-77.4%,
pLysS cells. The fusion protein was
Vibrio proteolyticus-70.39%, Vibrio
expressed after induction with IPTG.
fluvialis-94.05%, Vibrio harveyi-67.99%.
The proteins were purified, desalted
and cleaved wit h enterokinase Conclusion: The present study reports
enzyme to remove the thioredoxin the recombinant expression of the
fusion tag. The purified peptide was Mm-Penaeidin from Metapenaeus
quantified and the antimicrobial activ- monocerosin the E. coli RosettagamiTMB
ity of the peptide was tested by broth (DE3) pLysS cells, and its antimicro-
micro dilution assay against twelve bial potential against clinical and
112 34th Kerala Science Congress

aquaculture pathogens. Further fight microbial infections.

studies on the bioactive potential of
the peptide might open a new avenue Keywords: Antimicrobial peptides,
for the development of novel drugs to Metapenaeusmonoceros, Penaeidin.


Quorum Quenching Activity of a Novel Strain of

Bacillus velezensis and its Application in Biofilm Control
Suryalekshmi V. A. 1, 2 and Krishnakumar B.1, 2
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR – NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram – 19, Kerala, India

Academy for Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad- 201002, India

Background: “Quorum Quench- for QQ activity. For screening purpose,

ing” (QQ) is a novel approach, few bacterial strains such as a mutant
demonstrated as a better substitute strain of Chromobacterium violaceum
for traditional biofilm mitigation CV026 and wild strains such as
strategies which are energy intensive Chromobacterium violaceum sp. NIIST,
or not environment friendly. In this Serratia marcescens sp. NIIST and Pseu-
approach, the microbial cell signaling domonas aeruginosa (ATCC27853) were
mechanism (Quorum Sensing) is used. One of the isolates exhibiting
interrupted without causing any det- prominent QQ activity was identified
rimental effect on cell viability which using 16SrRNA sequencing. The QQ
in turn imparts less selection pressure activity of the isolated bacterium,
on the ecosystem. In this scenario, including inhibition of biofilm was
the present study focuses on devel- established and through molecular
oping a bacterial system exhibiting probing, the mechanism behind the
QQ property that can be translated QQ activity was also elucidated.
for controlling biofilm formation on
Results: Through enrichment culture,
different surfaces.
a novel strain of Bacillus velezensis
Methods: Enrichment culture strategy (isolate PM7) was isolated that exhib-
was adopted to promote the growth ited significant extracellular quorum
of QQ bacteria. N-Acyl Homoseriene quenching activity. The cell free
Lactone (AHL) molecule was provided supernatant of the strain was found to
in the growth medium, and several affect the quorum sensing phenotypes
bacteria were isolated and screened such as pigment production, motility,
34th Kerala Science Congress 113

exopolysaccharide production, cell cant inhibition in bacterial biofilm for-
surface hydrophobicity and virulence mation without affecting cell viability
factor expression of C. violaceum, (reason for antimicrobial resistance).
S.marcescens and P.aeruginosa without The mechanism of QQ was found to be
affecting the cell viability. It was through extracellular AHL Lactonase
demonstrated that the PM7 decreased activity. The wide substrate specificity
the biofilm forming capacity of these and extracellular enzyme activity of
bacteria by 66%, 58% and 70% respec- B. velezensis PM7 mediated quorum
tively. Molecular studies confirmed quenching can be developed further
the presence of AHL lactonase gene as a feasible method for biofilm mit-
(aiiA), which could be the reason for igation on different surfaces that will
the QQ activity of the isolated strain. have high application potential.
Conclusion: The isolated novel strain Keywords: Biofouling, Quorum sensing,
of B. velezensis PM7 exhibited signifi- N-Acyl Homoseriene Lactone


Production and Characterization of Antineoplastic Enzyme

L-Asparaginase from Novel Geosmithia pallida Strain KLR04
Neethu R. S.1, Pradeep N. S.1 and Prakashkumar R.2
KSCSTE – Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, GA College P.O,
Kozhikode, Kerala, India- 673 014
KSCSTE - Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Palode,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695562

Background: L-Asparaginase is an of the potent strain KLR04 was based on

antineoplastic agent used in the treat- conventional morpho-taxonomic methods
ment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and molecular phylogenetic analysis using
lymphomas and other cancers. The sequence homology of ITS region. The
present study deals with the produc- enzyme from KLR04 was purified by
tion of this chemotherapeutic enzyme column chromatography and the finest
drug from fungal strain Geosmithia enzyme was further characterized.
pallida KLR04.
Results: Of the 249 fungal isolates
Methods: A total of 249 isolates were screened, the strain KLR04 showed max-
used to screen out efficient microorgan- imum L-asparaginase activity. The potent
isms for enzyme production. Identification strain was identified as Geosmithia pallida
114 34th Kerala Science Congress

and chosen for L-asparaginase production Conclusion: The study explored the
under submerged fermentation. Geo- Geosmithia pallida KLR04 as a potential
smithia pallida KLR04 L-asparaginase fungal source for high yield production of
showed an apparent molecular weight antileukemic enzyme drugs.
65 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme was
active in a pH range of 7.5-8.5 with max- Keywords: Geosmithia pallida, L-Aspar-
imum activity at pH 8.0. The enzyme was aginase, KLR04, Submerged fermentation,
optimally active at 40 ˚C and was stable Purification, Thermostability.
at 0-50 ˚C.


Response to induction of the cellulases of

Penicillium janthinellum NCIM 1366: The expression of
cellulases is preceded by reorganization of metabolic and
stress-responsive pathways and their associated regulators
Meera Christopher 1,2, AthiraRaj Sreeja-Raju 1,2, Prajeesh Kooloth-Valappil 3, Digambar Vitthal
Gokhale 4, Ashok Pandey 5, and Rajeev K. Sukumaran 1,2
Biofuels and Biorefineries Section, Microbial Processes and Technology Division,
CSIR- National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Industrial Estate P.O.,
Pappanamcode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695019
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad,
Uttar Pradesh, India- 201002
Leiden University, Institute of Biology Leiden, Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology,
Sylviusweg 72, 2333 BE Leiden, the Netherlands
National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR),
31 MG Marg, Lucknow, India-226 001

Background: Current efforts to bring tightly regulated in response to envi-

to life the concept of an “integrated ronmental cues, understanding the
biorefinery”, in which fungi are grown mechanisms of cellulase gene induc-
on lignocellulosic feedstock to pro- tion and regulation will provide vital
duce the necessary enzymes, call for clues for the systemic improvement of
the use of organisms that can secrete their cellulase production.
high titers of efficient hydrolases. Method: This work explores the tran-
Since cellulase production by fungi is scriptional and secretome response
34th Kerala Science Congress 115

of t he hypercellulolytic fungus with cellulase production, of which
Penicillium janthinellum NCIM 1366 Rox1, Ste12 and Gcn4 were highly
(PJ-1366) to induction using different correlated. Correlation analysis of the
carbohydrate substrates. This data has transcriptional response of these regu-
been correlated with the distribution lators and transcription factor binding
of transcription factor (TF) binding sites on their promoters indicated
sites on the promoters of its cellulases that cellulase expression is possibly
so as to glean an understanding of the preceded by up-regulation of 12 TFs
regulators and pathways that govern and down-regulation of 16 TFs, which
the early induction of cellulases. cumulatively regulate transcription,
Results: Cellulase, xylanase, BGL and translation, nutrient metabolism and
peroxidase activities were higher for stress response.
cultures grown on a combination of
Conclusion: This work identifies
cellulose and wheat bran, while endo-
the appropriate inducers of different
glucanase activity was stimulated by
cellulases in PJ-1366, and gives pre-
disaccharides. Analysis of correlations
liminary information on the metabolic
between the proteome response of
pathways that are co-regulated with
induced cultures and the distribu-
the expression of cellulase genes in
tion of transcription-factor binding
this fungus.
sites on the promoter regions of the
cellulases identified 13 transcription Keywords: Penicillium, fungal, cellulase,
factors that are positively correlated transcription, pathway, induction


Non Polar Extract from Polyalthia korintii Leaves Inhibits

Proliferation, Migration, Invasion and Induces Apoptosis in
Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells
Tancia Rosalin 1, 2 and K.K.Elyas1
Department of Biotechnology, University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala, India

Department of Biotechnology, SAFI Institute of Advanced Study, Vazhayoor,
Malappuram, Kerala, India

Background: Polyalthia korintii is an reported in Ghats of India. Though

Indo - Sri Lankan endangered species Polyalthia species is extensively
with ethnomedicinal claims and is studied for its anticancer potentials,
116 34th Kerala Science Congress

P. korintii remains scientifically potential of PE extract on treatment

unexplored. Thus the present study with sub-lethal concentrations by
attempted to evaluate the anticancer inhibiting the migratory and invasive
potentials of this species. ability of the HCT116 cells. The puta-
tive phytocompounds responsible for
Methods: Leaves were extracted with
anticancer activity were identified.
petroleum ether by soxhlation. Cell
This is the first ever study reporting
viability, migration, and invasion
the anticancer potential and the
were detected by MTT assay, scratch
presence of these phytoconstituents
wound-healing assay, and transmem-
in Polyalthia korintii leaves.
brane invasion assay, respectively. The
cytotoxic mechanism was analyzed by Conclusion: The plant possesses sig-
microscopy, FACS, DNA fragmenta- nificant anticancer potential against
tion and western blot. GC-MS analysis human colorectal carcinoma cells and
was employed to identify the phyto- is a reservoir of unexplored bioactive
constituents present in the non-polar secondary metabolites. Studies are in
extract. progress to discern other biological
potentials of the plant. The present
Results: Non-polar extract of P.
work thus discloses the anticancer
korintii exhibited potent anti-pro-
potential of an endangered Polyalthia
liferative activity in dose and time
species and necessitates the need for
dependent manner. The induction of
its conservation.
apoptosis was confirmed by presence
of characteristic DNA fragmentation Keywords: Polyalthia korintii, antican-
pattern and PARP cleavage. The study cer, apoptosis
revealed the in vitro antimetastatic
34th Kerala Science Congress 117


TLX3 is a Crucial Determinant for Early

Cerebellar Patterning
Parvathy Surendran, Surya Suresh, Jyothi P. Nair, Meera V., Riya Ann Paul,
Budhaditya Basu and Jackson James
Neuro Stem Cell Biology Lab, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695014

Background: Tlx3 is expressed in of the Glutamatergic and GABAergic

granule neurons of the posterior cere- cell types of the cerebellum and Tlx3
bellum during a short window period expressing granule neurons of the
from E16 to PN20 and regulates few cerebellum have lost their potential
genes involved in Autism spectrum to proliferate in Tlx3 cKO compared
disorders (ASD). Nevertheless, the with the control. qRT PCR analysis
underlying functional relevance for also showed that ablation of Tlx3 from
this restricted expression pattern granule neurons of cerebellum affects
of Tlx3 in the posterior cerebellum the inherent molecular markers, prolif-
during this time point is unknown. eration, and few ASD candidate genes.
Here we demonstrate the functional In addition to that, Tlx3 deleted gran-
role of Tlx3 in the posterior cerebellum ule neurons were also failed to form
by using Tlx3 conditional knockout proper connections in vitro. Moreover,
mice (Tlx3 cKO). these defects directly influenced the
Method: Cerebellum specific Tlx3 behaviour of the Tlx3 cKO mice, where
conditional knockout mice were gen- motor function is affected and showed
erated by crossing Tlx3fl/fl and Atoh1 mild anxiety symptoms but no severe
Cre mice. We have carried out Immu- neurodegenerative defects.
nohistochemistry, TUNEL Assay,
Conclusions: In a nutshell, our study
BrdU labelling, qRT PCR, cerebellar
has shown that Tlx3 is required for
granule neuron culture and behaviour
the proper cerebellar patterning,
experiments for motor function, Anxi-
formation of different cell types, the
ety and Neurodegeneration.
proliferation of granule neurons,
Results: Tlx3 cKO mice showed and connections of the cerebellum.
an evident defect in the patterning Furthermore, the loss of Tlx3 from
of cerebellum. Furthermore, this is the posterior cerebellum can change
followed by the alternation in each internal molecular signatures of the
118 34th Kerala Science Congress

cerebellum through gene expres- but not to neurodegenerative con-

sion. Altogether, dysfunction of the dition.
cerebellum induced by the deletion Keywords: Tlx3, Posterior cerebel-
of Tlx3 give rise to motor function lum, Patterning, Proliferation, Motor
defect and mild anxiety symptoms, behaviour, Anxiety.


Analysing the Microbiome of A Marine Sponge Stellata Sp.,

Through Cultivation-Dependent and
Cultivation-Independent Approaches
Merlin T.S., Md. Umar and Sajeevan T.P.*
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kerala, India- Kochi - 682016

Background: Marine environment is Methods: This work explores the use

a relatively unexplored ecosystem, of both cultivation dependent and
which consists of marine invertebrates cultivation independent methods
such as sponges that produce potent to unearth the diversity of microbes
bioactive metabolites with antimicro- associated with the sponge Stellata sp.
bial as well as cytotoxic properties as Culturable bacteria and actinomycetes
part of their chemical defense system. were isolated according to standard
However, they are often present in protocol and cultured on Zobells
minute quantities and it has been marine agar and Actinomycetes
found that the microbes associated isolation agar respectively. The DNA
with the sponges are the real produc- was isolated and sequenced follow-
ers of these metabolites. Although ing standard protocols of 16S rRNA
microbial fermentation has the obvi- sequencing. The unculturable bacteria
ous advantage of providing a cheap isolated from sponge were sequenced
and sustainable source of metabolites, following standard protocols of DNA
the vast majority of sponge symbionts sequencing using Illumina Miseq
remain uncultured. The cultivation platform.
independent metagenomic approach Results: Bacillus dominated the
helps in accessing the full genetic bacterial population during culture
potential of these associated microbes. based methods, while Pseudomonas
34th Kerala Science Congress 119

spp. was dominant in metagenomics to compile the diversity of bacteria
based approach. The actinomycetes associated with the marine sponge
isolates MRS 12, MRS 13 showed 100% Stellata sp. Integrating both cultivation
and 98% similarity with Streptomyces dependent and cultivation indepen-
chumphonensis and Nocardiopsis alba dent approaches helps to analyse
respectively. The uncultured pro- the diversity within the microbiome
karyotic community present in the of marine sponge Stellata sp. exten-
sponge sample encompassed a vast sively. Understanding the diversity of
phylogenetic diversity, including microbiome further aids to mine the
isolates belonging to Proteobacteria, bioactive potential of marine bacteria
Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroi- associated with the marine inverte-
detes, Euryarchaeota, Verrucomicro- brates. The present work provides a
bia, Planctomycetes, Gammaproteo- baseline data on the diversity of bacte-
bacteria, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, ria associated with sponge Stellata sp.
Fusobacteria, TM7, Spirochaetes,and off Kovalam coast, Kerala, India.
Conclusion: This work establishes Keywords: Sponges, Metagenomics,
the use of metagenomic approach Stellata sp., Microbiome.


Development of Host-Specific Bicistronic Vector System for

CRISPR/CAS-Based Genome Editing in Danio rerio
Aswathy C., Valsamma Joseph and Jayesh Puthumana
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India - 682016

Background: Clustered regularly editing on trait of interest. Danio rerio

interspersed short palindromic is one of the model organisms and the
repeats/CRISPR-associated protein application of gene editing in D. rerio
( C R I S P R / C a s ) ge n o m e - e d i t i n g cell line could be a molecular tool to
method is a promising tool for targeted study molecular genetics, functional
genetic manipulations in animals and genomics, developmental biology, and
enables to identify and characterize most importantly, diseases in fishes
the roles of genes and their variants and other genetically similar organ-
by evaluating the consequence of gene isms. However efficient gene-editing
120 34th Kerala Science Congress

platform suitable to fish cell lines transfected into the D. rerio Gill cell
particularly for D. rerio is limited due line (DrG) and the expression of
to the lack of host-specific vectors CRISPR components is analysed by
that use active promoters to drive the reporter gene assay.
expression of both single guide RNA
Result: The reporter gene assay
(sgRNA) and the Cas9 protein within
showed that the D. rerio specific bicis-
a single expression platform that is
tronic vector could effectively drive
vital for efficient and cost-effective
the expression of sgRNA and Cas9
genome editing.
protein in D. rerio Gill cell line, which
Met hod: For the application of is essential for the optimal functioning
vector-based CRISPR/Cas9 delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 delivery system.
system, RNA polymerase type III pro-
Conclusion: This work establishes a
moters such as U6 (ZU6) and endog-
new and unified vector that included
enous promoter such as elongation
D. rerio U6 promoter and EF1α
factor 1 alpha (ZEF1α) were amplified
promoter could effectively drive the
from D. rerio genome and cloned into
expression of sgRNA, spCas9 and
mammalian specific CRISPR/Cas9
mCherry protein. Thus, it could be an
delivery system by replacing human
efficient and economical CRISPR/
U6 promoter (hU6) which direct the
Cas9 tool for gene editing application
expression of sgRNA and chicken
in D. rerio.
beta actin (CBh) promoter, direct the
expression of Streptococcus pyogenes Keywords: CRISPR/Cas, Gene edit-
Cas9 (spCas9) protein. The generated ing, Danio rerio gill celline, Reoporter
host-specific bicistronic vector is then gene assay.
34th Kerala Science Congress 121


Characterization of an Amylase Producing Halophilic

Archaeon Haloferax mucosum MS1.4 from a
Solar Saltern in Tamil Nadu, South India
K. P. Neethu1,2*, K. S. Sobhana1, Keerthi R. Babu1,2, S. Jasmine1, L. Ranjith1, H. Jose Kingsley1,
Eldho Varghese1, K. K. Joshi1 and A. Gopalakrishnan1
1ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam North P. O.,
Kochi, Kerala, India– 682 018
2Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682 022

Introduction: Haloarchaea thrive tial source of halotolerant microbial

under extreme salt conditions and α-amylase, was isolated from a solar
are potential sources of enzymes saltern in south India.
capable of functioning under harsh Materials and Methods: For the
environments. Here we discuss an screening of amylase producing
amylase producing haloarchaeon haloarchaea, brine and sediment
Haloferax mucosum MS1.4 which samples were collected from a saltpan
indicated potential for amylase pro- located in Tamil Nadu, south India.
duction under high saline conditions. Archaeal specific medium with 30%
Amylases which hydrolyse starch in salt (ASM) was used for the isolation
to polymers have great potential for of archaea. Screening for amylase pro-
application in food, fermentation ducing archaea was done by spotting
and pharmaceutical sectors. Though, the archaeal isolates on ASM plates
amylases can be sourced from plant, supplemented with 1% extra soluble
animal and microbial sources, micro- starch. The plates were incubated at
bial α-amylases have found wider room temperature for 7 days. After the
applications in food, textile, paper incubation period, amylase produc-
and detergent industries. Halophilic tion was confirmed by development
amylases can withstand high salt of a clear zone around the colonies
concentrations and yet retain activity when flooded with Lugol’s iodine
at low salt concentrations and hence solution. Among the isolates screened,
have great potential for industrial the strain MS1.4 isolated from saltern
applications. The halophilic archaeon sediment exhibited good amylase
Haloferax mucosum MS1.4 described activity on starch agar plate and was
here, which was found to be a poten- selected for further investigations.
122 34th Kerala Science Congress

MS1.4 was identified by phenotypic lar characteristics. The 16SrRNA gene

and biochemical characteristics as sequence of the strain was submitted
well as using molecular tools. The in NCBI GenBank with Accession no.
archaeal strain MS1.4 was grown in OL780830. The strain MS1.4 exhibited
mineral medium having 30% NaCl good α-amylase activity on starch agar
with 1% extra soluble starch as soul forming clear zones around the colony
carbon source and the crude enzyme when flooded with Lugol’s Iodine and
was extracted by centrifugation. The was selected for further investigations.
amylase in the crude extract was The response surface methodology
purified by ammonium sulphate was effectively utilised for optimizing
precipitation followed by dialysis the parameters for maximal α-amylase
using a dialysis tubing (SIGMA) of production by the haloarchaeal strain
molecular weight cut off (MWCO) >12 H. mucosum MS1.4. The effect of var-
kDa. The protein content of the par- ious parameters on the yield of the
tially purified enzyme was estimated enzyme was observed to be influenced
spectrophotometrically and molecular significantly by concentration of salt
mass was determined by SDS-PAGE. as well as the substrate, period of
Optimization of conditions for maxi- incubation and CaCl2 levels.
mal amylase production was carried
Conclusion: The haloarchaon H.
out by response surface methodology
mucosum MS1.4 exhibited good poten-
(RSM) using Box–Behnken design.
tial for production of halotolerant
Results: The light pink pigmented
α-amylase which could find industrial
halophilic archaeon MS1.4 isolated
from solar saltern sediment was iden-
tified as Haloferax mucosum based on Keywords: α-Amylase, Haloferax
phenotypic, biochemical and molecu- mucosum, Soalar saltern, RSM
34th Kerala Science Congress 123


Machine Learning Approach for the Rapid Estimation of

Biomass Chemical Composition from FTIR Spectra for
Biorefinery Applications
Sreejith R. P.a,c, Meena Sankarb,c, Sivaraman Savithria,c and Rajeev K. Sukumaranb,c,*
Material Science and Technology Division, b Centre for Biofuels, Microbial Processes and Tech-

nology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruva-
nanthapuram, Kerala, India-695019
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, UP, India-201002

Background: A fundamental under- like Random forest classifier (RFC)

standing of the cell wall composition and support vector machine (SVM)
of rice straw is essential to adopt were trained using the spectra to clas-
appropriate process conditions for sify MRS based on their composition
biofuel production and any biorefin- and partial least squares regression
ery operations. The conventional wet (PLSR) models were used to relate
methods for composition analysis FTIR spectra with the composition.
are laborious, time-consuming and Results: Among the RFC and SVM
expensive. Industrial scale production classifiers trained using the SNV
of biofuel using rice straw, demands normalized FTIR spectra, RFC out-
rapid estimation of chemical compo- performed SVM with a specificity of
sition. So, a Machine learning (ML) 89 .09%, 92.72%, 94.64% and 91.07%
based rapid classification and estima- for the five MRS. Classifiers trained
tion of cell wall composition using using the identified peaks showed
ATR – FTIR spectroscopy is proposed phenomenal performace with a
in this study. specificity of 100% in classifying MRS
based on their composition. Also the
Method: The study used five model
PLSR calibration models predicted the
rice straw (MRS) samples pretreated
cellulose, hemicellulose and the lignin
differently to have structural and
content of different MRS 1-5 with
compositional distinction. FTIR spec-
an R2P of 92.7%, 93.92% and 95.18%,
tra of each MRS were recorded and
composition analysis was performed.
A peak identification based variable Conclusions: Both classification and
(wavenumber) selection strategy was regression models trained using the
implemented. Classification methods peaks showed phenomenal perfor-
124 34th Kerala Science Congress

mance. The results suggest that the process designs and increase produc-
ML approach using the FTIR spectra tion yield.
could be an efficient alternative to
rapidly estimate the composition of Keywords: biofuel, machine learning,
rice straw in a biorefinery operation. rice straw, FTIR, composition analysis,
This could significantly aid accurate peak identification.


Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomic Investigation and

immunological Cross-Reactivity Studies of Naja naja (Indian
Cobra) Venom from the Western Ghats in Kerala
Muralidharan Vanuopadath 1, Dileepkumar Raveendran 2, Bipin Gopalakrishnan Nair1
and Sudarslal Sadasivan Nair 1
School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India-690 525
Indriyam Biologics Pvt. Ltd., SCTIMST-TIMed, BMT Wing-Poojappura,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 012

Background: Naja naja belongs to the was achieved through mass spectrom-
‘big four’ snakes’ category and is one etry-based conventional bottom-up
among the medically important snake and homology-assisted (de novo
species found in India. It belongs to sequencing) proteomic approaches.
genus Naja of the Elapidae family Immunoblotting and ELISA were
and its venom is mainly involved in used in assessing the reactivity and
inducing neurotoxic effects on enven- specificity of antivenoms towards
omed victims. Since geographical and cobra venom.
prey-specific variations contribute to
Results: Bottom-up proteomics
the vast differences in venom pro-
approaches enabled in the deter-
teome profiles, Naja naja venom from
mination of 115 proteins belonging
several biogeographical zones in India
to seventeen snake venom protein
has been studied in detail. However,
families. In addition to this, De novo
the venom proteomics and antivenom
analysis yielded 39 peptides with
studies on cobra venom from the
specific amino acid substitutions.
Western Ghats in Kerala has not been
ELISA results indicated that com-
explored so far.
pared to Virchow (EC50; 6.03 µg/mL)
Method: Venom proteome profiling and PSAV (6.04 µg/mL) antivenoms,
34th Kerala Science Congress 125

VINS (2.48 µg/mL) was showing cobra venom also, they show varied
better immunological cross-reactivity efficacies in detecting and binding
profiles towards crude cobra venom. the venom antigens. The influence of
From the western blot analysis, it was geographic variation in venom com-
observed that the binding specificities position and its impact on antivenom
of antivenoms towards high- and efficacy could provide insights for
low-molecular-mass proteins varied developing species/regional-specific
significantly. antivenoms.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest K e y wo r d s : Naj a n aj a ; D e n o v o
that though Indian antivenoms were sequencing; Mass Spectrometry;
raised using the venom from ‘big venom proteomics; Immunological
four’ snakes that include Indian cross-reactivity


Implications of Differential Hes-1 Expression

in Adult Sub-Ventricular Zone (Svz) Neurogenesis
Meera Vadakkath, Surya Suresh, Jyothi P. Nair and Jackson James
Neuro Stem Cell Biology Laboratory, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology,
Thiruvananthapuram, India, Kerala-695014

Background: Notch pathway is a well Methods: The technique of in vivo

established factor which has been electroporation along with tailor-made
found to be critical in the multi-staged plasmid constructs have been made
and highly complicated phenomenon use of to study the existence of Notch
of neurogenesis in the adult rodent dependent (NDHes-1) and NIHes-1
sub-ventricular zone (SVZ), even expression in the adult mouse SVZ.
though contradictions exist. Based on Two different conditional knock-out
the available literature and previous (cKO) models wherein Notch-1 and
work from our lab, it has been hypoth- Notch-1 independent region of Hes-1
esized that the neural stem cells set promoter can be knocked out from
aside as a quiescent sub population Nestin expressing neural stem cells
during development and are main- (NSCs) upon tamoxifen injection have
tained upto the adult stage can be been generated so as to study their
Notch independent Hes-1 (NIHes-1) respective roles in adult sub-ventric-
expressing. ular zone (SVZ).
126 34th Kerala Science Congress

Results: Differential Hes-1 expression the number of newly born neurons in

exists in adult mouse SVZ. The NI the olfactory bulb increases.
Hes-1 expressing cells in the adult Conclusion: This study unveils the
SVZ have been found to be slow divid- role of differential Hes-1 expression
ing or quiescent and of an embryonic in the maintenance of the NSCs in the
origin. Knocking out of Notch-1 adult SVZ and its implications at the
derails neurogenesis in SVZ thereby behavioural level.
affecting the faculty of fine olfaction. Keywords: Adult quiescent NSCs,
The deficit once caused in the faculty embryonic origin, faculty of fine
of fine olfaction persists even though olfaction
Poster Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 129


Genus Level Identification of Fungal Endophytes from Indian

Mangrove Ceriops tagal
Revathy M. R. and Rosamma Philip
Dept. of Marine Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India-682016

Background: Endophytic fungi are macroscopic and microscopic features

a group of microorganisms which and the genus level identification was
inhabits in the internal tissue of all done.
healthy plants. They do not cause any
Result: A total of 102 endophytic
symptoms of disease in the host cell.
They mainly belong to the ascomyce- fungal isolates belonging to 8 genera
tous group, whereas basidiomycetes, obtained from the leaf tissues of Ceriops
deuteromycetes and oomycetes are tagal. The phenotypic characteristics of
rarely found. These endophytic fungi the isolates were determined by the
are rich source of unique and diverse morphology of conidia, colony and
natural compounds with various spore morphology and all the isolates
biological activities. were identified up to the genus level.
Out of the 8 genera Aspergillus sp. is
Method: The endophytic fungi was
the dominant one followed by Penicil-
isolated from the Indian mangrove,
Ceriops tagal collected from Saktiku- lium sp. and Schizophyllum sp.
langara north, Kollam. Healthy leaves Conclusion: The study reveals that
of the plant were collected, surface the mangrove plant, Ceriops tagal is
sterilized, cut into small segments colonized by diverse number of fungal
and placed on the Potato Dextrose endophytes.
Agar (PDA) for 2-3 weeks for the iso-
lation of endophytic fungi. The fungal Keywords: Endophytic fungi, Man-
endophytes were characterised by its grove, Ceriops tagal, Diversity
130 34th Kerala Science Congress


Yes Associated Protein—Coordinately Modulate

TNBC Cellular Fate via Lyn-Dependent EGFR Activation
Sulfath T.P. and Lakshmi S.*
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Division of Cancer Research, Regional Cancer Centre,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India -695011

Background: Breast cancer is the PCR, wound healing assay, Transwell

most frequent female cancer with assay and flow cytometric analysis
an estimated 2.3 million new cancer were employed to test our hypothesis.
cases and surpassed lung cancer as the Results: We have observed a higher
leading cause of death. Triple-negative YAP expression in TNBC cells which
breast cancer (TNBC) is a highly het- is associated with increased prolifer-
erogeneous subtype of breast cancer ation, survival and invasive ability of
with unique molecular and biological the cells. Compared to the 2D culture,
characteristics. The alarming increase 3D cultured cells exhibited increased
in the incidence of new TNBC cases nuclear accumulation of YAP and the
and the mortality rate demands imme- mammosphere formation was highly
diate attention. The dysregulation of dependent on the YAP transactivation.
Hippo pathway is found to play a YAP nuclear activity associated with
critical role in tumorigenesis and can- activation of LYN, and conversely
cer survival in a vast range of cancers; LYN inhibition elevated cytoplasmic
nevertheless, our understanding of retention of YAP. Individual depletion
how core components of the pathway of YAP and LYN resulted in decreased
EGFR activation and attenuated TNBC
regulate breast cancer cellular charac-
aggressiveness. Importantly, YAP
teristics remains unresolved.
reactivation in these both scenarios
Method: In this study we investigate restored the EGFR expression and the
the significance of Hippo pathway in characteristic cellular traits of TNBC.
the TNBC thriving. Transient silenc- Conclusions: Our work elucidates
ing, pharmacological inhibitions, the intricate role of Hippo pathway
MTT assay, Acridine Orange-ethidium effector-YAP on atypical cellular and
bromide staining, colony formation molecular persona of TNBC. The pres-
assay, mammosphere formation ent study unearths the novel molecu-
technique, western blotting, Real time lar cross- talk of YAP in mediating the
34th Kerala Science Congress 131

TNBC aggressiveness. Our observa- effect, we suggest that YAP in TNBC
tions implicate that LYN-dependent cells represent a central vulnerability
EGFR activation in TNBC cells is that may be exploited therapeutically.
highly reliant on the YAP-TEAD trans-
activation and activated LYN in turn Key words: Triple negative breast
further enhances the YAP activity. In cancer, Hippo pathway, YAP, LYN.


Quantitative and Molecular Analysis of Coagulant Property

of Plants Moringa oleifera, Azhadirachta indica
and Carica papaya in Water Samples
Anagha S. Nair1, Andrea Antony1, Anandha Krishnan.S.1 and Salini Bhasker2*
Biotechnology Division, SCMS School of Technology and Management (SSTM),
Kochi, Kerala, India
Scopeful Bioresearch, Kribs-BIONEST, Kinfra Hi tech Park, Kochi, Kerala India-683503

In Indian mythology, water is consid- Despite the chemical processing of

ered as one of the essential elements water treatment, the usage of natural
of “Panchabhotha” for the existence component especially plant resources
of life in the planet. In other words, as coagulant for purifying is the part
scientifically there is no life without of environment research today. In
water. So, it is the duty of every man the present investigation, an attempt
to conserve water resources of water was made to determine the coagulant
as well as to protect the water from property of leaves and seeds of the
excess, loss and contamination. In plant Moringa oleifera, Azadirachta
the present era, over exploitation indica and Carica papaya using natural
of the natural resources including water samples. Compared with chem-
water for modern household and ical coagulant, the results of the study
industrial activities has become a demonstrates that the leaves and
trend of urbanization. Protection seeds of the plants have prominent
of water resources from pollutants effect in purifying river and muddy
and other contaminants by people water better than chemical coagulant.
caused effective treatment process is It was also observed that the seeds of
inevitable part of human existence. Papaya and Moringa have wonderful
132 34th Kerala Science Congress

coagulant property for removing the cating the suppression of bacterial

water impurities without changing growth in water samples. Though the
the standards pH value. Besides the study stands as a preliminary phase,
deposition of impurities, a sound the derived data provides sufficient
depletion of the microbial load in insight to extend the study for using
the water sample was noticed during the seeds of Moringa and Papaya as
treatment. The reduction of the bacte- coagulant for purifying water effec-
rial load was supported by the marker tively in a cost-effective way. Such
gene 16s rRNA in treated samples. In
studies are being undertaken at the
the treated samples, no amplification
of 16s rRNA gene was observed indi-


Bioactivity of Alkaloid Fraction from Marine Sponges

of Kerala Coast
Ashly Augustine, Neema Job, Nevin K.G.
Centre for Bioactive Compounds from Marine Organisms, Kerala University of Fisheries and
Ocean Studies, Panangad, Kochi, Kerala, India-682506

Background: The marine environment determine their bioactive potential.

is enriched with a variety of organisms The collected samples were identified
that harbors a wide range of biologi- by universal primers LCO1490 and
cally important compounds that are HCO2198. Alkaloid extraction from
useful for the pharmaceutical benefit both sponges was performed using
of humans. In the last few decades, the modified acid-base method and
marine sponges (phylum Porifera) are quantified. Further, the study also
being studied by biologists because examined the pharmaceutical poten-
many species have been considered tial of the purified alkaloid fraction
as drug treasure houses with respect such as antioxidant, antimicrobial,
to the great potential regarding their anti-biofilm, and α- amylase inhibi-
secondary metabolites. tory activities.
Methods: In the present study, the two Results: Using universal primers, the
marine sponges were collected from collected samples were identified as
Vizhinjam, Thiruvananthapuram, and Spongia sp. (SP1) and Tedania tubulifera
were subjected to in vitro screening to (SP4). In DPPH radical scavenging
34th Kerala Science Congress 133

assay, the alkaloid extracts, ALSP1 by 80.30% (22.5 µg/ml) and 85.84%
and ALSP4 showed an IC50 value of (17.5 µg/ml). ALSP1 and ALSP4
3.3µg/ml and 5.46µg/ml respectively. also exhibited significant α-amylase
ALSP1 and ALSP4 also exhibit potent inhibitory activity with an IC50 value
antioxidant activity in ABTS assay 13.7µg/ml and 21.0µg/ml respectively
with IC50 of 2.38µg/ml and 2.47µg/ and is comparable with standard acar-
ml. Both the sponge-derived alkaloids bose with an IC50 of 38.40 µg/ml.
expressed significant antibacterial
activity, alkaloid ALSP1 (11.25µg/ml) Conclusions: These findings suggest
showed maximum activity against that alkaloids from both sponge sam-
Bacillus cereus with an inhibition zone ples which have potent antioxidant,
diameter of 32mm. Whereas ALSP4 anti-biofilm, and α-amylase inhibitory
(8.75µg/ml) exhibits maximum activity have the potential to be devel-
potential against Escherichia coli with oped as a pharmaceutical product.
a zone of 23mm. The crystal violet
assay unveils the potency of ALSP1 Keywords: Marine sponges, alkaloids,
and ALSP4 samples in the eradication antioxidant, anti-biofilm, α-amylase
of preformed biofilm of S. aureus strain inhibitory activity


Exploration of Probiotic Properties and Antagonistic Traits of

Staphylococcus warneri Isolated from Fermented Rice Water
Vidhya Prakash, Pradeesh Babu, Meera Prabhakar, Sanjay Pal and Bipin G. Nair
School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India-690525,

Background: Food safety employing teria or probiotics have been explored

use of fermented traditional foods is and applied in health sector owing to
now considered to be vital for ensur- their multitudes of health benefits as
ing preeminence to health strategies a food supplement.
in developing countries. Fermented Method: Bacteria was isolated from
rice water, a staple traditional drink fermented rice water and further iden-
has been employed as rehydration tified by 16srRNA typing, sequence
solution for ages to treat diarrhea in deposited and GenBank accession
extreme cases of malnutrition. Fer- number was obtained. Further, the
mented food derived beneficial bac- probiotic properties and cell surface
134 34th Kerala Science Congress

properties of the strain to confirm the binding affinity with gelatin and
ability of the strain to survive in the heparin in in vitro experiments. The protein
gut environment and competitively fractions from the strain inhibited K.
exclude pathogens. Additionally, pneumoniae and E. faecalis with MIC
exopolysaccharide production ability concentrations of 500 µg/mL and 700
from the bound and supernatant µg/mL respectively. Protection assays
fractions of the strain was determined. conducted in C. elegans demonstrated
To predict the ability of the strains to an increased survival rate of the
bind to extracellular matrix (ECM), worms infected with Klebsiella (86%)
in vitro binding assay was performed providing a strong cue for application
with gelatin and heparin (1mg/mL) of this strain to target bacterial patho-
as ECM proteins. We also attempted gens of concern.
to partially purify proteins from the
isolate by ammonium sulfate precip- Conclusions: The present study
itation and the inhibitory potential explored the possibility of exploring
against two indicator pathogens strains other than Lactic acid bacteria
Klebsiella pneumoniae (MTCC 3384) with beneficial properties from staple
and Enterococcus faecalis (MTCC 6845) food sources like fermented rice water.
was determined by microbroth dilu- In silico PCR amplifications have
tion assay. Further, liquid kill assay shown that S. warneri strains generally
with C. elegans as a in vivo model was populate lesser virulence traits when
performed to check the ability of the compared to S. aureus strains. Probiotic
protein fraction from the isolate to combinations hold a greater promise
inhibit K. pneumoniae. to behold these strains as functional
Results: The strain isolated was foods supplements.
Staphylococcus warneri MN336185 and
it demonstrated acid, bile, and gastric Keywords: Fermented rice water,
juice tolerance, produced exopoly- probiotics, food safety, malnutrition,
saccharides and exhibited significant beneficial gut bacteria
34th Kerala Science Congress 135


Screening of Primary and Secondary Metabolites in

Aspergillus niger for its Application in
Waste Water Treatment
Suja Subhash, Fadila N., Bipin G. Nair and Sanjay Pal*
School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala, India

Background: Persistence of pollutants secondary metabolite production in

and enteric pathogens in sewage is ethyl acetate fraction of A. niger crude
always a threat to mankind, espe- extract. Antibacterial activity of extract
cially in places where the sanitation is was determined by well diffusion
poor. The inefficiency of chemical, assay.
physical and other mechanical meth- Results: Our results show that A. niger
ods of removal of these pathogens acts as a good producer of primary
from wastewater demands the urge metabolites like enzymes mainly pro-
for development of novel biological tease, amylase, phosphatase, chitinase,
strategies. The attractiveness of fungi lipase and acids. Also screening of
as biocontrol agents, in particular, is secondary metabolites using the ethyl
due to their general ubiquitous nature, acetate extract of A. niger showed the
ability to completely oxidize many presence of sugars, alkaloids, phenols
impurities, the high degree of host and tannins. The ethyl acetate extract
specificity, destruction of the host, showed antibacterial activity against
persistence, dispersal efficiency, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio chol-
ease of culture and maintenance in the erae proving its ability as a biocontrol
laboratory. Aspergillus niger is a widely agent.
distributed saprotrophic fungi known Conclusion: This work proves that
for its repertoire of many bioactive A. niger can be considered as a good
compounds. candidate with a potential source
Method: This study aimed at deter- of enzyme and metabolites in the
mining the biocontrol potential of the removal of organic waste and enteric
fungus Aspergillus niger by screening pathogens in biological wastewater
for production of primary and second- treatment.
ary metabolites. Primary metabolites Keywords: Sanitation, Aspergillus
were screened using media with niger, biocontrol, primary metabolites,
specific substrates and phytochemical enzymes, secondary metabolites, anti-
assays were performed to screen for bacterial activity.
136 34th Kerala Science Congress


Association of Autophagy in Cardiac Hypertrophy: an Insight

into Use of Autophagy-Targeted Drugs
Vandana Sankar a,b*, Kavitha Sasidharanb,c, Bipin Nair a
Amrita School of Biotechnology, Kollam, Kerala, India.

CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST)
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Background: Cardiovascular disease for the experiments. Isoproterenol

(CVD) forms the major cause of deaths (ISO;10μM), a β1- adrenergic agonist,
worldwide among non-communicable was used for the induction of hyper-
diseases. Hypertension ranks among trophy in these cell lines. Rapamycin
the first risk factors for heart disease. (rapa) and chloroquine (chloro) were
Cardiac hypertrophy occurs due to used as the activator and the late-stage
sustained hemodynamic load imposed inhibitor of autophagy respectively.
by hypertension on the heart. Even The different experimental groups
though an initial adaptive response consisted of control, ISO, rapamycin
to sustain a normal cardiac output, (rapa), chloroquine (chloro), ISO
hypertrophy leads to heart failure in +rapamycin (ISO/rapa) and ISO +
the long run. In view of this fact, it is chloroquine (ISO/chloro). Protein
appropriate to prevent the progression markers of hypertrophy and autoph-
of hypertrophy to failure. Autophagy, agy were investigated. Flow cytometry,
a cellular homeostatic mechanism, confocal microscopy, ELISA etc. were
may play a role in pathology and has employed for the studies.
the potential to be the target for the
Results: ISO-stimulation induced
treatment of specific human diseases.
hypertrophying (27% increase in cell
In this backdrop, we examined the
size) of the H9c2 cells. Autophagy was
association of autophagy in cardiac
assessed in the different treatment
cell hypertrophy. The study gives an
groups and ISO was found to demon-
insight into whether activation / inhi-
strate significantly lower autophagy
bition of autophagy in hypertrophy is
when compared to control (p≤0.05).
protective or detrimental in hypertro-
On the other hand, ISO/rapa showed
phic conditions.
a heightened induction of autophagy
Method: H9c2 cell line (rat embry- (p≤0.05) that corresponded to a higher
onic cardiomyoblasts) was used degree of hypertrophying of the cells
34th Kerala Science Congress 137

(p≤0.05). In contrast, ISO/chloro to be significantly low in the ISO/
showed significantly lower autoph- rapa group when compared to ISO
agy (p≤0.05) which corresponded to (p≤0.05). On the other hand, Bnip3,
a lower degree of hypertrophying of the mitophagy marker, was found to
the cells (p≤0.05). The different groups be significantly higher for ISO/rapa
also demonstrated a positive correla- and lower for ISO (p≤0.05).
tion in the levels of BNP, the cardiac
Conclusions: In hypertrophied cells
hypertrophic marker. The level of
(ISO group), there is leading participa-
Beclin-1 was found to be significantly
tion of chaperone-mediated autophagy,
high in ISO/rapa group (p≤0.05) when
whereas in excessive autophagy as in
compared to ISO, whereas ISO/chloro
ISO/rapa, a lower level of LAMP-2A
demonstrated significantly lower
was demonstrated. On the contrary,
levels (p≤0.05). Analysis of LC3B
ISO/rapashowed significantly higher
protein revealed a significantly higher
Bnip3 level when compared to ISO,
accumulation of LC3 puncta in ISO/
suggesting that mitophagy isplaying a
chloro group (p≤0.05) when compared
dominant role in excessive autophagy
to other groups. This indicates inhi-
in the hypertrophied state.
bition of LC3 turnover in ISO/chloro
group. Analysis of lysosomal activity The results indicate that efforts to
revealed the presence of significantly target autophagy will be a novel ther-
higher activity in the ISO group apeutic approach in the treatment of
(p≤0.05) despite the lower autophagic cardiac hypertrophy. Moreover, Ker-
activity, when compared to control. ala Science Congress may hopefully
At the same time, lysosomal activity provide a platform for suggestions
correlated well with the autophagic regarding the selection of natural
activity in ISO/rapa group. LAMP-2A products targeting autophagy in this
levels were established to be high scenario.
in ISO when compared to control
(p≤0.05) indicating chaperone- medi- Keywords: cardiac hypertrophy, H9c2
ated autophagy in the ISO group. At cell line, autophagy, rapamycin, chlo-
the same time, LAMP-2A was found roquine
138 34th Kerala Science Congress


Dye and Metal Ion Removal Ability of Byssus Thread

Complex: A Strategic Value Addition of Mariculture Waste
P.P. Anand and Y. Shibu Vardhanan*
Biochemistry & Toxicology Division, Department of Zoology,
University of Calicut, Kerala, India-673 635

Mussel byssus thread is a tough, dura- the dynamicity of byssus thread dye
ble, and strong biopolymer consisting and metal removal at different pH (pH
of water and proteins. These natural 2–10) and different concentrations.
biopolymer fibers have been inten- The highest amount of metal removal
sively studied due to their mechanical was observed at pH 6.0, and the dye
and adhesive properties; however, the removal efficacy is related to the
byssus thread is considered one of the property of the dye (i.e., anionic or
waste materials in mariculture. Many cationic dye). Adsorption of dye and
researchers are only working on the metal ions has little effect on the bys-
industrial application of the mussel sus thread’s thermal and mechanical
shell, and there are few studies on properties. Our findings concluded
the application of byssus thread. This that byssus thread could be used as a
study aimed to understand the dye strong adsorbent for dye and metal ion
and metal ion removal efficacy of removal from water.
byssus thread. We collected byssus
thread from indigenous mussel spe- Keywords: Bio-adsorbent material;
cies and is used for dye and metal ion Mussel byssus thread; dye and metal
adsorption analysis. We documented ion removal; thermal property
34th Kerala Science Congress 139


Mechanistic Insight into the Interaction of S1 Domain Delta

and Omicron of SARSCOV2 Spike Protein with Antibodies:
A Molecular Docking and Dynamics Studies
Sandhya K. S.a and Achuthsankar S. Naira
Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Kerala, Kerala, India

Background: In the present scenario, of SWISS MODEL. All these models

the whole world has seen the exis- are characteristically favourable mod-
tence of mutated Delta (B.1.617.2) els based on Ramachandran plot and
and Omicron (B.1.1.529) variants QMEAN score. The impact of muta-
of SARSCOV2 which causes rapid tions was analysed using Dynamut
transmissibility, increase in virulence server. Mutations on the Omicron
and decrease in the effectiveness of were carried out by pymol software.
public health. Majority of mutations Molecular docking between the
are seen in the surface spike and they spike protein model and antibodies
are considered as antigenicity and were performed on the CLUSpro2.0
immunogenicity of the virus. Hence, server. Stability of both variants were
finding suitable cross antibody or studied by molecular dynamics as
natural antibody and understanding implemented in GROMACS software.
its biomolecular recognition for neu-
Results: All mutations on Delta
tralising surface spike are crucial for
always increase the stability (ΔΔG) and
developing many clinically approved
decrease the entropies which causes
COVID-19 vaccines. Here, we aim to
the unfolding of all designed protein
design both variants in two different
models. Changes in vibration entro-
approaches and hence, to understand
pies are in between 0.133 kcal/mol/K
its mechanism, binding affinity and
to -0.004 kcal/mol/K. Temperature
neutralisation potential with several
dependent free energy change values
(ΔG) for wild type is found to be -0.1
Methods:Ten complete sequences of kcal/mol whereas all models exhibit
mutated delta were collected from ΔG between -5.1 to -5.5 kcal/mol.
NCBI Virus SARS-CoV-2 Data Hub of Further, molecular docking analysis
NCBI website. Structures of S1 of spike on the RBD of truncated Delta and
protein from the lineage Delta were Omicron with human antibody
constructed from homology modelling (CR3022), Etesevimab (LY-CoV016),
140 34th Kerala Science Congress

Bebtelovimab (LY-CoV-1404), BD-368- is suggested that modification on

2, and Casirivimab (REGN10933) the CR3022 antibody could further
show many close interactions. Molec- improve for the prevention of viral
ular dynamics simulations reveal their spread. Antibody resistance decreased
structural stability from RMSD, Cα significantly due to numerous hydro-
fluctuations (RMSF), intermolecular gen bond interactions which clearly
hydrogen bond interactions, effect of indicates t hat t hese marketed/
solvent accessibility (SASA) and com- launched vaccines will be effective for
pactness (Rg) factors which is in good Delta and Omicron variants also.
agreement with the docking results.
Conclusion: Several interactions with Keyword: SARSCOV2, CR3022, vac-
CR3022 have appeared compared to cines, Homology modelling, Molecu-
Wild for Delta variant and hence, it lar dynamics simulations.


Industrially Important Proteases Produced by an Endophytic

Bacillus subtilis Strain Isolated from a
Marine Macro Algae, Ulva lactuca
Swathy S. Anand, Sudarslal S. and Jayashree G.
School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India 690 525

Background: Proteases are a large was identified based on the biochem-

group of enzymes capable of proteo- ical and 16S rRNA gene sequencing
lytic cleavage, hence are widely used method. The isolated organism was
as industrial enzymes in detergent, compared with a reference bacterial
leather, dehairing, pharmaceutical, strain for its morphological features
bioremediation and food industries. and extracellular protease production
Endophytic organisms, particularly ability. The extra cellular proteins
bacteria belong to Bacillus species were partially purified from the cul-
have proven to produce different types ture media by ammonium sulphate
of proteolytic enzymes. saturation followed qualitative and
Methods: A protease producing endo- quantitative analysis. The effect of
phytic bacterial strain isolated from physico- chemical parameters such as
a marine macro algae, Ulva lactuca pH, temperature, presence of metal
34th Kerala Science Congress 141

ions, chelators, inhibitors on protease the presence of several proteases
activity and enzyme stability were also including arginases, aminopeptidases,
determined. Mass spectrometry-as- and minor extracellular protease pre-
sisted proteomic experiments were cursor.
followed to identify the individual
Conclusion: The present study eval-
proteases present in the partially
uates the molecular and biochemical
purified enzyme cocktail.
characteristics of an endophytic bac-
Results: A protease producing endo-
teria isolated from a marine green
phytic bacterial strain was isolated
algae, Ulva lactuca. The biochemical
from a marine macro algae, Ulva
and enzymatic properties and protein
lactuca and was identified (accession
profile obtained by mass spectrometric
no. GQ861468.1). The strain shown
analysis revealed that this endophytic
to have 98% sequence similarity to
bacteria can be used as a potential
Bacillus subtilis LXB3. The isolated
source for various industrially
endophyte possesses high proteolytic
important proteases. Further studies
activity when compared with a refer-
have to be conducted for the complete
ence strain, Bacillus subtlilis 168. The
purification of individual proteases
partially purified enzyme displayed
to deeply unravel their biochemical
an optimum enzyme activity at pH
characters, structural organization
10.0 and at 40 ºC. The activity is
and discover their possible industrial
enhanced in the presence of Mg2+ and
Ca2+ and was completely inhibited by
PMSF. Mass spectrometry-assisted Key words: Endophyte, Protease, Ulva
proteomics characterization revealed lactuca, Mass spectrometry


Pharmacoepigenetics of Antiepileptic Drug

Neethu Mohan and Moinak Banerjee
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Antiepileptic drugs becoming evident that these pharma-

are the mainstay for the treatment ceutical drugs can cause changes in
of epilepsy. Studies in human have gene expression that persist long after
been shown that these AEDs tend to the exposure has ceased. Pharmaco-
have teratogenic potential. And it is epigenetic studies explain the role
142 34th Kerala Science Congress

of epigenomics in intrapersonal and sion .As treatment duration increased

interpersonal variations in response of from 12 to 48 hours, we observed a
individuals to drugs, in the effects of decrease in DNMTs (methylation)
drugs on gene-expression profiles, in and increase in TETs (demethylation)
the mechanism of action of drugs and expression. Global DNA methylation
adverse drug reactions. at 48 hour Phenytoin treatment show
decreased methylation .When consid-
Method: The present study involves
ering the epigenetic gene expression,
assessing the epigenetic modifications
all DNMTs show increased expression
induced by antiepileptic drugs in cell
at 48 hour PHT treatment. TET1 is
culture model. The effect of AEDs on
also showing increased expression
global DNA methylation and underly-
at 48hr, so we assume that increased
ing gene expression was studied. The
expression of TET1 must be the reason
experimental cell line was treated with
for the decrease in global DNA meth-
varying concentration of AEDs at dif-
ylation at 48 hour treatment.
ferent time intervals, following global
DNA methylation assay and the gene Conclusion: The antiepileptic drug
expression of epigenetic modulators induced changes in global DNA
including DNA methyltransferases methylation were observed in HEK293
(DNMTs) and Ten-eleven translocases and the modulation of global DNA
(TETs) was assessed. methylation status in cell line can be
attributed to variability in underlying
Results: Data suggests decreased
DNMT and TET gene expression.
global DNA methylation for AED
treated cells and the global DNA meth- Keywords: Antiepileptic drugs, Phar-
ylation changes show similar pattern maco-epigenetics, DNA methylation,
with respect to DNMTs gene expres- DNMTs, TETs.
34th Kerala Science Congress 143


Screening and Optimization of Antibiotics for Use

in Molluscan Cell Culture
Soumya Balakrishnan, Jayesh Puthumana and I.S. Bright Singh
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Fine
Arts Avenue, Kochi, India-682016

Background: The molluscs contribute penicillin and streptomycin. Based on

a large share to the world aquaculture the results, an antibiotic formulation
production. But alike any other group was optimized for use in the develop-
of animals, they are also succumbed ment of axenic molluscan cell culture
to infectious agents, and among them, systems.
viruses have paramount importance.
Results: The contaminant bacteria
To study such viral pathogens and
were resistant to penicillin, strepto-
to develop preventive health care
mycin, ampicillin, oxytetracycline,
strategy, cell lines from the respective
cefpirome and cefepime, and highly
animals are essential. In the process
sensitive to neomycin, moxifloxacin
of developing such cell culture sys-
and gatifloxacin. Based on these
tems and cell lines, contamination
results, neomycin was incorporated
by attached bacteria and fungi poses
into antibiotic formulation whereas
immense difficulties to accomplish
penicillin and streptomycin were
the task. This situation is primarily due
removed. The optimized antibiotic for-
to the filter-feeding behaviour of the
mulation yielded contamination-free
animal. Therefore, to develop axenic
cell culture systems from different
cell culture system, an appropriate
tissues of C. madrasensis.
antibiotic formulation is required.
Conclusions: This study establishes
Method: Contaminant organisms
the preliminary requisites towards
resulted from the primary cell culture
the development of axenic cell culture
systems of various tissues of the oyster,
systems from various tissues of the
Crassostrea madrasensis were subjected
mollusc C. madrasensis.
to antibiogram using 15 different
antibiotic discs, and also screened for Keywords: Primary Cell Culture,
sensitivity to the cell culture grade Mollusc, Antibiotic, Decontamination
144 34th Kerala Science Congress


Preliminary Characterisation of a Vibrio alginolyticus

Specific Lytic Bacteriophage PhPV1.3
Keerthi R. Babu1,2*, K.S. Sobhana1, K. P. Neethu1, V. S. Jayasree 1,
K. K. Joshi1 and A. Gopalakrishnan1
ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam North P. O.,
Kochi-682 018, Kerala, India
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin University P.O.,
Kochi-682 022, Kerala, India

Background: Vibrio alginolyticus tion of optimal multiplicity of infection

belonging to the class Gammapro- (MOI); burst size through one-step
teobacteria found ubiquitously in the growth curve; optimal growth con-
marine and brackish environment ditions in terms of temperature and
causes vibriosis in fish and is consid- pH were also undertaken. Further,
ered an emerging human pathogen host spectrum of the phage was
that induce seafood poisoning. Bac- investigated. Total nucleic acid was
teriophages highly specific to these isolated from concentrated phage
pathogenic bacteria are considered lysate and was treated with nucleases
having potential for phage therapy in (RNase A, DNase 1 and S1 nuclease)
aquaculture, in the scenario of emer- and was found to be double stranded
gence of antibiotic resistant bacteria DNA. The DNA was then analysed
due to indiscriminate use of antibiotics by restriction digestion using EcoRV,
in aquaculture. Sma1, Hinf and HindIII. The extracted
Methods: A highly specific lytic bac- DNA after treatment with RNase A
teriophage PhPV1.3 has been isolated was then subjected to PCR amplifi-
from the coastal waters off Kochi, cation and sequencing for molecular
south India, using Vibrio alginolyticus characterisation.
strain PV1.3 isolated from the same
Results: Transmission electron
source and identified by molecular
microscopic studies showed that the
and biochemical methods.
bacteriophage PhPV1.3 belongs to
PhPV1.3 phage was characterised the order Caudovirales. The phage was
by transmission electron microscopy found to be moderately thermotoler-
and using molecular tools. Determina- ant, remaining stable up to 50°C and
34th Kerala Science Congress 145

biologically active over a wide range of was confirmed to be double stranded
pH from 3 to 9. Optimal multiplicity DNA from restriction digestion using
of infection was estimated as 1. It has endonucleases.
a latent period of 68 min and burst
size was observed to be 53 phages
Keywords: Burst size, Caudovirales,
per cell. Phage genome was cleaved
MOI, TEM, Vibrio alginolyticus.
by enzymes EcoRV and Sma1, and


Y-Chromosome Microdeletion Analysis of SY255 at AZFc

Region in Infertile Males with Sperm Abnormalities
Anagha A. T. 1,Alphy Nisa Steaphen1, Dr.S.S. Muthaih2,
Girish Kumar M. M.1, Emy Edward1
1Department of biotechnology, Al Ameen College, Edathala. 2 Kanmani fertility center,
T-Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Background: It is common for couples analyzed with polymerized chain

to struggle with infertility. For one out reaction.
of five infertile couples, the problem is Result: 27 out of 50 infertile couples
solely with the male partner. Semen (54%) were diagnosed with male infer-
parameters are frequently abnormal in tility after primary semen analysis.
the male partners of infertile couples. Fourteen infertile male subjects had
These abnormalities are often due spermatogenic abnormalities such as
to Y- chromosomes microdeletions oligospermia (14), asthenospermia
or abnormal karyotypes. The most (8), Tetratospermia (3), Zoospermia
common molecular genetics cause of (4), and three of them had all the
severe male infertility is deletion of the abnormalities (Oligoasthenoterato-
AZFc region in distal Yq. zoospermia-OAT), which were all
taken for further analysis. In spite of
Methods: semen samples were micro- the fact that all 14 subjects showed
scopically examined for abnormalities normal karyotypes, there were 2 cases
and karyotyping was carried out to (14.3%) of AZFc deletion at SY255. All
check abnormalities in Y-chromo- 4 abnormal conditions were present in
somes. Further the occurrence of subject with such deletions, and they
SY255 locus deletions at AZFc was were all diagnosed with OAT.
146 34th Kerala Science Congress

Conclusion: It is found in this study addition to complete AZFc deletions,

that the occurrence of microdeletion specific partial deletions also play a
at the sequence tagged site SY255 of role in male infertility.
AZFc region correlates significantly Keywords: AZFc, Y-chromosome
(66.66%) with Oligoasthenoteratozo- microdeletions, male infertility, OAT,
ospermia. These data show that in sperm abnormality.


Symbiotic Effectiveness of Ceratobasidium Sps. on the Seed

Germination and Seedling Development of
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume
Lekshmi S.* and William Decruse S.
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Division, KSCSTE- JNTBGRI, Palode,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India -695562.

Background: Seed of orchids lack Methods: Isolated the endophytic fun-

significant reserves of nutrients and gus from the roots of R.retusa through
require a mycorrhizal fungus to root cutting method using fungal
germinate and nourish their young isolation and Potato Dextrose Agar
plants in the wild. The most frequent Medium (FIM & PDA). Morphological
orchid mycorrhizal fungus belong & cytological characteristics of fungi
to the Rhizoctonia genus, which were studied. Modified CTAB method
is attributed to the Basidiomycota was used for the isolation of fungal
genera Ceratobasidium, Thanetophorus,
DNA. Mature seeds of R.retusa were
Tulasnella, and Sebacina. In managed
co-inoculated with endophytic fungus
or restored settings, the existence of a
isolated from roots of R.retusa in Oats
suitable fungal mycobiont for seedling
Meal Agar medium (OMA). Five to
recruitment and plant nutritional
seven replicates were maintained
support is thus critical for orchid long-
for each treatment and the whole
term survival. The present work is to
prove hypothesis that the endophytic experiment was repeated thrice. Seeds
fungus belonging to Ceratobasidium without fungus culture were taken as
sps. imparts in vitro symbiotic seed control. For asymbiotic germination,
germination in Rhynchostylis retusa, seeds were inoculated in Mitra+ CH
an exquisite orchid of Western Ghats. medium.
34th Kerala Science Congress 147

Results: Endophytic fungus (Rr) iso- the promeristem formation, first leaf
lated from R.retusa was characterized development or second leaf initiation
and identified. Fungus showed right occurred in 88% of the protocorms in
angled branching and possessed a time interval of 90 days. Asymbiotic
barrel shaped monilioid cells in culture facilitated 90% germination of
long chains. The moniloid cells were seeds but further development was
binucleate. ITS sequencing followed drastically slow.
by phylogenetic analysis revealed that
Conclusions: Symbiotic germination
Rr showing 95.59% sequence simi-
supported fast germination and seed-
larity with Ceratobasidium sp. M–13
ling development in 90 days much
with 99% query coverage. Sequences
faster than asymbiotic method of ger-
were deposited in NCBI and obtained
mination. The endomycorrhiza from
accession number as Ceratobasidium sp.
R.retusa characterized and evaluated
isolate Rr-OL374043. Seed germination
are proved useful for conservation and
studies revealed that Ceratobasidium
cultivation of the vulnerable orchid
sp. Isolate Rr triggered symbiotic seed
germination of R. Retusa on co-inocu-
lation in Oats Meal Agar medium. A Key words: Endomycorrhiza, Symbi-
series of development starting with otic seed germination


Valorization of Biodegradable Waste Using

Microbial Consortium: An Alternative Panacea
B. Thazeem, P. N. Damodaran and Chikku Marin John
Integrated Rural Technology Centre, Mundur (P.O), Palakkad (Dist.), Kerala, India – 678592

Background: Waste management microbial consortium turned up as a

is given utmost priority in the pres- promising tool for the comprehensive
ent-day scenario and has become a management of the significant wastes.
part of our routine life. Effectiveness
of a single microbial consortium to Method: Consortium members were
valorize mixed bio-waste, poultry selected based on the results of patho-
waste and tannery solid waste into genicity test, maximum enzymatic
advantageous product(s) was evi- activities and co-existence ability. Coir
denced. High performing, fast acting pith served as carrier. Composting
148 34th Kerala Science Congress

efficiency of the inoculum on mixed ingly, rapid liquefaction of the tannery

bio-waste and poultry waste was solid waste was observed within 12
checked in bio-composter bins, heaps hours of incubation. Products proved
and larger windrows. Biodegradation as plant growth enhancers.
of proteinaceous tannery solid waste
Conclusions: The present work
material along with rice water as a
emphasizes the efficacy and safeness
growth medium and inoculum at 37°C
of a microbial consortium that could
was evaluated for liquefaction.
act as an alternative panacea for harsh
Results: Microbial consortium was
chemical/physical treatment methods.
a perfect blend of enzymatically
Unhealthy disposal of underutilized
active safe microorganisms. Coir-pith
waste could be prevented and recov-
based microbial consortium resulted
ery of biomolecules would support the
in leachate, odor and insect free
growing societal needs.
composting which took < 20 days to
degrade mixed bio-wastes and < 15 Keywords: Bio-waste, Microbial
days to breakdown poultry waste into Consortium, Poultry Waste, Tannery
nutrient rich quality compost. Interest- Solid Waste
Chemical Sciences
Oral Presentation
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 151

Marine Macroalga-Derived Polygalactan-Built

Metallic Nanoparticle for Osteogenesis
Tima Antony1,2* and Kajal Chakraborty1
1Marine Biotechnology Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Kochi, Kerala, India-682018
2Department of Chemistry, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, Karnataka, India - 574199

Background: Naturally derived of isolated polysaccharide GSP-2 was

polygalactan based metallic nanopar- elucidated by spectroscopic analyses, such
ticles wit h t heir size and dr ug as FTIR, NMR (coupled with 2D-NMR)
release potentials, have appeared as and HR(ESI)MS. Synthesis of GS-AgNP
promising biomaterials for osteogenic was performed by adding silver nitrate
differentiation. Bisphosphonates and solution to different concentration of
anabolic drug therapy for prevention polysaccharide solution followed by ultra-
and treatment of osteoporosis would sonication. The synthesized nanoparticle
lead to adverse effects. A metallic was characterized with spectroscopic and
nanoparticle (GS-AgNP) prepared microscopic techniques.
from a sulfated polygalactan isolated
from a marine macroalga Gracilaria Results: Macroalgal sulfated poly-
salicornia exhibited prospective osteo- galactan was isolated, characterized
genic effect. and assessed for osteogenic effect.
Method: Powdered leaves (thalli) of Structure of homogenous polysaccha-
marine macroalga Gracilaria salicornia ride fraction (GSP-2) was comprised of
were subjected to alkali treatment fol- 2-O-methyl-6-SO3-β-(1→4)-galactopy-
lowed by neutralization and extracted with ranose (unit A) and 2-O-methyl-3,6-an-
hot water to yield an aqueous crude. The hydro-α-(4→1)-galactopyranose (unit B)
residual mass was clarified and precipi- as repetitive structural units. Sequence of
tated with ethanol to derive a precipitate linkage pattern (1→3)/(1→4) between
that was fractionated by anion exchange the alternatively repeating monosac-
chromatography to yield a homogenous charides of methyl galactopyranose and
sub-fraction GSP-2, which was subjected methyl anhydro galactopyranose were
to hydrolysis, methylation, and reductive confirmed. Upon treatment with studied
cleavage and characterized. The structure GS-AgNP, alkaline phosphatase activity
152 34th Kerala Science Congress

was significantly elevated (88.9 mU/mg) of GS-AgNP exhibited its non-cytoxic

in human mesenchymal osteoblast stem nature.
cells (hMSC) compared to normal control
Conclusion: The polygalactan-built
(33.7 mU/mg). Mineralization study of
GS-AgNP demonstrated an intense miner- nanoparticle could be developed as prom-
alized nodule formation on hMSC surface. ising bioactive pharmacophore against
Fluorescence-activated cell sorting study metabolic bone disorder and the treatment
of osteocalcin and bone morphogenic for osteogenesis therapy.
protein-2 (BMP-2) expression resulted
Keywords: Marine macroalga, Graci-
an increased population of osteocalcin
laria salicornia; osteogenic differentia-
(78.64%) and BMP-2 positive cells
(46.10%) after treating with GS-AgNP tion; human mesenchymal osteoblast stem
on M2 macrophages. Cell viability study cells


Seaweed Polysaccharide-Based Nanoparticle with Promising

Anti-Osteoporotic Effect: An in vivo Study
Shubhajit Dhara1,2* and Kajal Chakraborty1
1Marine Biotechnology Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Kochi Kerala, India-682018
2Department of Chemistry, Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, Karnataka State, India

Backg round: Osteoporosis is a for treatment of bone health disorders.

metabolic bone disorder that is asso- On account of this fact, anti-osteopo-
ciated with low bone mass density rotic silver nanoparticle was prepared
and structural deterioration of bone with natural polysaccharide isolated
tissue followed by an increase in bone from aqueous extraction of Sargassum
fragility. Several adverse side effects tenerrimum.
of synthetic anti-osteoporotic medica- Method: Pretreated seaweed sam-
tions have triggered an urge to focus ple of S. tenerrimum was extracted
on the discovery of alternative natural with water and purified with anion
therapeutic strategies to treat against exchange chromatography to obtain
osteoporosis. Naturally occurring sulfated polysaccharide. Polysac-
polysaccharide-based nanoparticles charide-based nanoparticle was
have developed as promising materials synthesized by adding silver nitrate
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 153

solution to different concentration lation of BMP-2 (23%) and osteocalcin+

of polysaccharide solution followed cells (50%) on M2 macrophages were
by ultrasonication. The synthesized apparent following treatment with ST-AgNP
nanoparticle (ST-AgNP) was character- (0.25 mg/mL). Significant recovery of
ized with various spectroscopic and serum biochemical parameters along
microscopic techniques. Bioactivities with serum E2 and PTH were observed
of polysaccharide-based nanoparticle with ST-AgNP treated animals compared to
were carried out on human mesenchy- disease control. Following treatment with
mal stem cells (hMSC). Also, thera- ST-AgNP, serum calcium and phosphorus
peutic effect of polysaccharide-based contents were significantly recovered with
nanoparticle was observed against disappearance of osteoporotic cavities
glucocorticoid-induced in vivo osteo- displaying nearly normal distribution and
porosis model. content of collagen fibers in trabecular
Results: Structure of the isolated
polysaccharide (STP-2) was elucidated Conclusion: The study revealed the
as sulfated galacto-fucopyranose com- isolation and characterization of sul-
prising of recurring structural entities fated polysaccharide and a nanopar-
of 2-SO 3-α-(1→3)-fucopyranose and ticle (ST-AgNP) synthesized from the
6-O-acetyl-β-(1→4)-galactopyranose. seaweed-originated carbohydrate bio-
Subsequent treatment with ST-AgNP, activ- polymer exhibiting potential activities
ity of alkaline phosphatase (63 mU/mg) against osteoporosis or related bone
was raised in osteoblast stem cells than disorder.
that in control (30 mU/mg). Concentrated
development of mineralized nodule on the Keywords: Sulfated polysaccharide;
surface of hMSC was apparent following biopolymer; nanoparticle conjugate;
treatment with ST-AgNP. Increased popu- glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
154 34th Kerala Science Congress


Development of Co-rGO Supported Alloys for

Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Solution
M.S. Meera a, Aswathy Sudhakar S a and S.M.A. Shibli a,b*
Department of Chemistry, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India– 695581
Centre for Renewable Energy and Materials, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India–695 581

Electrocatalytic water splitting driven Mn, etc., for industrially large scale
by renewable energy input to produce hydrogen production. Moreover, to
clean hydrogen has been widely further reduce the cost and complexity
viewed as a promising strategy of the in real-world application, efficient
future energy portfolio. Currently, HER catalysts are economically and
the state-of-the-art electrocatalysts technically desirable. 3 This paper
for hydrogen production by water emphasizes concepts and fundamen-
splitting in alkaline solutions are Pt tals relating to the kinetics, energetics,
based precious metals.1 Realization of and stoichiometries of adsorption
large-scale hydrogen production from of hydrogen on a cobalt decorated
water splitting requires competent reduced graphene oxide (rGO) sup-
nonprecious electrocatalysts. Despite ported on NiP alloy electrode.The
the advances of decades in this field, NiP electrode incorporated with Co
several challenges still exist and need nanoparticles uniformly deposited on
to be overcome. Most efforts in the reduced graphene oxide is prepared
design of non-precious electrocatalysts through a facile two-step approach.
have focused on developing HER cat- The as-prepared Co-rGO-NiP is
alysts for alkaline conditions owing investigated as an electrocatalyst
to their thermodynamic convenience, for the hydrogen evolution reaction
potentially resulting in incompatible (HER). It is found that the Co-rGO-
integration of the two types of catalysts NiP composite electrode shows an
and thus inferior overall performance.2 enhanced catalytic activity with a
Researchers have aimed to develop smaller Tafel slope, a much larger
high-performance electrode materials exchange current density than pure
based on non-precious and abundant NiP. Such enhanced catalytic activity
transition metals such as Co, Ni, Fe, stems from the abundance of active
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 155

catalytic sites, the increased electro- coordinated to graphene. The good

chemically accessible surface area and catalytic activity demonstrates that
significantly improved electrochem- the Co-rGO-NiP could be a promising
ical conductivity of the electrode. A electrocatalyst in hydrogen produc-
variety of analytical techniques and tion.
electrochemical measurements sug-
Keywords: electrocatalyst; HER;
gest that the catalytically active sites
graphene; overpotential
are associated with the metal centres


A Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based Electrochemical

Sensor for the Selective Determination of Xanthine
Keerthi Kodakat and K. Girish Kumar*
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India- 682022

Background: Electrochemical sensors nition property. Molecularly imprinted

have become one of the fascinating polymers are polymer containing
area of research due to their advan- imprints of the target molecules and
tages such as rapid response, capa- can enable selective detection of target
bility of miniaturization and simple molecules.
instrumentation. Voltammetry is one Method: This work explains the devel-
of the prominent electrochemical tech- opment of a molecularly imprinted
nique used for developing sensors and polymer based electrochemical sensor
it involves measurement of current of for the determination of xanthine. The
the electro active species of interest monomer o-phenylenediamine was
under the applied potential range. electropolymerised in presence of
Apart from its advantages, voltammet- xanthine onto the surface of a glassy
ric sensors often suffer from serious carbon electrode initially modified
interferences from probably coexisting with a conducting polymer layer of
species and selective determination of l-serine. Extraction of xanthine mol-
target analytes is of at most interest. ecules from the polymer to create the
In this context, molecularly imprinted imprints were then carried out using
polymers have gained great interest 1:1 v/v mixture of methanol and 0,1
due to their selective molecular recog- M NaOH.
156 34th Kerala Science Congress

Results: The fabricated sensor Conclusions: This work involves the

was characterised using FE-SEM, development of a selective voltam-
Impedance and cyclic voltammetric metric sensor for the determination
techniques. The sensor was able to of xanthine. The proposed sensor
selectively determine xanthine in the enabled the selective determination
range from 8.00×10 -5 M to 2.00×10 -6 of xanthine over a wide linear range
M with a detection limit of 5.49×10-7 and its practical applicability was
M. Practical utility of the proposed also successfully verified in synthetic
method was also validated in syn- physiological fluids and in real tea and
thetic physiological fluids with good coffee samples.
recovery and RSD values. The sensor
also displayed promising applicability Keywords: Sensor, Voltammetry,
for the determination of xanthine in Molecularly imprinted polymers,
real tea and coffee samples. Xanthine


A Simple and Facile Turn on Fluorescence

Sensor for the Determination of Biliverdin
Devika S. R. and K. Girish Kumar
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India.- 682022

Background: Fluorescence techniques clusters (AA CuNCs) gets increased

are considered to be the best tools for upon adding different concentrations
the sensitive determination of multi- of BVD. Moreover, the parameters
farious compounds where variation like the effect of time, medium and
in fluorescence intensity of the fluoro- concentration have also been noted
phore upon the addition of the analyte along with selectivity and interference
is being measured. studies.
Method: This work describes the use Results: The emission maxima of
of fluorescent copper nanoclusters AA CuNCs at 445 nm upon irradi-
(CuNCs) for the sensing of an import- ating at 365 nm gets enhanced upon
ant bile pigment- Biliverdin (BVD). adding BVD along with a red shift.
Herein, the fluorescence intensity of The particles were found to have an
ascorbic acid capped copper nano- average size of 2 nm. The proposed
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 157

sensor was successfully utilized as an Conclusion: This simple, facile and

efficient platform for BVD determina- reliable sensing strategy was also
tion within the linear range 1.00×10-5 applied in the determination of BVD
M to 2.00×10 -6M where the limit of in artificial body fluids.
detection (LOD) was obtained to be
2.88×10 -7 M. Mechanism of sensing Keywords: Fluorescence, Sensors,
was found to be aggregation induced Biliverdin, copper nanoclusters,
enhanced emission (AIEE). Enhancement


Electropolymer Modified Electrode as A Sensitive

Voltammetric Sensor for the Determination of Monoamine
Neuromodulators: Norepinephrine and Octopamine
Goldamol S. Pallam and K. Girish Kumar
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, Indiar

Background: Norepinephrine (NE) using Field Emission Scanning Elec-

one of the important neurotransmit- tron Microscopy (FESEM) and surface
ter found in peripheral and central area calculations of the bare and mod-
nervous system in mammals seems ified electrodes. The electrochemical
to coexist with octopamine (OA). behaviour of these analytes on p-Tyr/
Among, different electroanalytical GCE was studied using square wave
techniques, voltammetry has been voltammetry (SWV), electrochemical
extensively employed to determine impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and
neuromodulators due to its advanced cyclic voltammetry (CV).
features and high sensitivity. In this
Results: The appropriate analytical
work, the simultaneous voltammetric
conditions were optimized for the
determination of NE and its cotrans-
maximum analytical performance. The
mitter OA has been done on tyrosine
electrocatalytic response of the sensor
modified glassy carbon electrode
was possible in the linear working
range of 1.00 × 10−5 M to 1.00 × 10−7
Methods: The effectiveness of the M for NE and 1.00×10 -5 - 2.00×10 -6
surface modification was analysed M and 1.00×10 -6 - 2.00×10 -7 M for
158 34th Kerala Science Congress

OA. The modification, p-Tyr/GCE been developed using p-Tyr/GCE in

enabled remarkable electrocatalytic square wave mode. Under optimized
activity and faster electron transfer conditions, the sensor enabled the
for the simultaneous determination quantification of NE and OA in wide
of NE and OA. The limit of detection linear ranges with low detection lim-
obtained for NE and OA were found its. The practical utility of the sensor
to be 1.37 × 10−8 M and 4.74 × 10−8 M, for the determination of NE and OA
respectively. The developed sensor has been verified in artificial blood
was successfully applied for the quan- serum samples.
tification of NE and OA in artificial
biological samples. Keywords: Norepinephrine, Octo-
Conclusion: A voltammetric sensor pamine, Tyrosine, Electrochemical
for the individual and simultaneous impedance spectroscopy, Square wave
determination of NE and OA has voltammetry, Cyclic voltammetry


Voltammetric Sensor for the Simultaneous Determination of

Uric Acid, Xanthine, Hypoxanthine and Theobromine
Amoolya Chandran and K. Girish Kumar*
Department of applied chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Uric Acid, Xanthine, the analytes were freshly prepared as

Hypoxanthine and Theobromine are stock solutions and required concen-
potent biomarkers for certain diseases. trations of the analytes are prepared
Since all these purine bases and by diluting the former with millipore
derivatives shares number of common water. Appropriate concentration of
physiological features it would be analytes were added to 10 mL of the
more significant to determine all these supporting electrolyte taken in the
structurally similar compounds by electrochemical cell and SWV was
employing a single sensing platform. recorded. 0.1M phosphate buffer
solution was used as the supporting
Method: Square Wave Voltammetry
(SWV) was employed owing to its sen-
sitivity. The 1×10-2 M concentration of Results: Under optimized conditions,
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34th Kerala Science Congress 159

the sensor showed well defined and Conclusion: Thus a simple and reli-
well separated peaks for the oxidation able voltammetric sensor based on
of these potent biomarkers. The sensor electrochemically modified GCE for
offered the individual and simultane- the determination of uric acid (UA),
ous determination of these analytes xanthine (XA), hypoxanthine (HX) and
over a broad linear range with very theobromine (TB) is proposed in this
low detection limits. The clinical appli-
article. The sensor showed sensitivity,
cability of the developed sensor was
stability and reliability in terms of
ensured by conducting experiments
low detection limit, wide linear range
in artificial urine and blood serum by
repeatability and reproducibility.
spiked recovery analysis. The results
showed excellent recovery rates.


A Mechanistic Insight into Electro-Reduction of

Co2 to Ethanol by a Co-Macrocyclic Complex
Sreejith S. S,a, b Shounik Paul,b Wolfgang Schöfbergerc and Soumyajit Roy*b
Department of Chemical Oceanography, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India-682 016
EFAML, Materials Science Centre, Department of Chemical Sciences, Indian Institute of
Science Education and Research- Kolkata, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India-741246
Institute of Organic Chemistry, Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Austria.

Background: A sustainable, cheap building blocks for fuels and C2

alternative energy source for fossil base chemicals. Catalysts have been
fuel has been a topic of constant a bottleneck in such CO 2 reduction
discussion among both scientists and reactions due to their inherent high
environmentalists. CO 2 reduction overpotentials. This limitation can
offers a viable way of achieving this be overcome by the correct tuning
with the added benefit of lowering of the frontier molecular orbital
these anthropogenic emissions. Out energy levels of the molecular cata-
of the different methods available, lyst. Taking input from this concept,
electrochemical conversion of CO 2 immobilization of a functionalized
to ethanol is a powerful method to Co-corrole molecular catalyst has been
convert electrical energy into C2 performed on carbon free electrode
160 34th Kerala Science Congress

which enables the reduction of CO2 and H). We have optimized both low
to ethanol at a low overpotential. The and high spin geometries for all the
catalyst shows excellent activity for compounds.
C-C step towards C2 product, ethanol
Results: The analysis show that
with high selectivity. The reduction
the initial reduction of metal centre
produced Co(I) centre which bear
from Co(III) to Co(I) is followed by
highly nucleophilic d8 which initiate
the adsorption of CO2 molecule onto
the reduction process.
the metal centre. This is followed by
Method: Detection and quantification the formation of carboxyhydroxyl
of the CO 2 reduced products were intermediate which then depending
done using various spectroscopic upon the input current further gives
met hods like 1 H- and 13 C-NMR ethanol and methanol products with
spectroscopy and GC-MS. All the the regeneration of the catalyst.
geometries were fully optimized by
Conclusions: This work gives a mech-
employing density functional theory
anistic insight into the heterogenous
(DFT) using a range separated hybrid
reduction of CO2 into ethanol and
functional wB97XD which contains
methanol using a Co-Corrole complex.
empirical dispersion correction term
On simulating the reactivity of Co-cor-
by Grimme as implemented in Gauss-
role, we found that in contrast to the
ian 09 quantum mechanical software
CO pathway our catalyst proceeds via
package. The geometry optimizations
a formic acid pathway
were carried out using a Pople basis
set of valence triple ζ quality (6-311G) Keywords: CO2 reduction, C2 product,
over all the atoms (Co, S, P, O, N, C Cobalt Corrole, Mechanism
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 161

Perovskite Nanocrystal/Squaraine Dye Composite for

Security and NIR Photography Applications
Vijayakumar Chakkooth*1,2
Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary

Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 019

AcSIR- Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad-201002 India.

Background: Visibly opaque and for 5 min at 12,000 rpm, the superna-
near-infrared transmitting (VON- tant solution was discarded, and the
IRT) materials play a crucial role in precipitate was redispersed in toluene.
forensic detection, security imaging, The nanocrystals were finally washed
night-vision photog raphy, and with toluene for further studies.
biomedical applications. Since the PNC/SQ dye composite consisting
currently being used inorganic-based of 1.2 wt% of SQ dye was prepared
materials are expensive and difficult by adding 60 μL of squaraine dye
to synt hesize and fabricate, the solution (1 mg in 1 mL toluene) into
development of materials that are PNC solution (5 mg in 1 mL toluene)
low-cost and easy to make and process followed by ultrasonication for 5 min.
is highly desirable. In this work, we 100 μL of PNC/SQ dye composite
have developed a VONIRT material/ was drop cast onto a quartz substrate
filter consisting of halide perovskite followed by drying under ambient
nanocrystals (PNCs)/squaraine (SQ) atmosphere to obtain visibly opaque
dye composite. and NIR transmitting filter.
Method: PbI2 (0.086 g, 0.187 mmol) Results: The development of VONIRT
and 1-octadecene (5 mL) were added material was achieved by gradually
to a 25 mL round-bottom flask, dried increasing the size of PNCs followed
for 1 h at 120 °C, and mixed with oleic by attaching them with a novel
acid (1 mL, 120 °C) and oleylamine low-bandgap SQ dye as a capping
(0.5 mL). The mixture was cooled to 80 ligand. The acid group present in the
°C, the preheated FA-oleate precursor SQ dye efficiently interacts with the
(2 mL) was injected. After 10–60 s of surface of the nanocrystals via non-co-
stirring, the solution was cooled to valent interactions. Incorporation of
room temperature in a water bath. SQ dyes onto PNCs yielded composite
The crude solution was centrifuged films with uniform transmittance of
162 34th Kerala Science Congress

below 2% in the visible region (380-740 ful as a security material and for NIR
nm) and above 60% in the NIR region, photography applications.
the prime requisites for VONIRT
materials. Opaqueness in the visible Keywords: Halide Perovskites,
region and excellent NIR transparency Nanocrystals, Squaraine dyes, NIR
of the nanocomposite make them use- transmittance, Security materials
Chemical Sciences
Poster Presentation
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34th Kerala Science Congress 165

Effect of Structural Tuning to Enchance the Nonlinear

Optical Response of Salen Type Ni(II) Compounds
Nithya Mohana, S.S. Sreejitha, Vasudevan Kuttippurath,b P.V.Mohanana
Chandrasekharan Keloth,b and M. R. Prathapachandra Kurupa
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India
Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Kozhikkode, Kerala, India- 673601

Background: Designing of switch- Results: Third order nonlinear opti-

able materials with large contrasts cal (NLO) activity of the complexes
of nonlinear optical properties has were probed using laser pulses of
been the focus of research in recent wavelength 532 nm by employing
decades because of their widespread open aperture Z-scan technique.
applications in optoelectronics. The Compound which belonging to the
development of this area depends salphen family exhibited the highest
on the continuous discovery of activity then followed by one with eth-
new materials with improved NLO ylene diimine spacer group. It can be
parameters, and how to enhance such seen that both the compounds exhibit
optical response. In this scenario, high degree of π-delocalization when
our compounds are significant since compared to the others and this is
they show high value of third order critical for the enhancement of NLO
susceptibilities (χ(3)) which is in the response. Moreover, on performing
semiconductor range (10-13-10-10 esu) optical limiting experiments all the
and exhibit excellent optical limiting complexes were found to be excellent
properties. optical limiters. Frontier orbital calcu-
lations and visualization reveal that in
Method: In order to study the non-
all the complexes the donor group is
linear optical behavior and also the
the methoxy moiety and the acceptor
effect of substituent in their nonlinear
is mainly concentrated on the metal
behavior third order NLO properties
centre. The computed values of first
of these compounds were studied
hyperpolarizability (βhyp) carried out
using open aperture Z-scan tech-
at B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory agree
nique. The experimental results were
well with the trend of the experimen-
substantiated with frontier orbital
tally obtained values of two photon
calculations carried out using DFT at
absorption coefficient (β).
B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory.
166 34th Kerala Science Congress

Conclusions: In this work, we report limiting capabilities make these com-

five Ni(II) salen complexes with excel- plexes as a perfect prospect for the
lent non-linear activity of the order of development of NLO devices.
polymers and semiconductors. The Keywords: Nonlinear optical activity,
high value of first order hyperpolar- DFT studies, salen complexes, optical
izability and two photon absorption
coefficients along with good optical


A Copolymer Based Voltammetric Sensor for the Simultane-

ous Determination of Neuroendocrine Tumour Biomarkers
Sonia Sam and K. Girish Kumar
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Determination of the Results: Poly taurine-glutamic acid

biomolecules Hydroxyindolacetic acid modified glassy carbon electrode
(HIAA) and Vannillyl mandelic acid can be used for the simultaneous
(VMA) simultaneously is important determination of HIAA in the linear
since they act as biomarkers of neuro- concentration range 5.00×10 -6 to
endocrine tumours. A voltammetric 3.00×10-7 and for VMA in the range
sensor based on a copolymer modified 1.2×10 -5 to 4.00×10 -7 with limit of
glassy carbon electrode has been detection 4.19×10-8 M and 6.16 ×10-8 M
developed for the sensitive determi- respectively.
nation of these biomarkers.
Conclusion: A simple copolymer
Method: The glassy carbon electrode based voltammetric sensor has been
was modified with a copolymer of developed for the simultaneous
taurine and glutamic acid was fabri- determination of neuroendocrine
cated. It was characterized and sensor biomarkers which can be applied in
parameters were optimized and real sample analysis.
applied for the simultaneous as well
Keywords: Hydroxyindolacetic acid,
as individual determination of HIAA
Vannillyl mandelic acid, taurine, glu-
and VMA artificial urine samples
tamic acid, copolymer, voltammetry
using square wave voltammetry.
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34th Kerala Science Congress 167

A Turn-Off Fluorescence Sensor for the Detection of

Histamine Using Tryptophan-Au/Ag Bimetallic Nanoclusters
(Tryp-Au/Ag BNCs)
Swathy S. and K. Girish Kumar*
Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Fluorescence sensor order while keeping the volume of

measures the changes in optical BNCs as a constant. A linear range for
properties of the recognition element the determination of histamine was
induced by an analyte. Fluorescent obtained by plotting I/I0 value against
sensing is a fascinating field of the concentration of the analyte, where
research due to its versatility and I and I0 are the intensity of the BNCs
simplicity. The recent progress in in presence and absence of histamine.
nanotechnology and nanomaterials
Results: Under the optimal analytical
has been incorporated into analytical
conditions, a linear quenching in
chemistry for the design of highly sen-
fluorescence intensity with the con-
sitive fluorescent sensing probes. Any
centration of histamine was observed
phenomenon that results in a change
in the range of 4.0 × 10- 6 M to 8.5 × 10-5
of fluorescence intensity, lifetime or
M. The limit of detection obtained was
anisotropy can be used for sensing.
9 × 10-7 M. Selectivity and interference
Analyte induced luminescence emis-
studies were done in presence of struc-
sion intensity is the basic principle of
turally similar as well as co-existing
fluorescent sensors.
species. Application studies were done
Method: The present works explores in synthetic urine and blood serum.
the development of a turn-off fluores- Conclusions: Histamine quenched the
cence sensor for the determination of of fluorescence intensity of Tryp-Au/
histamine using Tryp-Au/Ag BNCs. Ag BNCs. Under optimal conditions,
A blue fluorescence with emission a linear concentration range has been
maximum centred at 450 nm has been obtained from 4.0 × 10- 6 M to 8.5 × 10-5
obtained for the BNCs when excited M with a detection limit of 9 × 10-7 M.
at 370 nm. Sensing of histamine has Application study of the proposed
been studied by adding different sensor has been done in artificial urine
volumes of histamine in an increasing and blood serum.
168 34th Kerala Science Congress

Keywords: Fluorescence sensor, quenching.

histamine, bimetallic nanoclusters,


Polyether Macrolide Analogues, Marginolides A-B,

from Marine Octopus Amphioctopus marginatus:
Anti-Hypertensive Leads Attenuate
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
Silpa Kunnappilly Paulose1,2* and Kajal Chakraborty1
Marine Biotechnology Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Kochi, Kerala, India-682018
Department of Chemistry, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Karnataka, India- 574199

Background: Angiotensin-I-convert- Method: Lyophilized octopus sample

ing enzyme (ACE) plays an important was extracted with organic solvent
physiological role in renin-angioten- to prepare crude extract of A. margi-
sin-aldosterone assembly as it cataly- natus. Bioactivity supported liquid
ses the conversion of angiotensin-I to chromatographic purification of the
angiotensin-II, a powerful vasocon- organic extract resulted in the isola-
strictor leading to hypertension and tion of two 20-membered polyether
heart failure. Synthetic ACE inhibitors macrolide analogues, marginolide
were reported to cause adverse health A and B. Isolated metabolites was
problems, which triggered an urge to subjected for free radical scavenging
focus for the search of effective and and anti-hypertensive assays using
antioxidant dietary food supplements in vitro models. Structure-bioactivity
as alternative medications for hyper- correlations were performed by
tension treatment. Being a traditional various physico-chemical molecular
Chinese medicine and nutritionally parameters. In silico molecular mod-
rich source of bioactive metabolites, eling analyses of the marginolides
bio-chemical examination of marine against ACE to evaluate attenuation
octopus, Amphioctopus marginatus has potential and drug target interaction
resulted structurally diverse oxygen- in the active site of the enzyme.
ated bioactive polyether macrolides
Results: Among the isolated secondary
marginolides A-B.
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 169
metabolites, marginolide A exhibited potential anti-hypertensive activities of
considerably greater attenuation property the studied marginolides.
against angiotensin converting enzyme
Conclusion: The study demonstrated
(IC 50 0.58 mM) than that displayed by
that the previously undescribed poly-
marginolide B (IC50 0.72 mM). Greater
ether macrolide analogue, margino-
antioxidant properties of marginolide
lide A isolated from a marine octopus
A against the oxidant species (IC50 ~ 1
Amphioctopus marginatus could be
mM) than standard α-tocopherol (IC 50
used as a promising anti-hypertensive
~ 1.6 mM) also supported its potential
pharmacophore attenuating angioten-
ACE inhibitory activity. Higher polar
sin-converting enzyme.
characteristics along with acceptable
hydrophobic-hydrophilic equilibrium Keywords: Amphioctopus marginatus;
(partition coefficient of octanol-water, log marine octopus; polyether macrolides;
POW 2-4) along with lesser binding ener- marginolides A-B; angiotensin con-
gies (~ -10.20 kcal mol-1) and inhibition verting enzyme; anti-oxidant
constants (Ki ~ 30 nm) manifested the


Thermally-Induced Blue to Red Fluorochromism

in a Lead-Freehybrid Halide Material
Amarjith V. Dev,1,2 Vijayakumar Chakkooth*1,2
Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary
Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 019
AcSIR- Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad-201002 India.

Background: Organic−inorganic metal earth-abundance, cost-effectiveness

halide hybrids (OIMHs) have attracted makes the Cu(I) halides promising for
widespread attention among the optoelectronic applications.
research community because of their
Method: Synthesis of (Bz) 2Cu 2I 4.
diverse applications in photovoltaics,
H2O Single Crystals: The (Bz)2Cu2I4.
LEDs, and lasers. Considering the
H2O single crystals were synthesized
toxicity of lead (Pb)-based materials,
by dissolving 0.19 g of CuI (1 mmol)
the research world sought after alter-
and 0.215mL (2 mmol) of benzylamine
native candidates. Thus, less toxicity,
in 2.5 mL of 57% aq. HI acid. The mix-
170 34th Kerala Science Congress

ture was heated to 398 K, and water sional array. The material exhibits a
was added to make the solution clear. blue emission centered at 470 nm,
The reaction mixture was stirred for 30 which could be originating from
minutes at 398 K. It was then allowed the self-trapped excitonic emission
to cool slowly to room temperature. mechanism. The large stokes shift of
Plate-like transparent crystals were 162 nm, and a broad full-width at half
formed, which were subsequently maximum (FWHM) of ~95 nm are the
washed with diethyl ether. highlights of the emission characteris-
tics. It exhibited outstanding reversible
Result: Herein, we introduce a two-di-
thermally-induced fluorochromism
mensional Pb-free OIMH single crys-
from blue to red at a temperature near
tal with a formula (Bz)2Cu2I4.H2O (Bz:
100 ℃.
benzylamine). In the crystal form, the
dimeric units [Cu2I4]2- are connected Keywords: Organic−inorganic metal
through corner and edge-sharing in halide hybrids, lead-free materials.
an alternative manner to form a cyclic Self-trapped excitonic emission, Ther-
hexagonal cage-like two-dimen- mally-induced fluorochromism.


Thermoelectric Properties of Doped

Benzodithiophene-Based Copolymer/Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotube Hybrids
Navin Jacob1,2, Biswapriya Deb1,2 and Vijayakumar Chakkooth*1,2
Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary
Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695019
AcSIR-Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad-201002, India

Background: Organic thermoelectric figure of merit,

materials attracted considerable
where S, σ, T, and κ are the
attention for thermoelectric (TE) appli-
Seebeck coefficient, electrical con-
cations. TE devices can convert waste
ductivity, temperature, and thermal
heat into electric energy, which has
conductivity, respectively. Therefore,
been regarded as a new type of green
large S, high σ, and low κ are required
energy source. The TE performances
to obtain good TE efficiency. Organic
are assessed by the dimensionless
materials usually exhibit low thermal
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 171

conductivity (<1 Wm−1K−1). p-type TE characteristic that increases

with the addition of SWCNT. To assess
Methods: The desired amount of
the thermal stability of the hybrid
SWCNT is added to the polymer dis-
films, TGA was performed. Further,
solved in o-DCB and probe sonicated
TE devices were fabricated with the
for 30 min. The hybrid film is prepared
doped hybrid film using silver as
by drop-casting on glass substrates
the electrode. A flexible 7-leg TEG
and annealed at 65 ºC for 2 hours. The
provided an output power of 90 nW
hybrid film was doped by immersing
at ΔT~ 60 K.
in 0.05 M FeCl3 solution in acetonitrile
for 30 min followed by annealing at Conclusions: We have prepared and
60 ºC for 30 min. The doped hybrid characterized a p-type polymer hybrid
film was further annealed at 200 ºC film with 50 wt.% SWCNT, exhibiting
for 15min. A flexible thermoelectric a power factor of 64 µW/m 1 K 2 at
generator (TEG) consisting of 7 p-type room temperature. For doped hybrid
legs was fabricated on a polyimide film annealed at 200°C, the electrical
substrate. conductivity was doubled compared
to the hybrid film. Thus, the power
Results: The film morphology was
factor raised to 76 µW/m1K2, leading
observed by SEM and AFM images
to the highest value for the benzodith-
indicating good dispersion of SWCNT
iophene-based conjugated polymer/
in the polymer matrix. The crystallin-
SWCNT hybrid film and could be used
ity of the hybrid films was studied by
for sustainable power generation from
XRD, and the intermolecular interac-
thermal sources.
tions between SWCNTs and polymer
were examined using Raman spectros- Keywords: Organic thermoelectric
copy. The TE behavior of hybrid films materials, Conjugated polymers,
by varying SWCNT wt% has been Doping, Flexible devices.
studied. The hybrid films exhibited a
172 34th Kerala Science Congress


Ligand Controlled Spectroelectrochemical Diversification

and Molecular Permeability in Electrochromic
Metal-Organic Assemblies
Mukkatt Indulekha, 1,2 Nirmala Anjali, 1,2 Shankar Sreejith*1,2, Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh**1,2
Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary

Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695019

AcSIR- Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad-201002, India
*, **

Background: Several materials such (XPS), electrochemistry and spec-

as metal oxides, viologens, conjugated troelectrochemistry, and thickness
conducting polymers, etc. are being measurements using a profilometer.
explored for electrochromic color Electrochromic devices were fabri-
switching, but the real-world appli- cated by keeping bare FTO on top of
cations of such systems are hindered a modified substrate and the gel elec-
by low optical contrast, laborious trolyte was injected in between. Molec-
processibility, slow color switching, ular permeability studies were done
low cycle life, and high cost. Hence using cyclic voltammetric response
the demand for novel high performing of three quinone-based redox probes
stable and easily processable electro- of different molecular dimensions at
chromic materials has attracted much identical concentration.
attention over the past few years.
Results: Electrochromic devices
Coordination based metal-organic thin
fabricated using these films showed
films are a relatively less investigated
switching from transparent colored
class of electrochromic materials, with
state (Fe2+) to transparent yellow state
excellent prospects in terms of optical
(Fe3+) by application of voltage. The
contrast, ease of switching, redox
fabricated films and devices exhibited
reversibility, facile processibility, low
high optical contrasts up to 76% and
power consumption, and high cycle
56%, respectively. Both the devices
and films exhibited pulse width
Methods: Spray coated films were dependent changes in the contrast
characterized using UV−vis spectros- ratio. High coloration efficiencies
copy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), were also obtained for the electro-
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy chromic films (up to 1050 cm2/C) and
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 173

devices (up to 641 cm2/C) operating at are otherwise difficult to achieve in

low input voltage. The spray coating surface confined assemblies of coordi-
process was also used for creating nation polymer comprising of a single
patterns and images by masking type of metal ion. The combination
selected areas of the FTO substrate. of the spray coating process and
Molecular permeability studies using designed ligand systems offers a pow-
three quinone-based redox probes erful tool for the realization of smart
shows size selective permeation in the and functional coordination polymer
films in which their porosity is in the network films with modulable prop-
order Fe(II)-Ph-TPy > Fe(II)-Thio-TPy erties and multifarious applications.
> Fe(II)-TPE-TPy
Keywords: Electrochromic devices,
Conclusions: Ligand design allowed Coloration efficiency, Molecular
for control of porosity and spectro- permeability
electrochemical diversification, that


Thermochromic Metal Organic Complexes for Multi State

Volatile Memory and Counter Operations
Anjali Nirmala1,2, Indulekha Mukkatt 1,2, Sreejith Shankar*1,2 and Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh**1,2
CSIR- National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Kerala, India-
Thiruvananthapuram - 695019
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India - 201002
*, **

Background: Chromogenic materials extensively investigated; however,

have attracted tremendous interest many of the inorganic systems are
over the past few decades due to their limited by their moderate revers-
applications in smart technology. 1 ibility and a large number of the
Thermochromism is the reversible organic counterparts suffer from poor
change in optical properties of a stability.5 Hence recent focus is being
material when subjected to different diverted to highly stable organic-in-
temperature, leading to corresponding organic hybrids with considerable
variations in its physico-chemical reversibility in their thermochromic
properties.2 Organic3 and inorganic4 behavior.
thermochromic systems have been
Methods: Stock solutions were
174 34th Kerala Science Congress

prepared by accurately weighing thermochromic systems. Kinetic

the ligand L1-L3 (10.0 mg) and studies confirmed temperature
FeCl2·4H2O (10.0 mg) in an oven dependent multi-step thermo-
dried clean glass vial. DMSO (1.0 chromic switching. Using this,
mL) was added to each vial. Equal we have demonstrated multi step
amounts of each of the above logic enabled volatile memory and
solutions were mixed and made couter operations. Careful manipu-
up to 2.0 mL in a vial and the lation of these systems may lead to
absorbance of the resulting-colored applications in dynamic windows
solution was adjusted to ~1 a.u. capable of regulating indoor light-
The solutions thus prepared were ing and heating leading to energy
allowed to rest overnight to ensure .
efficient buildings 6

the completion of reaction before Conclusion: Thus, we have success-

starting the experiments. Concen- fully developed a metal organic
tration dependence of thermochr- complex in solution exhibiting
omism was also investigated using thermochromic color switching
three different concentrations of that would perform multi state
FeCl2·4H2O and L1. Experiments volatile memory and counter
using CoCl2·nH2O and NiCl2·6H2O operations. The demonstration of
were also carried out under similar color/opacity switchable window
conditions, however, employing prototypes of thermo-responsive
different ratios of the metal salt to systems along with the previously
ligand. Typically, 1:2 molar ratio of unexploited precise temperature
CoCl2 to L1 and 1:4 molar ratio of regulated sequential logic-enabled
NiCl2 to L1 were used. multi-state volatile memory and
Results and Discussion: In the pres- arithmetic operations, underline
ent work, we report on the develop- the functional accessibility and
ment of metal complexes capable untapped potential of metal-or-
of exhibiting thermochromism in ganic complexes and their hybrid
solution. Temperature dependent gels.
optical spectroscopy was used to Keywords: Thermochromism, Logic
demonstrate the switching leading enabled volatile memory and counter
to ‘color-to-colorless’ and ‘color-to- operations, Smart windows.
color’ transitions in these reversible
Agriculture & Food Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 175

References [4] (a) Day, J. H. (1968). Chem. Rev., 68,

[1] (a) Guragain, S.; Bastakoti, B. P.; Malgras,
V.; Nakashima, K.; Yamauchi, Y. (2015). [5] Mehlana, G.; Bourne, S. A. (2017) Crys-
Chem. Eur. J., 21,13164–13174. tEngComm, 19, 4238-4259.

[2] Day, J. H. (1963) .Chem. Rev., 63, 65–80. [6] Anjali, N., Mukkatt, I., Shankar, S.,
Ajayaghosh,A. (2021), Angew.Chem. Int.
[3] Seeboth, A.; Lötzsch, D.; Ruhmann, R.
Ed., 60, 455–465.
Muehling, O. (2014). Chem. Rev., 114,
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Oral Presentation
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 179

Tracing the Precipitation Microphysics of Mesoscale

Weather Events Over Kerala
Sumesh R.K., Resmi E.A. and Unnikrishnan C.K.
Atmospheric Science Group, National Centre for Earth Science Studies,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: A comprehensive under- ence of rainfall on the wind-ward side

standing of the physical properties of of Western Ghats are investigated . The
clouds and precipitation microphysics measured raindrop size spectra at sur-
is very essential for the adequate rep- face using disdrometer and at vertical
resentation of clouds and precipitation air column with micro rain radar are
mechanisms in weather forecasting used for the microphysical analysis of
model for reliable prediction of rainfall. Satellite and reanalysis data
extreme weather events on a regional set are used to understand the ther-
scale. The Western Ghats, influence modynamic and dynamic conditions
on the formation of monsoon rainfall in different precipitating systems over
and mesoscale convective systems Kerala.
in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
Results: Precipitation and cloud layers
seasons. Here we deal with the
exhibit a strong diurnal variation with
macrophysical properties of clouds,
early afternoon convective initiation,
associated precipitation microphysics
more prominently in pre-monsoon
and time scale growth of precipita-
season at elevated location of High
tion particles over Western Ghats
Altitude Cloud Physics Observatory
orography in order to understand
(HACPO) in Western Ghats. In con-
the formative processes of extreme
trast to the highland, the coastal region
rainfall, thunderstorm and lightning
has higher contribution of convective
events using observatories set at dif-
rainfall in pre-monsoon (81.15%) and
ferent elevations on the Western Ghats
post-monsoon (76.87%) seasons. The
rainfall at coastal region occurred from
Method: Using ceilometer observa- low to high level clouds, with ice cloud
tions retrieved from cloud physics initiated microphysical growth of
observatories at coastal and high alti- raindrops. The distinct dynamical and
tude sites, the vertical distribution of thermodynamical conditions at coastal
clouds, cloud thickness and its influ- and HACPO locations influence the
180 34th Kerala Science Congress

rain formation processes resulting in ated with deep convective precipitat-

intense rainfall with large drops at ing clouds, whereas over the high-alti-
costal station associated with thun- tude location on the windward side of
derstorm and lightning, while small Western Ghats, shallow precipitating
drops at HACPO results in moderate clouds are predominant during the
rainfall with less lightning events. The pre-monsoon and post-monsoon
prolonged rain spells or intense rain seasons. The deep convective clouds
spells in short duration from mixed due to the orographic effect favour the
phase clouds in association with mon- occurrence of mini-cloud burst (MCB)
soon low level jet generate extreme events on the high-altitude region of
rainfall over the elevated terrain of Western Ghats leading to flash floods
Western Ghats that leads to flooding in the monsoon season.
in the lowlands.
Conclusions: The evolution of rainfall Keywords: Monsoon, Mesoscale
over the coastal location is influenced Convective Systems, Extreme rainfall,
by the microphysical processes associ- Western Ghats


Spatio-Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Over India Using

Multi-Year Space-Borne Lidar Observations and
its Implications
Lakshmi N.B., Resmi E.A., and D. Padmalal
National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, India– 695 011

Background: Monitoring Particulate for generating emission inventories

Matter (PM) receives great importance with improved accuracy for reliable
in the context of air quality degrada- forecasting and developing climate
tion and pollution-induced health mitigation policies as well.
hazards which include enhanced Method: Present study estimates the
premature mortality, adverse weather PM 2.5 mass concentration over the
conditions and, impaired road safety Indian sub-continent using near-sur-
and air traffic due to poor visibil- face observations of aerosol backscat-
ity. Understanding the extent and ter (2007 - 2021) by Cloud-Aerosol
trends of air pollution is essential Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 181

onboard CALIPSO satellite, combin- indicating its far-reaching influence

ing with aerosol reanalysis datasets in the country.
and satellite-based relative humidity
Conclusion: The present study
highlights the implications of anthro-
Results: The present study shows
pogenic post-harvest crop-residue
t hat crop-residue bur ning over
burning in attributing extreme air
Northern India during the onset
pollution during the winter season.
of the winter season is significantly
Urgent measures are to be taken to
correlated with PM2.5 concentration
restrict anthropogenic fire emissions
during the winter season (Dec - Feb).
and provide sustainable solutions to
Winter-time near-surface PM 2.5 over
contain the excessive emission of par-
the Indo-Gangetic Plain is controlled
ticulate matter (PM2.5) and associated
by anthropogenic fire emissions rather
socio-economic impacts.
than the meteorological parameters.
The influence of crop-residue burning Keywords: PM 2.5, Lidar, CALIPSO,
in November over Punjab and Hary- Aerosols, anthropogenic fire-emis-
ana extends up to Peninsular India sions


Chronology and Facies of Invertebrate Fossil Assemblages

of Central Kerala Coast, South India and its Implications on
Late-Quaternary Sea-Level Changes
M.M. Shaima1, L. Alappat1*, C.S. Ayyappadas1, A. R. Ravinesh2 and M.G. Yadava3
Department of Geology and Environmental Science, Christ College, Thrissur, Kerala,
India, 680 125
Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 695581
Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India, 380009

The Holocene coastal sediments bordered by medium to fine sandy

in Kerala are preser ved in two beach-ridge sequence, sub-parallel
distinct geomorphological settings; to the modern shore. While the
in palaeo-mudflat/ coastal swamp palaeo-beach ridges generally devoid
deposits occurring inland, which are of shells, the equivalent ancient low
182 34th Kerala Science Congress

energy tidal flats and coastal lagoon between marine, marginal marine and
deposits show well preserved shells, estuarine. Radiocarbon ages constrain
mostly autochthonous. The study the timing of this deposits in distinct
aims to understand the change in periods of shell accumulation during
palaeo-environments using t he 6870±220, 7080±200, 3350 ±160 yrs
abundance of species assemblage of BP and >40 ka BP. The shell deposit
shells in the sediments and radio- displays an abundance of well-pre-
carbon dating to constrain the age of served Holocene shell specimens and
deposition. Shells from the sediments
slightly altered shells due to the effect
were collected from four different
of differential taphonomic conditions
locations of Thrissur district, Kerala.
during late Pleistocene. The marine
The sections display lenticular bed-
influence in the species assemblage
ding within the mudflat sediments
and hence the evidence of formation
and fossil shells where embedded
in the grey sandy clay to clayey sub- of these landforms as a consequence
stratum at variable depth (between of late-quaternary sea-level fluctua-
2-10.5m). The taxonomic compilation tions and associated environmental
of the shells shows that the speci- response is deduced.
mens largely composed of bivalves
and gastropods in the invertebrate Keywords: Quaternary, Sea-level
macro-fauna with their characteristic changes, Marine shells, Radiocarbon
environment of occurrence ranging age.


Petrogenesis of Charnockites in the Western Parts of

Palghat-Cauvery Shear Zone, Southern India
T. Nanditha Nandan*, S. Salini and C. Sreejith**
Department of PG Studies and Research in Geology, MES Ponnani College
(University Of Calicut), Malappuram, Kerala, 679586
*; **

The Southern Indian Granulite Terrain opportunities to study the geodynamic

(SGT), one of the largest exposed Pre- evolution of continental crust. The
cambrian continental crust exposes the Palghat-Cauvery Shear Zone System
lower crustal portions of lithospheric (PCSZ), which marks the boundary
scale shear systems and provide between the northern Archean terrain
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 183

and southern Proterozoic granulite and geochemistry of the high-grade

blocks within the SGT, is considered rocks of the western parts of the PCSZ
as a Late Neoproterozoic collisional and describes their petrogenesis. The
suture which is formed during the study area is within the transition zone
final phase of amalgamation of between PCSZ and Moyar Bhavani
Gondwana supercontinent and later Shear Zone (MBSZ) with charnockite
reactivated to form shear zone in this and migmatitic gneiss as major rocks.
region. Most of the previous studies Major and trace element analysis of
within this shear system are restricted representative samples from various
to the eastern part as compared to the locations across the terrain were show
western side of PCSZ. However, the calc-alkaline affinity indicating
western parts of PCSZ are considered collisional tectonics. Petrological and
to be the “gap proper” consisting of geochemical characteristics of the
charnockites, migmatitic gneisses granulites suggest their formation
and granites provide ample scope for during granulite grade metamor-
understanding intracrustal magmatic phism at a lower crustal level beneath
and metamorphic processes, which a magmatic arc.
eventually causes the evolution of con- Keywords: Charnockite, Palghat
tinental crust. The present study is an Cauvery Shear Zone, Convergent plate
attempt to understand the petrology margin


Prediction of Tropical Cyclones Over the Indian Seas Using a

Weather Prediction Model COSMO
Freddy P. Paul and D. Bala Subrahamanyam
Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Indian Space Research Organization,
Thiruvananthapuram, India

Background: Tropical cyclones are its huge destructive power, these

severe weather events, form over storms create massive destruction to
warm tropical oceanic environment, the human life and properties over
fuelled by the water vapour drawn the region of its passage. Coastal belt
inward from far away, and are charac- of Indian subcontinent surrounded
terized by low pressure at the centre, by the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian
high winds and heavy rainfall. With sea and equatorial Indian ocean is
184 34th Kerala Science Congress

always prone to tropical cyclone activ- Results: The estimated central

ities. Accurate prediction of tropical pressure, pressure drop, maximum
cyclones in terms of its trajectories, sustained wind speed and trajectory
intensities and probable location of simulated by the COSMO model are
land fall with sufficient lead time is validated against concurrent observa-
crucial for disaster management and tions from the India Meteorological
timely warning to the general public. Department. Mean track error for
Numerical weather prediction mod- a lead time of +24 hour was 95 km,
els serve as a tool for giving timely while it was 140 km for a lead time of
+48 hour. The intensity of the storms
prediction of tropical cyclones and
underestimated in terms of pressure
its associated activities. The present
drop and maximum sustained wind
study investigates the performance of
speed for lead time of +0 to +24. The
a numerical weather prediction model
COSMO model yields improved pre-
namely, the consortium for small scale
dictability of the track for very severe
modelling (COSMO) in the predic- cyclonic storms. As the intensity of the
tion of trajectories and intensities of storm changes from deep depression
cyclonic storms. to very severe cyclonic storm, the
Method: With a view to evaluate the track error associated with the model
performance of COSMO model in simulation tends to decrease, which
the prediction of tropical cyclones, is attributed to the robustness of
a total of 8 cyclonic storms over the COSMO model in the identification
of the location of the cyclonic storm in
Bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea
its well- established stage.
are chosen for the study during the
period of 2017 to 2019. The COSMO Conclusions: Results obtained from
model is simulated on daily basis with the study show good credential of
initial conditions from ICON global COSMO model in the prediction of
model analysis fields. The necessary cyclonic storms over Indian Oceans.
boundary conditions are provided by Keywords: COSMO, Cyclonic storms,
the ICON forecast fields. Track, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 185

A New Water Extraction Technique for Wetlands

Using Sentinel 2 MSI Image
P.S. Smitha, K. Maya, K. Sreelash and A. Padmalal
National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695011

Background: Wetland ecosystem index was compared with most widely

sustains many endangered species used water indices namely Modified
of plants and animals and act as the Normalized Difference Water Index
source of livelihood of many people (MNDWI) and Normalized Difference
living around it. Hence it is highly Water Index (NDWI). The accuracy
essential to constantly monitor the assessment of AWIW was performed
wetland ecosystem. Recently remote using producer accuracy, user accu-
sensing has been widely used to racy, overall accuracy and kappa
assess open water bodies with high coefficient.
level of accuracy. Various surface
Results: A higher overall accuracy
water extraction techniques have been
and kappa coefficient of 0.99 and
developed from high resolution satel-
0.98 respectively was obtained for
lite images using single and multiple
AWIW. The results also showed that the
bands. However, most of the methods
proposed water index exhibits higher
have been developed to extract surface
contrast value of 0.96 with vegetation
water with urban land cover features.
background compared to MNDWI
The main focus of this study is to for-
and NDWI.
mulate an index that can extract open
water bodies in a wetland area. Conclusion: The proposed water
index can effectively separate water
Met hod: In t his context a new
from vegetation which is highly dom-
advanced water index for wetlands
inant in the study area. Moreover, this
(AWIW) has been proposed using
index can be used for monitoring the
green, red and near infrared bands of
extent and variability of wetlands.
Sentinel 2 MSI image. The new index
was tested for accuracy and robust- Keywords: Water index, Remote
ness in Vembanad wetland ecosystem sensing, Sentinel, Kappa coefficient,
which is a Ramsar site. The proposed Wetland
186 34th Kerala Science Congress


Geospatial Evaluation of Groundwater Conditions in a High-

Land Local Body, Thrissur District, Kerala
Arun P.R.1, Krishnapriya M.J. 2, Sreeja R. 3, Arjun A.1 and Ajeesh N. Pillai1
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala. India
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India
Department of Geology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India

Background:, Understanding the and the depth of these wells range

groundwater conditions in a given between 3.14 to 9.92 m below ground
area in terms of quantity, quality, level. The density of dug wells in the
distribution, temporal fluctuations, study area can be estimated as 220
usage etc., are of much important to wells/ Groundwater estima-
cater the increasing demand. This tion was performed and mapped
study deals with the groundwater potential zones for the study area
conditions in Thekkumkara Grama using GIS.
Panchayath of Thrissur District, Conclusions: The net annual ground-
Kerala. water availability in Thekkumkara
Method: All the available secondary Grama Panchayat is estimated as 8.69
data were collected, compiled and MCM and the total annual ground-
analysed. A detailed field work was water draft for domestic as well as
carried out in the study area and 60 irrigation purposes is estimated at
dug wells were observed for data 1.87 MCM and can be categorized
collection. Survey of India Toposh- as “SAFE” for future groundwater
eets, satellite imageries, USGS DEM, development activities. Through
ASTER DEM etc. were were inte- integrated GIS analysis, it is estimated
grated in Geographical Information that about 36% of the study area
System (GIS) for detailed analysis. comes under the very high to high
Results: The study area, is character-
category in terms of groundwater
ised by Charnokites and Migmatites potential.
of Precambrian age, covered by Lat- Keywords: Groundwater Estimation,
erites and Lateritic soil. 60 dug wells Groundwater Potential, Geographical
were observed in the study area Information System
Earth & Planetary Sciences
Poster Presentation
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 189

Spatiotemporal Variation of Atmospheric Water Vapour

over Indian Monsoon Region Using Satellite data
Anila Alex1 and Anandhakrishna K.C.2
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kerala, India
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Ernakulum, Kerala, India

The study analyses the spatial and the lower troposphere. Water vapour
temporal distribution of Atmospheric concentration is found to be well
water vapour over Indian monsoon marked and higher in the lower tro-
region using Atmospheric Infrared posphere from June to the beginning
Sounder (AIRS) data. Climatological of August for the years 2016 and 2021.
distribution of water vapour from 2003 Even though the general spatial and
to 2020 for different layers are studied. temporal pattern remains persistent,
The average amount of water vapour the positive anomaly in water vapour
over the region is from 8 to 16 g/kg. after 2012 and its linkage with climate
Eighteen year anomaly clearly depicts change has to be further verified using
an increasing trend over the region more observational and other remote
with highest amount of variation in sensing data.


Variability of Ocean Features and the Frequent Occurrence of

Tropical Cyclones Over the Arabian Sea
Athira P. Ratnakaran* and Abish B.
Department of Climate Science, Faculty of Ocean Science and Technology,
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies

Tropical cyclones are the most dan- witnessed lot of cyclones in the recent
gerous extreme weather events which decades. Even though the number of
have likely impact on the society. The cyclones formed over the Arabian Sea
North Indian Ocean including the basin is less when compared to the
Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal Bay of Bengal, recent studies indicate
190 34th Kerala Science Congress

that the Arabian Sea is encountering is around 12.5 x 10 18 J respectively,

more cyclones than the past years and with a gradual rise from 2003-2016.
can expect the occurrence of more Accumulated cyclone energy calcu-
cyclones in the near future. This can lated for the last 30 years showed
have devastating effect over the west and increasing trend from the year
coast region of India as well as on 2011 when compared to the last two
the coastal communities. The current decades (1990-2000, 2000-2010). Large
study is an effort to understand the ocean heat content and accumulated
variability of ocean features and how cyclone energy over the Arabian Sea
it promote and enhance the formation can provide warmer ocean conditions
of cyclones over the Arabian Sea and enhance the strength of Tropical
basin. While analysing the pre and cyclones. The consistent occurrence of
post- monsoon cyclones occurred over cyclones over the Arabian Sea basin
the Arabian Sea, the highest number in the recent years has to be further
are in the post monsoon than in the studied and understood in order to
pre- monsoon. Large scale variability mitigate the catastrophic effect of
is observed in the Ocean Heat Content changing weather over Indian region.
anomaly (D700) over the Arabian Sea
when observed over a period of 30 Keywords: Tropical cyclones, Ocean
years (1990-2020). Recent Ocean heat Heat Content, Accumulated cyclone
content anomaly over the Arabian Sea energy, Arabian Sea


Chemical Denudation of Mountainous Catchments in

Southern Western Ghats
A case study using hydro chemical tools and modelling
Vipin T. Raj1,2, K. Sreelash1 and Padmalal. D.1
National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695011

Department of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala India -682016

Background: The hydrochemistry of the catchments. A better understand-

rivers is being regulated by complex ing of these processes is essential to
interactions of physical, chemical and address problems related to erosion
biological processes taking place in and fertility loss etc. of soil apron in
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 191

the river catchments that sustain the during southwest monsoon (SWM)
life support systems of the area. The compared to pre-monsoon (PRM) and
present study focuses on the water northeast monsoon (NEM) seasons.
cycle dynamics, chemical weathering Hydrochemical analysis of the river
and solute transport through two riv- waters show that the cationic and
ers (Thuthapuzha and Bhavani rivers) anionic concentrations in the water
draining different climatic regimes samples are Ca2+> Na+>Mg2+>K+ and
across the southern Western Ghats. HCO3->Cl->SO42-, respectively. When
compared to Thuthapuzha river
Method: Hydrochemistry data of
basin (TRB), Bhavani River basin
Bhavani and Thuthapuzha rivers
(BRB) shows an elevated level of ionic
were obtained from systematic river
contents and hence a higher degree of
water sampling and in-situ/laboratory
rock-water interaction and chemical
analysis. The samples are then filtered
denudation. The concentrations of
with 0.45 μm membrane filters and
the major anions and cations showed
all of the samples were stored at 4 °C
low values in SWM season compared
until analysis. The 2H and 18O isotopes
to PRM and NEM seasons. At the
of water samples were analyzed
same time, the annual dissolved flux
using Off-Axis Integrated Cavity
contribution and denudation rate was
Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) laser
higher during the SWM season. Com-
absorption spectroscopy technique.
pared to BRB ( δ2H and δ18O values are
The concentrations of major elements
-25.04±8.37 ‰ and -4.77±1.24 ‰), TRB
in the surface water samples were
(δ2H and δ18O values are -14.03±7.95
analysed using an inductively coupled
‰ and -3.16±1.10‰ ) is characterised
plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
by enrichment of heavier isotopes in
under standard operating conditions.
its surface waters, presumably indi-
The Multivariate statistical method
cating the difference in the moisture
has been used to study the factors
source contributing river discharge.
controlling the distribution of surface
water stable isotopes and also to Conclusions: The water vapor recy-
establish the relation existing among cling effect is found to have profound
the chemical parameters and river effect in the stable isotope composition
water samples. To quantify the silicate of these tropical rivers draining the
weathering rate, the chemical mass Western Ghats. The hydro chemical
balance forward as well as inverse studies reveals that precipitation and
models were performed. discharge are the controlling factors
Results: Parameters like EC, TDS, influencing the solute transport. The
major ions generally show low values mass balance Forward and Inverse
192 34th Kerala Science Congress

modelling approaches and weathering Keywords: Chemical weathering,

index values suggests the kaolin- Solute transport, Carbon dioxide
ite-smectite formation are taking place consumption rate, Mass balance
in the soil profile as a result of silicate modelling.


Observations of Radar Bright Band Features of Mesoscale

Convective System by Using C-Band
Polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar
Srinivas Yadav N., K.V.S. Namboodiri, Mahesh C. and Anish Kumar M. Nair
Meteorology Facility, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Daily observations from presented in this paper. The evolution

the first Indian C-Band Polarimetric and decay of thunderstorm is analysed
Doppler Weat her Radar (DWR) using radar reflectivity, differential
installed at Thumba Equatorial reflectivity, etc.
Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) Results: A well-defined RBB is
are subjected here for various weather observed during the presence of thun-
sur veillance studies. Prolonged derstorm. The spatial representation
appearance of Radar Bright Band of reflectivity corresponds to a radius
(RBB) is associated with flash flooding circle of 60 km from the radar center
and the same is experienced during revealed the RBB in the form of a ring
recent Kerala flood events. So, RBB is a with surroundings reflectivity values
potential phenomenon for the nowcast compared to surroundings. The RBB
of very heavy rain activities. RBB have is characterized with high values of
importance in both Aerospace and differential reflectivity and low values
Aviation meteorology. The present in correlation coefficient. The con-
study explores the characteristics of glomerate of ice-water mixture with
RBB for the first time over the Thumba. larger surface area is clearly evident
Method: Based on the Radar reflec- from the observations.
tivity profiles, RBB is identified and Keywords: Radar Bright Band, C-band
studied for a few cases. One of the polarimetric Doppler Weather Radar,
typical case (7th September 2017) is Thunderstorm and Reflectivity.
Earth & Planetary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 193

Paleo-Drainage Network Identification in Central Kerala

Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
Ayyappadas C.S., Aneesh Sebastian, LintoAlappat*
Department of Geology & Environmental Science, Christ College, Irinjalakuda,
Thrissur, Kerala, India- 680125

The response of fluvial system to The present study was aimed to delin-
natural/ anthropogenic forcing is eate the paleo-drainage network of the
manifested by the channel mor- River basin using machine learning
phology or migration. Studying the techniques, and further understand
paleo- river channels may be useful in the response of the river channels to
deciphering the interaction of earth climatic and anthropogenic forcing.
system forcing and fluvial system Landsat 5 data, spanning over 28
response to it. Machine Learning years were compiled and processed
methods in conjunction with Remote for identifying paleo-drainage systems
Sensing techniques have been used for using a Java Script code in the Google
detecting paleo-drainage systems over Earth Engine Platform. The study
large areas using vegetation indices has allowed identification of several
and image enhancement techniques paleo-drainage networks associated
of a multi-spectral and multi-tempo- with Periyar and Chalakkudy Rivers.
ral dataset. The Periyar- Chalakudy Majority of the identified channels are
River system in the central Kerala is presently occurs as misfit streams with
the largest river network in the region. wider valleys, implying their genesis
Further, the ancient river channels in to a distinct hydrologic and climatic
the mid-and -low lands of this river condition than present.
system act as conduits of flood waters
during extreme weather events, map- Keywords: Paleo-channels, Multi-tempo-
ping the paleo-channels have become ral data, Vegetation Indices, Google Earth
a pre-requisite in hazard management. Engine,
& Technology
Oral Presentation
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 197

Technology Development and Adaptation of

Geopolymer Concrete
Thomas John V.1* and Roy M. Thomas2
School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India
School of Engineering, Civil Engineering Division, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: From the first earth inevitable binder for any development
summit held in Stockholm (Sweden) activity. It is a fact that concrete is only
in 1972 world tried to be on the path next to water in percapita (one tone
of sustainable development. But the percapita per annum) consumption.
from the 3rd summit in 1992 at Rio de Another problem with cement is that
Janeiro, Brazil, the global warming and it is highly energy intensive (4.5MJ/
environmental issues thereof is a hot kg). It is in this context the search
issue that is gaining momentum. To for an alternate greener construction
address this; meet came with Agenda binder with lower carbon dioxide
21,which is a non-binding action plan emission ECO2e and embodied energy
of the United Nations with regard to (EE) began. Though the search is
sustainable development originally multi prong, it is converging to alkali
targeted to achieve when the world activated inorganic polymer binder
enters 21st century in the year 2000. popularly known as Geopolymer.
The 5 th and the latest meet Rio+20 It is derived from alumina silicate
held at Rio realised the reality that industrial waste materials like Fly
countries are far away in achieving ash, GGBS etc. activated by alkaline
this agenda. None of the major partic- solution. Even though many patents
ipant countries were ready to accept have been granted world over for such
the responsibility or willing to take a binder, the commercial use on par
any remedial measure. Whoever may with cement has not yet begun due
be culprit the effect is global. The rich
to many inherent problems. In this
and the poor have to face the brunt
paper we discuss how this wonderful
of the impact. The major component
material can be adapted at par with
(about 65%) among the Greenhouse
gases is carbon dioxide and about 7%
of this is contributed from cement Met hod: The major hurdles in
industry. But the irony is that cement is adapting Geopolymer concrete for
198 34th Kerala Science Congress

field application are difficulty in 25 to 32 degree Celsius is sufficient

handling highly corrosive sodium when GGBS is added.
hydroxide in alkali activator, need
Results: Normal strength concrete of
for heat curing (when fly ash alone
M20 grade to high strength concrete
is used), difficulty in slump retention
of grade M50 grade can be made by
& maintaining consistency and need
suitably blending GGBS and Fly ash;
for technical competency at field
activated with sodium silicate. The
level. These hurdles can be overcome
proportion of fly ash can be 50 to 75%
by using a proper combination fly
of binder powder and remaining part
ash and GGBS in conjunction with
GGBS for normal strength concrete.
sodium silicate as activator solution.
Fly ash content shall be 25% to NIL
Using proper dosage of micro silica
(ie GGBS alone) and remaining part
or proper admixtures and controlling
GGBS for high strength concrete.
water content we can improve the rhe-
ology characteristics. For cubic meter Conclusion: Alkali activated binder
of concrete the desirable alumina-sili- materials could be made economical
cate material (Fly ash + GGBS) quan- and cheaper than Portland cement
tity required is 400 kg for 1:1.5:3 mix but need special care and attention.
(M50-M60), 300 kg for 1:2:4 mix (M40 The field staff need to be trained
to M50), 200kg for 1:3:6 mix (M30 to properly to sort out all the issues.
M40) and 150 kg for 1:2:4 mix (M20 to It can lead to green construction
M30). All ratios are by weight. Sodium techniques with low embodied car-
silicate activator solution required is bon dioxide emission (ECO2e) and
@ 50% binder powder and water to embodied energy (EE).
Geopolymer solids ratio @ 0.30. The
coarse aggregate content requirement Key words: Alkali activated concrete,
is 1200kg (12mm or 6mm or both) and Geopolymer, Geopolymer concrete,
fine aggregate @ of 600 kg. Ambient High performance concrete, Inorganic
temperature curing in the range of polymer binder, Cement substitutes.
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 199

Instantaneous Autonomous Self-Healing in Ionic Liquid

Modified Bio-Epoxy Resin
Harikrishnan Pulikkalparambila, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillaib,
Suchart Siengchina and Jürgen Pionteck c
Department of Materials and Production Engineering, King Mongkut’s
University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
School of Biosciences, Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies Tiruvalla (MACFAST),
Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden, Hohe Strasse 6, 01069 Dresden, Germany.

Background: Self-healing in polymers Results: In order to study t he

play a pivotal role in reducing the self-healing efficiency of the epoxy/
carbon from waste disposal of struc- IL blends, the tensile measurements
tural failures. Self-healing can extend and nanoindentation healing tests
the life of polymeric materials from were conducted. The self-healing effi-
the damage due to failures. Among ciency were calculated with the aid
the numerous techniques towards of mechanical tests. It is observed that
self-healing, supramolecular inter- approximately 50% of their mechan-
actions such as hydrogen bonding, ical properties are retained after
ionic bonding, metal coordination self-healing. Furthermore, scratch
bonding, van der Waals forces, pi–pi repairing studies were conducted by
interactions and electrostatic effects making a nano-indentation mark on
are important due to their stable and the blends and the required time to
reversible bonding compared to other undergo autonomous self-healing
stronger covalent bonds. were also measured. It was found the
self-healing of epoxy/IL blends were
Method: In our study, we report
initiated immediately (< 3sec) after the
the self-healing with ionic bonding
in bio-based epoxy resin using
1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride Conclusion: The modified bio-epoxy
([BMIL]+[Cl]-) ionic liquid (IL). The system showed excellent self-heal-
modified bio-epoxy resin forms ionic ing capabilities with good level of
association and exhibits reversible transparency. The samples were able
ionic interaction between the hydroxyl to show superior self-healing ability
groups of epoxy resin and ionic under nanoindentation test. The pre-
groups in IL. pared blend on ionic liquid is prom-
200 34th Kerala Science Congress

ising candidate in application areas Keywords: Ionic liquid, epoxy resin,

such as flexible electronics and flexible self-healing, nanoindentation and
coatings for indoor applications. mechanical tests.


Climate Change Impact Assessment on Stream Flow Over

Vamanapuram River Basin
K. C. Ramnas1, T. K. Drissia2 and P. Nikhil
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management,
Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673571

Land use changes makes a significant the Ayilam gauging station. The model
impact on major components of with 1990 land use is calibrated for 10
hydrologic cycle such as precipitation, years (1986-1995) and validated for
evapotranspiration, infiltration and 4 years (1996-1999). Similarly model
runoff, which may leads to disasters developed using landuse map of the
like extreme flood and drought. In year 2000 is calibrated for another 10
this study, we analyzed the stream years (2000-2009) and validated for 3
flow changes over the decades due years (2010-2012). The models yielded
to change in landuse for a particular satisfactory and reliable results with
climate. SWAT model has been devel- coefficient of determination and
oped to simulate rainfall-runoff for the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency 0.73&0.72,
Vamanapuram river basin. The basin 0.81 & 0.8 for calibration and 0.71 &
was divided into 12 sub-basins using 0.69, 0.73 & 0.76, respectively for vali-
an automated delineation routine with dation of two models. The two models
Cartosat DEM as input. The model show a similar set of fitted parameters.
was run with a fixed climate data of The model again run with different
35 years including 2 years of warm up land uses which is prepared using
period .SWAT-CUP was used to cali- Landsat imageries with corresponding
brate and validated the model using GCM climate and analyzedthe average
1990 LU/LC. The SWAT model has annual change in steam flow over the
been calibrated using monthly data decades.In the real situation, LU/LC
of 20 years for two different land uses and climate change occur simultane-
(1990, 2000) with observations from ously and the impact of both these
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 201

factors affected in the streamflow. basin in future conditions. The land

To carry out analysis of both LU/LC use classes like Built-up, plantation
and climatechange, we setup four are increased, whereas forest and
different scenarios: near – baseline, agriculture decreased. There is reason-
mid – baseline and far – baseline. The able increase in stream flow observed
change in surface runoff from baseline between the years which was due to
condition to future for RCP 4.5 and deforestation and urban growth
8.5 at sub-basin scale are analyzed.
The decreased precipitation along Keywords: SWAT; SWAT_ CUP;
with rise in temperature contributes Landuse/landcover change, hydro-
a decreased stream flow over the logical modelling


Transient Analysis and the Risk in A Pumping Main

Arunab K. S.1*, Sumam K. S.2 and Reeba Thomas3
M.Tech Programme in Water Resources and Hydroinformatics,
Government Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala, India
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering
College, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Background: Hydraulic transients are ruptures the pipe. Transient flow also
inevitable in a hydraulic system and is induces water quality problems such
the main cause of troubles and failure as re-suspension of settled particles,
of the system. Hydraulic transients detachment of biofilm and entry of
are initiated by abrupt flow changes pathogens into the system. The pres-
because of pump trip, sudden valve ent study is focussed on a Raw Water
closure etc; which are very common Pumping Main (RWPM), consisting of
in a pumping main, and are fuelled a combination of rigid and viscoelastic
by pipe alignment, pipe material and pipes with 1 non-return valve, 52 air
malfunctioning of existing hydraulic valves and 2 zero velocity valves,
components in the system. Pressure which is experiencing frequent pipe
hikes associated with transient flow bursts causing total interruption in
cause damages to the pump and water supply system because of pump
components, breaks the seals, and trip.
202 34th Kerala Science Congress

Method: Analysing the performance ber and check the suitability of its
of the system under transient flow location.
helps to identify the suitable surge
Conclusion: The hydraulic analysis of
protection devices, its size and loca-
this system points out that the location
tion. A trial-and-error procedure is
of air valves has a significant effect on
employed to understand the behaviour
the transient pressures developed
of the system during transient flow
within the system. The effect of a
with single/combination of surge
surge protection device in a pumping
protection devices by using Pipe 2000
main needs to be studied thoroughly
software. The procedure is repeated
to check its suitability for that system,
with different types and number of
to design the device and to determine
surge protection devices at various
its suitable location. Transient anal-
locations till the system is found to be
ysis needs to be carried out for large
hydraulic systems - to understand
Results: The transient analysis of the complex behaviour of the system
the RWPM under various operating under various operating conditions
conditions helped to understand the that are likely to occur several times
behaviour of the system. The perfor- during its design period so as to
mance of the system under different
reduce the risk of failure of the system.
types of surge protection devices can
be sensed out by transient analysis, Keywords: Hydraulic modelling,
which helps to identify suitable surge Hydraulic transients, Air valve, Pipe
protection devices, optimize its num- 2000, Wave Characteristics Method.


Real-Time Monitoring of Curing Process of Fast Drying

Epoxy Resin Using Dynamic Laser Speckle Imaging
Keerthana S. H., P. Radhakrishnan and A. Mujeeb
International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India -682022

Background: Dynamic laser speckle presents the application of dynamic

imaging is used for analyzing the laser speckle imaging for real time
fluctuations in intensities that scat- monitoring of curing process of an
tered from turbid media. This work epoxy adhesive. Proper monitoring
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 203

of the curing phenomenon helps to images were captured for monitoring

improve the efficiency and quality the curing process of the epoxy mix.
of cure processing materials. Dynamic THSP, Co-occurrence matrices and ISF
laser speckle imaging does not disturb results the expected output.
the curing process while monitoring
Conclusions: Dynamic laser speckle
the process.
technique is a real-time and non-de-
Method: An optical arrangement was structive imaging technique with high
set-up for generating the dynamic spatio-temporal resolution. We could
speckle images. The images were then able to use dynamic laser speckle
analyzed using numerical methods imaging efficiently for monitoring
such as Intensity Structure Function the curing phenomenon of epoxy
and Time History of Speckle images. adhesive.
Results: A thin layer of the resin-hard- Keywords: Dynamic laser speckle
ener mix was applied on the surface imaging, epoxy adhesive, curing
of an Indian coin. Sequential speckle process, Intensity Structure Function.


Traffic Operation Plan for Erode City

Feby Ann Varghese, Ponpriya M., Anish Kini and Shaheem S.
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Erode district, situated in the north itude and between 76.49” and 77.58”
western part, is one of the industri- East Longitude with an area of 109.52
alized districts in Tamil Nadu. Erode Erode is strategically situated
city, the headquarters of Erode district, between Coimbatore and Salem and
has seen rapid urbanization in the is famous for its agricultural and
aftermath of its economic growth industrial resources like turmeric
which led to the formation of Erode and textile. This makes Erode and
City Municipal Corporation (ECMC) part of the Industrial corridor. Hence,
by merging neighboring municipali- the vehicles bypassing the city have
ties and Panchayat into its jurisdiction. also led to heavy traffic congestion
Erode Municipal Corporation extends and generated a need for solutions to
between 10.36” and 11.58” North Lat- decongest the city centre.
204 34th Kerala Science Congress

Reconnaissance surveys were con- feasible proposals in order to reduce

ducted to understand the existing site the traffic congestion within the city
situation and decide on the detailed centre.
surveys to be done. Stakeholder
meeting and secondary data collection Conceptual junction improvement
were done to analyse the previous schemes, pedestrian facilities, scheme
situations and schemes. Traff ic for signs and markings for major roads
volume, parking, pedestrian, origin within CBD areas and traffic circula-
and destination, speed and delay tion plan for goods, road widening,
are few of the traffic surveys which flyover/underpass constructions and
were used to analyse the key perfor- development of bus terminals, shifting
mance indicators of various roads in of activities from the city centre are
Erode Municipal Corporation. Road few proposals planned for the city.
Inventory survey was conducted to
find out the major road characteristics. Keywords: Traffic operation plan,
The above data collected was analysed traffic surveys, capacity utilization,
to conclude on the results and form road widening, proposals


Development of Mobility in Attingal Town

Jegan Bharath Kumar, A. B Murshida, P.
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Development of a country brings planning and development. The

economic changes which initiates reform of urban mobility systems
urbanization. Urbanization and rapid is one of the biggest challenges con-
growth of the city made us to think fronting policymakers, stakeholders
about the effective urban planning. and users today and to do it justice
Urban planning has to be done at the study required a commensurately
various hierarchies to integrate a large ambitious approach. This research
region with a small area so that the looks into the development plan of
development can be done at a same Attingal, a town in Kerala, India. The
pace. Urban planning involves various passenger and freight traffic charac-
planning and development of sectors teristics have been analysed based on
one such is Transport Infrastructure extensive investigations of the Attingal
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 205

Muncipal area and collection of sec- Transportation Development Plan for

ondary data from various sources in the municipality has been developed
the region. Furthermore, traffic on based on traffic projections.
important roadways has been pro-
Key words: Urban Mobility, Passenger
jected for various horizon periods,
and Freight Characteristics
taking into account the research
area’s growth potential. A long-term


Planning for Resilient Transport Infrastructure in a

Disaster-Prone Area – A Case Study of Munnar Region
Salini P.N.1, Sreelakshmi T.M.1 and Nandana Ramesan2
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
M. Plan Programme, Department of Architecture and Planning, National Institute of
Technology Calicut, Kozhikkode, Kerala, India

Background: Kerala is a state highly to study these landslides and risk

vulnerable to natural disasters and and vulnerability assessment using
the changing climatic dynamics given the various tools of field surveying,
its location along the sea coast and remote sensing and GIS techniques.
with a steep gradient along the slopes
of the Western Ghats. Kerala is also Method: This work explores to create
one of the most densely populated detailed landslide vulnerability and
Indian states (859 persons per square landslide risk (LR) maps of the Mun-
kilometers) which make it even more nar region in Idukki district of Kerala
vulnerable to damages and losses on by applying Geographic Information
account of disasters. Landslides a new Systems (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Deci-
reality for Kerala and the state has to sion Analysis as the tools. Adopting
evolve long term strategies to address the analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
the threat. Landslides are a major for a weighted linear combination
hazard along the Western Ghats in (WLC) approach, eleven evaluation
Wayanad, Kozhikode, Idukki and Kot- parameters were selected and risk and
tayam districts. Hence the relevance of vulnerability assessment was carried
this paper paying adequate attention out.
206 34th Kerala Science Congress

Results: Landslide Risk assessment the use of Geographical Information

map of the Munnar region is devel- System and MCDA approach for the
oped. The results were validated determination vulnerability analysis
based on field verification and land and risk assessment of a region by
slide prone maps obtained from considering the physical, environmen-
Kerala State Disaster Management tal, social and economic factors of the
Authority. The length of road network area. The findings of the study could
and ward wise area of region under help in evolving recommendations for
different risk levels are also identified planning a resilient transport infra-
based on analysis and demarcated in structure for the region.
GIS platform.
Keywords: GIS-Based Analysis, Risk
Conclusion: This work establishes Mapping, Hazard, Vulnerability


Traffic Prediction Modelling for Major Highways in Kerala

Anagha Suresh 1, Wilson K.C. 2 and Archana S.3
PG Programme, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India

Background: Traffic prediction is The existing traffic prediction models

necessary to explain the possible needs have certain limitations, it is either
of future and provide standards for underestimated or overestimated and
proper design and operation of the does not meet the actual infrastructure
transportation system. The pattern of needs. The scope of this project is
traffic growth and projected traffic limited to major highways of Kerala.
volumes are important factors in the Method: In this paper, an attempt is
analysis of highway projects. The traf- made to develop traffic prediction
fic growth factor has a major effect models for highways in Kerala using
on highway investment decisions, socio economic data, traffic volume
such as whether to increase the counts and fuel data as variables. The
capacity of existing highways and performance of K nearest neighbor
the construction of new facilities regression, support vector regression
especially when funds are limited. and random forest regression were
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 207

compared. The obtained results were low with R2 value 0. 433.

compared with the existing IRC
Conclusions: This paper establishes
method which is transport demand
the use of machine learning techniques
elasticity model.
for traffic prediction. The results of
Results: Regression results shows that the paper indicate that the random
random forest regression performs forest regression model is the best
better than the other methods. The R option for predicting traffic for major
square value obtained for K nearest highways in Kerala.
neighbor regression, support vector
regression and random forest are Keywords: K nearest neighbor
0.68,0.32 and 0.97 respectively. The regression, Random Forest regression,
predictive performance of transport Support vector regression, Traffic
demand elasticity method was also prediction model etc.


GetMap App – A GIS Based Android Application

for Road Data Collection
Saran M. S.1, Nisha Radhakrishnan2 and Vishnu V. P.1
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India

Background: Field staffs like survey Method: An android based appli-

agents need to collect various data cation named GetMap is developed
during their tasks. While paper forms using the software Android Studio to
are fine for text, other data like coor- install at the user side for recording the
dinates and important points cannot travel path of the user along with road
be collected and stored effectively inventory and cross sectional details.
without an organized data system. Location driver in the smartphone
An attempt has been made in the allows the app to publish updates to
present study to solve this problem the device’s physical location through
by developing a Geographic Informa- the Android location services. The app
tion System (GIS) based user friendly automatically checks the user location
android mobile application for real from time to time, and plots the results
time field data collection. on a real-time OSM maps using the
208 34th Kerala Science Congress

android library Osmdroid. The app Conclusions: Road survey related

also provides a method to record data can be simply collected using the
points in the travel path while they GetMap app. Data in form of point and
are travelling. line features are stored as KML files,
Results: Public users can download which can be directly open in Google
and install the app in their smart- Earth software, further this data can
phones. While opening the app for be opened in any GIS software by
the first time it prompts the user to applying appropriate conversions. The
give permissions to access location app will be useful for the field data
services and storage of the phone. collection activities of all the agencies
The app mainly consists of two related to the road survey.
screens – Welcome Screen and Map
Keywords: Android Application,
Screen. After the Welcome Screen the
app automatically loads the map of Field Data Collection, GIS, Record
current location of the user in the Map Travel Path
Screen. Current project name, track
name, speed, distance travelled and Acknowledgment: We would like to
the number of satellites available are express our sincere gratitude to Kerala
displayed on the Map Screen. The four State Council for Science, Technology
major functions that can be performed and Environment (KSCSTE) - National
using the GetMap app are Record Transportation Planning & Research
Track, Add Road Inventory Details, Centre (NATPAC) for providing tech-
Record Road Cross Sectional Data and nology materials and financial support
Add Points to the Map. to this study.
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 209

Calibration of HDM-4 Distress Models for a

National Highway
V S Sanjay Kumar1 and Sangeetha Jayamohan2
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), Thiruvananthapu-
ram, Kerala, India,
M. Tech Alumni, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, India,

Road transportation has significantly The pavement deterioration models

increased over the years improving included in HDM-4 are developed
connectivity between cities, towns and from the results of a large number of
villages in the country. Timely main- field experiments conducted in several
tenance of pavements is an essential parts of the world. The calibration of
requirement for the efficiency of any the models is necessary to improve the
road network. The requirements for accuracy of pavement performance
pavement maintenance and repair predictions. This paper explains the
are continuously increasing, but the calibration of the HDM-4 Distress
resources and funds are limited. models for Roughness progression,
Pavement management systems are Cracking progression, Ravelling
therefore increasingly being used progression and Pothole progression
world-wide to assist the highway for a National Highway Network of
administration in making well-co- Thrissur, Kerala, India. It is expected
ordinated and systematic decisions that the results of the study shall
regarding all activities related to pave- be useful for developing pavement
ment construction and maintenance. maintenance management strategies
The World Bank developed Highway for pavement networks with similar
Development and Management Model compositions, climatic conditions, and
(HDM-4) is an internationally recog- traffic characteristics.
nized tool available for making timely Keywords: Pavement Management
and cost-effective maintenance man- System, Maintenance, HDM-4, Dis-
agement decisions for road networks. tress, Calibration.
& Technology
Poster Presentation
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 213

Prediction of Water Quality in the Upper Stretch of

Pamba River Using Water Quality Model
Megha1, Vivek B.2*, Jainet P. J.2, Jayakumar P.2 and S. Shantha Kumar3
M.Tech Programme, Department of Environmental and Water Resource Engineering,

VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM), Kunnamangalam,
Calicut, Kerala, India
Department of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, School of
Civil and Chemical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Pamba River, which is one of the main predicted for the upper stretch of the
rivers in Kerala state is selected for this river. BOD reaction rate constant was
study. Conventional Water quality computed by using the method of
model was applied to the upper stretch moments. The predicted values by
of the river where pollution is high the model showed that the waste load
during the famous Sabarimala pilgrim coming from the polluted stream was
season. One dimensional steady state found to have minimal effect on the
model was applied to predict the effect last station. Field monitored values
of a polluted stream joining the main and predicted values were showing
river in the upper reaches of Pamba same trend along the river.
river. BOD, NH3-N, Nitrite, Nitrate, Keywords: Pamba River, pollution,
Organic Phosphorus parameters were water quality model
214 34th Kerala Science Congress


Effect of Thermal Pre-Treatment On Biogas Yield and

Pathogen Removal During Anaerobic Digestion of
STP Secondary Sludge
K. Haritha1, 2, M. K. Akhina1, 2 and B. Krishna Kumar*
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Academy for Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India-201002

Background: The management of this study. Secondary sludge was

large quantity of secondary sludge exposed to different temperatures 60
(biosolid) is a major practical problem to 90 °C, for 30 to 90 minutes. After
during sewage treatment plant (STPs) the heat treatment, bio-methanation
operation. The direct disposal of STP potential (BMP) of the heat-treated
secondary sludge is not advisable, sludge was tested. Change in soluble
since it contains pathogenic micro- COD (SCOD), change in bacterial
organisms, pharmaceutical residues, pathogenic load during thermal
toxic chemicals, metals etc. Landfill- pre-treatment and bio-methanation
ing, incineration, thermal drying, were also monitored. The results were
composting and anaerobic digestion compared with control and the data
are commonly practiced for managing was statistically analysed.
STP secondary sludge. Among this
Results: Anaerobic digestion of sec-
anaerobic digestion is considered as a
ondary sludge without any pre-treat-
better option due to its energy recov-
ment produced 27 ml biogas/g VS
ery potential, less operational cost,
of secondary sludge. Compared
and formation of more stabilized final
with untreated sample, a significant
product. However, anaerobic digestion
increase in biogas yield was observed
of biosolid reported less biogas yield,
during thermal treatment (table). A
and different pre-treatment methods
substantial increase in soluble COD
are reported for enhancing the biogas
(5 to 18 folds, 700 to 1854 mg/l) was
yield. Therefore, this study focuses on
observed at 70, 80 and 90 °C pre-treat-
the effect of thermal pre-treatment on
ment than the untreated sample, that
biogas yield as well as pathogen load
reflected in higher biogas yield. The
present in the sludge during anaerobic
tested temperature and time interval
was not very effective to disinfect
Methods: Secondary sludge, collected prominent pathogens present in the
from a working STP was used for sludge.
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 215

Table: Biogas production at dif ferent temperatures and time periods.

No Pre-treatment at
Pre-treatment at 80°C
Treatment method Pre-treat- 90°C
ment 30min 60 min 30min 60 min 90 min
Biogas production
27 111 147 90 93 96
(ml/g VS of SS)

Conclusion: The present study indi- required for the pasteurization of the
cated an increase in biogas yield (up to sludge for removing pathogens.
5 times) during anaerobic digestion of
thermally pre-treated STP secondary Keywords: STP secondary sludge,
sludge. Meanwhile, still higher tem- Bio-methanation, Anaerobic digestion,
perature and exposure time may be Biogas


A Modular Onsite Waste Water Treatment System for High

Strength Greywater
Sanitha Gopalakrishnan, Dipin Nath and Krishnakumar B.*
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary
Science &Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India- 695 019

Background : The management of tion cost, frequent sludge disposal,

high strength greywater from small space requirement, etc. Moreover,
hotels, restaurants, catering units, these systems are designed mostly for
canteens, etc. in cities without sew- sewage (COD ~500 mg/L) treatment,
erage network is a major challenge. and cannot handle high strength grey-
The disposal of untreated wastewater water (COD >1000 mg/L). Therefore,
from these establishments adversely
there is an existing gap in this area for
affects the water environment, and
a treatment system for high strength
public health. Moreover, the direct
wastewater. In this context, this study
discharge of these wastewater is a
focuses on the development of a
major cause of urban river and canals
eutrophication. The existing treatment modular system for onsite treatment
methods such as MBBR, SBR, MBR or of high strength greywater, and recov-
DEWATS have inherent limitations ering valuable resources such as reuse
such as high installation and opera- quality water and bioenergy.
216 34th Kerala Science Congress

Methods :The present system con- 350 to 500 mg/L. The pilot scale
sisted of an integrated anaerobic and modular treatment unit was operated
aerobic microbial processes unit, with continuously for 12 months treating
an additional sludge handling mod- the high strength grey water. Around
ule. The studies were conducted with 70 to 80% of the inlet COD was
a pilot scale (2 KLD) treatment unit, removed in the anaerobic module,
and actual wastewater from a depart- and recovered as biogas (300 to 400 L/
mental canteen (COD >1200 mg/L) day). The residual COD and nutrients
was used for the treatment study. The were removed in the aerobic module.
organics (COD and BOD), nutrients (N The MLSS and DO in the aerobic
and P), and pathogens were removed module were around 2500 mg/L and
to discharge standard level. Detailed 2.5 mg/L respectively. The sludge
analysis of the inlet wastewater, anaer- handling module could effectively
obically treated and final discharge maintain the MLSS level. A highly sta-
was done as per APHA methods. A ble microbial system was observed in
fixed film type bioreactor was adopted both anaerobic and aerobic modules,
for the anaerobic treatment, whereas more specifically higher trophic com-
a suspended growth system was used munities indicating a stable microbial
in the aerobic treatment unit. Cyclic system. The present treatment system
oxic-anoxic condition was maintained could remove COD (96%), BOD (99%),
for removing nutrients in the waste- TN (100%) and TP (100%) well within
water. An electro-mechanical system the existing guidelines (NGT) for
was used for maintaining a stable discharge water that can be reused.
active biomass (MLSS) within the aer-
obic treatment unit. The treated water Conclusion: The present system
produced was collected for external found to be suitable for treating high
application, and biogas recovered can strength grey water from small hotels,
be used for heating. restaurants, canteens, and agro-based
Results: The characteristics of grey MSMEs, etc. Compared with existing
water sample used in the study were technologies the present system has
fluctuating and the range of COD, many advantages like less foot print,
BOD, TKN and TP were 700 to 2500 less installation and operational cost,
mg/L, 300 to 500 mg/L, 80 to 200 it recovers both reuse quality water
mg/L and 5 to 16 mg/L respectively. and bioenergy, and free from frequent
The suspended solid was in the range secondary sludge disposal.
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 217

Cryogenic Chilldown Experimentation Through

Coated Transfer Lines
Pooja Ajay, Bindu S.S., Jesna Mohammed and K. E. Reby Roy
Rajadhani Institute of Engineering and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India

Background: Reduction in the chill its interior coated with a low thermal
downtime is an essential criteria for conductive polyurethane coating
effective and efficient cryogen trans- (thickness of PU coating is 0.1 mm).
port as it’ll lead to minimal cryogen Thermocouples are attached to the
consumption and thereby saving test section at four different sections
energy. In this work, cryogenic chill- at 30 mm, 60 mm, 90 mm and 120 mm
down trials were conducted on 150 from the inlet of the test section. At
mm long vertical stainless steel pipe each point three thermocouples are
(9.5 mm ID,1.5 mm wall thickness). attached at 120° apart. The heat in-leak
Liquid nitrogen as the working fluid to the test section was minimized
at different mass flux conditions and using a thick layer of polyurethane
Polyurethane coatings belonging to foam insulation (thermal conduc-
the family of Teflon have been used as tivity of 0.02 W/m K, density of 11
coating material. The performance of kg/m3) which is a type of expanded
the regular stainless steel tubes and foam insulation. Test section was also
one with a coating at corresponding covered by yarn and then by Nitrile
pressures were compared. The results rubber insulation. Temperature
indicated that an increase in heat flux measurement of the test section was
and reduction in the chill downtime done using T-type thermocouples
can be attained by interposing an connected to Keysight 34972A data
insulating coating between the boiling acquisition / data logger switch unit
liquid and the surface across which with scan frequency of 30 milliseconds
the heat is to be transferred. which was also connected to the per-
sonal computer for data analysis. The
Method: Two test sections were used average mass flux was measured using
for the experiment, first the normal a Single phase volume flow meter
stainless steel pipe with internal diam- having an accuracy of 0.05 mm3/s at
eter 9.5 mm and length 150 mm and the exit line from the test section. To
second the stainless steel pipe with ensure single phase gas flow entering
218 34th Kerala Science Congress

the flow meter, the outlet line is placed is obtained for uncoated section. Also
in hot water bath heated by electric it can be inferred that the coated tube
heaters. Pressure gauge is provided attains maximum heat flux earlier than
for measuring and regulating initial the uncoated tube.
pressure. Different flow control valves
are provided to control the flow. Conclusions: The addition of a low
thermal conductivity coating will drop
Results: The experiment was con-
chill downtime. The time reduction
ducted for three different flow rates
is found to be over 50 in all the trials
of 66 kg/ m2s, 86 kg/ m2s and 102
conducted for three different pressure
kg/ m2s. The time temperature plot
for various mass fluxes are analyzed. conditions. The coated test section has
The results presumed that a consider- a lower chill downtime for different
able reduction in chilldown time can mass inflow rates. The smallest chill
be obtained by providing a coating of downtime attained is 397 seconds
low conductivity on the inner walls corresponding to 10 psi force pressure.
of the conducting tubes. For a mass The use of coatings with low thermal
flow rate of 86 kg/ m2s, the maximum conductivity on the heat transfer
heat flux of 35000 W/m2K is obtained surface permits us to gain film boiling
for coated tube and the corresponding extremity at lesser temperature drops
value for uncoated tube is 11000 W/ and its transfer to transition boiling
m2K. Also it can be inferred that the with further effective heat transfer. In
coated tube attains maximum heat coated transfer line, the film boiling
flux earlier than the uncoated tube. region attained is short as compared
For a mass flow rate of 102 kg/ m2s, to the uncoated transfer line.
the maximum heat flux of 22500 W/
m2K is obtained for coated section. Keywords: Chilldown, Cryogenics,
Maximum heat flux of 8500 W/m2K Heat flux, Liquid nitrogen


Parametric Sensitivity Studies in a SSR FCC Unit

Anish Thomas and M.V.Pavan Kumar
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, India

Background: Fluid Catalytic Cracking value heavier hydrocarbons (Vacuum

(FCC) is a process for converting low Gas Oil, Heavy Coker Gas Oil) into
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 219

high value lighter products such as flue gas needs to be adjusted to restore
Gasoline, LPG, Propylene, Naphtha the yield of Naphtha.
etc. FCC has a significant role in C o n c l u s i o n s : T h e st e a d y st a t e
improving the annual profits based on simulation of a SSR FCC Unit was
the market demands. The performance carried-out in Aspen HYSYS and the
of the FCC units plays a major role impact of key input parameters on
on the overall economics of refinery the performance was systematically
plants. Any improvement in operation evaluated. Under open loop operation,
or control of FCC units will result in the effect of catalyst circulation rate
dramatic economic benefits. (FC) and regenerator inlet air flow rate
Method: In this study, a steady state (FA) on the performance were plotted
simulation for SSR Fluid Catalytic in terms of conversion, product yields
Cracking Unit was done using Aspen and other key output parameters. The
HYSYS software. In Aspen HYSYS, steady state closed loop performance
Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit is mod- of FCC unit was evaluated by varying
elled as a 21-lump kinetic model. the key input parameters while fixing
the oxygen mol % in the flue gas (xoxygen)
Results: The steady state simulation and reactor plenum temperature (TR)
of a Single Stage Riser(SSR) Fluid both individually and combined. The
Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) is pre- interaction of regenerator and reactor
sented. The closed loop performance is one way as reactor performance
of the unit is evaluated for a conven- strongly influences the regenerator
tional control scheme proposed earlier and not vice versa. At fixed xoxygen and
for FCCU operating under complete TR, the conversion and Naphtha yield
combustion mode. By varying the key decreased for an increase in the feed
input parameters of the process, the flow rate and vice versa. The Naphtha
performance of the unit under both yield and conversion can be restored
open and closed loop operations is by decreasing the feed oil inlet tem-
evaluated. It is found that the reactor perature (TA) or by decreasing the
section strongly influences the regen- xoxygen.
erator but not vice versa. Under closed Keywords: Aspen HYSYS, Fluid Cat-
loop operation, the feed oil tempera- alytic Cracking Unit, 21-lump kinetic
ture or the oxygen concentration in the model
220 34th Kerala Science Congress


A Study on Strength Behavior of Red Soil Stabilized

with Different Additives
Salini U., Amritha S., Anjali A. and Paarwathee V. K.
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Day by day a huge quantity of waste were conducted to study its strength
materials are been generated and their characteristics. The results obtained
safe disposal is a major concern world- from different tests indicated that the
wide. Therefore, utilization of these addition of SDA has shown better
waste materials for the stabilization improvement on the soil property
of soils may helps in enhancing the and CBR values were within the limits
engineering properties of weak soil recommended by the asphalt institute
as well solve the problem of waste for highway sub base and sub grade.
disposal. This paper focuses on the Thus the effective utilization of SDA
stabilization of red soil with saw dust could yield better strength on soil,
ash and lime for highway construction thereby increasing its geotechnical
purpose. The soil was stabilized with properties as well as provides an
different percentages of saw dust ash alternate solution for the disposal of
(SDA) and the effect of different dos- waste materials.
ages of lime on optimum SDA-soil mix Keyword: Saw dust ash, CBR, Lime,
was studied. Different laboratory test UCS
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 221

Polydimethylsiloxane/Conducting Polymer Composites for

Triboelectric Applications
Mathew Sunila, K J Saji b,c, Honey Johna,b*
Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, India
Interuniversity Center for Nanomaterials and Devices, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi, India
International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology

Triboelectric nanogenerators(TENG) followed by room temperature curing

is an emerging energy harvesting of the material using tetraethylortho-
technique that converts small mechan- silane as curing agent and Dibutyl tin
ical vibrations into electricity by the dilaurate as an accelerator in the ratio
combined effect of contact electrifi- 100:10:1. A triboelectric nanogenerator
cation and electrostatic induction. A of 2cm* 2cm frictional area was fabri-
triboelectric nanogenerator can be fab- cated by sandwiching the developed
ricated by sandwiching a triboelectric composites between two copper
material between two electrodes. The electrodes attached to a substrate
incorporation of positive triboelectric separated by rubber springs. A max-
materials can enhance the efficiency imum short circuit current of 23 µA
of a negative triboelectric material. and an open circuit voltage of 141 V
This work focuses on the synthesis, were observed for PDMS/POA(4wt%)
fabrication, and triboproperty evalua- composite on finger tapping While
tion of Polydimethyl siloxane(PDMS)/ PDMS/PANI(5wt%) composite exhib-
Polyaniline(PANI) and Polydimeth- ited short circuit current of 17 μA
ylsiloxane/Poly(o-anisidine) (POA) and an open circuit voltage of 113 V,
composites. The CSA doped conduct- which are higher than the open-circuit
ing polymers were prepared by oxi- voltage (70 V) and short circuit current
dative chemical polymerization and (2 µA) of bare PDMS. The enhanced
were characterized using FTIR and output of the composites can be
UV analysis. The PDMS/conducting attributed to the increased dielectric
polymer composites were prepared property of the materials due to the
by ultrasonication-assisted mixing formation of micro capacitors. The
222 34th Kerala Science Congress

TENG with a frictional area of 2cm * simultaneously, making it useful for

2cm is able to light up 120 blue LEDs real-life applications.

Figure. Schematic representation of the TENG and blue LED arrays lighted by TENG


Thermal Performance Investigation on Corrugated Plate Heat

Ojas Satheesh, Benny T. K., Akhil A., Ramzy R. and Devakrishna
Rajadhani Institute of Engineering Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Compact heat been carried out for the accuracy of

exchangers have become an essential the numerical results. The result has
necessity for power production and been validated through numerical
other purposes on a daily basis. The data. A realizable k – ε turbulence
corrugated plate exchangers (CPHE) model with scalable wall treatment
are well known for their high thermal found to provide the most consistent
performance. The overall tests have and accurate prediction of the thermal
been conducted on CPHEs for two performance of CPHE. The numerical
symmetric chevron angles (β) of result showed that the effectiveness of
50o/50o , 60o/60o and 70o/70o . Data the CPHE 50o/50o is higher than both
are obtained for steady state, single 60o/60o and 70o/70o but the CPHE
phase (water-water), counter arrange- 70o/70o shows higher Nusselt value
ments, and for Reynolds number (Re) than other two.
ranges from 500 to 2500, sophisticated Method: The present study intro-
mesh technique have been adopted duces a new modification in CPHE
to develop the mesh for the plates flow mechanism as described in
and the fluid between the plates. An the following section, which could
appropriate grid refinement test has enhance convective heat transfer
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 223

significantly between the cold and than that of CPHE β 60o/60o and β
the hot fluids, and consequently the 70o/70o. For the CPHE β 70o/70o, the
fuel consumption can be reduced calculated Nu is 22% higher where as
[19]. The numerical thermohydraulic CPHE β 60o/60o is 10% higher than
performance tests carried out on that of CPHE β 50o/50o. The effec-
counter-current flow arrangement, tiveness for the CPHE β 50o/50o is
for two symmetric β = 30o/30o, and 4% and 9% higher than that of CPHE
60o/60o. Nu is employed as an indica- β 60o/60o and β 70o/70o respectively.
tor for heat transfer improvement, and
Conclusions: This study would
CPHE effectiveness (ℰ) is employed
increase the understanding of the ther-
to compare the thermal performance
mal behavior of the CPHE at higher
between the basic and the new CPHE
turbulency conditions. The finding of
design. The CPHE comprised of four
the present study suggests that the use
channels (five plates), two of them are
of CPHE β 50o/50o is more applicable
pertaining to the cold side, which rep-
and efficient in industries especially
resent the utility fluid, and the other
in industries where a high heat recov-
two pertaining to the hot side, which
ery is needed. Further studies can be
represent the product fluid. Therefore,
done on the present study by either
the present study is performed on the
changing the geometrical dimensions
hot side of CPHE. The corrugations
of the CPHE or changing other factors
shape have been considered for all
in order to get maximum efficiency
cases in order to get as closer as pos-
for heat exchangers.
sible to simulate thermal-hydraulic
performance in real CPHE. Keywords: Corrugated plate heat
Results: The CFD results showed exchanger, Thermal performance,
that,the thermal performance of the Nusselt number, Chevron, Computa-
CPHE β 50o/50o is significantly higher tional fluid dynamics.


Terrain Adaptive Position Changing E-Bike

Abhishek Sujithlal, Amijith Sabu, Asif A., Harikrishnan M. C. and Krishnakumar K.
Rajadhani Institute of Engineering Technology, Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Background: The terrain adaptive designed electric lite bike that can
position changing E-Bike is a custom be used for various purposes. The
224 34th Kerala Science Congress

main intention of the development change in riding position is attained

of this bike is to integrate the use of by adjusting the position of the han-
bikes of multiple categories into one. dle bar, seat and the foot pegs. The
. Each motorcycle in each categories riding triangle is determined by the
has its own capabilities and purpose. 3 crucial points. The adjustments are
For example, a sports bike which done using different mechanisms for
is designed to be perform track ori- each part. Each of them are electrically
ented can preferably be used in track controlled by switches and relays.
or smooth tarmac surfaces. When
Results: Fabrication of terrain adaptive
considering a naked street bike, it is
position changing e-bike is completed
designed for using in city traffic with
and the rider can select required riding
comfort riding posture. When it comes
posture conveniently according to the
to an average motorcycle enthusiasts
riding terrain. Three riding positions
or users, it is not practical to own
are available for selection. The posi-
multiple bikes for every purposes.
tions of handle bar, seat and footrest
Our project objective is to combine
can be changed accordingly. The
the use of multiple bikes into a single
objective of this project is to combine
one by adding an option to change
the use of multiple bikes into a single
the positions of handlebar, seat and
one by adding an option to change
footrest without compromising the
the positions of handlebar, seat and
strength factor of the motorcycle. By
footrest without compromising the
this, a single motorcycle can be used
strength factor of the motorcycle. By
in various terrains and purposes.
this, a single motorcycle can be used
Method: The project consists of a in various terrains and purposes. The
chassis on which the front and rear movements of the handlebar, footrest
suspensions, rear swingarm, seat, and seating position are synchronized
handle unit etc. are mounted. This to an extend to get preferred riding
project allows the rider to adjust the posture of a sports bike, an adven-
seating position according to the ter- ture bike and a street bike having a
rain on which the bike is used so that standard position. Driving fatigue is
maximum comfort can be attained by related to maintaining a specific body
the rider. The motorcycle is powered posture, absorbing the impact of the
by battery pack which powers the road, and generating the necessary
drive DC motor and other motors used forces to control the motorcycle. The
for the actuation of the mechanisms mechanisms for the quantification of
used for adjusting the position of the fatigue are varied. Health problems
handle, foot pegs, and the seat. The such as back and finger pain, as well
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 225

as shoulder afflictions, have been iden- of view, a motorcyclist performs a

tified. Additionally, health problems monotonous task in an almost static
can result in a significant increase posture affected by various physical
in medical costs for motorcyclists. parameters, causing rigidity and
Physical fatigue due to improper decreased blood flow in the muscles.
riding posture can be minimized by Our project objective is to combine
choosing the riding posture according the use of multiple bikes into a single
to the terrain. one by adding an option to change
the positions of handlebar, seat and
Conclusions: Motorcycles are an
footrest without compromising the
excellent alternative to cars and
strength factor of the motorcycle. By
public transport. Bikes give you the
this, a single motorcycle can be used
flexibility to navigate around a traf-
in various terrains and purposes. The
fic jam, making it a great way to get
movements of the handlebar, footrest
around. They are cheaper to maintain
and seating position are synchronized
compared to a regular car and they
to an extend to get preferred riding
also use less fuel. Finding the perfect
posture of a sports bike, an adventure
motorcycle takes an extensive amount
bike, and a street bike having a stan-
of research and shopping. There are a
dard position.
variety of bikes for sale, from off-road
farm quad bikes to laid back cruisers. Keywords: Ergonomics, Electric Bike,
Ergonomics plays an important role Terrain Adaptive, Motorcycle, Riding
in this. From the physiological point Posture.


Energy Optimization on Electricity and Transport Usage in

Seafood Processing Units
Padmaja P. S. and Manoj P. Samuel
UKF College of Engineering and Technology, Kollam, Kerala, India -691302

Background: Carbon footprint has the carbon footprint from post har-
become an important parameter bor to the seafood processing units.
in the era of industrial world and Electricity usage was found to be
can potentially be incorporated into the biggest contributing factor in the
sustainability. This study investigates processing phase and fuel usage for
226 34th Kerala Science Congress

transportation was found to be the firms of varying capapcity. In case of

biggest contributing factor in the sup- electricity usage the energy optimiza-
ply chain from post harbor to seafood tion can be done by managing working
processing units. time of machines operation in seafood
processing units. At the peak hours
Method: This work focused to make an
the electricity consumption is more
energy conserving framework through
so managing the time period and can
life cycle assessment studies on three
reduce the energy consumption. Effec-
seafood processing units and in three
tive minimization in energy consump-
fishing harbors in Kochi. The process
tion in supply chain can be achieved
of seafood processing unit must be rel-
through proper energy auditing of
atively energy efficient in the case of
the seafood units, turn off machines
electricity and fuel consumption. Car-
after use, automation of existing
bon footprint which indicates the CO2
process line, equipment up gradation,
(carbon dioxide) emissions generated
replacement of out-dated equipment,
by a product system or supply chain
do energy auditing regarding the
on a life cycle basis. The study focused
use of efficient energy, use energy
on CO2 emission resulting from vari-
star appliances, use green industry
ous activities in the fish supply chain
concept, Use of renewable energy, use
in the land area from the harbor to
low or zero carbon vehicle, regular
the exit gate of seafood processing
maintenance of vehicle, ensure well
units. It includes carbon emission due
inflated tires, install energy efficient
to transportation, labour, and use of
machines, sensitize the labour about
electricity in seafood processing units
energy conservation.
etc. CO2 is chosen because, it was the
most important greenhouse gas and
Conclusions: This study attempt to
its concentration is observed to be very
provide a perspective on fuel and
high in the seafood processing units.
energy use across the supply chain
The carbon footprint was calculated
and also how to minimizing the
using the life cycle assessment method
energy consumption. Its original focus
with a standard emission factor,
had been on estimating fuel use in
observation covering post-harbor and
fishing vessels and electricity usage
in various levels of seafood processing
Results: The carbon foot prints of units and in fishing harbors.
individual and collective activities in
the seafood supply chain have been Keywords: Carbon footprint, Energy
computed with respect to three fishing optimization, LCA, Seafood, Post
harbours and three seafood processing harbor, Kochi
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 227

Evaluation of the Scope of Microalgae Based Wastewater Bi-

oremediation in A Polluted Urban Canal
Ihjas K., Ashitha V. V., Renjith K.R. and Digila Rani
KSCSTE-Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kunnamangalam, Kozhik-
kode, Kerala, India-673571

Background: Microalgae, unicellular vathy Puthanar, an urban wastewater

species which exists naturally as indi- canal in Thiruvananthapuram was
viduals or in groups, have been iden- studied and a synthetic version of
tified as a promising and long-term same was prepared. The microalgal
solution for wastewater treatment strain, Chlorella Vulgaris was selected
and also, for generation of valuable and inoculated in synthetic munici-
products. Conventional treatment pal wastewater so as to evaluate the
techniques sags behind in various growth conditions. A laboratory scale
aspects and thus, new microalgae bioremediation setup was developed.
based bioremediation techniques Samples were periodically analysed
become promising due to its viability for physicochemical parameters such
and possibilities. In recent years, as pH, BOD, COD, phosphate and
algal bioremediation have emerged nitrate, and compared with control
as a strategic research front. The basic to identify the changes that occurred
mechanism behind is inherent to the during the retention period.
algal metabolism; nevertheless, the
Results: The samples from selected
removal of pollutants will be variable
13 locations indicated that in some
accordingly to different microalgae
regions it is highly polluted with high
used and effluent characteristics to be
concentration of nutrients (nitrate
up to 4.3092mg/L, phosphate up to
Method: This work explores the 964.59μg/L) and lower dissolved oxy-
scope of employing microalgae for gen (up to 0.023mg/l). And also the
bioremediation of wastewater as an obtained BOD and COD concentration
environmentally sustainable treatment were ranged from up to 143.64 mg/L
strategy. To investigate the role and and up to 432.64mg/L respectively.
applicability of algae in wastewater The optimal results from bioreme-
treatment, the pollution status of Par- diation showed that the removal
228 34th Kerala Science Congress

efficiency for BOD, COD, nitrate promising technology for wastewater

and phosphate were 47.31%, 52.06%, treatment to improve its quality.
94.58% and 48.24% respectively.
Conclusion: This study was observed Keywords: Wastewater, Physicochemical,
to be encouraging to suggest that Bioremediation, Microalgae, Chlorella
bioremediation using microalgae is a Vulgaris


An Introduction to the Advancement of Conventional

Chatbots in Malayalam Using Hybrid Approaches for
Delivering the Social Security Schemes of
Kerala Government
Praveen Prasannan, Stephy Joseph and Rajeev R.R.
International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS), Thiruvananthapuram, Ker-
ala, India- 695581

Background: Government of Kerala include Machine learning or syntactic

provides a lot of social security rule-based approaches. We have
schemes to the public. But majority used a hybrid methodology that uses
of the people are unaware of these both machine learning and syntactic
schemes and if they know some of approaches.
the schemes, they are not sure what Method: In this chatbot, the user can
are the eligibility criteria to avail it ask for the various social security
or what are the procedures to follow. schemes of Kerala Government in
The existing information system of the Malayalam. For user-friendliness
State Government is through a printed phonetic Malayalam keyboard and
catalogue with various Schemes and auto-complete of user queries are
its benefits and searching informa- integrated with it. If the user finds the
tion through this system is very exact scheme in the auto-complete
difficult. To overcome this, a Chatbot list, he can click it and see the details.
in is developed in Malayalam which There are situations where, a user
provides all the necessary information may ask queries outside the data-
regarding the scheme. The usual base. To provide a relevant response,
technologies used to develop a chatbot rule-based approach is not enough
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 229

and thus comes the need for hybrid Results: When a user asks queries
technology. In this methodology, the regarding social security schemes of
user query undergoes pre-processing Kerala Government, the bot gener-
stages like tokenization, stop word ally categorizes it into four (a) exact
removal and root word extraction to scheme found in the database, (b) if
get the required keyword. Then these exact scheme not found, then search
keywords are searched in a corpus, for the keywords in it, (c) if exact
that contains the keywords related keyword is not found then use Jaccard
with schemes. If any of the keywords indexing, (d) if anyone of the above
in the user query matches with them, cases fail, then the bot sends this to the
then the corresponding questions unanswered section in the dashboard,
will be fetched and displayed as the and the concerned person answers
response. In some scenarios, the user them.
query does not contain the keywords Conclusion: Developing a chatbot in
that are included in the corpus. To Malayalam is a tedious process due
handle this, similarity measurement to lack of supporting modules. With
tool, Jaccard Indexing is used that the hybrid chatbot the users can get
finds the most relevant similar key- the required schemes anytime from
word and the schemes associated anywhere, which helps the Govern-
with this keyword will be the bot’s ment to make their schemes common
reply. If the bot still cannot get the among the public.
exact scheme, then it will be moved to Keywords: Malayalam, Chatbot,
another table, from which the admin Hybrid Methodology, Jaccard Index-
can provide the sufficient reply. ing.


Electric Vehicles - Opportunities and Future for Kerala

P.V. Unnikrishnan, V. Athira and Ajit Gerald
Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC), Kerala, India

Background: With geopolitical transi- rapid adoption of electric vehicles (EV)

tions, digital transformation, automo- in India in recent times. Transport sec-
bile industry crisis, global warming & tor being the second largest contribu-
its adverse effects, hike in fuel prices tor to greenhouse gases globally and
and increase in oil demand – there is Kerala known for its environmental
230 34th Kerala Science Congress

sensitiveness, biodiversity, and tour- opportunities for manufacturing EV

ist attraction, the Government has subsystems & components in Kerala
already started to look for alternative was visualised as an ecosystem of
options for sustainable transportation, hubs namely energy storage hubs,
and subsequently, they view electric drive train hubs and electronics hub.
vehicles as one of the viable options
Conclusions: Electric mobility in
and formulated electric vehicle (EV)
Kerala is inevitable and an integrated
policy for the state in 2019.
policy with special focus on financial
Method: This paper revolves around health of the industry, revenue to
the opportunities, the electric vehicle the government and employment
(EV) industry can offer for Kerala opportunities is critical for making
in the coming years. The data and the vehicle mission mobility plan of
information collated in this paper is Kerala, a reality.
obtained from industry experts, strat-
Keywords: Electric Vehicle (EV),
egy papers, research papers, journals,
Kerala EV Policy 2019, EV ecosystem,
blogs & articles.
Energy storage, Drivetrain, Electron-
Results: The driving factors of electric ics.
mobility is studied and the strategic


Automatic Generation of Text from Indian Sign Language

Static Images for Communication and Research
Renu S., Deepu C. and Rajeev R. R.
International Centre for Free and Open Source software, Swatantra, South Pavilion, Sports Hub,
Karyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Indian Sign Language helps in translating a visual spatial

(ISL) is a communication medium language into textual or writing for-
for hearing impaired people in India. mat. This also helps in translating
Translation of ISL videos into text is text to its corresponding video signs.
one of the solutions for research as A Text-HamNo corpus along with an
well as the development of the hearing image–HamNo corpus will be a core
community. HamNosys notations sys- resource for text-to-sign and sign-to-
tem is one of the best solutions which text communication systems.
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 231

Method: Glow based and vision based more than two sigml tags. We have
approaches are the two commonly collected and arranged the sigml tags
used for sign-to-text translation. in a prescribed format and identified
Here, we are using an object detection the corresponding text from text -
method for sign detection. An image HamNocorpus.
corpus is created by tagging the sign
Conclusion: The system successfully
image with HamNo notations and
translates an Indian Sign Language
also created a text-HamNo corpus for
sign to its corresponding text format.
mapping the text. Single Shot Multi-
Object detection, image - to- sigml
Box Detector (SSD) object detection
generation and sigml-to-text identifi-
algorithm is used for identifying the cation are the core areas of this image
sigml tag from the ISL images. to text translation system.
Results: The system takes ISL images Keywords: Indian Sign Language,
as input and identifies the sigml tags ISL, Object detection, Sign-to-text
corresponding to the sign images. translation
The signs it identifies are micro signs
whose single location represents


Assessing the Role of Feeder Service for Encouraging Public

Transport Patronage – A Review
Arun Chandran*, Vignesh D. and Neetha Maria Aji
TPED, KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Introduction jetty, etc. Public transport provides a

facility to the commuters to reach their
Across the globe, public transportation
desired destination. The demand for
is undergoing radical transformations.
public transportation grows fast as
Public transportation plays a vital
cities grow as a result of urbanisation.
role in the economic development
In recent days various infrastructure
of a country. Public transportation
projects are implemented to meet the
includes various modes such as bus,
public transport demand. India also
rail, metro, suburban rail, water metro,
witnessing major infrastructure devel-
232 34th Kerala Science Congress

opment in terms of various public with feeder services has been iden-
transport systems like metro, water tified as one of the potential ways to
metro, etc. The last-mile connectivity minimise air pollution, reduce energy
is also available to commuters who consumption, and improve mobility
take public transit. Last-mile public and traffic congestion(Almasi et al.,
transportation connectivity to a major 2014). Feeder services are provided
transit line expands commuters access to assure last-mile connectivity and
to more industrial zones and places of to enhance the number of riders who
interest(Chandra et al., 2013). availing public transport. Most of the
feeder services are provided on a shift
The majority of moder n public
basis. Various feeder service modes
transportation systems are not being
of transport already exist in different
used to their full potential because of
metro cities such as Bi-cycle, feeder
various issues with public transporta-
buses, minibuses, shared auto, etc.
tion include operational efficiency,
We review some of the literature in
poor operating speeds, and longer
this paper to identify the parameters
journey times. This issue is frequently
that directly influence feeder service
regarded as a lack of last-mile trans-
for encouraging public transport
portation connectivity to the transit
stop(Chandra et al., 2013). The lack of
connectivity to the public transport Variables influencing the feeder ser-
system increases the use of private vice assessment – review
transport modes. Investing much in
In the city of Bangkok, Thailand, a case
transportation infrastructure with-
study on the integration of paratransit
out improving the quality of public
as a feeder system into urban trans-
transportation leads to the adoption
portation and its effect on mode choice
of more personal forms of transpor-
behaviour is done. The survey was
tation. Involvement of more private
divided into four sections: (1) their
modes have negative influence such as
present travel patterns, for which they
increased congestion, increase in travel
were questioned about the method and
time, air pollution leads to health
frequency of their travel, the expense
issues, loss of economic productivity
and time, and use of public transit in
due to more road fatalities.
the last two months, (2) travel choice
Intermodal transport services, such as consideration consists of the most
a feeder system to offer last-mile con- preferred mode of transportation, (3)
nectivity, are needed to improve the individual attitudes and preferences
efficiency of public transit. A good include the car use, safety and secu-
public transportation performance rity, risks, environmental concerns
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 233

and view on the public transport and travel frequency have a positive influ-
paratransit (4) general information. ence. After the study, it was found out
Among this Vehicle ownership, Safety that buses received less proportionate
and comfort, waiting time and age are demand as feeder vehicles, access and
seen to be the explanatory variable. egress modes to stations determined
Among these first three was having the mode choice(Bachok & Zin, 2017).
a negative influence on the model.
A study has been conducted on com-
Structural Equation Model (SEM)
bining public bicycles and rail transit
was used to design the model. As the
opens up new possibilities for sustain-
study was restricted they suggested
able transportation(Ji et al., 2017). An
collecting variation samples and com-
intercept survey of rail transport users’
muter demographics to getter a more
feeder mode choice near rail stations
accurate conclusion(Tangphaisankun
in Nanjing, China was done to inves-
et al., 2010).
tigate the reasons for public bicycle
In another study, the feeder mode utilisation for rail transit access. Feeder
choice selection behaviour of com- mode alternatives, including car, bus,
muters travelling via KTM Komuter walk, private bike and public bike
was studied The purpose of this study were used for estimating the mode
was to determine how passengers of a choice model. The study reveals the
Malaysian rail service felt about feeder influence of personal demographics,
buses, the factors that influenced their trip characteristics, and station sur-
decisions, and recommendations to roundings on public bicycle utilisation
encourage KTM Komuter customers for rail transport access by distinguish-
to utilise feeder buses instead of ing between public and private bicycle
driving their cars to and from sta- modes in the mode choice models. It
tions. Gender, origin and destination, was found out that travel time and age
distance, vehicle ownership, educa- had a negative influence on the model
tion, income, trip characteristics and while income class and travel cost had
origin/destination waiting facilities a positive influence. Rail commuters
are the variables considered. Linear who have experienced bicycle theft
regression analysis was used to model and are travelling for school or jobs are
the data (Dependent variable: Feeder more likely to use public bicycles to
preferences; Independent variables: access rail transit. Except for density,
Sociodemographic factors, trip char- which indicates a positive link with
acteristics etc). It was seen that travel walking, land use characteristics are
time and travel distance had a negative mainly negligible in this study.
influence on the model while age and
In an SPSS environment, a case study
234 34th Kerala Science Congress

was conducted in the Ahmedabad proposed Ahmedabad metro station

City Bus Rapid Transit System corri- was assessed(Trivedi, 2020). A primary
dor(Balya & Kumar, 2017). The pro- survey was undertaken to collect data
posed feeder mode service choice of on the location as well as passenger
walking with three service categories: attitudes about public transportation
Exclusive Footpath Service (EFS), Spe- and the existing feeder system. Travel
cial Shoulder Treatment for Pedestrian time, travel cost, safety and comfort
Only (SSTP), and Pedestrian Allow in and trip purpose are the explanatory
Mixed Traffic (PMT) was studied. The variable used for the model. Travel
parameters considered are mode of cost and safety comfort had a positive
transportation, trip purpose, origin effect while travel time had a negative
and destination, journey time, travel effect on the model. Secondary data
cost, travel distance, traveller char- from the BRTS and metro was used
acteristics such as age, occupation, to develop a proposal to improve the
car ownership, household size, and current system. They discovered that
travel behaviour. Multinominal logit the current feeder system does not
was used to model the data. While meet the needs of regular commuters
travel distance and travel time have a after a thorough investigation and
negative influence, vehicle ownership, input from the community. From the
income class and household size have analysis, electric rickshaws will be
a positive influence on the model. the most suitable medium of feeder
between BRTS and the metro.
The feeder system between the Bus
Rapid Transit System (BRTS) and the
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 235

Table 1: Explanatory Variables

Safety and Comfort

Vehicle Ownership

Travel Frequency
Household size
Travel distance
Income class

Waiting time

Trip Purpose
Travel Time

Travel Cost


  
et al., 2010)
(Bachok & Zin,
   
(Ji et al., 2017)    

(Balya & Kumar,

    

(Trivedi, 2020)    
(Gkiotsalitis, 2021)  
Table 1 lists the explanatory variables single ticket that covers all of their trip
that have been addressed in previous legs, thanks to advancements in smart
studies of feeder services analysis. mobility(Gkiotsalitis, 2021). In this
From the detailed literature review, travel time and distance are consid-
the most influencing explanatory ered as the explanatory variable and
variables for the feeder service con- both are having a negative influence
sists of age, trip purpose, income on the model. This work suggests a
class, household size, travel frequency, mathematical approach for lowering
travel time, travel distance, travel cost, the door-to-door travel durations of
vehicle ownership, safety and comfort, passengers who complete their ori-
waiting time. gin-destination journey using up to
two public transit modes.
Simulation evaluation was used to
examine the existing feeder bus route Conclusion
302 in Singapore and construct a
This paper assessed the variables
model. Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS)
that influence the feeder system
schemes enable travellers to book a
for encouraging public transport
236 34th Kerala Science Congress

patronage. Based on the literature Balya, M. I., & Kumar, R. (2017). Walking
review following impacts of variables Feeder Mode Services Choice Analysis for
are identified: i) Safety and Comfort, Integration of Bus Rapid Transit System: a
waiting time, vehicle ownership has a Case Study. International Journal for Traf-
negative influence on the feeder sys- fic and Transport Engineering, 7(November).
tem i.e. less safety, more waiting time
and availability of personal vehicle Chandra, S., Bari, M. E., Devarasetty, P. C., &
reduces the use of public transport, Vadali, S. (2013). Accessibility evaluations
ii) Similarly travel time and travel dis- of feeder transit services. Transportation
tance are having a negative influence, Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 52, 47–63.
iii) Travel time and travel cost consid-
ered as a most important variable, iv) Gkiotsalitis, K. (2021). Coordinating feeder and
All other variables are having mixed collector public transit lines for efficient
effect, v) Household size considered MaaS services. 100th Annual Meeting of the
as a least important variable. From Transportation Research Board, January.
the study, feeder services provide
Ji, Y., Fan, Y., Ermagun, A., Cao, X., Wang,
a greater role in developing public
W., & Das, K. (2017). Public bicycle as a
transportation utilization. Feeder
feeder mode to rail transit in China: The
service modes may vary depending
role of gender, age, income, trip purpose,
on the land use characteristics, type
and bicycle theft experience. International
of public transport mode availability
Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 11(4),
and demand of the public. To enhance
the participation of communities in 18.2016.1253802
public transportation, there is a need
for intermodal transport facilities like Tangphaisankun, A., Okamura, T., Nakamura,
F., Wang, R., student, G., Professor, A.,
feeder services.
Associate, R., & Wctr, th. (2010). a Study in
References Integrating Paratransit As a Feeder System
Almasi, M. H., Mirzapour Mounes, S., Koting, Into Urban Transportation and Its Effects
S., & Karim, M. R. (2014). Analysis of on Mode Choice Behavior: a Study in Bang-
feeder bus network design and scheduling kok, Thailand Background and Motivation.
problems. The Scientific World Journal, 2014. 12 Th WCTR.
Trivedi, P. (2020). Evaluation of Feeder System
Bachok, S., & Zin, S. H. M. M. (2017). Feeder
between BRTS and Proposed Metro Station
mode choice selection behavioural mod-
of Ahmedabad. International Journal for
elling: The case of KTM Komuter, Kuala
Research in Applied Science and Engineering
Lumpur. Planning Malaysia, 15(1), 65–80.
Technology, 8(2), 601–606. https://doi.
Engineering & Technology
34th Kerala Science Congress 237

Mobility Pattern Variations Due to Covid-19

Travel Restrictions
Ebin Sam, V. S. Sanjay Kumar and Angel Maria Mathew
KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), Thiruvananthapu-
ram, Kerala, India-695011

Background: Travel restrictions from baseline falls outside band in

imposed as part of the lockdown Phase II and either fell within the band
policy have resulted in a considerable or tended to the band towards the end
reduction in movement of people and of Phase III. In Grocery and Pharmacy
commodities. The mobility pattern of category and Park category the change
vehicles and its changes due to the from baseline fell outside the band
travel limitations imposed from March in Phase II, but returned to band in
to May 2020 in the State of Kerala Phase II itself and more or less stayed
during the year 2020 was analyzed in in the band. In Residential category
this paper. the change from baseline is positive
unlike the rest. The mobility change
Method: In this study, secondary data
falls outside the band during Phase II
on mobility was employed to conduct
and remains outside the band in Phase
the analysis. The mobility data was
III while tending towards the band.
divided into three phases, namely
Phase I (Pre-lockdown period), Phase Conclusions: Due to the introduction
II (Lockdown period) and Phase III of travel restrictions during the Covid
(Post-lockdown period). The Two Stan- -19, there is a significant change in
dard Deviation Band Statistical Anal- mobility from the regular pattern.
ysis was carried out to measure the Unlike the retail and recreation, gro-
degree of changes in mobility between cery and pharmacy, parks, to transit
the phases and the visual analysis was stations and workplace categories,
supported by Mann-Whitney U-test. which saw a drop in mobility during
the lockdown, the residential category
Results: The changes in visitors to
saw an increase in mobility.
Retail and Recreation, Transit stations
and Workplace showed a similar trend Keywords: Covid-19, Lockdown,
that is, in all the category the change Mobility
Environmental Sciences
Forestry & Wildlife
Oral Presentation
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34th Kerala Science Congress 241

& Wildlife

Open Burning of Municipal Solid Wastes and Human Health

Impacts – A Critical Study in Indian Context
Ajay S.V., Kirankumar P.S. and Dr. K.P. Prathish
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Open burning of dioxin-like POPs. Further to validate

municipal solid wastes (MSW) has the simulated study results, the car-
been identified as the largest source cinogenic and non-carcinogenic health
of dioxin-like POPs emission (29 com- risk at the open burning sites were also
pounds) in developing countries. In estimated as per ATSDR guidelines.
India, about 68 million tons of MSW Results: The estimated national
is openly burned in households, default emission factor for dioxin-like
streets and dumpyards, which could POPs from open burning of MSW
pose serious threat to human health was found to be 180 ug TEQ/ton. The
& environment. It is the first experi- annual emission of dioxin-like POPs in
mental study in Indian subcontinent India was calculated to be 12.3 kgTEQ,
to determine the emission factors of which is quite high considering the
dioxin-like POPs from open burning fact that the tolerable monthly intake
of MSW and have generated the for humans is only 70 pg TEQ/kg/b.w.
annual emission data for the country. The study revealed considerable car-
In addition, the human health risk cinogenic & non-carcinogenic health
associated with street waste burning risk to the exposed community.
and massive dumpyard fire breakout Conclusion: The study generated
incidents are also studied. national inventory of dioxin-like POPs
Method: A customized Open Burn from MSW open burning sector and
Test Facility (OBTF) was constructed the associated incremental lifetime
inside NIIST campus and carried out carcinogenic risk for humans. The
simulated MSW combustion studies findings of the study are under the
using original MSW obtained through consideration of KSPCB, CPCB &
state wide sampling. The OBTF National Green Tribunal, which could
enabled quantitative sampling of the instigate future policy decisions on
emitted air as well as residual ash scientific solid waste management.
generated and the collected samples Keywords: Dioxins, MSW open burn-
were analyzed using state of the art ing, carcinogenic risk, emission factor,
GC-MS/MS to estimate the levels of annual inventory.
242 34th Kerala Science Congress


Conservation and Management Studies of Selected NTFP

Plants of Western Ghats:A Participatory Approach
Jithin Jose and P.A. Jose*
KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala, India- 680 653

Background: NTFP plants are passing Results: Developed propagation

under fast depletion due to overex- protocols of ten targeted species.
ploitation and unscientific harvesting. Augment planting of 15000 seedlings
This had large impact on reduction of of 10 target species were carried out at
growing stock and livelihoods of the Vazhachal forest division. Post plant-
dependent communities. A partici- ing monitoring recorded 35% survival
patory stakeholder level field activity
rate. Training manual prepared
on development of propagation pro-
enabled aware ness and knowledge
tocols, augment seedling planting in
imparting on sustainable conservation
situ along with knowledge imparting
and management practices.
ensure the success of conservation,
management and utilization efforts of Conclusion: Conservation and man-
these resources. agement activities of NTFP plants
Method: Vegetative, seed propagation carried out through participation of
and storage practices were developed tribal VSS Members act as a model to
as per standard nursery and seed foresee availability of plants ex situ,
technological methods. The seedlings viable seeds for long term supply,
produced as outcome of propagation enhancement in populations and over-
study used for enrichment activity all sustainable utilization of resources.
by keeping in situ requirements of
the species. Factors affected seedling Key words: NTFPs, propagation
survival was recorded through mon- protocols, enrichment planting,
itoring in half year basis. Knowledge knowledge imparting, conservation,
imparted through training Manual. Management.
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 243

& Wildlife

Diversity and Seasonality of Odonates in Kole Wetlands

Vivek Chandran A. and Subin K. Jose
Department of Geology and Environmental Science, Christ College (Autonomous),
Irinjalakuda, Thrissur. Kerala, India-680125

A two-year study was conducted of which three species are endemic to

to understand the diversity and the Western Ghats region and two to
seasonality of odonates (dragonflies India. Odonate diversity, as measured
and damselflies) in Kole wetlands,
using Shannon-Wiener Index, was
spread over Thrissur and Malappu-
maximum at Thottipal, an unculti-
ram districts. A total of 63 species
of odonates (39 dragonflies and 24 vated area. It showed a peak during
damselflies) belonging to 10 families the early Monsoon season and dipped
were recorded during the study, out in winter.


ATR-FTIR and HRMS Analysis of Dust from Different Indoor

Environments in A Tropical Metropolitan Area
M. Vishnu Sreejith a , K.S. Aradhana c, M. Varsha c, M.K. Cyrus b,
C.T. Aravindakumar a,b and Usha K. Aravind c
a School of Environmental Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam,
Kerala, India-686560
b Inter University Instrumentation Centre, Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam, Kerala, India-686560
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi, Kerala,

Background: Indoor dust is a major materials, machinery, and cooking/

matrix that exposes people to a wide cleaning goods, there is a significant
range of contaminants. Because the risk of harmful compounds being
indoor environment is exposed to a present in indoor dust. However, there
wide range of chemicals from personal is a scarcity of data on the presence
care items, furniture, construction of contaminants of emerging con-
244 34th Kerala Science Congress

cern (CECs), their metabolites, and 19 compounds. These compounds

re-emerging contaminants in indoor belonged to various classes plasticis-
dust across different micro-environ- ers, plasticiser metabolites, photoini-
ments in Kerala. tiators, personal care products, phar-
Method: Dust samples were collected maceutical intermediates, surfactants,
from four distinct micro indoor spaces insecticides, and fungal metabolites.
(photocopying centres, residential res-
Conclusions: To the best of our knowl-
idences, schools, and ATM cabins) in
edge, this is the first report regarding
Greater Cochin Area, Ernakulam for
the presence of CECs in indoor
this investigation. The collected sam-
environments in Kerala and also the
ples were subjected to ATR – FTIR and
suspected occurrence of pesticides
LC-Q-ToF-MS analyses.
(metaldehyde and ethofumesate) in
Results: The ATR – FTIR analysis classroom dust in India.
indicated the presence of aldehydes,
anhydrides, carboxylic acids, esters, Keywords: Micro indoor environ-
sulphonic acids, and asbestos – a ments, indoor dust, contaminants of
re-emerging contaminant. The HRMS emerging concern (CEC), ATR-FTIR,
analysis revealed the presence of HRMS.


Assessment of Environmental Conditions and Determination

of Ecosystem Health Score of an Urban Wetland in Kerala
Nimmi N.1,2, Vishnu Maya T. M.1, Harikumar P.S.1
Ecology & Environment Research Group, KSCSTE-CWRDM, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
School of Environmental Studies, CUSAT, Kochi-22, Kerala, India

Background: Wetlands are unique exert huge stress on sensitive ecosys-

ecosystems that provide ecological, tems like urban wetlands. Despite the
economic, and cultural services ecological functions it performs, urban
to humans. Healthy wetlands are wetlands are under great threats like
necessary for human survival and extension of built-up areas, waste
sustainable development. Rapid land disposal and landfilling. Even though
use conversions in an unplanned many legal frameworks are there for
manner with the least considerations the protection of such ecologically
of environmental consequences can significant areas, they are not much
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 245

& Wildlife
strictly followed. This study focuses metal concentration was detected in
on the prevailing environmental con- the sediment samples of Kattampally
ditions and ecosystem health score of wetland. Land encroachment, man-
Kattampally wetland, a natural coastal grove deforestation, waste dumping
wetland in the Kannur district of are the major anthropogenic pressures
Kerala. The study area belongs to the reported in the Kattampally wetland
Kattampally-Valapattanam-Kuppam area. The ecosystem health score of the
wetland complex, which is under Kattampally wetland is ‘0.86’ repre-
consideration, to be notified by Govt senting the Ecosystem health rank ‘B+’
of Kerala. and the Good health category. External
pressures from the human-dominated
Method:  Since the Kattampally
environment may balanced by the
wetland is located in the township
wetland itself to maintain its integrity.
area, the pollution exposure will
be very high. Water and sediment Conclusion:  It is important to
samples were collected and analyzed evaluate the current environmental
for understanding the environmental conditions and threats to the wetland
quality and pollution status of the ecosystem for its wise management.
wetland area. Many field visits were If the prevailing destructive practices
conducted to observe the threats have not been regulated properly, it
faced by the wetland ecosystem such will impair the structure and function-
as landfilling, solid waste dumping, ing of the wetland ecosystem. Hence it
and effluents from both domestic and is the need of the hour to implement
industrial areas. The ecosystem health suitable conservation strategies. The
score of the Kattampally wetland was focus should be given to proper waste
determined using indicators such as management practices, sustainable
extent, water regimes, biodiversity, tourism activities, promotion of kai-
and governance. Each of these indi- pad farming and fishery. Sustainable
cators has sub-indicators, which are use of wetland resources is manda-
further classified into 6 categories. tory to conserve the ecosystem. The
Based on the rank and values of these scientific operation of the Kattampally
categories the health score has been regulator cum bridge is another chal-
calculated. Primary data collected lenge faced by the wetland system. A
from the field and remote sensing management action plan is suggested
images were also used. for the conservation and management
of the wetland.
Results: High values of TDS in water
samples indicate the effect of sea water Keywords: Wetland, environmental
or presence of contaminates. Trace quality, health score, threats
246 34th Kerala Science Congress


Thermal Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon Under

Continuous Teak Rotations in the Midland
Laterites of Kerala
Binsiya T. K. and Sandeep S.
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Background: Global warming due to m 3 ). With continuous cultivation,

increased concentration of greenhouse the active carbon content was found
gases is one of the most important to decrease. On the other hand the
concerns of mankind today. Kerala passive fractions were found to be
has a rich forest cover of which 10% increasing indicating that with con-
is occupied by forest plantations. tinuous teak rotations there will be a
Objective of the study was to assess large conversion of the active carbon
the changes in carbon fractions and pools to passive thereby seriously
carbon stability under continuous teak impairing the ecosystem health and
rotations. productivity. Thermal stability studies
shows that macro aggregates have
Method: Total organic carbon, pas-
higher levels of activation energy than
sive carbon and active carbon was
micro aggregates in these soils.
analysed. Soil carbon stocks were
estimated up to 1m depth. The decom- Conclusion: There was only a weak
position rate and activation energies correlation between mean weight
of soil carbon were investigated by diameter and organic carbon. With
an incubation experiment of 45 days temperature, there was an increased
duration. The carbon lost during the conversion of active carbon to passive
period was estimated by subtracting forms and this conversion could lead
the amount lost during the period to higher carbon dioxide evolution
from the initial carbon content (at 0th once the threshold energy levels are
day) and was used for determining the attained. The study concludes that
first order rate kinetics. continuous teak rotation destabilizes
carbon in soil and shows the potential
Result and discussion: The carbon
to revert to a carbon source than sink
stocks in the plantations varied from
if not managed sustainably.
0.8622 Mg/m 3 at 30 - 40 year class
which was considerably higher than Keywords: Carbon dynamics, Ther-
that at 100 -110 year class (0.5634 Mg/ mal stability, Soil carbon sequestration
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 247

& Wildlife

Occurrence, Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of

Microplastics in the Ashtamudi Wetland, Kerala
Y.S. Harithaa, T.K. Hridhyaa, V.M. Sachina and P.S.Harikumara
Ecology and Environmental Research Group, Centre for Water Resources Development and
Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673571

Background: Microplastic (MPs) in sediments. At each sampling sta-

is a rising global pollutant that has tion, 5L of water is collected in stain-
attracted a good deal of attention from less steel container and nearly 500 gm
researchers and therefore the public. of surface sediment was obtained and
In the environment due to physical transferred to aluminium pouches.
and mechanical abrasion, biofouling Samples are then filtered, dried and
and effects of natural radiations plas- are subjected to Microscopic and FTIR
tics break into smaller particles known (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectros-
as Microplastics. These small particles copy) examination for characterization
are transferred via the food chain, cre- and identification. The combined use
ating vulnerabilities for both prey and of PHI (Pollution Hazard Index) and
predator through microplastics bio- PLI (Pollution Load Index) provided
accumulation, disturbing ecosystem the preliminary ecological risk assess-
functions (i.e., physiological functions, ment caused by MP contamination in
prey-predator populations, trophic surface water and sediments along the
transfers, etc.). Human beings also wetland.
face various risks including oxidative
Results: MPs were recovered from all
stress, inflammation, fecundity and
the samples, indicating their in-depth
cell damage due to seafood contam-
distribution within the Ashtamudi
wetland. Microplastic pollution risk
Method: The occurrence, abundance in each surface water and sediments
and distribution of microplastics of the Wetland was explored with sup-
(MPs) were studied in sediments and porting risk assessment models. The
surface waters of Ashtamudi wetland. abundance of MPs recorded from the
Bulk sampling method was adopted water samples was within the vary of
for recovering microplastics from 15.2 ± 2.2 MP/L and from sediments
water due to their low concentrations was 5200 ± 300 MP/kg. >2 mm sized
in aqueous samples compared to those particle and black coloured MPs were
248 34th Kerala Science Congress

predominant in water and sediment tion, and types in Ashtamudi wetland.

of the wetland. MPs of various shapes The mean abundance of MPs in the
like fragments, fibres, films and beads wetland shows that the ecosystem
accounted for many collected samples. is suffering from high Microplastic
The Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fou- pollution. Proper solid waste man-
rier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy agement, development of adaptable
(ATR-FTIR) based chemical analysis policies and awareness creation about
identified eight types of polymers of the negative impact of microplastics
that Polypropylene was the dominant on the environment should be exe-
polymer. cuted as soon as possible.
Conclusions: The present study pro- Keywords: Microplastics, Water,
vides the baseline data on abundance Sediment, Risk Assessment, Pollution
of MPs, their distribution, composi- Load Index, Coastal Wetland system.


Are We Exposed to Emerging Contaminants

Through Drinking Water?
A Study of Rooftop Plastic Drinking Water Storage Units
Amitha Unnikrishnan and Usha K. Aravind
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India-682022,

Background: Rooftop plastic tanks are top storage tanks. The water samples
common drinking water storage units collected from 20 different houses of
in our state. The present study focus Ernakulam district were subjected to
on the analysis of water from rooftop the analysis of routine water quality
plastic tanks in Ernakulam district. parameters and Ion chromatography.
The source of feed water is municipal Samples were particularly scanned
water supply of Ernakulam District. for Total organic carbon (TOC), Total
The storage time of water in the tank dissolved solids (TDS), pH etc. The
varies between 12-24 hours. samples with high TOC content than
Method: This study is focused on the the allowed standard limit (< 2 mg/L,
presence of phthalates in drinking US EPA) were further subjected for
water collected from household roof- the analysis by Liquid Chromatogra-
phy with Quadrupole Time of Flight
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 249

& Wildlife
Mass Spectrometry (LC-Q-ToF-MS). also presented  high TOC values.
The water samples were concentrated Toxicity reports of phthalates indi-
by solid phase extraction. cate their role in health problems,
Results: The water quality parameters including endocrine disruption,
along with their standard limit is pre- cancer, developmental abnormalities,
sented. Similarly the detected cations and polyneuropathy. Phthalates are
and anions are also tabulated. Dibutyl easily migrated to water media and
phthalate, Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, it is highly necessary to upgrade the
and 3,6-dimethyl phthalic anhydride drinking water treatment units for
were identified in the water samples. their removal. More study is presently
These compounds were present in carried out to understand its transport
almost all the sample s analysed for as per the residence time, response to
the present study. temperature and other key parame-
Conclusions: The presence of
compounds of emerging concern in Key words: Phthalates, ions, water
drinking water samples are reported storage tanks, LC-Q-ToF-MS
in this study. All these water samples


Development of Thermally Stable Coir Fibre Using

Eco-Friendly Bio Extracts of Spinacia oleracea
Simimol A. S., Ajith S., Ratheesh Kumar and Anita Das Ravindranath
Central Coir Research Institute, Coir Board, Alappuzha, Kerala, India
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: As far as the value non-eco-friendly and very expensive

addition of coir is concerned, flame affecting the tensile strength of the
retardancy is one of the most import- fibres. This research investigates
ant properties for industries as well the fire resisting property that was
as academic researchers. At present, imparted to coir by the application of
coir industry accepts halogenated, bio-enriched extracts of spinach juice
phospho-halogenated and heavy (Spinacia oleracea).
metals containing halogens to impart Method: Coir fibre is mercerized
fire retardancy. But these are toxic, and one portion of the fibre is needle
250 34th Kerala Science Congress

punched to obtain coir needle felt for From NPK analysis elements like
easy conduction of flammability tests. potassium, nitrogen, phosphorous etc
Fire retardant liquor of spinach juice are present in FR liquors and it was
and its bio enriched formulation was confirmed by EDAX analysis of fibre.
applied to mercerized coir fibre by
Conclusion: Green techniques using
soaking method and needled felt by
sustainable bio sourced materials
spraying method. Various flammabil-
provide better alternatives to chemical
ity tests and fundamental properties
methods of treatment for development
of the treated and raw coir has been
of flame retardant fibres.
Results: From flammability tests burn- Key words: Horizontal flammability,
ing rate of the control coir increases 1.6 Tablet test, Limiting oxygen index,
times as fire retardant (FR) treatment. Breaking stress.


Development of Neutral and Adaptive Genomic Markers for

Management of Santalum album Linn.
Reshma Bhasker T., 1 Suma Arun Dev, 1Swathi Balakrishnan and 2Modhumita Dasgupta
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India-680653,
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Forest Campus, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore. Tamil
Nadu, India

Backg round: Over exploitation on developing markers to understand

without any strategies for sustainable local adaptation.
management of sandal has resulted in Method: The whole genome draft of
diminution of available natural and sandalwood could be potentially used
genetic resources. It is not possible to to mine genome wide SSR markers
adopt an appropriate conservation with the high degree of polymor-
strategy for effective management phism that could assess the current
without having an understanding of genetic status including information
on private alleles or rare alleles. EST-
the current genetic status of sandal
SSR markers linked to stress response,
populations. Absence of genome
developed from the transcriptome
wide markers with the ability to assess sequencing could be used to analyse
neutral and adaptive genetic diversity parameters linked to adaptive genetic
in sandal paves way for studies based diversity.
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& Wildlife
Results: Out of the total mined richness of various populations along
89,849 SSR and 5241 EST-SSRs, we with the influence of evolutionary
could identify a total of 54 primers, factors in shaping the genetic structure
including 12 EST-SSRs that exhibit is important to select elite genotypes
polymorphism among populations. for breeding and genetic improvement
The 12 microsatellite loci linked to programs. Diverse sandal populations
stress responsive genes could be used having unique/adaptive alleles with
to assess the adaptive potential of the greater adaptive potential to combat
resources and the genome wide SSR climate change alterations needs to
could assess the effect of gene flow, be looked forward for future manage-
migration, selection or any evolution- ment efforts.
ary bottlenecks on the current sandal
Keywords: Transcriptome sequencing,
Evolutionary bottlenecks, Polymor-
Conclusions: Knowledge about allelic phism


Design and Development of Innovative Batch and Flow Based

Sorbent Systems for Bromate Removal from Water
Rothish R. Nair 1, 2, Jiffin Sam 1, 2 , Sooraj E. V. 1 and Prathish K. P. 1, 2
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR – NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram – 19, Kerala, India

Academy for Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad- 201002, India

Background: Worldwide, the rapid enabling easier regeneration, custom

industrialisation and urbanisation fabrication and reusability.
exert huge stress on t he water
resources in terms of availability and Methods: Three different modified
safety of drinking water. Among, the montmorillonite (Mt) clay adsorbents
oxyanions, bromate (BrO3-) is the most (Mt-H, Mt-CTS and Mt-H-CTS)
potent disinfection by-product and is with cationic surfactant (Hexadecyl-
classified as a “possible human” car- trimethyl ammonium bromide) and
cinogen. The present study was under biopolymer (Chitosan) were synthe-
taken to develop novel low cost clay sised and used to adsorb the bromate
based sorbent systems for the effective ions in water. The bromate removal
removal of bromate from water, which study was carried out in a batch and
utilize simpler chemistries thereby two innovative methods such as
252 34th Kerala Science Congress

adsorbent-cartridges and adsorbent reduce bromate from natural water

imprinted carbon cloth (floating sources from 100 μgL -1 to less than
sorbent) systems. The modified Mt’s 1 μgL-1, with an efficiency of >99%.
were characterised by XRD, FTIR, and Mt-H-CTS was found to be the superior
BET analysis. The influence of various sorbent among the three (Mt-H and
parameters such as pH, composition Mt-CTS). The bromate adsorption was
of sorbents, extent of functionaliza- possible in wide range of pH, in pres-
tion, sorption kinetics, and effect of ence of competing ions and applicable
coexisting anions on adsorption effi- in different water samples.
ciency was studied. The regeneration
Conclusion: The developed advanced
(with NaCl) and reusability of sorbent
sorbent system could be a promising
materials were found to be highly
process for the removal of toxic anions
such as bromate. The smart reusable
Results: The higher adsorption
clean-up cartridge modules can be
attained by the modified adsorbents
excellent tools for domestic drinking
was associated with the generation
water outlets, while the adsorbent
of positive surface electric charge
imprinted carbon cloths, can be of
with the surfactant loading, which
great use as “floating sorbents” in
increased the efficiency of surface
drinking water reservoirs and natural
interaction with the bromate ions. The
water reservoirs such as pond, lake
customized ‘point of use’ cartridge
and pools. The regeneration and reus-
modules as well as floating adsor-
ability of the developed cartridges and
bent (adsorbent imprinted carbon
floating adsorbents was found to be
cloth) developed using modified Mt
highly promising.
systems, showed excellent removal
efficiencies suitable for practical Keywords: Bromate, clay, Montmoril-
applications. All the three developed lonite, adsorption, Cartridge, floating
adsorbents systems could effectively sorbent
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& Wildlife

The Inevitable Role of Rhizophora Species in Carbon Seques-

tration: A Case Study from Kannur District, Kerala
M. Swedha Madhavan1 *, K. T. Chandramohanan2 and P. Sreeja3
Post Graduate Department of Botany & Research Centre, Govt. Brennen College,
Dharmadam, Thalassery, Kerala, India-670 106,
Department of Post Graduate Studies & Research in Botany, Sir Syed College,
Taliparamba, Kerala, India-670 142

Background: Mangrove vegetations 442.10 kg/ plot (m2), 326.65 kg/ Plot
provide a valuable service to the (m2) and 464.10 kg/ Plot (m2) respec-
global population by storing vast tively. Mean total belowground bio-
amounts of carbon and are one of the mass (BGB) was highest in S3 (177.07
most efficient and cost effective solu- kg/ m2) and lower in S2 (140.97 kg/
tion for offsetting carbon emissions. m2). The average carbon content/ plot
The preliminary aim of the study was (m2) of S1, S2 and S3 was estimated to
to evaluate the carbon sequestration be 251.36 kg C/ m2, 226.70 kg C/ m2
potential of Rhizophora species and a and 315.08 kg C/ m2 respectively. The
comparative analysis of aboveground total carbon content sequestered in
and belowground carbon content in Rhizophora species at S3 (94.52 ton C/
Rhizophora species distributed in the ha) had the highest value compared
selected study stations of Kannur to S1 and S2.
district, Kerala.
Conclusions: Rhizophora species
Methods: The selected stations of
distributed in the undisturbed area
Kannur district for the study include
of the study stations exhibit high bio-
Cherukunnu (S1), Edakkad (S2) and
mass and carbon content. It signifies
Kunjimangalam (S3). Quadrant study
the potential of Rhizophora species
was carried out for the non destructive
in carbon sequestration and thereby
estimation of biomass of Rhizophora
plays a vital role in climate change
species. Existing general allometric
equations were applied for computing mitigation by reducing atmospheric
biomass and carbon content of Rhizo- CO2 emissions.
phora species. Keywords: Rhizophora, Carbon
Results: Mean total aboveground sequestration, Carbon dioxide, Car-
biomass (AGB) of Rhizophora species bon content, Aboveground biomass,
in S1, S2 and S3 was estimated to be Belowground biomass.
254 34th Kerala Science Congress


Heavy Metal Scavenging of Carbon Nano Tubes Deciphered

from Forest Floor Humic Acid
Ninu Jose M. and Sandeep S.
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Kerala. India-680653

Introduction: Invention of carbon Adsorption studies were conducted

nano tubular(CNT) structures had using lead ion as a representative
created an unprecedented hype heavy metal at specific temperature
in material science.However, bulk and pH.Isotherms and kinetic models
production of this material have were plotted to explain the mechanism
led to an over exploition of graphite of adsorption and characterized the
sources and demands exploration of ensuing surface modification of nano
natural sources for CNT.Humification converted humic acids .
process in soil has much similarities Results: Spectroscopic characteriza-
to the coalification process and was tion confirmed the CNT structures and
hypothesed to be a natural source of graphene layers in nano humic acid
CNT. The present study probed the with a layer spacing 0.28 nm.Nano
core structure of extracted, purified conversion enhanced the surface area
and nano converted humic acid and and acidic groups and enhanced the
conclusively establishes the presence lead ion adsorption by nearly two
of multiwalled CNTs in these natural fold compared to raw humic acids.
materials. Studies were undertaken to Entrapping of lead ion inbetween the
delineate the heavy metal scavenging walls of CNTs in nano humic acid was
potential of these nano materials vis – a salient observation and multilayered
a vis their raw forms. adsorption was confirmed with the
Method: Humic acids were extracted better fit of Freundlich isotherm.
from teak plantations in Idukki district Further, intra-particle diffusion kinetic
(Kerala) by acid precipitation and puri- model supported the pore filling of
fied by standard protocols.From the lead ion.
purified forms, a subsample set was Conclusion: This work summarized
converted to nano forms by ball mill- the presence of carbon nano tubular
ing.Spectrochemical , microscopic and structures in humic acid and estab-
laboratory analysis were performed lishes its heavy metal scavenging
to reveal its structure and properties. potential The increased performance
Environmental Science, Forestry
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o f t h i s n a t u ra l a d s o r b e n t wa s converted humic acids.
attributed to the CNTs, enhanced sur-
Keywords: Carbon nano tube, Humic
face area and acidic carbon functional
moieties in the purified and nano acid, Isotherm modeling, Kinetics


Diurnal Flux in CO2 Associated with Growth Response of

Terminalia cuneata Roth. And Mimusops elengi L. Under Con-
trolled Growth Conditions
Aparna Sreekumar, Sashna N.C. and Harilal C.C.
University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala, India-673635

Background: Global warming and air- CO2 mixture (Treated), for a period
climate change, attributed by green- of 15 days. CO 2 flux was measured
house gases (GHGs), are the most using automated CO 2 gas analyser.
serious environmental concerns of the Growth parameters such as Plant
present millennium. Carbon seques- height, stem thickness, leaf area of
tration is the long term removal, plants before and after CO2 treatment
capture or sequestration of CO2 from were compared.
the atmosphere to mitigate or reverse Results: Day flux inside treated
climate change. Carbon offset planting chamber is higher than that of control.
is suggested as one among the means Percentage day and night flux of CO2
to check the unprecedented levels inside treated chamber with Termina-
of CO2 in the atmosphere. Terminalia lia is higher than Mimusops. Growth
cuneata and Mimusops elengi can be parameters such as plant height, stem
suggested as excellent candidates for thickness and leaf area of both the
CO2 mitigation programs. plants increased under elevated CO2.
Method: Present study evaluated Conclusion: Higher accumulation
CO2 flux inside a microclimatic envi- and resultant day flux of CO 2 in
ronment with tree species Terminalia treated chamber can be attributed to
cuneata Roth. and Mimuosops elengi L. the plants growing within it. Uptake
They were brought to experimenta- and assimilation of CO2 by Terminalia
tion in two growth chambers having and Mimusops are evident from the
controlled supply of air (Control) and increased morphological attributes
256 34th Kerala Science Congress

of growth like plant height, stem than Mimusops.

thickness and leaf area. Present study
Keywords: Terminalia cuneata, Mimu-
confirms that Terminalia is more
sops elengi, CO 2 flux, elevated CO 2,
efficient and can acclimatize in an
growth chambers
elevated CO2 condition much better


Impact Evaluation of Renovated Ponds in Palakkad District

Babu Mathew, Venu Prasad H. D. and Sunisha K.
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM), Kozhikode, Kerala,
India- 673571.

Background: Ponds are among the conducted among the stakeholders /

most diverse and yet threatened beneficiaries of the scheme, to know
components of fresh water diversity. their perceptions of the project with
Palakkad district is blessed with the help of questionnaires prepared
more than 14800 private and public for the same.
ponds. But most of them are silted
Results: Majority (90%) of the respon-
up and have collapsed side walls.
dents reported that the primary bene-
The Department of Soil Survey and
fit of pond renovation was for meeting
Soil Conservation has undertaken
daily needs like washing, bathing etc.
renovation of 56 ponds in the district.
The remaining 10% used the ponds
In this paper, the impact evaluation
mainly for recreation. There was a
of renovation of ponds implemented
considerable increase in the grass yield
under RIDF XX is conducted for 13
and greenery (canopy) of the area as
ponds only.
a result of pond renovation. All the
Method: The ponds were selected
respondents (100%) reported that the
in consultation with the department
overall vegetation of the surrounding
and the main works carried out as per
area flourished after the project imple-
the renovation programmes include:
mentation. As a result of renovation
desilting and sediment removal,
programme, an increase in water table
increasing the depth of existing
of nearby wells was noticed by all the
ponds, giving side wall protection,
construction of ramps and steps
etc. A socio-economic survey was Conclusions: For the ponds to become
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more water use efficient, catchment living nearby.
area treatments will have to be pro-
Keywords: Renovation of ponds,
vided in the near surrounding area, to
increase in water table, perception of
harvest the rain water for recharging
beneficiaries, benefits of renovation,
the water body. Awareness to that
level and a sense of ownership should
be created among the stakeholders


Causes and Consequences of Intensive Climate Change on

Kerala During the Recent Decades
Micky Mathew1,2, Sreelash K.1 and Padmalal D.1
National Centre for Earth Science Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695011
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technlogy,
Kochi, Kerala, India- 682022

Background: Globally, changes in Results: The monthly rainfall trend

rainfall have been drastic during analysis using an expanding-sliding
t he past few decades and t he window with Kendall’s Taub, revealed
consequent hydroclimatic hazards a long-term declining trend of the
especially in the tropical monsoon two peak rainfall months June and
regions has been attributed to the July while the August and September
global warming. shows an increasing trend in rainfall.
Methods: The present study aims to Also, a declining seasonality index
decode the spatio-temporal evolu- was obser ved during 1991-2018
tion of the rainfall from 1901-2020 pointing to ‘markedly seasonal with a
in the state of Kerala and determine long drier season’ indicating that the
the epochs of intensive changes in rainfall is being distributed to other
rainfall and establish the association months of the year. The analysis of
with global climate indices using rainfall characteristics during recent
advanced analytical tools. The decades indicates that the monsoon
study further examines the grounds droughts are becoming more predom-
of recently accelerated changes of inant throughout Kerala. This is evi-
rainfall in terms of its seasonality, dent from the decreasing trend in the
dry spell, wet spells and intensity. total number of wet days, prolonged
258 34th Kerala Science Congress

wet spells and the total rainfall from to increasing positive Dipole Mode
the wet days and increasing trends Index indicating the influence of
in the total number of the dry days, warming sea. From the gathered
prolonged dry spells and the total information on the recent inten-
rainfall from dry days in the case of sification of the changes in the
annual rainfall and monsoon rainfall. climatological and hydrological
The total rainfall from moderate variables, the study stresses the
and heavy rainfall events showed a need for a revised outlook for the
decreasing trend, while the rainfall water management sector and
from low rainfall events showed an agricultural practices of the state.
increasing trend.
Keywords: Trend analysis, Kerala
Conclusions: The observed increasing Rainfall, Dry Spell, Wet Spell, Season-
positive rainfall anomaly during the ality
subset 1991-2020 were analogous


Specimen Matters for Diagnosis-Tackling The Menace of

Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpes Virus Infection
Ajithkumar, G.S.1, Nandakumar, S.1, Prathiush, P.R.1, Shiju, S.V.2 and Mini Jose1
State Institute for Animal Diseases, Department of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 562
Department of Forests and Wildlife, Govt. of Kerala

Background: Elephant endotheliotro- the EEHV affected-rescued elephant

pic herpes virus (EEHV) infection is a calves at Elephant rehabilitation cen-
serious health concern for elephants tre, Kottor to settle this debate.
with more than 90% case fatality rate
Method: Continued monitoring of the
in young animals. Adult elephants act
affected elephants was done through
as carriers and sustain the transmis-
real time PCR relative quantification
sibility among herds. Trunk washes
method using trunk washes and blood
and blood samples are the samples
samples based on which treatment
collected for the diagnosis of EEHV
was initiated.
by PCR, though their effectiveness
in detecting infected and carrier is Results: Blood samples turned nega-
debatable. A case study was done in tive for EEHV during convalescence.
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But trunk wash samples gave positive with or without viral shedding. This
results for EEHV till complete recov- case study along with the previous
ery of the animal and also indicated pilot studies satisfies that trunk wash
carrier status with shedding of the samples are the preferred specimen
virus. for accurate detection of EEHV and
preventing the transmission of this
Conclusions: Screening of trunk
fatal disease in young elephants.
wash samples not only aids in prompt
diagnosis and effective treatment but Keywords: EEHV, trunk wash, real
also a procedure for detecting carriers time PCR


Assessment of Biochemical Composition and Organic Matter

Quality of Beypore Estuary, South West India
Sruthy Kumar, Rose Santhosh, Renjith K.R. and Celine George
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (KSCSTE-CWRDM)
Kunnamangalam, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Background: Estuaries are unique Method: Surface and bottom water

geographical environments and in samples and surface sediments were
these shallow transitional aquatic sys- collected from 10 stations in the
tems, sediments play a major role in Beypore estuary during December
the aquatic productivity by acting as a 2020 and February 2021 representing
the post and pre monsoon seasons,
sink as well as source of organic mat-
respectively. The assessment of
ter and nutrients. Hence an integrated
various physicochemical parameter-
tool involving the labile and refractory
swas carried out as per the standard
fractions of sediment is essential for
methods (Grassoff et al., 1983).
the assessment of biogeochemistry Carbohydrates in sediments were
and trophic nature of coastal systems. estimated using phenol-sulphuric acid
Chaliyar River, the fourth longest river method. Protein in dissolved phase
in Kerala, with a total drainage area was measured using copper reagent
of 2933 km2, joins the Arabian Sea at and Folin-ciocalteus reagent (Lowry
Beypore. The Beypore estuary had et al 1951) and Total lipids (LPD) were
a long history of chemical pollution extracted according to Bligh and Dyer
through untreated or poorly treated (1959) and estimated according to
effluents from the Rayons factory. Barnes and Blackstock (1973).
260 34th Kerala Science Congress

Results: The non-conservative nature drates over lipids and proteins.

of dissolved nutrients suggests that Conclusions: Lower proteins to carbo-
local inputs are the major sources of hydrates and lipids to carbohydrates
nutrients into the estuary. During ratio indicate a lower nutritive quality
the present study N: P ratio varied of organic matter in the sediments,
between 0.27 and 8.29 and was well suggesting significant allochthonous
below the Redfield ratio, suggesting contribution and the heterotrophic
phosphorus enrichment in the estuary. nature. The accumulation of detrital
Analysis of trophic index of water organic matter in sediments degrades
column using total nitrogen and total the quality of organic matter; limiting
phosphate indicates eutrophic nature. the benthic ecology and acting as a
Total organic carbon of the surface potential carrier of toxic chemicals
sediments ranged widely in the study and heavy metals. Hence it is highly
region (0.01– 3.8 %); Sedimentary imperative to develop a sustainable
biopolymeric carbon accounted for management strategy to prevent
32-80% of TOC and ranged from 133 further degradation of this fragile
to 12534 μg/g during post-monsoon ecosystem.
season and from 413.92 to 12243.18
μg/g during pre-monsoon season, Keywords: Estuary, Organic matter,
respectively. Biochemical assessment Biogeochemistry, Biopolymeric Car-
showed the dominance of carbohy- bon, Trophic status.

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34th Kerala Science Congress 261

& Wildlife

Landfill Site Suitability Analysis Using Geospatial

Techniques and Analytical Hierarchy Process in Pudussery
Panchayat, Palakkad District, Kerala, India
Malavika A. S., Anand Sebastian, Vivek Asokan, Haritha S., Athulya J., Rakendu K. J., Rajan M.,
J. Sundaresan Pillai, S. Sreekumar
Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Palakkad, Kerala, India – 678 592

Background: Solid waste management land use/land cover, and depth to

is one of the acute environmental groundwater. Geospatial technology
problems in today’s world due to and the Analytical Hierarchy Process
enhanced human interactions, rapid (AHP) model were used for analysis.
urbanization, and industrialization. Various scores were assigned to differ-
The main intention of solid waste
ent criteria based on their importance
management is to take out the waste
in site suitability.
materials to support the economic
development and well-being of Result: From the study, it was found
humans most efficiently at reason- that out of the total 65.14 km2 of the
able costs by using spatial techniques study area, 0.14 km2 (0.21%) area as
like Geographic Information System highly suitable, 0.18 km2 (0.28%) area
as moderately suitable, 25.85 km 2
(GIS) and Remote Sensing. The main
(39.68%) area as less suitable, 38.97
objective of the present study was to
km2 (59.83%) area as unsuitable for
identify and locate a suitable site at
waste disposal. The resultant map has
Pudussery Panchayat in Palakkad dis-
shown two possible sites for waste dis-
trict, Kerala, for waste disposal, which posal within the Panchayat boundary.
is economically feasible, environmen-
tally friendly, and socially acceptable Conclusion: The study revealed the
manner. efficiency of geospatial technology
integrated with the AHP for deci-
Method: The important nine criteria sion-making and the identification of
that have been taken into consid- suitable landfill sites.
eration for the landfill site selection
Keywords: Solid Waste Management,
included transportation network,
Geographic Information System,
waterbodies, drainage, slope, public
Remote Sensing, Landfill Site suitabil-
assets, settlements, geomorphology,
ity, Analytical Hierarchy Process
262 34th Kerala Science Congress


Monitoring the Soil Phytolith and its Dynamics in Natural

and Manmade Ecosystems
Panchami Jaya1, Sandeep S. 1, Gayatri A. S.2 and Tomjo1
KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India-680653
Master’s Programme, College of Climate Change and Environmental Science, Kerala Agricultur-
al University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Among the various approaches to Results indicate Wayanad plateau

securely reduce carbon emissions and and Granite syenite contain Trapezi-
atmospheric build-up, sequestration form corniculate shaped Phytoliths
of carbon in terrestrial systems is con- and in the vertical distribution of
sidered the most promising technique soil average PhytOC content were
to offset unbalanced carbon in the estimated as 2.837%(B1 horizon )and
atmosphere. Carbon biogeochemically 0.02% in O and B horizon. Based on
sequestrated within the silica presents the experimental results, selection of
an extremely stable form of carbon in high PhytOC-yielding cultivars and
terrestrial systems. The present study standardization of soil management
concentrates on phytoliths abiogenic strategies under different ecosystems
siliceous carbon in the plant systems. offer an opportunity to enhance terres-
Phytoliths in forested and cultivated trial carbon sequestration.
systems were explored in Wayanad
plateau and Granite syenite of Kerala Keywords: CO2 Sequestration, Phyto-
part of Southern Western Ghats. lith, Soil carbon dynamics
Environmental Sciences
Forestry & Wildlife
Poster Presentation
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& Wildlife

Genome Wide and Genic Markers to Study Adaptive Genetics

in Korthalsia laciniosa
Paremmal Sarath1, Suma Arun Dev 1*, Sreekumar VB 1 Modhumita Dasgupta 2
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India-680653

Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding, Forest Campus, R.S. Puram,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Korthalsia laciniosa (Griff.). is one of especially in the climate change sce-

the eight major rattan genera in the nario. Our study intends to focus on
subfamily Calamoideae under the the development of neutral and adap-
palm family Arecaceae. In India, the tive molecular markers for landscape
genus is restricted to Andaman and genomic approach. Data generated via
Nicobar Islands with two species draft genome was used to construct
viz. K. laciniosa and K. rogersii. Both cDNA library of K. Laciniosa. Poly-
species are extensively harvested as morphic microsatellite markers linked
raw materials for rattan industry. to stress response and plant develop-
Along with constrains of insular ment were retrieved from the library
habitat to maintain viable population, using MISA. We could identify a total
the extensive extraction has led to of 3303 EST-SSR. Highly polymorphic
genetic erosion and endangerment of 12 molecular markers were identified
natural resources in this rattan genus. of which five markers were linked
Resource depletion of insular popu- to stress response. These markers
lations of Korthalsia may trigger the could be used to identify the genetic
vulnerability of species’ by reducing diversity and adaptive potential of the
the ability to adapt to the changing species. The data generated using the
climate. Hence, proper conservation markers would provide appropriate
strategies need to be initiated by iden- information to design and implement
tifying the adaptive potential of the conservation strategies.
species, to sustain the genetic resource,
266 34th Kerala Science Congress


Cost Effective Treatment of Chloride Contaminated Effluent

from Gelatin Industries Via Friedel’s Layered
Double Hydroxide Formation
Jiffin sam1,2,Vaishna V. R.1, Kirankumar P. S.1,2 and K. P. Prathish*
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR – NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram – 19, Kerala, India
Academy for Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India- 201002

Background: Gelatin industries play of sodium aluminate and calcium

an important role in the production hydroxide.
of protein rich foods. But the effluents 4Ca2+ + 2Al3+ + 2Cl- + 12OH- → Ca4 Al2 Cl2 (OH)12
from such industries are of much
environmental concerns. They expel Thesupernatant chloride free water
large quantity of wastewater, of which can be reused without any scale for-
the putrescible fractions are generally mation issues and reduce the water
consumption in such industries.
managed by anaerobic bioprocesses.
However, the final ETP discharge Results: The optimum chloride con-
often contain excess chloride, along centration was found to be0.02 M and
with other oxy anions like sulfate, experimental results revealed that the
phosphate etc. The discharge within Cl-: Al3+: Ca2+needs tobe maintained
exceeding levels of chloride is not in the range 1: 4: 6for better removal.
advisable as per the guidelines or Other experimental parameters such
could create scale formation during as pH, reaction time, effect of inter-
recycling. Hence it is highly impera- ferentsetc were optimized.. From the
tive to developa cost reductive process XRD analysis data the formation of
tobring downthe chloride levels in the layered double hydroxide during the
effluent and to enhance the recyclabil- UHLA process can be inferred. The
ity of the discharged water. FTIR data confirms the LDH(Freidel
salt) formation. Further, reusability-
Method: The effluent from the gelatin studies with the calcinedLDH were
industrywas subjected an innovative also carried out.
Ultrahigh Lime with Aluminium
Conclusion: Ultra High Lime with
process (UHLA) by which the excess
Aluminium (UHLA) process was
chloride was precipitated as calcium
custom designed for the removal of
chloroaluminate with the addition
chloride from the gelatin effluent and
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 267

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an efficiency of 88% is reported. process has a lot of industrial applica-
The obtained bench scale experiment tions such as anion sorbents.
procedure can be scaled up easily.. In Keywords: UHLA Process, Friedel’s
addition, thegenerated calcium chloro Salt, Coprecipitation, Layered Double
aluminate (LDH) byproduct of UHLA Hydroxides


High Energy Faceted Superhydrophilic Anatase TiO2 for Self-

Cleaned Anti-Fog Wind Shields
Dhanu Treasa Mathewa, Manoj N.b,c and Honey Johna,c*
Department of Polymer Science and Rubber Technology, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India-682022
Department of Applied chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India-682022
Inter University Centre for Nanomaterials and Devices (IUCND), Cochin University of Science
and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India-682022

Background: Self-cleaning coatings crafting of a reliable superhydrophilic

being a labor-saving technique per- titania photocatalytic self-cleaning
ceived to be a boon to many a field like coating material through a sustainable
in anti-reflective coatings, in paints, and green synthetic strategy. This
and so on. Its application in enormous high energy faceted morphologically
facades and windshields could bring engineered titania (TiO2) nanoparticles
down frequent accidents besides which are greatly exposed via a modi-
saving energy and time. Hydrophilic fied hydrothermal route with the assis-
and hydrophobic coatings are com- tance of the surfactant polyethylene
mercially available. However, hydro- glycol (PEG) contribute immensely
philic coatings are more desirable for on the self-cleaning property, were
windshield applications. Titania is analysed using XRD, TEM, and SAED;
widely known to be a better choice. while UV-Vis spectroscopy is used to
Nevertheless, their wettability and study their optical behaviour.
photocatalytic activity are not well
Results: TiO2 synthesized with the rel-
appreciable in practical terms.
ative concentration of PEG: TTIP ratio
Method: This work brings about the equal to 1:1, exhibited superior photo-
268 34th Kerala Science Congress

catalytic self-cleaning behaviour with presence of PEG clearly encourages

98.82% photocatalytic degradation superhydrophilicity of the material,
(k = 23.25 × 10-3 min-1) of Methylene encompassing the feasibility as an
Blue as the model dye, with a zero active coating material for a promising
water contact angle within just 5 min practical realization.
of UV irradiation. The photocatalytic
Conclusion: This work explores the
and self-cleaning behaviour of the
green synthesis of high-energy faceted
materials can be correlated with the
titania photocatalysts with superb
crystallinity and exposed percentage
wettability along with the possibility
of high-energy facets. Moreover, when
of commercialising it for self-cleaning
PEG: TTIP is 1:1, TiO2 crystal seems to
coating applications.
be enriched with more nanocuboids
than spindle-shaped when com- Keywords: Titania Photocatalyst,
pared with titania synthesised with Self-Cleaning Coatings, High-Energy
lower PEG concentrations and the Facets, Zero Wettability


Ecosystem Based Approach in Aquaculture can be Adopted

by Regulating Three Critical Environmental Processes
Keerthana P.V., Suresh K., Rakesh V.B., Valsamma Joseph and I.S.Bright Singh
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Lakeside Campus, Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi, Kerala, India - 682016

Background: There is a growing con- Environment and Ecosystem service is

cern on sustainability in aquaculture included as one of the key principles
sector due to the increased pressure of the concept.
on environment. In this background Methodology: Water and sediment
FAO introduced the concept of Ecosys- quality including physico- chemical
tem Based Approach in aquaculture and biological parameters from a
in 2006 defined as the “strategy for selected zero water- exchange, brack-
the integration of aquaculture with ish water grow out system in Alappu-
the wider ecosystem such that it zha District of Kerala were analyzed. A
promotes sustainable development, total of 23 parameters were estimated.
equity and resilience of interlinked The obtained values were subjected to
social-ecological systems” (FAO 2010). Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
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to elucidate critical components regu- tem sustainability of the culture sys-
lating stability of the system. tem. The Ecosystem Based Approach
in Aquaculture can be implemented by
Results: The three principal compo-
proper regulation of primary produc-
nents extracted from PCA analysis
tion, oxygen availability and decom-
govern three ecosystem processes .The
position and mineralization processes
critical components are a) Phytoplank-
with or without human intervention
ton Growth Component b) Oxygen
depending on the required biomass
Component and c) Decomposition
Conclusion: This study suggested the K e y wo r d s : E c o s y s t e m B a s e d
importance of three processes in the Approach in Aquaculture, Principal
environment in maintaining ecosys- Components, Ecosystem Processes


Groundwater Quality in Coastal Regions of Northern Kerala

with Special Reference to Saline Water Intrusion
Rahul Jayaraj and Dipu Sukumaran
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Sub Centre Neyyattinkara,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India

Background: Water quality has much dures given in the standard methods
importance in our life because it is for the examination of water and waste
essential to support physiological water (APHA, 2017). Each sample
activities of any biological cell. The is collected with 3-5km horizontally
present study focus on the ground distance. The study is conducted in
water quality analysis of coastal post-monsoon season.
regions of Kozhikode, Kannur and
Results: The samples near the sea
Kasaragod, Kerala, with special refer-
shore (100-200m from HTL) showed
ence to saline water intrusion.
the high rate of saline intrusion. In
Method: 137 samples were collected some extent salt water intrusion is the
from different coastal areas wells in reason behind deterioration of ground
Kozhikode, Kannur and Kasaragod water in private wells near coastal
districts. Sampling and analysis were area. The results showed significant
carried out as per the standard proce- correlation with salinity and anions
270 34th Kerala Science Congress

like chloride, and sulfate. Cations like ity. Around 90⁒ of the samples where
magnesium and calcium were also bacteriologically contaminated. Some
significantly correlated with salinity of the samples taken from agricultural
of ground water. More than 90 o/ o areas were turbid and contaminated
samples showed the presence of Total with iron. In 137 samples, around 100
coliforms, E.coli and Fecal coliform. well water is used for drinking pur-
Conclusion: The results showed that, pose. Traditional treatment techniques
only shoreline well water samples were used in houses like boiling and
(100-200m from high tide line) were chlorination.
affected by the salinity. But samples
taken from 1km and 5 km distance Keywords: Water quality, Saline intru-
from HTL were not affected by salin- sion, Ground water pollution.


Population Dynamics and Histopathological Effects of

Potentially Toxic Bloom Forming Cyanobacterium
Microcystis aeruginosa from Aquatic Ecosystems of Central
Kerala (South India)
Renju Mohan*, Lathika Cicily Thomas and K. B. Padmakumar
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences,
Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), Kochi-16, Kerala, India

Background: The prevalence and wide and well documented. Even

development of blooms by cyano- then, the bloom physiology, popula-
bacterium Microcystis sp. that can tion structure, and toxicity studies of
produce hepatotoxin Microcystin is Microcystis are very little in the Indian
raising serious threats in the fresh- aquatic systems scenario.
water ecosystems around the globe. Method: Routine monitoring of
Eutrophication is considered to be Microcystis population and bloom
the significant factor favouring these development was conducted along
blooms, and the possible toxic effects the freshwater ponds of central Kerala
to the aquatic systems resulting from from May 2019 to February 2020. Phys-
the bloom events mark the species as icochemical and biological parameters
an important research topic world- (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen,
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and major nutrients such as nitrate, bloom during the toxicity study. His-
phosphate, silicate, and chlorophyll tological examination revealed severe
a) were estimated. Qualitative and deterioration, predominantly in the
quantitative analysis of the bloom liver cells, indicating the hepatotox-
samples were performed following the icity of Microcystin. Severe structural
standard procedures. Histopathologi- impairment in gills and heart were
cal changes on the organs such as liver, also observed.
gills, and heart of fish, Oreochromis
Conclusion: The present study
mossambicus exposed to Microcystis
accounts for the significant hydro-
bloom were studied.
graphical parameters conducive for
Results: From the present study,
M. aeruginosa blooms and their toxicity
the abundance of M. aeruginosa was
effects. Considering the impacts and
more prevalent during the periods
toxicological effects of such blooms,
characterised by high surface water
regular monitoring of the freshwater
temperature (~ 31⁰C) and nutrient
ecosystem is necessary to preserve
concentrations. Maximum nitrate and
and maintain the stability of aquatic
phosphate concentrations were 96.7
µmol L-1 and 19.88 µmol L-1, respec-
tively. 100% mortality of the candidate Keywords: CyanoHABs, Microcystis
fish species was observed within 15 aeruginosa, Histopathology, Hepato-
days of exposure to M. aeruginosa toxin, South India


Anthropogenic Impact on Carbon Neutrality Towards the

Interaction Between Socio Economic Sectors and Climate
Sruthi. K.V. and Manoj P. Samuel
KSCSTE – Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala. India

Background: Strong evidences exist now (Bonfils et al., 2020; Horton et

towards the large contribution of al., 2016; Lu et al., 2016; Meehl et al.,
anthropogenic warming due to Green 2007; Mishra et al., 2015; Mukherjee &
House Gases (GHGs) for extreme Mishra, 2018; Perkins-Kirkpatrick &
event occurrences globally and prob- Gibson, 2017; Stott et al., 2010). Also,
ability of rise in 2℃ with uncurbing The State, Kerala has been hit by a
carbon emission with same rate as of series of natural disasters, including
272 34th Kerala Science Congress

the cyclone Ockhi in 2017, tauktae, of carbon neutral status of selected

2021, and severe floods resulting sectors (IPCC, 2006, 2019).
from extreme rainfall events related
landslides in 2018, 2019 and 2021 and Results: Kattakada GP exhibited an
the fatalities. In this background, a excess carbon emission of 23780.6 eq.
regional assessment of carbon emis- CO2 tonne. Highest Carbon footprint
sion from different anthropogenic was observed from Energy Sector
intervene sector has estimated in (17956.8 eq. CO2 tonne). Emission pro-
Kattakada GP which will cater to file of Kattakada GP in different sec-
the need of prioritizing the climate tors is found to be as follows: Energy
action points / carbon sequestration > Waste > Transport> Livestock>
implementation at state level, facilitate Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land
more informed deliberations on state/ Use (AFOLU).
national level climate policy priorities. Conclusion: The major findings of the
Method: Regional estimation of the investigation reveals that an excess
major GHGs flux profile of CO2, CH4 emission of carbon for Kattakada GPs
and NO 2 in socio economic sectors which needs to be nullified. More
of energy, transport, Agriculture, investigation is needed to nullify the
Forest & Other Land Uses (AFOLU), carbon emission from Energy and
livestock and waste sectors of Kat- Waste sector. The carbon sequestration
takada Gramapanchayat (GP) were in terms of croplands, soils need to be
performed, Trivandrum, Kerala State. improved. Detailed intervention plan
IPCC, 2006 guidelines for National is formulated for key emission sectors
Greenhouse Gas inventories with all to control the emission of GHGs to
anthropogenic sources of GHGs emis- the atmosphere to achieve the carbon
sions will be applied for the estimation neutrality status.
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Callitriche L., Unveiling an Unrecognized Genus from Kerala

*Vishnu Mohan and Santhosh Nampy
Floristics and Angiosperm Taxonomy Division, Department of Botany, University of Calicut,
Malappuram, Kerala, India-673635

The genus Callitriche L. (Callitricha- While documenting the angiosperm

ceae) includes 30 species of very del- diversity of Idukki district, some
icate herbs, growing in shallow lakes remarkable specimens of Callitriche
and river margins, wetlands, ditches were collected from different parts of
and temporary pools from freshwa- the district. Upon detailed examina-
tion, the specimens were recognized
ter to brackish waters. The genus is
as C. wightiana Wall. ex Wight & Arn.,
mostly monoecious, with axillary
which has never been recorded from
naked flowers and schizocarpic fruits
Kerala state and C. idukkiana Vishnu
which separates into four mericarps.
& Nampy, a species new to science.
Callitriche is almost cosmopolitan in Therefore, this paper unveils a hitherto
distribution with most species found unknown genus Callitriche to the state
in temperate zones of both the hemi- of Kerala. The species are recognized
spheres but mostly in northern hemi- here based on morphological and
sphere. Landsdown (2007) reported molecular data. A detailed descrip-
thirteen species from Asia. Till now tion, illustration, colour photoplates
there are only seven species recorded and SEM photographs of seeds are
from India. provided for easy identification.
274 34th Kerala Science Congress


Assessment of Total Carbon Content of Pneumatophores

from Selected Mangrove Wetlands of Kannur District
P. Silshalakshmanan*, K.T. Chandramohanan2 and P. Sreeja3
Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Botany, Sir Syed College,
Taliparamba, Kerala, India
Post Graduate Department of Botany & Research Centre, Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam,
Thalassery, Kerala, India

Background: Mangrove ecosystems the observation, biomass and carbon

are highly productive and carbon content were calculated (Kauffman
rich biomes distributed in tropical and Donato, 2011).
and sub-tropical regions of the world.
Results : Pneumatophores from
Mangroves having different types of
the collected study stations were
special root systems such as pneu-
analysed for the biomass and carbon
matophores, stilt roots, knee roots etc.
content. Total biomass of all counted
Pneumatophores are found in the true
pneumatophores from the quadrants
mangroves like Avicennia, Bruguiera,
were 0.9637 kg, 1.857 kg and 2.5306
and Sonneratia etc. Pneumatophores
kg for the study sites Payangadi,
are efficient in carbon storage and
Cherukunnu and Kunhimangalam
the epiphytic algal association on
respectively. The average carbon
pneumatophores enhances the carbon
content obtained from the quadrant
sequestration capacity.
sampling at Payangadi was 75.168
Method: The present study was kg C/m 2 and at Cherukunnu and
carried out in selected mangrove wet- Kunhimangalam the carbon content
lands such as Payangadi, Cherukunnu observed as 144.401 kg C/ m 2 and
and Kunhimangalam. Frequent 197.387 kg C/m 2. The total carbon
field visits and quadrat study were content in the study area calculated
conducted. Number of pneumato- were 330.66 kg/ha,75.22 kg/ha and
phores were counted, collected and 1094.35 kg/ha for the three study
analysed for biomass and carbon stations Payangadi, Cherukunnu and
content. Fresh weight and dry weight Kunhimangalam respectively. The
of pneumatophores with epiphytes difference in the total carbon content
and pneumatophores alone (devoid of pneumatophores with epiphytes
of epiphytes) were also taken. From and pneumatophores alone were
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calculated. This signifies the contri- From the result it was clear that pneu-
bution of epiphytic biomass in carbon matophores of mangroves serve as a
sequestration. carbon reservoir and the association
of epiphytic algae adds the carbon
Conclusion : The study reveals total
sequestration capacity of mangrove
carbon content of pneumatophores
from selected mangrove wetlands
such as Payangadi, Cherukunnu and Key words : Mangrove, pneumato-
Kunhimanglam of Kannur District. phore, biomass, carbon content.


Short Term Variability of Benthic Diatoms of Cochin Estuary-

Southwest Coast of India
Amal K. S.*, Niya Benny and K. B. Padmakumar
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences,
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi-16, Kerala, India

Background: Microphytobenthos are 2021. The sediment samples were

the chief primary producers in illu- collected from the top 6 cm using a
minated benthic substrates of tropical hand-glass corer of 2cm diameter. The
estuaries. Among microphytobenthos, parameters such as sediment tempera-
benthic diatoms are a significant ture, pore water salinity, sediment
community, which in association pH, dissolved oxygen, pore water
with bacteria produce extracellular nutrients (nitrate, phosphate and
polysaccharides (EPS) that helps in silicate), organic carbon (OC), organic
the biostabilization of sediments. The matter (OM), sediment texture and
present study describes the short- sediment chlorophyll were analyzed.
term variability in the diversity and Statistical analysis was carried out
distribution of benthic diatoms in the using PRIMER V6.
Cochin estuary, southwest coast of
Results: Benthic diatoms of 38 species
belonging to 13 genera were identified,
Method: Benthic diatoms in the of which pennate diatoms contributed
Cochin estuar y were examined 62%. Major diatoms include Actino-
monthly from July 2021 to December cyclus sp., Cyclotella striata, Cyclotella
276 34th Kerala Science Congress

stylorum, Gyrosigma wansbeckii, Conclusions: The results provide

Navicula erifuga, Nitzschia clausii, and significant insights into the biotic and
Thalassiosira eccentrica. The average abiotic factors affecting the structure
nutrient concentration of Nitrate, of the benthic diatom community
Phosphate and Silicate was 28.32 ± in the tropical Cochin estuary. The
6.31µmol L-1, 6.18 ± 2.45µmol L-1 and study reveals the species composition
45.14 ± 17.32µmol L-1, respectively. The
of benthic diatoms with its environ-
average sediment chlorophyll a was
mental variables. Pennate diatoms are
24.55 ± 8.17 µg cm-3 and highest during
primarily encountered in the surficial
July (40.97µg cm-3) and lowest during
sediment because of raphae. Benthic
November (19.64 µg cm-3). In the prin-
cipal component analysis, sediment diatoms have a vital role in the nutri-
chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen in ent remineralization in the tropical
pore water was positively correlated estuary, and benthic biofilm produced
with benthic diatom diversity and by benthic diatoms can prevent coastal
cell density. Diatom cell density was erosion globally.
higher during July (5605 cells cm-3)
Keywords: Microphytobenthos, Ben-
and lowest during September (2887
cells cm -3). Intensified monsoonal thic diatoms, Sediment chlorophyll,
influx negatively affects the density Cochin estuary, Southwest coast of
and diversity of benthic diatoms. India.


Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variation of Urban Heat

Island in Palakkad Municipal Area Using Various Remote
Sensing Indices
Athulya J., Anand Sebastian, Haritha S., Vivek Asokan, Malavika A. S., Rakendu K. J., Rajan M.,
J. Sundaresan Pillai and S. Sreekumar
Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Palakkad, Kerala, India – 678 592

Background: Urban Heat Island spatiotemporal variation of Urban

(UHI) is the phenomenon in which Heat Island over a period of 2 decades
the Land Surface Temperature (LST) was analyzed using Remote sensing
rises over the urban areas rather than indices in an area of 78.5 falling
the surrounding rural areas. The with in Palakkad Municipal area and
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the adjoining panchayaths, by utilizing in 2000 and 0.64 in 2020. Further, the
Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. MNDWI showed a weak negative
correlation with LST in the study area
Method: Determined the changes
in 2000 and 2020, R2 values 0.22 and
in land use/land cover pattern and
0.28 respectively. NDVI and LST with
urban heat variation over the study
R2 values 0.38 and 0.40 in 2000 and
area for a period of 20 years from
2020 respectively. Correlation between
2000 to 2020. Various Remote sensing
NDWI and NDVI was also verified
indices were derived from the satellite
which showed a negative correlation
image. Besides, the relationship of
and R2 values of 0.45 and 0.59 in 2000
Indices with LST was extracted using
and 2020 respectively.
the linear regression method.
Results: 7.70% of built-up area was Conclusion: As compared to 2000 an
increased in 2020, as compared to increment of 7.70% of built-up area
2000. Due to this urban sprawl the LST was determined in 2020. This is the
in 2020 became 3.89˚C higher than LST reason for the variation of UHI. From
in 2000. The Linear Regression analy- the study, it was found that the Palak-
sis between LST and Remote sensing kad urban area needs more attention
indices viz. NDBI, NDVI, NDWI, in future urban development to reduce
and MNDWI were done and results the UHI.
showed a positive correlation between
NDBI and LST with R2 values 0.62 and Keywords: Urban Heat Island; Land
0.63 in 2000 and 2020 respectively. A Use/Land Cover; Remote Sensing
high negative correlation between Indices; Remote Sensing; Linear
NDWI and LST with R 2 values 0.62 Regression.
278 34th Kerala Science Congress


A Green Bio-Economy Through Microalga - Scenedesmus Spp.

Potential Species for Biodiesel Production, Bioactive Molecule
and Bioremediation
Jasmin K. A., Saramma A.V. and Jabir T.
Department of Marine Biology Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: In the current decades, addition, the strains were cultivated in

microalgae are treated as the most different concentrations of fish silage
promising source for biological appli- as feasible cultivation media.
cations such as production of biofuel,
Results: Desmodesmus subspicatus,
value-added biomolecules and
Acutodesmus acuminatus, and Pecti-
also used in wastewater treatment.
nodesmus pectinatus are the various
Microalgal culturing practices for
Scenedesmus species isolated from
bioactive compounds and biofuel are
Cochin estuary. All the unialgal
very less in India, when compared to
cultures showed a significant amount
other countries. Even though, Kerala
of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, and
is well known for its water bodies and
various carotenoids, also exhibited
wetlands, microalgal diversity is least
high antioxidant activities by DPPH
explored and valorised in terms of
and ABTS assays with rich phenolic
economic aspects.
compounds. The cultures varied in
Method: The present study focused the concentration of alkaloids, tannins,
on the isolation and cultivation of flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, and
commercially important genera of EPS production. Quality biodiesel
green algae, Scenedesmus from Cochin were produced by D. subspicatus and
estuary. Biochemical characteristics, P. pectinatus. Lower concentrations of
antioxidant properties, and various fish silage were used for high algal
bioactive compounds like carotenoids, biomass production with effective
Extracellular polysaccharides and nutrient removal.The algal biomass
different phytochemical compounds with silage medium after biodiesel
were estimated. Biodiesel production production can be used as a good
was checked through Nile red stain- fertilizer for plants.
ing, transesterification of algal oil and Conclusions: Scenedesmus spp. is one
quality assessment of biodiesel. In of the important genera for microalga
Environmental Science, Forestry
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used for biodiesel production, to the local environment; thus it can
bioactive molecule and wastewater be recommend for the commercially
bioremediation. The current study viable for industrial production and
establishes a zero-waste culture prac- application.
tice with microalgae for nutraceutical
and biofuel applications. The native Keywords: Microalgae, Kerala, Cochin
species isolated has higher growth Estuary, Scenedesmus, Bioactive Mole-
potential, more tolerance, adaptation cules, Biofuel


Effect of Substrate Inoculum Ratio on the Anaerobic

Degradation of Sugarcane Bagasse for Biogas Production and
Natural Fibre Extraction
Chithrajith B.
Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Mundur, Palakkad, Kerala, India-678592

Background: In India, nearly 100 Method: In the current experiment,

million tonnes of sugarcane bagasse four different S/I ratio 2.33, 3.08, 4.72,
(SB) is generated in a year. Most of it and 9.02 were tried for the AD of SB.
is being wasted by burning for power Cumulative Methane Yield (CMY),
generation. Anaerobic degradation pH and substrate degradation is taken
(AD) can be applied as a biological for studying the effect of different S/I
pre-treatment method for extracting ratio on the AD of SB.
natural fibre and biogas from SB. AD
is a complex process which involves Results: When S/I ratio at 2.33, 3.08,
multiple steps and microbial groups; 4.72, and 9.02 the corresponding CMY
association of different microbial was 597 mL, 403 mL, 92 mL and 19
group is critical for AD process. Sub- mL/ g VSadded. Instability in the pH
strate to inoculum ratio (S/I) is one of and souring of digestate was observed
such factors which govern the amount when S/I ratio increased above 3.08. A
of microbial load in AD process. If the strong negative correlation between
S/I are high, the more amount of sub- the S/I ratio and the degradation of
strate can be loaded into the reactor, SB was observed; as the ratio of S/I
but if it goes beyond the critical level it increases, the degradation rate of the
will adversely affect AD process. SB reduces proportionally.
280 34th Kerala Science Congress

Conclusion: S/I ratio upto 4 can be can be recovered. The overall results
used for pretreatment of SB by AD from the experiment conclude that for
process without much instability. The AD of SB, a S/I ratio of 3 was most
theoretical reduction of CMY calcu- appropriate, but it can be extended to
lated from current experiment at S/I 4 without much instability with the
of 4 was about 50%, which is ideal for AD process.
pretreatment of SB because almost
Key words: Anaerobic Degradation,
twice the amount of SB can be loaded
Substrate Inoculum Ratio, Sugarcane
when S/I ratio increased from 2 to 4,
Bagasse, Cumulative Methane Yield
without changing working volume
of reactor. But the ideal condition is Acknowledgement: The study was
at S/I = 3, where substrate loading funded by CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvanan-
can increase by 150% and 70% CMY thapuram, Kerala, India.


Extraction and Enumeration of Microplastics from the Soils

of Mangalavanam Bird Sanctuary – A Protected Mangrove
Forest in Kerala, India
Riya Kumbukattu Alex, Madhuraj Palat Kannankai, Suja P. Devipriya*
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, India-682022

Microplastics are considered to be pristine locations on the earth. Here,

plastics of size less than 5 mm by an investigation is done on the soil
the scientific community. The havoc microplastics present in an ecolog-
caused by microplastics has emerged ically sensitive protected mangrove
only two decades ago. The researchers situated amidst the hustles of Kochi
are still discovering the ecological, city. Urban mangroves are one of the
social, and economic impacts of these least studied ecosystems in the context
tiny particles. The behaviour, fate, and of microplasticsand this is the first
impacts of microplastics in various study of microplastics in a mangrove
environmental compartments are in Kerala. The microplastics in the
still a topic of research. Microplastics soil samples were categorized based
have shown their presence almost on their abundance, colour, size, and
ever ywhere from food items to shape/type. We have identified six
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colours; red, green, blue, black, yel- ments, and fibres.
low, and transparent. The collected Keywords – microplastics pollution,
microplastics contained four different soil microplastics, urban mangrove
types/ shapes - spheres, foams, frag- ecosystem


Geo Chemical Variations in Contrasting Ecosystems of the

Southern Western Ghats
Navya M., Tomjo C.P. and Sandeep S.
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India-680653

Background: Minerals, more specifi- such as quartz (15.71%), kaolinite

cally the clay minerals, endow the soils (53.55%), smectite (16.59%), gibbsite
with unique surface charge chemistry (4.11%), feldspars (12.33%), illite and
and provide chemical homeostasis to micas (3.35%) and kaolin minerals
the terrestrial biogeochemical cycles. (5.32%) were found in surface soils of
The ions released from the clay min- open land. At surface soil of plantation
erals are gradually removed from the quartz (7%), kaolinite (31.53%), smec-
system by plant uptake, leaching and tite (14.83%), gibbsite (22.06%), illite
harvesting regimes. Ion extraction and micas (10 %), vermiculite (5.16%),
over long continuous cycles of plant chlorites (1.2%) and kaolin minerals
growth renders the soils chemically (5.06%) were found.
degraded and reduces its productivity.
Conclusion: 2:1 minerals such as
Methods: Clay mineral were extracted
smectite and illite and micas were
from soils different ecosystems such
found to be higher in plantation mod-
as forest, plantation and open land.
erate in forest and low in open land. 1:1
Soil chemical properties such as pH
mineral such as kaolinite was found to
and EC were analysed. XRD analyses
be higher in open land (53.55%) com-
of the clay fractions were done using
pared to forest (29.37%) and plantation
randomly oriented thin film samples
(31.53%). Mineral variations were high
Results: At surface soil of forest in plantation compared forest system
ecosystem quartz (36.74%), kaolinite and open land.
(29.37%), smectite (22.04%), gibbsite
(5.04%), feldspars (12.33%), and kaolin Keywords : Clay, 1:1 mineral, 2:1
minerals (5.43%) were found. Minerals mineral
282 34th Kerala Science Congress


Effect of Bio Control Agents on Post-Harvest Disease

Management and Organoleptic Properties of Banana
Susha S. Thara1*, Deepa R. Chandran, Saranya Krishnan, Aashitha Joy and Divya S.
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellayani,
Thiruvananthapuram-695522, Kerala, India

Background: Banana is an integral the combination of biocontrol agents

fruit component of most farming and essential oils were tested against
systems in Kerala and it is also an the major pathogen L. theobromae.
important commercial fruit crop of
Result: The study revealed that among
the country next to mango. Since it
the biocontrol agents, KAU isolate T.
is a highly perishable fruit it is very
harzianum (KAU T2) showed maximum
much susceptible to the post-harvest
inhibition of the disease (66.67 % PDI);
diseases. Crown rot, incited by Lasiodi-
Only less than 50 per cent reduction in
plodia theobromae, Colletotrichum musae
control was observed for cinnamon oil
and Fusarium sp. is a major threat for
(0.05. At higher concentrations of cin-
growers causing losses during storage
namon oil tested i.e., at 0.8%, 99.67 per
and by reducing its fruit quality, shelf
cent disease reduction was recorded
life and marketability. It is very much
over the pathogen inoculated control.
essential to develop the stable biocon-
An increase in shelf life was noticed in
trol strategies efficient for the post
case of fruits treated with T. harzianum
harvest management.
(3.25 days). Mean of ranks and mean
score value for overall acceptability
Method: A study was done at College
was analysed for all the treatments.
of Agriculture, Vellayani, Kerala
It was found that best treatment was
Agricultural University to observe the
cinnamon oil (0.8 %). Among the
effect of selected biocontrol agents on
biocontrol agents used, T. harzianum
the post harvest disease suppression
treated fruits had higher rank.
and organoleptic properties of the
treated fruits. Selected biocontrol Conclusion: The study revealed that
agents Trichoderma harzianum, Asper- shelf life was enhanced and organo-
gillus aculeatus and Aspergillus niger; leptic properties were improved by
essential oils cinnamon oil 0.05%, the application of biocontrol agent T.
clove oil 0.1% and basil oil 0.1% and harzianum and essential oil on banana
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 283

& Wildlife
fruits along with disease control. sp. postharvest rot, organoleptic prop-
erty, banana
Key words: Crown rot, Lasiodiplodia


Cyanobacteria as Indicators of Water Quality, A Case Study in

Chaliyar River, Kerala
Dipu Sukumaran
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: The study analyzed to 34.9 0C (mean= 32.23), Phosphate

water quality parameters and cya- from 0.0 to 0.04 mg/l (mean= 0.014),
nobacterial diversity from thirteen dissolved oxygen from 3.10 to 8.25
different sites in Chaliyar River, mg/l (mean= 6.18). Anabaena sp.
Kerala. The cyanobacterial diversity dominates and reaches 35600 cells
and density indicating that the river /ml at the level of pH 6.68. There
was eutrophicated and affect the water is a high variation in the density of
quality. cyanobacteria with different time and
Method: Thirteen water samples were locations. Microcystis are present in all
collected from Chaliyar River. All the the samples and followed by Anabaena
water quality parameters were ana- (85%), Oscillatoria (62%), Kirchneriella
lyzed as per the standard procedure (46%), Spirulina (38%), Chroococcus
proposed by APHA (2017). Phyto- (0.15%) and Merismopedia (0.08%).
plankton samples were collected by Microcystis is positively correlated to
passing water through plankton net of Nitrate (r= 0.3) and Anabaena is not
mesh size 60um (microns). The iden- associated to nitrate (r= -0.003). There
tification of cyanobacteria and other is a positive correlation between bio-
phytoplankton was carried out by chemical oxygen demand (BOD) and
using a microscope and monographs anabaena density (r = 0.71)
of G. W. Prescott (1962). Conclusion: Density and diversity
Results: The physico-chemical analy- of cyanobacteria of Chaliyar River
sis of the water revealed that the pH are related with parameters of water
range from 6.68 to 9.2 (mean 7.90), quality. The dominance of a single
nitrate from 0.0 to 3.41 mg/l (mean= cyanobacteria species indicating low
1.10), Water Temperature from 30.7 water quality in that region and one
284 34th Kerala Science Congress

of the significant factors that affect triggers the algal bloom.

the cyanobacteria development is
nutrients. Here it shows nitrate and Keywords: Cyanobacteria, Chaliyar
ammonium are the key nutrients that River, Water quality, Algal bloom


Miyawaki Afforestation, A Solution at Local Level?

Department of Zoology, MES Mampad College (Autonomous), Malappuram, Kerala, india

Background: The global demand of attributes of near natural forests in

increasing green cover has come up temperate regions. However, in tropi-
with may ecosystem restoration activ- cal countries like India, the efficacy
ities, many of which are unscientific is not scientifically reported since it is
like growing monoculture plantations slowly gaining momentum only since
and converting open grassland and last few years. Albeit the trials were
savanna ecosystem into forests. successful considering the plantation
Miyawaki method of afforestation is density which is thirty times denser
a 50 years old practice developed and than regular forests, comparison
scientifically proven by the Japanese of photosynthetic rate and carbon
botanist, Akira Miyawaki using the sequestration capacity have not been
principles of Potential Natural Vege- done.
tation and ecological succession.
Conclusion: Establishment cost of
Method: This article give insight into the method is high, but is helpful in
the implications of Miyawaki method increasing the green cover and enrich-
based on the studies across the globe ing biodiversity in shortest time with
and its trial events in India. All the 15 minimal maintenance except for the
relevant articles obtained only from first few years. Assistance from vol-
Google Scholar database and 20 news- untary organizations and corporate
paper reports from reputed Indian firms can be made use of in meeting
newspapers have been reviewed in the financial requirements and mon-
the article. itoring activities.
Results: The Miyawaki forests Keywords: Miyawaki afforestation,
maintained physical and biological ecosystem restoration
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 285

& Wildlife

An Evaluation of Lejeuneaceae on Phorophytes

P. Neethu and P. Sreeja
Post Graduate Dept. of Botany and Research Center, Sir Syed College, Taliparamba,
Kannur, Kerala, India

Background: Bryophytes are the Results: The study revealed that

simplest and most primitive group of Lejeuneaceae grows well in slight
land plants, it occupy almost all kind acidic to neutral pH and it favours
of habitats. Epiphytic bryophytes a rough textured bark. Eight species
constitute an important and integral of Lejeuneaceae were observed on
part of communities. Lejeunea Lib. different host plant, which include
species is one of the largest genera of both angiosperm and gymnosperm.
the family Lejeuneaceae (Marchantio- Among the angiosperm host Anac-
phyta). They are mainly phorophytes ardiaceae family were dominating
growing on tree trunks, branches of over other families. Significant host
trees or shrubs, leaves, and some on specificity was not seen among these
rotten logs. group.
Method: Random selection of con- Conclusions: This study showed the
served forest and plantation areas of importance of conservation of pho-
Kannur district of Kerala is selected rophyte since it serves as the shelter
as the study site. Sample growing for many species. The climate and
firmly adhered to their substrata were geography do play an important role
scraped with the help of a knife or in deterring the makeup of epiphytic
cut along with the substratum with a communities. Maximum growth
chisel. Morphological characters were and spread was observed during the
studied using Leica stereo microscope monsoon. Often neglected agricul-
and anatomical studies were carried tural environments showed species
out using Magnus camera. The herbar- richness.
ium specimens were kept in Herbaria
Keywords: Lejeuneaceae, Phoro-
of Sir Syed College Taliparamba. Host
phytes, Leica stereo microscope, Host
species specificity and its interaction
were studied.
286 34th Kerala Science Congress


Phylogrouping and Determination of Antimicrobial

Resistance of Escherichia coli Isolates from Faeces of Sloth
Bears (Melursus ursinus) in Wayanad
Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala.
Nithin Revi1, Chintu Ravishankar2, George Chandy3 and Abdul Azeez4
Centre for Wildlife Studies, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,

Pookode, Kerala, India

Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences,
Pookode, Kerala, India

Background: The sloth bear (Melursus conducted to isolate and phylo-group

ursinus) of the Ursidae family native E. coli by Polymerase chain reaction
to the Indian subcontinent is listed as (PCR) from the faecal samples and
vulnerable by the IUCN and protected also to assess the antimicrobial sus-
under schedule I of India’s wildlife ceptibility pattern of the isolates by
protection act. Ursidae has a complex disc diffusion method.
gut microbiota that varies depending Results: The faecal samples collected
on the dynamic interplay among diet, were cultured on agar media to isolate
host, and commensal bacteria. Esche- E. coli. The bacteria were character-
richia coli are gram-negative bacteria ized based on the Grams staining
that are present as part of the normal and biochemical characteristics. The
bowel flora of humans and animals. phylogrouping was then carried
Method: Phylogrouping and determi- out employing the quadruplex PCR
nation of antimicrobial resistance of method. Fourteen isolates of E. coli
Escherichia coli isolates from faeces were obtained from the 31 samples
of sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) in collected. Out of the 8 phylogroups
Wayanad, Kerala was done from A, B1, B2, C, D, E and F that could
March to July 2019. Fresh fecal samples be detected by the quadruplex PCR
were collected from different areas methods, isolates of phylogroup A, B1,
of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (not B2, C and D could be detected. The
older than 7 day old and characterized identity of one isolate was unknown.
by an outermost layer stained with The antibiotic susceptibility testing
intestinal exfoliated cells, a slightly were also carried out for the isolates
glossy mucus layer). The study was of E. coli from the faecal samples. The
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 287

& Wildlife
bacterial isolates were subjected to infection to wild animals sharing the
disc diffusion assay. The antibiotic water source and could potentially
susceptibility testing of E. coli isolates lead to disease condition. There is a
from 14 samples to 6 antimicrobial high chance of faecal contamination of
agents shows that all isolates are 100 the lentic and lotic water sources near
per cent resistance to Ciprofloxacin the human settlements which are in
and Clindamycin. the fringe areas of the forest and could
cause infection to other wild animals.
Conclusions: E. coli, especially of
human origin, is a common contam- Kerwords: E.coli, Sloth Bear, Phy-
inant of water. Contaminated water, logrouping, Wildlife, Antimicrobial
when consumed, could spread the Resistance


Effect of Sub-Micromolar Concentrations of Cadmium and

Lead on the Diversity and Carbon Utilization Pattern of
Bacteria in the Water Column of Cochin Estuary
Vengalil Jithin,1,2 Abdulaziz Anas1,*
CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre Kochi, Kerala, India- 682 018
Cochin University of Science and Technology, School of Marine Sciences,
Kochi, Kerala, India- 682 016

Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) are the presence of higher concentrations of
most harmful heavy metals in coastal these metals. In the current study, we
ecosystems because of their higher investigated the effect of Cd and Pb
affinity with organic matter and on the diversity and carbon utilization
induce toxicity at the lowest concen- pattern of bacteria present in the water
tration to all organisms. Microbial column of the Cochin estuary. Water
response to cadmium and lead varies samples collected from the estuary
depending on their concentrations were spiked with submicromolar (0.2
and bioavailability. Some bacteria may to 1 µM) concentrations of CdCl2 and
die at lower concentrations of Cd and Pb(NO 3) 2 and incubated for 24 hr.
Pb, but there are bacteria which can The community strcture and carbon
enter into a viable but non-culturable substrate utilization pattern of bacte-
status (VBNC) or even active in the ria in the sample were studied using
288 34th Kerala Science Congress

denaturing gradient gel electropho- metals and reached a minimum of 0.7

resis (DGGE) and Biolog EcoPlateTM to 0.8 in the flasks treated with 1 µM
respectively.. We observed no signifi- of Pb and Cd respectively. Results
cant difference in the Shannon Diver- of the current study indicate that
sity Index (H’), calculated based on the sub-micromolar concentrations
the DGGE profile, between different of Cd and Pb can arrest microbial
samples exposed to different concen-
metabolism in the estuaries, which
trations of Cd and Pb. However, the
may induce deleterious effects on the
carbon substrate utilization was sig-
biogeochemical cycling of nutrients.
nificantly reduced with the increasing
concentration of Cd and Pb. The H’ of Keywords: heavy metal pollution,
carbon substrate utilization of bacteria substrate utilization, diversity,
(3.1- 3.2 in the control) decreased with cadmium and lead, sub-micromolar
increasing concentrations of heavy concentrations


Investigation on Temporal Dynamics of Two Populations of

Hopea racophloea Dyer of the Western Ghats
K. A. Sreejith1, V.B. Sreekumar2*, M.S. Sanil1 and Akhil Murali1
Department of Forest Ecology, Forest Ecology and Biodiversity
Conservation Division, KeralaForest Research Institute-Peechi,
Thrissur 680653, Kerala, India
Department of Forest Botany, Forest Ecology and Biodiversity
Conservation Division, KeralaForest Research Institute-Peechi,
Thrissur 680653, Kerala, India

Background: The Dipterocarp forests Dipterocarpaceae are economically

are at the brink of disappearance as important, and these are undergoing
their logging has been increased at a high level of human exploitation.
alarming rates in many regions of the Methods: This study has been conduc-
Western Ghats. The species like Hopea tedin 1 ha (100m*100m) permanent
erosa, H. Jacobi, and H. racophloea are plots established by Kerala Forest
known only from limited localities, Research Institute in two patches of
and their high degree of habitat spec- tropical wet evergreen forests, namely
ificity makes them rare. Most of the Nadukani (NK) and Palaruvi (PV).The
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 289

& Wildlife
field survey was carried on September distribution across different girth class
2002, June 2014 and September 2021. between the two studied populations
A comparison of the Biomass, Basal revealed the population of species H.
area, Density and IVI of H. racophloea racophloea of Nadukani forest is more
in three censuses were done to eval- stable than that of the Palaruvi forest.
uate the temporal dynamics in stand
and structure in the population of Conclusions: Based on the dynamics
two-study sites. of the above parameters we can con-
Results: Stand structure analysis clude that in both the study areas H.
of two population of H. racophloea racophloea population is improving its
from 2002 to 2021 revealed a healthy dominance over 20 years. The contri-
population dynamics of H. racophloea. bution of H. racophloea towards the
Populations of both the Nadukani and basal area and biomass of the study
Palaruvi were contributing promi- sites were very prominent and has a
nently for the total basal area and critical role in carbon cycling in the
biomass of both forest stand and we studied community.
are reporting a positive relationship
between all demographic parameters Keywords: Basal area, Biomass, Den-
and time. A comparison of density sity, Population Dynamics, Girth class


Distribution Pattern of Marine Seaweeds in the Coastal

Region of Kannur District, Kerala
C. V Asha*, C. V. Sisira and K. Rijin
Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Sree Narayana College,
Kannur, Kerala – 670 007, India

Background: Seaweeds are important ronmental resources. Seaweeds, the

macroscopic algae which forms a primary producers give nutrients and
major biotic component of shallow energy for higher trophic groups. Sea-
coastal ecosystem. They are mainly weeds are widely utilized as a source
distributed in the rocky intertidal of food, feed, fertilizer and medicine.
regions and hence play a major role Luxuriant growth of seaweeds found
in maintaining the coastal diversity in the along the coastline of Anda-
and also forms one of the key envi- man-Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep
290 34th Kerala Science Congress

islands, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maha- species from Phaeophyceae. Among

rashtra, Goa, Kerala, Orissa etc. Even the seaweed biomass distribution
though seaweeds were widely studied Gracilaria corticata contributed 24%
in India, there are many regions rich followed by Gelidium (17%), Hypnea
in seaweeds which are not investigated esperi (12%) and Caulerpa sertularioides
yet. The present survey is designed (11%). From the total collected species,
to understand the species diversity, 10 species were economically import-
distribution, abundance of seaweeds ant- Ulva, Enteromorpha, Cladophora,
in the northern Kerala coast and also Caulerpa, Padina, Gelidium, Gracillaria,
recognize its economic potential. Hypnea esperi, Hypnea musciformis, and
Coralline officinalis. Most of these
Method: The present study was
seaweeds are edible and can be used
conducted from November 2019 to
as fodder, manure, and also used for
January 2020, collection was made
medicinal, industrial purposes (agar,
during once in each site. Field collec-
carrageenan, etc). In the present inves-
tions were made from coastal regions
tigation Gracilaria corticata contributed
of Kannur district. Random sampling
the major share of biomass among
method was used for seaweeds col-
other seaweeds.
lection. The collected samples were
preserved in 4% formalin. Standing Conclusions: In this context, the pres-
stock of seaweeds were also estimated. ent study emphasiz that large scale
cultivation of seaweeds support rural
Results: A total of 13 species of
employment and this could make a
seaweeds were collected from the 9
key role in strengthening the rural
study areas. From the total species,
economy in the coastal region.
5 species were from Chlorophyceae,
6 species from Rhodophyceae and 2 Keywords: Seaweeds, Kannur coast
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 291

& Wildlife

Impact of Climate Change on Hydrology in

Karamana- Neyyar River Basin
Aswathy M.1, Drissia T.K.2 and Ramnas K.C.3
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India. 673571
1,, 3

Climate change is recognized to be and Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency as 0.65

one of the most severe problems in & 0.72 for calibration and 0.52 & 0.68
future. In this study, the impact of for validation. The model parameters
climate change on the streamflow of are fitted using the calibration results
Karamana-Neyyar river basin, Kerala and models are framed with future
is investigated. The Soil and Water climate data. The outputs from GCMs
Assessment Tool (SWAT) model is for future periods are aggregated
used to find the impact of climate into three time slices T1(2011-2040),
change on streamflow. For assessing T2(2041-2070), T3(2071-2100) for both
the change in hydrology, five Global emission scenarios. The model results
Climate Models (GCM) such as BNU, demonstrated an increase in precipita-
tion. It is also observed that the runoff
is increasing as +3.54 %, +9.71 %, and
ESM MR and two critical scenarios like
+8.99 % for near, mid and far periods
Representative Concentration Path-
respectively of RCP 4.5 and by +21.80
way(RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 are used.
%, +11.96%, and +44.99% for near, mid
Modelling is done using SWAT for
and far time periods of RCP 8.5 which
the historic data and the model is cal-
is a very significant impact..
ibrated using Sequential Uncertainty
Fitting Algorithm (SUFI2) in SWAT- Keywords: Climate change, SWAT,
CUP, which showed results w i t h Hydrological model, Global Climate
coefficient of determination (R2) Models
292 34th Kerala Science Congress


Germplasm Conservation of Wild Relatives of Cultivars from

the Andaman Archipelago Outside the Islands
Divya N. Murali, Suresh Kumar. P., Sam P. Mathew and M. Abdul Jabbar
KSCSTE-Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute
Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India- 695 562

Wild Relatives of Cultivars (WRC) major islands and 206 islets. These
has a key role in food security of islands are mostly uninhabited
the mankind and economic devel- and with sandy or rocky seascapes
opments of countries. The wild merging into dense littoral forests.
relatives of cultivars occurring in According to current enumeration, the
Andaman-Nicobar Islands seem to be insular floristic composition consists
a lesser-known group even now in the of 2314 Angiosperm species circum-
Indian context. This potential group scribed under 1011 genera belonging
encompasses quite a lot of endemics to 181 families, within the limited
and other extra Indian Malaysian fragmented land masses of 8,249
taxa with potential economic values. sq km, representing high degree of
The Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) of plant diversity and fragile ecological
the Andaman-Nicobar is remarkable
equilibrium. This Andaman- Nicobar
with wide range of lesser-known Wild
region is susceptible towards cata-
Relatives of Popular Cultivars such as
strophic events like cyclones, volcanic
spice plants, fruit plants, plantains,
eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.
tubers, aroids, yams, cereals and a
few popular cash crops. The Anda- Various ecological, climatological
man - Nicobar Islands in the Bay of and anthropogenic attributes found
Bengal is far off from the Coromandel to prevalent upon the insular flora
Coast of the Peninsular India between highlighting the mandatory requisite
the latitudes 6° 45’ to 13° 41’ N and of insular germplasm conservation
longitudes 92° 12’ to 93° 57’ E. This outside the Islands. The current poster
Archipelago covers an area of around exhibits details on ex-situ conserva-
8249 sq. km stretching in north south tion of insular WRC at JNTBGRI Field
direction and comprises around 306 Gene Bank.
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 293

& Wildlife

Isolation and Characterization of Bioluminescent Bacteria

andits Application in Mercuric Chloride Toxicity
Testing in Soil
Nikhitha B., Ancila V., and Jithasha B.*
Department of Microbiology, Sree Sankara College, Kalady. Kerala, India

Background: Bioluminescence is a media such as Photo Bacterium Agar,

natural phenomenon in which living SWCA, LA, BOSS agar, and TCBS.
organisms produce light as a result of Only bioluminescent organisms were
their biochemical and enzymatic activ- usedfor further study. Morphological
ities. Bioluminescence is produced and biochemical characterization was
by bacteria, algae, squid, and fishes. carried out with the help of ABIS soft-
Among these bacteria are the most ware and based on Bergey’s Manual
abundant bioluminescent organisms of determinative Bacteriology and
and can emit a blue/green light for molecular identification by amplifying
communication purposes provoked by 16srDNA.Mercuric chloride toxicity
the enzyme luciferase. The application was tested by inoculating Pseudo-
of these bacteria in Environmental monas fluorescens to solutions with
Science as contaminant biosensors is soil containing mercuric chloride at
gaining attention recently. In this varying concentrations (0.5,1,1.5, 2,
study, we sought to search for novel and 2.5g). After 12 hours of incubation
bioluminescence bacterial species to in a shaker at room temperature, the
test their potential use as bioindicators organisms were subcultured on Photo
of pollutants and their application in Bacterium Agar.
mercuric chloride (HgCl 2 ) toxicity
Result: Out of 140 organisms isolated
testing in soil.
from different parts of the fish, 45
Materials and Methods: The samples organisms showed bioluminescence
used were Indian Mackerel, Anchovy, property. Bioluminescent bacteria
Raja Rani, and Squid. The portions were identified as Pseudomonas flu-
taken from the eye, fin, gut, gills, scale, orescens biovar, Pseudomonas cichorii,
and ink were suspended overnight in Pseudomonas salomonii , and Vibrio
sterile sea salt saline and screened for vulnificus. Pseudomonas fluorescens
bioluminescence production by using used for the detection of metal toxic-
294 34th Kerala Science Congress

ity in soil. It loses its luminescence in detection of the toxic level of acute
the presence of mercuric chloride at and cumulative poisons like mercuric
1mg/l, not at 0.5mg/l. chloride in soil. This rapid, simple,
Conclusion: The loss of biolumines- and sensitive test, can also be used
cence shows the soil is contaminated to find out the concentration of other
with toxic metal. The presence of pollutants in soil and water such as
chemical pollutants and toxins dis- fluoride, chromium, zinc, lead acetate,
turbs their cell metabolism, leads to ferrous sulphate.
the loss of bioluminescence. Pseudo-
monas fluorescens bacteria can be used Keywords: Bioluminescent bacteria,
as contaminant biosensors for the Mercuric chloride toxicity


Taxonomic and Functional Heavy Metal Resistome

Profiling of Mangalavanam Mangrove Ecosystem and
Comparative Analysis Across Other Tropical Ecosystems
Rinu Madhu Puthusseri, Tina Kollannoor Johny and Sarita Ganapathy Bhat*
Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Kochi, Kerala, India-682022

Background: Rapid urbanization often dubbed as ‘the green lung of

and ensuing anthropogenic pol- Cochin, is a non-tidal part of Vem-
lution has led to extensive heavy banad-Kol wetland and one among
metal accumulation in mangrove 26 Ramsar sites in India.
ecosystems, especially in developing Method: Metagenomic DNA was
countries like India. Consequently, extracted from the surface sediments
the resident microbial population of Mangalavanam mangroves and
develop the ability to resist/tolerate de novo whole metagenome shotgun
high metal concentrations. In this sequencing was performed on the Illu-
context, a metagenomic investigation mina HiSeq 2000 platform. Analysis of
of Mangalavanam mangrove in Kerala the sequencing data was performed on
undertaken to discern diversity and MG-RAST server.
ecological function of its microbial Results: Whole metagenome shotgun
consortia. Mangalavanam mangrove, sequencing of the mangrove sediment
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 295

& Wildlife
identified functional and taxonomic grove sample showed strict correlation
attributes of contigs related to arse- to oil/anthropogenic impacted Brazil-
nic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, ian mangrove sample.
copper, mercury and zinc resistance.
Conclusion: Identification of heavy
Among the functional categories,
metal resistant/tolerant bacterial
Cobalt-zinc-cadmium-resistance was
species and their genetic determinants
predominant, followed by Copper
will help to understand ecological
homeostasis, Zinc resistance, Arsenic
implications of heavy metal pollution
resistance, Resistance to chromium
and identify potential bacteria for
compounds, Copper homeostasis:
bioremediation. These observations
copper tolerance, Mercuric reductase,
can aid strategies to control/regulate
Mercury resistance operon, and Cad-
anthropogenic activity mediated
mium resistance. Taxonomic annota-
increase of heavy metal resistance.
tion of contigs involved in heavy metal
This approach can be the mainstay for
resistance displayed a high abundance
continuous evaluation of heavy metal
of phylum Proteobacteria. Comparative
impacted environmental niches by
taxonomic and functional analysis
monitoring selected metal resistance
enabled an understanding of global
prevalence of heavy metal resistome
profiles across comparable or related Keywords: Metal resistome profiling;
tropical niches. Mangalavanam man- heavy metals; mangroves


Effective Adsorption and Removal of Phosphate from

Aqueous Solutions by Calcined Friedel Salt
Jiffin sam1,2, Vaishna V.R1, Rothish R Nair1,2, K.P. Prathish*
Environmental Technology Division, CSIR – NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram – 19

Academy for Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad- 201002, India

Background: Pollution by phosphates of microorganisms in aquatic envi-

has become a global environmental ronments, excess concentration can
problem with the increasing dis- stimulate plant growth, resulting in
charges from human industrial eutrophication. In the present study,
activities and urbanization. Although the performance of Friedel’s salt (FS)
it is an essential nutrient for growth as an adsorbent for phosphate removal
296 34th Kerala Science Congress

from aqueous solution was inves- underline the application potential of

tigated. In recent years, exploration the material.
for new low-cost & high-efficiency
Results: The studies proved that FS
adsorbents have been a hot topic. The
calcined at 550 0C exhibited better
developed process utilizes the FS
adsorption characteristics than un-cal-
waste byproduct generated during
cined system. However, lower pH and
chloride removal from chemical
higher temperature was found to have
industries and is a classic illustration
detrimental effect. As low as 0.1 g of
of emerging circular economy concept
CFS was sufficient to remove 98%
in waste management.
vis-à-vis 51.34 % for FS from 500 ppm
Method: The experiment on phos- phosphate solution. The isotherm
phate adsorption by FS (Friedel’s Salt) data of FS was found to be well fitted
and CFS (Friedel’s Salt calcined at with Langmuir while sorption kinet-
5500C) was performed and compared ics was best fitted with pseudo first
using batch experiment technique. order kinetic model. Thermodynamic
The characterization of synthesized study confirmed the spontaneity and
adsorbents was carried out using exothermic behaviour of the process.
SEM EDX, XRD and FTIR methods. Excellent results were obtained for all
The effect of pH, temperature, contact the real water samples collected.
time, amount of adsorbent and con-
Conclusion: The studies proved that
centration of adsorbate for maximum
the calcined layered double hydrox-
adsorption, were evaluated. The
ides of Friedel’s salt are a potent
interference effect of common anions
candidate for phosphate removal.
was also studied. Spiking experiments
were conducted with river, tap and Keywords: Friedel’s Salt, Phosphate,
mineral water samples inorder to Adsorption, Calcination
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 297

& Wildlife

Deep Learning-Based Landslide Hazard Prediction in

Southern Kerala
A.L. Achua*, Girish Gopinatha and U. Surendranb
Department of Climate Variability and Aquatic Ecosystems, Kerala University of Fisheries and
Ocean Studies (KUFOS), Kochi-682 508, Kerala, India.
Centre for Water Resources Management and Development, Kozhikkode, Kerala, India

Landslides are of the frequent natural ity map is further classified into five
hazard affecting the Western ghats categories such as least susceptibility
of Kerala. The present study aimed area, low susceptibility area, moderate
to develop accurate and reliable susceptibility area, high susceptibility
landslide susceptibility map for the area and extreme susceptibility area.
southern Kerala viz., Idukki, Kotta-
About 78.64% of the study area falling
yam, Pathanamthitta, Kollam and
under least susceptibility followed by
Thiruvananthapuram using deep
8.55% in low susceptibility, 7.73% in
neural networks. For this a total of
moderate susceptibility, 1.39 percent-
1907 landslides are collected and nine
age in high susceptibility and 3.69%
geo-environmental variables such
in extreme susceptibility. The model
as lithology, soil texture, land use/
land cover, slope angle, slope aspect, obtained 91% accuracy in training
distance from roads, distance from section (AUC-0.91) and 90% accuracy
streams, distance from lineaments in testing sections shows the ability
and topographic wetness index are of DNN in classifying landslides and
selected for modelling. The model is non-landslides correctly. Besides the
validated with ROC-AUC and other generated landslide susceptibility map
confusion matrix-based measures. is trust worthy and can be used for
The generated landslide susceptibil- future hazard mitigation.
298 34th Kerala Science Congress


Seasonal Variations in Physico Chemical Parameters and

Nutrient Dynamics in Ashtamudi Estuary,
A Ramsar Site, South West Coast, India.
Roshni Mohan., Sudha, A., Vidya, P.V., Gayathri, O.S. and Ratheesh Kumar, C.S.
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi-682022,
Kerala, India.

Background: Ashtamudi Estuary has Results: pH is one of the most import-

been designated as Ramsar Site in ant water quality indices. The pH of
November 2002. The Lake is exposed the water samples exhibited variations
to pollution from human as well as from 7.45 (S13) to 8.18 (S4) in non-mon-
non- human interferences like urban soon. Similarly in monsoon, the pH of
and sewage pollution, coconut husk the samples varied from 5.5(S5) to 7.9
retting, land reclamation etc. In the (S14). EC is a measure of the ability
present study, the nature and degree of a water sample to convey electrical
of pollution and its influence on the current related to the concentration of
backwater environment have been ionized substances in water. Values of
discussed. The major objective of the EC in water samples collected from
study is to acquire a better under- Ashtamudi estuary in non-monsoon
standing of the seasonal variation in varied from 12.69mS/cm (S12) to
the general hydrography and nutrient 46.87mS/cm (S5). In monsoon, the
concentration of Ashtamudi Estuary. Electrical Conductivity varied from
0.11mS/cm (S12) to 17.09mS/cm (S5).
Met hod: Samples of water and The oxygen dissolved in the water is
sediments were taken from fifteen often referred to as dissolved oxygen
locations during Non-monsoon and and its measurement can be used to
Monsoon Seasons of 2021, using a indicate the degree of pollution by
boat as sampling platform. Surface organic matter and the level of self-pu-
water samples were collected using rification of the water. In the present
Niskin sampler (GO FLO, USA). Gen- investigation, minimum concentration
eral hydrographical parameters and of DO was noticed at S12 (5.52 mg/L)
nutrients of the surface waters were and maximum at S13 (9.2mg/L) in the
analysed using standard methods non-monsoon. In monsoon, minimum
(Grasshoff et al., 1999; APHA,2005). concentration of DO was noticed at
Environmental Science, Forestry
34th Kerala Science Congress 299

& Wildlife
S1 (6.24 mg/L) and maximum at S10 varied from 0.81 ppb (S11) to 56.64
(8.6mg/L). Biological oxygen demand ppb (S10) ppb in non-monsoon. In
is the amount of oxygen required for monsoon, the urea concentration var-
microorganisms to degrade the oxidis- ied from 12.16ppb (S15) to 110.91ppb
able organic matter present in waste (S4). the concentration of silicate in
water. BOD of the collected water surface water sample ranged from
samples exhibited variation from 0.27ppm(S5) to 2.39ppm(S14) in
1.10mg/L (S5) to 9.93 mg/L Kureepu- non-monsoon and in monsoon, the
zha (S2) in the non-monsoon season concentration varied from 0.06ppm
and in monsoon season the BOD (S4) to 0.12ppm (S12,S13,S14) .High
varied from 2.3 mg/L (S8) to 14 mg/L concentration of silicate was noticed
(S12). Dissolved inorganic phosphate riverine area.
concentration shows a minimum of
Conclusions: Seasonal variation in
0.01 ppm and maximum of 0.2 ppm
pH, electrical conductivity and con-
(S15) in non-monsoon and in mon-
centration of nutrients such as nitrite,
soon, the phosphate concentration
phosphate, urea, silicate and sulphate
exhibited variation from 0.03ppm (S8)
was recorded. The results shows
to a maximum of 0.19ppm (S2). The
seasonal variations in the wetland is
nitrite concentration shows variation
due to the exposure to pollution from
from 0.1 ppm (S5) to 0.14 ppm (S1) in
sewage, coconut husk retting, land
the non-monsoon and in the monsoon,
reclamation etc. Several industries
it varies from 0.1ppm(S10) to 0.6ppm
such as clay factory, cashew factory,
(S2). In the present investigation, sul-
coir retting factory were also located
phate concentration in samples varied
near the wetland which serve as point
from 3.52ppm(S12) to 22.29 ppm(S2)
sources of pollution.
in the non-monsoon. In monsoon, the
sulphate concentration varied from Keywords: Ashtamudi Lake, Phys-
2.06ppm(S12) to 16.76ppm(S2). The icochemical Parameters, Monsoon,
concentration of urea in water sample Non-Monsoon.
& VeterinarySciences
Oral Presentation
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 303

Molecular and Functional Characterization of a Histone

H2A-Derived Antimicrobial Peptide, Hipposin from
Milk Fish Chanos chanos
Athira P.P., Anooja V.V., Anju M.V., Archana K., Neelima S.
Muhammed Musthafa S. and Rosamma Philip*
Dept. of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Antimicrobial peptides for plasmid isolation. Recombinant

(AMPs) are evolutionarily conserved plasmids were sequenced. Molecular
host defense peptides, distributed characterization and functional pre-
widely in nature as an innate immune dictions were done using different in
molecule. The aquatic environment silico tools.
contains wide variety of pathogens Results: A 243 base pair fragment
and hence the innate immune system, encoding 81 amino acid residues
the first line of defence in fish is highly was amplified from complementary
significant. Histone derived peptides DNA termed as Cc-Hip. Homologous
play an important role in the innate sequence analysis showed that Cc-Hip
immunity of fishes. The present study belongs to the Histone H2A super
deals with the characterisation of the family and shares sequence identity
potential antimicrobial peptide, Hip- with other fish histone derived AMPs.
posin from the histone H2A of Milk Secondary structural analysis showed
fish, Chanos chanos. α-helical, random coiled with prom-
Method: - Total RNA was isolated inent proline hinge. Physicochemical
from gills using TRI® reagent (Sigma) properties and molecular structure
following manufacturer’s protocol. of Cc-Hip is in agreement with the
First-strand cDNA was generated. characteristic features of antimicrobial
PCR amplification of the cDNA was peptides. In silico functional character-
done using Hipposin primer with isation of active peptide using various
600C as annealing temperature. PCR bioinformatics tools revealed anti-
products were cloned into pGEMT bacterial, anticancer and antibiofilm
Easy Vector, and transformed into activity making Cc-Hip a promising
DH5 alpha E.coli competent cells. Posi- candidate for further exploration.
tive recombinant clones were selected Conclusions: An antimicrobial pep-
304 34th Kerala Science Congress

tide was identified from the histone applications. This study also illustrate
H2A of Chanos chanos and named the importance of H2A derived AMP
as Cc-Hip. Sequence similarity in the innate immune system of Oste-
of Cc-Hip to previously reported
histone H2A derived AMPs along
with physicochemical and functional Keywords: - Innate immunity; Anti-
properties strongly indicate Cc-Hip
microbial peptide; Histone H2A;
to be antimicrobial, anticancer and
antibiofilm peptide with potential


In vitro Culture and Characterization of A Cell Line from

the Spinecheek Anemone Fish Premnas biaculeatus
(Bloch, 1790)
Priyanka Poulose1, 2*, K.S. Sobhana1, K. Madhu1, Rema Madhu1,
K.K. Joshi1 and A. Gopalakrishnan1
ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala, India - 682 018
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India – 682 022

Background: The importance and international ornamental fish trade. A

necessity of in vitro cell culture sys- new continuous cell line designated
tems are expanding for the isolation as PB1BrTr was established and char-
and characterization of viruses, testing acterized from the trypsinised brain
of therapeutics and for the production tissue of P. biaculeatus.
of materials for immunological and Method: Primary culture was done
vaccination studies. Fish cell lines by trypsinisation method using Leibo-
serve as useful tools for carrying out vitz’s-15 (L15) medium supplemented
toxicological, carcinogenic, cellular with 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS)
physiology and also in gene regu- and confluent monolayers obtained
lation and expression studies. The were subcultured, passaged and and
spinecheek anemone/maroon clown cryopreserved at different passage lev-
fish Premnas biaculeatus (Bloch, 1790) els. Seeding and plating efficiency
is one of the popular species of clown as well as doubling time of this cell
fishes which fetches high value in the line were determined. To optimize the
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 305

growth conditions, cell densities were of cells seeded at a density of 1000

evaluated at different temperatures cells was 85% with no significant
and serum concentrations using a differences between replicates. The
haemocytometer. Mitochondrial COI population-doubling time of PB1BrTr
gene sequence analysis was carried cells at passage 45 was 36h. CO1
out to authenticate the cell line. Cell gene sequence analysis authenticated
line sequence was compared with purity of the cell line and matched
the fish tissue sequence and gene with the tissue sequences. Chromo-
sequences were submitted in NCBI some analysis indicated that the cells
GenBank. The cells were also char- are aneuploid. Cells were found to be
acterized by chromosome analysis. bipolar in nature and showed strong
Cell morphology and cell type were immunoreactivity to the antibodies
determined using Giemsa and immu- directed against fibroblast marker.
nofluorescence staining respectively. Cytotoxicity assay of the cell line
Cytotoxicity assay were performed to showed a dose-dependent decline in
evaluate the susceptibility of the cell cell viability after 48 h of exposure.
line to bacterial extracellular product The initial observations were vacuo-
(ECP) from Vibrio alginolyticus. lation in the cells exposed to ECP from
Results: The in vitro cell culture sys- the least (1 μg mL -1) to the highest
tem derived has crossed 60 passages. concentration (11μg mL-1).
The optimum growth conditions were Conclusions: This study established a
found to be at temperature of 28+2°C, new continuous cell line PB1BrTr from
and the growth of cells increased as the brain tissue of the maroon clown
the FBS supplementation increased fish P. biaculeaus. Optimization of the
from 2% to 20% and 5% was found conditions for growth of the cell line
sufficient to get good monolayers as well as characterization and authen-
within 5 days of incubation. Cryopre- tication of the new cell line PB1BrTr
served cells showed 85-90% viability developed was accomplished.
at passages 20, 30 & 45 on revival.
The seeding efficiency for an initial Keywords: In vitro cell culture,
inoculum density of 1 x 105 cells mL-1 PB1BrTr, Maroon clownfish, Primary
was 80% and the plating efficiency culture, Trypsinisation
306 34th Kerala Science Congress


The Genomic Dissection of Diversity among Native Goats of

Kerala Farmed under Small Holder Production System
Marykutty Thomas*, Radhika Gopalakrishnan, Thirupathy Venkattachalapathy
and Aravindakshan Thazhathuveetil
Centre for Advanced Studies in Animal Genetics and Breeding, Kerala Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Mannuthy, Thrissur, Kerala, India-680 651

Background: A growing concern Results: The proportion of goats

in small holder goat production is lacking ROH (per cent) was 66.67
the decline in genetic diversity and in Attappady Black and 39.13 in
concomitant surge of inbreeding. Malabari goats. The mean number
Being the future livestock of choice and lengt h of ROH of 1 Mb or
for the marginal peasants in Kerala, more was higher in Malabari goats
periodic assessment and proper (2.1304±0.6369 and 6.0016±0.5271Mb)
management of genetic diversity in compared to Attappady Black goats
goats is called for in order to avoid (0.4583±0.1343 and 4.0197±0.3755Mb).
the risks of inbreeding on fitness to Mean ± S.E of genomic inbreeding
ensure their long term survival. In the coefficient (F ROH≥1Mb) in per cent
era of genomics, utilisation of genomic was 0.519±0.19 and 0.07480±0.0243
information is called for to manage the in Malabari goats and Attappady
genetic diversity and unfavourable Black goats respectively and differed
inbreeding in farm animal popula- among the two breeds significantly
tions. (p≤0.05). The LD between adjacent
SNPs across all autosomes measured
Method: The genomic inbreeding was
r correlation coefficient ( 2) was low
estimated based on runs of homozy-
and mean ± standard deviation of LD
gosity (ROH) and linkage disequilib-
were 0.0657±0.09 and 0.0661±0.09 for
rium was used to determine effective
Attappady Black and Malabari goats
population size (Ne) of the studied
respectively. Based on genomic data,
population. Genome-wide single
Ne was estimated as 512.8198 in Mal-
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
abari and 371.22 in Attappady Black
marker data obtained by Illumina
goats at 17 generations back.
SNP50 goat BeadChip genotyping of
48 goats (24 each of Attappady Black Conclusions: Exceptionally low
and Malabari) was utilised for the genomic inbreeding and high Ne indi-
estimation of ROH and LD. cate that adequate genomic diversity
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 307

exists among native goats of Kerala to ness and production due to inbreeding
avoid immediate risks of reduced fit- depression.


Genetic Evaluation of Crossbred Cattle of Kerala for Fertility

and Production Performances
Jamuna Valsalan, Tina Sadan, K.Anilkumar and T.V. Aravindakshan
Centre for Advanced Studies in Animal Genetics and Breeding, Kerala Veterinary and Animal
Sciences University, Thrissur, Kerala, India – 680651

Background : Genetic evaluation of production traits were milk yield and

dairy animals for major performance fat percent.
traits is necessary for maintaining high Results: Daughters Pregnancy Rate
level of productivity, improvement of had low heritability (0.092±0.03),
genetic gain and to develop a genetic compared to 305 days milk yield
evaluation system for overall improve- (0.170±0.094) and fat percent
ment in performances of crossbred (0.173±0.072). Phenotypic (rp), genetic
cattle of Kerala. It also helps to find (rg) and permanent environmental (rc)
out the relative importance of genetic correlation indicated unfavourable
and environmental components of association of fertility with production
each trait. traits. DPR was having lower direct
additive (σ²a) and permanent envi-
Methods: Data pertaining to 1180
ronmental variance (σ²c) compared to
crossbred cattle sired by 208 Frieswal
other traits. Highest additive genetic
bulls from 2003 to 2019, maintained
variance (σ²a) was obtained for 305
at different farms of Kerala Veterinary
days milk yield.
and Animal Sciences University and
Conclusions: The study estimates the
field centres of ICAR- Filed Progeny
magnitude of correlations and covari-
Testing Scheme were analysed. Esti-
ances of fertility and production traits
mates of covariance components and
and also emphasis the importance
genetic parameters were obtained
of fertility i.e. pregnancy rate in the
using restricted maximum likelihood
evaluation and breeding programmes
(REML) approach using average infor-
of crossbred cattle of Kerala.
mation (AI) algorithm. Major fertility
trait considered was Daughters preg- Keywords: genetic evaluation, fertility,
nancy rate and service period while production, crossbred cattle
308 34th Kerala Science Congress


Viral Disease Profile of Fish Culture in Kerala:

Molecular Epidemiology During 2019-21
Muneer A., Diya Dominic D.V., Linu Eldho, Akshay P.S., Keerthana P.V.,
Sajeevan T.P. and I.S. Bright Singh
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Lakeside Campus, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682016

Background: Kerala has an abun- accomplished by using specific oligo

dant aquatic resource potential. nucleotide primers. When positive
Aquaculture in the State has been amplicons were obtained, they were
getting accelerated with scaled - up sequenced and analyzed based on
production systems. This expansion NCBI database employing BLAST
demands heightened trans-boundary search algorithm. Phylogenetic analy-
movements of seed for intensification. sis of the sequence data was obtained
Such a situation invites diseases at dif- using MEGA.
ferent stages of culture operations, and
Results: Altogether screened 128 fish
among them viruses are the principal
samples under groups and species
pathogens affecting the aquaculture
such as Tilapia (45%), Cyprinids
industry globally, and over the years,
(24% Rohu, Catla, Grass carp, Gold
six finfish viruses have been detected
fish, and Koi carp), Etroplus suratensis
in India. In this context, the present
(16%), Seabass (6%), different species
study was undertaken to analyze the
of ornamental fishes (10%) for viral
viral disease profile in the aquaculture
pathogens after recording species wise
sector in Kerala using molecular epi-
clinical signs. Surprisingly, among
demiology tools.
the 21 fish viral pathogens screened
Methods: Live or moribund fishes Cyprinid Herpusvirus 2 alone could
were collected, aseptically dissected be detected, that too in nine samples
and organs were preser ved for of cyprinids, representing 24% of the
nucleic acid extraction for molecular total samples.
epidemiology, virus isolation, and
microscopy using standard protocols. Conclusions: The results provide an
DNA extraction, RNA extraction and insight in to the epidemiology of fin-
reverse transcription were the meth- fish viruses in the culture environment
ods. Accordingly, molecular screening of Kerala having Cyprinid herpesvirus
for 21 selected fish viruses has been 2 (CyHV2) prevalent covering 29% of
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 309

cyprinids in both food and ornamental fish production. Needless to say, pro-
fish sector. This implies that appropri- phylactic measures including vaccina-
ate containment measures have to be tion have to be adopted to eradicate
adopted to prevent spread of the virus the pathogen from the system.
further, which must include effective
quarantine and seed quality assurance Keywords: Aquaculture diseases, fish
in place to attain sustainable growth in virology, fish disease surveillance


Post- Mortem Diagnosis of Rabies in Animals Using

Microchip-Based RT-PCR on Nuchal Skin Specimens for
Scaling up Rabies Surveillance
Sujatha Aparna1*, Abraham Susan Swapna2, G.S. Ajithkumar3, Sujatha Chintha4 & Joseph Baby5
Veterinary Surgeon, State Institute for Animal diseases, Palode, Government of Kerala, India.
Disease Investigation Officer, State Institute for Animal diseases, Palode,
Government of Kerala, India.
Veterinary Surgeon, State Institute for Animal diseases, Palode, Government of Kerala, India.
Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Chief Disease Investigation Officer , State Institute for Animal diseases, Palode,
Government of Kerala, India.

Background: Brain tissue is the ent study was undertaken to define

preferred specimen for post-mortem a reliable protocol for diagnosing
diagnosis of rabies in both humans animal rabies using skin specimen,
and animals. Higher biosecurity a superficial tissue sample which is
requirements, skill and transportation collected in a non-invasive manner
facilities required for collection and for post-mortem diagnosis. Our aim
transport of brain or whole carcass to was to design a protocol to replace
the laboratory is one of the reasons the classical post-mortem diagnostic
for the poor rabies surveillance in
method that uses brain biopsy with an
animals. Point of care testing with
ultimate target of stepping up rabies
simple, reliable and easy to operate
surveillance in animals.
devices would be an ideal approach
for providing rapid results. The pres- Met hods: The study evaluated
310 34th Kerala Science Congress

diagnostic performance of Microchip RT-PCR on skin and DFAT on skin in

based RT-PCR on nuchal skin spec- comparison with DFAT on brain as
imen for rabies surveillance and , to gold standard gave a sensitivity of
assess its suitability as an alternative 96% and 80% respectively.
of brain tissue for post mortem rabies
Conclusion: The study established
diagnosis in animals. Nuchal skin
that Microchip based RT PCR on skin
specimens were collected from 25 ani-
specimens is rapid, sensitive and spe-
mals of different species which were
cific, opening its potential as an ideal
tested positive for rabies on Direct
rabies surveillance tool overcoming
Fluorescent Antibody Test (DFAT) of
the logistical challenges of carcass
their brain tissues . Brain tissues and
transportation to reference laborato-
skin specimens collected at necropsy
ries and alleviating biosafety concerns
were compared using (DFAT) an
associated with brain collection. The
internationally approved methods for
findings highlight the potential of
rabies diagnosis and Microchip based
skin specimen for improving rabies
surveillance in animals, especially in
Results: Validation of Microchip based resource-poor countries.


Primary Hemocyte Culture of Penaeus monodon:

An In vitro Model for Shrimp Virus Investigations and
Development of Antiviral Chemotherapy
Diya Dominic D.V., Seena Jose and I. S. Bright Singh
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi, India

Background: In vitro cell culture sys- in modified double strength Leibo-

tems are exceptionally important tools vitz-15 (L-15) growth medium and
for research in viral diseases. In the its application in WSSV isolation has
absence of an established crustacean been accomplished in this laboratory.
cell-line, primary cell cultures are This paper deals with the outcome
effective platforms for shrimp virus of a study conducted to isolate two
isolation and characterization. Devel- other major shrimp viruses such as
opment of primary hemocyte culture Infectious Hypodermal Hematopoi-
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 311

etic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) / Penaeus were carried out in shrimp animal
stylirostris penstyldensovirus (PstDV1) model.
and Monodon baculo virus (MBV)/ Results: Cytopathic effects such as
Penaeus monodon nudi virus (PmNV) on (a) granulation (b) vacuolization (c)
shrimp hemocyte primary culture. detachment (d) rounding off of cells
Method: Virus inoculum was pre- (e) shrinkage and disintegration of
pared in modified double strength the hemocytes were observed in the
L-15 medium from a virus infected primary hemocyte culture subse-
shrimp, infection confirmed through quent to the inoculation. Virus genes
diagnostic PCR. Primary hemocyte demonstrated confirmed replication of
culture was generated and t he viruses in the hemocytes. The virions
monolayer of cells was exposed to were found to get released into the
the infected tissue suspension, and culture supernatant as assessed by its
examined for cytopathic effects sup- infectivity in vivo and invitro.
ported with MTT assay. Expression Conclusion: This is the first report of
of MBV genes (polyhedrin, lef4, DNA isolation of IHHNV and MBV in pri-
polymerase) and IHHNV genes (cap- mary hemocyte culture emphasizing it
sid and promoter) was determined as a platform for research in virus-cell
through semi quantitative PCR. qPCR interaction, virus morphogenesis and
was carried out in StepOnePlus Real also for the discovery of novel drugs
time PCR system (Applied Biosys- to combat viruses in shrimp culture.
tems, USA) using Power SYBR green
master mix (Applied Biosystems, Keywords: Primary hemocyte culture,
UK) to determine the relative mRNA Monodon baculo virus (MBV), P.
expression of virus infected hemo- monodon nudivirus (PmNV) Infectious
cytes at different time intervals (6h, Hypodermal Hematopoietic Necrosis
24h, 48h, 72h). To check the release of Virus (IHHNV), Penaeus stylirostris pen-
virion to supernatant in-vivo studies styldensovirus (PstDV1)
312 34th Kerala Science Congress


Immobilized Bacillus cereus MCCB101 as a Bio-Augmentor

Preparation to Support Ecosystem-Based Approach
in Aquaculture
Suresh Kunjiramana, Akshay P.S.a, Keerthana P.V.a, Jayesh Puthumanaa*, I.S. B. Singha*
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Detrodigest is a bioaug- quality parameters such as pH, salinity,

mentor preparation (Bacillus MCCB 101) alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrite,
of National Center for Aquatic Animal nitrate, Hydrogen sulphide, Phosphates
Health, CUSAT distributed to aquaculture and phyto and zooplankton count, and the
sector in the Country for detritus degra- sediment quality parameters such as pH,
dation. Farmers brew it at farm site and Eh, Hydrogen sulphide production poten-
apply to water once in 10 days to effect tial and sediment oxygen demand were
bioremediation of detritus and mineral- undertaken. Health of the fish stock in the
ization. Over the years, it has been noticed system was assessed based on the survival
that the bio-augmentor that reaches the of fishes and retrieval periodically. The
pond bottom is not adequate enough to Detrodigest preparation was subjected to
bring forth the envisaged degradation SEM and total plate count to assess the
of organic matter and improve Eh. This status and number of cells in unit weight.
realization paved the way to develop an Results and Discussion:The striking
application to the pond bottom as nodules observation was the control over Eh,
prepared out of silica-based substratum to sediment Oxygen demand and hydrogen
which the bio-augmenter is attached. sulphide production potential of the pond
with absolutely no mortality, as during the
Methods: Detrodigest preparation was previous years there had been substantial
mixed with the silica-based substratum loss of fish during summer months. Num-
at 1:1 ratio (V/W) and converted into ber of bacterial cells in unit weight of the
nodules of 3 cm diameter. This preparation preparation was 10 9 cells/g. The Scan-
was applied to the pond bottom gently at ning electron microscope (SEM) images
the rate of 2 Kg per acre water spread area. confirmed the retention and distribution
The process was continued for 12 months of the immobilized bacterial cells on the
on continuous basis twice a month. substratum. At 4˚C it exhibited a shelf life
During this period, evaluation of water of 2 weeks.
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 313
Conclusion: The Detrodigest preparation pond bottom for detritus degradation and
immobilized in the silica-based substra- pond bottom management.
tum was found suitable for delivering the Keywords: Detrodigest, Bioaugmentor,
bioaugmentor Bacillus MCCB 101 to the Immobilization, SEM, Eh


Application of Endophytic Penicillium citrinum Extract to

Control Vibrio harveyi in Penaeus monodon Culture System
Manomi S.*1, Divya T. Babu1, Bhavya Kachiprath1, Neema Job1, Jayesh Puthumana2, Swapna P.
Antony1 and Rosamma Philip1
Dept. of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India-682016
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi, Kerala, India-682016

Endophytes are microbes that colo- vibrios. Crude extract of P. citrinum

nize living, internal tissues of plants was prepared and administered in
without causing overt disease symp- larval rearing system via water (W)
toms. Endophytes probably harvest and via feed (F) and a control was
a plethora of bioactive metabolites kept without extract treatment. Vibrio
and serve as potential candidates for count of rearing water was noted
novel natural products to exploit in periodically up to 1 month. After that
medicine, agriculture and industry. all the experimental animals were
challenged with pathogenic V. harveyi
The present study is focused on the
and survival was noted for a period
isolation of endophytic Penicillium
of 1 month.
citrinum from macroalgae Hypnea
muciformis from southwest coast of The combined approach of morpho
Kerala based on standard protocols. and molecular taxonomy revealed the
Screening of antimicrobial potential taxonomic position of the endophytic
was done against bacterial pathogens fungus as Penicillium citrinum. Endo-
by disc diffusion method. Consid- phytic P. citrinum inhibited the growth
ering its antimicrobial property, its of seven different pathogenic bacterial
application in Penaeus monodon larval strains. Its application in P. monodon
culture system was planned to control larval culture system significantly
microbial population especially the reduced the total Vibrio countin both
314 34th Kerala Science Congress

experimental groups and better result citrinum to control microbial popula-

was observed in water treatment tion and thereby the water quality in
group. Survival rate was also higher the P. monodon culture system. Besides,
in both the experimental groups com- enhancing survival indicates its poten-
pared to control. tial for application in aquaculture.
Current study highlighted the effi- Keywords: Endophyte, Macroalgae,
cacy of the crude fungal extract from P. Antivibrio, Post larvae, Survival
& Veterinary Sciences
Poster Presentation
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 317

Growth Performance and Survival of Guppy

(Poecilia reticulata) In Response to Chitosan Flocculated
Marine Microalga Picochlorum maculatum MACC3
Supplemented Diets
Thasreefa K.1, I. S. Bright Singh1 and Valsamma Joseph1
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Fine
Arts Avenue, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background:Mortalities are very alga. The fishes were fed adlibitum two
common in ornamental fishes rearing times daily for 120 days. At the end
facilities mostly due to temperature of the feeding period length, weight
fluctuations, associated stress and and survival rates were recorded. The
disease outbreaks which substan- fishes were challenged with the patho-
tially leads to huge economic losses. gen Aeromonas salmonicida MTCC 1945
An immunostimulant can be used to and survival rates were recorded.
treat such unpredicted stress events
Results:There was significance dif-
as it generates resistance by activating
ference (p<.05) on net weight gain
innate immune system of the animals.
(WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed
The present study evaluates the sig-
conversion ratio (FCR), survival and
nificance of 10% supplementation of
post challenge survival between con-
chitosan flocculated marine picoalga
trol and 10 % chitosan flocculated P.
Picochlorum maculatum MACC3 on
maculatum MACC3 supplied groups.
growth, stress response and survival
of Silverado guppy (Poecilia reticulata) Conclusion:As the results of the
juveniles. study 10 % incorporation of chitosan
flocculated P. maculatum MACC3
Methods:The test feed was prepared
had positive effects on the growth,
by the 10% incorporation of dried
immunity and survival of guppies (P.
powder of chitosan flocculated P.
maculatum MACC3 into blood worm
powder using 1% gelatin as binder, Key words:Poecilia reticulata, Picochlo-
whereas the test was devoid of the rum maculatum
318 34th Kerala Science Congress


Influence of Designer Diet and Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

Leaves on Serum Lipid Profile of Layers
Assistant professor, Veterinary University Training and Research Centre,
Veerappan Chatram, Erode, Tamil Nadu-638004

Background: People want to consume were collected from two layer for each
cholesterol lower food items. Egg is replicate. The serum was separated
the best vehicle to deliver the health and the serum samples were used to
promoting components to the humans estimate the total cholesterol, HDL-C,
at low cost, along with other nutrients LDL-C and VLDL-C and Triglycerides.
already present in the egg. Poultry
Results: Designer egg diet and Basil
nutritionist tried to deliver the egg
leaves feeding had resulted in sig-
with human health promoting com-
nificant reduction in serum TG (718
mg/dl), TC (140.2 mg/dl), VLDL-C
Method: A biological experiment (72.7mg/dl), LDL-C(23.9mg/dl) and
of six weeks duration, followed by significant increase in HDL-C(43.7
laboratory investigations were carried mg/dl), compared to the control.
out to study the effect of designer The synergistic effect of designer
layer mash (DLM) containing full diets with BLM was prominently
fat flaxseed, oil rich sardine fish, observed by favourably altering the
Holy Basil leaf meal (BLM), vitamin serum lipid profile. BLM levels were
E and Organic selenium (Sel-plex), independently capable of suppressing
on serum lipid profile of layers. six the bad TG, TC, LDL-C and VLDL-C
dietary treatments are, T1 - Control levels in serum and increasing the
– standard layer mash, T2 - Standard HDL-C levels.
layer mash + 1 g/ kg BLM (C-BLM
Conclusions: The synergistic effect of
1g), T3 - Standard layer mash + 2 g/
designer diets with Basil leaf meal was
kg BLM (C-BLM 2g), T4 - Designer egg
prominently altered the serum lipid
layer mash (DLM), T5 - DLM + 1 g/ kg
profile of hens.
BLM (DLM - BLM 1g), T6 - DLM + 2
g/ kg BLM (DLM - BLM 2g). On the Key words: Designer layer mash,
last day of the study, blood samples serum, Cholesterol, Triglyceride
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 319

Molecular Characterization Demonstrates the Occurrence of

Phylogenetic Similar Isolates of V. alginolyticus and
V. parahaemolyticus in Aquatic Environment
Minimol V. A., Pankaj Kishore, MuthuLakshmi T., Ranjit K. Nadella, Greeshma S.,
Nilavan E. and Mothadaka M.P.
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: V. alginolyticus is an were further confirmed by Polymerase

opportunistic pathogen of fish and Chain Reaction (PCR) targeting colla-
shell fishes which causes septicemia. genase gene. Molecularly confirmed
It is associated with other Vibrio infec- isolates were checked for the presence
tions especially with Vibrio parahaemo- of hemolysin genes viz, tlh, trh, and
lyticus. The present study evaluated tdh targeted PCRs. The tlh gene was
the biochemical and phylogenetic found in 8 isolates of V. alginolyticus.
characteristics of Vibrio alginolyticus Further, Pulse field gel electrophoresis
from different aquaculture farms in (PFGE) typing with Notl restriction
terms of its prevalence, hemolysin enzyme successfully differentiated
genes, genetic relatedness and antibi- tlh positive V. alginolyticus from tlh
otic susceptibility. negative V. alginolyticus isolates with
92% genetic similarity. V. alginolyticus
Method: Conventional microbiologi-
isolates showed proteolytic, lipolytic
cal tests for screening V. alginolyticus
and lecithinase activities. Intermediate
from brackish water farm samples,
resistance to most of the antibiotics
molecular identification of species
tested explains that the isolates
specific, pathogenic gene fragments,
obtained locations are exposed to
hemolysin genes, pulsed field gel
antimicrobial agents.
electrophoresis, exoenzyme tests, and
antimicrobial susceptibility tests Conclusion: This study confirms the
presence of phylogenetically similar
Results: The prevalence of V. algino-
isolates of V. alginolyticus and V.
lyticus in the screened samples was
parahaemolyticus in the aquatic envi-
around 13.04%. A total of 12 isolates
ronments. The amplification of tlh
out of 68 isolates picked from Thio-
gene in other Vibrio species may lead
sulfate Citrate Bile salt sucrose (TCBS)
the inadequacy of the species-specific
agar plates were biochemically identi-
marker of V. parahaemolyticus in the
fied as V. alginolyticus. These isolates
320 34th Kerala Science Congress

event of surveillance of epidemio- targeting tlh gene.

logical investigations. This will be of
Keywords: Vibrio, Prevalence, Hemo-
serious concern especially in case of
lysin Genes, Genetic Relatedness,
rapid detection of V. parahaemolyticus
Antimicrobial Susceptibility
by using direct enrichment PCR assay


Multidrug Resistant Edwardsiella tarda in Goldfish, Carassius

auratus: A Crisis for Concern in Ornamental Fish Industry
Preena P.G.*+, Arathi Dharmaratnam and T. Raja Swaminathan
Peninsular and Marine Fish Genetic Resources Centre of ICAR-NBFGR, CMFRI Campus, P.O.
Number 1603, Kochi, Kerala, India– 682018
Department of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of Fisheries and
Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682506

Background: Goldfish (Carassius ness were collected from Ernakulam

auratus) is one of the most important farm with 60% cumulative mortality.
domesticated ornamental fishes in The infected tissues viz. gills, kidney,
aquaria and are reported to be infected liver and spleen were processed
with diverse bacterial species thereby separately for bacterial isolation.
affecting the sustainable fish culture. The unique isolated colonies were
Edwardsiella tarda is one of the serious subjected to various phenotypic and
pathogens affecting the worldwide genotypic tests. The experimental
aquaculture. The present study was challenge trials were done with all the
focused to investigate the cause of representative isolates and LD50 was
disease outbreak in a goldfish farm. also calculated for the causative agent.
Further, the isolated pathogen was Eleven virulent genes were tested
subjected to phenotypic and genotypic using PCR for the identified pathogen
characterization for determining their and histopathological analysis was
virulence and antimicrobial resistance performed to determine their patho-
and the infectivity was confirmed genicity. Antimicrobial susceptibility
through in-vivo study. tests with 46 antibiotics of 15 classes
were done for the pathogen using
Methods: Goldfish (n=5) showing
disc diffusion method. To determine
hemorrhagic septicemia and gill pale-
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 321

the location of antimicrobial resistant by the pathogen towards 19 tested

genes, plasmid curing studies were antibiotics with the multiple anti-
also carried out employing acridine biotic resistance (MAR) index of
orange. 0.46 highlighted the exposure of
Results: Based on the phenotypic antibiotics to the fish in the farm.
and genotypic analysis, the bacteria The existence of antibiotic resis-
were identified as Edwardsiella tarda, tant genes within the plasmid as
Citrobacter freundii, Acinetobacter revealed through plasmid curing
junii and Comammonas testosteronii. studies pointed out the possibility
Experimental challenge studies of rapid dissemination of AMR in
using healthy goldfish revealed aquaculture.
that among the four isolates, E. Conclusion: E.tarda was confirmed as
tarda alone leads to 100% mortality the real causative agent of the disease
of experimental fish within 175 outbreak in goldfish farm through
degree days and the pathogen experimental challenge studies. Iden-
could be successfully re-isolated tification of potential virulence and
from the moribund fish. The LD50 plasmid borne multi drug resistance
value of E. tarda was calculated in the studied pathogen challenges
as 9.9 ×10 5 CFU/fish. The histo- the effective antibiotic treatment and
pathology of the infected tissues promotes the spread of AMR through
of goldfish had shown the typical horizontal gene transfer. Hence proper
features of E .tarda infection. The surveillance and appropriate diagnos-
pathogen was found positive for tic methods need to be implemented
the virulence genes viz. hly, etfA, in fish farms at regular intervals to
etfD and eseD as detected using mitigate the menace.
PCR. Thus E. tarda was confirmed
Keywords: goldfish; Edwardsiella tarda;
as the real causative agent of the
experimental challenge; virulence;
disease outbreak. Multiple antimi-
antimicrobial resistance
crobial resistance (AMR) exhibited
322 34th Kerala Science Congress


Improvisation of Seed Production Technology of Scampi

Through Probiotic and Immunostimulant-Based
K. P. Vinusree and I. S. B. Singh
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India- 682016

B a c k g r o u n d : T h e Na t i o nw i d e with Enterotrophotic enriched Arte-

approved technology of Scampi mia nauplii and in test – 3, PL were
(Macrobrachium rosenbergii) seed pro- fed with yeast and Enterotrophotic
duction consists of feeding the larvae enriched Artemia nauplii and PL in
with newly hatched Artemia nauplii control tanks were fed with placibo
to advanced nauplii from Mysis 1 Artemia nauplii. Length, weight and
to post larvae. Other than antibiotic survival of PL were determined. After
application no more intervention is 15 days of treatment the post larvae
under practice in the country. May be were challenged with pathogenic
because of the same reason the percent Vibrio alginolyticus MRNL – 3 and the
production of Scampi seed remains survival was recorded.
around 10 over three decades, which
Results: The batches of post larvae
to a large extend make the hatchery
fed on bioencapsulated My-1 and
operations unviable. Therefore, in
Enterotrophotic exhibited significantly
order to upgrade the technology and
higher survival, higher growth and
to enhance the production a precise
resistance to the pathogen invasion.
preventive health care strategy has
Considering the results obtained, this
been envisaged and executed. This
combination of treatment has been
consists of application of the probiotic
recommended for application in com-
preparation (Enterotrophotic) and
mercial hatcheries starting from Mysis
the Marine yeast preparation (My-1)
1 to advanced post larvae as it has
bioencapsulated in Artemia nauplii.
been proven that all life stages of the
Method: Three dierent treatment animal are equally immunocompetent.
plans with triplicates and three
Conclusions: My-1 and Enterotro-
control tanks were set up. In test-1,
photic together as a probiotic can be
PL were fed with MY-1 enriched
administered to the larvae incorporat-
Artemia nauplii, in test-2 PL were fed
ing them into their feed to give better
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 323

survival and growth improvising the Keywords: Probiotics, Macrobrachium

seed production technology of Scampi. rosenbergii, survival, growth.


Feeding Habits of the Deep-Sea Pandalid Shrimp,

Plesionika semilaevis, Spence Bate, 1888
from the Southwest Coast of India
Sreelakshmy S.1,2 and Rekha Devi Chakraborty1*
Crustacean Fisheries Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam
North P.O., P.B. No. 1603, Kochi, Kerala, India-682018
Cochin University of Science and Technology, South Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala, India-

Background: Study of food and Preponderance, frequency of occur-

feeding is of fundamental importance rence, Gastrosomatic index (GaSI),
in understanding the rate of growth, Vacuity index in connection to the
population concentration, gonadial sex, maturity, size group and season
maturation, metabolic activities, were calculated for this species. One-
seasonal and distribution. Plesionika way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
semilaevis is an economically import- was carried out to verify if the diet
ant caridean deep-sea shrimp from the composition, percentage of stomach
southwest coast of India. Information fullness and GSI varied according to
on food and feeding of this species is sex, berried/non berried stages, size
lacking globally. The present study and season.
details the qualitative and quantitative
Results: The diet of P. semilaevis is
analysis of food and feeding in rela-
composed mainly of benthic and
tion to season, gender, size and stage
benthopelagic organisms. Detritus
of maturity of P. semilaevis.
was the most prevalent item in the gut,
Method: The diet contents were followed by crustaceans, foraminifera,
studied using an aggregate number of fishes, sediment, and sponge parts.
1227 individuals collected fortnightly Considering stomach fullness, feeding
from deep sea landing centre in Shak- intensity and food quality, the females
tikulangara, Kollam, Kerala. Feeding were found to be more effective preda-
condition, feeding intensity, Index of tors than males. Actively fed condition
324 34th Kerala Science Congress

was high during the pre-monsoon smaller decapods and fishes suggests
period. In males and non-berried its swimming efficiency and scav-
females feeding intensity was higher enging nature evidencing its ability to
for smaller individuals, while among feed on pelagic forms. Females shows
berried females, larger sized individ- higher feeding intensity than males
uals showed highest feeding intensity.
because of sexual dimorphism and
Conclusion: Presence of detritus, increased growth rates.
foraminifera, sediment and mollus-
can remains in the gut indicated a Keywords: Deep Sea shrimps, Ple-
possible benthic feeding activity while sionika semilaevis, Feeding behaviour,
the presence of broken parts of other Arabian Sea.


Food and Feeding of Deep Sea Penaeid Shrimp,

Metapenaeopsis andamanensis Wood-Mason, 1891,
Along the South West Coast of India
Aghana Muralidharan1, 2 and Rekha Devi Chakraborty2*
Crustacean Fisheries Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam North
P.O., P.B. No. 1603, Kochi, Kerala, India-682018
Cochin University of Science and Technology, South Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala, India-682022

Background: One of the most diverse sively used by a species and provides
genera in the family Penaeidea is more information on the preferred
Metapenaeopsis Bouvier, 1905 and food of the species.
consists of 76 species. Metapenaeopsis
Method: The intensity of feeding
andamanensis is one of the most com-
was determined by the degree of
monly available Deep Sea penaeid
distension of the stomach due to the
shrimp in Kerala, widely known as
presence of food inside the anterior
Rice velvet shrimp. While considering
and posterior chambers of the pro-
the biological and taxonomical studies
ventriculus. Stomachs were grouped
of a species, the food and feeding
into actively fed, moderately fed and
habits plays a significant role. Feeding
poorly fed for analyzing the feeding
habit analysis also helps to quantify
condition. The gastro somatic index,
the food resource that are more exten-
feeding intensity and vacuity index
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 325

was done to analyze the feeding activ- with size revealed higher values in
ity of Metapenaeopsis andamanensis and males. Diet composition with regards
the relation with sex, season and size to season, sex and size constituted of
(small, medium, large). To know the crustaceans, foraminifera, detritus,
relative importance of food contents, and the minor components included
the Index of Preponderance was cal- mollusc, fish remains, sediments and
unidentified particles.
Results: In relation with the season, Conclusion: The food and feeding
feeding intensity was less during the analysis provide the basis for under-
standing the major fauna, habitat and
pre-monsoon than the post monsoon
trophical interactions of the species
in both the sexes and female has
and also in understanding its feeding
higher feeding intensity than the
patterns of the species, also provides
males, while the feeding intensity
knowledge on several ecological
increases with size. Seasonal analysis aspects of the species.
of the gastro somatic index (GaSI)
showed minor difference in both sex. Keywords: Metapenaeopsis andamanen-
Vacuity index (VI) showed distinct sis, food and feeding, gastro somatic
variation between the post monsoon index, vacuity index, Index of Prepon-
and pre monsoon however it varied derance.


Shell Grit as Free Choice Calcium Source for

Gramasree Male Birds
Sabarinath E. 1, Senthil Murugan S.1, Biju Chacko1, Surej Joseph Bunglavan1, Promod K. 2
Department of Animal Nutrition, 2 Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and
Obstetrics, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Kerala, India

A feeding trail was conducted in 12 period, layer breeder ration (control)

Gramasree male birds of 32nd weeks was prepared as per ICAR, (2013)
which were randomly distributed to recommendations and fed to all
three experimental groups (G1 and experimental male birds. Shell grit
G2) with six birds in each group and having more than 2 mm particle size
housed separately in male cages for was given as free choice after feeding
91 days. During this experimental to G2 birds, respectively to meet their
326 34th Kerala Science Congress

extra calcium requirement. The feed ilar in all the treatment groups but the
intake and body weight were signifi- tibial calcium content was significantly
cantly different (p<0.01) between the (p<0.01) higher in shell grit group. It
treatment groups. shell grit intake was can be concluded that, calcium intake
0.72 g/rooster/day, respectively. Total (3.20 g/rooster/day) through feed
calcium intake was 3.20 and 3.55 g/ is sufficient for male birds to meet
rooster/day in G1 and G2 respectively.
their calcium requirements and extra,
Semen was collected by abdominal
massage at weekly intervals from shell grit given as free choice feeding
33rd to 44th weeks of age and analysed had not influenced the semen qualities
for semen volume, colour, sperm without any detrimental effects.
concentration and sperm motility and Keywords: Calcium, Shell grit, Chem-
significantly no difference was found
ical composition, Gramasree male
between the groups. The serum Ca
birds, semen quality
and P content and tibial-ash were sim-


In Search of Anti-Vibrio Activity in Commonly Seen Plant

Species in the Region
Ahna Ameer, Saranya M. and I. S. Bright Singh
National Center for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Lakeside Campus, Kochi, Kerala, India - 682016

Background: Shrimp farming is one to the dare requirement of searching

of the major aquaculture endeavors for natural anti -vibrio molecules in
which contribute to t he global lieu of conventional antibiotics used in
economy profoundly. However, its human and veterinary medicines for
development was greatly hampered aquaculture application. In this con-
by disease outbreaks among which text anti-vibrio property of 20 plant
Vibriosis predominated. Decades of species seen around was examined
antibiotic therapy led to the develop- against 5 species of Vibrio along with
ment of antibiotic resistant bacterial 2 strains of Vibrio harveyi
strains besides the presence of resid-
Methods: Shade dried plant leaves
ual antibiotic in meat inviting ban on
were powdered and extracted in Sox-
their use in aquaculture. This has led
hlet apparatus. The crude methanolic
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 327

extracts of 20 selected medicinal plants Curcuma aromatic inhibited 3 species

thus generated were used for bacterial of vibrios. Camellia oleifera, Moringa
growth inhibition studies. Bacterial oleifera, Mentha spicata, Coleus barba-
growth medium along with 1mg/ tus, Mimosa pudica, and Momordica
mL of plant extracts were prepared charantia exhibited activity towards
in microtiter plates inoculated with 2 of the bacterial species. Rest of the
2µl of 0.1Abs (at 600nm) bacterial plant extracts from Rhizophora mucro-
cultures and incubated for 24 hours. nata, Madhuka longifolia, Azadirachta
Absorbance was measured at the ini- indica, and Sesamum indicum inhibited
tial and final stages. Potent fractions growth of only one Vibrio species. This
were further checked by disc diffusion result itself explicates the importance
assay also. and great potency of terrestrial plants
in inhibiting pathogenic vibrios.
Results: Present study enumerates
the promising effects of crude extracts Conclusion: The study demonstrated
from Solanum tuberosum (potato peel), the importance of terrestrial plants
Myristica fragrans, and Citrus limonin as a source of bioactive natural com-
inhibiting the five species of Vibrios pounds which can be efficiently
tested. Meanwhile, extract from used in the management of Vibriosis
Ficus religiosa, Piper betle, Terminalia in aquaculture.
catappa, Nigella sativa, and Ocimum
tenuiflorum inhibited 4 species and the Keywords: Vibrio spp, anti- bacterial,
one from Biophytum sensitivum, and plant extracts.


First Report on Streptococcus agalactiae Involvement in the

Mortality of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT)
In Kerala, India
Ambadi Kannan M.S., Soumya Balakrishnan, Jayesh Puthumana and I.S. Bright Singh
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Fine
Arts Avenue, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682016

Background: Tilapia is the second entific mode of culture has led to the
most cultured species in the world. spread of pathogens to newer areas.
Recent intensification as well as unsci- Among the pathogens causing mass
328 34th Kerala Science Congress

mortalities in tilapia, Streptococcus sp. phologically and confirmed as Strep-

especially S. agalactiae is of paramount tococcus agalactiae after biochemical
importance. The evidence of vertical characterization as well as molecular
transmission as well as the zoonotic identification.
nature of S. agalactiae, shows the cat-
Conclusions: This is the first report
astrophic potential of the pathogen.
of the pathogen from the culture sys-
Method: The fishes showing clinical tems of Kerala cautioning its possible
signs were brought to the laboratory vertical transmission along with zoo-
in 4 oC, dissected immediately and nosis. Appropriate preventive health
processed for microbiological inves- care strategies including quarantine
tigations. The kidney was aseptically measures and quality assessment of
streaked onto the tryptic soy agar seed being distributed to farmers have
plates. The isolated colonies were sub- to be undertaken to prevent the entry
jected to morphological, biochemical of such pathogens to the aquaculture
characterization as well as molecular environment of Kerala.
Keywords: Aquaculture, Tilapia, Dis-
Results: The pathogen was presump- ease, Bacteria, Streptococcus agalactiae,
tively identified as Streptococcus mor- Streptococcosis


Environmental Impact Study of Aquaculture Systems

Through Life Cycle Assessment
Razia Mohamed A.1, Manoj P. Samuel2, Leela Edwin1 and Suriyakala C.D.3
ICAR - Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: The sustainability friendly fish production practices.

challenges faced by the global aqua- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one
culture sector highlight the critical of the efficient tools developed to
need to understand and quantify the evaluate the environmental impact
environmental footprints of diverse of food production systems, and is
production methods, as well as the a standard method (ISO 14040) for
importance of using environmentally assessing the long-term viability of
Fisheries & Veterinary Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 329

various aquaculture systems quan- use of fuel/energy, water quality

titatively, from cradle to grave. LCA and pollution, land use practices and
serves as a scientific foundation for general management practices. The
examining system improvements, and primary analysis showed that the
developing certification and eco-label- factors such as water quality, aquatic
ling standards. pollution, dependence on fossil fuels,
inappropriate land uses, over depen-
M e t h o d : LCA m e t h o d o l o g y i s
dence on abiotic inputs etc. are having
developed on the basis of the major
significant impacts on the aquaculture
life-cycle phases as specified in ISO
systems in Kerala, coupled with cli-
14040. The study is based on the peer
mate change issues.
reviewed articles published in the
field of aquaculture, along with the Conclusions: Concerns about the
case studies of various aquaculture long-term sustainability of novel fish
systems in Kerala. Attempts were production techniques have grown,
and t he aquaculture industr y’s
made to compare the reported results
standards and criteria are becoming
to field level observations and primary
increasingly stringent. In the hunt for
data collected through real-time inves-
best practices, LCA has proved to be
tigations in aquaculture farms under
a useful method for identifying the
real-world conditions. environmental hotspots and compar-
Results: The impact factors which ing different production systems.
affect the life cycle of aquaculture Keywords: Sustainable aquaculture,
systems vary depending on the micro Life cycle assessment, Environmental
climate, culture practices, type and impact, Eco-friendly practices
34th Kerala Science Congress 331

Health Sciences

Health Sciences
Oral Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 333

Health Sciences

Evaluating the Diagnostic Potential of Liquid Biopsy by Next

Generation Sequencing in Oral Tongue Carcinoma
Noble T. Baby1*, S. Kannan1*
Laboratory of Cell Cycle Regulation and Molecular Oncology,
Division of cancer Research, Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
* *

Background: Oral cancer is one of the for the data analysis and common
most prevalent forms of cancer in the variants are only selected for the
world. In India it ranks first among all downstream annotations. Later Sanger
cancers in men and second in women. sequencing was employed to confirm
The poor survival of this tumour is the somatic mutations
mainly due to lack of knowledge about
its molecular background and dearth Results: After annotation we observed
of good biomarkers for early detec- 50 somatic mutations, among them
tion and prognosis. Liquid biopsy is most frequently observed genes are
a revolutionary technique in cancer CDX2, FLT3, NOTCH1, BRAF, HRAS,
diagnosis. It consists of isolation and and TERT. BRAF and TERT gene
detection of circulating tumour cells, mutations were identified in circu-
circulating tumour DNA, circulating lating DNA of above 60% of sample
RNA and tumour-derived exosomes, populations and also in both primary
as a source of genomic and proteomic and metastatic cell lines.
information in patients with cancer.
Conclusion: This present study was
Method: Tissue DNA and circulating validated the diagnostic potential of
DNA was isolated from oral tongue liquid biopsy by analysing somatic
cancer patients for Whole Exome mutations present in the circulating
Sequencing (WES). Two oral cancer DNA of oral tongue cancer patients
cell lines (UM-SCC-83A (primary) by comparing the mutational status
and UM-SCC-83-B (metastatic) were of tissue sample and cell line samples.
also used for the validation studies.
Bio-statistical tools like VarScan, Keywords: Liquid biopsy, Whole
GATK-Mutect2 and Strelka, are used Exome Sequencing, Oral Tongue Cancer
334 34th Kerala Science Congress


Glucose Oxidase – Peroxidase Incorporated Alginate Diamine

Peg-G-Poly(PEGMA) Xerogels for Diabetic Wound Healing
Rajalekshmy G. P. and Rekha M. R.
Division of Biosurface Technology, Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for
Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Diabetic foot ulcers The in vitro wound healing effects of

remain a major healthcare problem. GO-POD loaded xerogel was analysed
Hyperglycemic state delays the wound by scratch wound assay. The collagen
healing process and results in stalled deposition and migratory effects were
wounds. Glycemic control with sus- studied. The in vitro reactive oxygen
tained enzyme delivery towards the was monitored by DCFDA assay.
wound site is an emerging strategy Results: ADPM2S xerogel showed
for developing advanced wound care good physical properties as a wound
biomaterials. In this study we devel- care material. The overall % swelling
oped alginate based xerogel for the was 1500% and had a tensile strength
controlled delivery of glucose oxidase of 400 KPa. The material could able to
and peroxidase for promoting diabetic deliver 57% GO and 76% POD within
wound healing. 24h in a controlled manner. There
was significant increase in % wound
Method: Alginate was conjugated
closure observed in cells treated
with Diamine PEG molecule and
with hyperglyemic condition (20%)
grafted with poly(PEGMA) chains by
to GO-POD loaded hydrogel (57%)
free radical polymerization. Chemical
within 8h. A significant increase in
as well as ionic crosslinking was pro-
collagen deposition was also observed.
vided and final xerogel (ADPM2S) was
characterized by various techniques. Conclusions: GO-POD loaded
Physio-chemical properties such as ADPM2S hydrogels could be a prom-
FTIR, NMR, % swelling, mechanical ising advanced wound care material
strengt h and bioadhesion were for diabetic wound management.
studied. Glucose oxidase (GO) and This system controls the glucose and
peroxidase (POD) were loaded into reactive oxygen level at the wound site
the hydrogel and analysed its release and promote wound healing in vitro.
profile. The production of H2O2 and Keywords: Alginate, Glucose oxidase,
lowering of glucose were monitored. peroxidase, Diabetic wound
34th Kerala Science Congress 335

Health Sciences

Is Kerala Treating Its Migrant Labourers Well?

Shifa J. and Mini Joseph
Research Scholar, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Department of Home Science, Government College for Women,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: A large population of then analysed using IBM SPSS Statis-

migrants work in sectors demanding tics. The mean and standard deviation,
heavy physical labour. Such exertion T- test and ANOVA were performed.
needs to be supplemented with good Results: The data revealed that the
food, good hygiene, and rest. Since majority of the migrant labourers were
these factors are in short supply, from West Bengal, between 18 and 27
migrant labourers are always under years (62%), receiving wages up to
the shadow of health and nutritional ₹10000 – ₹15000 per month (52%). For
problems. The objective of this study knowledge, attitude and practice, a
was to assess the socioeconomic positive change was observed imme-
aspects, the influence of conducting diately after the sessions. The scores
nutritional education sessions on after one and three months indicated
nutritional awareness and personal that the level of retention reduced with
hygiene and the nutrient intake of time, indicating the need for providing
migrant labourers. regular awareness sessions. The data
Methods: The study was conducted also revealed that the intake of the
on hundred migrant labourers in macronutrients was above the respec-
the Thiruvananthapuram district in tive Recommended Dietary Allowance
Kerala. The data was obtained using (National Institute of Nutrition 2020)
a standardised interview schedule. To values. The total calories contributed
test the knowledge, attitude and prac- by these nutrients was satisfactory.
tice, a set of questions were developed, Meanwhile, the micronutrients intake
validated and used to record data. was below the respective RDA levels.
Sessions were conducted for the target Conclusion: Since migrant labourers
group to improve their awareness. are a significant economic force, their
Their nutrient intake was recorded health and well-being would influence
using a three day 24-hour dietary the local economy and people. By
recall method. The data obtained was giving proper awareness on various
336 34th Kerala Science Congress

nutritional aspects, positive changes Keywords: migrant labourers, mac-

could be brought up on the food con- ronutrients, micronutrients, nutrient
intake, knowledge, attitude, practice,
sumption pattern, thereby improving
retention, nutritional awareness,
their health. hygiene


Yoga Reduces Hypercholesterolemia by Down Regulating

Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Immunophilins
Sangeetha Vijay1,2*, Nivya1, Surya Ramachandran2 and M. Radhakrishna Pillai 1
SAGENOME Private Limited, BioNest Biotechnology Incubator, Start Up Village,
Kalameserry, Kochi, Kerala, India
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Introduction: Cyclophilin A (CyPA) and therapeutic outcomes of yoga on

is a proinflammatory immunophilin, cardiovascular diseases and its risk
abundantly expressed in activated factors, the scientific basis of these
macrophages, endothelial cells and claims has not been evaluated.
vascular smooth muscle cells. CyPA
is known to mediate atherogenesis
To study the influence of yogic inter-
by inducing endothelial dysfunction,
vention on cholesterol levels
inflammation in vessels, the produc-
To understand how yoga improves
tion of foam cells, vascular smooth
biochemical profile and reduce
muscle cell migration/ proliferation
clinical risk factors of atheroscle-
and weakening of plaque stability.
Plasma CyPA levels have been
To study the influence of yogic
reported to be increased in patients
intervention on atheroscle-
with vascular inflammation. Yoga is
rotic and pro-inflammatory
a popular form of complementary
and alternative medicine, compris-
ing Asanas (postures), Pranayama Methods: Apparently healthy individ-
(breathing exercises) and Dhyana uals (n=45) were recruited for a yoga
(meditation). Although there is con- intervention study for 90 days. Based
siderable evidence on the preventive on their lipid profile, the subjects were
34th Kerala Science Congress 337

Health Sciences
grouped into hypercholesterolemic YI as a medium for comparison.
(≥200) and normocholesterolemic
Results: Yoga intervention group
(<200). Individuals were subjected
showed a significant downregulation
to yoga exercise for 5 days/ week (YI
in the expression of CyPA compared
group). A control group without any
to the control group in addition to
yoga intervention (NYI group) was
other key pro-inflammatory markers.
also included in the study. Parameters
Also, YI group showed reduction in
such as body mass composition, waist
several risk factors of cardiovascular
circumference, blood pressure, ran-
diseases such as waist circumference,
dom blood sugar, HbA1C, lipid profile
and cyclophilin A levels were anal- blood pressure, blood sugar and lipid
ysed. Changes in the gene expression profile.
levels of hypercholesterolemia related Conclusions: We conclude that yoga
gene markers (LDLR, PCSK9), cyto- reduces pro-inflammatory conditions
kine and pro-inflammatory markers in plasma of hypercholesterolemic
(NRF2, IL-1, TNF-alpha, Cyclophilin individuals by decreasing expression
A) and adipocyte differentiator gene
of immunophilin CyPA and thus
(PPARG) was analysed before and
reducing its circulatory levels.
after the intervention. Serum levels
of major inflammatory markers like Keywords: TNF alpha, CYP A, YOGA,
TNF-α and Cyp A were analysed. Inflammation, proinflammatory mark-
Analyses were done before and after ers, gene expression


Immunohistochemical Profiling of p53 Mutation Status:

A Propitious Approach for TNBC Prognostication
Asha Lekshmi*, Jagathnath Krishna K.M., Thara Somanathan, T.R. Santhosh Kumar,
Beela Sara Mathew, Rajeev K.R., Anoop T.M., Paul Augustine, Arun Peter Mathew,
Kurian Cherian, Rexeena V. Bhargavan and K. Sujathan
Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India – 695011

Background: TP53 gene encoding is often correlated with enhanced

the tumor suppressor protein, p53 is aggressiveness and worse overall sur-
reported to be the most frequently vival. However, recent researches sug-
mutated gene in human neoplasia, gest that in breast cancer the incidence
including breast cancer. p53 mutation of mutation hinges on the molecular
338 34th Kerala Science Congress

subtype of the disease. Based on this nificant variation in survival between

conception, mutant p53 may perhaps the different expression groups.
be anticipated to be a biomarker for Overexpression of the p53 protein is
breast cancer, especially for the cryptic reported to be the result of mutations
TNBC (Triple Negative Breast cancer) of the TP53 gene. p53 mutation anal-
subtype. ysis using genome sequencing could
supplement the immunohistochem-
Methods: The study was planned as a
istry data.
cross-sectional one with 551 randomly
selected breast cancer tissue samples. Conclusion: Even though hetero-
The clinical and histopathological geneous, p53 is mutated in up to
parameters of the patients were 80% of the TNBC patients. TP53
reviewed for their effects on clinical mutation status and gene-expression
outcomes using univariate/multivar- are imperative survival markers of
iate Cox regression. Protein expression TNBC, and these molecular markers
patterns and mutational status was may provide prognostic information
analysed. that harmonizes the clinical variables.
The development of a novel integrated
Results: Heterogeneous overexpres-
prognostic model that includes TP53
sion in p53 protein levels was detected
mutation and gene expression groups
among the TNBC samples. Both
could be expedient in the choosing of
univariate and multivariate analysis
showed that TP53 expression levels
were significant predictors of breast Keywords: TNBC prognostication,
cancer survival and prognosis. The p53 mutation, immunohistochemical
Kaplan-Meier plot illustrated a sig- scoring, targeted therapy


Telomere Independent Nuclear and Mitochondrial Functions

of Human Telomerase (h TERT) in the Regulation of
Cell Cycle and Cell Death
Aparna G.J., T.R. Santhosh Kumar and M.Radhakrishna Pillai
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695014

Background: Cancer is a mul- characterised by broad molecular

tifactorial causative disorder signatures. The important hallmark
34th Kerala Science Congress 339

Health Sciences
of cancer immortality is the telomere oxidation or permeabilisation or it
length maintenance mechanisms of is protective in nature.
the cell. The human telomerase is
the rate-limiting factor contributing Method: Usually, telomere length
to telomere length maintenance shortening is a slow process. A
subsequent to its reactivation during challenge in dissecting telomere
transformation. Interestingly, recent dependent and independent cancer
studies have shown that the catalytic progression events is the lack of a
subunit of human telomerase, hTERT, model system that supports the long
is involved in various non- telomere time fate of the cell with respect to
the telomere targeting. To understand
related functions such as regulation
this telomere independent nuclear and
of gene expression, interaction with
mitochondrial functions of human
growth factors, and cell proliferation.
telomerase, real-time time analysis of
Even though several studies have mitochondrial oxidation and telomer-
identified the potential involvement ase translocation have to be studied
of telomerase in the tumorigenesis in cells after shRNA silencing and
process, complex diversifying mech- overexpression of telomerase.
anisms and the interacting partners Results: Overexpression of TERT
that govern diverging functions such show alteration in cellular ROS levels
as apoptosis inhibition, invasion, and desity of lysosome and mitochon-
and redox regulation by telomerase dria.
is not well defined. Recent studies
have shown that during diverse stress Conclusions: hTERT in mitochondria
conditions, telomerase undergoes have a crucial role in the cell cycle, cell
mitochondrial translocation. The death and Redox regulation.
implication of this translocation to cell
Keywords: Human telomerase
death is yet to ascertain. It is unclear
reverse transcriptase (hTERT), Cell
whether mitochondrial transloca-
death, Cancer, Telomere.
tion is signalling for mitochondrial
340 34th Kerala Science Congress


Wound healing and tissue regeneration activities by

Thottea siliquosa leaf essential oil and its nanoparticles
Greeshma BN#a, Anil John Ja, Ajikumaran NSa, Chaithra Pb, Nihila Lb, Meenu MSb, Sreejith PP b,
Sabulal Ba, Gayathri V@a
Presenting author @Corresponding Author
Phytochemistry and Phytopharmacology Division, KSCSTE- Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic
Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695 562
Department of Zoology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695 034

Background: Thottea siliquosa is fin regeneration test in Zebra fish

used in traditional medicine to treat (Danio rerio) with TSLO and TSNP
inflammation, non-healing wounds was carried out. Expression of wound
etc by tribal community of Kerala. healing enhancer genes was studied
They used leaves for steam bath to using RT-PCR
alleviate whole body inflammation
Results: GC-FID and GC-MS anal-
by insect bites Essential oils have low
ysis revealed the presence of 50
shelf life and high volatility. Nano
compounds (99.68%) in TSLO with
encapsulation of essential oil (TSNP)
bicyclogermacrene (29.33%) as the
is an alternative way to circumvent
major compound. The encapsulation
this problem for the development of
efficiency of the nanoparticle is
a stable therapeutic entity.
76.5% with a controlled release of
Method: Leaf of T.siliquosa was hydro- TSLO is 63% in 3 hours. Among the
distilled and characterised by GC-FID tested doses in MTT assay, TSPN at
and GC-MS analysis. TSNP was 5µg/ml dose and above displayed
synthesized using chitosan alginate significant cell proliferation. This
copolymer system and its physical result is in correlation with the results
characterisation was carried out. The obtained from fluorescent microscopy,
keratinocytes (HaCaT) and fibroblast wherein both the TSLO and TSNP (5
cells (L929) were treated with various and 100 µg/ml) showed potent cell
doses of TSLO and TSNP to determine viability in acridine orange-ethidium
the cell proliferation by MTT assay bromide staining. In vitro wound
and fluorescent microscopic evalua- healing was assessed by scratch assay,
tion. In vitro wound healing activity in which TSPN showed significant cell
was assessed by scratch assay. Caudal migration better than TSLO. In caudal
34th Kerala Science Congress 341

Health Sciences
fin regeneration test, TSNP exhibited Conclusion: TSNP is a promising
significant caudal fin regeneration nano-interface for wound healing and
at 5 µg/ml concentration than TSLO tissue regeneration activities.
in 21days treatment. Genes which
Keywords: Thottea siliquosa, Nano-
enhance wound healing like KRT5,
encapsulation, Wound healing, Fin
were expressed.


siRNA and Anti-Neoplastic Agent Tethered Gold

Nanosystem: A Promising in vivo Co-Delivery System for
Breast Cancer Management
Archana MG*, Anusree KS, Reshma PL,Sreelekha T T
Laboratory of Biopharmaceuticals and Nanomedicine, Division of Cancer Research, Regional
Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kearala, India-695011

Background: RNA interference (RNAi) employed for engineering stable gold

based therapeutic  approaches are nanoparticles for the combination
under vibrant scrutinization in cancer therapy of HER2 siRNA along with
management. Small interfering RNA doxorubicin for treating HER2 positive
(siRNA) is an important RNAi tool breast cancer cells.
which is sought to have significant Materials and Methods: PSP-Gold
application in cancer therapy owing to (PG), PSP-Gold-Dox (PGD), HER2
its potential to silence genes involved siRNA-PSP-Gold (HsiPG), siRNA-
in tumour progression. However, PSP-Gold-Dox (HsiPGD) NPs were
encapsulation of siRNA in a safe synthesized via a green chemistry
and efficient nanocarrier is of high approach and characterized using
demand. In order to increase the thera- DLS, TEM, UV Spec, FTIR and gel
peutic efficacy of monotherapy, com- retardation assay. Biocompatibility,
bination therapy arises as a promising in vitro cytotoxicity, cellular uptake,
cancer therapeutic strategy. Herein, apoptotic potential of nanoparticles
a green synthesis approach using and gene expression status were
polysaccharide (PSP001) isolated from evaluated in breast cancer cells. In vivo
the fruit rind of Punica granatum is tumor reduction as well as biodistri-
342 34th Kerala Science Congress

bution analysis was done in xenograft lation of HER2 expression was exposed
breast cancer model in immunocom- via western blot both in vitro as well
promised mice. as in vivo. In vivo anti-tumor potential
evaluation in xenograft breast cancer
Results: HsiPGD NPs underwent so
model revealed the tumor reduction
many physical as well as biological
property of HsiPGD NPs Tumor
characterisations. The results revealed
specific biodistribution was also con-
an appealing biocompatibility,
firmed via both in vivo as well as ex
pH-sensitive cargo release kinetics,
vivo animal imaging.
cytotoxicity as well as competent can-
cer cell internalization profile within Conclusion: In summary, we have suc-
limited span of time. The selective cessfully fabricated a cost effective and
execution of programmed cell death in versatile nanoplatform using novel
HER2 positive breast cancer cell was anti-tumor, polysaccharide PSP001
confirmed with multiple apoptosis for the combinatorial intervention of
studies like Annexin V, Caspase, live siRNA and chemotherapeutic drug
dead staining assays. The extensive facilitating efficacious treatment of
toxicity evaluation of drug loaded NPs HER2 positive breast cancer.
in BALB/c mice also substantiated Keywords: Nanoparticle, polysac-
the efficacy of PGNPs as a safe and charide, siRNA, doxorubicin., breast
efficient vector. Significant downregu- cancer
Health Sciences
Poster Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 345

Health Sciences

Effect of the Anti-Fungal Agent, Fluconazole, on

Reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster
Kelvin Joy and Kannan Vadakkadath Meethal
Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India

Introduction: Gut mycobiota is an ouraud Dextrose Agar for fungus).

important part in an organism’s life.
Results: When the first instar larvae were
Currently there are no studies on
treated with different concentrations of
effect of loss of mycobiota in general
fluconazole and there was no mortality to
on any organism including Drosophila
the treated larvae but the number of pupae
melanogaster. In this study we exposed
in F1 generation in found to be reduced.
Drosophila melanogaster to fluconazole,
The concentration of fluconazole for
anti-fungal agent and examined its
50% pupation in the F1 generation was
effect on development.
found to be 300µg/ml. The MIC ranges
Method: In case of larvae six different were 0.125–≥64 μg/mL for fluconazole.
concentrations of fluconazole (10μg/ml, The average steady state of serum con-
50μg/ml, 100μg/ml, 200μg/ml, 300μg/ centration of a patient treated with 200mg
ml and 500μg/ml) were used for the of fluconazole is 23.9 mg/l. Treatment of
treatment by incorporating in the medium. adult flies with fluconazole resulted in
A control was also kept without fluco- only 53.2% pupation of the larvae. When
nazole. For each experiment 25 larvae the larvae were treated with fluconazole
of different instars were used. In case and the next generation larvae transferred
of adult flies male and female flies were to normal medium, all larvae pupated
counted and transferred to bottles for the indicating that the reduction in pupation
experiment. Fluconazole was feed to the observed is not due to its direct effect
adults by mixing with sugar solution at a on pupation but may be due to reduction
concentration of (300µg / ml). Next day in fecundity or hatchability of the eggs.
they were transferred to normal culture Treated larvae showed 42.3% decrease
medium for egg laying. The treated larvae in fungal population and simultaneous
were surface sterilized and homogenized 27.7% increase in bacterial population
in bicarbonate buffer and centrifuge. The indicating a competitive advantage for
extract was plated in two types of plating the bacteria on reduction of fungi in the
medium one for bacteria (Luria Bertani gut. The observed decrease in pupation
Agar for bacteria and other fungi (Sab- on treatment with fluconazole may be due
346 34th Kerala Science Congress

to decrease in fecundity or hatchability organisms to understand the role of

which needs to be examined. gut fungi. Identification of the fungi
Conclusions: This study indicates and bacteria in the gut of fluconazole
that the alteration in the gut micro treated and control larvae and adults
biota may affect the reproductive are ongoing.
capacity. This is the first report of
effect of fluconazole on the larvae of Keywords: Gut mycobiota, Anti-fun-
Drosophila melanogaster. Studies need gal, Fluconazole, Drosophila melano-
to be conducted in pests and higher gaster


Bioactivity-Guided Isolation of α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase

Inhibitors from Cassia mimosoides L.
A. Muhammed Jasimab and A. Kumaranab
Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR–National Institute for Interdisciplinary Sci-

ence and Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India

Background: Kathaka kadhiradi Methods: Shade-dried aerial parts of

kashayam, is an ayurvedic decoction Cassia mimosoides were extracted with
used to manage diabetes mellitus. Ethanol-water and then partitioned
Cassia mimosoides L. (CM), a member into hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate,
of the family Caesalpiniaceae, is one and water fractions. Based on the α -
of the key ingredients found in the glucosidase and α - amylase inhibitory
formulation that might be responsible activity the ethyl acetate fraction was
for their diabetic application. For sci- found as an active fraction and then
entific validation, the potentiality over subjected to separation and purifica-
diabetic complications was analyzed tion using various chromatography
via in-vitro methods. In the case of techniques, including Sephadex
diabetes, inhibition of dietary carbo- LH-20, silica gel column chromatog-
hydrate hydrolyzing enzymes such as raphy, and Flash chromatography.
alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase Results: Sephadex LH-20 chromato-
is one of the therapeutic strategies graphic separation upon active ethyl
to decrease the postprandial glucose acetate fraction yield a total of 14
levels. fractions. The three fractions (XII, XIII
34th Kerala Science Congress 347

Health Sciences
& XIV) exhibited significantly higher chief ingredient in kathaka kadhiradi
inhibition against α-glucosidase and kashayam for its anti-diabetic effect
α-amylase enzymes. The procyanidin through the α - glucosidase and α -
polymers are the major constituents amylase inhibitory action.
in these fractions and have reported
activity against the same. Keywords: α-glucosidase, α-amylase,
Conclusions: This study substantiates Cassia mimosoides L., Kathaka kadhiradi
the potential use of cassia mimosoides as a kashayam


Determining the Effects of High Glucose on Placental

Glucose Transporters and Insulin Receptors Using
HTR-8/SVneo Cells
Aswathy S1,2 and Surya Ramachandran1
Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Biology
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka

Background: Intrauterine events in first trimester placental cell line

can shape fetal life and influence the (HTR-8/SVneo) in terms of inflamma-
future health of the offspring. Preg- tory markers, oxidative stress and its
nancy is a period in which the fetus association with expression of glucose
develops in an incubation milieu of transporters and insulin receptors.
maternal fuels. These fuels cross from Methods: HTR8SV/neo, the first
the maternal compartment to the fetal trimester placental cell lines was used
environment via the placenta. The pla- for the study. MTT assay was per-
centa regulates the intrauterine envi- formed to determine the cell viability
ronment through fetal programming. of HTR-8/SVneo cells under different
Hyperglycemia is one of the major glucose concentrations (5 mM to 30
risk factor affecting the fetal environ- mM) at 24 hour, 48 hour, and 72 hour.
ment. Any changes in the supply or Concentrations of inflammatory
function in the maternal fuels due to cytokines like TNF alpha, IL-6 was
hyperglycemia influence the fetal life. measured using ELISA kits. Oxidative
In this work we are trying to study stress was measured using catalase
the effects of high glucose condition assay kit. q-RT PCR was performed to
348 34th Kerala Science Congress

determine the mRNA expression of ers and insulin receptors were also
glucose transporter genes like SLC2A1, differentially expressed.
SLC2A3, SLC2A4 and insulin receptor
genes like IRS1, IRS2,INSR. Conclusion: A decrease in the per-
centage cell viability, a significant
Results: We observed a significant
decrease in the percentage cell viabil- difference in the expression of inflam-
ity in HTR8SV/neo cells exposed to matory markers, oxidative stress, glu-
different glucose concentrations. There cose transporters and insulin receptors
was an increase in the concentration of may indicate changes in the placenta
inflammatory cytokine markers TNF due to high glucose conditions which
alpha, and IL-6 in high glucose condi- may reflect on the growth of the fetus.
tions as compared to normal glucose
Keywords: Oxidative stress, Inflam-
conditions. Also, oxidative stress was
mation, Glucose transporters, Insulin
increased in high glucose conditions.
Genes encoding for glucose transport-


Alginate-PEG-Starch Inspired Templates for Guided

Cardiac Tissue Engineering
K. C. Soumya1, 2* and C. O. Joshi**2
Department of Zoology, K.K.T.M Government College (Affiliated to University of Calicut),
Pullut, Kodungallur, Trissur, Kerala, India
Department of Zoology, Christ College (Affiliated to University of Calicut),
Irinjalakuda, Trissur, Kerala, India
*; **

Tissue engineering has been emerged is crucial in determining the biocom-

as a promising treatment modality patibility and biological performance
for cardiac regeneration following of tissue engineering scaffolds. On
myocardial infarction. As the native this juncture, the present study
ECM exists as hydrogel, polymeric aimed to engineer a biocompatible
hydrogel-based templates promise hybrid hydrogel scaffold by the inter-
tissue engineering applications owing penetration and crosslinking of the
to their biomimetic nature. Hence, natural polymers alginate and starch
the choice of co-polymers employed reinforced with the synthetic polymer
34th Kerala Science Congress 349

Health Sciences
PEG to function as the regenerative The hydrogel supported the growth
templates for cardiac regeneration. and survival of H9c2 cardiomyoblasts
FT-IR revealed the functional groups onto the interstices suggesting the
suggesting the presence of alginate, possible biological performance.
starch and PEG segments on the Overall, the findings demonstrated
surface, water dynamics revealed that the reinforced hydrogel system
appreciable water holding capacity exhibits optimum physicochemical
befitting native cardiac ECM, SEM properties, excellent biocompatibility
analysis revealed surface porosity and and appreciable biological perfor-
dynamic contact angle unveiled the mance to support cardiac cell growth
amphiphilic chemistry. The hydrogels
suggesting the promising translational
were biodegradable as evaluated
avenues in regenerative cardiology.
by aging in simulated biological
fluids and the cytocompatibility was Keywords: Cardiac tissue engineering;
assessed with MTT cell viability assay, Hydrogel template; Alginate; Starch;
direct contact assay and live/dead Polyethylene glycol; Regenerative
assay using H9c2 cardiomyoblasts. cardiology.


Salutary Attributes of Probiotic Human Gut Lactobacilli

Dona V. Idicula, Krishnaprasad R. and Sumi Mary George
Research Department of Microbiology, Sree Sankara College, Kalady, Kerala, India

Background:Probiotics are live micro- Methods:Human gut Lactobacilli with

bial feed supplements that beneficially in vitro probiotic properties were
affect the host animal by improving selected for the study. Seven Limosilac-
its intestinal microbial balance. Pro- tobacillus fermentum strains (L1,L3-L8),
biotics with human gut microbiome Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (L9) and
are used as novel therapy for treating Ligilactobacillus salivarius (L10) were
gut associated diseases. Lactobacillus
used in this study.. Salutary proper-
spp. of human origin as probiotics are
ties studied for were β-galactosidase
widely accepted as they are generally
activity, anthelmintic property, anti-in-
recognized as safe (GRAS) organisms.
flammatory property, anti-diabetic
Lactobacillus imparts specific and
effective health benefits to the host and property, cholesterol-assimilation
improves general performance. biofilm formation.
350 34th Kerala Science Congress

Result:All the nine probiotic strains for L8 (51%). L6 (76%) showed strong
showed good results for all the salu- percentage of cholesterol assimilation.
tary properties studied. All the isolates
Conclusion: Among the 9 probiotic
showed the presence of β galactosi-
human gut lactobacillus isolates stud-
dase. They also showed strong biofilm
ied L1, L5, L6, L8 and L9 have shown
formation. The anthelminthic prop-
maximum activity for the salutary
erty differs among the isolates, with
attributes assessed. Hence, these iso-
minimum paralysis time and death
lates can be further studied for their
time for L8. The anti-inflammatory
utility to combat various human gut
property increases with increasing
health issues.
concentration of cell-free supernatant.
Percentage inhibition of α-amylase in Keywords:Human gut, Probiotics,
anti-diabetic study was maximum Lactobacilli, Salutary properties


Genomic Screening of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer;

its Interpretation and Counselling Challenges
Pavithra R.S., Sangeetha Vijay, Anushree Dileep, Geethu.L., Kanchana S.B.
SAGENOME Private Limited, BioNest Biotechnology Incubator, Start Up Village,
Kalameserry, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Women who have inher- advanced next-generation sequencing

ited mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 are (SMSEQTM) platform to sequence 98
at greatly increased risk of developing genes associated with hereditary can-
breast cancer (BC) and ovarian cancer cers with a high degree of analytical
(OC). BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor sensitivity and specificity.
suppressor genes, and tumors from
Results: The proband was clinically
the majority of mutation carriers have
diagnosed for Breast and ovarian
loss of heterozygosity (LOH), with
cancer and the treatment was initiated
loss of the normal allele, so there is no
based on the molecular findings. The
functioning protein.
proband’s genomic report indicated
Met hod: The next-generation her carrier status for one copy (hetero-
sequencing-based test was used for zygous) of a ‘pathogenic’ variant in the
identifying hereditary cancer suscep- BRCA1 gene, which has been shown to
tibility mutations. The test uses an be associated with hereditary breast
34th Kerala Science Congress 351

Health Sciences
and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC) with cancer.
predisposition. While in her daughter Offspring of an individual with a
no pathogenic variant was detected. BRCA1 or BRCA2 germline pathogenic
Conclusion: Genetic counseling: variant have a 50% chance of inheriting
Germline pathogenic variants in the variant. Prenatal testing is possible
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are inherited in an for a pregnancy at increased risk if the
autosomal dominant manner. The vast cancer-predisposing variant in the family
majority of individuals with a BRCA1 is known; however, requests for prena-
or BRCA2 pathogenic variant have tal testing for adult-onset diseases are
inherited it from a parent. However, uncommon and require careful genetic
because of incomplete penetrance, counseling.
variable age of cancer development, Keywords: NGS, tumour suppressor
cancer risk reduction resulting from gene, autosomal dominant inheritance,
prophylactic surgery, or early death, not heterozygosity, BRCA1-BRCA2, HBOC,
all individuals with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variant.
pathogenic variant have a parent affected


In Silico Evaluation of Some Potentially Active Natural

Phytochemicals as Effective Antiviral Agents on
the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro
Sunitha P., Sandhya K. S., Rani J. R. and Achuthsankar S. Nair
Department of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, University of Kerala, Kerala, India

Background: Controlling and defeat- attention. In this study, we explore the

ing the deadly pandemic, COVID 19, is best phytochemical constituents from
the most challenging issue the world is four medicinal herbs (Aegle Marme-
facing today. Currently, no drugs can los, Coleus Amboinicus, Aerva Lanta
be guaranteed of being 100 % effective and Biophytum Sensitivum) for neu-
and side effects are reported for most tralizing SARS-COV-2 Mpro. We also
of the available drugs. Therefore, a highlight a few mechanistic aspects
best strategy is to take options from regarding the interaction between the
natural products and in this context, selected phytochemicals and SARS-
phytochemicals receive considerable COV-2 protease.
352 34th Kerala Science Congress

M e t h o d o l o g y : We c a r r i e d o u t LIPINSKI and ADMET values of

molecular docking trails for 87 chem- well docked aforementioned ligands
ical constituents obtained from Aegle qualify druglikeness and pharmacoki-
Marmelos, Coleus Amboinicus, Aerva netics properties. Moreover, molecular
Lanta and Biophytum Sensitivum dynamics simulation for the best six
for neutralzing SARSCOV2-M pro . systems shows good structural sta-
Molecular docking analysis was per- bility (RMSD and RMSF), consistent
formed using Discovery studio and intermolecular hydrogen bonds, good
binding energy was calculated from solvent accessibility (SASA) and struc-
DOCKTHOR online server. Molecular tural compactness of proteins (Rg).
dynamics was done using GROMACS Conclusions: The phytochemicals
software as implemented in WebGro derived from four popular Indian
server. Compounds were scrutinized herbal plants (Aegle Marmelos,
for their pharmacokinetic properties Coleus Amboinicus, Aerva Lanta and
and toxicity using in-silico method as Biophytum Sensitivum) in the current
implemented in Discovery studio. study are attractive candidates for
fighting SARS-COV-2. Experimental
Results: It is found that, Aegelinosides
studies in this direction will lead do
B, Ervoside, Epoxyaurapten, Epicate-
breakthroughs in this area. To the best
chin, Feruloyltyramine and Marmin
of our awareness, using these phyto-
show a significant binding affinity
chemicals individually or in a mixture
with LibDock score in the range of 120
for steam or inhalation treatment is
kcal/mol to 129 kcal/mol. The best
very attractive.
active compound is Aegelinosides
B, as it shows a high LibDock score Keywords: COVID19, phytochemicals,
energy of 142 kcal/mol and binding Docking, Molecular dynamics, Discov-
energy of -8.54 kcal/mol. Further, ery studio.
Life Sciences
Oral Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 355

Life Sciences

Antimicrobial Peptides from Sin Croaker, Johnius dussumieri

Anju M. V.1, Archana K.1, Ajit Antony2, Adarsh P. P. and Rosamma Philip1
Dept. of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682016
Department of Marine Microbiology and Marine Drugs,
Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682506

Background: Antimicrobial peptides to further purification by FPLC, i.e.

(AMPs) are evolutional weapons, cation exchange chromatography
widely used by animals and plants in employing UNOTM QI (Q1 BioRad)
their innate immune system to fend
column. FPLC active fractions were
off invading microbes. They are small
molecular weight proteins with broad tested for antimicrobial activity by the
spectrum antimicrobial properties liquid growth inhibition assay against
against pathogenic organisms. They Gram positive bacteria like Bacillus
are evolutionarily conserved mol- cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Gram
ecules, which are usually positively negative bacteria Vibrio alginolyticus.
charged. Investigating novel antimi-
crobial peptides from marine organ- Results: The crude peptide sample
isms can provide new insight into the from Johniusdussumieri displayed
immune response of these organisms potential activity against the tested
and a possibility of discovering new microorganisms. Cation exchange
and effective drugs in medicine/aqua- chromatography of 5%, 40% and 80%
culture. The present study is focused
Sep- pak® fraction yielded total 13
on isolation of AMP from Sin croaker,
Johnius dussumieri. fractions. FPLC of 5% Sep-pak fraction
Methods: The crude peptide was yielded 3 fractions (Jd5-1, Jd5-2, Jd5-3),
extracted by modified acetic acid-ac- FPLC of 40% Sep-pak fraction yielded
etone precipitation method and its 6 fractions (Jd40-1,Jd40-2,Jd40-3, Jd40-
activity was tested against bacterial 4, Jd40-5, Jd40-6), FPLC of 80% Sep-
pathogens by disc diffusion assay. The pak fraction yielded 4 fractions(Jd80-1,
peptide extracts were reconstituted in Jd80-2, Jd80-3, Jd80-4). Broth micro-
sterile milliQ .The peptide extracts dilution assay performed using 5%,
were subjected to Sep-Pak purifica- 40% and 80% FPLC fractions exhibited
tion using Sep-pak Rc-18 cartridges inhibition against one or the other
(Waters, USA) and the 5%,40% and pathogenic bacterial strains (Staphylo-
80% Sep-Pak fractions were subjected coccus aureus, Vibrio alginolyticus, and
356 34th Kerala Science Congress

Bacillus cereus) tested. All the 5%, 40% inhabitant of the marine environment
and fractions exceptJd40-2 showed is a potent source of antimicrobial
above 60% inhibition against Bacillus peptides and offers great scope for
cereus. Fraction Jd40-1 showed 100% further studies to explore their role as
of growth inhibition against Vibrio effective curatives in the near future
Keywords: Croaker, Host defense pep-
Conclusion:The study suggest that tides, AMP, Innate immunity, Crude
the croaker Johnius dussumieri, an peptide


Sulfated Polyglucosaminopyranosyl Arabinopyranan from

Seafood Amphioctopus neglectus Attenuates Angiotensin-II
Prompted Cardiac Hypertrophy
Soumya Krishnan1,2 and* Kajal Chakraborty1
Marine Biotechnology Division, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam North
P.O., P.B. No. 1603, Kochi, Kerala, India-682018
Department of Biosciences, Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri, Karnataka, India-574199

Background: Angiotensin converting opyranosyl arabinopyranan was puri-

enzyme (ACE) is a multifunctional fied from the crude polysaccharide of
enzyme involved in translation of Amphioctopus neglectus sequentially
angiotensin-I (AngI) to vasoconstrictor partitioned by anion exchange chro-
angiotensin-II (AngII). The bioactivity matography (DEAE cellulose-52).
of polysaccharides was associated The purified polysaccharide was
with their structural attributes, namely characterized utilising extensive
molecular mass, substitution pattern
spectroscopic methods. Anti-oxidant
and branching, and composition of
and anti-hypertensive activities of the
sugar residues. Cephalopods were
polysaccharide were performed using
recognized as the culinary delicacy in
in-vitro assays. In silico molecular
many cultures and the isolated poly-
docking was performed against ACE-I.
saccharides from octopus possessed
Ex-vivo study was conducted to inhibit
potential anti-hypertensive properties.
cardiac hypertrophy in angiotensin
Method: A sulfated polyglucosamin- induced cardiomyoblast (H9C2) cells.
34th Kerala Science Congress 357

Life Sciences
Results: The polysaccharide exhibited polyglucosaminopyranosyl arabinopy-
potential ACE attenuation property ranan purified from A. neglectus could
(IC50 0.11 mg mL-1), whereas molecular function as a prospective functional
docking simulations displayed its lead against the pathophysiological
efficient binding at the ACE active conditions leading to hypertension.
site with lesser inhibitory constant
(Ki) of 17.36 nM and binding energy Conclusion: The polyglucosamino-
(-10.59 kcal mol-1). The ex-vivo analysis pyranosyl arabinopyranan purified
showed that studied polyglucos- from A. neglectus could be utilized as a
aminopyranosyl arabinopyranan prospective functional lead against the
attenuated AngII prompted cardiac pathophysiological conditions leading
hypertrophy at 50 µg mL-1 the cardio- to hypertension.
myoblast cells, whereas 48 percent
reduction in cellular surface area with Keywords: Amphioctopus neglectus;
extended viability could be correlated sulfated polyglucosaminopyranosyl
with anti-hypertrophic potencies of arabinopyranan; angiotensin-II
the studied polysaccharide. The induced cardiac hypertrophy


Targeting NRF2 Mediated MDR Regulation in Cancer Stem

Cells Using RXRA Agonist Bexarotene
Joby Issac, Midhunaraj K., Pooja S. R.and Ani V. Das
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related resistance in cancer stem cell (CSC)

factor 2 (NRF2) also known as nuclear populations and used its inhibitor to
factor erythroid-derived 2-like 2 elucidate the benefits of NRF2 down-
(NFE2L2) is a basic leucine zipper regulation in cancer stem cells. Initial
(bZIP) protein transcription factor (TF) in silico TF binding analysis showed
which regulates a wide range of genes that NRF2 can bind to upper promoter
involved in anti-oxidant responses, regions of major MDR genes such as
inflammation, aging as well as can- MDR1, MRP1, MRP2 and ABCG2. We
cers. Here, we look at the role of NRF2 found that NRF2 as well as these MDR
in regulating the expression of major proteins were differentially expressed
MDR proteins responsible for chemo- in proliferating and differentiated
358 34th Kerala Science Congress

sub populations of NTERA2 cl.D1 differentiated population. Bexarotene

(NT2) embryonic carcinoma stem is an inhibitor of NRF2 transcription
cell line. The co-expression of NRF2 factor binding to retinoid X receptor
with MDRs was significantly down- alpha (RXRα) gene promoter region
regulated in differentiated population and thereby blocking NRF2 mediated
when compared to the proliferating transcriptional activity. Finally, the
NT2 (NT2P) cells. Next, we found that NRF2 targeted molecule was able to
whether NRF2 directly interacts with sensitize the resilient CSC population
MDR promoters using luciferase as towards chemotherapy by increased
well as chromatin immunoprecipi- cytotoxicity, decreased cancer cell
tation (ChIP) analyses. Interestingly, migration, clonogenicity, tumor
the association of NRF2 with MDR sphere formation and targeting key
promoters was decreased or absent in MDR genes.


In silico Investigation of Anti-Dengue Lead from

Annona reticulata Linn.
Lekshmi R.K., Biju C.K. and Sreekumar S.
Saraswathy Thangavelu Extension Centre of KSCSTE-JNTBGRI, A Research Centre of Univer-
sity of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India – 695586

Background: Dengue fever, one of the to identify bioactive metabolites from

most common viral infections trans- the library of chemical compounds
mitted by mosquitoes is caused by derived from a traditionally important
the dengue virus (DENV). Currently medicinal plant Annona reticulata
there is no clinically approved drugs Linn. through in silico techniques.
or vaccines against dengue. Modern This plant is known for its antipyretic,
medicine seeks to identify the effective anthelmintic, anti-cancer, anti-prolif-
components contained in plants for erative, anti-microbial, antioxidant
the development of medicine. The activity.
identification of new chemical entities Methods: The 3D structure of Human
(NCEs) with the desired medicinal IMPDH-II (pdb Id:1nf7) was retrieved
properties from synthetic or natural from RCSB PDB. Chimera and Aut-
sources is crucial in the discovery of odock Tools was used to prepare the
new drugs. The current study aims structure for screening. The 3D struc-
34th Kerala Science Congress 359

Life Sciences
ture of 60 phytochemicals obtained cal and ADMET properties revealed
from the plant were retrieved from Daucosterol a natural phytosterol as
PubChem database. Virtual screening the lead compound.
was performed using AutoDock Vina.
Conclusion: The study emphasizes
The results were visualized using
the importance of plants as the true
Discovery studio visualizer followed
by the analysis of Druglikeness and source of new chemical compounds
Pharmacokinetic properties. for drug leads. Although the lead
molecule obtained is effective, it’s in
Results: Through molecular docking vitro and in vivo analysis are essential
studies, top five hit molecules were for drug development.
selected based on the least free energy
of binding and molecular interactions. Keywords: Dengue, Phytochemicals ,
Subsequent analysis of physiochemi- Daucosterol, lead, IMPDH-II


Comparative Study of Antimicrobial Activity and

Phytochemical Analysis of Lagenandra toxicaria Dalz. and its
Endophytic Fungus
Pooja Pushkaran and N.S. Pradeep
KSCSTE-Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences,
Calicut, 673014, Kerala, India

Background: Endophytic fungus plant through the production of some

shows high diversification in terres- specific compounds that found in
trial as well as aquatic plants. The its host. The studies reveals that the
endophytic fungus colonization endophytes-plants relationship is
varying in individual plants based mutual and both of them support each
on its environment and climatic other’s in their growth, existence and
conditions. Such fungus have various also in biochemical productions.
activities with antibiotic production, Methods: This work explores the
beneficiary relations to host plant and isolation and characterization of
many antagonistic properties. Some endophytic fungus from the medicinal
of the endophytic fungus shows the aquatic plant, Lagenandra toxicaria and
peculiar characteristics of existing analyze the antimicrobial activity and
360 34th Kerala Science Congress

phytochemical analysis of isolates and in secondary metabolites like steroids,

it’s host plant. glycosides, terpenoids, phenols, etc.
Results: According to t he data Conclusions: This work reveals that
obtained, different types of fungi the ethyl acetate extracts of fungi
with different colony features and and plant showed mostly similar
sporulation were isolated. Some of characterizations in antimicrobial and
the fungal isolates and plant extracts phytochemical analysis.
of ethyl acetate showed antimicrobial
activity against pathogenic microor- Keywords: Lagenandra toxicaria, endo-
ganisms. The phytochemical analysis phytic fungus, morphological study,
has proven that the endophytic fungal secondary metabolites, antimicrobial
extract as well as plant extracts are rich activities, phytochemical studies


Faunal Diversity of Anopheles (Diptera : Culicidae) in North

Malabar and its Possible Role in Malaria Transmission
in the Future.
Vipinya C. and Sumodan P.K.
Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Government College,
Madappally, Vadakara,Kerala, India- 673102

Genus Anopheles is a major group of of North Malabar region of Kerala,

mosquito in Kerala and it includes with special emphasis on malaria
vectors of Malaria. There are six vectors. Larval surveys were carried
species of Anopheles which have out in different habitats of 5 districts
been implicated as primary vectors viz., Kasaragod , Kannur , Kozhikode
of Malaria in India. Though Malaria , Malappuram and Wayanad from
cases are less in Kerala compared to 2019 to 2021. Besides, adults were
other states, sporadic cases are being collected from cattle sheds using hand
reported almost every day. With the collection method. A total of fifteen
presence of malaria vectors, localized Anopheles species were recorded. Out
outbreaks malaria is possible in future. of these An. stephensi, An.culicifacies
This study was planned to investigate and An. subpictus species B are pri-
the species diversity, abundance and mary vector species. Data on malaria
distribution of Anopheles mosquitoes cases from January to November 2021
34th Kerala Science Congress 361

Life Sciences
were obtained from Directorate of indicate the presence of both vectors
Health services, Government of Ker- and parasites, which warrants regular
ala. A total of 111 cases were reported surveillance of both vectors and par-
from these five districts. 3 cases were
asites to prevent future outbreaks of
indigenous malaria (Kasaragod 1,
Wayanad 1, Kozhikode 1). The results


Screening of Marine Diatoms for Hydrocarbons

of Biofuel Significance
Indira K.1 and Valsamma Joseph1
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Biofuels are becoming Cruise 357 (1000m depth) and coral
a viable renewable energy source, yet reef associated diatoms from Lakshad-
technological and biological advance- weep was purified from mixed algal
ments are necessary for sustainable culture collections.12 diatom samples
and economic biofuel production. was selected for study for hydrocarbon
Micro algae-based biodiesel produc- production was mass cultured and
tion has been intensively researched in harvested. The biomass of selected
recent years. However, hydrocarbons diatom species was extracted using
of biofuel significance in algae have n-hexane to get the crude extract. The
been underrepresented in literature. crude extract was fractionated using
Diatoms are key contributors to 500 mg Bonna Agela silica column to
marine primary productivity and get the hydrocarbons and the analysis
ecology and are projected to be critical was done using GC-MS.
contributors in the biofuel industry. Result: Both qualitative and quan-
Though, the biodiversity, chemo diver- titative analysis was performed on
sity and genetic diversity of marine different samples of diatoms for
diatoms are very high, the number of hydrocarbons.
chemically studied diatoms are lower
than any algae. Conclusion: Screening of different
marine diatom samples showed the
Method : Marine diatom samples
presence of hydrocarbons in them.
collected from the west coast of India
Cruise350 (For V Sagar Sampada), Keywords: Hydrocarbons, Biofuel.
362 34th Kerala Science Congress


Cyclophilin A Impairs Efferocytosis and Advances

Atherosclerotic Lesions
Vinitha A.*, Abdul Jaleel and Surya Ramachandran
Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes Biology Lab, Rajiv Gandhi Center for
Biotechnology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Cyclophilin A is as a key employed to decipher the link between

player in progression of atherosclero- cyclophilin A and the known ligand
sis. Cyclophilin A promotes foam cell receptors involved in efferocytosis.
formation and its accumulation and
Results:En face staining revealed a
thereby promotes lesion formation.
significant increase in the lesion area
However, it is unclear how this protein
in HFD fed rabbits accompanied with
contributes to disease. Increased load
increased glucose, cholesterol and
of apoptotic cells and incomplete clear-
proinflammatory cytokine levels. An
ance of these cells together advances
8-fold increase was seen in the number
lesion progression. We speculate here
of apoptotic cells in the lesion area
that cyclophilin A increases apoptotic
of HFD fed NZW rabbits which was
cell load and impairs normal efferocy-
further associated with elevation in
totic mechanisms in macrophages thus
plasma levels of cyclophilin A. Cyclo-
promoting atherosclerosis.
philin A was found to induce macro-
Methods:Using monocytes and New phage apoptosis through mitochon-
Zealand White Rabbits (NZW), we drial membrane potential loss and
analyzed the proapoptotic capability mitochondrial pore transition protein
of cyclophilin A. Aortic lesion forma- (MPTP) opening through caspase 3
tion and apoptosis were studied in activation. We also demonstrated that
NZW which were fed with high fat cyclophilin A impairs efferocytosis
diet (HFD)for 12 weeks. Efferocytosis in apoptotic macrophages and also
efficiency of cyclophilin A primed reducing ABCA1-mediated choles-
macrophages grown in vitro was terol efflux in foam cells derived from
assessed using flow cytometry and macrophages. Cyclophilin A primed
confocal assays. Cholesterol content macrophages had increase in the
in cells was measured using cell-based expression of the do not eat me signal
cholesterol efflux assay. Proteomic CD47 and decrease in the expression
analysis and bioinformatics tools were of eat me signal, calreticulin. Phago-
34th Kerala Science Congress 363

Life Sciences
cytosis was restored on silencing of cholesterol efflux from macrophages,
cyclophilin A in vitro. these effects can amplify other mecha-
nisms of cyclophilin A in accelerating
Conclusion: Altogether our study
the progression of atherosclerosis.
indicate that Cyclophilin A, by its
effects on the expression of CD 47 Keywords: Cyclophilin A, Apoptosis,
and calreticulin impair efferocytosis Efferocytosis, Macrophages, MPTP,
in apoptotic macrophages and leading Caspase 3, CD 47, Calreticulin,
to the progression of atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis, New Zealand White
lesions. Together with its impact on Rabbits.


Rice Straw Ethanol: Evaluation of Pretreatment Method and

the Performance of Low-Cost Commercial Acid Cellulases
Meena Sankar 1,2*, Reshma M. Mathew1,2, Ashok Pandey3 and Rajeev K. Sukumaran1,2
Centre for Biofuels, Microbial Processes and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695019
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India-201002
Centre for Innovation and Translational Research, CSIR-Indian Institute of
Toxicology Research, Lucknow, India-226 001

Background: Rice straw (RS) as a feed BHE, though there are several acid
stock for bioethanol though sustain- cellulases in market which are tech-
able, is challenging due to its relatively nically similar to BHEs but may be
higher recalcitrance compared to deficient in some component enzymes.
similar agro-residues. Major technical Understanding their composition and
challenges in rice straw conversion hydrolysis performance on RS would
are its pretreatment and hydrolysis. enable creating of efficient cocktails
Pretreatment strategies that remove . with improved hydrolytic efficiencies
lignin and allowing better access of Method: Dilute acid and alkali pre-
enzymes to cellulose is essential treatments were performed to evaluate
for efficient hydrolysis. Similarly, their lignin removal efficiency and
hydrolysis efficiency is dependent on the compositional and structural
the type and composition of biomass changes they bring out in the biomass
hydrolyzing enzymes (BHE). Globally to choose the pretreatment strategy.
there are very few manufacturers of Structural characterization of differ-
364 34th Kerala Science Congress

ently pretreated RS was performed idea to develop efficient biomass

using SEM, XPS, XRD, FTIR and pretreatment strategy and to develop
porosity measurement. Thirteen an enzyme cocktail that can specifically
different commercial acid cellulases degrade alkali pretreated rice straw
were evaluated for their efficiency with increased efficiency. Evalua-
in hydrolysis of alkali pretreated RS, tion of 13 commercial acid cellulase
measured as sugar yields. Correlations preparations from the market showed
were drawn on the component enzyme that they had different dosage of
.activity and hydrolysis efficiency individual enzyme components,
Results: Alkali pretreatment removed and hence large differences in their
more lignin, resulted in better expo- saccharification efficiencies. Higher
sure of cellulose fibres and created beta glucosidase content of enzymes
large pores in the biomass compared correlated to better hydrolysis, and
to acid treatment. Lignin redeposition
higher xylanase content augmented
was evident in acid pretreated biomass
the hydrolytic activity presumably
and this could reduce the efficiency
through exposure of cellulose fibres
of hydrolysis through non-specific
due to removal of hemicellulose.
enzyme adsorption, and acting as a
barrier for enzymes to bind cellulose. Keywords: bioethanol, rice straw, pre-
Conclusions: This work gives an treatment, cellulase, enzyme blends
34th Kerala Science Congress 365

Life Sciences

Antibiotic-Active Heterotropic Firmicutes Sheltered

in Seaweeds: Can They Add New Dimensions to
Future Antimicrobial Agents?
Chesvin Varghese1,2,*, Kajal Chakraborty1, Sumayya Asharaf1
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ernakulam North, Kochi, Kerala, India-682018
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India-690525

Background: Emergence of drug-re- Results: B. atrophaeus MW82179 exhib-

sistant bacteria and need for novel iting a zone of inhibition of 30 mm on
antimicrobial agents prompted spot over lawn assay and antioxidant
researchers to look for new environ- activity, was chosen for bioprospecting
ments to develop promising anti-in- studies (GenBank accession number
fective agents. MW82179). Significant anti-infective
activity was observed with bacterial
Methods: Heterotrophic bacteria
organic extract against clinically
associated with seaweeds were iso-
important multidrug resistant patho-
lated and assessed for antimicrobial
gens with MIC 6.25 µg/mL and com-
properties. Further, the selected
parable to the antibiotic agents’ chlor-
bioactive isolate Bacillus atrophaeus
amphenicol and ampicillin. Genes of
SHB2097 was characterized by mor-
type-1 pks (MZ222383, 700 bp) and
phological, biochemical and molecular hybrid nrps/pks (MZ222389, 1000-1400
techniques. Characteristic nrps and bp) of B. atrophaeus MW821482 could
pks-I genes were analyzed by PCR be amplified. The bacterium pos-
amplification other than antimicrobial sessed genes (1000-1400 bp) involved
and hemolytic profiling. Pathogenicity to biosynthesize siderophore-class
was assessed by in vitro hemolytic molecules (MZ222387 and MZ222388).
assay and presence of pore-forming The bacterium displayed susceptibility
non-hemolytic enterotoxin and hemo- to the commercially available antibi-
lysin genes were analyzed. Organic otic agents, and was negative for the
extract B. atrophaeus SHB2097 was pore-forming non-hemolytic hemo-
assessed for antibacterial properties lysin BL (hbl) and enterotoxin (nhe)
toxins, therefore, was not pathogenic.
coupled with siderophore production
potential. Conclusion: The heterotrophic B.
366 34th Kerala Science Congress

atrophaeus SHB2097 could be used heterotroph, Bacillus atrophaeus

to develop potential therapeutic and MW821482, antimicrobial, drug-resis-
biomedical agents. tant pathogens, polyketide synthetase
Keywords: Seaweed-associated


A Review of the Genus Spilomena Shuckard

(Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) with the Description of
Six New Species from India
Tessy Rajan1*, P. Girish Kumar1, P. M. Sureshan1 and C. Binoy2, 3
Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Background: Spilomena Shuckard is a parts of Southern India using yellow

cosmopolitan genus of digger wasps pan traps and Malaise traps. They were
belonging to the family Crabronidae, dried, card mounted and examined
consisting of 91 species worldwide. under LEICA M205 stereozoom micro-
Most species are known from the Pale- scope and imaged with an attached
arctic region followed by the Neotrop- LEICA DFC 500 digital camera. Mea-
ical, Nearctic, Australian, Afrotropical surements were obtained using Leica
and Oriental region. Only two species LAS software (Leica Application Suite
are presently known from India viz., V3.80) and images taken at varying
S. indostana Turner (Maharashtra) and focal depths were stacked using Leica
S. keralaensis Tessy, Sureshan & Girish Auto montage Software. Final illustra-
Kumar (Kerala). Here we revise the tions were improved for contrast and
Indian species, describing and illus- brightness using Adobe® Photoshop®
trating six new species, namely, S. CS5 (Version 12.0 x64) software. The
attenboroughi, S. fulvopleuris, S. reticu- type specimens of the new species are
laris, S. sahyadriensis, S. tsunekii and S. deposited in the ‘National Zoological
tuberculata, all from Southern India. A Collections’ of the Zoological Survey
key to Indian species is provided. The of India, Western Ghat Regional Cen-
differences between new species and tre, Kozhikode, Kerala, India (ZSIK).
their congeners are also examined.
Results: The Indian species of Spilo-
Method: Specimens for the present mena Shuckard are reviewed resulting
study were collected from different in the description of six new species
34th Kerala Science Congress 367

Life Sciences
viz., S. attenboroughi Tessy, Sureshan & Crabronidae has poorly been inves-
Binoy, S. fulvopleuris Tessy, Sureshan & tigated taxonomically in India like
Binoy, S. reticularis Tessy, Sureshan & many other families of Hymenoptera.
Binoy, S. sahyadriensis Tessy, Sureshan Considering the richness of the West-
& Girish Kumar, S. tsunekii Tessy, ern Ghats fauna, many more crabronid
Sureshan & Girish Kumar, and S. species awaits discovery from the
tuberculata Tessy, Sureshan & Girish region. Hence extensive and intensive
Kumar, all from Southern India. A collection efforts are needed to get a
key to Indian species of Spilomena is clear picture of the species diversity.
Keywords. Spilomena, Pemphredon-
Conclusion: The subfamily Pemphre- inae, India, new species, key, review,
doninae coming under the family taxonomy.


Antioxidant Effect of A Glutathione Enriched Polyherbal

Formulation on Experimental Diabetic Model
Sheethal S. and Ratheesh M.
Department of Biochemistry, St. Thomas College, Palai, Kottayam, Kerala, India

Background: Diabetes mellitus is a by a single dose of Streptozotocin

complex and heterogeneous meta- (60mg/kg b.wt) injection through the
bolic disorder which is characterised intra-peritoneum of male Wistar rats.
by hyperglycemia resulting from the For the study, animals were divided
deficiency or resistance of insulin. into four groups, such as normal
There are lots of commonly used control, diabetic control, standard
anti-diabetic agents for the treatment drug and sample treated groups. The
of diabetes, but none of them has antidiabetic activity was determined
a profound effect without any side by evaluating various parameters
effects. Thus, the present study aims like blood glucose level, insulin level,
to evaluate the anti-diabetic effect of a glycated haemoglobin, antioxidants
novel glutathione enriched polyherbal such as SOD, GPx and change in body
formulation on streptozotocin induced weight was also noted.
diabetic model.
Results: Treatment with glutathione
Met hod: Diabetes was induced enriched polyherbal formulation
368 34th Kerala Science Congress

significantly lowers blood glucose Conclusion: The results obtained

levels by stimulating insulin hormone from the present study show that the
production. As a result, it prevents novel glutathione enriched polyherbal
the glycation of haemoglobin. More- formulation has the ability to control
over, the severe oxidative stress was the hyperglycemic condition by main-
reduced by enhancing the antioxidant taining the blood glucose level and
activity of SOD and GPx. Thus, there modulating the oxidative stress and
glycation of biomolecules.
was no weight loss observed in the
sample treated group as compared Keywords: Diabetes, Glutathione,
with diabetic control. Antioxidants, Oxidative stress


Growth Enhancement of Cardamom Upon Root

Colonization by Endophytic Fungus Piriformospora indica
Anjana H. Nath1,2, Anith K. N.1, K. K. Sabu2*
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695522
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695562

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum continued upto 90 days of co-cultivation.

Maton) is an economically valuable spice There was a significant increase (p<0.05)
crop of Kerala. In vitro raised cardamom in the number and length of leaves and
plantlets were co-cultivated with Pirifor- height of the plant in P. indica colonized
mospora indica, an endophytic mycorrhi- plants compared to non-colonized control
za-like fungus. Microscopic observation plant. In addition to this, the expression
and PCR analysis confirmed the presence levels of auxin, nitrate reductase, vegeta-
of P. indica inside the root of cardamom tive storage protein and phosphate trans-
plantlets. Growth parameters of control porter genes were upregulated by 3.45,
and P. indica colonized plantlets were 3.26, 1.62 and 1.19 folds respectively.
observed for three months at an interval Keeping in view of the results obtained,
of 15 days. Various morphological and it can be assumed that the co-cultivation
molecular traits were assessed during with P. indica can improve overall growth
this period. The growth enhancement was of the cardamom plants. The findings
visible after 15 days of co-culture, which obtained from this study can be used as
34th Kerala Science Congress 369

Life Sciences
a foundation for future lines of research conditions.
related to rational improvement of carda- Keywords: Cardamom; Piriformospora
mom plants under different environmental indica; Gene expression; Real-time PCR


Effect of Nutritionally Rich Microalgal Species on Growth,

Survival and Reproduction of Copepod Oithona rigida
Soumya S. Prakash, Mary Jincy P. J, K Thasreefa, Sajeevan T.P., I.S. Bright Singh
and Valsamma Joseph*
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India- 682016

Background: Aquaculture plays a vital vival and reproduction of the copepod

role by offering better nutrition and Oithona rigida. Preliminary morphologi-
source of income to many countries. cal screening was carried out to check
Marine microalgae are nutritionally the compatibility with zooplankton
rich source of proteins, carbohydrates, feeding size followed by molecular
vitamins, antioxidants and polyun- identif ication and biochemical
saturated fatty acids are the natural composition analyses of the selected
food source of larval stages of many microalgae in terms of carbohydrates,
aquaculture organisms, considering proteins, minerals and amino acids.
only few species being used in aqua- The feeding trials were carried out
culture and therefore the development for 12 days and results were observed
of new marine microalgal species is through a stereomicroscope.
essential for fish seed production and
Results: Based on nutritional segre-
the diversification of aquaculture.
gation of selected microalgae in terms
In this context, ten different marine
of carbohydrates, protein, amino
microalgal species have been screened
acids, minerals and feeding trials
for the production of the copepod
with copepod Oithona rigida, new
Oithona rigida.
isolates of marine microalgal species
Method: The work investigated the Nannochloropsis oceanica MACC 24,
effects of ten different marine microal- MACC 26, Nannochloropsis sp. MACC
gal cultures isolated from east and 22, MACC 27 could be identified as
west coast of India on the growth, sur- potential candidates as live feeds in
370 34th Kerala Science Congress

aquaculture. The microalgal species microalgal species MACC 20, Nannochlo-

tested were 2–3-micron size, and bio- ropsis oceanica MACC 22, and MACC
encapsulation of Oithona rigida with 23 could be identified as potential
selected microalgae was accomplished candidates as live feeds for further
for feeding of fish and shellfish larvae.
nutritional analysis and feeding trails
Conclusions: Based on the feeding for fish and shellfish larvae.
trials with the copepod Oithona rigida,
five new isolates of marine microalgal Keywords: Marine microalgae,
species such as Nannochloropsis oceanica Nutritional composition, Feeding trial,
MACC 24 and MACC26 and green Nannochloropsis oceanica


Antimalarial and Antimicrobial Potentials of a Marine

Actinomycete Nocardiopsis synnemataformans MCCB 972
Isolated from an Arctic Fjord.
Namitha R.1, Pratima Vasistha1, Dhaneesha M.1, K.P. Krishnan2 and Sajeevan T. P.1*
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and
Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India
National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Headland Sada, Goa, India- 403804

Background: The role of natural Method: The objective of the work

products in health and medicine was to evaluate the antimalarial
has always been indispensable. This and antimicrobial activities of an
work is aimed to explore the antima- actinomycetes Nocardiopsis synnemata-
larial and antibacterial potential of formans MCCB972. The crude extract
a marine actinomycete Nocardiopsis of Nocardiopsis synnemataformans was
fractionated by silica gel column chro-
synnemataformans MCCB972 isolated
matography and reverse phase HPLC
from high Arctic fjord. The secondary
methods. The in vitro antiplasmodial
metabolites produced by the organism activities were tested against eryth-
is subjected to solvent extraction and rocytic stages of chloroquine (CQ)
fractionation and show significant sensitive (Pf3D7), and CQ resistant
antimalarial and antimicrobial activ- (PfIndo) strains of P. falciparum through
ities. SYBR green I fluorescence Assay. Fur-
34th Kerala Science Congress 371

Life Sciences
thermore, the antimicrobial potential olites having antimalarial activities. In
of pure fractions against selected addition to this Hexane-Ethyl Acetate
pathogenic strains of bacteria was fraction (1:1 ratio v/v) (N2) showed
determined by Kirby-Bauer assay. potent bioactivity against Salmonella
Results: The chromatographic fraction species.
containing Hexane-Ethyl Acetate (1:1
Conclusion: We have isolated and
ratio v/v) (N2) and Ethyl Acetate
identified the actinomycete Nocardi-
(100%) (N3) fractions showed highest
opsis synnemataformans MCCB972 from
anti-plasmodial activities with IC 50:
an Arctic fjord that showed promising
28.6 and 25.5 µg/mL respectively
antimicrobial and antimalarial activi-
against CQ sensitive Pf3D7 strain
ties of good potency along with good
along with good resistance indices
selectivity indices against mammalian
(1.1 and 1.2 respectively) against CQ
cell lines. Such promising finding
resistant PfIndo. Further, cytotoxic
warrants further study, including the
studies were done against HEK293
purification and characterization of
and HUH-7 cell lines for all the frac-
the active compounds and further in
tions and showed that the fractions
vivo assays.
are less toxic to human cell lines. The
selectivity indices revealed that the Keywords: Antimicrobial, Antiplas-
isolate Nocardiopsis synnemataformans modial, Kirby-Bauer assay, Nocardi-
MCCB972 is a potential candidate for opsis synnemataformans, SYBR green I
finding interesting secondary metab- fluorescence Assay.


In vitro Anti-Inflammatory Activities and GC- MS Profiling of

Essential Oil from Thottea siliquosa (Lam.)
Ding Hou, An Ethnomedicinal Plant
Athira M.a, Shaiju P.N.a, Suja S.R.b*
Post Graduate and Research Department of Botany, Fatima Mata National College, Kollam,
Kerala, India-691001
Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacology Division, KSCSTE-JNTBGRI, Thiruvananthapura,
Kerala, India-695562

Background: The use of medicinal problems prevailed from much earlier

plants in the treatment of physical times among the tribes. Thottea siliqu-
372 34th Kerala Science Congress

osa is a plant widely used by the tribal of essential oil from the rhizome were
communities as an indigenous source confirmed by conducting the COX
of medicine. It has higher medicinal and LOX anti-inflammatory studies
value since the roots extracts are with IC50 values 108.09±1.66 µg/ml
claimed to have strong anti-inflamma- and 84.676±1.11 µg/ml respectively.
tory properties. These points towards Headspace GC-MS analysis of T. sili-
a need for analysing the individual quosa rhizome revealed the presence
compounds present in the plant and of anti-inflammatory compounds like
also the anti-inflammatory properties alloaromadendrene and thujopsene.
that are responsible for its medicinal
Conclusion: The essential oil extracted
from the rhizome was found to have
Method: Essential oil was extracted pronounced anti-inf lammator y
from the rhizome of T. siliquosa using properties against RAW 264.7 cells.
a Clevenger apparatus and in vitro Headspace GC-MS profiling of the
anti-inflammatory studies were con- volatile fraction of T. siliquosa enabled
ducted by Cyclooxygenase (COX) and the identification of some of the
Lipoxygenase (LOX) method. Head- anti-inflammatory compounds.
space GC-MS profiling of the rhizome
Keywords: Thottea siliquosa, Cyclooxy-
was conducted inorder to identify the
genase, Lipoxygenase, Anti-inflamma-
volatile constituents of T. siliquosa.
tion, Headspace GC-MS
Results: Anti-inflammatory potentials


Screening and Isolation of Cold Active Lipase Producing

Strain for Biodegradation of Lipid Rich Wastes
Hafsa Kattatheyil, Vishnupriya S., A. A. Mohamed Hatha
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology& Biochemistry, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India-682016

Background: Lipases are subclass of broad substrate specificity, higher

esterases, which catalyze hydrolysis stability with less production costs
of fats. Microbial lipases are widely compared to other sources
used in biotechnological applications Method:This work mainly focused
as well as in the industries due to their on screening and isolation of lipase
34th Kerala Science Congress 373

Life Sciences
producing bacteria for degradation of from dairy effluents respectively. The
lipid rich wastes mainly from oil mills isolate Bacillus cereus I13 produces
and dairy effluents. Lipase producing lipase with activity of 11.42 U/ml on
strains were primarily screened on 4 th day of incubation at 20°C along
tributyrin agar plate based on clear with highest zone of clearance 27mm
zone of hydrolysis. Positive isolates in agar well diffusion plate method.
were screened both qualitatively and
The optimum condition for higher
quantitatively to get most potent iso-
production of lipase was at pH 7.0,
lates. The degradation efficiency of
temperature 20°C, incubation period
lipase producing strain was estimated
96 hr with glucose as carbon source,
in terms of reduction in biological
oxygen demand and lipid content in yeast as nitrogen source and olive oil
oil mill waste and dairy effluents. as substrate.

Results: Primary screening of bacteria Conclusion: The study helps to under-

results in 73 lipase producing strains. stand the cold active lipase enzyme
Out of these,12 isolates were consid- production bacteria Bacillus cereus I13
ered to be pure lipase producers. The from Arctic fjord sediments and can
isolate I13, Bacillus cereus shows higher be used as a potential candidate in
lipase activity and exhibited a clear bioremediation.
zone of hydrolysis. The isolate I13
shows maximum efficiency for bio- Keywords: Cold active enzymes,
degradation of waste water. The I13 psychrophiles, Bacillus cereus, biolog-
lowers biological oxygen demand by ical oxygen demand, dairy effluents,
40.85% from oil mill waste and 38.7% bioremediation.
374 34th Kerala Science Congress


Contact Toxicity and Fumigation Effects of Methanolic

Extracts of Annona squamosa, Syzygium aromaticum and Citrus
aurentifola Against Sitophilus oryzae
Sandra Maria B. and Jeejakumari V. K.
Department of Zoology. University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: Grains are a staple food was taken for the extraction. Phyto-
of majority of people around the chemical screening of extracts were
world. One of the major pests of grains also performed. For contact toxicity
in tropics is the Sitophilus species, studies the test organisms and filter
which causes considerable economic paper treated with the extract was
loss to stored grains. Due to its longer placed in a bottle with airflow. For
residual action and its wide toxicity fumigation studies the test organism
spectrum, synthetic chemical insecti- and the filter paper treated with
cides came to be more popular. Inad- extract was placed in a small bottle
equate, improper, and indiscriminate which was inturn placed in a large
use of synthetic insecticides in crop airtight bottle containing the test
pest management programs through- organism. The mortality was noted
out the world has led to tremendous after 24 hr
damage to the environment as well as
Results: All the three extracts were
affected human health Consider the found to be effective in controlling
harmful, deleterious effect of synthetic rice weevil. In contact toxicity studies
insecticides, the biopesticides obtained Annona squamosa was found to show
from plant sources seems to be devoid highest effect on rice weevil with an
of residue problems and safer In the LC 50 value - 0.6093% followed by
present study contact toxicity and Syzygium aromaticum with LC 50 -
fumigation effects of three plant 5.7721% and Citrus aurantifolia with
extracts Annona squamosa, Syzygium LC 50 - 1.2788%. In fumigation studies
aromaticum and Citrus aurantifolia were also Annona squamosa showed maxi-
tested for their efficacy in controlling mum effect with an LC 50 - 0.1343%
rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae followed by Citrus aurantifolia with LC
50 -0.5814% and Syzygium aromaticum
Method: the extraction was performed
with LC 50 - 0.9746%.
using Soxhlet apparatus. 25g of each
plant powder and 125 ml methanol Conclusions: Considering the dam-
34th Kerala Science Congress 375

Life Sciences
aging effects of synthetic pesticides, world’s most damaging pest Sitophylus
the recent trend is application of oryzae. All these plants extracts were
plant-based products for the control found to be effective in controlling rice
of pests worldwide. The main objec- weevil and capable of causing 100%
tive of the present study was to find
novel methods of pest control utilizing
three plant extracts namely, Annona Keywords: Sitophylus oryzae, Annona
squamosa, Syzygium aromaticum and squamosa, Syzygium aromaticum, Citrus
Citrus aurentifolia against one of the aurentifolia


New Records of Pemphredonid Wasps (Hymenoptera:

Crabronidae) from Kerala with an Updated Checklist
Tessy Rajan and P. Girish Kumar
Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Background: In India, taxonomic data is an unexplored area of research.

is scanty even today on many insect
Method: Different sites of Southern
groups, which are quite significant in
India were surveyed for specimen
preserving the ecological balance and
collection using yellow pan traps and
in maintaining the overall biodiversity
Malaise traps. They were dried, card
of our country. Pemphredonid wasps, mounted and examined under LEICA
also known as aphid wasps, comes M205 stereozoom microscope and
under the family Crabronidae (Hyme- imaged with an attached LEICA DFC
noptera) with over 1000 species world- 500 digital camera. Measurements
wide. They are ecologically important were taken using Leica LAS software
organisms as they are thought to play (Leica Application Suite V3.80)
pivotal roles in ecosystems, as pred- and Leica Auto montage Software
ators and biological control agents. was used for stacking images taken
The subfamily Pemphredoninae, being at varying focal depths. The final
one of the most generalized taxa of illustrations were post-processed for
the family Crabronidae, consists of contrast and brightness using Adobe®
4 extant tribes, 42 genera, and 1173 Photoshop®. The type specimens of
species worldwide. So far only 14 the new species are deposited in the
species are reported from Kerala as it ‘National Zoological Collections’ of
376 34th Kerala Science Congress

the Zoological Survey of India, West- the Pemphredonid wasps from Kerala
ern Ghat Regional Centre, Kozhikode, is presented.
Kerala, India (ZSIK).
Conclusion: The subfamily Pem-
Results: In this paper, three genera
phredoninae coming under t he
belonging to the subfamily Pem-
family Crabronidae has poorly been
phredoninae viz., Psen, Psenulus and
investigated taxonomically in India
Polemistus were studied from Kerala
like many other families of Hyme-
and a total of four species of pemphre-
noptera. Considering the richness of
donid wasps are represented as new
the Western Ghats fauna, many more
records for the fauna of Kerala viz.,
crabronid species awaits discovery
Psen refractus Nurse, 1903, Psenulus
from the region. Hence extensive and
pulcherrimus eburneus van Lith, 1969,
intensive collection efforts are needed
Psenulus annamensis van Lith, 1972 and
for understanding its species diver-
Polemistus fukuitor Tsuneki, 1992. The
sity, species richness, endemism, its
specimens were collected using Mal-
community level interactions and their
aise traps and yellow pan traps during
role in sustaining our ecosystem.
2017-2021. Diagnostic characters of the
newly recorded species are provided. Keywords. Pemphredoninae, India,
In addition, an updated checklist of new record, checklist, taxonomy


Nitela latreille, 1809 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae:

Crabroninae): First Record from India and a New Record
from Kerala State
N.V. Ayisha Mawadda and 2P. Girish kumar
1, 2
Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode, Kerala, India- 673006

Background: The genus Nitela coming (from pusa of Bihar).

under the family Crabronidae and Method: This study is based on the
subfamily Crabroninae is a predatory specimens collected from various
wasp, consisting of 66 species with localities of Kerala mainly by using
two subspecies worldwide. Hitherto, 20-50 numbers of yellow pan traps.
only one species namely, N. collaris The specimens were studied and
Turner have been reported from India photographed with a Leica Stereo
34th Kerala Science Congress 377

Life Sciences
microscope model LEICA M 205A and N. collaris was observed from
with LEICA DFC 500 Camera. All Kerala as a new state record.
the specimens are deposited in the
‘National Zoological Collections’ of Conclusions: Being the predators of
the Western Ghat Regional Centre, aphids, these wasps are important in
Zoological Survey of India, Kozhi- ecolgical pest control. Extensive study
kode. throughout India may reveal several
new species from India.
Results: During our study, species
namely N. domestica Williams was Key words : Digger wasps, New
observed from India as a new record record, Miscophini


First Record of Methocha taprobane Krombein (Hymenoptera:

Tiphiidae: Methochinae) from India
K.P. Hanima Raveendran and P. Girish Kumar
Western Ghat Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673006

Background: The Sri Lankan species, Results: The species Methocha tapro-
Methocha taprobane Krombein, 1982 is bane Krombein, 1982 earlier recorded
newly reported for the fauna of India. from Sri Lanka. Till date, only eight
Diagnostic characters and distribution species are reported from India. Here
are provided. the species is newly recorded from the
Peppara dam site area in the Peppara
Method: The studied specimen is Wild Life Sanctuary of Kerala State.
collected using yellow pan trap and
Conclusion: The species Methocha
then mounted on triangular cards and
taprobane Krombein, 1982, is newly
was examined under LEICA M205A
reported from the Kerala state of
stereozoom microscopes. In Biolog-
India. The species in the genus Metho-
ical point of view, Methocha females
cha are used in the biological control
are wingless, hence the yellow pan of Cicindelid beetles.
traps and pitfall traps are the most
efficient methods for collection of Keywords: Tiphiid wasp, Kerala, New
these insects. record
Life Sciences
Poster Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 381

Life Sciences

Marine Endophytic Actinomycetes as Potential Producers of

Industrially Important Enzymes
Anjali S. Mohan, C. K. Radhakrishnan and Rosamma Philip
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of
Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India-682016

Background: Marine actinobacteria were isolated from t he various

are one of the most efficient groups of mangroves along the Kerala coast by
secondary metabolite producers and are a modified sandwich method, puri-
very important from an industrial point of fied and stocked. The isolates were
view. Many representatives of the order identified using ARDRA and PCR
Actinomycetales are prolific producers based sequencing. The isolates were
of thousands of biologically active sec- screened for 14 microbial enzymes.
ondary metabolites. Actinobacteria from
Results: A total of 63 isolates were
terrestrial sources have been studied
obtained and identified. Out of 63
and screened since the 1950s, for many
isolates all of them produced amylase,
important antibiotics, anticancer, anti-tu-
protease and lipase, 34% tyrosinase,
mour and immunosuppressive agents.
31% e Ligninase, 26% Asparaginase,
They are efficient producers of new
22% DNAase, 20% glutaminase, 17%
secondary metabolites that show a range
cellulase, 8% Chitinase,11% were
of biological activities including antibac-
phosphatase and 2% Laccas .
terial, antifungal, anticancer, antitumor,
cytotoxic, cytostatic, anti-inflammatory, Conclusion: This work reveals the
anti-parasitic, anti-malaria, antiviral, potential actinomycetes associated
antioxidant, anti-angiogenesis, etc. Present with mangroves and shows that endo-
study focuses on the isolation of endo- phytic actinomycetes are a potential
phytic actinomycetes from mangroves resource for commercially important
along Kerala coast and screening them enzymes.
for production of industrially important Keywords: Mangrove endophytes,
enzymes. Endophytic actinomycetes, Microbial
Methods: Endophytic actinomycetes enzymes, ARDRA, PCR

382 34th Kerala Science Congress


Bioactive Potential of Endophytic Fungi from Marine Sea-

grass Thalassia hemprichii of Lakshadweep Islands
Dhanya Kesavan and Rosamma Philip*
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine sciences,
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Fine Arts avenue, Kochi, Kerala, India.

Background: Seagrass, the submerged screening using Kirby–Bauer Disc Diffu-

marine angiosperm monocotyledon plants sion Test (1966) and hydrolytic enzyme
occupy the continents except the Antarc- production to identify the potent strains.
tica. Being the primary producers, they
Results and Discussion: Out of 30
also play a significant role in the physical,
isolates 17 were found to show broad
chemical and biologicals effects of the
spectrum antibiotic activity against 13
habitats near the shore coastal ecosystems.
pathogens and hydrolytic enzyme pro-
Endophytic fungi dwelling in different
duction was also high among the isolates.
tissues of heathy seagrass often produce
substances that not only protect the host Conclusion: The isolates revealed to pos-
plants but also enhance the growth rate. sess antagonist activity which shows that
They have claimed medicinal properties endophytic fungi isolated from marine sea
and are capable of producing bioactive grass Thalassia hemprichii is a promising
metabolites with anticancer, antibacterial, candidate and may provide scope for new
antifungal and enzyme activities. The drug discovery.
present study reports on the isolation of Reference
the endophytic fungi from marine seagrass
Punginelli, D., Vazzana, M., Mauro, M., Cata-
Thalassia hemprichii, its broad-spectrum
nia, V., Arizza, V., & Schillaci, D. (2021,
antimicrobial activity and enzymatic
April). Antimicrobial Activity from Poly-
peptide-Rich Extracts of The Seagrass
Materials and Methods: Marine seagrass Posidonia Oceanica. In 93° CONGRESSO
Thalassia hemprichii was collected from NAZIONALE-SOCIETA’ITALIANA DI
the Islands of Lakshadweep (Kalpeni). BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE. IT.
Endophytic fungi were isolated from
Kumaresan V & Suryanarayanan TS. (2008).
tissues of different parts of sample (2)
Mycology Research 105, 1388-1391.
(3). The frequency of fungal endophytes
within the plant species was calculated by Jirayu B, Soulwalak P, Vatcharin R & Juriya S
Fischer and Petrini (1998) method. The (2008). World Journal of Microbiology
isolates were subjected for antimicrobial and Biotechnology, 27, 3005-3008.
34th Kerala Science Congress 383

Life Sciences

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Trichopus zeylanicus subsp. tra-

vancoricus Accessions Using SCoT Markers
Angala M., Geethalakshmi C., Anto M., Siju S., Sabu K.K. and Anilkumar C.*
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - 695562

Trichopus zeylanicus subsp. travanco- phic bands ranged from 9 (SCoT35)

ricus Burkill ex K. Narayanan, is an to 17 (SCoT28) with average 13.2 per
ethnomedicinal plant used by Kani primers. Percentage of polymorphism
tribes of Kerala, India. In India, the ranged from 81 to 100 with an average
plant is endemic to southern Western polymorphism of 93.7% across all
Ghats with a restricted distribution in accessions. The genetic distance is
Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In this study, calculated by used by NTSYS-pc ver-
the genetic diversity of 30 accessions sion 2.02i software, highest value was
collected from Kerala and Tamil Nadu found to be 1.00 and lowest value was
states of India was assessed using 0.20. The average value was 0.61. By
SCoT markers. Among the 19 primers using clustering method (Sequential
used for screening the accessions, 4 Agglomerative Hierarchical Nesting
primers could generate unambiguous (SAHN) based Unweighted Pair-
and reproducible bands. These four Group Method with Arithmetic Mean
primers generated a total of 56 bands, (UPGM) the dendrogram grouped
with a mean of 13 bands per primer. 30 accessions into ten clusters, with
The polymorphic ratio of 81% to 100 similarity ranged from 0.73 to 0.95.
%, with an average polymorphism This is first report of genetic diversity
of 93.7% was revealed across all work in Trichopus zeylanicus subsp.
accessions. A total of 56 bands were travancoricus.
detected among 30 accessions using Keywords: Arogyapacha, Ethnomed-
4 SCoT markers out of which 53 were icine, Traditional Knowledge, Kani
polymorphic. Number of polymor- tribe
384 34th Kerala Science Congress


Genome-Wide Analysis of Clinical Staphylococcus aureus

Isolate Reveals the Presence of a Strain-Specific Integrated
Resistance Plasmid with Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Jiffy John1, 2, Narendrakumar L., Sabu Thomas1, and Shijulal Nelson-Sathi1, *
Computational Biology Laboratory, Interdisciplinary Biology, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for
Biotechnology (RGCB), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India

Antibiotics are powerful medicines otic resistance mechanisms that would

that fight against human morbidity form the scientific basis for designing
and mortality. However, the extensive strategies to combat AMR. To further
and inappropriate use of antibiotics unravel the genetic variability and
is the main incentive for the selection resistance evolution of MRSA clones
of resistant bacterial populations. in India, in this study we are using
Bacterial adaptive evolution has been whole genome sequencing and com-
so effective that antibiotics are almost parative genomics. Here, we obtained
useless in treating such infectious dis- a complete genomic DNA of S. aureus
eases. As a result, antibiotic resistance isolate belonging to ST672 (designated
is widely considered to be the next as S. aureus S145), which carry some
global silent pandemic as treatment of rare mobile pathogenicity islands with
disease becomes more costly and bur- antibiotic resistance genes. The hybrid
densome. Methicillin-resistant Staphy- genome sequence analysis of multi-
lococcus aureus (MRSA) epidemiology drug resistant S. aureus S145 isolate
has undergone tremendous changes with SCCmec-IV 2B was found to con-
and the resistance and virulence prop- tain a circular genome of 27,79,733 bp
erties are increasing at an alarming with a GC content of 32.8% with 2,537
rate especially in India. But the main protein-coding genes. We identified 94
issue is the lack of sufficient research genes associated with antimicrobial
and paucity of data that not only ham- resistance and 79 genes encoding puta-
pers the estimation of the exact rise tive virulence associated products.
and extent of AMR in India but also From gene distribution pattern and
prevents a nation-wide comparison. In genomic linkage analysis of coding
this direction, this study aims towards sequences revealed that, this isolate
a better understanding of the antibi- carries a strain-specific integrated
34th Kerala Science Congress 385

Life Sciences
resistance plasmid (IRP) like element Antibiotic resistance genes flanked by
consists of antibiotic resistance genes transposition elements, suggest that
include the aminoglycoside cluster the S. aureus isolates are more prone to
aphA3-sat4-aadE as well as macrolide accommodate more unique resistant
efflux genes msrA and mphC flanked genes in their genome, further making
by transposition and repeat elements. them a multi-drug resistant strain.


Phenology, Seed Development and Seed Storage in Mesua

ferrea L., a Medicinal Tree of Indo-Malayan Region
Mithun Venugopal*1, Pradeep N.S1., Krishnan P.N1,2
KSCSTE-Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences,
Kozhikode, Kerala, India 673 014
Present address: Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action (CISSA), T.C. 15/510,
USRA -55, Udarasiromani Road, Thiruvananthapura, Kerala, India-695 010

Background: In M. ferrea L. the seeds Methods: This work reveals the phenolog-
are desiccation sensitive and lose viability ical sequences, calculated the reproductive
within a short period. In natural condition efficiency, analyzed the seed development
seeds lose moisture content at faster rate stages, tested the seed storage and viability
and they are become non-viable with in a of the seeds in 5 different storage condi-
period of 8 days. Though here, we have tions.
standardized a conventional technique Results: There was a slight variation in
whereby the viability of the seeds can be leaf and flower flushing among the two
extended to 150-180 days by storing the populations, further fruit/seed develop-
seeds in polycarbonate bottles at 10°C. ment did not show significant variation.
The flowering process, seed formation, Pollinating agents were also been identi-
maturation, seed germination and estab- fied. After pollination seed development
lishment are critical phases in the life was initiated with an increase in seed
cycle of any plant which are highly spe- moisture content and fresh seed and dry
cific to the environmental factors. So, the weight. The moisture content started
present study deals about the phenology decreasing 60 days after anthesis and
sequences, seed set, seed development in recorded 44.58% by 160 DAA. Seeds of
two populations of Mesua ferrea L. are M. ferrea are recalcitrant in nature and
evaluated. lose viability with a short span 8-15 days.
386 34th Kerala Science Congress

Of the different conventional methods in the leafing and flowering pattern and
tried using the polycarbonate bottle and seed setting. Standardized a conventional
bags, M. ferrea seeds retained viability for technique whereby the viability of the
150 days with a slow moisture loss from seeds can be extended to 150-180 days
the seeds stored in closed polycarbonate without much expenses by storing the
bottles at 10 °C. seeds in closed polycarbonate bottles at
10 °C.
Conclusions: Leafing and flowering phe-
nology of M. ferrea recorded difference Keywords: Mesua ferrea, Phenology,
in both the sites indicate that the rainfall, Seed development, Germination, Seed
temperature and daylight had an influence storage.


Hidden Mycobiont of Mangrove, Avicennia officinalis as a

Source of Anticancer Enzyme L-Asparaginase
Neema Job, Ashly Augustine, Nevin K.G.
Centre for Bioactive Compounds from Marine Organisms, Kerala University of Fisheries and
Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala, India-682506

Background: Search for novel bioac- enzyme L-asparaginase, used as an

tive molecules is being focussed on anti-leukemic and anti-lymphocytic
marine bioresources and mangroves agent.
are considered as potential candidates,
Material and methods: Indian man-
having been an important source of
s Avicennia officinali , one of the
traditional medicines for coastal pop-
major mangrove species of the Kerala
ulations. Major studies on endophytic
coast was selected for the current
fungi include screening for second-
study for the isolation of endophytic
ary metabolites, and commercially
fungi. A polyphasic approach based
valuable enzymes have gained much
attention. Not many have explored on colony characteristics, spore
the endophytic fungi as a biotechno- morphology and molecular methods
logical source of industrially relevant were used to identify the endophytes.
enzymes; they remain as a relatively Isolation of DNA, amplification of
unexplored resource. Hence this study ITS region, followed by restriction
focused on mangrove-derived endo- fragment analysis study (ARDRA)
phytic fungi as a source of therapeutic and sequencing of the representative
34th Kerala Science Congress 387

Life Sciences
strains helped to identify the isolates AO6 (Phaeophleospora eucalypticola)
up to species level. The ability of the were selected for further quantitative
fungi to produce glutaminase free, estimation. Crude extracts of AO2
L-asparaginase were screened using (Cladosporium cladosporioides) that
MCD agar supplemented with phenol yielded 5 U/ml L-asparaginase were
red and BTB.positive isolates were further purified and dialyzed for
selected for quantitative estimation, characterization. The homogeneity
followed by partial purification and and molecular weight of purified
dialysis. The molecular mass of the asparaginase were analyzed by SDS
purified enzyme was estimated using PAGE and found to be approximately
SDS PAGE analysis. 65 kDa. This study showed that gluta-
minase-free asparaginase purified to
Results: A total of 150 endophytic
apparent homogeneity may be used as
fungal isolates were isolated from Avi-
scennia officinali . These fungi included an anticancer molecule with minimum
Colletotrichum, Phyllosticta, Cladospo- side effects.
rium, and Phaeophleospora species. Conclusion:The present study is
These endosymbionts were found to aimed to characterize, and purify
be an active source of L-asparaginase. pharmaceutically important anti-
Only few isolates showed glutaminase cancer enzyme L-asparaginase. The
free L-asparaginase activity. All the L-asparaginase from these halophilic
isolates were screened for L-aspar- organisms may be useful in the treat-
aginase production using Modified ment of hypersensitive patients. Based
Czapex Dox’s using phenol red and
on the current study, it was found that
BTB as indicators. Isolates that showed
several species of this ecological group
prominent zone index, AO1 and
of fungi isolated from mangroves are
AO3 (Cladosporium sphaerospermum),
an excellent source of L-asparaginase.
AO2 (Cladosporium cladosporioides),
AO4 (Phyllosticta capitalensis), AO5 Keywords: Mangrove, Endophytic
(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides), and fungi, L-asparaginase, Anticancer
388 34th Kerala Science Congress


Global Climate Change Poses a Threat of Malaria

Transmission in Coastal Kerala, India
Shamna A. K. and Sumodan P. K.
Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Government College,
Madappally, Vadalara, Kerala, India-673102

Kerala has a long history of Malaria. with an extensive coast line of 590 km.
Till its official eradication using Global warming is predicted to raise
DDT in 1965, malaria was restricted to the sea level, leading to an increase
the eastern foothill areas of the state. in saline and brackish water bodies
The vector species incriminated was in coastal areas. This can increase the
Anopheles fluviatilis. However, post saline water habitats in the state and
eradication, occasional outbreaks were increase in the salinity tolerant vectors
reported from the coastal areas with like Anopheles subpictus B. Similarly,
Anopheles stephensi as the vector. there is also a possibility of the inva-
Major breeding habitats of Anopheles sion of the notorious salinity tolerant
stephensi are wells, Over Head Tanks, vector species Anopheles sundaicus
containers and similar man-made hab- in these habitats. The ultimate result
itats. In the present study Anopheles of these developments would be the
subpictus B, an efficient vector of emergence of a new paradigm of
Malaria, has been found breeding in malaria in the state. Thus strategies to
saline water habitats in the coastal stall such a malaria paradigm has to be
village Kadalundi of Kozhikode initiated right now involving regular
district. The salinity of water ranged vector surveys in the brackish water
from 20-32 ppt. Kerala is a coastal state habitats in the state.
34th Kerala Science Congress 389

Life Sciences

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Merremia

vitifolia (Burm F.) Hallier (Convolvulaceae) Leaf Extract;
Comparing the Effectiveness of Larvicidal Activity on
N-Hexane Extract Against Aedes albopictus L.
(Diptera: Culicidae)
V. Rinshidha1*, P. Nimisha1 and Shibu Anand 2
PG Department of Zoology, PSMO College, Tirurangadi, Kerala, India- 676 306
Department of Zoology, University of Calicut, Kerala, India

Introduction: The present study has 0.047 with in 40nm. Maximum larval
attempted to make the larvicidal activ- death percentage is 96.33± 0.32 per-
ity of hexane solvent of the invasive centage mortality occurred at 280ppm.
weed Merremia vitifolia (Burmann.f) Silver coated nanoparticles of M. viti-
Hallier f. extract. It may be of great folia were tested for larvicidal activity
biocontrol value in the context of and the least mortality is observed in
integrated vector control management 0.01μg/mL having 33.3% mortality.
Maximum mortality were observed
Method: Potential antioxidant mole-
in 0.05μg/mL concentration having
cules in M. vitifolia were analysed and
94.2% mortality.
antioxidant activity is determined by
DPPH radical scavenging assay (Des- Conclusion: The results indicated that
marchelier et al., 2008) after n-hexane the plant extract have a significant anti-
plant extract is prepared. Synthesis of oxidant activity and larvicidal effect
silver nanoparticle is done. Toxicity on A. albopictus. The silver coated M.
assay is done on third instar larvae of vitifolia nanoparticles shown greater
A. albopictus. LC50 value is estimated potential in lower concentration
along with sub lethal toxicity and than n-hexane extract of M. Vitifolia.
statistical analysis were done. Maximum mortality were observed in
Results: The M. vitifolia leaf n-hexane 0.05μg/mL concentration. 94.2% mor-
extract was prepared from 20g of pow- tality. The least mortality is observed
dered sample and yielded1.7598g. The in 0.01μg/mL. 33.3% mortality is seen
least percentage mortality is 26.67± in 0.01μg/mL
390 34th Kerala Science Congress


Modulation of Microbial Virulence by Activated

Furan Compounds
Jayalekshmi H., Ajmal Sadik, Sobha V. Nair
Amrita School of Biotechnology, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala, India

Background: Opportunistic patho- anti- virulent effect on violacein pro-

gens like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, duction in C. violaceum, biofilm forma-
Chromobacterium violaceum and Can- tion, pigments, motility and elastase
dida albicans are known to produce activity in P. aeruginosa and germ tube
virulence factors and form intractable formation of C. albicans. Anti infective
biofilms which are key confront for properties of the test compounds were
the management of infections. Recent confirmed by using an in vivo model
research focuses on discovering novel Caenorhabditis elegans. To understand
targets to combat drug resistance. the mechanism of anti-virulent prop-
Compounds which reduce virulence erties, gene expression studies and in
without killing the microbes are a silico docking analysis were used. To
promising strategy as it does not study the anti- virulent properties in
impose high selective pressure for the C. albicans germ tube formation was
development of resistance. Furan is assessed.
an essential part of pharmacological
Result: In C. violaceum, MAF and BAF
building blocks, used in the synthesis
at sub-MIC concentrations exhibited
of pharmaceuticals. Keeping in view
significant inhibitory activity in
of its pharmacological importance,
violacein pigment production and
the present study investigated the anti
biofilm formation. Further, in P.
virulent properties of Meldrum acid
aeruginosa inhibition of virulence
and Barbituric acid activated Furans
factors including motility, biofilm
(MAF and BAF) against C. violaceum,
formation, pyocyanin production and
P. aeruginosa and C. albicans.
elastase B activity were observed. In
Methods:This work explore to test vivo studies demonstrated that MAF
the inhibitory effect of MAF and BAF improved the survival of C. elegans
on virulent traits of C. violaceum, P. infected with P. aeruginosa, established
aeruginosa and C. albicans. MAF and the anti-infective role in a whole
BAF were synthesised as previously animal model of pathogenesis. Gene
described methods and checked its expression studies of lasI, rhlI and pqs
34th Kerala Science Congress 391

Life Sciences
A genes which are involved in quorum Conclusion: Results of the study sug-
sensing regulatory circuit were down gest that furan activated compounds
regulated in the presence of MAF. In could serve as a promising strategy in
silico studies further established that the management of microbial infec-
MAF competitively binding with the
quorum sensing receptor molecules
of C. violaceum and P. aeruginosa. MAF Key words: Virulence, Activated
significantly reduces the germ tube furan, C.violaceum, P. aeruginosa, C.
formation of C. albicans – a potential albicans
pathogenicity feature of this fungus.


Microplastic as A “Macro” Concern – Problems and Solutions

C. K. Sreeparvathi, K. M. Remia and K. S. Anoop Das
Center for Conservation Ecology and Department of Zoology, M.E.S Mampad College,
Malappuram, Kerala, India- 676 542.

Background: Life without plastic and easily available resources like

has become impossible for us. Due porridge water, corn flour, potato, and
to the small size of microplastic, it is tapioca. The base material is mixed
easier to intake by aquatic organisms. and heated with glycerin and vinegar
These ingested particles can physically for converting the base into a prod-
damage their internal organs. The uct. The bioplastics thus produced
accumulation of microplastic up the are checked and compared for their
food chain is another major concern. biodegradability among themselves
This “man-made food chain” poten- and also with synthetic plastic using
tially impacts whole ecosystems. To a mixture of earthworm, soil, and cow
avoid these serious problems we have dung.
to find various solutions to replace
Results: A bioplastic made of natural
plastic material with something more
materials such as porridge water,
eco-friendly. This study is trying to
corn flour, potato, tapioca, etc. is an
promote the extensive use of biode-
innovative product. Earthworms were
gradable plastics in our daily life.
used to test the degradability of these
Method: Starch is used as a base mate- bioplastics and synthetic plastics. It
rial; it is obtained from various cheap was found that bioplastics degrade at
392 34th Kerala Science Congress

a higher rate than synthetic plastics. using products made from bioplastics
and with easy access or find. As a
Conclusions: This work establishes
result, environmental conditions can
the effects and solutions for micro-
be improved, and the waste of plastics
plastic pollution. However, bioplastics
can be reduced.
remain relatively unknown to many
people despite their importance. Inno- Keywords: Micro-plastics, biodegrad-
vation is needed to get their interest in able plastics, environmental pollution


Silibinin’s Inhibitory Activity on Bacterial Gelatinases

Dhilna Sunny C.1, Usha Bhagirathan2 and Leyon Varghese 1

Immunology & Toxicology Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology,
Christ College , Irinjalakuda, Kerala, India - 680125.
Department of Zoology, Sree Kerala Varma College, Thrissur, Kerala, India - 680011.

Silibinin is a commonly used dietary plate. Further In silico docking studies

supplement with well-known hepa- conducted between Silibinin and the
toprotective roles originally extracted newly predicted model revealed a
from the milk thistle plant. Silibinin strong binding affinity of -10.2 kcal/
has been proposed as a promising mol. In vitro assays conducted also sup-
new treatment for cancer. Owing to ported our hypothesis that silibinin
the inevitable role of gelatinases in cell even at very low concentration of 100
invasion and tissue remodeling they µg/ml could exert strong inhibition
are promising drug targets in a pleth- on Enterococcal gelatinase activity.
ora of disease conditions. This study Our results indicate for the first time
aims to examine silibinin’s inhibitory
that silibinin is a strong inhibitor of
role towards bacterial gelatinases
bacterial gelatinases and therefore,
through a combination of molecular
appropriate food supplementation
docking and in vitro assays. In the
of silibinin will help to reduce the
absence of a three-dimensional struc-
ture of Enterococcal gelatinase, we virulence of gut microbial species.
carried out homology modelling using Keywords:- Bacterial virulence, Dock-
the Swiss model server to predict its ing, Gelatinase, Homology modelling,
structure using Bacillolysin as the tem- Silibinin
34th Kerala Science Congress 393

Life Sciences

Lipofection-Mediated Gene Delivery and Transgenic

Expression of DSRED2 in The Primary Cell Culture from
the Crustacean Model Daphnia pulex
Sreevidya C. P. and JayeshPuthumana*
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India

Background: Transfection is a highly concentrations of Cellfectin and DNA

efficient analytical tool for studying having maximum cell efficiency and
function and regulation of genes and minimum cytotoxicity.
gene products. Lipofectionis com-
Results: The lipofection experiments
monly accepted as the second most
of the cells using 7µL of cellfectin
popular non-viral system for the safe reagent and 3µg of plasmid resulted
delivery of exogenous nucleic acid in good fluorescence, indicative of
into cells. Expression of foreign genes successful transfection and expres-
can be confirmed by using marker sion of Daphnia specific expression
gene like DsRed2. Even though trans- vector in the developed primary cell
fection-based studies are evolving culture. More than 50% of primary D.
rapidly, very few studies are reported pulex cells were transfected, and red
in invertebrate cell culture, especially fluorescence was observed under an
in crustaceans. In this context, we inverted phase-contrast microscope
reported the first successful lipofection (Leica, Switzerland) under the exci-
mediated transgenic expression ofvec- tation wavelength of 470-490nm.
torcontaining DsRed2 gene as marker
Conclusion: The concentrations
in the primary culture of a crustacean
of cellfectin reagent and plasmid
model organism, Daphnia pulex.
required for successful lipofec-
Method: Primary D.pulex cell culture tion could be standardized. Even
was developed from Daphnia egg and though the Daphnia genome is fully
maintained in Daphnia Cell Culture sequenced, in-vitro studies are very
Medium (DCCM). 80% cell confluent limited in Daphnia sp. mostly due
flask was used for the standardization to the unavailability of cell line and
of lipofection.Transfection efficiency proper transfection methods. So, this
was standardized using different work is aimed to solve such barriers
394 34th Kerala Science Congress

and open an in-vitro platform for functional analysis of different genes

upcoming research to study transgene and gene products.
expression, knock-down procedures, Keyword: Transfection , Lipofection,
development of cell lines and iPSC, Daphnia pulex,Primary culture.


A Study on Climate Change Impact on Selected

Three Endemic and Threatened Trees: Implications and
Adaptive Strategies
Anuraj K., Jose P. A.* and Gokul K.G.
KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi- 680 653

Backg round: The endemic and reproductive phenological events

threatened trees are micro habitat and biotic interactions studied were
specific and found prone to climate analyzed with temporal data availed
change or climate induced factors. for these species during the period
This in turn affected the phenology 1995-2003.
calendar, reproductive biology, biotic
Results: The populations of Gluta
interactions and overall rarity process
travancorica exhibited delay in
of species. The present study on
phenophases, shift in anthesis from
selected species of the Western Ghats,
night to morning hours along with
Kerala was enabled to understand the
new insect interaction. Ochreinauclea
climate change implications on natural
missionis populations displayed
dynamics by temporal data analysis
erratic phenophases. Populations of
along with adaptive strategies evolved
as part of resilience towards climate Persea macrantha at semi evergreen to
change by these species. moist deciduous and riparian systems
showed advanced phenophases along
Method: Populations of target species with extended phenophasing than
such as Gluta travancorica Bedd. (Anac-
populations at evergreen ecosystem.
ardiaceae), Ochreinauclea missionis
(Wall. ex G. Don) Ridsd. (Rubiaceae) Conclusion: The endemic and threat-
and Persea macrantha (Nees) Kosterm. ened species studied were found
(Luraceae) were identified at Western significantly affected by the climate
Ghats, Kerala. The vegetative and change perturbations in situ. The delay
34th Kerala Science Congress 395

Life Sciences
or advancement in phenophases, treated as resilience of these towards
change in anthesis time, new biotic climate change.
interactions were the implications on Key words: Phenology, reproductive
natural dynamics of these species. The biology, biotic interactions, climate
adaptive strategies being evolved were change, adaptations


Copepods Infecting the Fishes of North Malabar Coast of

Kerala: Diversity, Occurrence and Fecundity
Anitta Cherian, Nikhila Reshmi, Chythanya K. V., Priya Jose and Sudha K.
Department of Zoology, Central University of Kerala, Tejaswini Hills, Periye,
Kasaragod-671316, Kerala, India

Background: Copepods represent the italis were recorded and analysed for
largest group of parasitic crustaceans host-parasite association.
that infect fishes. Considerable mor-
Results: Out of 720 fish specimens
tality of fishes occurs due to heavy
observed, 231 specimens were infected
infestations by copepod parasites.
with different copepod parasites.
Very limited information is available
A total of 32 species of copepod
on the parasitic copepods of Kerala
parasites were obtained from 24
coast. In this study, diversity, occur-
species of fishes. Priacanthus hamrur
rence and host association of cope-
(Moontail bullseye fish) suffered the
pods in the North Malabar coast were
highest prevalent infestation by its
parasite Norion priacanthi. The most
Methods: Fresh samples of commer- intense parasitisation was observed
cial food fishes were examined for in Strongylura leiura (Banded needle
copepod parasite infestation at three fish) infected by Lernanthropus tylosuri.
major fish landing sites in North Fecundity of copepods was found to
Malabar coast of Kerala over a period vary with their body lengths, which
of eight months. Morphometric data also corresponded to variation in host
and fecundity of four selected species fish size.
of copepod parasites, namely, Cybicola Conclusion: North Malabar coast of
armatus, Lernanthropus corniger, Lernan- Kerala is highly diverse in parasitic
thropus tylosuri and Caligus rotundigen- copepods that infect fishes. Size of
396 34th Kerala Science Congress

host fishes affect the growth and in commercial fish industry.

reproduction of the parasites. Under- Keywords: Parasitic copepods, fish,
standing the parameters that cause North Malabar, diversity, fecundity,
parasite infestation could be helpful host-parasite association


Fruit Morphology and Nutritional Content of Frugivore

Dispersed Trees: Identifying Drivers for the Foraging
Preferences of Fruit-Eating Birds and Animals in
Shola Forest of Western Ghats, India
E. S. Nimisha and V. B. Sreekumar
Forest Botany, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala

Introduction: Forest conservation animals (Howe & Smallwood 1982,

is the main agenda of most of the Jordano 1992), so that plant–animal
conservation activities. Tropical interactions underpin most dispersal
Montane Forests (shola) are a com- processes. Many of the shola trees
plex ecosystem that represents some depend on birds and animals for the
of the most threatened ecosystems dispersal of their seeds away from
globally. Seed dispersal by animals the parent tree. Forest fragmentation
comprises one of the key ecosystem and habitat loss are major factors
services shaping plant regeneration affecting plant–frugivore interactions
that may be disrupted by habitat loss (Newbold et al., 2013). As an example
and fragmentation. Yet, the impact of of forest loss, between 1981 and 1990,
seed dispersal by frugivores and dis- a total of 2.5 million ha of TMF was
persers on the regeneration of a highly destroyed at an estimated rate of 1.1%
fragmented ecosystem like shola is annually (FAO 1993). Furthermore,
poorly investigated. Special attention the presence of drupaceous trees that
should be given to tropics where a sig- produce fewer seeds and the lack of
nificant proportion of the ecosystem different dispersal mechanisms also
is under the threat of extinction. In hinder the growth of shola trees. In
tropical forests a large proportion of this study, we examined the frugivore
tree species have fleshy fruit evolved community assemblages and seed
for seed dispersal by fruit-eating dispersal networks of ninety fleshy
34th Kerala Science Congress 397

Life Sciences
fruiting shola trees. To determine if searching, handling and feeding the
plant characteristics, fruit morphol- fruit, total time spent on the plant,
ogy, fruit colors, and/or fruit nutrients fruit consumed per foraging). Scats
explained the relative importance of of different frugivores were collected
fruit consumption by the frugivores, for further identification of the fruits
we conducted nutrient analyses on eaten and dispersed by the frugivore.
fleshy fruits of ten shola trees, which Nutritional analysis of ten selected
are widely consumed by primates fruits was carried out to quantify the
and birds, which are the two most parameters such as moisture content,
important seed disperser groups. The Vitamin -C, carbohydrate, fat, protein,
bird body mass and fruit size removed fiber, flavonoids, ash and total energy.
from trees were also correlated to
check for a relationship between the Results and Discussion: During the
variables. inventory 90 tree species belonging
to 37 families were examined. From
Materials and Methods: We analyzed
these we closely monitored frugivore
frugivory in ninety tree species from
different shola patches of the Western interaction with 10 species. The tree
Ghats of Kerala, India over one-year species are Schefflera racemose, Mahonia
period. The study sites were located leschenaultia, Garcinia cowa, Elaeocar-
in Tropical Montane Forests (TMF) pus munronii, Glochidion bourdillonii,
-shola of Eravikulam National Park. Ternstromia gymnathera, Debregeasia
The effects of frugivorous traits (e.g., longifolia, Nothapodytes nimmoniana,
gape size and some behaviors of Chionanthus mala- elengi, Buchanania
birds) and plant characteristics (e.g., lanzan, and Neolitsea fischeri. Major
diaspore color, fruit type and size) fruit type present in shola is drupe.
on the number of fruits eaten were Ornithochory is the dominant disper-
tested. The abundance of frugivores sal syndrome among these species
and seed dispersers were monitored
followed by zoochory. Nilgiri langur
by walking along a transect of 1km,
(Semnopithecus johnii), Eurasian black-
recording animals (with eating or
bird (Turdus merula), Red-whiskered
handling fruits) seen in the vicinity of
bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus), Palani
the path. During each frugivore scan;
species visited, visitation rate, individ- laughing thrush (Montecincla fairbanki),
ual numbers, time of first appearance, Malabar whistling thrush (Myophonus
duration of visit, behavior of fruit or horsfieldii), Jungle myna (Acridotheres
seed handling were recorded (includ- fuscus), Malabar giant squirrel (Ratufa
ing-visit lengths, time spending in indica), Nilgiri Flycatcher (Eumyias
398 34th Kerala Science Congress

albicaudatus), Slot h Bear (Ursus References:

ursinus), Barking Deer (Muntiacus FAO. 1993. Forest resources assessment 1990:
muntjack), Indian Crested Porcupine tropical countries. Food and Agriculture
(Hystrix indica) and Asiatic jackal Organization of the United Nations,
(Canis aureus) are the major frugivores Forestry Paper 112, Rome. 59 pp.

and dispersers of the shola. Though Howe, H. F., & Smallwood, J. 1982. Ecology

wind is a frequent event in shola, very of seed dispersal. Annual Review

of Ecology and Systematics, 13(1),
few species seem to disperse by wind.
Analyses of the nutritional content of
the selected fruits show that they are
Jordano, P. 1992. Fruits and frugivory. - In:
rich in carbohydrates, protein, and Fenner M. (ed.), Seeds. The ecology of
energy. Our results indicate that fruit regeneration in plant communities. Red-
traits and nutritional contents of fru- wood Press, Melsham, UK, pp. 105-156.

givore dispersed trees drive foraging Newbold, T., Scharlemann, J. P., Butchart, S. H.,
Şekercioğlu, Ç. H., Alkemade, R., Booth,
preferences of fruit-eating birds, and
H., & Purves, D. W. 2013. Ecological traits
animals whose interactions in different affect the response of tropical forest bird
successional stages can help to reverse species to land-use intensity. Proceed-
the negative effects of fragmentation ings of the Royal Society of London B:
in tropical montane forests of the Biological Sciences, 280(1750), 20122131.
study area.


Hormone Receptor Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Cells:

Understanding The Receptor Dynamics in
Hormone Resistance.
Aswathy S. and T. R. Santhosh Kumar
Cancer Research Program, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695014

Background: Breast cancer is the positive breast cancers are successfully

most common cancer in women managed with hormonal therapy.
accounting for 30% of all the cancers However, it is being reported that a
in females. The Estrogen receptor (ER) significant percentage of patients will
34th Kerala Science Congress 399

Life Sciences
later show non-responsiveness to hor- cells and parental cells were exposed
mone therapy and emerge as resistant to anti-estrogen 4-OH tamoxifen, and
phenotypes. Currently, the reasons the drug responses were analyzed
for this resistance and recurrence using live-cell imaging and with
mechanism are not clear. This could be western blotting.
due to complex cellular heterogeneity
Results: During the emergence of
in the receptor status or attributed to
resistance for hormone therapy, cells
post-transcriptional and translational
downregulate their estrogen receptor
regulation of receptor status. Proper
to evade apoptosis and even if we
understanding of cancer cells com-
exogenously express receptor proteins
plex receptor status plasticity and its
in TNBC cells, cells are not becoming
impact on hormone resistance is vital
to find interventions to prevent clinical sensitive to drug treatment. Also, the
hormone resistance. To understand pro-apoptotic - anti-apoptotic protein’s
these mechanisms, we have developed ratio is manipulated in such resistant
hormonal therapy-resistant cells and cells.
analyzed the evolutional signaling Conclusions: The expression of recep-
involved in resistance generation. tor proteins seems to be regulated
Methodology: We have developed dynamically during physiological
drug-resistant cells in hormone conditions and under diverse stress
receptor-positive cell lines and studied conditions. The generation of a sta-
the dynamics of resistance at distinct ble hormone resistance mechanism
stages. Stable cell lines overexpressing involves complex modulation of pro
receptors of Er-α, Her2 were devel-
and anti-apoptotic proteins.
oped in TNBC cell lines to understand
the direct role of receptor status in Keywords: Heterogeneity, Apoptosis,
determining the drug response and Triple-negative breast cancer, Therapy
cell growth. The stably expressing resistance
400 34th Kerala Science Congress


Phytochemical Investigation of the Indian Pitcher Plant,

Nepenthes khasiana
Gokul B. S., Anil John J., V. Gayathri and B. Sabulal
Phytochemistry and Phytopharmacology Division, KSCSTE-Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic
Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695562

Background: Nepenthes is a genus of compounds. Spectral analysis resulted

insectivorous plants, having unique in the identification of 8 compounds
ways of attracting preys into their viz. plumbagin, lupenone, triacontanol,
leaf-evolved biological traps, known as lupenol, β-sitosterol, cis-isoshinanolone,
pitchers for surviving in low nutrient 1-methoxynonacosanol and stearic acid.
soils. Nepenthes khasiana Hook f. is Chloroform extract on repeated column
native to the Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. chromatography resulted in the isolation
Here we report the phytochemistry of of 8 compounds. Five compounds (viz.
the Indian pitcher plant, N. khasiana. 2,4-di-tert-butyl phenol, pentacosane,
plumbagin, cis-isoshinanolone and lupe-
Methods: N. khasiana (whole plant) was
nol) were characterised. Methanol extract
collected from the JNTBGRI campus,
(150 g) was suspended in 800 ml of water
shade dried and powdered. The plant
and partitioned successively with ethyl
powder (1.2 kg) was Soxhlet extracted
acetate and butanol to obtain ethyl acetate
sequentially with hexane, chloroform and
(13 g) and butanol (57 g) fractions. Five
methanol. Crude extracts were column
compounds were isolated from ethyl ace-
chromatographed, and the fractions were
tate fraction and dimethyl L-malate and
subjected to different chromatographic
plumbagin were identified.
techniques. The isolated components were
characterized by spectroscopic techniques. Conclusions: Phytochemical investigation
of N. khasiana resulted in the isolation of
Results: N. khasiana whole plant powder
27 compounds, of which 15 were identi-
on Soxhlet extraction resulted in Hexane
fied by spectral analysis. This is the first
(28 g), Chloroform (15 g) and Methanol
report of phytochemical analysis of the
(159 g) extracts. Hexane extract was
Indian pitcher plant, N. khasiana.
column chromatographed and similar
fractions on repeated column chroma- Keywords: Nepenthes khasiana, prey
tography resulted in the isolation of 14 capture, phytochemistry
34th Kerala Science Congress 401

Life Sciences

Understanding Mangrove Salt Tolerant Strategies

Using Anatomical Traits
Aarathi, M.S.1, 2 ; Abdulla Naseef, S.A1 and Sreejith, K.A.1
Forest Ecology Department, KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi,
Thrissur, Kerala, India
Department of Marine Biology, School of Ocean Science and Technology, Kerala University of
Fisheries and Ocean Studies, Kochi, Kerala

Background: With the help of salt statistical analysis and creating plots.
tolerant mechanisms, mangrove
Results: Statistical analysis shows
species have adapted to exist in saline
significant variations in majority of
environment. Seven mangrove tree
traits studied across the groups. There
species from tropical mangrove forests
are no statistically significant differ-
of Kerala were studied for their leaf
ences in epidermal layer thickness
and stem anatomical traits, in order to
and xylem vascular density across
understand the substantial variance of
the groups.The study reveals that
anatomical properties that contribute
prevailing variability of anatomical
in salt tolerance.
traits among mangrove is one of the
Method: Six individuals of 7 true reason which describes their plant
mangroves and 2 non mangrove functional types.
species were selected for the study.
Conclusions: This study revealed a
Leaf area, cuticle thickness, epider-
better understanding on the struc-
mal layer thickness, mesophyll layer
tural causes of salinity tolerance in
thickness, stomatal index, presence of
mangrove tree species, as well as the
salt glands, trichomes, and cork warts
variance with respect to salt tolerance
were analysed, including the density
mechanisms among species.
of xylem vessels in the stem. Using the
Image J software, measurements were Keywords: Mangroves, salinity toler-
taken from the microscopic images. R ance strategies, plant functional traits,
Studio (version1.4.1717) was used for plant functional types
402 34th Kerala Science Congress


Thismia (Thismiaceae): A Fungal-Like Flowering Plant Often

Neglected by the Taxonomists
V.S. Hareesh* and M. Sabu
Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute of Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673 014

The genus Thismia Griff. is a small four weeks. The study of the material
mycoheterotrophic tiny herbs that from the herbarium specimens is also
lacking chlorophyll. They are com- a difficult task because of its delicate
monly known as ‘fairy lanterns’ and floral structures that become folded or
believed to be the extremely rare merged and lost the taxonomic details
narrowly endemic genus. It belonging after pressing/mounting. Therefore,
to the family Thismiaceae comprising for obtaining the detailed floral
of approximately 80–90 species structures, they must be dissected in
distributed in warm temperate and the field itself or immediately stored
tropical Asia, eastern and south-east- in alcohol for further investigation.
ern Australia, New Zealand and the The members of the genus having
neotropics. Mycoheterotrophy is
distinctive vegetative and reproduc-
a symbiotic relationship between
tive structure and colour and the
certain plants with the fungi. Plants
major taxonomic characters used for
with the ability to obtain carbon
species delimitation are the mitre,
from fungi during their lifecycle are
known as Mycoheterotrophic plants. mitral appendages, perianth lobes
Thismia is one of the taxonomically and anther morphology. In India, the
complicated Mycoheterotrophic plant genus consists of two species viz. This-
genera because of its fungus-like mia aurantiaca Hareesh & M.Sabu and
tiny habit, delicate nature and short T. sahyadrica Sujanapal et al. Thismia
lifespan makes it difficult to observe aurantiaca were recently published
in the soil or amidst leaf litter. They from Andaman and Nicobar Islands
grow in humus rich soil covered with and T. sahyadrica from Kerala. Detailed
dried leaves in the evergreen forest morphology of the genus is discussed
and completes the life cycle in two to in detail.
34th Kerala Science Congress 403

Life Sciences

Diversity of Endemic, Threat Category of Plant Species of

Chemunji Hillock, Agasthyamala, Western Ghats
Arvind George and G. Rajkumar
Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,

B a c k g r o u n d : Aga st hya m a l a i s IUCN category. There are 7 species

supporting unique assemblages of enumerated in Indian Red Data Book.
biological communities with an array Again, Chemunji forms the ‘Type
of species and profound diversity. Locality’ of an array of species. All
The Chemunji hillock is located in these throw light on the importance
the Peppara Wildlife Sanctuay of of this small hillock that beholds the
Agasthyamala hill ranges of Kerala. unique assemblage of diversity. Rel-
It is an epitome of phytodiversity and evant herbarium were also prepared
forms the habitat of enormous rare and deposited inn JNTBGRI herbar-
and endemic plant species. Endemic ium (TBGT).
elements are considered to live in eco-
Conclusion: Chemunji hillock is part
logical islands creating an ecological
of the Agasthyamala and a component
niche of their own and survive in very
of a major conservational complex in
low population.
the Western Ghats. It is the abode of
Method: Field survey had been con- a number of endemic and threatened
ducted in the area, located the targeted species and also forms the ‘Type
species, collected and documented. locality’ of several plant species. This
They were identified referring the small hillock inhabits 42 rare, endemic
Floras and categorised for conserva- species that include those with a via-
tion status. Prepared herbarium as per ble population in this peak alone. It
standard procedure. clearly reveals the floristic as well as
Results: The field study resulted potential conservational importance.
in the documentation of 42 species .that enormous species are under rare
representing 34 genera. Based on the category and demands immediate
life forms, there are 12 tree species, conservation measures to be under-
21 shrubs and 8 herbs and 1 climber. taken to save these species from the
Altogether 6 species are enlisted in brink of extinction.
404 34th Kerala Science Congress


Comparative Screening of Jacalin and Anticancer Activity In

Wild and Cultivar Varieties of Jackfruit
a a b c
Sreeja Devi P. S. , Neethu S. Kumar , Sathees C. Raghavan and Sabu K. K. *
Post Graduate Department and Research Centre of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi College,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695004
Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India- 560 012
Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Division, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and
Research Institute (JNTBGRI), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695562

Background: Jacktree is a multi-pur- all the three portions of Jackfruit to

pose tree and it is known as second concentrate the proteins and estimated
kalpavriksha. It yields edible summer the protein from each of the samples,
fruits which has immense nutritional compared using standard. The crude
and pharmacological importance. protein extract was separated accord-
. It was designated as the state fruit ing to molecular weight by SDS-PAGE
of Kerala by Government of India on for checking whether Jacalin protein
March 2018. The raw jackfruit is good is present in seed, flakes and rind
for health and it is used as vegetable, of Jackfruit. Human carcinoma cell
lines were treated with PBS extract of
at the same time the ripened jackfruit
jackfruit seeds to test the cytotoxicity
is good to eat as fruit, because it has
in two different genotypes.
sugar content. The present study was
aimed to evaluate the anti-cancerous Results: Phytochemical analysis
effect of Jacalin present in the crude revealed that flakes and seeds possess
extract of wild and local landraces of abundance of proteins which have
jackfruit seeds. strong pharmacological properties
and can be utilized for medicinal
Method: Cultivar and wild Jackfruit
purposes. Also, this is the first report
samples collected from Thiruvanan-
where we have unlocked the bioactiv-
thapuram district of Kerala and the
ities of crude protein extracts obtained
herbarium specimens were deposited
from the flakes and seeds from wild
at TBGT, JNTBGRI, Palode under the
genotypes of A. heterophyllus.
collection numbers 95934 and 95935.
Collected samples were processed Conclusions: The data suggested the
for the extraction. Ammonium sulfate potential application of the protein
precipitation was also performed in extracts isolated from different parts
34th Kerala Science Congress 405

Life Sciences
of jackfruit for medicinal purposes. taken to increase the number of jack
However, the field visits shown that trees in the wild.
wild population of jack trees are very
limited. Considering the importance Keywords: Jacalin, SDS-PAGE, Mass
as a functional fruit, steps may be spectrometry, Anti-cancer activity


Genotoxic Study of Clerodendrum infortunatum L. in Human

Lymphocyte Culture Using CBMN Assay
Ammu. S. P.1*, Sheela S.2 and Sreejaya S. B.2
Department of Zoology, S. N. College, Cherthala, Kerala, India

Department of Zoology, T. K.M. M. College, Nangiarkulangara, Kerala, India

Background: Clerodendrum infortuna- C. infortunatum in human lymphocyte

tum Linn. (Family: Verbenaceae), is a using CBMN assay. By using CBMN
well known medicinal plant, used in assay we can assess the DNA damage
the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, by observing micronuclei formation,
fever, blood diseases, inflammation, chromosomal aberration like sister
burning sensation and epilepsy. chromatid exchange and chromatid
Medicinal plants are known to con- breaks.
tain numerous biologically active
Results: It was performed in five
compounds, and although they have
parallel cultures viz. A, B, C, D and
proven pharmacological properties,
E. The culture A Kept as a control
they can cause harm, including
revealed a CBMN frequency of 11.12,
DNA damage. The investigation was
culture B with 100 µL of Methanolic
planned to study the genotoxic activity
extract of C. infortunatum revealed a
of C. infortunatum in human lympho-
CBMN frequency of 11.36 and culture
cyte cells by using Cytokinesis block
C with 200µL of MECI revealed a
micronucleus assay.
CBMN frequency of 11.84. Culture D
Methods: Methanolic extract of with, mutagen (Bleomycin) induced
C. infortunatum root powder was at a concentration of 0.3units/10ml
prepared by Soxhlet extraction. The revealed a CBMN frequency of 14.65.
resulting methanolic extract filtered In culture E, the plant extract along
and used for the genotoxic study of with Bleomycin was added and
406 34th Kerala Science Congress

revealed a mean CBMN frequency of cant genotoxic agent .Also the study
14.52. showed that the CBMN frequency was
decreased with the supplementation
Conclusion: There was only a slight
of plant extract. This reveals the geno-
increase in mean CBMN frequency
protective action of the plant.
with increase in concentration of the
plant extract. This indicates that the Keywords:, Clerodendrum infortuna-
plant extract containing no signifi- tum, Genotoxicity, CBMN assay.


A Study on Indian Spalangiinae (Hymenoptera:

Pteromalidae) with New Records to Kerala
K. S. Surya* and Pavittu Meethal Sureshan**
Zoological Survey of India, Western Ghats Regional Centre, Kozhikode, Kerala, India- 673006
*; **

Background: The family Pteromali- reoscopic binocular microscope and

dae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) imaged using attached LEICA DFC
includes a large number of parasitoid 500 camera.
species, many of which are important
Results: The Spalangia species cur-
in the biological control of insect
rently known from India are Spalangia
pests including synanthropic mus-
coids. The members of the subfamily simplex Perkins, 1910, Spalangia cam-
Spalangiinae have been shown to be eroni Perkins, 1910, Spalangia endius
either primary parasitoids or rarely Walker, 1839, Spalangia fuscipes Nees,
hyperparasitoids of Diptera puparia. 1834, Spalangia gemina Bouček, 1963,
Apart from the known species two Spalangia nigra Latreille, 1805, Spal-
new records form Kerala, India, is angia obscura Bouček, 1963, Spalangia
being described in this paper. parfuscipes Ahmad, 1998, Spalangia
Method: The specimens for the nigroaenea Curtis, 1839 and Spalangia
present study were collected using impuncta Howard, 1897. Studies on
yellow pan traps and sweep nets further specimens collected from var-
from various localities of India. The ious localities of India yielded a new
specimens preserved in 70% alcohol record to the species Spalangia cameroni
were later dried, card mounted and Perkins and Spalangia obscura Bouček
studied under LEICA M 205A ste- to the state of Kerala.
34th Kerala Science Congress 407

Life Sciences
Conclusions: Members belonging fruit flies and filth breeding flies they
to Spalangiinae are important in the can be intensively utilized for effective
maintenance of environmental and pest control mechanisms. Despite our
physical hygiene as they parasitize the rich fauna, the Indian Spalangiinae
synanthropic dipteran pests. They reg- has received very little attention both
ulate their host numbers by preventing taxonomically and biologically.
breeding and reduces risks of epidem- Keywords: Hymenoptera, Pteromal-
ical outbreaks. Since the members of idae, Spalangia, India, Kerala, new
Spalangiinae are known to parasitize records, taxonomy.
& Statistical Sciences
Oral Presentation
Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 411

Microstructure of Kerala State Open Market Borrowings:

A Statistical Study
Rahul T.
Assistant Adviser, Department of Statistics and Information Management, Reserve Bank of India,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: The growing fiscal ties. A regression analysis is carried

obligations of the Kerala state gov- out to assess the determinants of yield
ernment are increasingly met from spreads of Kerala state government
debt liabilities. COVID-19 is adding securities relative to the yields of
to spending needs as state seek to miti- central government securities of cor-
gate the health and economic effects of responding maturity.
the crisis. The resulting rise in market
Results: The finding suggests that
borrowings will likely heighten the
market is not accounting the fiscal fun-
tension between meeting important
damentals of states into their pricing
development goals and containing
debt vulnerabilities. To secure the of state government securities.
government’s funding at all times at Conclusions: A careful assessment
low cost over the medium and long- might have to be undertaken by Kerala
term while avoiding excessive risk, an
state for low cost borrowings from the
assessment of the market borrowing
open market, to avoid excessive risk
program is important.
and to maintain sustainable level of
Method: This paper examine the mar- public debt.
ket borrowing program of Kerala state
with a view to better understand the Keywords: Kerala State, Market Bor-
dynamics of cost and risk associated rowings, Multiple Regression, State
with Kerala state government securi- Development Loans
412 34th Kerala Science Congress


Differential Quadrature Method to Numerically Approximate

the Solution of Two-Dimensional Telegraph Equation
Athira Babu and Noufal Asharaf
Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, Kerala, India-682022

Background: In the field of scheme, the obtained system is then

numerical computations, the solved for the next time step.
Differential Quadrature method is
Results: The proposed method has
a novel technique to approximate
been performed for several test exam-
the derivative of a given function as
ples, and the stability of the numerical
the linear combination of its sample
method has been ensured by comput-
values on a grid. An efficient way to
ing eigenvalues of the coefficient
maintain the balance between stability
matrix obtained from the discretized
and accuracy of the approximation
system. The computed solutions show
is by using the quadrature formula
significantly more minor errors when
compared with the results obtained
Met hod: This work focuses on from several works in the literature.
computing the numerical solution This shows the efficiency of the pro-
of the two-dimensional hyperbolic posed scheme.
Telegraph equation. The spatial
Conclusions: This work explains a
derivatives are approximated on the
numerically stable algorithm to solve
spatial domain using the localized
the two-dimensional hyperbolic
differential quadrature technique.
Telegraph equation with an accuracy
This approximation will discretize
order 3.
the equation and is then converted
to a system of first-order ordinary Keywords: Hyperbolic Telegraph
d i f fe r e n t i a l e q u a t i o n s u s i n g a equation, Differential Quadrature
transformation. Using the SSPRK-43 Method, SSPRK-43 Scheme
Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 413

Identification of Differentially Expressed Gene in Covid-19

Gene Expression Data
Bindu Punathumparambath*
Department of Statistics, Govt. Arts & Science College, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

Introduction: Microarrays and Next respectively. Then the generalize

Generation Sequencing (NGS) tech- pivotal variable for is given by
nology are very robust technique
for identifying gene signatures in
COVID-19 patients. A common pur- (3)
pose of microarray experiments is the Where
detection of genes that are differen-
tially expressed under two conditions
such as treatment versus control. In Then the generalized pivotal variable
present paper we propose empirical for the difference of means of two
Bayes (Efron et al. (2002), Smyth exponential distributions is
(2004)) modified generalized p-value
technique by for identifying differ-
entially expressed genes. For ranking Hence the empirical Bayes modified
the differentially expressed genes we generalized p-value for the two sided
developed empirical Bayes approach test can be obtained as:
using mixed Laplace distribution and
illustrate the proposed methods with
Results and conclusions: In this study
real SARS-CoV microarray datasets
the concept of modified generalized
downloaded from Geo website.
p–value method has been applied
Materials and Methods: for the selection of differentially
Modified generalized p-value expressed gene and Bayesian methods
For general setup of the concepts of using the mixed Laplace, is helpful in
generalized confidence intervals and finding and ranking the differentially
generalized p-values see Weerahandi expressed genes. This will help better
(1993). Let drug discovery or disease diagnosis.
We identified 100 differentially
be the observed values of f
414 34th Kerala Science Congress

expressed genes from SARS-CoV Generalized p value, modified gener-

microarray data using generalized alized p value, microarray, COVID-19,
p- value approach. SARS-CoV.
Keywords: Empirical Bayes method,
& Statistical Sciences
Poster Presentations
Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
34th Kerala Science Congress 417

The Legacy of Kerala Mathematics

G. Indulal*
Department of Mathematics, St.Aloysius College, Edathua, Alappuzha, Kerala, India – 689573

The kerala school of mathematics Kerala sowed the seeds for many fabulous
can be specified as the first Indian school inventions and findings in Mathematics
of mathematics where the mathematical which the entire world observed with great
relation between the heavenly bodies astonishment later. This article is a survey
and earth was subjected for a deeper on the major mathematicians from Kerala
study and obtained very decisive results. and their contributions.


New Record Based Transmuted Exponentiated Inverse

Weibull Distribution and its Applications to Covid-19 Data
Arya P. V.1,2 and Bindu Punathumparambath3
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, Dr Homi Bhabha Rd, Pashan, Pune,
Maharashtra, India- 411008
Panthalanickal house, P O Thiruvambady, Kerala-673603
Department of Statistics, Govt. Arts & Science College, Kozhikode

Background: The novel coronavirus (nCoV), more specifically referred to as

the SARS-CoV-2 which was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019
has caused chaos and severe disaster across the world through the pandemic
of a respiratory illness known as Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Even
though measures of prevention such as quarantine and social distancing were
adopted, it disrupted the day to day routine of humankind. Since it’s a highly
contagious disease, the number of cases and death due to covid are also of
importance. This becomes one of the main motivations behind the need for its
study and analysis. In this study we’re introducing a new type of distribution
named Record Based transmuted Exponentiated Inverse Weibull distribution
418 34th Kerala Science Congress

(RTEIW) to analyse the mortality data due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We

illustrated the application of RTEIW to daily COVID-19 deaths in Kerala and
analysis is carried out using R package.
Record Based Transmuted Exponentiated Inverse Weibull Distribution
The probability density function (pdf) record based transmuted exponentiated
inverse Weibull distribution with parameters θ, β, ρ denoted by RTEIW (θ, β,
ρ) is given by

Where θ, β >0, 0<ρ<1.

Results and conclusions: The record based transmuted exponentiated inverse
Weibull (RTEIW) distribution introduced and studied various properties.
RTEIW is useful in analyzing datasets that are having increasing and decreasing
failure rate.
Keywords: Record based transmuted Exponentiated Inverse Weibull, Exponen-
tiated inverse Weibull, Inverse Weibull, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.


Radon Transformation and Its Applications

Riddhi Mishra, Shubham Jaiswal, Pole Vennela and Subhendu Pramanick
Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode, Kerala, India

In this poster we will present the It is undoubtedly medical computed

Radon transform, its applications, tomography (CT) that has attracted
present state of knowledge about the more attention than any other appli-
Radon transform, and some of its cation of the Radon transform. The
lesser-known applications. Although basic data obtained in a CT procedure
x-ray projections and tomographic are x-ray transmission measurements
reconstruction are used in the chapter through a two-dimensional (2D) slice
as a starting point, no consideration
of the patient’s body. Because of the
is given to such things as fan-beam
overwhelming clinical and commercial
geometries, iterative reconstruction
success of CT, the 2D Radon transform
algorithms, polyenergetic X-rays,
is studied in exhaustive detail.
detector noise, or clinical applications.
Physical Sciences
Oral Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 421

Physical Sciences

Assessment of Natural Radioactivity Levels in Rocks ദf

Kuthiran Tunnel and Hills, Kerala, India.
Vishnu C. V.* and Antony Joseph
Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Kerala, India-673635

Background: Radiometric methods rocks, the mineralogical studies were

were used to investigate the radioac- carried out using XRD and EDXRF
tive properties of rocks with a view of technique.
interpreting the geological structure
Results: The mean activity concentra-
and abundance of natural radioactive
tions of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K obtained
elements present. The knowledge
from rock samples were 69.26±1.32Bq/
of radionuclides distribution and
kg, 133.40±3.41Bq/kg and 948±20Bq/
radiation levels in the environment
kg, respectively. These values are
is important for assessing the effects
relatively higher than the global
of radiation exposure on the humans.
average values. The calculated average
Radiological hazards due natural
values of the radiological parameters
radioactivity in rocks were assessed
in the Kuthiran Tunnel and Hills of of rock samples were slightly higher
Thrissur district, Kerala, India. than the safe limit recommended by
Materials and Methods: About 18 analysis of the rock indicates the
samples of crustal rock were collected presences of minerals such as Quartz,
from locations in and around the
Monazite, Zeolites, Biotite, Zirconium,
Kuthiran twin tunnel and hills that
Albite, Kaolinite, sillimanites, and
are about 22 km away from the center
Calcite. The mineral analysis proved
of Thrissur city, Kerala. The activity
that rock samples with 232Th rich phos-
concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K
in the samples were determined using phates and 40K bearing feldspars are
the gamma spectrometry, employing the main source of gamma radiation
a 42% relative efficiency p-type low in the study area. The low mobility
background high-purity germanium and even distribution of thorium,
(HPGe) detector, having an energy radium and potassium shows that
resolution of 2.1 keV at 1.33 MeV. To their content in the rock is connected
trace the sources of radioactivity in with mineral composition of the rock.
422 34th Kerala Science Congress

Conclusion: A health risk assessment Therefore, the rocks in the study area
was performed based on commercial may pose minor radiological hazard if
rock samples taken from Kuthiran hills used as construction materials.
and Tunnel, Thrissur district. Average Keywords: Natural radionuclides,
values of some of the radiological Gamma-ray spectrometry, Activity
parameters measured, are slightly concentrations, radiological hazards
higher than the allowed safe limit. indices, Elemental analysis.


Charge Radii of Thorium Nuclei Lying Between

the Drip Lines
Ummukulsu E.* and Antony Joseph
Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Kerala, India – 673635

Background: Nuclear charge radii based on self consistent mean field

helps to understand the nuclear theory in order to estimate the nuclear
structure of atomic nuclei, variation of charge radii of thorium isotopes
nuclear shapes, nuclear deformation, between drip lines. Nuclear density
and shape coexistence. Nucleon-nu- functional theory based on relativistic
cleon interactions mainly depend mean field approach is extensively
on nuclear charge radii. We have used for nuclear structure studies.
calculated the nuclear charge radii of The Hamiltonian of Hartree-Fock
thorium nuclides spanned between (HF) equation describes nuclear
the drip lines and thus identified the properties like quadrupole vibrations
nuclear shape variations. Mean field and rotations. The diagonalization
theory is the most appropriate one for of this equation gives energy and
the study of the nuclear structure of wave function. Skyrme Hartree-Fock
method has been used for studying the
nuclei far from the line of β stability. It
ground state properties of nuclei. Har-
gives better results for deformed and
tree-Fock equation mainly depends on
spherical nuclei.
the effective force or nucleon-nucleon
Method: In the present study we have interactions used. Cartesian harmonic
followed the nuclear structure studies oscillator basis with different Skyrme
34th Kerala Science Congress 423

Physical Sciences
force interaction is used for the sim- x, y, and z directions were estimated. It
plicity of the solutions. The method shows an oscillating nature of nuclear
using Cartesian coordinate gives shape with increase of neutron num-
information about the nuclear shapes. bers.
Iterative diagonalization method with
Conclusions: The calculated charge
the help of a computational code is
radii of thorium isotopes with UDF2
used for solving the Hartree-Fock
parametrization is close to the exper-
imental data than the other parame-
Results: The nuclear charge radii of trizations. Charge radii along x and
thorium isotopes in the mass range y directions are almost the same and
204-280 were calculated by using the that along z directions the radii are
Skyrme force HF equation. The UDF2 found to be more extended. Hence
parametrization of Skyrme interactive the nuclei are spherically deformed.
force is found to be the most suitable The charge radii are different for dif-
one for the study of the nuclear ferent nuclei and shape varies from
structure of thorium nuclei. Nuclear one nucleus to the other. The shape
charge radii is found to be increased variation is of an oscillatory nature.
by adding neutrons. Dependence of The neutron number N=126, 140, 150,
neutron number on charge radii may 170 and 184 are the suggested magic
influence the nuclear shape, deforma- numbers.
tion, pairing energy, moments, etc. To
understand the nuclear shape, the spa- Keywords: charge radii, thorium,
tial distribution of charge radii along deformation, mean field theory


A Simulation Study on Enhanced Electromagnetic

Interference Shielding in Multilayered Composites
Athira Rajan1*, K. S. Sibi1 and G. Subodh1*
Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581

In this work, layered structures were was investigated. Simulation results

simulated and the influence of elec- revealed the superior shielding per-
tromagnetic parameters on the EMI formance of layered structures over
shielding performance of the same individual conductive and magnetic
424 34th Kerala Science Congress

systems. Further studies on the influ- with high losses in the layered con-
ence of electromagnetic properties, figuration. This study sheds light on
particularly electromagnetic losses, the innovation of design strategy of
on the shielding of layered structures stacked structures designated for sup-
demonstrated the importance of pressed electromagnetic reflections
incorporation of magnetic materials and enhanced microwave absorption.


Luminescent Polymer Composite Film Made of Glucose

Derived Carbon Dots Embedded into Polyvinyl Alcohol
Matrix for The Detection of Pb2+ In Water.
Soumya Ravi1, M. K Jayaraj2
Centre of Excellence in Advanced Materials, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India.
University of Calicut, Thenjipalam, Malappuram dist., Kerala, India.

Background: Pollution of water bodies property of polymer composite films

with heavy metals like Pb 2+ poses made of glucose-derived carbon dots
a serious threat to aquatic life and embedded into polyvinyl alcohol
humans and hence trace level detec- (PVA) matrix and the quenching of
tion of such heavy metals is of great emission induced by the presence of
significance Several existing methods Pb 2+ in the matrix for the sensitive
for sensing heavy metals include detection of Pb2+ in water.
atomic absorption spectroscopy,
Method: Carbon nanoparticles known
inductive coupled plasma atomic
as carbon dots/C-dots are synthesized
emission spectrometry (ICP-AES),
from glucose by a facile heating and
X-ray absorption spectroscopy and
dehydration method involving 1M sul-
surface-enhanced Raman scattering
which provide exceptionally lower phuric acid. C-dots are then embedded
levels of selective detection but the in to PVA matrix by a solution casting
drawback associated with them are method to obtain photoluminescent
complex sample preparation proto- flexible freestanding composite film
cols, high cost for instrumentation which is reacted with varying low
and time consuming analyses. Here concentrations of Pb2+ in water. The
in we explore the photoluminescence emission intensity is recorded to
34th Kerala Science Congress 425

Physical Sciences
quantify the limit of detection of Pb2+. Conclusion: The C-dot/PVA com-
Results: The obtained freestanding posite films synthesized via a facile
nanocomposite films of C-dot/PVA approach from cost effective, green
have broad emission in the visible resources such as glucose and PVA
region of electromagnetic spectrum. have interesting photoluminescent
Considerable quenching in the PL property which is utilized for the
intensity is observed upon the addi- trace level detection of Pb2+ in water
tion of trace levels of Pb2+ hence mak- based on fluorescence quenching. The
ing the films excellent sensing probes
composite exhibits pH independent
for the detection of Pb2+. The C-dot/
photoluminescence and excellent
PVA exhibited pH independent pho-
toluminescence. The composite films
are also found to be biocompatible as Keywords: C-dots, Polyvinyl alcohol,
established from cell viability studies nanocomposites, photoluminescence
in N2a cells of mouse. quenching, Pb2+ detection.


Solid Polymer Electrolyte (SPE) Films Based on

PEO-PVdF-LiNO3-Al2O3 for the Development of
Next Generation all Solid-State Li-ion Cells
Merin K. Wilson†a, Cyril Augustin†a, Abhilash Aa., M K Jayarajb and S. Jayalekshmia
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India
University of Calicut, Malappuram Dist., Kerala, India- 673 635

All‐solid‐ state lithium ion cells pos- of inorganic nanofillers into the poly-
sess the advantages of higher safety, mer matrix has been considered as an
better electrochemical stability, higher effective method to achieve high ionic
energy density, and longer cycle life so conductivity for the developed SPE
they are identified as promising can- films. In the present study, mechanism
didates for next‐generation safe and of Li+ ions transport variation caused
stable high‐energy‐storage devices. by incorporating Al2O3 nanofiller into
Solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) films the blend matrix of poly ethylene
can be used to serve as both the solid oxide (PEO) and poly vinylidene flu-
electrolyte and the separator in all‐ oride (PVdF), complexed with lithium
solid‐ state Li- ion cells. Incorporation nitrate (LiNO3) as Li source has been
426 34th Kerala Science Congress

investigated. Solid polymer electrolyte films have excellent thermal stability,

(SPE) films have been prepared by ideal ion transport number and good
simple solution casting method. electrochemical properties, suitable
for applications in all solid-state
Addition of nanostructured Al2O3, as
lithium ion cells. Assembled LiFePO4
the filler material is found to enhance
- MWCNT/SPE film/Li cell in half
Li ion conductivity and Li ion transfer-
cell configuration is found to deliver
ence number (tLi+). Ionic conductivity
specific capacity of 140 mA h g-1 at 0.1
of the developed SPE film is 6.75 x10-4
C and an initial columbic efficiency
S cm −1 for optimum concentrations
of 70% at 70 ℃.
of the lithium salt and filler material
and the SPE film shows a high electro- Keywords: Li-ion cells. All solid-state
chemical stability window up to 4.75V. cells, Solid polymer electrolyte, Nano-
PEO-PVdF-LiNO 3-Al 2O 3 based SPE filler


On-Demand Assembly of Au NPs Over Solid Surfaces from

Sessile Droplets by Thermoplasmonically-Controlled
Liquid Flow
S. N. Varanakkottu1 and C. Farzeena2
Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India.
School of Materials Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Calicut,
Kerala, India

Background: Optically controlled a simple light-directed patterning of

assembly of suspended particles Gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) based on
from evaporating sessile droplets is the thermoplasmonically-controlled
an emerging method to realize on-de- liquid flow.
mand patterning of particles over solid Method: The on-demand assembly
substrates. Though dynamic control of Au NPs was realized via thermo-
over the assembly of microparticles plasmonically- controlled liquid flow
is possible, limited success has been inside an evaporating sessile drop (3
achieved in nanoparticle patterning, μL, 0.8 nM Au NP droplet). A diode
especially in the case of metallic laser (532 nm, Power - 80 mW) focused
nanoparticles. This work demonstrates into a circular spot radius of 75 µm
34th Kerala Science Congress 427

Physical Sciences
was utilized to induce the localized the deposit height upon irradiation,
heating. We perfor med optical in comparison to the size of individual
microscopy and 3D profilometry to NPs (~44 nm). To test the versatility of
characterize the final particle deposit. the developed method, we tried differ-
ent illumination patterns using pho-
Results: The plasmonic excitation led
tomasks/sequential scanning, which
to a temperature difference of about
led to various patterns, including
18 °C between the irradiated region
off-center, two-spot, and line deposit.
and the three-phase contact line of the
pinned droplet, resulting in the parti- Conclusions: We demonstrate an effi-
cle assembly at the irradiation zone in cient optical strategy for realizing
response to the thermocapillary flow patterns of Au nanoparticles based
created inside the droplet. Particle on thermoplasmonically-controlled
streak velocimetry experiments and liquid flow. A variety of patterns such
as central deposit, off-center deposit,
analysis confirm the existence of a
multi-spot deposit, and lines could
strong thermocapillary flow which
be inscribed by simply varying the
counteracts the naturally occurring
illumination pattern.
evaporative convection flows (up to t/tf
~0.8, where tf denotes the total evapo- Ke y wo r d s : D i r e c t e d a s s e m b ly,
ration time). 3D profilometry analysis Thermoplasmonics, Marangoni flow,
revealed a 102 times enhancement in Coffee ring effect.


Electrochemical Detection of Imidacloprid Using MoS2

Nanowire Cluster Modified Electrodes
Haritha V. S.a , Sarath Kumar S. R.b and Rakhi R. B.c
Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581

Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala, India-695581
Materials Science and Technology Division, CSIR- National Institute of Interdisciplinary Scienc-
es (CSIR-NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695019

Background: Imidacloprid (IMI) is a etc.), fruits and vegetables. The

commercially available agricultural extensive usage of IMI has increased
insecticide for controlling pests in its persistence in the environment
various crops (rice, cotton, peanuts and agricultural products. This is
428 34th Kerala Science Congress

adversely affecting human health and also exhibited a lower detection limit
the biosphere. So, it is extremely nec- of 12 nM with good sensitivity and
essary to develop effective analytical selectivity.
methods for the sensitive and rapid
determination of IMI.
Conclusion: MoS 2 modified CP
Method: IMI is an electroactive
electrodes have been constructed for
material; electrochemical detection is
the electrochemical detection of the
adopted. A conventional three-elec-
trode system endowed with a MoS2
modified Carbon Paste working
electrode, Pt counter electrode and a
saturated calomel reference electrode
was used.
Results: The larger surface area, a
greater number of electroactive sites
and a faster electron transfer in the
MoS2 modified CP electrode favours
the reduction of IMI. The fabricated insecticide IMI with good sensitivity,
sensor has shown a linear range of selectivity and detection limit suitable
IMI detection from 1 to 100 µM. It for practical applications.


Facile, Low-Cost Hydrothermal Synthesis of Plasmonic

Ag/β-Ga2O3 Nanohybrids with Enhanced UV-VIS-NIR
Absorption - A Promising Candidate for Solar-Powered
Environmental Remediation and Fuel Production.
Keerthana C. S., Anjana S. Nair and Saritha A. C.
School of Pure and Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam,
Kerala, India- 686560

Background: Solar energy is consid- catalysis has been recognized as an

ered to be the best green energy source ideal scheme for transforming “fossil
for addressing the worldwide energy fuel powered mode” to “sustainable
and environmental concerns. Photo- photons mode”. Semiconductor based
34th Kerala Science Congress 429

Physical Sciences
nanomaterials found an important UV-Vis-NIR response of the synthe-
place in the environmental monitor- sized nanohybrids. As the amount of
ing and fuel production by utilizing Ag increases, there is an enhancement
solar energy. 95% of the total solar in the absorption properties of Ag/
flux reaching the earth’s surface is β-Ga 2O 3 nanohybrids in the entire
dominated by the Vis-NIR photons. solar spectrum. UV absorption is
Majority of the semiconductor based
due to the fundamental absorption of
light harvesting studies were limited
β-Ga2O3 and a broad band of absorp-
to the UV region due to the wide band
tion is obtained in the Vis-NIR region
gap of semiconductors. But UV region
due to the plasmonic property of Ag
amounts to no more than 5% of the
total solar spectrum. In that scenario nanoparticles. Photoluminescence
the incorporation of plasmonic metals spectra confirmed the low recombina-
with these semiconductors signifi- tion rate of separated charge carriers,
cantly enhance the optical response which found to be an inevitable char-
of these materials. Plasmonic noble acteristic of an efficient photocatalyst.
metals in combination with semi- Conclusions: Ag/ β-Ga 2 O 3 nano-
conductors offer a promising future hybrid materials were successfully
for the next generation energy needs synthesized via a low cost and eco
and environmental remediation to friendly hydrothermal method. Along
formulate a sustainable development with the fundamental absorption of
strategy. β-Ga2O3, plasmonic resonance feature
Method: Gallium oxide, (Ga 2O 3) a of the synthesized hybrid material
wide band gap semiconductor is one results in the enhancement of absorp-
of the imminent material among the tion property in the entire solar spec-
oxide based semiconductors. Here we trum. Owing to the wide possibilities
adopted a novel low cost hydrother- of exploitation of Ag nanoparticles in
mal synthesis for the production of combination with β-Ga2O3 semicon-
Ag/ β-Ga2O3 nanohybrids. ductor nanostructures, it is reasonable
to hope that its exceptional plasmonic
Results: XRD results confirm the
and light harvesting properties can
incorporation of Ag nanoparticles
be accomplished in a wide range of
into the β-Ga2O3 crystal lattice. The
technological applications.
morphological studies using FESEM
shows that cocoon shaped particles Keywords: UV-Vis-NIR absorption,
are formed. The diffuse reflectance gallium oxide, silver nanoparticles,
spectra were utilized to examine the plasmonics, photocatalysis
430 34th Kerala Science Congress


Energy Efficient WO3-x Thin Films by RF Magnetron

Sputtering for NIR Shielding Application
Anjana S. Nair, Keerthana C. S. and Saritha A. C.
School of Pure and Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University,
Kottayam, Kerala, India-686560

Background: Increased energy con- surface roughness of the deposited

sumption by air conditioners in build- films, obtained from atomic force
ings and automobiles creates serious microscope (AFM), increases with
energy crisis and environmental an increase in substrate temperature.
pollution. WO3-x based NIR shielding WO3-x thin films deposited at 500 °C
materials are potential candidates in showed low optical transmittance
blocking NIR radiation and transmit- of about 20% in the NIR region and
ting visible light, thereby reducing the above 70% transmittance in the visible
heat flow between indoor and outdoor region. As the substrate temperature
environment. increases to 500 °C, oxygen vacancies
are created, as revealed from XPS.
Method: The present work focuses on
These oxygen vacancies give rise
the deposition of RF sputter deposited
to free electrons that enhances NIR
WO3-x thin films on glass substrate by
absorption of WO3-x thin films by small
varying the substrate temperatures
polaron effect and surface plasmon
from room temperature (RT) to 600°C
resonance at ~900 nm and ~1700 nm
in steps of 100°C. The effects of sub-
strate temperature on the structural,
morphological, compositional and Conclusion: NIR shielding properties
optical properties of WO3-x thin films of WO3-x thin films could be tuned by
were studied. The NIR shielding per- varying the substrate temperature by
formance of the deposited films with RF sputtering and is helpful for the
change in substrate temperature was fabrication of NIR shielding coatings
evaluated. in a simplest way. This work has
great significance in adopting a facile
Results: X-ray diffraction (XRD) pat-
method to develop WO3-x thin films for
tern revealed that the films deposited
NIR shielding applications without
below substrate temperature 500 °C
incorporating any dopants.
were amorphous in nature while the
films deposited at and above 500°C Keywords: WO3-x thin films, RF sput-
were crystalline monoclinic. The tering, NIR Shielding
34th Kerala Science Congress 431

Physical Sciences

Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets for Efficient

Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
Shilpa R.1, K. S. Sibi1, S. R. Sarath Kumar2 and R.B. Rakhi3
Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581
Department of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Kerala,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581
Material Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR- National Institute of Interdisciplinary
Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695019

Background: Generation of hydro- sample. The morphology of the mate-

gen through electrocatalytic water rial was analysed through FESEM.
splitting has gained huge interest The electrocatalytic behaviour of the
as it is a cheaper and environment material was studied in acidic medium
friendly energy generation technique, using a three electrode setup.
which can meet the increasing energy Results: XRD analysis revealed the
demands of the globe. Molybdenum formation of hexagonal phase of MoS2.
disulfie (MoS2) assures to be a com- Raman and FT/IR studies confirmed
promising HER candidate due to the sample characteristics and the
its multi-crystal structure, bandgap, sheet like morphology of the sample
abundant active surface sites, and was analysed through FESEM.
high specific surface area. In this Conclusion: Electrocatalytic study
work, we report a facile synthesis of using MoS 2 affirms the selection of
MoS2 nanosheets for electrocatalytic the material as a viable HER elec-
hydrogen evolution. trocatalyst. The material exhibited
Method: Herein, we synthesized favourable value of Tafel slope and
MoS 2 nanosheets through a simple overpotential at a defined current
hydrothermal process. XRD, Raman density.
and FT/IR studies were performed Keywords: Electrocatalyst, hydrogen
to determine the characteristics of the evolution.
432 34th Kerala Science Congress


The Main Radioactive Decay Modes of Super

Heavy Nuclei290120
Tinu Ann Jose, K. P. Santhosh and N. K. Deepak
School of Pure and Applied Physics, Kannur University, Swami Anandatheertha
Campus, Payyanur, Kerala, India- 670327

Background: Super heavy nuclei with ities of SHN 290120 to emit alpha
Z=120 is an element of great interest and heavier cluster emission using
among researchers due to its proton MGLDM and also estimated the
magic number and the prediction of probable heavy cluster emitted
island of stability urge researchers to with half-life comparable to that
search for the existence of super heavy of alpha decay half-life and the
nuclei near Z=120. heavy cluster decay with least
Method: Modified Generalized Liquid
half-life. The role of magic number
drop model (MGLDM) with Q value
is evident as the predicted heavy
dependent pre-formation factor
cluster or daughter nuclei are
[Phys. Rev. C, 99, 064604(2019)] is the
found to be stable with magic num-
theoretical model used to calculate
ber of protons or neutrons or near
alpha and cluster decay half-life of
to it. We also predicts SHN 290120
SHN 290120. MGLDM is a well proved
decays by 6 alpha chains followed
theoretical model by our group[Phys.
by spontaneous fission.
Rev. C, 98, 024625(2018)] where GLDM Conclusions: The predicted half-
of Royer [J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys, life in the case of alpha decay and
10, 1057(1984)] is modified by adding heavy cluster emission from SHN
nuclear proximity potential developed 290
120 are within experimental
by Blocki et al.,[ Ann. Phys. (NY), 105, limits and we hope that our pre-
427(1977)].The spontaneous fission is dictions will guide future experi-
estimated using the shell effect and ments.
mass inertia dependent formula by our
Keywords: alpha decay, heavy
group[Phys. Rev. C, 104, 024617(2021)].
cluster decay, spontaneous fission,
Results: We studied the possibil- super heavy element.
34th Kerala Science Congress 433

Physical Sciences

Dual Functional Exciplex with A Simple Device Design for

Blue, Yellow and White Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Kavya Rajeev1,2, C. K. Vipin1,2, Anjali K. Sajeev1,2, K. N. Narayanan Unni1,2*
Photosciences and Photonics Section, Chemical Sciences and Technology Division,
CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology,
Thiruvananthapuram, India-695019
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India-201002

Smart gadgets like mobile phones, (TAZ); commonly used transporting

smart watches etc. have their ubiqui- materials for OLED. We could develop
tous presence in our daily life. In this a promising blue exciplex OLED by
context, cost-effectiveness of organic using exciplex as an emitter and a
opto-electronic devices like organic yellow OLED by using exciplex as a
light emitting diodes (OLEDs), which host with a yellow phosphorescent
are integral part of many consum- dopant. A warm white emission has
er-electronic products, have their own been achieved by utilizing the dual
importance. Complicated fabrication functionality of exciplex as an emitter
procedure and high cost of emitter as well as a host. The white emis-
materials are the major causes for sion is achieved via a device design
high cost in OLED industry. In this strategy connecting these blue and
work, we are presenting a promising yellow emitters using a spacer layer
method for fabrication of OLEDs by of tetracene, exploiting its ambipolar
utilizing the phenomenon of exciplex transport.
emission. Exciplex emission occurs at
The selection as well as confirmation
the interface of an electron accepting
methods for a suitable conjugate pair
and an electron donating material.
for efficient exciplex emission are con-
Hence it avoids the need for a separate
sidered to be a crucial task. Analysis
emissive layer which helps to reduce
of photoluminescence spectra, UV-vis-
the cost-effectiveness of the device.
ible absorption spectra and the tran-
Here we present novel blue emitting sient PL spectra of the exciplex mixed
exciplex combinations. We have film along with the individual films
selected N,N′-Bis(naphthalen-1-yl)- have been done to give evidences for
N,N′-bis(phenyl)benzidine (NPB) exciplex emission. Thus, by utilizing
and 3-(Biphenyl-4-yl)-5-(4-tert-butyl- dual-functioning of exciplex emission
phenyl)-4-phenyl-4H-1,2,4-triazole as well a simple device design strat-
434 34th Kerala Science Congress

egy, we could achieve blue, yellow a cost-effective white OLED.

as well as white emission in OLEDs.
These results address the challenges Keywords : Organic Light Emitting
of complicated device fabrication and Diodes, Exciplex emission, Spacer ,
the lack of a stable and efficient Deep blue exciplex, Yellow OLEDs,
blue emitter, providing guidelines for White light emission


Effect of Co and Ni Dopant on Boosting the Thermoelectric

Properties of CuO for Heat Energy Harvesting
Nabeela K. V.1 and P. P. Pradyumnan1
Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Kerala, India- 673635

Background: Energy crisis and envi- a stoichiometric ratio and the thermo-
ronmental degradation facing from electric studies were performed in the
overwhelming dependence of con- temperature range of 300-873K.
ventional energy resources demands
Results: As the dopants are entered
remarkable development in renewable
into t he lattice, t here occurred
energy resources. In this regard
simultaneous increase in electrical
economically feasible thermoelectric
conductivity and Seebeck coefficient
materials are much interest as they
of pristine CuO. Additional charge
can generate electrical energy from
carriers generated and band structure
diverse heat resources. Investigations
modification leads to decoupling of
of adequate strategies are needed to
these electric transport parameters.
improve thermoelectric conversion
Accordingly about 6 fold improve-
ments in powerfactor were attained
Method: This work highlights modifi- for both Co and Ni doped CuO. For-
cation in various transport properties mation of point defects with doping
such as Seebeck coefficient, electrical aided the scattering of phonons and
conductivity and thermal conductivity thereby reduced the contribution of
of CuO through the novel strategy lattice thermal conductivity. These
of doping. Co and Ni doped CuO results collectively enhanced figure of
samples were fabricated through merit (ZT) of Co and Ni doped CuO
simple solid state reaction method in greatly from that of pristine CuO.
34th Kerala Science Congress 435

Physical Sciences
Conclusions: This work demonstrate ity for mid to high temperature heat
that doping with transition metal ions energy harvesting applications.
Co and Ni are very helpful on improv-
ing the thermoelectric properties of Keywords: Thermoelectricity, pow-
CuO by modifying various transport erfactor, doping, phonons, figure of
properties and bring out the possibil- merit


Room Temperature Ammonia Sensors Using

Morphology-Controlled Organic Field-Effect Transistors
Vibhu Darshan, V. R. Rajeev and K. N. Narayanan Unni *

Photosciences and Photonics Section, Chemical Sciences and Technology Division,

CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST),
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India -695019
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, U.P., India-201 002

Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) sensor for NH3 using a p-type fused
have received much attention for thiophene based organic molecule,
flexible, light weight and cheap cost dinaphtho[2,3-b:2’,3’-f]thieno[3,2-b]
sensor applications, mainly in indus- thiophene (DNTT), in a bottom-gate
trial and medical diagnostics field. The top-contact structure, which showed
susceptibility to degradation in both a fast response to low concentration
ambient and aqueous environments of the analyte down to 100 ppb. The
has prevented OFETs from gaining devices showed good air stability and
rapid traction for sensing applications. performed well at room temperature.
On the other hand, the versatility of A smooth thin film of polymethyl
molecules and device designs have methacrylate (PMMA) has been
kept OFET as an interesting candidate used as the dielectric material and its
for sensors for environmental moni- hydrophobic surface led to structured
toring, particularly for toxic gases like growth of organic semiconductor,
ammonia (NH3) DNTT.
Here, we fabricated a highly sensi- We optimized the sensor performance
tive, organic field-effect transistor by controlling the growth dynamics of
(OFET) based room temperature the semiconductor film, and the sensi-
436 34th Kerala Science Congress

tivity of the device towards 1 ppm of The devices exhibited a fast response
ammonia was almost doubled with a and good recovery to the initial state
porous film of DNTT as compared to within two minutes. The proposed
that with a thick film. Morphological OFET based ammonia sensor can
studies of the sensing layers, using have potential applications in health
atomic force microscopy (AFM), have and environmental monitoring par-
been done to establish this struc-
ticularly due to its room-temperature
ture-property relation. The variations
performance, easy integration, good
in different transistor parameters like,
air stability, and enhanced ammonia
saturation current, field-effect mobil-
sensing properties.
ity, threshold voltage, subthreshold
swing and interface states density Keywords: DNTT, Porous monolayer,
have been studied with respect to Organic field-effect Transistor, Ammo-
different analyte concentrations. nia Sensor


Modelling the Knot Emissions of

Active Galactic Nuclei(AGN) Jets
Amal Abdulrahman1, Sunder Sahayanathan2 and P. A. Subha1
1Department of Physics, Farook College, Kerala, India - 673632
2Astrophysical Sciences Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India - 400085

The nucleus of a galaxy with lumi- processes but the radiative process
nosity greater than 1044 erg/s and responsible for X-ray is not very
exceeding the overall luminosity of well understood. The synchrotron
emission and an associated Inverse
the entire host galaxy is known as
compton process of cosmic microwave
active Galactic Nucleus(AGN). High
background radiation of a single elec-
emission regions along the jets of tron population, could satisfactorily
active galaxies are called Knots. Radio, explain the radio-optical-x-ray emis-
Optical emission from such knots sions from the knots, but this emission
were already observed. And after the model predicts significant gamma ray
advent of Chandra X-ray observatory, emission from these knots which are
X-ray counterpart was also detected. not consistent with the upperlimits
The radio and optical emissions were attained through fermi gamma-ray
explained by synchrotron emission observations.
34th Kerala Science Congress 437

Physical Sciences
In this work, we develop a two time taken by the particles to cool.
population model which has two Particles accelerated and cooled by
physically separated regions respon- the magnetic field in the inner region
sible for the emission processes. The form a broken power law distribution
inner spherical region from where par- of particles. Using this model, X-ray
ticles are accelerated and an extended
knots of 3C 273 was explained by
outer region where particles from
the synchrotron radiation from these
inner region diffuse out. The extension
of the outer region is decided by the


Design and Performance Analysis of Flexible Organic

Thermoelectric Generator
I. Vijitha, C. Vijayakumar and Biswapriya Deb
Chemical Sciences and Technology Division, CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science
and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 019
AcSIR- Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, Ghaziabad, India

Background: The capability of con- However, TE properties have rarely

verting heat into electricity (and vice been explored.
versa) of a thermoelectric (TE) devices
Method: This work explores simu-
are expected to play an important role
lating an organic TE generator using
in addressing today’s global energy
issues. Electronic TE materials based COMSOL Multiphysics software and
on organic conjugated polymers have compares its power output with the
attracted considerable interest due to experimental results. A composite of
their advantages of easy processing, conjugated thienothiophene polymer
lower weight, cost-effectiveness, high mixed with single-walled carbon
flexibility along with their inherently nanotube via probe sonication was
low thermal conductivity. Conjugated used for device fabrication and silver
polymers based on thienothiophene as the electrode. A flexible 21-leg TE
units have been intensively studied generator was fabricated and mea-
as photovoltaic materials, due to their sured the open circuit voltage, short
good planarity of the conjugated circuit current and calculated the
backbone and high carrier mobility. power output.
438 34th Kerala Science Congress

Result: The performance of the 21-leg device. The flexible devices based on
flexible TE generator was demon- these organic hybrid materials, which
strated, exhibiting the power delivery have low thermal conductivity, light-
of ~ 50 nW when subjected to a 65 K weight, material abundance, and low-
temperature gradient. The simulation cost manufacturing, show significant
of the same device using COMSOL advances in realizing prototypes for
Multiphysics software predicted a next-generation electronic gadgets and
power output of 370 nW. wearable TE energy harvesters.
Conclusion: It is possible to expand Keyword: Thermoelectrics, Conju-
these studies to identify and mitigate gated polymer, Carbon nanotube,
the performance loss pathways in a Flexible device
Physical Sciences
Poster Presentation
34th Kerala Science Congress 441

Physical Sciences

Unravelling Phonon Assisted Thermographic Response in

Eu3+ Activated Sr2NaMg2V3O12 for Dualmode
Temperature Sensing
B. Amrithakrishnan, I. N. Jawahar and G. Subodh
Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695 581

Background: The optical thermometry in the dodecahedral site is confirmed

based on thermographic phosphors by Rietveld refinment. The dual
is a key method which offers high emission from VO43- and Eu3+ along
accuracy and consistency in which with the energy transfer VO43- to Eu3+
fluorescence intensity ratio method is observed. The phenomenon of
offers several advantages. Moreover, diverse thermal quenching in which
optical thermometry studies based on VO43-undergo rapid falls in intensity
self-activated vanadate complexes are and Eu3+ a slow reduction in intensity
still limited. Hence to understand the is identified. The maximum relative
potentiality of vanadate based garnets sensitivity, S r is 1.61% at 420 K and
in the field of thermometry and safety also material shows high repeatabil-
sign applications, we opted dual ity and a temperature resolution of
emitting Sr2NaMg2V3O12 as the host < 0.2 K making it suitable for optical
and Eu3+ as the activator for designing thermometry applications. More-
thermographic phosphor. over, the thermochromic response is
Method: The material, Sr2NaMg2V3O12: evaluated in which a rapid colorific
xEu3+ were synthesized via conven- shift from white to deep red (0.353,
tional solid- state reaction route. 0.335) to (0.611, 0.360) in 300-500 K
SrCO 3, MgO, Na 2CO 3, NH 4VO 3 and is observed. The rapid colorific shift
Eu2O3 were the starting materials used. finds application in safety sign in
The stoichiometric amounts of pre- high temperature environment. On
cursors were accurately weighed and comparing with already reported
mixed together in acetone medium for materials, the present Sr2NaMg2V3O12:
18 h and calcined at 900oC for 4 h. 8% Eu 3+ exhibits superior colorific
Results: The single phase nature of shift. The phenomena of rapid and
synthesized phosphors is observed slow thermal quenching is due to the
by XRD and the substitution of Eu3+ increased non radiative transition via
442 34th Kerala Science Congress

crossover in VO43- and the existence of rapid colorific shift from white to deep
large energy gap between the excited red was observed and thus confirmed
and ground states of Eu3+ respectively. its potentiality as a superior candidate
Conclusions: In summary, based for dual mode temperature sensing.
on the thermographic response of
Sr2NaMg2V3O12: Eu3+, maximum rela- Keywords: Garnet, Thermographic
tive sensitivity of 1.61%/K as well as response, Safety sign


High-frequency EMI Shielding and Microwave Absorption in

Mayenite Electride (C12A7:e-) with the Smallest Anions,
Induced Porosity and Graphene Interfaces
Vidhya Lalan, Subodh G*
Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581

Background: Highly efficient EMI of porosity induced C12A7:e - with

shielding and high-frequency micro- graphene interfaces. The EMI shield-
wave absorbing materials (MAMs) are ing properties were analyzed in the
indispensable in the present scenario Ku and K bands and the microwave
where we are witnessing the 5G absorptions were analyzed from 5 to
technology and the internet of things 40 GHz.
(IoT). Mayenite electride (C12A7:e -)
Results: The studied material exhibits
is the first room-temperature stable
EMI shielding effectiveness of 34.8
inorganic electride in which the cage-
dB at 26.5 GHz for a thickness of 2.5
trapped electrons serves the function
mm and an average specific shielding
of the smallest possible anions. Desir-
effectiveness of 107 dBcm2g-1, thereby
able electromagnetic responses for
having comparatively better result
microwave attenuation are possible
among ceramic composites. More-
from this material owing to its unique
over, the material has a dominating
structural and morphological prop-
microwave absorption with minimum
reflection. The microwave absorption
Methods: This study explores the studies from 5 to 40 GHz exhibits a
high-frequency EMI shielding and minimum reflection loss of -22.9 dB at
microwave absorption properties 30.9 GHz for a thickness of 2.54 mm
34th Kerala Science Congress 443

Physical Sciences
with an ultra-high bandwidth of 10.1 macropores and graphene/C12A7:e-
GHz. interfaces, and dipolar polarization
at defects sites in graphene makes
Conclusions: The peculiar struc-
C12A7:e - a potential candidate for
ture-derived electromagnetic response
microwave attenuation in 5G bands.
and various dissipation mechanisms
like high electrical conductivity, polar- Keywords: EMI shielding, Microwave
izations from the cavity-trapped elec- absorption, Electron anions, Graphene
tron anions, interfacial polarizations at interfaces


Study of Central Light Distribution in Nearby Early Type Gal-

axies Hosting Nuclear Star Clusters
K. Sruthi1 and C. D. Ravikumar1
Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala, India-673635

Background: In some galaxies, the adopted from Scott & Graham (2013).
central supermassive black hole is Hubble Space Telescope observations
surrounded by a massive, very com- in optical band taken using cameras
pact, star cluster composed of up to 108 ACS and WFPC2 (F850, F814 and F702
stars, commonly referred as nuclear filters) are used for the analysis. The
star cluster (NSC). Central intensity central intensity ratio (CIR) in the two
ratio (CIR; Aswathy & Ravikumar concentric apertures of sizes 1.5 and
2018, 2020, Sruthi & Ravikumar 2021) 3 arcsec at the centre of the galaxy
is a photometric parameter that mea- image is calculated using SExtractor (
sures the variation of light intensity Bertin & Arnouts 1996).
at the very centre of the galaxy image. Results: We report a significantly
The simple photometric definition of good correlation between CIR and
CIR makes it sensitive to any addition magnitude of the nuclear star cluster
(or subtraction) to the light near the residing at the centre of the galaxy
centre of a galaxy. (linear correlation coefficient r = -
0.76 with a significance, S greater than
Method: A representative sample of 63
99.99 per cent).
nearby (< 44 Mpc) early-type galaxies
hosting nuclear star clusters includ- C o n c l u s i o n s : Lu m i n o u s N S C s
ing 35 ellipticals and 28 lenticulars is contribute more light in the inner
444 34th Kerala Science Congress

aperture which reflects in the value estimation of NSC magnitude with the
of CIR. Thus, the result suggests a aid of CIR. Also the result suggests a
possible connection of NSC with possible co-evolution of NSC with its
its host galaxy. Magnitude, one of host galaxy reported in literature.
the directly measurable property of
NSC, is usually derived from galaxy Keywords: Galaxies , photometry,
fitting. Our result propose the quick Nuclear star clusters.


Novel Ways to Access Lower Energy Levels in GaAsBi

Quantum Well Pin Diode
S. J. Sreerag, Sandeep S. and Rajeev N. Kini
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research – Thiruvananthapuram
(IISER-TVM), Kerala, India

Background: Devices with GaAsBi ment and Electroluminescence (EL)

have been widely studied in the past of GaAsBi pin diode were recorded.
decade due to its potential application The device was excited using a contin-
in long-wavelength optoelectronics, uous wave, solid-state laser of 532 nm
spintronics, photovoltaics applica- focused to a spot size of 2μm using a
tions, and quantum well diode laser long working distance objective. The
whose wavelength is getting closer to average power of the laser was varied
telecom wavelength range. A Small from 0.5 to 4 mW. The device was
amount of Bi incorporation in GasAs biased in the range of 23 to 37 mA.
leads to emission and absorption of The measurements were done in the
lower energy photons than that of temperature range of 22 – 300 K.
GaAs due strong bandgap reduction
Results: PL and EL spectra shows two
(~80meV per Bi %). An increase in
peaks. Lower energy peak is attributed
the spin-orbit splitting energy is also
to GaAsBi and higher energy peak is
observed where the magnitude of
attributed to GaAs. For low biases, the
splitting exceeds the bandgap offering
GaAsBi shows an S-shaped tempera-
the suppression of non-radiative auger
ture dependence. For higher bias the
temperature dependent peak follows
Method: Temperature-dependent Varshini law. By introducing low
photoluminescence (PL) measure- fluence optical pumping with 523nm
34th Kerala Science Congress 445

Physical Sciences
continuous wave laser, it is observed which are otherwise inaccessible using
that lower energy states become a combination of optical and electrical
accessible. pumping.
Conclusion: This work shows the Keywords: Quantum well pindiode,
possibility to access energy levels photoluminescence, Electrolumines-
of GaAsBi pin diode quantum well, cence, GaAsBi


Hydrothermally Synthesized Van Der Waal Layered

Structure of 2D WS2 for TFT Application
Saranya Sasi1, Swathy B. Saseendran2, Christeena Thomas1, Asha A.S.2 and R. Reshmi 1
Optoelectronic and Nanomaterial’s Research Laboratory, Department of Physics,
Union Christian College, Aluva, Kerala, India--683102
NEST Lab Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India -682022

Background: Beyond graphene, 2D at a temperature of 1500C followed by

transition metal dichalcogenides are the annealing in the atmosphere of
widely investigated because of their sulphur and argon.
layer-dependent tunable properties.
Tungsten disulphide (WS 2) being a Results: Post annealing treatment
promising material from this group, induces better crystallinity and facil-
having potential application for next itated van der waal layered structure.
generation thin film transistors. The
Conclusions: Hydrothermal process
hydrothermal synthesis and subse-
quent post annealing to form van der and subsequent annealing identified
waal layered structure has not been a simple route to achieve 2D vander
reported elsewhere. waal structure with enhanced crystal-
linity for the fabrication of thin film
Met hod: Typical hydrot her mal
method was employed to synthesize
WS 2 . Sodium tungstate, thiourea Keywords: Transition metal dichal-
and oxalic acid were used as the cogenides, Hydrothermal synthesis,
precursors. The reaction carried out post annealing
446 34th Kerala Science Congress


Synthesis and Characterization of Mn-doped MoS2 for

Electrochemical Sensing of Folic Acid
Christeena Thomas1, Saranya Sasi1, Asha A. S.2, Alex Mathew1, R. Reshmi1
Optoelectronic and Nanomaterial’s Research Laboratory, Department of Physics,
Union Christian College, Aluva, Kerala, India- 683102
NEST Lab, Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India- 682022,

Background: Nowadays there is molybdate dihydrate, thiourea,

triggering interest in 2D materials manganese acetate tetrahydrate
like Transition Metal Dichalcogenides were used as precursors. The reac-
(TMD’s). Among TMD’s MoS2 has the tion was carried out at 2000C for 24
most robust nature and its biosensing hours.
properties are still been explored. Folic
Results: The Mn-doped MoS2 has
Acid (FA) is an essential vitamin that
shown a 42% increase in oxidation
is necessary for the proper growth and
current than pure MoS2 in the pres-
development of humans in every stage
ence of 1mM FA.
of growth. Also, manganese (Mn) is
a catalyst with distinguishing prop- Conclusions: The synergetic effect
erties. The FA sensing properties of of both Mn and MoS2 can effectively
Mn-doped MoS2 are not yet reported. increase the sensing of FA.

Method: Facile hydrothermal synthe- Keywords: Transition Metal Dichal-

sis method was used for the synthesis cogenides, manganese, Folic Acid,
of Mn-doped MoS2. For that sodium biosensing.
34th Kerala Science Congress 447

Physical Sciences

Copper Oxide Doped Polyaniline as A Bifunctional Interlayer

for Performance Enrichment of Li-S Cells
E. M. Sreeja a†, A. Abhilasha†, V. Sasidevana and S. Jayalekshmia
Department of Physics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, Kerala, India

Ever increasing demand for storing have been adopted. Inserting a suitable
energy harvested from sustainable interlayer between the cathode and
resources has intensified research for separator is being widely pursued as
developing new, low-cost materials for a promising approach. The chosen
efficient energy-storage applications. interlayer should be able to enhance
Research attention is more focused electrical conductivity of sulphur cath-
on developing storage devices with ode and inhibit polysulphide shuttling
high energy density and operational phenomenon.
stability with less environmental
In the present work, suitability of
pollution. High theoretical capacity
copper oxide doped polyaniline
and easy availability of sulphur make
(CP) interlayer to inhibit polysulfide
lithium-sulphur cell chemistry one of
shuttling effect and thus improve cell
the most promising viable technolo-
performance is investigated. Com-
gies for developing next generation
posite of sulphur with polyaniline
energy storage devices.
coated activated carbon (PACS) is
In lithium - sulphur cell, sulphur used as modified sulphur cathode with
cathode offers quite high theoretical increased electrical conductivity.
specific capacity of 1675mAh/g against
Structural and morphological charac-
lithium. However, low electrical con-
terizations of the synthesized PACS
ductivity of sulphur, volume expansion
cathode and the CP interlayer are car-
of sulphur cathode to significant extent
ried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD)
during Li intake and the formation of
and Field Emission Scanning Electron
polysulphides during cycling, which
dissolve in the electrolyte, giving rise Microscopy (FE-SEM) techniques.
to polysulphide shuttling effect limit Electrochemical characterizations are
practical applications and commercial- carried out by assembling stainless
ization prospects of lithium-sulphur steel Swagelok cells inside argon filled
cells presently. To overcome these lim- glove box.
itations, several effective approaches Li-S cells assembled with CP interlayer
448 34th Kerala Science Congress

offer much higher initial discharge collector. Our study suggests that sur-
capacity of 699 mAhg −1, compared face modification of sulphur cathode
to that of the ones without interlayer, as PACS and the use of CP interlayer
which is only 289 mA h g−1 and good offer promising scope for designing
cycling stability. Pores in the polymer the next generation Li-S cells with high
network of the CP interlayer act as capacity, energy density, and excellent
“traps” for the polysulfides by hold- cycling stability.
ing back the migrating polysulfides. Keywords: Li-S cell, Polysulfides,
Interlayer also acts as an upper current Copper oxide, PANI, Interlayer.


Improved Optical Limiting Property of Carbon Wrapped Zinc

Sulfide Core-Shell Nanostructures
Athulya K.S and Chandrasekharan K.*
Laser and Nonlinear Optics laboratory, Department of Physics,
National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, India

Background: The optical limiting of Zinc sulfide (ZnS) nanoparticles as

property of nonlinear optical materials a consequence of core-shell structure
can be made use in protecting sensi- formation with graphite. The synthesis
tive optical devices from the damage ZnS@C core-shell structure was car-
caused by high-power laser systems. ried out in chlorobenzene by Pulsed
This can be realized by maintaining Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL). The
the output fluence below a certain formation of the synthesized structure
damage threshold even at high input was confirmed using a UV-Vis spec-
intensities. However, most of the non- trophotometer. The optical limiting
linear optical materials found in nature studies were conducted by standard
exhibit weak nonlinearities. Thus, it is Z-scan technique using the second
high time to find new materials that harmonic of a Q-switched Nd: YAG
can withstand high intensities without laser with 10 Hz repetition rate and 7
getting damaged. ns pulse width.
Met hod: Herein, we report t he Results: The characteristic Surface
enhanced nonlinear absorption (NLA) Plasmon Resonance (SPR) peak of ZnS
34th Kerala Science Congress 449

Physical Sciences
nanoparticles at 270 nm was absent in structure can be attributed to the
the UV-Vis spectrum. Instead, a peak interaction between the intermediate
was formed at 288 nm due to the pres- energy levels of ZnS core and graph-
ence of graphitic layer around the ZnS ite shell. The Optical Limiting (OL)
core which quenched the SPR peak of threshold value of the synthesized
ZnS@C core-shell structure was 0.369
ZnS. The open aperture Z-scan studies
J/cm2, which is one of the best values
revealed a fall in transmittance at the
of optical limiters reported so far.
focus, hence confirming the contribu-
tion of Reverse Saturable Absorption Conclusion: The effective integration
of ZnS with graphite significantly
(RSA) towards NLA. A three-fold
improves its optical properties, allow-
enlargement in the effective nonlinear
ing our structure for applications in
absorption coefficient was obtained optical limiting and laser safety
for the core-shell nanostructure com-
pared to pristine ZnS nanoparticles. Key Words: Pulsed Laser Ablation,
This phenomenal enhancement of Nanoparticle core-shell nanostructure,
the NLA behavior of the core-shell Z-Scan, Optical Limiting


Nd: YAG Laser Ablated Non-Hazardous Platinum-Gold Alloy

Nanoparticles for Catalytic Degradation of
Methylene Blue Dye
R. Fathima and A. Mujeeb
International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi-22, Kerala, India

Background: When the plasmonically produce ligand-free, non hazardous

efficient Au NPs and traditionally Pt-Au NPs on a cost effective basis
catalytic Pt NPs are combined in bime- without any chemical surfactants and
tallic NPs, plasmonic excitation can pre cursors.
occur along with significant molecule Method: To synthesize Pt-Au alloy
adsorption characteristics which result NPs, laser irradiation method of
in amazing enhancement in catalytic heating and diffusion of laser ablated
activities Laser assisted techniques can monometallic colloidal mix using Nd:
450 34th Kerala Science Congress

YAG laser was adopted. The catalytic measurements.

activity of Pt, Au and Pt-Au alloy NPs
Conclusions: Surfactant-free non-
in the catalytic degradation of Methy-
hazardous Au-Pt alloy NPs were syn-
lene blue dye was investigated.
thesized via a novel laser irradiation
Results: Regression analysis shows method. Catalytic application of Pt,
that measuring anions using imped- Au and Pt-Au alloy NPs were ana-
ance spectroscopy and simple stainless lyzed in catalytic degradation of MB
steel cylinders that detection limits at dye. The Pt-Au alloy NPs were found
the parts per trillion (ppt) level are to have enhanced catalytic activity
possible. There was no statistical dif-
than monometallic NPs due to the
ference when comparing impedance
simultaneous occurrence of plasmonic
values of the same concentration of
as well as adsorption effects.
acetate and chloride in solution, show-
ing real impedance is not dependent Keywords: laser assisted synthesis,
on ion size. However, ions with higher Pt-Au alloy nanoparticles, catalytic
charge do result in lower impedance degradation, Methylene Blue


All-Optical Diode Action from Nonlinear Photonic Crystal/

Metal Hybrid Structure
Nikhil P. P. and Chandrasekharan K.*
Laser and Nonlinear Optics Laboratory, Department of Physics,
National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India

Background: The past few decades cal communication systems. Similar

witnessed remarkable technological to its electronic counterpart, optical
advancement in replacing con - diode can block the propagation of
ventional electronic devices with light in one direction, while letting in
integrated photonic systems with the other direction.We demonstrate
superior performances. The photonic the working of an all-optical, passive
integrated chips (PIC) require all-op- nonlinear photonic diode by juxta-
tical elements to control the light posing a reverse saturable absorber
propagation. The optical diode is one (RSA) and saturable absorber (SA) in
of the fundamental elements in opti- tandem. The asymmetric nonlinear
34th Kerala Science Congress 451

Physical Sciences
absorption causes non-reciprocity in resultant enhanced light-matter inter-
light transmission, and work as an action leads to giant enhancement in
all-optical diode. the RSA property of phthalocyanine. A
thin layer of gold is vacuum deposited
Method: A one-dimensional poly-
on the top act as SA material. The for-
meric photonic crystal microcavity
ward and reverse diode actions were
structure is fabricated via spin-coating
studied using nanosecond pulsed
20 bilayers of polyvinyl carbazole and
laser by varying the input fluencies.
cellulose acetate with quarter-wave
optical thickness with a photonic Conclusion: Our structure offers
bandgap around 532 nm. A defect high non-reciprocity factor with low
layer containing a metal-free phtha- input threshold, with good chemical
locyanine creates a resonant cavity and mechanical stability, making it a
for light. The localized mode of the potential candidate towards realizing
photonic cavity is designed at 532 nm, all-optical analogous of electronic
which is the excitation wavelength of devices.
the laser used in the study.
Keywords: Optical diode, Photonic
Results: Due to high optical density crystal, Bragg mirror, Nonlinear
of states in photonic crystal cavity and optics, Nonreciprocity


Monte Carlo Simulation and Validation of Beam

Characteristics of 10MV Flattening-Filter-Free Photon Beam
of Truebeam® Medical Linear Accelerator.
Sarin B.1,2, Bindhu B.1, Saju B.2 and Raghu Kumar P.2
Department of Physics, Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kanyakumari,
Tamil Nadu, India
Division of Radiation Physics, Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Background: A Monte Carlo (MC) aims to validate the accuracy of the

based calculation was used for the Monte Carlo (MC) model of 10 MV
simulation of radiation dose delivery flattening filter-free (FFF) photon
in order to increase accuracy during beam against experimental measure-
radiotherapy treatment planning. ments for a TrueBeam® Linear accel-
erator (Linac).MC simulation of the
Materials and Methods: This study
452 34th Kerala Science Congress

10MV FFF beam of TrueBeam® Linac around 1% (a range of 0.95% to 1.5%).

was performed using the PRIMO MC Gamma analysis indicates a minimum
simulation software (Version 0.3.64). pass percentage of 98% for depth dose
The simulated beam parameters were curves and 95% for beam profiles. The
compared against the measured beam beam quality indexes, output factors,
data of the TrueBeam machine. The and absolute point dose agree with
measurements were carried out in measurements.
water sizes at different depths using a
Conclusions: MC simulation results
radiation field analyzer (RFA). A vir-
of 10 MV FFF of photon beams from
tual water phantom defined in PRIMO
TrueBeam LINAC using the PRIMO
was used to determine the dose. The
code show good agreement with
gamma analysis method was used to
experimental data. This study shows
compare the dose distributions with
that PRIMO can be used to verify
2%, 2 mm acceptance criteria.
beam characteristics independently.
Results: Statistical uncertainty in the
Keywords: Monte Carlo simulation,
dose calculation reported by PRIMO
PRIMO Code, FFF beam, Linac.
at two standard deviations was


Modification of Optical and Structural Properties of PCD

Deposited ZnSe Nanostructured Thin Films
P. M. Geethanjali a*, K. Deepab, Lisha Damodarana and T. L. Remadevi c
Govt. Brennen College, Dharmadam, Kannur, Kerala, India- 670106
PRNSS College, Mattannur, Kerala, India 670702
School of Pure and Applied Physics, Kannur University, Payyannur, Kerala, India-670327

Background: The semiconductor bath Deposition technique with a UV

industry has greatly benefitted by the lamp (125) W emitting radiations of
advancements in thin film technology wavelength 355 nm.
through very large scale integration.
Results: The polycrystalline thin films
ZnSe is a wide band gap II-VI semi-
have hexagonal wurtzite crystal struc-
conductor with direct transition.
ture. Various structural properties like
Method: ZnSe thin films were synthe- grain size, micro strain and dislocation
sised through Photo-assisted Chemical density are evaluated. The morphol-
34th Kerala Science Congress 453

Physical Sciences
ogy shows variation with duration of electrical conductivity is evaluated
deposition and the films were nearly from I-V plot.
stoichiometric. All the samples pos-
Conclusion: the peculiar morphol-
sessed very high optical transmission
ogy, structural, optical and electrical
in the visible and IR region and optical
properties make the thin films good
band gap widened with increase in
candidate for luminescent and pho-
deposition time. Room temperature
tovoltaic window layer applications.
PL emission spectra shows a blue shift
in NBE peak which is in agreement Keywords: Photo-assisted chemical
with the optical band gap value. The deposition, photoluminescence, SEM


Pairing Correlations in The Isotopes of Cobalt in the Light of

Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory
Nicemon Thomas*, Anjana A. V. and Antony Joseph
Department of Physics, University of Calicut, Kerala, India-673635

Background: The existence of nucleon neutrinoless double β decays, odd-

pairing could be traced out from the even staggering, incompressibility,
Bethe-Weizäcker semi-empirical symmetry energy, moments of inertia,
formula, which helps us understand alignments, deformation etc.
the behavior of nuclear properties, viz.
Method: We use Hartree-Fock-Bogoli-
the binding energy, stability, shape etc.
ubov (HFB) theory for the study. The
Even though the correlation energy
general wave functions for the HFB
due to pairing appears to be a small
approach, incorporating the qua-
correction to the binding energy, it
si-particles which move independently
has been proved to play a vital role
and the possible correlations are
in determining the structure of both
determined by variational principle.
finite and infinite nuclear systems.
We define eigen functions for the
The additional binding that pairing
Hamiltonian as the ground state
offers provides increased stability
quasi-particle vacuum by using the
and in turn affects the position of
Rayleigh-Ritz variational principle and
the dripline. Pairing correlations
are connected to the original particle
also influence reaction cross sections,
operators through Bogoliubov trans-
454 34th Kerala Science Congress

formation. The Hartree-Fock energy values and the contribution due to

is obtained through the minimization the pairing is evident. Similarly, for
of the variational parameter. The HFB pairing energies and pairing gaps, we
equation is solved by iterative diago- could identify regions where pairing
nalization in the quasi-particle basis is significant and the effects of shell
defined for protons and neutrons. In closure at the vicinity of magic con-
each iteration the particle number
figuration of neutrons. The one- and
symmetry is restored by Lipkin-Nog-
two-neutron separation energies also
ami method, which plays the role of
a Lagrange multiplier, by including agree well with experimental values
an additional term in the HFB Ham- and could prove the effect of pairing.
iltonian. We use a standard computer
Conclusion: The Hartree-Fock-Bo-
code HFBTHO to accomplish these
goliubov calculations of the effects of
pairing could be used as an efficient
Results: The HFBTHO analysis proves tool to study the nuclear structure
that there is considerable effect of pair- effectively. It can be ascertained that
ing correlation in the binding energies, the pairing plays an important role in
neutron and proton pairing energies, determining the ground state proper-
neutron and proton pairing gaps and ties of atomic nuclei.
one- and two-neutron separation
energies of the Cobalt isotopes with Keywords: Pairing correlation, Har-
mass numbers ranging from 44 to 76. tree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory, nuclear
It could be seen that the binding ener- structure, binding energy, pairing gap,
gies matches with the experimental neutron separation energy.


Two Proton Decay of 19Mg, 22Si, 26S, 30Ar Isotopes

Saeed Abdulla N.P1 and R. K. Biju1,2*
Department of Physics, Govt. Brennan College, Thalassery, Kerala, India- 670106

Department of Physics, Pazhassi Raja N S S College, Mattanur, Kerala, India- 670702

Background: The present work aims the isotopes 19Mg, 22Si, 26S, 30Ar nuclei
to study the two-proton radioactivity have minimum separation energy for
of light nuclei with atomic number two proton decays S(2p). We have also
in between 10 to 20. It is found that computed the driving potential for
34th Kerala Science Congress 455

Physical Sciences
these isotopes with different angular than S(p). We have also computed the
momentum (l=0,1,2,3,4). These nuclei driving potential for these isotopes
have the minimum driving potential with different angular momentum
for two proton. These two results (l=0,1,2,3,4). Increasing the angular
show the high probability of showing momentum the variation in driving
two proton radioactivity from these potential is showing a similar pattern
nuclei. The half-lives computations are shown in the ground state. Analysing
done by using the simplified form of the driving potential and separation
effective liquid drop model (ELDM). energy 19Mg, 22Si, 26S, 30Ar nuclei have
a high probability of showing two
Method: Effective liquid drop model
proton decay comparing other decay
(ELDM) is a complicated model; hence
possibilities. In addition, we have
we reduce the complexity of the model
computed the half-lives of nuclei
into a simplified form. The interacting
with different angular momentum
potential is modified by considering
(l=0,1,2,3). The computed logarithmic
the nuclei as point charges. That is
half-lives of two proton decay using
Gaudin’s expression is replaced and
the present model and are in good
the Coulomb potential energy is
agreement with experimental values
calculated by considering the daugh-
and with the predictions of GLDM,
ter nucleus and fragment as point
ELDM, and the empirical formula.
charges. The separation energy of one
proton (S(p)) and two proton (S(2p)) is Conclusions: we would like to point
computed and analyzed the possibility out that the two-proton decay is
of one proton and two proton decay probable decay for emission of 19Mg,
from the nucleus. 22
Si, 26S, 30Ar nuclei. The computed log-
arithmic half-lives of two proton decay
Results: in the present work we have
using the present model and are in
computed the one and two proton sep-
good agreement with the predictions
aration energy for 19Mg, 22Si, 26S, 30Ar
of GLDM, ELDM, and the empirical
isotopes. If the separation energy is
minimum that decay is more possible.
In the present case the isotopes 19Mg, Key words: Two proton decay, Separa-
Si, 26S, 30Ar nuclei have lower S(2p) tion energy, Driving potential
456 34th Kerala Science Congress


Liquid-Liquid Interface Decorated with Self-Assembled

Au NPs Array As An Optofluidic Modulator
C. Farzeena1 and S. N. Varanakkottu2
School of Materials Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology
Calicut, Kerala, India
Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Calicut, Kerala, India.

Background: Metallic nanoparticles rise of 3.2 ± 0.7 oC, at the irradiated

(NPs) assembled at the liquid-liquid zone and creates a thermocapillary
interface (LLI) are shown to have wide- flow across the interface. The flow
spread applications ranging from sen- thus generated results in the deforma-
sors to tunable optical devices. Optical tion and subsequent rupturing of the
actuation of LLI is a promising way heptane layer, when the thickness of
to realize simple, cost-effective and the layer is below the capillary length
reconfigurable optical components. (0.5 ± 0.05 mm). To operate the plat-
Herein, we report a thermoplasmon- form as an optical modulator, a signal
ically actuated all-optical modulator beam (655 nm) was aligned to pass
based on a heptane/water interface through the heptane layer, parallel to
incorporated with assembled Au NPs. the interface. When the trigger beam
Method: The working principle relies is off, the layer is intact and the signal
on the temperature rise at the LLI due beam gives a maximum output (ON
to plasmonic heating and controllable state). Upon switching on the trigger
dewetting of the top liquid layer trig- beam, the heptane layer ruptures and
gered by the thermocapillary flow. The blocks the incoming signal, resulting
system comprises of heptane layer as in a minimum output (OFF state).
the top layer, water as the bottom layer
Conclusions: We developed a ther-
and 2D array of Au NPs (size 51 ± 5
moplasmonically-actuated optical
nm) at the interface. The temperature
modulator based on a liquid-liquid
gradient to drive flow arises from the
interface decorated with self-assem-
plasmonic heating using a focused 532
bled Au nanoparticles. The working
nm laser beam at the NP array.
principle relies on thermoplasmoni-
Results: The excitation of assembled cally controlled reversible rupturing
Au NP layer at the plasmonic wave- of the top layer, which modulates the
length causes a localized temperature transmittance of the signal beam pass-
34th Kerala Science Congress 457

Physical Sciences
ing through this layer. A temperature Keywords: Plasmonics, Nanopar-
rise of only 3.2±0.7 °C at the interface ticle array, Fluid-fluid interface,
is sufficient to realize modulation in All-optical switch.
optical transmission.


Elucidating the Multifunctionality of NaGdMgTeO6:Eu3+

Double Perovskite in Ratiometric Thermometry and
Solid-State Lighting
Sreelekshmi A. K., Sariga C. Lal and Subodh G.*
Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India-695581

Background: Multifunctional mate- strains, A-site cations have preference

rials are under the limelight since for layered ordering and B-site cations
it proves to be a cost-effective route for the rock salt ordering. Among
to maximize the features of a single various multifunctional materials,
material. The choice of the host plays lanthanide doped double perovskites
a significant role in determining the are popularly used in wide range of
multifunctionality of the material [1]. applications ranging from solid state
A potential candidate for multifunc- lighting, bio imaging, bio labelling,
tional material is perovskite structure optical thermometry, photovoltaics,
with general formula ABX3. In order etc. Owing to their narrow emission
to tailor the properties of perovskite lines and prolonged lifetime and
compounds, partial cation substitution dependence on temperature, it finds
at A- or B- site or both and in varying application in optical thermometry.
degrees can be carried out. This led [2-4, 11]
to double perovskite with general
Method :NaGdMgTeO 6 : Eu 3+ was
formula A2B2O6, A2BB’O6, AA’BB”O6.
synthesized via solid-state route. The
As there is a charge difference between
raw materials used for the synthesis
the two cations in double perovskite,
a particular ordering on B- site and are Na 2CO 3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99 %),
A-site can reduce the strain energy Gd2O3 (Sigma Aldrich, 99 %), Eu2O3
of the double perovskite. Due to (Alfa Aesar, 99.9%), MgO (Sigma
electrostatic considerations and bond Aldrich, 99 %), TeO2 (Sigma Aldrich,
458 34th Kerala Science Congress

99 %). Stoichiometrically weighed centred at 265 nm and some narrow

chemicals was mixed and calcined at peaks corresponding to characteristic
1050C for 4h. The sample NaGd1-xE- transitions of Eu3+ ions. When excited
uxMgTeO6 were prepared in this way at 265 nm, the photoluminescence
for seven different concentrations of emission spectra show an intense red
Eu3+ (x=0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.12 emission at 615 nm which corresponds
to 5D 0- 7F 2 electric dipole transition
and 0.14).
of Eu 3+ ions. The optimum doping
Results and Discussions: The crystal concentration of Eu3+ is obtained as 8
structure and photoluminescent mol % with a quantum yield of 35.12
properties under different Eu3+ con- upon 265 nm excitation. Concentration
centrations is investigated by XRD, quenching took place with further
Raman spectroscopy, DRS and pho- Eu3+ concentration, where the energy
toluminescence spectroscopy. X ray transfer mechanism was analysed
diffraction profile in combination with to be an electric dipole-dipole inter-
Rietveld refinement reveals the phase action. The luminescent decay time
purity and crystallinity of the samples monitored at 265 nm = 615 showed
and successful introduction of Eu 3+ a decrease in lifetime with increase
into the matrix. The compounds have in Eu 3+ concentration. The critical
monoclinic structure with space group distance is determined to be 13.17 Å
P121/m1 (11). A slight increase in the which indicate that electric multipolar
cell volume is observed which may be interaction occur among Eu 3+ ions.
due to the difference in the ionic radii Correlated colour temperature and
of Eu3+ and Gd3+. Further structural color purity are estimated to be 2227
characterisation is studied using K and 94 % respectively. Thermal
Raman spectroscopy and FTIR spec- activation energy of the phosphor is
troscopy which shows the structure evaluated as 0.2 eV. Thermal stability
is stable when trivalent europium ion and other phosphor parameters show
is incorporated into the host. Diffuse its potential application in solid state
Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) is lighting. The relative temperature
used to investigate the optical proper- sensitivity and absolute sensitivity
ties and a direct bandgap of 3.5 eV was obtained by measuring fluorescence
obtained for NaMgGdTeO6: 8% Eu3+ intensity ratio of 5D0 7F1 to 5D07F2 is 0.34
which suggests that these phosphors %K-1 and 0.0014 K-1 respectively. All
can be efficiently excited using ultra- the results suggested that NaGdMg-
violet radiations. The excitation spec- TeO6: Eu3+ phosphors have potential
trum monitored at 615 nm has a broad applications in solid state lighting and
charge transfer state excitation band optical thermometry.
34th Kerala Science Congress 459

Physical Sciences
Keywords: Double layered perovskite, A.M. Kaczmareka, R.V. Deun, M.K. Kaczmarek,
Crystal structure, red phosphor, Opti- TeSen – tool for determining thermo-
cal thermometry, FIR metric parameters in ratiometric optical
thermometry, Sens. Actuators B: Chem.
273 (2018) 696–702Z.
Vasala, S., & Karppinen, M. (2015). Progress in
Solid State Chemistry, 43, 1-36. W. Ran, H M Noh, S H Park, B Ram Lee, J

Knapp, M. C., & Woodward, P. M. (2006). H Kim, J H Jeong, J Shi and G Liucd,

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 179, Simultaneous bifunctional application

1076-1085. of solid-state lighting and ratiometric

K. Binnemans, Interpretation of Europium (III) optical thermometer based on double

spectra. Coord. Chem. Rev.,2015, perovskite LiLaMgWO6:Er3+thermochro-

295, 1–45 mic phosphors, RSC Adv., 2019
Social Responsibility
Oral Presentation
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 463

Development of an Equipment for Sustainable Bark

Harvesting of NTFP Yielding Trees with Special Emphasize
on Machilus macrantha (Nees) Kosterm.
Kanagaraj R. and P. A. Jose*
KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India- 680 653

Background: Traditionally, the tribal slower regeneration in both type of

communities are the harvesters of harvesting methods. Summer months
NTFP resources and it is their main (February to April) is found to be
source of livelihood and income ideal season for harvesting. The inner
needs. Unscientific and unsustain- bark should be left while harvesting
able harvesting has been caused fast the bark that maintain humidity and
depletion of NTFPs, particularly bark promote bark regeneration. Bark
yielding species. A bark stripping stripping equipment developed along
equipment was developed first of
with an adjustable blade which will be
its kind for stakeholders purpose.
fixed manually as per bark thickness
Machilus macrantha was targeted for
of respective age class of the tree so
the present study.
as to limit the extraction at secondary
Method: Two types of harvesting phloem. The rechargeable battery
methods viz. longitudinal stripping could help the stakeholders for con-
and longitudinal inter-space bark tinuous working and a single battery
stripping was standardized for the can lasts upto 1.30 hours. The handy
pre-reproductive and reproductive equipment weighs around 3 kgs.
individuals of Machilus macrantha. The
bark stripping equipment developed Conclusion: The bark stripping equip-
could for the sustainable harvesting ment developed could be utilized for
practice of the species. the sustainable harvesting of NTFPs
for livelihood of depending commu-
Results: Prereproductive individual’s nities.
showed faster regeneration ability
within a period of 10 months by Key words: NTFPs, sustainable
inter-space bark stripping method. harvest, bark stripping equipment,
Reproductive individuals showed conservation.
464 34th Kerala Science Congress


Effective Counterfeit Currency Blocking System by

AI and Statistics.
Vaikundam, Edayazham, Vecoor P.O., Vaikom, Kerala, India- 686144.

Background: In present scenario 2. The present circulation area of a

counterfeit currency detection is based currency.
on comparison with original one, by 3. The probability of change in circu-
an expert, with the help of security lation area.
details printed on currency. This
4. The diffusion constant of a counter-
expert is not available in everywhere,
feit currency.
he is available only in certain points of
Modification/Equipment required
currency circulation path.
1. A web server.
In this new method the possibility of a
2. A small modification in note count-
currency became fake is continuously
ing machine.
monitored throughout its circulation
3. An AI based application.
by the help of Artificial Intelligent
(AI). This method is fast, more reliable,
cheap and socially connected. 1. More efficient & fast.

Method: In this new method all 2. It can reduce the cost of security
notes are continuously monitored
using its serial number along with its 3. Assistance of expert can be reduced
circulation area. When an abnormal to < 10%.
behaviour of circulation is noticed it 4. Source and quantity can also be
is detected by AI based application estimated before arrest the people.
and inform the authority for detailed References
Journal of Financial Crime, ISSN: 1359-
AI based application will take the 0790, Article publication date: 4 July
decision according to the following 2016, By Balasubramaniyan Viswa-
condition. nathan (Department of Defence and
1. The serial numbers of currency Strategic Studies, Gurunanak College
which have already in circulation. of Arts and Science, Chennai, India)
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 465

Smart Learning Environment in a Knowledge Economy

Through Multiple Intelligences Based Multimedia
Silpa P.V.1 and K.Y.Benedict2
GV&HSS Karakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Mar Theophilus Training College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Backg round: Technology has a Physics for Higher Secondary School

profound impact on the knowledge Students following the ADDIE model
economy and society and is changing of instructional material design
the way we work, communicate, (Analysis, Design, and Development
engage in social activities and enjoy steps) with academic and technical
ourselves. From a constructivist supports. The investigator projected
learning approach, integration of the findings of the study as an action
Multiple Intelligences and Multimedia plan model with a synthetic design
entitled ‘Silpa & Benedict Instructional
is an excellent way to actively involve
Approach-Theory Integration Model’
students in quality learning.
as a pattern with futuristic use. The
Method: The present investigation findings of the study showed that
is traversed through a mixed para- MIBMLP employed learning of Phys-
digm with a Qual-Quant approach ics at Higher Secondary School level
sandwiched with a developmental is more effective than the Expository
process. The mixed-method research Approach in fostering the components
design employed in the investigation of Multiple Intelligences, achievement,
and Retention of knowledge.
is Sequential Exploratory Instrument
Development Design with a post- pos- Conclusion: The research experience
itivistic worldview calls for a quanti- and the analysis of the findings clearly
tative priority. . Experimental method point towards a broad spectrum of
namely pre-test, post-test equivalent implications spread over multiple
group design was employed on a levels of functional platforms and
selected sample of Higher Secondary may naturally trigger out a series of
School Students functional research initiatives in the
years to come.
Results: The investigator designed,
developed, and validated a Multiple Keywords: Smart Learning Environ-
Intelligences Based Multimedia ment, Knowledge Economy, Multiple
Learning Package (MIBMLP) in Intelligences, Multimedia
466 34th Kerala Science Congress


“MOZHI” – An Audio-Visual Malayalam Speech Database

Bibish Kumar K.T1., R.K. Sunil Kumar2, Sunil John.3, Muraleedharan K.M.4
Computer Speech & Intelligence Research Centre, Department of Physics, Govt. College,
1, 3, 4

Madappally, Vadakara, Calicut, Kerala, India-673102.

School of Information Science & Technology, Kannur University, Kerala, India-670567 and
Visiting Associate, IUCAA, Pune.

Background: In Malayalam, speech audio-visual speech database.

processing is still in its infancy stage,
Results: The recorded database is
with only a few works focusing only
segmented and labelled properly. The
on audio speech. Thus, there is a
database has been available through
significant gap between the com-
the servers of Kannur University,
putational and linguistic aspects of
Kerala, India. This database is used
the Malayalam language, making it
for research purpose only and will be
an under-resourced language. One
provided only through request.
of the in-depth reasons cited by the
research community is the scarcity of Conclusions: This is the first stan-
application-oriented speech database. dard audio-visual speech database
in Malayalam. This database is
Method: A phonetically rich audio-vi-
designed to aid research into the
sual speech database in Malayalam
effects of age on speech, noisy speech
suitable for various research in audio
processing, visual speech processing,
and visual speech processing is pre-
sented, making it the first of its kind viseme-based speech synthesis, and
in the language. This database consists lip synchronisation utilising audio-vi-
of 3 categories of recording, which can sual speech asynchrony, among other
be used for various research works. topics.
There is one category of audio-only Keywords: Audio-Visual Speech Data-
speech database and two categories of base, Phonemes, Allophones.
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 467

A Study on the Various Preschool Systems in Kerala

Krishna S. Nair*
Integrated Rural Technology Centre (IRTC), Mundur, Palakkad

Introduction: The preschool period All schools except Anganwadis had

is the most notable and important facilities such as attractive classrooms,
period in the life of a person.Though electricity and fan/light. However,
these pre-school systems are known facilities for the children for safekeep-
by various names such as Pre-pri- ing their materials, proper ventilation,
mary, Anganwadi, Nursery school, child friendly furniture, cleanliness
Kindergarten and Montessori, the and space for keeping footwear were
ultimate aim of all these systems is found rare in many schools.The avail-
the complete development and care ability of facilities for children with
of children. special needs were very limited in
majority of preschools (Government,
Objectives: To analyse the preschool
Montessori, Anganwadi, Kindergar-
systems in Kerala on the basis of
ten).Most of the schools possessed
the factors: Infrastructure, Learning
learning aids but there were many
aids, Human resources,Admission,
preschools (Montessori) which did
Medium of instruction, Safety, cleanli-
not have learning aids like sand trays
ness and nutrition, Support system. To
and BaLA.While considering the
provide suggestions for the improve-
number of children, the government
ment of preschool systems.
and anganwadi systems strictly stick
Method of study: The study was to the preschool criteria and do not
completed in four months using sur- admit any children under the age of
vey method. The survey was focused three. But the private institutions do
mainly on Thiruvananthapuram. not follow the regulations and admit
Sample:Total 20 schools, 5 each from children under three. All helpers
different system. except the ones in Anganwadi have
Findings: All schools under govern- completed 10th standard.Majority
ment sector have their own buildings. of teachers in the preschools except
But the preschools under the Kinder- Anganwadis have passed PPTTC
garten, Montessori and Anganwadi teacher training course. Only teachers
streams occupy rented buildings. of government schools possessed the
468 34th Kerala Science Congress

two year professional qualification. institutions. They confessed that they

Contrary to the prescribed criteria, the resort to mild punishments such as
rest of the schools appointed employ- scolding and staring. The teachers of
ees who had passed courses of one government schools and Anganwadis
year or six months duration only.The unanimously pointed out that they
government and Anganwadi streams needed training to understand the
have completed the registration pro- instructional methods for children
cess as per the criteria. But private with special needs.All teachers under
institutions are not registered as the Montessori and Kindergarten
they have not implemented any legal
stream teach other languages along
regulations. However, these private
with the mother tongue. They also
schools are allocating ID cards and
give directions in English.
uniforms. Some government schools
and most of the private institutions Conclusion: The study reveals that lot
provide transport facilities and have of preschool systems in Kerala do not
implemented CCTV systems. Angan- achieve the desired goal. In spite of
wadis , however, do not have these the government’s emphasis on child
facilities. Most of the schools did not
centered learning, the society is unable
have fire and safety equipment.All
to make effective use of this policy. It is
government schools and Anganwadi’s
distribute nutritious food to children. essential that these institutions which
All Anganwadis measure and record strive to mould the children into
the height and weight of the children promising citizens of the future should
every month. They also conduct health function effectively. The government,
check ups twice a year and distribute non government organizations, social
nutritious food. But none of these workers and research scholars should
facilities are available in the private take the measures to achieve this.
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 469

Nudge and Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Case Study on

Forest Dependent Tribal Community
D. Sarada Devi and V. Anitha
Department of Forest Economics, KSCSTE-Kerala Forest Research Insti-
tute, Peechi, Thrissur, Kerala, India

Background: Positive enforcement research of two tribal villages with

and indirect suggestions are empha- identical exposure and sensitivity
sised in Nudge theory as techniques to indices. The Panchayat (local self-gov-
affect individual or group behaviour. ernment) in Settlement-2 had various
Other alternative legislative measures, capacity-building projects that used
such as fines or incentives, disagree nudge theory to influence people’s
with this behavioural economics idea. choices in employment, marketing,
Nudge theory’s applications include education, and self-awareness. The
using helpful norms as positive influ- settlements immensely adapted to the
ences, modifying people’s available social variables, while their ability to
alternatives, and using reminders adapt to financial and physical con-
and reinforcements. It works well as straints was the lowest. Settlement-2
a tool for public policy or as part of had a higher social and human adap-
government efforts to execute adaptive tive capacity, lowering its vulnerability
capacity building methods. score significantly.
Method: The Community Based Vul- Conclusion: Based on the obtained
nerability Assessment of the margin- vulnerability levels of the forest depen-
alised forest dependent tribal commu- dent tribal communities to the climate
nity of Western Ghats in Kerala, India change induced drought in forest, the
was done by considering vulnerability study recommends the application of
as a function of exposure, sensitivity nudge theory in the implementation
and adaptive capacity. Adaptive of well-planned capacity building
capacity was evaluated based on strategies for empowerment and
human, natural, financial, social and infrastructural development based on
physical parameters. a settlement specific community-based
Results: Variation in adaptive capacity
values had a significant impact on Keywords: Vulnerability Assessment,
the aggregate vulnerability level of Nudge, Climate Change, Tribal
each settlement in this comparative Empowerment, Adaptive Capacity.
Social Responsibility
Poster Presentation
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 473

Data: Of The People, By The People, For The People. Owner-

ship, Privacy and Consumption of Data in
A Knowledge Economy
T.A. Arvind
Department of Zoology, Government College Madappally, Vatakara, Kozhikkode, Kerala, In-

Sir Fransis Bacon in his Meditationes rapid advancements in technology. For

Sacrae (1597) says “Ipsa scientia potes- an effective knowledge economy more
tas est” - ‘knowledge itself is power’. legal support is needed in all the steps
Knowledge be it explicit (documented of data creation and management.
information), implicit (applied infor- Moreover, education related to data
mation), or tacit (understood infor- is a requirement for an effective sensi-
mation), its ownership, valuation and tization of the concept of knowledge
application is a potent tool of power, economy.
governance, and commerce. The government has proposed
A knowledge society generates, Personal Data Protection Bill (PDPB)
shares, and makes available to all seeks to bring about a comprehensive
members of the society knowledge overhaul of India’s current data pro-
that may be used to improve the tection policies. If we consider data as
human condition. Innovation, Intellec- commodity, the constitution provides
tual property creation, and education an equal opportunity to access them
are essential for a knowledge society. to all the citizens. But do we have suf-
ficient infrastructure to let the public
The idea of the present-day knowledge
access those data. Can the government
society is based on the vast increase in
provide physical access points for its
data creation and information dissemi-
citizen to access all the services pro-
nation that results from the innovation
vided by the government?
of information technologies.
This paper will deal with a criti-
Data is the core of Information
cal analysis of above said question for
technology, subsequently Knowledge
a better implementation of the policies
economy. The existing governing law
for the knowledge society the govern-
in India, the two-decade-old Informa-
ment has envisioned for its public.
tion Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act),
hasn’t been able to keep up with the Keywords: Data, IPR, PDPB
474 34th Kerala Science Congress


Identification of Plant Extracts with Cytotoxicity

Against HT-29 Colorectal Cancer Cell Line
Sona Ghosh and Kannan Vadakkadath Meethal
Department of Zoology, Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Calicut,
Malappuram, Kerala, India-673635

Background: In spite of the advances IC 50 values were determined.

in drug development, cancer is still a
Results: The results showed that a
leading cause of mortality worldwide.
total of 7 plants have shown cytotox-
Global statistics showed that Colorec-
icity of greater than 50% for at least
tal cancer is in third position in terms
one of their different solvent extracts.
of newly diagnosed diseases and in
The highly active Alangium salvifolium
second position in the case of causing
chloroform extract and Syzygium caryo-
death. The present study aimed to
phyllatum methanol extract has showed
identify the cytotoxicity of various
plant extracts on Human colorectal IC 50 values of 93.75±2.50 μg/ml and
adenocarcinoma cell line (HT 29) and 282.92±1.09μg/ml respectively.
determining the IC 50 values of plant Conclusions: From this study, it can
extracts with higher activity. be concluded that the chloroform
Method: Sequential extraction using 5 extract of Alangium salvifolium and meth-
solvents of increasing polarity was car- anol extract of Syzygium caryophyllatum
ried out to prepare different extracts has relatively good cytotoxic activity
from plants. Cytotoxicity of 61 extracts to HT 29 cells. The results suggest that
from the leaves of 13 locally avail- Alangium salvifolium (IC 50: 93.75±2.50
able plants collected from Pulpally, μg/ml ) and Syzygium caryophyllatum (IC
Wayanad were tested on HT 29 cell 50:282.92±1.09μg/ml ) can be used
line using MTT assay. Cell viability as promising sources for isolatng
was determined by the differences in new anticancer drugs.Studies in this
absorbance values between control direction are ongoing.
and test samples. Various concentra- Keywords: Anticancer, plants, Alangium
tions of the highly active extracts were salvifolium, Syzygium caryophyllatum, cytotox-
tested by using MTT assay and their icity, colorectal cancer cell line.
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 475

An Integrated Citizens’ Observatory: A Practical Approach

from a Fast Growing City in India
Navaneeth A., Sreeda P., Vishnumaya T. M., Sanusree P. S. and Harikumar P. S.*
Ecology & Environmental Research Group, Centre for Water Resources
Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India
School of Environmental Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology,
Kochi, Kerala, India.

The rapid urbanization has led to introduced in the city of Kozhikode,

severe impact on the aquatic environ- Kerala involving multiple community
ment of fast growing cities of India. groups for generating the drinking
Lack of reliable data is the major bar- water quality data of different sources.
rier for the effective intervention and The said groups were provided with
conservation of water resources in the the testing tool and adequate training
cities. Systemic hydrological monitor- for water quality analysis. The data is
ing is critical for generating data which then uploaded into a mobile applica-
guide to the evidence-based decision
tion named WATERCAT, developed by
making in the management and gov-
us. The data is then validated by the
ernance of water resources. The ability
experts and necessary suggestion are
of citizen science to produce data over
made for the immediate intervention if
wider spatial and temporal scales
required. The study revealed that the
than conventional approaches is well
co-created way of generating knowl-
recognized. The introduction of smart
edge involving citizens enhances data
phones and internet access has paved
quality as well strengthen the water
the way for new opportunities for data
resource management.
collection, mainly through widespread
public participation in science. In the Keywords: Citizen observatory, Water
present study reports the introduction quality monitoring, Public participa-
of a citizen based monitoring system tion
476 34th Kerala Science Congress


Virtual Water Foot Print of Major Imported Agricultural

Commodities of Kerala—A Case Study
Jasin S, Rajeev P. C., Manoj P. Samuel and U.Surendran1
Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673571

Kerala has long been a consumer ton) of the agricultural commodity by

state, depending on their neighbours the amount of the imported agricul-
to meet their food requirement.Kerala tural commodity(ton). Mainly cereals,
imports ‘virtual water’ from other pulses, fruits and vegetables, which
states through agricultural products Kerala is importing is considered
that it imports.The water footprints for the study. Cereals and pulses
of a product can be used to provide accounted for the majority of the Vir-
information to consumers about the tual water import among the agricul-
tural commodities that were imported
water-related impacts of products they
in Kerala. This study indicated that the
use or to give policy makers an idea
state of Kerala saves around 5.7 billion
of how much water is being “traded”
cubic meters of water per year by the
through imports and exports of the
importing virtual water through agri-
product.This study investigates the
cultural products from other states.
virtual Water Footprint (WF) resulting
Further study in this field is required
from the agricultural imports of Ker-
to account for the net virtual water
ala. Within the study, the virtual water
footprint by considering the import
imports of agricultural commodities
and export of products in Kerala.
for the year 2018 were assessed.Virtual
water import (mcm) was calculated by Keywords: Water foot print, Cereals,
multiplying the water footprint (m3/ pulses, vegetables
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 477

Illuminating Fuel Oil from Garcinia gummi-gutta Seeds:

An R&D Innovation of Social Relevance
M. Priya Rani and K. B. Rameshkumar*
Phytochemistry and Phytopharmacology Division, KSCSTE-Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic
Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India- 695562

Background: Though our country is Results: The oil yield was 35.0 %, and
endowed with a diversity of oil bear- continuous solvent extraction using
ing plants, the traditional oil sources hexane was found as the optimum
were neglected by the emergence of extraction method for seed oil. The
more commercialized products. Fur- major constituents were the saturated
ther, lack of proper validation through fatty acid stearic acid (55.4%) and
modern science and technology tools the unsaturated fatty acid oleic acid
also decreased the acceptability of (40.2%) as determined by GC-MS anal-
traditional oils in domestic sector, ysis of FAME. The physico-chemical
and now we are importing around parameters were determined through
65% of our domestic oil demand. The NMR values. TG/DTG studies showed
increasing dependence of imported mass loss of 93.16% for G. gummi-gutta
oils prompted us to think of alternate seed oil compared with coconut oil at
sources of oils and value added 78.35% in the temperature range 231-
products from our indigenous plant 402˚C.
Conclusions: The seeds of G. gum-
Methods: The seeds of ripened fruits mi-gutta are considered as a waste
of G. gummi-gutta were collected from material, difficult to dispose, and
Thiruvalla. The oil was analyzed by the present study suggest the seeds as
GC-MS and NMR, which yield more rich source of oils that can be used as
precise and accurate results compared illuminating fuel, along with its previ-
to the conventional wet lab methods. ously reported edible utility. The socio
The thermal stability study of oils economic relevance of the findings
was done using TG/DTG, while the are; self sustenance in oil sector, sus-
calorific value was determined using tainable utilization of local resources,
Bomb calorimeter. and additional income for the rural
478 34th Kerala Science Congress

agricultural sector. The findings also how to use the resource sustainably.
highlight the importance of our bio- Keywords: Garcinia gummi-gutta; Seed
diversity and make an awareness on oil; Illuminating fuel


A Bioinformatics Approach for the Development of Plant

Based Molecules for Use in the Treatment of Rheumatoid
Arthritis, a Chronic Inflammatory Disorder
Lhea Blue and Anisha S.
Department of Botany, St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam, Kerala, India - 682018

Background: Rheumatoid Arthritis, or targeted DMARDs, such as Janus

also abbreviated as RA, is a grave kinase [JAK]-inhibitors and those of
auto-immune and inflammatory biological origin are tumor necrosis
disease that affects majority of the factor [TNF]-inhibitors, B-cell deplet-
adult population. People affected ing drugs etc. This work is aimed to
by this disease experience immense find the suitability of potential lead
pain especially at the joints of hands molecules from Ficus religiosa and Sida
and legs. When RA is less uncon- cordifolia for use in the treatment of
trolled, the patient may experience Rheumatoid Arthritis.
joint deterioration, severe disability,
Method: Molecular docking simu-
decreased quality of life, dependence
lation was carried out in the present
on others, the onset of comorbidities
study using the software tool Molegro
and premature mortality. Because of
Virtual Docker. The drug properties
the disease severity, it is of utmost
of two selected compounds, one each
importance to design drugs that are
from Ficus religiosa and Sida cordifolia
effective for treatment of Rheumatoid
were assessed and the features of the
Arthritis. Currently available drugs
selected compounds were compared
are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
with popular chemical drugs used in
drugs, glucocorticoids, and DMARDs
the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
(disease-modifying anti-rheumatic
drugs) of synthetic origin or of Results: Docking results demon-
biological origin. Some of the con- strated that Quercetin, a prominent
ventional DMARDs are methotrexate phytoconstituent present in Ficus
religiosa, can be used as a potential
Scientific Social Responsibility
34th Kerala Science Congress 479

lead compound for the treatment of drug candidate for the treatment
Rheumatoid Arthritis. It is also known of Rheumatoid Arthritis. However,
that the long term usage of synthetic Quercetin molecule need to be further
drugs produce undesirable side effects screened extensively through dry lab
and has to be replaced with natural and wet lab experimentation and more
(plant derived) drugs with minimal receptors have to be tested to under-
stand its efficiency.
or no side effects.
Key words: Rheumatoid Arthritis,
Conclusion: The results revealed that Molecular Docking, Molegro Virtual
Quercetin can be used as a potential Docker, Quercetin
This volume contains the abstracts of pa-
pers that the researchers present during
the 34th Kerala Science Congress- an an-
nual event of Kerala State Council for
Science, Technology and Environment.
Focal theme of the Science Congress is
‘Science, Technology and Innovation
for Transition to a Knowledge Econo-
my’. Presentations are grouped in 12 dif-
ferent subject areas viz. Agriculture &
Food Sciences; Biotechnology; Chemical
Sciences; Earth & Planetary Sciences;
Engineering & Technology; Environmen-
tal Sciences, Forestry & Wildlife; Fisheries &
Veterinary Sciences; Health Sciences; Life
Sciences; Mathematical Sciences; Physical
Sciences & Scientific Social Responsibility.

Focal Theme

Science, Technology & Innovation for Transition

to a Knowledge Economy

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