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American Revolution AOS1

This is all stuff that you should already have in your notes, but it’s good to consolidate, refresh,
and summarise.

Topic 1: The French and Indian War

Write a (brief) summary of the topic:

Key Ideas
Explain how the following ideas, leaders and movements influenced the development of revolutionary thought 1754-1763

Topic Influence in 1763

Revolutionary Ideas
 Enlightenment
 Natural Rights
 French territorial interests

Key Events
Identify the causes, effects, and significance of each of the following developments during the French and Indian War:

Causes  Effects  Significance

Albany Congress

Washington's mistake

Battle of Fort Necessity

Battle of Fort Duquesne

French and Indian War (part of the Seven Years'


Treaty of Paris

Proclamation Act

Topic 2: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War (1763-1764)
Write a (brief) summary of the topic:

Key Ideas
Explain how the following ideas, leaders and movements influenced the development of revolutionary sentiment 1763-1764

Topic Influence in 1764

Revolutionary Ideas
 British mercantilist
 British management
of the colonies
Key individuals
 King George III
Key movements
 Pontiac's Rebellion

Key Events
Identify the causes, effects, and significance of each of the following developments during the French and Indian War:

Causes  Effects  Significance

Key events

Pontiac's Rebellion

End of ‘salutary neglect’

Topic 3: Taxes and Tensions (1764-1771)
Write a (brief) summary of the topic:

Key Ideas, Leaders and Movements

Explain how the following ideas, leaders and movements influenced the development of the revolution during the
period 1764-1771

Topic Influence during 1764-1771

Revolutionary Idea
 'taxation without
representation is
Revolutionary Leaders
 Samuel Adams
 John Hancock

Revolutionary Movements
 Colonial Responses
 Patriots
 Sons of Liberty
 Daughters of Liberty

Key Events - Identify the causes, effects, and significance of the following developments during the period 1764-

Causes  Effects  Significance

Sugar Act

Stamp Act

Colonial responses

Townshend Duties

Boston Massacre

Topic 4: Organised Opposition to the British 1772-1775
Write a (brief) summary of the topic:

Key Ideas, Leaders and Movements

Explain how the following ideas, leaders and movements influenced the development of the revolution during the period 1772-
1775. Those marked in bold will appear in later topics.

Topic Influence during 1772-1775

Revolutionary Ideas
 Representative
 Liberty

Revolutionary Leaders
 Patrick Henry
 James Otis
 Thomas Paine

Revolutionary Movements
 Committees of
 Boston Tea Party

Key Events - Identify the causes, effects, and significance of the following events during the period 1914 to Feb 1917:
Causes  Effects  Significance

Boston Tea Party

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

First Intercontinental Congress

Provincial Congresses

Boston Tea Party

Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)

First Intercontinental Congress

Provincial Congresses

Topic 5: War of Independence 1775-4 July 1776
Write a (brief) summary of the topic:

Key Ideas, Leaders and Movements

Explain how the following ideas, leaders and movements influenced the development of the revolution during the
period 1775-1776

Topic Influence during 1775-4 July 1776

Revolutionary Ideas
 Republicanism

Revolutionary Leaders
 Richard Henry Lee
 Benjamin Franklin

Revolutionary Movements

Key Events
Identify the causes, effects, and significance of the following developments during the period Mar-Oct 1917:

Causes  Effects  Significance

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Second Inter-Continental Congress

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