Kate Dinsmore - Modern Day Witch Hunt Template

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Post 9/11

★ Kate
★ Maddie
★ Aidan
★ Alex
★ Kayla
On September 11, 2001, four commercial airplanes were hijacked by terrorists
afflicted with the group Al-Qaeda. Two of the planes were flown into the Twin
Towers of the World Trade Center. Another plane was flown into the pentagon in
Virginia, while the fourth plane crashed into a field after passengers had redirected
the plane from its original target.
● After 9/11 attacks, CIA develops its EIT

(Enhanced Interrogation Tactics) program

and hunts down Al Qaeda members

● Fear grows in people of Middle Eastern

descent as they are targets of hate crimes

throughout the country
● Increased show of patriotism in America grew
● Hundreds of thousands of people were exposed to
dust, particles, and other environmental
contaminants on that day.
● In late September, the search for people came to an
end and efforts turned to an unprecedented
recovery, cleanup, and restoration of New York
City’s infrastructure.
THE EVENT (2)- The Development of CIA Tactics on the War on Terror
● CIA Headquarters legalized new interrogation tactics
● Gia Haspel overviewed the use of the tactics
- Recently was in the running for CIA director
● EITs included waterboarding, sleep deprivation, sexual assault, and
violent actions
● Sites were located in other countries
- Countries holding the sites were not given full access to the sites
- Held alleged mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
● 45% of Americans feared
another attack on the homeland
in the following year
● Security levels, such as extra
screenings for people in
airports rose significantly after
the hijackings on 9/11
● In a poll from 2016, 76% of
adults stated that 9/11 was the
most significant event in their
● 2,977 victims died in the attacks, making it the deadliest attack in human history

● The unemployment rate increased by 0.11%

● People became scared and hesitant with the use of the stock market and this caused GLOBAL stock

markets to dramatically reduce.

“Passenger travel by commercial

airlines did not recover until March

2004 when the number of

passengers enplaned returned to the

August 2001 level” (Bureau of

Transportation Statistics).
● There was a nationwide rise of hate crimes

against Muslim or Arab which included Sikhs

and those of South Asian descent
● Property that was identified as belonging to
Muslims was targeted
● People seen wearing turbans or hijabs were
increasingly attacked ,with people associating
head coverings solely with the Islamic faith that “In Florida, the attorney general directly
Al Qaeda followed attributed the 24.5 percent increase in the total
number of hate crimes registered for the year
2001 to September 11-related bias” (V. the
September 11 backlash)
● People that experienced the attacks were at a
greater risk of developing a mental illness
including PTSD
● Long term effects caused by dust and fibers
from the towers
- Asthma
- Cancer
● Frontline workers still face issues resulting from the
“When the towers came down…they released a
massive plume of carcinogens, turning lower
Manhattan into a cesspool of cancer and deadly
disease. “What we do know is that it had all kinds
of god-awful things in it. Burning jet fuel. Plastics,
metal, fiberglass, asbestos. It was thick, terrible “Up to 20% of adults directly exposed to the
disaster or injured in the attack had PTSD
stuff. A witch’s brew”’ (Bankoff). symptoms 5 to 6 years after the attack; this is four
times the rate in the general population” (NYC
9/11 Health).
THE LONG TERM EFFECT- Muslims and those accused
● For people wrongfully accused- many were
tortured by the CIA and had long lasting medical
and mental effects
● Mosques and other places of worship were
● Muslims were constantly trying to prove their

“I don’t think the country has recovered from making

Muslims feel like the other or the enemy, or that Muslims
have recovered from the suffering they had to endure after
9/11 because they always have to prove their loyalty to the
United States” (Asani).

● Plane hits the North

tower @ 8:46 am

● South tower hit @ 9:03

● Pentagon hit @ 9:37

● Last plane crashes into

field in PA @
THE CONNECTION TO THE CRUCIBLE Giles says “It discomfits me! Last
night—mark this—I tried and tried and
● People in Salem during this time lived in fear, accusing
could not say my prayers. And then she close
each other of witchcraft. her book and walks out of the house, and
● Both lead to innocent lives being lost suddenly—mark this—I could pray again!”
(Miller, 40)
● Torture
● Both situations targeted people that they didn’t like,
using recent events as an excuse
● People were tortured in order to get them to confess to
a crime that they didn’t commit
THE CONNECTION TO THE CRUCIBLE (2) “‘Instead, the more I cooperated, the more I
was tortured,’ he said.
So, like other victims of torture, he said he
manufactured tales that his captors
wanted to hear: ‘I lied just to make the
abuse stop’” (Rosenberg).

“Hale says ‘Excellency, it is a natural lie to

tell; I beg you, stop now before another is
condemned… private vengeance is working
through this testimony!’” (Miller, 114)
● In both the Crucible and after the events of 9/11
people lived in fear of being accused or attacked
- Muslim people were accused of helping organize
the attack or accused of conspiring to plan the
next one
- In the Crucible neighbors were accusing
neighbors and in some cases accusing people for
their own gain (property or love interest)
Black, Crofton. “‘Site Violet’: How Lithuania Helped Run a Secret CIA Prison.” The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (En-GB), The
Bureau of Investigative Journalism (En-GB), 1 Jan. 1970,

Rosenberg, Carol. “For First Time in Public, a Detainee Describes Torture at C.I.A. Black Sites.” The New York Times, The New York
Times, 29 Oct. 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/28/us/politics/guantanamo-detainee-torture.html.

Nadeem, Reem. “Two Decades Later, the Enduring Legacy of 9/11.” Pew Research Center - U.S. Politics & Policy, 2 Mar. 2023,


Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Penguin Books, 1976.

Human Rights Watch. “V. the September 11 Backlash.” UNITED STATES, www.hrw.org/reports/2002/usahate/usa1102-04.htm.
Accessed 3 May 2023.

Scuiletti, Justin. “Report: CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Techniques 'Brutal' and 'Ineffective'.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 9 Dec.

2014, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/enhanced-interrogation-techniques-ineffective.

“America after 9/11.” PBS, 19 Jan. 2023, www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/america-after-9-11/.

“Commemoration.” Commemoration | National September 11 Memorial & Museum,

A Message from the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.” What We Know - 9/11 Health,
www.nyc.gov/site/911health/researchers/what-we-know.page. Accessed 3 May 2023.

“GWB's Entire ‘Islam Is Peace’ Speech.” YouTube, 28 Jan. 2009, https://youtu.be/9_ZoroJdVnA.

Bankoff, Caroline. “What We Know about How 9/11 Has Affected New Yorkers' Health, 15 Years Later.” Intelligencer, 10 Sept. 2016,

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