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• Life-long learning is an inevitable part of all successful practices.

mistakes is a part of learning. This is why I believe it to be best to start my profes-
sional journey in an established practice with a similar ethos to mine. In this period of Personal development
my development, I will aim to network in the form of attending architectural or artis-
tic events, acquiring contacts for professional relationships, and growing my port- - Acquire experience and part III in the next 2 years
folio and online presence. Privatelly, I will work on competitions and possibly com- - Learn office structures and requirements.
misions. • Considering I would prefer to keep my future practice fairly small, project - Networking
management will be a skill I will have to develop through different courses and pos- - Attend project management courses
sibly add another degree to my CV. • To be able to develop sustainable products and - Build a material library and explore zero carbon materiality
materials in the future, I believe it is important to build a personal material library. solutions
It will also contain location-specific materials or solutions my practice develops for

• Sustainability must move to the centre of all architectural practices. Ze-

ro-carbon construction materials and materials that sequester carbon will be the
next step in the industry and legislation (IGBC, 2022). • It is important for practices to
Approach to Architecture
focus on craft as materials like timber from sustainably managed forests or rammed
earth in a self-sustainable future will be unique for every region, moving away from
- Sustainable
the globalisation of industrialised materials. This gives our office the opportunity to
- Bespoke
make high-quality and bespoke spaces, using local materials. • Natural ventilation,
- Immersive
natural light and passive heating and cooling are ingrained into every project the of-
fice takes on. Personal development will allow me to become a specialist in this area.
• In-situ energy production will be designed into all projects.

• Stepping away from the master architect culture, the office is founded
by two architects, employing a technologist after receiving a steady income for
6 months. During this time the practice is flexible with the number of projects we
work on at one time. The office prides itself in equal opportunity, positive office Identity
culture and a 4-day working week. (Ellerbeck, 2022)• Following the flexibility peri-
od with multiple clients, giving all attention to no more than two clients at a time,
- Partnership (2 architects and 1 technologist)
our high-quality service can be provided in a shorter time than usual. The eventual
- Media presence (publications, lifestyle)
waiting list for clients will ensure enthusiastic clients interested in the ethos and
- No more than 2 clients at a time – focus and dedication
brand of our office. • Efforts to publish our work online and in traditional media aims
to showcase sustainable architecture that is aesthetically on par or better than the
existing built environment.

• A remote working model that became widely available during the pandem-
ic proved to increase productivity while reducing costs for large companies (Lenka
2021). It provides a better work-to-life balance for the employees and allows them to
Core business
have more interests outside work. • Although sustainability rarely means constant
growth, our practice opens a certain timeframe for growth after establishing itself
- Hybrid model – in-office and remote
on the market. The timeline also includes a halt in growth (Duprez, 2022), giving way
- Establishing time and growth – 5 years - 10 years
to exclusivity. • Financing is mainly acquired through projects and commisions, how-
- 10 years of growth ending with established clients – exclusivity
ever, some competitions that include an opportunity to change society, the building
- Financing starting with small projects and competitions
industry or improve the quality of life for many can be considered. • The practice
- From foundation to cushion
focuses on finalising spaces to the last detail, unlike forwarding this task to clients or
interior designers.

• A physical location ensures successful client meetings that guarantee clar-

ity from both sides. It also raises the team spirit, guaranteeing a beautiful space to
work during the in-office days of the hybrid model. This space can be shared with Successful business vision
other practices or professions from the built environmet, making financing easier. •
It is imperative for successful offices to develop financial plans with experts. In the - Physical office available
same manner, architects expect trust in their expertise while they work with clients, I - Financial goals and business plan developed with experts
believe they should also use the knowledge of other professionals in terms of financ- - Online presence
es, structures etc. • Online presence is an essential part of every modern business - Projects published in lifestyle media
and should be nourished as a permanent and infinite library of shared knowledge and - Recognisable branding and design
research between professionals and the rest of the world. • Although research-led
and client-orientated design is valuable, our office emphasises the significance of
individuality and recognisability of design and functional features. (Jones, 2022)

• The target market is heavily dependent on the interests of the practice’s Target Market
founders. While commercial projects and installations bring exposure to the practice
and allow for artistic and material experimentation, private residential projects prove - Private owned residential
how each person’s efforts can make an environmental impact. (Ritter, 2022) • Cli- - Boutique hotels
mate action will never be viewed as something outside a layman’s reach. - Commercial interiors and installations

Desired outcome
- Architecture and interior design as one
- Products (materials, fabrics, and home decor)
- High quality design with accessible, sustainable materials
- Work-life balance

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