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College & Career Prep Name ______________________________

Mrs. Coen Period _____

Google Slides is an online presentations app that allows you to show off
your work in a visual way. Using the information you collected in your
career exploration, create a presentation that effectively displays your
research. Include the following information on each slide:

Slide 1: Title Slide Name of Career

(5 pts.) Name of Career Cluster
Your Name
College & Career Prep | Period

Slide 2: (5 pts.) Career Description: Provide a detailed description of your chosen career.

Slide 3: (5 pts.) Career Tasks: List five tasks for this career.

Slide 4: (5 pts.) Required Skills: List five skills that are required for this career.

Slide 5: (5 pts.) Career Interests: Identify the three interests for this career. Include the Holland

Slide 6: (5 pts.) Work Styles: List the top three work styles for this career.

Slide 7: (5 pts.) Work Values: List the top three work values for this career.

Slide 8: (5 pts.) Median Salary: Create a table that includes the median salary for the United
States and the median salary for New York

Slide 9: (5 pts.) Projected Job Growth and Job Openings: Provide the most recent information

Slide 10: (5 pts.) Work Environment: Provide a description of the type of work environment you
can expect for this career.

Slide 11: (5 pts.) Career Pathway: Describe/Diagram the career pathway for your chosen career.

Slide 12: (5 pts.) Similar Occupations: Identify and describe three similar occupations.

Slide 13: (5 pts.) Courses and Activities: List courses and activities that you are involved with or
interested in that might help build skills and prepare you for this career.

Slide 14: (5 pts.) Video: Include a screen shot and link to a video about your chosen career.

Choose an appropriate theme, slide layouts, and transitions (10 pts.). Include images, fonts and colors
that enhance your presentation (10 pts.). PROOFREAD YOUR PRESENTATION FOR SPELLING AND
GRAMMAR (10 pts.).
SHARE your presentation with me! (TOTAL 100 PTS.)

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