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Контрольная работа, 6 класс (итоговая – тестовый вариант)

№1. Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания по тексту.

My neighbor Jason is a baker. He is very busy. When he is not at bakery, he is out having fun. Every
day Jason wakes at 5 o’clock in the morning. He has breakfast and then he rides his bike to the bakery.
When he gets there, he starts to make bread. His work is very hard. He works until 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. Then he goes back home where he has lunch and rest for a while. In the evening, he sometimes
goes to the cinema or meets his friends. On Wednesdays, he always does the shopping. On Sundays, he
always wakes up late and then reads a book or works in the garden. He usually goes to bed at 11 o’clock at

Task A. What is this story about? Choose the right answer.

a. the baker’s friend

b. the baker

c. the bakery

d. bakers

Task B. Read the text. Mark the statements as T(true) or F(false).

1) My neighbor Jack is a baker.

2) Every day Jason wakes up at 6 o’clock.
3) When he gets to the bakery, he starts to make biscuit.
4) On Wednesday, Jason always does the shopping.
5) On Sundays, he always wakes up early.

Task C. Read the text. Answer the questions. 

1) Where does Jason work?

2) How does he get to work?
3) What time does he finish work?
4) When does he do the shopping?
5) What does he do on Sundays?

№2. Соедините слово с его переводом.

1) a term a) поместье
2) a mansion b) политик
3) a customer c) племянница
4) a conversation d) беседа
5) to receive e) четверть, триместр
6) a badge f) системный блок
7) to include g) получать
8) a politician h) значок
9) a niece i) включать в себя
10) a system unit j) клиент, покупатель
№3. Впиши подходящую форму местоимения.
1) ____ study French at university. (Peter, Anne and Frank)
2) Angela visited ____ two months ago. (Mary)
3) That's ____ book on the table. (I)
4) That house is ____. (Kathy)
5) I like reading ____ before I go to sleep. (magazines)
6) ____ enjoy watching movies on Friday evenings. (My brother and I)
7) Alexander asked ____ to give the book to him. ( I)
8) Those bicycles are ____. (Jack and Peter)
9) Tom gave ____ some advice. (my wife and I)
10) Would you like to buy ____ cookies? (My friends and I)

№4. Раскройте скобки, употребив подходящее время: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past
Simple, Future Simple.

a) Look! Mary ______________ her little sister to school. How sweet! (BRING)
b) I ______________ John at the airport tomorrow. (MEET)
c) I saw him yesterday. He ______________ very tired. (BE)
d) Jeremy usually ______________ to school by bus. (GO)
e) Mammoths ______________ a long time ago. (LIVE)
f) I want to watch a cartoon. I think ______________ to the cinema tomorrow. (GO)
g) We ______________ our bikes every day. (RIDE)
h) The monkey eats bananas. Look, the monkey ______________ a banana right now! (EAT)

№5. Допишите вторую часть разделительных вопросов.

1) It is your glove, ………………………………?

2) The boys can’t go there, …………………………… ?
3) Helen didn’t go to the country, ……………………………. ?
4) This elephant likes bananas, ……………………………?
5) Mike will go to the circus, ……………………………..?
6) You don’t want to buy a present for me,…………………………?
7) It was cold yesterday, …………………………….?
8) His parents went to the cinema,…………………………….. ?
9) The children are at home, …………………………….?
10) Susan won’t go to the Zoo, ………………………………?

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