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ED 381 835 CS 508 902

AUTHOR Carr, John C.

TITLE "Angels in America Part 1: Millennium Approaches."
Spotlight on Theater Notes.
INSTITUTION John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts,
Washington, D.C.
SPONS AGENCY Department of Education, Washington, DC.
NOTE 17p.; Produced by the Performance Plus Program,
Kennedy Center Education Department. Funding also
provided by the Kennedy Center Corporate Fund. For
other guides in this series, see CS 508 903-906.
PUB TYPE Guides General (050)

EDRS PRICE MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.

DESCRIPTORS Acquired Immune Defi-:ency Syndrome; Acting;
*Cultural Enrichment; *Drama; Higher Education;
Homophobia; Homosexuality; Interviews; Playwriting;
Popular Culture; Program Descriptions; Secondary
Education; United States History
IDENTIFIERS American Myths; *Angels in America

This booklet presents a variety of materials
concerning the first part of Tony Kushner's play "Angels in America:
A Gay Fantasia on National Themes." After a brief introduction to the
play, the booklet presents a description of the prinipal characters
in the play, a profile of the playwright, information on funding of
the play, an interview with the playwright, descriptions of some of
the motifs in the play (including AIDS, Angels, Roy Cohn, and
Mormons), a quiz about plays, biographical information on actors and
designers, and a 10-item list of additional readings. (RS)

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7,1;:g:TE7474"L'.1-Ea -Composed of two -----Ef---7-TSo-within that seemingly-loomog_eritous-

r. . - dependentplaysunit there is enormou&r.onflict OA:potential
..Fehes and Pefestraika7'77-Icir eruptiorf."
ns in the Eisenhower What Millennium ApprOcitheriirid Perestroika
------NENEEto4une 8. Perestroika; for which show is how the erigitizikiir4rsand how it
arate Spotlight on Theater _ affects all those involv.-ece:-W41,seven hours,
itkrur-Apne 9 to July 9. the crazy mix of charaffis7:1Wepjgrgy_of .
time to collide, confront one another and dis-
LENNIUM APPROACHES card what they believe in, then to tiirn-.sloWly_
Frank Rich, former theater critic for The New back and, confronted with their own de*ticf,-,_
--- York Times, points out that Angels in America is tion in various forms, seek out what among the
"a political call to arms for the age of AIDS, but might still prove to be true."**
it is no polemic. [Playwright Tony Kushner's] To provide a synopsis of the three acts of
convictions about power and justice are Millennium Approaches would take away from
matched by his conviction that the a the pleasures of its subtleties and surprises. It is
space large enough to accommodate every- helpful to be aware of the cast of characters
thing from precise realism to surrealistic hallucina- (see list, page 3) and to know that the plot
tions, from black comedy to religious revelation."* weaves two stories into one fabric. in one, the
Kushner explained in a 1993 interview pub- latent homosexual, Joe, is hired by Roy Cohn to
in Washing-
lished in The Chicago Tribune that the two plays work with the Justice Department
ton to help achieve Cohn's personal agenda. In
that make up Angels in America are "about
the other, Louis must decide whether to care
pairs of people. In Millennium Approaches, the lover, Prior
couples are drawn so that they make overt for his AIDS-afflicted homosexual
Walter, or leave him. The
sense. Republicans are with
Plagwright Tong Kushner chose these lines stories interrelate with
Republicans, Mormons are
one another in a rever-
with Mormons, gays are with from Stanleg Kum tz. s The Testing Tree.' to berating fashion.
gays, straights are with
straights. It is all neatly set up, precede the script for Millennium
Rpproaches *Frank Rich, "Embracing All
but then it doesn't work Possibilities in Art and Life,"
because of all sorts of internal -In a murderous time The New York Times, May 5, 1993.
stresses: the Mormon who is
married is gay, and one [mem- the heart breaks and breaks **Amy Schwartz, "Final Things
on Broadway," The Washington
ber] of the gay couple has AIDS Post, December 23, 1994.
and the other can't deal with it. and lives btj breaking.-

'',41.47A, -4-

AgiPT 11 itg III I
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' 4/
An Orthodox Jewish rabbi
MR. LIES: Harper's imaginary friend/travel agent
MAN IN THE PARK: A man Louis picks up
in Central Park
ROY M. COHN: The powerful New York lawyer
HENRY: Roy Cohn's physician
who rose to fame through his association with
Senator Joseph McCarthy and the Army- EMILY: Prior's nurse
McCarthy Hearings (see notes, page 11) MARTIN HELLER: A Justice Department public
Louis !RONSON: A word processor for the relations representative
Second Circuit Court of Appeals SISTER ELLA CHAPTER: A Salt Lake City real estate agent
JOSEPH PORTER PITT: Chief clerk for Justice PRIOR 1: The ghost of a Prior Walter ancestor
Theodore Wilson of the Federal Court of Appeals of the 13th century
HARPER AMATY PITT: Joe's wife, an agoraphobic PRIOR 2: The ghost of a ONE OF THE THINGS I wanted to explore
with a mild Valium addiction Prior Walter ancestor of
[in Angels in America] was how legiti-
the 18th century
ESKIMO: "A fisher of the mate is the notion of community It is a
PRIOR WALTER: Louis's boyfriend, who some-
polar deep" fundamental American question
times works as a club designer and caterer
ETHEL ROSENBERG: because that's what the country is
BELIZE: A registered nurse and former drag The ghost of the woman
queen. Also Prior's former lover. Original name: a community comprised of not only
executed for transmitting
Norman Arriaga atomic secrets to the different [constituencies) but hostile
THE ANGEL: Four divine emanations Fluor, Soviet Union (see note, ones, and irreconcilably so.-
Phosphor, Lumen and Candle in one being page 11)
Tony Kushner, Chicago Tribune, April 25.1993.

For Millennium Approaches he received the
Pulitzer Prize, the Tony Award for Best Play,
Nag right: Tog Kushner and London's Evening Standard and Critics' Cir-
cle Awards, among numerous others.
\t 39, playwright Tony Kushner finds him-
Kushner is working on the screenplay for An-
self one of the most acclaimed playwrights
gels in America, which will be directed by
in the Western world. The unprecedented Robert Altman. A list of his published plays
attention and praise given to Angels in America is
will appear in the Spotlight on Theater Notes
the stuff of writers' dreams. for Angels in America, Perestroika.
But, as Kushner points * The New York Times, April 12, 1993.
out as though cautioning
himself, "Celebrity does
sick things to people. I'm
still sort of a nerd. I'm a
very insecure person." At FROM THE KENNEDY CENTER FUND
the same time, the play- FOR NEW AMERICAN PLAYS
wright is quick to say, "I he writing of Angels in America,
do believe that I'm a Millennium Approaches was supported by
great writer. I think I'm a grant from the Kennedy Center Fund
interesting, that I have a for New American Plays.
reasonably sophisticated When playwright Tony Kushner was awarded
political analysis, which in the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for Millennium Approaches,
America is not the usual thing. As an American it marked the third time in what was then the
writer, I feel I have an obligation to uphold the Fund's eighth year that a grant recipient
literary tradition of overreaching one's self."* achieved that recognition. Preceding him
Kushner was born in Brooklyn, New York, but spent were Wendy Wasserstein for The Heidi Chronicles
most of his younger years in Lake Charles, Louisiana. and Robert Schenkkan for The Kentucky Cycle.
He returned to New York to study at Columbia Uni- Established by the Kennedy Center's founding
versity and, later, at New York University. chairman Roger L. Stevens, the Fund supports
playwrights in their writing and helps to fi-
Kushner feels that his homosexuality is not only
nance productions of their works in the na-
central to his identity but is a key to understand- tion's leading regional theaters. To date, the
ing his work. Fund has provided $2 million-plus in seed
In addition to playwriting, Kushner has been As- money to nearly 50 playwrights and theaters.
sociate Director of the New York Theatre Work- Each year, all not-for-profit theaters in the na-
shop and Director of Literary Services for the tion are invited to subm.t up to three plays
Theatre Communications Group. He has taught with proposals for funding. Each play is read
playwriting at Princeton University and is play- by the chairman and director of the Fund and
wright-in-residence at New York's Juilliard School by the Fund's artistic advisors 10 leading
of Drama. His writing of Millennium Approaches theater professionals who constitute the se-
was supported lection committee.
by the Kennedy The Kennedy Center Fund for New American
ONE OF THE TIM I learned from
Center Fund for Plays is a project of the John F. Kennedy Cen-
Ibeing in the closet and then corn- ter for the Performing Arts with support from
New American
Plays and the i-g out is how much stronger and the American Express Company in coopera-
National Endow- tion with the President's Committee on the
more fun life can be. (Referring to
ment for the Arts. Arts and the Humanities.
a remark by philosopher-historian
Hannah Rrendtl It's better to em-
brace your pariah-hood than to try
to assimilate.-
Tony Kushner, Chicago Tribune, lipril2S. 1993.
:blOS.siaris (I :1 5,). Y.Vha(haS' COme to beirecog-,
The word '':angel" comes ,from the Greek language
nized athe.full complement of -angel Apeared in
!if* -century A(.6,..treatis:koe Hierarchiti Celesti.
meaning "messenger" The Greek word i a
There;niliebrders of angels 1Trcategoried in: .
translation froM.the Hebrew. word Meaning
three hierarchical cycle'S::
"shadoW side of .God: Angels are als6 referred to
as celestial:beings. ,:l..Ser'aphim, Cherubim, Thrones
Some groupS of celestial beings are named in the 2. DominionsVirtues, Powers
epistles of St. l)aul to the Ep-hesiaris(1:21)Aand the Principalities, Asrchangels,.Angek
. ,

- .

Excerpts from an interview wrights in general are beginning
with playwright Tony Kushner, to feel more and more comfort-
conducted by Adam Mars Jones able with making overt the politics
at the Royal National Theatre, that our relationships are always
London, January 24, 1992. * riven with.
AN Your play Angels in America AIM Why is the angel such a
has two controversial words in the Western-tradition angel? Would
subtitle: A Gay Fantasia on National Mormon angels be different?
Themes. One is "gay," the other is
TK The thing that appeared to
"national." Joseph Smith, to tell him where
TK What was important to me the book was hidden, was not
was the conjunction of ever actually described as an angel
the two words. I felt in his writing. He calls it a person-
that a lot of what you aqe in robes of surpassing white -
could identify as gay r.ess. It's not described as having
theater in America in the wings. This is Prior's angel, not
late '60s and '70s was focused ;oseph Smith's. Prior's angel would
very extensively on domestic definitely have wings.
issues and relational issues. I think
that was appropriate to its histori- Audience question Could I ask
you about the Jewish side of the
cal moment and to what was of
play? Do you think Jewishness is a
concern to the community at that
main theme or an incidental issue?
time, because the notion of gay
Also, I'm interested in the fact that
liberation was relatively new. I
both of the main Jewish characters
think there's a shift in attention
happening now, and Angels is an are quite unsavory and unpleas-
ant. Obviously Roy Cohn is, but I
example of that. There are other
wondered why you chose to make
lesbian and gay writers in the
Louis such a miserable individual
States who are beginning to
address issues that connect per- as well.
;onal dynamics and questions of TK Oh God, I don't think he's
relationships with the political miserable! He's certainly miserable
issues that are of such tremendous in the sense that he's incredibly
significance to the lives of gay unhappy. I have to Say that question
men and women. In American
drama, politics tends to be very, 'The book Kushner refers to is the Book
very deeply embedded in psycho- of Mormon, the sacred text believers
logical, familial, relational issues, hold to be the divinely inspired work of
and I think that American play- the Prophet Mormon.

has come up before. Judaism isn't see a lot more of her in
what the play is about, but I'm Part Two and the Rabbi.
Jewish and it took me by surprise Audience question
that it wound up being all over Could I ask about positive
the play. Louis is an interesting images? What I found fasci-
character to me. I think Louis car- nating and exciting about the
ries the biggest burden of the play. play is that it seemed to have
One of the things it's about is that moved beyond simply doing a
it's incredibly hard to take care of glossy propaganda exercise in a
someone who is catastrophically very good cause. You didn't seem
ill. I think this is going to become to be too worried about possible
an issue that is inescapable, homophobes in the audience
because people are getting sicker maybe drawing the
all the time. We live in a very bad wrong conclusions.
time for the human body, and this There seemed a much
is a problem that all of us are more relaxed attitude
going to have to face at a much toward presenting
younger age than our parents did. images of gay people. What do
Louis wrestles with that particular you think are the benefits and
angel and sometimes people are restrictions of a positive-images
very upset by the choices he policy?
makes, but he's struggling tremen- TK It's a very complicated issue. I
dously with it. I'm very critical of think one really has to trust that
Jews because I am one, and for the good cause will speak even
instance, Jewish homophobia through bad characters. It's just no
makes me angrier fun to watch
than Goyishe homo- polemics. If
phobia. I think, good Iwrote the first 5 pages and you're telling a
God, after what thought it was the worst thing I. d story it has to
we've gone through be full of all
euer written. the worst thing any-
for the last six hun- the twists and
dred years and :Ine had euer gent It off nooks and
before...surely suffer- to two uerg good friends, and both crannies that
ing should teach you people's stories
compassion. So I've had a completely blah response
are full of. If
been kind of hard But Joyce [Ketau. his agent' was you're really
about it. But there ueru excited i don t think I euer committed,
are also two other and you want
Jews in the play: would haue continued working with badly to see
there's Ethel you the play if I hadn't gotten that Continued on p. 8
Tong Kushner. [Jamul fair, May 1993

Coned from p. 7
the world change because you believe together. I trusted
it's very screwed up right now and that connections
people are in great danger, and you're would become clear. You
engaged in the struggle in your own read about Chekhov, that
life, you can trust more that it will he desperately wanted plays
come across in your writing. This to turn out differently and they
sounds pompous. I don't mean it to just wouldn't. The Democracy in
sound like I'm an example of this, America scene happened like t: 's:
because I think sometimes I'm not. I had written Acts One and Two,
But I do think that if your politics are the Eureka people [Eureka Theatre in
good enough, it will come through. San Francisco, which commis-
You don't have to go about saying it sioned the play]
the characters will say it. were screaming
Audience question I must say that at me every day,
at certain points of the play I could "Where is the play,
not see you anywhere behind the it's six months late and we have to go
characters. into production. What are you
TK The great thing about being a doing?" I was contracted to write a
playwright is that you never have to two-and-a-half-hour play with songs
take responsibility for anything. It's my that was the original contract for
second play. With the Angels. I had no way
first play that I wrote, of resolving it. I
ONE OF THE THINGS THE PLAY IS started to sketch in an
I was much more
conscious of a design SAYING is that [religious' theory is outline. It was clearly
and plan. It was incredibly important to us and two evenings long
and went on forever.
about Reagan's re- that without it. we don't know
election, although it So I actually sat
where we are going On the other down and asked
was set in the Weimar
hand. as systematic approaches to Louis (who is the
Republic. It was a
character I identify
very angry response the ethics age get passed up by
with most, not for
to Reagan. When I history. the rules and laws which autobiographical rea-
started writing Angels,
they had laid down become irrele- sons, but just as a
I deliberately set
uant and impossible and we dis- person) to tell me
myself the most
tort ourselues terribly trying to what the play was
weird assortment of
about so I could end it.
things and had no adhere to those beliefs, but it can This sounds silly, but I
idea how to tie them
also be a life and death matter to
know when its time to say they
8 aren't working anymore
.,1111!V,iSne: R5rd ,7!3. 0


just started writing and
that scene came out in
twenty-five minutes. It just Angels in America is subtitled A Gay Fantasia
poured out, and that was on National Themes. Similarly. the subtitle of
tremendously exciting. I really
George Bernard Shaw' g Heartbreak House.
felt like there was this other per-
son. It sounds a little schitzy, but first produced in 1920, is R Fantasia in the
that's what it felt like. Sometimes Russian Manner on English Themes. Giuen
there are things that characters just certain aspects of Heartbreak House. the
won't do, and if I ask them to do it, the
similarity may be a happy one.
scene is lousy.
Nobody knows the Like Angels in America, Heartbreak House is
answer to any polit- a play of judgments and prophecies. It
ical problems any discusses the decomposition of society and
more. We've lost our way so
profoundly, we're in such a complete warns that unless ciuilization is both nurtured
miasma, theoretically and politically. and changed, the world will be destroyed.
Systems have really collapsed around us.
Like both plays that make up Angels in
[Being] socialist or not , even [being]
vehemently anti-socialist, gave a dialec- America, Heartbreak House comments darkly
tical depth to the world the fact that on human behauior. but ends optimistically.
there was this other place. It really wasn't
Like Angels in America. Heartbreak House is
socialism in the sense that people talked
about in the nineteenth century, but the long. Shaw's play runs three and a half
world had two sides in a certain way, hours: Kushner's Millennium Approaches runs
there was a space held out, and that's
three hours and 20 minutes and Perestroika
gone now. There's a terrible sense of
flatness, or it feels that way in America. runs three hours and 40 minutes.
The play can't help but reflect that One other Link: When Heartbreak House debuted
sense, that people are looking all over
in London, one critic referred to Captain
the place for answers and making great
messes in the process. Shotouer. its central character, as an -archangel.-
*Extracts from the interview with Tony Kushner
are reproduced by permission of the Royal
National Theatre. The interview is part of Plat-
form Papers 2, published by the National and
on sale at its Bookshop. (Royal National
Theatre, South Bank, London SET 9PX).


AIDS r--
daiiiffeginfutottitrie periods.
Atqui r--_, ,, ...
Q. e.s,..!

1i1 ; disease, but a

Deficiency Synddle
......, --
c .- .61.1b72, . tom

and, ..-,-
iieWciffiisess .the body's immune sr 1:555)747C-11 5 ?.Z.1,

.-- 7---- :7

artori the othet,Ttrtey_ attempt to Iii omifed

that it is unabi
`-crthViittlie:Usuallk-their predictions tions.
or,.:a; - .ed.'on.:thetr. assessments.
ItAI.V.0.14. -the HIV virus. No cure is
417 iv ns of a thOusand years lend': ecause the first patients-RN frirM4:1-1.ii
thTj i-edally taxsessment ant, nited States and Europe we :Ear a,


prE ci A ttrE paitillyi of the mille_

in AIDS became widely a
0 AD brought-44 known as the:-7-gamlisga
iitesshieritin Europe homosexuals-have
is related to the birth of Jesus Christ.
thativs rife and
dretilyrpOsitiVe tieitifEzt-
growing number.
CalisequetitI k; the
Diongsius-Exiguus, a 6th century monk. end of the worldvias Currently, the faste. Q i=itz 9
_ -

invented the sgstern for numbering gears imminent. This notion cases is reported for w rife_
with the suffixes B.C. and R D . thus pro- was an interpretation of Others most subject to infeciiiiff-aini avenous
the Book of Revelation, drug abusers, hemophiliacs, a--41rtIrt carpatients
Wiling the way we calculate millennia.
in which St. John of who receive contaminated blood.
If -millenium- is defined as a period of Patmos predicted that The most recent figures indicate that 11
1.000 gears, then the first millennium ended Jesus Christ would million people worldwide are HIV-positive.
in 1000, which means that we now face
eventually return to By the next millennium, it is believed that
earth, routing the more than 40,000,000 people worldwide will
the onset of the third millennium. Howev-
forces of evil and estab- be HIV-positive or will have developed AIDS.
er, if it is defined as an event marking the lishing the true Millen-
completion of such a period, then we are nium a period of ANGELS
on the verge of the second millennium peace and harmony in The first conception of angels seems to have
which good prevails. appeared in ancient Persia as part of Zoroastri-
In any euent, current historical scholar-
As we approach the anism. Established about 1000 B.C., this reli-
ship shows that Dionysius-Exiguus was next millennium, similar gion posited that there are two equal supreme
anywhere from three to five years off in predictions are heard in beings, one good and one evil, engaged in
some quarters. Even for eternal battle. Both forces are served and
his calculations of Christ's birth. There- supported by daevasgood and bad angels.
those who do not
fore. however one defines the millenni- Angels appear in Judaism, Christianity, and
expect the destruction
um. it may already have passed. of the world, there is an Islam. The New Testament, in particular,
00 inclination to wonder contains numerous references to angels. In the
direly about the conse- Book of Revelations they figure significantly in
Representatives of the Millennium thatch
quences of the scien- apocalyptic predictions.
Institute in Philadelphia report that more Of special relevance to Angels in America is the
tific, political, social,
than 500 groups are engaged in discussions and spiritual changes Roman Catholic concept of guardian angels,
about expected world transformation. that we witness. What which teaches that all individuals have angels
change perhaps who oversee their welfare.
upheaval awaits us? The angel who crashes through Prior Walter's

10 <14,

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t3;.4,_ - "'"
'PV,4.44 4 '74... 7, 4'+
atUT-ems .41
ay's obViotist
n, whose preitthife:Irdirtiffilicarsit--:-
early its ange1-&-da-- -------- --

--;-11ciy:COfindivlici-irt_i_86- at age
33715-e6irrfignited -States Ren
Itorneyoric:City in the early
1950s, w17101rzred in cases brought enenme
-:for sursive:csti_ n- issue of consider- !90-_
Cohn rtii:OTiati4Lfashington in 1952 to be a :77

special-assistant -Kifie Office of the United r= Ethel Rosenberg and her husband, Julius,
States Attorney General. His reputation as a accused of being members of an "atom spy
vocal anti-Communist brought him to the ring" and were convicted in 1951 for pasiing.... -
attention of Senator Joseph McCarthy (see secrets to the Soviet Union. The Rosenbergs
separate note), who named him Chief Counsel were electrocuted at New York's Sing Sing
to McCarthy's Permanent Subcommittee on Prison in 1953.
Investigations. Cohn and McCarthy became The historical jury is still out on the Rosen-
household names during the infamous, tele- bergs. While some insist they were guilty, the
vised Army-M -Carthy hearings of 1954. Rosenbergs went to their deaths persisting in
Following McCarthy's fall from power, Cohn their claim of innocence.
returned to New York, where he became Of particular note is the fact that the Rosen-
influential and powerful in law, politics, and bergs were the only convicted "conspirators"
society through his brilliant and unscrupulous in the case who were executed. Klaus Fuchs, a
behavior. top-level spy involved in the Manhattan Project
Cohn was tried and acquitted three times for (the code name for the American atomic
fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. For over 20 effort), and others were only imprisoned.
years he was audited by the Internal Revenue Persistent in the minds of many are the beliefs
Service, which placed a $3 million lien that the judge in the Rosenberg trial func-
against him. Shortly before his death at the tioned as an agent of the prosecution, that
National Institutes of the Rosenbergs were
Health in Bethesda, targeted as examples, and
JHEN YOU RERD about [Roy Cohn' sl life, he that while Julius may have
Maryland, where he was
undergoing experimen- really must haue been a tremendously charming been a spy, Ethel was falsely
tal treatment for AIDS, person. I feel I was seduced by the character convicted.
Cohn was disbarred in as I was writing him People loved him During the Army-McCarthy
New York State for Hearings , Roy Cohn
which. considering the deeply repulsive things
"unethical," "unprofes- bragged that he was
sional," and "particularly he did in his life, is incomprehensible. "largely responsible" for the
reprehensible" conduct. Tony Kushner, The Rtlanta Journal. Rpril 25. 1993. execution of the Rosenbergs.


beliefs that God originally evolved from
humankind and that the members of the
Trinity are separated from one another. A
central commandment of Mormonism into
baptize one's departed ancestors into-the,
osephiV4 daity_tfromname the pejo- church. Through proxy Baptism, Mi51141.)ris
errh MCCatthyisrrr'was fashioned, was engaged in the effort to save the souTs'iarali:
frItim Wisconsin in humanity. The process involves collectintiVier.-
on the4.btd War fear of names of all who have lived since
rthy efigaged in ruthless time and storing them on genealor0Eriftitir--
t Lure him re-elec- in Salt Lake City, Utah, so that
tion, a atcolima.force in nafrKnal perform the baptismal rites for_teiterrsgt,-
politics. individual basis.
Initially perceived by many patriot, he was Following the lynching of Joseph_
eventually recognized by most as a self-serving in 1844 by a mob othii:inerriiii:
liar and bully. Instrumental in McCarthy's-v. Young led the faithful to vViiatis
downfall was journalist Edward R. Murrow, which Mormons called Deseret* TriWilireMati::
who exposed his deceptions and methods. lished the most extensive theocracy iii-Afrie-rica
The Army-McCarthy Hearings of 1954 in since the original New England settlements.
which the general public saw him as a reckless There are more than 9 million Mormons world-
accuser and blustering posturer led to his wide. Mormonism is the fastest-growing major
censure by the United States Senate. denomination in the United States. Although
McCarthy's chief aide in many of his Wash- the church was founded in this country,
ington endeavors, including the Army- approximately half of its members live outside
McCarthy hearings, was Roy Cohn. the United States, in 140 countries.
By the time of his censure, McCarthy's influ- AND IT ALSO DOESN'T HURT
ence had essentially disappeared. He lapsed if you also know something about:
into alcoholism and died in 1957. Lillian Hellman Newt Gingrich
MORMONS Emma Goldman Jesse Helms
According to Joseph Smith, the founder of Paul Robeson J. Edgar Hoover
Mormonism, Mormon was an American
Tallulah Bankhead Grace Jones
prophet, warrior, and historian of the fourth
century A.D. who was revealed to Smith as the Teddy Roosevelt Jeane Kirkpatrick
author of a sacred history of the Americas. Wafter Winchell Jesse Jackson
Mormons are more properly known as Ronald Reagan
members of the Church of Ed Koch
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
George Bush
cak a- ,A1). Ed Meese
Saints. Smith founded Jimmy Carter
the church in 1830. Richard Nixon
Kate Smith
V., /hif
:4 Its elements include Barry Goldwater
aspects of Joseph Welch
"Reagan's kids" Shirley Booth
Judaism and
Christianity, (Maureen, Mike, Nikolai Bukharin
plus those Ayn Rand
unique to Patty and Ron)
Mormonism, Nostradamus Oliver North
including the George Will Maria Ouspenskaya


h pup, Mr. Pulitzer: B. Rail Quiz

The Pulitzer Prize in Drama has been given since 1918 for "a distinguished play by an American author,
preferably original in its source and dealing with American life." Tony Kushner was awarded the Prize in 1993
for Angels in America: Millennium Approaches. Here are clues to ten other Pulitzer Prize-winning plays.
How many can you name? How many have been seen at the Kennedy Center? Answers on page 16.
Considered by many to be the finest American play, This dark comedy set in the Austrian Alps on the verge
this 1959 `rama marked the fourth time its playwright of World War II starred Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne.
was awardei the Pulitzer Prize. 6 The movie starred Clark Gable and Norma Shearer.
Mr. and Mrs. Antrobus cope with an obstreperous Dana Ivey, Frances Sternhagen, Dorothy Loudon, and
maid, Sabina Fairweather, in this play once called an Julie Harris all had success in the leading role of this
2 "allegory of Everyman as seen through the comic strip." 7 1988 Pulitzer winner by Alfred Uhry.
Edward Albee won his second Pulitzer Prize for this Charles S. Dutton and S. Epatha Merkinson went
drama that featured two talking lizards. at it tooth-and-nail in this comedy-drama about
3 family heritage.
The character played by Jessica Tandy got and qA highlight of this William Saroyan play set in a
kept the upper hand in this two-character play by San Francisco bar is a spectacular display by a
4 Donald L. Coburn. pinball machine.
Six hours long, this play by Robert Schenkkan was Wendy Wasserstein garnered the Pulitzer for this
the first in Pulitzer Prize history to receive the award ruefully funny take on modern women.
5 prior to a New York debut.


p hAtif "o

Robert Sella (Prior Walter) and Reg Flowers (Belize) in a scene from Angels in America.


01.117a6pperarance at the
----:1_W-------P_ETER BIRKENHEAD (Cou-aRoNsoN)
--7---, -11Mle Peter Birkenhead has appeared in
_ -_,.._-=.--=---,__.:..-

_CenterW-a---013--the=fevival of Gypsy, in regional theaters throughout the country in. ---i-J--_-:-:-

Ertl oppotite Tyne Daly. Before plays by a wide range of playwrights, his pre-
that he had been seen _vious Broadway and
in the Terrace Theater:- touring performances
have all been in pls
by Neil Simon.
13etiie-ziilqiiisy and _ Most recently,- -=77
_ 7-
Birkenhead w-a-s seen in
appeared in Larry Laughter on the 23rd
rA me r's The Destiny of Floor on Broadway.
Before that he played
- in Terrence
McNally 's Lips _in Brighton Beach
-Memoirs and Broadway
Together, Teeth Apart,
KiftMeiRot&ay revival of Guys and Dolls. Bound. On tour he continued in Brighton Beach
Memoirs and Broadway Bound, and also played
viauuate of Montgomery County,
in Biloxi Blues.
r-Yra-ricrs:Walter Johnson High School, is one
rare actors who never seems to be In addition to many off-Broadway appear-
---:=:=-:;-_,---Tf-t-'-'-711ietween jobs." Since his first professional ances, Birkenhead has been seen on television
break playing Schroeder in the 1968 tour of in "Law and Order" and in the soaps "Another
You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown, he has World" and "One Life to Live."
become one of America's most highly DIRECTOR: MICHAEL MAYER
regarded stage actors. Prior to directing the current tour of Angels in
Hadary is familiar to viewers of "Law and America, Michael Mayer was acclaimed for his
Order," "Miami Vice," and to those who saw production of Perestroika (Part Two of Angels in
the Showtime production of As Is in which he America) at New York's Tisch School of the Arts.
re-created his original stage role. Another recent produc-
COMPOSER: MICHAEL WARD tion was the New York
premiere of Marivaux's
Michael Ward received a Drama Desk Award
18th-century The
nomination for his music for the Broadway
Triumph of Love. For four
production of Millennium Approaches.
seasons he was associ-
He has provided music for three other Tony ated with the Young
Kushner plays, as well as for the recent produc- Playwrights Festival at
tion of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's New York's Playwrights
Dream at the New York Shakespeare Festival. Horizons. He has also
directed at Ithaca, New
York's Hangar Theater, the Berkshire Festival, the
New York Theatre Workshop, and at New York's
Juilliard School of Drama.
Mayer has served as a guest faculty member at
New York University, Juilliard, and Yale.
Currently, he teaches in the Fordham University
Theatre Program.



2 .---.- zz:
19oan earwijghtrg_eko01T",-_-2,,- :17--" -. -_ -_
2:---_-..----17 ITFEFitesigatealWw-vrcgtfirr-AtneM
7--I2: -.-z = '_'-- -=
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. .

.. .._-.
' =-

= --=-----z
-- --

. . .

311c..LrefElTdri3-f.-X----ash-ne-rs-iWi--i-part-'play: --.=7..-=-:-7=-

_eiier.audie-nces-113av --


FS.-Aisociate Scenic DeiA§ner
ftArnoile-: His -work has .also ls*etieft:.4-n-a- large book-apilear_a Inscribed with the
-pioductiOns at the Seattle Reps the Lo:Angei IPAtateph.whith illuminates.
Theater Center, the Pennsylvania Stage,---inci-at±±- Ili 1.7 t
rRepli is to first Letter of the Hebrew alphabet
New York's WPA Theatre, among others.
-: the initial letter of God's name
In addition to his much-discussed designs for
the New York Shakespeare Festival revival of Adonai -fileph and tau- (the last letter in
Sophie Treadwetl's Machinal, for which he the Hebrew alphabet) corresponds to -alpha
received a Drama Desk Award nomination, he and omega.- denoting complete integration
collaborated with director Michael Mayer on _ aaa
the recent production of Marivaux's
The Triumph of Love.- THE ClIRREHT ISSUE of the professional trade

The work of COSTUME DESIGNER MICHAEL KRASS publication Forthcoming Books notes that
was seen at the Kennedy Center in the Julie 83 titles fiction and non-fiction using
Harris-Brock Peters tour of Driving Miss Daisy.
Like scenic designer-David Gallo, he collabo- . _word -angel- were set for publication
rated with director Michael Mayer on the between summer 1994 and June 1995..
recent production of The Triumph of Love. aaa 4

Krass' designs have graced productions across inn sometimes Snit? IS the
the country at such regional theaters as San
sincerest turn of flattery Recent flatten tor
Diego's Old Globe, the Berkeley Rep, the
Cleveland Playhouse, the Milwaukee Rep, and, Q.10* :F fni!rri
for many years, the Philadelphia Drama Guild. Julie Ralston s one-woman cabaret act 'The
recent Broadway designs can be seen in
Love! Valour! Compacsionl, the new Terrence
McNally hit. Earlier this season his work was
on view in the Broadway production of
What's Wrong With This Picture? At the
Kennedy Center, audiences have seen
MacDevitt's work in Three Hotels. t%>
In London, MacDevitt lighted the revival of
Our Town, starring Alan Alda. He also lighted
the American tour of Can Can, starring
Chita Rivera.
MacDevitt is a member of the design faculty at
the State University of New York, College at
Purchase. He received the 190-4- re 'wr d
for Sustained Excellence.


dr 0-,',1r; -

You ma want to re !
a. a ''' .:4:;:r;:"1421:1144'

No Man Knows My History:
The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet
New York: Alfred Knopf, 1945.
A Book of Angels: Refle
Angels Past and Present a.. ones of-- .,
How They Touch Our Lives
New York: Ballantine Books, 1990.
We Can Always Call Them Bulgarians: .....rombes
The Emergence of Lesbians and Coy Men
on the American Stage
Boston: Alyson Publications, 1987.
Angels: An Endangered Species;,,
New York. Simon and Schust 4 et
Citizen Cohn 4*DiTS Nit =
New York: Doubled WRrrER: John C. Carr

World of Our Fat'
ESIGN:Good Design /Nice Pictur
liwpTos: Joan Marcus
ng of the Performance Flurprogram
446 f
European I d by the U.S Department of Educatto
The Life The he Kennedy Center Corpotate Fund.,.
New York:. t.
Person_ 1, Long Day's Journey Into Night ,-,44

New .t995, 112 The Skin of Our Teeth

OP V- -

1.! 4 '3 Seascape
4 The Gin Game
w1986. 5 The Kentucky Cycle
:University Press;-'1986.
6 Idiot's Delight
7 Driving Miss Daisy 4.411'
Th nberiPile: A Search for the Truth
ork: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. 8. The Piano Lesson
9. The Time of Your Life
And the Band Played On 10. The Heidi Chronicles
New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987. All of the plays have been seen at the KennO,center.
Give yourself one point for each correct aiiwer. Total: 20 points.
20-17: You win the Pulitzer Prize for play quizzes.
The Spotlight On Theater discussion 16.11: You receive Honorable Mention.
will be held on Thursday, May 18, from 10-5: Thanks for participating.
4-0: "And the winner of the Booby Prize is....
6-6:45 p.m. in the Eisenhower Theater.


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