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this man the absolute assurance that he would go TEN GREAT NEW TESTAMENT CONVERSIONS

to Paradise, "Thou . . . Shalt . . .be in Paradise!" F. W. Dixon

How wonderful to know this! Study 5

(2) The second thing our Lord said was, "Thou THE PENITENT THIEF
shaft be with Me in Paradise." Scripture Reading: Luke 23:32-45
One writer has said that this man had breakfast on
earth with the Devil and supper in Heaven with the In the verses before us we have the moving account of a
Lord. So great is the grace of God that a guilty man who came to know and trust the Saviour in his dying
sinner can come back into fellowship with the hour. The heart of the story is in verses 42 and 43, and
Lord Himself. It was not simply that Jesus within the close proximity of these two brief verses we
promised this man that he would go to Paradise, have The Urgent Request of the Man and The Immediate
but that He said that he would be with Him in Response of the Lord. Here, the way of salvation through
Paradise, "Thou shalt be with Me in Paradise", the personal faith in the Lord Jesus is made abundantly clear
robber would be with the Redeemer. What a to every seeking soul. The story is a sublime one. We are
wonderful salvation ours is! How wonderful to be reminded at once of the fact that our Lord was not alone in
in Paradise, but how wonderful to be with the His death, for on either side of Him was a transgressor,
Lord in Paradise! Look up 1 Thessalonians 4:17. look up Isaiah 53:12, and compare Luke 23:32. Our Lord's
whole intention in coming into this world was that He
(3) The third thing our Lord said was, "Today might save sinners, look up Matthew 1:21; Luke 19:10 and
shaft thou be with Me in Paradise". 1 Timothy 1:15; and in this incident we see our Lord doing
So our Lord promised him immediate salvation this gracious work of saving a lost soul. There are three
and conveyed to him immediate salvation, look up reasons why this incident makes a special appeal to us:
and compare Luke 19:5, "today", and Luke 19:9,
"this day is salvation come". (1) It is the story of the salvation of a bad man.
Whatever we appear to be on the outside, or
Thank God, you can be saved now, at this very whatever we like to think about ourselves, we are
moment, not only today, but here and now, look up in fact really bad people; we are sinners in the
2 Corinthians 6:2, and compare Hebrews 3:7. sight of God, look up Romans 3:20 and 23, and
compare Isaiah 53:6 and Isaiah 64:6. This dying
The moment a sinner believes, robber was a bad man; he had broken the law of
And trusts in his crucified God, the land and had been condemned to death for that
His pardon at once he receives, reason. We may therefore feel encouraged to
Redemption in full through His blood. know that salvation is available to bad people, like

(2) It is the story of a man who was saved in the

eleventh hour.
He was saved within a matter of minutes before
dying. Thank God, as long as there is life there is
hope! As long as a man can repent he can be
saved, and a man can be saved while he is dying,
look up Isaiah 55:6-7. The promise of John 6:37 Lord at the time of His death. How did this come
holds out until the moment of death. What a about? It came about by spiritual revelation, look
solemn thing it is to be so near to death and to be up 1 Corinthians 12:3. Evidently he saw the glory
unsaved! But, even at the point of death, one can of God in the face of Christ, look up 2 Corinthians
be saved. 4:4-6.

(3) It happened so simply, so quickly and so (3) His request shows us that he believed Christ
definitely. had the power to save him, so he asked Him to
To begin with, this dying thief joined his friend in do it.
reviling Jesus, compare Matthew 27:44 and Mark He said, "Lord, remember me . . ", that is all,
15:32, then suddenly a change took place; he because that is all that is necessary. How
recognized Who Jesus was, turned to Him in wonderfully simple the way of salvation is! How
repentance and in faith, and received salvation. easy it is for anybody, at any time and in any
How quickly the Lord can reveal Himself to a place, to lift up his heart to the Lord and say,
soul, and how quickly anyone can call upon Him "Lord, remember me ", look up Romans 10:13
for salvation and receive the assurance of again.
The dying thief rejoiced to see
These are three reasons, among others, why the incident That fountain in his day;
before us makes such an appeal to us. Now notice three And there may I, though vile as he,
things about the prayer of the man, and three things about Wash all my sins away.
the answer of the Lord:
But now take careful note of the three things we are
1. The Urgent Request of the Man. told about the way in which this man's prayer for
salvation was answered:
We have this recorded in verse 42, and it tells us three
things: 2. The Immediate Response of the Lord.

(1) His request shows us that he believed in life In verse 43 we read that Jesus said three very definite
after death. things in response to the man 5 request:
Quite obviously, as verse 42 shows us, this man
believed that Jesus had a kingdom; he did not (1) The first thing our Lord said was, "Thou shalt
believe in the theory of annihilation, that we go be . . . in Paradise."
out like the snuff of a candle when we die! How It is important for us to notice that our Lord did
foolish to think such a thing! Life would not make not promise that the man would first of all be in
sense if it only held out hope of just a few short Purgatory; but He promised that at once he would
years of struggling and suffering down here. be in Paradise. There are no grounds at all for
believing in Purgatory as an intermediate place
(2) His request shows us that he recognized and between earth and Heaven, where the soul is
acknowledged Jesus Christ as Lord. purged. Purgatory is past tense, look up Hebrews
It is a remarkable thing that this man, and this man 1:3. When we die we either go to Heaven or to
alone so far as we know, acknowledged Jesus as Hell, either to Paradise or to Perdition. Jesus gave

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