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(CNN) — 

In summer 2019, it looked for a moment that one of the most controversial issues
in 21st century travel might be over.

Italy's transport minister announced that the government had plans to ban cruise ships from
the historic center of Venice.

The huge ships, grossly oversized compared to the fragile renaissance buildings above
which they tower, have long been controversial in the lagoon city.

More recently, however, they have become the focal point for anti-tourism protests in the
city, their huge bulks becoming a byword for the ugly side of tourism, and the visitors they
disgorge representing all "hit and run" tourists who descend on destinations for the day
without contributing to the local economy.

But in August, Italian transport minister Danilo Toninelli suggested in a parliamentary

hearing that ships could be rerouted to two smaller ports on the mainland side of the Venice

The headlines went around the world -- Venice had banned cruise ships. But it hadn't. And
less than a month later, the populist Five Star Movement government -- of which Toninelli
was a part -- fell. The suggestion was in the trash.

Two months later, Venice was back in the headlines, hit by the worst flooding since 1966. The
controversial MOSE project of flood barriers to protect the lagoon came under fire --
although the project has been under construction since 2003, it is still not operational, and
many cynical Venetians believe it never will be.

And on December 1, the spotlight was on the city again as it held a referendum to vote on
whether it should break off from its mainland borough and impose autonomous rule.

Luigi Brugnaro, the mayor of the Venice metropolitan area, which encompasses the more
inhabited mainland facing the lagoon, had asked citizens to abstain. And, in a victory for the
mayor, they did.

Although the bid for autonomy won by two thirds of voters, the turnout was just 22% overall,
making the referendum void. It had needed a 50% turnout to be effective. Of those living in
central Venice, the figures were barely higher -- just 32.6%.

So is the city at war with itself?

"In Venice many people were vocal about the referendum and we had the impression that
most were saying, 'Give us our liberty,' but in the end only a third of Venice residents voted,"
says Venetian Sebastian Fagarazzi. "I think that means either two thirds are fine with the
current situation, or don't believe that change is possible, or reckon that a separation is not
the answer to the many problems Venice is facing."
Venetians are leaving the city
Kara Fox/CNN
Fagarazzi is cofounder of Venezia Autentica, a social initiative promoting responsible tourism
in the city where relations between locals, tourists and the politicians seem to have become
increasingly strained.

But although the referendum saw low turnout, his co-founder, partner Valeria Duflot, says
that citizens are in crisis. "I think everyone agrees that there are huge challenges -- there's
an absence of countermeasures to protect the city from acqua alta [flooding], the tourism is
not really sustainable, and there's a lack of clear immediate action to really help local
businesses and residents to be able to stay in Venice," she says.

"There is also a demographic crisis. Pretty much everyone has vanished. If you have an
aging population of only 53,000 and you're doing nothing to retain people who are young,
you're clearly going in the direction of the city disappearing."

The polemics about Venice always revolve around the same issues: cruise ships,
overtourism and the gradual exodus of locals from the city. And while the authorities
regularly make headlines for mooted initiatives -- whether that's an "access contribution" for
day trippers or a ban on new fast food stalls opening -- many locals say that not enough is
being done quickly enough.

So what's really going on beyond the headlines? CNN spoke to local campaigners as well
as Michele Zuin, Venice councilor for the economy, for the local authority's point of view.
Cruising out of control?

Cruise ships dwarfing the buildings are a common sight

Images of vast cruise ships towering over the Venetian skyline as they roll into town, or
videos such as the one from June 2019, when a ship crashed into a dock, injuring four, have
served as symbols of the problems with modern tourism.

And pictures of protesting locals gathering in the best known locations or taking to the water
in tiny boats to rail against the cruise ships have become more and more common.

Currently, ships enter the port -- which is on the western edge of Venice, across a canal
from the Santa Croce district -- via the scenic route.

They enter the lagoon at the northern edge of the Lido -- the long, sandbank-like island
facing Venice "proper" -- and pass the gardens of the Biennale and the famous Riva degli
Schiavoni waterfront, before sailing past St Mark's Square and up the Giudecca Canal,
passing narrowly between the island of Giudecca and the central district of Dorsoduro. All,
apparently, so that cruise passengers can get that perfect shot of Venice.

Locals have long claimed that the cruise issue goes beyond the number of visitors
disgorged by the boats.

They say that the "grandi navi" (big ships) hurt the fragile ecosystem of the lagoon,
damaging the city's foundations with the displacement of water and stirring up the seabed,
effectively creating deeper channels and allowing more seawater into the lagoon.
The worsening flooding of the last few years, they say, is not only because of climate
change; it's also down to this erosion. And with every year, the cruise industry produces
ever-bigger ships.

Every few months, it seems, a solution is mooted and quickly does the rounds of the press
-- whether that's sending the ships round the other side of the Lido to the port, or creating a
new channel and sending them to the mainland side of the lagoon. But beyond the
headlines, Michele Zuin says that the Italian government is handling the decision.

Fate will be decided in January

The cruise ships in the city center may be a thing of the past
A government-backed committee, which includes the ministers for the environment and
transport, as well as the president of the Veneto region and the Venice mayor, will decide
on the future of cruise ships in January 2020, says Zuin. The meeting has been postponed
from December 2019.

The solution expected to be approved is to force large cruise ships to enter Venice at the
"bocca di Malamocco" at the southern end of the Lido -- at the opposite end of the island
from where they enter now. This is where commercial ships currently pass into the lagoon.

From Malamocco, the ships would sail northwards to the current Venice port, bypassing the
city center, and entering round the back of Giudecca: a much less beautiful entrance for the
tourists, but one that Zuin says the council supports.
And when it comes to the ever more enormous ships arriving on the market, Zuin says that
the council's suggested solution for the future is to have them dock at Marghera, on the
mainland but still in the lagoon. "It's a commercial port already and wouldn't be hard to
construct berths for the bigger ships," he says.

Not everyone is in agreement, however. Stefano Micheletti, a spokesperson for the No

Grandi Navi committee, which campaigns against the cruise ships, says that the bypassing
of St Mark's is irrelevant, as long as the ships are still allowed into the lagoon.

"All the alternatives proposed are inside the lagoon, while the objective is to move [the
ships] out of the lagoon," he says, arguing that the problem isn't the much discussed
aesthetic blight on San Marco; it's the damage to the ecosystem.

"The motors are very polluting but the worst damage is not something you see at first
glance. The erosion causes serious damage -- it moves mud and sediment into the sea and
changes the average height of the lagoon. Over the last few decades [since cruise ships
started visiting Venice] with the cruise ships, the lagoon has become an extension of the
sea -- a gulf, rather than a lagoon."

He says that this, along with climate change, is what's causing what appears to be a
worsening situation with acqua alta flooding. Plans to divert the ships away from the
Giudecca Canal will only stop local anger at the ships, he says. Even the mooted mainland
locations for a new port are inside the lagoon.

"Venice is licking its wounds after last month's floods -- the second highest ever recorded. It
has been a disaster and [the floods are] continuing," he said. The city is used to regular
acqua alta in winter, but the water levels have been particularly high since November.

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Micheletti and his No Grandi Navi companions want a new port to be built in the Adriatic
Sea, on the other side of the Lido (similar to the mid-sea ports the Chinese government is
currently investing in). If the ships docked there, they say, passengers could be ferried into
the city on smaller boats -- and going past St Mark's would be no issue. Everyone would
win. "All we ask is for the port to be outside the lagoon," he says.

Zuin says their suggestion is not viable, however. "The smallest of [these ships] contain
4,000 people -- there are also some of 6,000 passengers," he says. "Think how many boats
would have to come in and out of the lagoon [to bring the passengers into the city].

"Inventing a new port would be very costly, and would risk many years passing [before
anything was achieved.] What we've proposed to the government, entering via Malamocco,
will not bother anyone and will save San Marco."
Micheletti isn't convinced by anything that involves the lagoon. "I'm not sure if we even have
11 years [the cut-off date for curbing emissions before 'catastrophic' climate change takes
place, according to the UN]. We will go under fast."

Historic levels of flooding

2019 was a particularly bad year for flooding

Luigi Costantini/AP
One of Venice's other long-time controversies is also linked to the lagoon -- the MOSE flood
barrier which was supposed to protect the city from acqua alta.

Construction began in 2003, while the project has been planned since 1987. But it has been
beset by problems, delays and bribery and corruption. No fewer than 35 people -- including
Giorgio Orsoni, the former mayor of Venice -- were arrested in 2014.

In September 2019, a report by three engineers for Codacons -- a non-profit consumer and
environment group -- stated that, in their view, MOSE was predicated on incorrect
assumptions and will not work as has been projected. All three had proposed a different
system at the time MOSE was first planned, and say that the trials on the scheme were
done under non-sea conditions. The entire project is, they say, a "gamble." Codacons did
not respond to a request for comment from CNN.

Stefano Micheletti calls the project a "dud." He told CNN: "They've been saying for years
that it will be finished, but it would be impossible.

"If sea levels rise, the MOSE would always be open and the port would be closed."
What's more, he says that there would be other ramifications.

"The tide oxygenates the water of the lagoon. So if you put the barriers up, the water won't
be oxygenated.

"Even if MOSE works, it would be more of a problem than a solution."

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Jane da Mosto, environmental scientist and director of We Are Here Venice, a non-profit
campaigning for Venice locals, says that, "If [MOSE] was going to work, it'd be working by

Michele Zuin, the councilor, says: "We are closely monitoring the procedures for finishing
the Mose project.

"It's not something that is [our responsibility] but we've asked that it be got in working order
as soon as possible."

The fight (and failure) for independence

Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is escorted by Luigi Brugnaro through the November 2019 floods
Filippo Monteforte/AFP via Getty Images
From its days as the "most serene" Republic of Venice to the early days of the Italian state,
Venice was always separate from the rest of the country.
At least, it was until 1926 when the authorities annexed it to the mainland to create the
"comune," or municipality, of Venice.

The administrative area now includes Venice and the islands, the Lido and Pellestrina
(where the MOSE barriers are), and the mainland areas of Marghera, Mestre, Favaro
Veneto and Chirignago.

In 1999, the lagoon area of Cavallino-Treporti seceded from the rest of the administrative
area to become an autonomous district. And since the 1970s, some Venetians -- whose
dwindling population of 55,000 is dwarfed by that of the mainland -- have tried to have
referendums on autonomous rule. Four times they've won the right to a referendum, and
four times the referendum has failed. The last time was in 2003.

This year, on the fifth attempt, the referendum failed again, with the 22% turnout failing to
make the two-thirds majority a valid vote.

"In our hearts we knew it would end up like this," says Zuin, who claims that the procedure
cost €1m ($1.2m). "It's sad that so much money was spent on something that less than 30%
of people voted on."

Yet some of the more strident campaigners remain unhappy. "The fundamental problem is
that Venice is completely different from the rest of the municipality," says Jane Da Mosto.
"We need a mayor that can think of Venice 100% of their time. But whatever is best for
Venice isn't what's going to emerge in the results, because the population is too small to

Zuin pooh-poohs the idea of a split between the city and the mainland, pointing out that
many Mestre inhabitants are Venetians who've been forced out in recent years.

"Whoever lives in Mestre feels Venetian," he says, adding that autonomous rule for the city
"would create huge problems for the economy. [The area has] been together for a long time
and you can't separate them.

"Yes, there are different needs [between Venice and the mainland] but the comune already
knows this. The last administration also worked with this. It's not like the mayor doesn't
know that the police in Venice go out in boats and on dry land they use cars. It's not that

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Speaking in December on a day with acqua alta, Da Mosto said she had had difficulty
getting to the mainland for a meeting as there had been little communication about the
vaporetto schedules during the hours of flooding. "On a day like today, if the mayor is in
Mestre worrying about kids' playgrounds, that's no good -- we needed someone here
dealing with the logistics," she said.
Death by overtourism

In high season the city is virtually impassable

Miguel Medina/AFP/Getty Images
Venice has been flooded by visitors for generations, of course, and Venetians have been
leaving the city for decades -- for ease of life, as well as because of irritation at tourists. But
there's no question that things have been brought to a head in the age of overtourism. As
mass tourism increases, visitors are more likely to pay $3 for a tchotchke made who knows
where than $30 for a handmade, marble-papered notebook in a tradition dating back to the
renaissance period. More critically, the rise of Airbnb has transformed the city's housing
infrastructure. Why would a landlord rent their apartment to a Venetian when they can earn
much more money by renting it by the night to tourists willing to pay a higher price?

The city authorities have reacted by banning new openings of fast food outlets in 2018. Zuin
says they have turned down two official applications for fast food premises, and shut down
10 other outlets that opened under the guise of bars.

They have also forbidden the planning of new hotels in the historic center (Venice and the
islands, other than the Lido) since June 2017.

That's not to say there have been no recent hotel openings. New hotels for 2019 include Il
Palazzo Experimental in Dorsoduro, near the Guggenheim Museum, and Hotel Indigo in the
residential district of Sant'Elena.
However, the mayor's office says that anything that has opened since the law came into
force, had permission to do so before, and has merely taken time to open. Zuin says that no
hotelier has even proposed a new opening since the ruling took effect.

The only exception: hotels that also offer a "public service." This explains the current
controversy in Venice around a proposed 10-story hotel in the residential district of Castello,
one of the few local-centric areas remaining in Venice.

Developers have proposed a gym for the use of local schools, alongside the hotel in an
area of unused gasometers, or gas holders. But monks at the neighboring monastery of
San Francesco della Vigna have said that the huge building -- many times higher than other
structures in the area -- would block the light from their vineyard (the only one in the center
of Venice) and kill their vines. And locals have pointed out that this is one of the few oases
from tourism in Venice.

Whatever the council decides, it looks set to be a struggle for the soul of the struggling city.

The fight against Airbnb

The authorities have 'disincentivized' Airbnb

The rise of Airbnb has transformed the streets of Venice. In August 2019, the city had no
fewer than 8,907 listings, according to monitoring site Inside Airbnb. Three quarters of them
were entire properties (rather than a room in a local's house), and 63% of the hosts were
advertizing multiple properties. Of course, that's not counting short-term rentals on other

The result? Fewer and fewer options for Venetians wanting to rent, as landlords follow the
money. As a result, the population diminishes even more.

Italian law prohibits regional councils from imposing their own rental regulations, as
Barcelona has done. However, he says that the Ministry of Culture is currently taking
evidence from cities including Venice, Florence and Milan about the effect that short-term
rentals have on the fabric of the city.

And, in no uncertain terms, that effect is devastating.

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"It's not just about uncontrolled tourism, it's that the housing stock is disappearing," he says.
"We are waiting for national legislation that recognizes [short-term rentals are] a damage to

In the meantime, in December 2019 the council created a "disincentive" as a "barrier" for
would-be Airbnb hosts: any new short-term rental property must have a septic tank installed
underneath the home.

Venice's lagoon setting means it doesn't have a proper sewer system, but hotels are
obliged to build septic tanks, which Zuin calls "very expensive." And while a hotel can afford
to invest, their hope is that individuals won't be able to.

If a landlord wants to do long-term rentals -- in other words, renting to locals -- they don't
have to complete the work.

Running out of time?

Tourists will continue coming -- but will Venice be able to host them?
Archive of the Tourist Board of the Province of Venice
One thing is for certain: 2020 in Venice will be at least as busy as 2019 was -- and likely as

The much-vaunted "contributo di accesso," or access fee for day-trippers -- which will cost
up to €8 ($9) per person in peak season -- is set to launch in July. Zuin says that the money
will go towards public services impacted by tourism, like trash collection and street
maintenance. Locals will see their taxes reduced as a result.

Having the tourist footfall monitored (there will be controls at the entry points into the city to
check that visitors have either paid the fee or have a hotel reservation) will also give them
data for future reference, too, he says.

And over Christmas 2019, the council approved a €10m ($11.25m) series of new measures
for tourism management, including better communication around footfall and flow of tourists, a
reorganization of vaporetto (waterbus) stops at Tronchetto, where many tourist buses
arrive, and better signposting.

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So will it work? "We understand that regulating tourism is difficult and overwhelming, that
there is no blueprint," says Duflot. "However, I think being transparent about what's been
blocked as well as what has been passed would be helpful."
Indeed, it took eight weeks of requesting comment from the Venice comune before CNN
was granted an interview with Zuin.

"There have been positive signs lately, attempt at trying new things," says Valeria Duflot,
who works on a daily basis with Venetian artisans who are feeling the squeeze. "We are all
for this and hope to see concrete countermeasures implemented. We personally believe
that experimentation is key.

"But Venice is running out of time. It needs a more sustainable, more beneficial tourism now
and this requires courage and proactivity, not incremental changes."
Kesimpulan: Overtourism merusak lingkungan di Venice, membuat tempat susah ditinggali bagi residen
lokal, mengganggu aktivitas dan kenyamanan hidup sehari-hari warga, membuat ekonomi sedikit susah,
dan menyebabkan pertengakaran

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