English Abt Academic Writing

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~Walkthrough of academic writing~


What is academic writing?

It takes the form of a formal paper that follows specific standards such as the use of formal
language, referencing where sources are given credit, and specific grammatical patterns,
organization, and argument.

In academic writing, there are 4 characteristics like audience, purpose,

academic voice, and conventions.

1. -Audience-

Audience is the one who will read your paper

2. -Purpose-

Refers to the writer’s objective in writing about a certain topic.

3. Academic voice

It is used to distinguish between our thoughts and words and those of

other authors.
4. -Conventions-

It refers to the rules about appearance and format of the writing. In academic writing, you need
to follow specific standards, rule, and format.

-Moving on, we now have features of academic writing. There are at least 6 of these like:-


✓In general, this means in an essay that you should avoid:

a. Colloquial words and expressions,

b. Abbreviated forms,
c. Two headings, numbering, and bullet points in format essay,
d. Asking questions.


An objective tone can be achieved through the use of

impersonal language. (Having no emotions)


HEDGING- The concept of cautious language, often called “hedging or vague language.

COMPLEXITY- Written language has longer words. It is lexically more dense and it has a more
varied vocabulary.

EXPLICITNESS- Academic writing is explicit about the relationship text.

ORGANIZATION- Academic writing is well organized. It flows easily from one section to the next
in a logical fashion.
PLANNING- Academic writing is well planned. It usually takes place after research and
evaluation, according to a specific purpose and plan.

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