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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021


Calculate the velocity of flow and discharge in a circular

sewer having diameter 1 m and laid at a gradient of
1:600 and running full. Take N = 0.012.
Hydraulic mean depth for circular section running full

R = = = = =0.25
Using Manning‘s formula,
Numerical on Design of sewers Velocity of flow, V = × R × S
= × (0.25) × (1/600) = 1.35m/s
Discharge, Q = A x V = × 1 × 1.35 = 1.06 m ⁄sec

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Calculate the velocity of flow and discharge in a

circular sewer having diameter 1 m and laid at a Calculate velocity, discharge and Chezy’s coefficient for
gradient of 1:600 and running half full. Take N = a circular sewer having diameter 0.5 m and laid at a
0.012. gradient of 1:200 and running full. Take N = 0.012.
Hydraulic mean depth for circular section running half full Hydraulic mean depth for circular section running full
r = = = = =0.25 R = = =
= 0.125
Using Manning‘s formula, Using Manning‘s formula,
Velocity of flow, v = × r × S Velocity, V= ×R ×S
1 1
= × (0.25) × (1/600) = 1.35m/s = × (0.125) × (1/200) = 1.47m/s
0.012 0.012
Discharge, Q = a x v = × 1 × 1.35 = 0. 53m ⁄sec Discharge, Q = A x V = × 0.5 × 1.47 = 0.133 m ⁄sec
Note that the velocity of flow is same in full and half flow Using , Chezy’s formula, V = C R × S
conditions for sewer having same diameter and laid at a same 1.47 = C 0.125 × 1/200
Chezy,s coefficient (C) =58.8
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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

Calculate velocity and discharge through rectangular

sewer of 2.5m width and 1.5m depth and laid at a
gradient of 1:200 and running full. Take Chezy,s
coefficient (C) =58.8.
For full depth flow, roof will also be part of wetted perimeter
. .
Design a sewer to serve a population of 36,000. The
Hydraulic mean depth=R = = ( . . )
= water supply rate is 135 lpcd of which 80 % finds its
0.468 way into the sewer. The slope of the sewer is 1 in 625
Using , Chezy’s formula to calculate velocity , and the sewer should be designed to carry four times
V = C R×S the dry weather flow when running full. What would
= 58.8 0.468 × 1/200= 2.84m/s be the velocity of flow. Take N = 0.012.
Discharge, Q = A x V = 2.5 × 1.5 × 2.84 = 10.687 m ⁄sec

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Quantity of sewage flow, DWF

36000 x 135 x 0.8
Q= = 0.045 m ⁄sec
1000 x 24 x 60 x 60
Capacity of sewer = 4 x DWF = 4 x 0.045 = 0.18 m ⁄sec
Using Manning‘s formula,
 Design a combined sewer section for a 45 hector
Velocity, V = × R × S = . × (D/4) × (1/625) =
residential area having runoff coefficient 0.40,
1.324 × D
0.70, 0.25, 0.80, 0.10 for area of 15,20,25,10 and 30%
Using, Q = A x V
π respectively with altogether 1500 population?
0.18 = × D × 1.324 × D
4 Average rainfall duration is 21 min. Self-cleansing
D = 0.5182 say 0.52 m velocity is 0.88m/s. Assume water supply rate = 100
Hence the diameter (D) of sewer is 0.52m. Substituting the lpcd and time of concentration =20 min.
value of D in above equation
Velocity of flow, V = 1.324 × D = 1.324 × 0.52 = 0.855

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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

Overall runoff coefficient C =

× × × × × Let 75% of water supplied appears as sewage, then
C Average sewage discharge or DWF
0.4 × 0.15A + 0.7 × 0.2A + 0.25 × 0.25A + 0.8 × 0.10A + 0.1 × 0.3A = 0.75 × 0.00174 m s = 0.001305 m s
0.15A + 0.2A + 0.25A + 0.10A, +0.3A
= 0.3725
Let peek factor = 3
For storm duration of 21 minutes and time of concentration 20 Maximum sewage discharge Q .
minutes, a = 1016, b = 20 = 3 × 0.001305 m s = 0.0039 m s
a 1016
I= = = 24.78 mm⁄hr Total maximum discharge = Q +Q .
t + b 21 + 20
Q =
CIA 0.3725 x 24.78 × 45
= = 1.153 m ⁄sec
= 1.153 + 0.0039 m s = 1.1577 m s
360 360 Q= A×V
Total quantity of water supply π
= population × rate of water supply = 1500 × 100 l d 1.1577 = D × 0.88
15 × 10 D = 1.2945 m
= 15 × 10 litre day = m ⁄s = 0.00174 m ⁄s
24 × 3600 × 10
Take, diameter of combined sewer section = 1.3m=130cm

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Sewer running at full depth

Hydraulic Mean depth R = = =

π 1 ⁄ ⁄
Q= A×V = D × R S
 Determine the diameter and velocity of a circular 4 n
⁄ ⁄
sewer at a slope of 1 in 500 when it is running just full π 1 D 1
1= D ×
at a discharge of 1m3/sec. The value of n in Manning’s 4 0.012 4 500
formula is 0.012. What will be the discharge and D ⁄ = 0.861
velocity when flowing half full for the same slope? D = 0.861 ⁄ = 0.945m = 945mm
The diameter of sewer is 945mm.
Hydraulic Mean depth R = = =0.236
⁄ ⁄
The velocity of sewer at full flow (v) = r S =

0.236 = 1.42m/s
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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

Find the minimum velocity and gradient required to

Sewer running at half depth transport sewage containing coarse sand of 1mm
. diameter through a sewer of 30cm diameter. Specific
Hydraulic Mean depth r = = = =
/ gravity of particles is 2.65 and values of K = 0.06 and f =
=0.236 0.03 . The value of n in Manning’s formula is 0.012.
The velocity of sewer at half flow (v) = r ⁄
S ⁄
= Assume sewer is running full.

⁄ . Self cleansing velocity or minimum velocity can be calculated by
0.236 = Camp Shield formula.
. . . . .
Vs = = = 0.508 m/sec
The discharge of sewer at half flow (q) = a × v = .
For full flow, Hydraulic Mean depth R = = = =
0.351 × 1.42 = 0.5 m ⁄sec =0.075
⁄ ⁄
Using Manning’s formula V= R S
⁄ ⁄
0.508 = 0.075 S Or, S= 0.0011745
Minimum Required gradient (S)= 1:851

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Determine the diameter and discharge of a circular

sewer at a slope of 1 in 600 when it is running half full
with velocity 1.5m/s. The value of n in Manning’s
formula is 0.012.
For half full flow, Hydraulic Mean depth r = =  Design a combined outfall sewer for a town having
area 40 Density of population of the town is
= 200 persons/hectare. The average flow is 125
liter/capita/day. The peak discharge is one and half
⁄ ⁄
Using Manning’s formula v = r S times more than average flow. There is rainfall
⁄ ⁄ equivalent of 20 mm in 24 hours. Assume 90% of
1.5 = ( ) ( )
. rainfall converts as runoff. Take maximum velocity of
Or, Diameter, (D)= 1.169m flow as 3m/s.

Discharge (Q) = A X V= × 1.169 × 1.5= 0.805 m3/s

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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

Given population density = 200 persons/hectare

Total population of the area = 40x100 x 200 = 8,00,000
Average flow of sewage = 0.8 x 800000 x 125
0.8x 800000 x 125  A circular sewer and a rectangular sewer are
= = 0.925 m ⁄sec
1000 x 24 x 60 x 60 hydraulically equivalent. Find the relation between the
Max sewage flow = 1.5 x 0.925 m ⁄sec = 1.38 m ⁄sec depth of the rectangular sewer and the diameter of
Strom water flow = 0.9x x = the circular sewer if width of rectangular sewer is 2.5
8.333 m ⁄sec times the depth. Assume that only three sides of
Total maximum discharge = Q +Q . rectangular sewer are wetted.
= 8.333 + 1.38 m s = 9.71 m s
Discharge (Q) = A X V
9.71= × D × 3 or D = 2.03m
Diameter combined outfall sewer is 2.03m.
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For Rectangular Section For Circular Section

Let d= depth of rectangular sewer then, width = b = 2.5d Let D = diameter of circular sewer
weted area (a) = b × d = 2.5d × d = 2.5d wetted area a = D and wettedperimeter ( p) = πD
wetted perimeter (p) = d + 2.5d + d = 4.5d 4
a D
a 2.5d hydrulic mean depth (r) = =
hydrulic mean depth(r) = = = 0.5556d p 4
p 4.5d
1 π 1 D
Discharge(q) = a × v = a × r s discharge q = a × v = D × s
n 4 n 4

1 s s
= 2.5d × 0.5556d s = 1.389d ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (1) = 0.3117D ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (2)
n n n

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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

Hydraulically Equivalent
The two sewer are hydraulically equivalent when q, n and s  Calculate the diameter and velocity of a circular sewer
are the same. Hence from equation (1) and (2) we get at a slope of 1 in 400 when it is running just full at a
discharge of 0.85 m3/sec. The value of n in Manning's
s s formula is 0.011. What will be the discharge and
1.389d = 0.3117D
n n velocity when flowing 0.6 depth of pipe for the same
d 0.3117 d slope. (TU, IOE 2067, Mangsir)
= = 0.2244 Or = 0.571
1.389 D Solution
Or d = 0.571D Slope of sewer (S) = 1/400 Discharge (Q) = 0.85 m3/sec
 Depth of the rectangular sewer is 0.571 times smaller than Manning’s coefficient = 0.011 Diameter at full flow D
the diameter of the circular sewer. =?
At d/D= 0.6 ,q =? and v = ?
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Sewer running at partial depth, d/D= 0.6

When sewer is running full θ d
cos = 1−2 = 1 − 2 × 0.6 = −0.2
Let D be the diameter of the sewer than 2 D
= 101.54° or θ = 203.07° and sin θ = 0.3919
Hydraulic Mean depth R = = 2
a θ Sinθ 203.07 0.3919
π 1 = − = + = 0.6265
Q= A×V = D × R ⁄ S ⁄ A 360°
2π 360 2π
4 n a = .826 × 0.6265 = 0.336m
⁄ ⁄ 4
π 1 D 1 r 360Sinθ 360 × 0.3919
0.85 = D × = 1− = 1+ = 1.111
4 0.011 4 400 R 2πθ 2π × 203.07
D ⁄ = 0.60 or D = 0.6 ⁄ = 0.826m = 826mm r = R × 0.111 = × 1.111
The diameter of sewer is 826mm. r = 0.229

. ⁄ ⁄ Velocity for partial flow, v = r ⁄ S ⁄ = 0.229 ⁄ =
⁄ ⁄
Velocity (V)= R S = = 1.70m/s
1.58m/s Discharge for partial flow,q = a × v = 0.336 × 1.70 = 0.571 m ⁄sec

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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

π 1
Q =A×V = D × R ⁄ S ⁄
4 n
When sewer is running full than R= D/4, Putting the value of Q, R, S and
n in above expression
⁄ ⁄
π 1 D 1
1= D ×
4 0.012 4 400
Calculate the diameter and velocity of circular sewer at a D ⁄ = 0.77m Or , D = 0.907m=0.91m
The diameter of sewer is 910 mm.
slope of 1 in 400 when it is running just full at a Q 1 1
discharge of 1m3/sec. The value of n in manning's Velocity of flow (V) = = π =π = 1.538 m⁄s > 0.6 m⁄s
A D 0.91
4 4
coefficient is 0.012. Will the self cleansing velocity be q 0.6 θ 360Sinθ

maintained in the sewer when flow drops to 0.6m3/sec? Q

(TU, IOE 2068 Bhadra)  By hit and trial ,θ=193.39°
Solution v 360Sinθ 360Sin193.39
= 1− = 1− = 1.045
Discharge (Q)= 1 m3/s Slope (S) = 1/400 V 2πθ 2π × 193.39

Manning's coefficient (n) = 0.012 D=? V= ? v = 1.045 × 1.538 = 1.61m/s > 0.6 m⁄s ok

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Sewer running at full depth:

Let D be the diameter of the sewer than
Hydraulic Mean depth R = =
Calculate the diameter and velocity of a circular sewer at π 1
a slope of 1 in 400 when it is running just full at a Q= A×V = D × R ⁄ S ⁄
4 n
discharger of 2 m3/sec. The Manning's coefficient n = ⁄ ⁄
π 1 D 1
0.013. What will be the discharge and velocity when 2= D ×
flowing one third full? (TU, IOE, 2063 Kartik) 4 0.013 4 400
Solution D ⁄ = 1.668
D = 1.668 ⁄ = 1.21m = 1210mm
Slope of sewer (S) = 1/400 Discharge (Q) = 2m3/s
Manning's coefficient n =0.013 The diameter of sewer is 1210mm.

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Ch 4 Design and Construction of sewers 7/30/2021

Sewer running at partial depth

d/D= 1/3
θ d 1
cos = 1 − 2 = 1−2× = 0.333
2 D 3
= 70.53° or θ = 141.06° and sin θ = 0.6285
 Population of 100,000 is living in a town. A separate
θ Sinθ 141.06 0.6285 sewer system for the town is to be constructed. The


= 0.2918
water consumption rate is 125 lpcd. 80% of the water
a = 1.21 × 0.2918 = 0.336m
consumed is discharged as wastewater. The
= 1−
= 1−
360 × 0.6285
= 0.7447 or r = R × 0.7447
topography does not allow the slope of the sewer line
R 2πθ
2π × 141.06
more than 1:1000. The self cleaning velocity can be
r = × 0.7447 =
4 4
× 0.7447 = 0.225 achieved at 0.6 m/s. The dry weather flow may be
Velocity when flowing one third full,v = r ⁄ S ⁄ = 0.225 ⁄

= taken as 1/3rd of the maximum discharge, Design
1.43m/s outfall sewer with RCC hume pipe having Manning’s
Discharge when flowing one third full, q = a × v = 0.336 × 1.43 = 0.48 m ⁄sec
coefficient of 0.013.

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Check for self cleansing velocity -At maximum

Total quantity of water supply discharge
= population × rate of water supply π π
= 100000 × 125 litre⁄day A = D = × .746 = 0.437 = 0.44m
4 4
12.5 × 10 Q 0.347
= 12.5 × 10 litre day = m ⁄s = 0.145 m ⁄s
24 × 3600 × 10 V= = = 0.79 m⁄s > 0.6 m⁄s ok
A 0.44
Average sewage discharge or DWF = 0.8 × 0.145 m s
At minimum dry weather flow
= 0.116 m s
Maximum sewage discharge(Q ) = 3 × 0.116 m ⁄s = = = 0.333 = 1−
0.347 m ⁄s (PF =3) °
Now sewer is designed for maximum discharge. By hit and trial , θ=156.3

1 ⁄ ⁄ 1 π D 1 ⁄
Q =
AR S 0.347 =
×( D )
4 4
) v 360Sinθ 360Sin156.3
= 1− = 1− = 0.899
V 2πθ 2π × 156.3
D = 0.4056 Or, D = 0.746m = 746mm
 Diameter of sewer is 746 mm v = 0.79 × 0.899 = > 0.6 m⁄s ok
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