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Mapping the Substation Configuration Language of IEC 61850 to ArchiMate

Conference Paper · November 2010

DOI: 10.1109/EDOCW.2010.35 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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5 authors, including:

Kun Zhu Lars Nordström

ABB Enterprise Software KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Mathias Ekstedt Lagerström Robert

KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology


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Mapping the Substation Configuration Language of IEC 61850 to ArchiMate

Johan König, Kun Zhu, Lars Nordström, Mathias Ekstedt, Robert Lagerström
Industrial Information and Control Systems,
Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
Stockholm, Sweden
{johank, zhuk, larsn, mek101, robertl}

Abstract—This paper presents a mapping between the EA. Analysis, in particular, closely relates to the use of EA
Enterprise Architecture framework ArchiMate and the and architectural models for decision-making [2].
Substation Configuration Language (SCL) of IEC 61850. Since modeling can be an effort and time consuming task
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a discipline for managing an it is important that the metamodel serves the purpose of the
enterprise’s information system portfolio in relation to the modeler’s needs with precision. Domain specific models are
supported business. Metamodels, descriptive models on how to part of what assists the modeler to reduce the effort needed
model and one of the core components of EA, can assist and enhance the precision of the models and hence do serve
stakeholders in many ways, for example in decision-making. an important purpose.
Moreover, the power industry is a domain with an augmented
A domain with an augmented reliance on the support of
reliance on the support of information systems. IEC 61850 is a
standard for the design of Substation Automation (SA) systems
information systems is the power industry. The progressive
and provides a vendor independent framework for focus on the integration of renewable energy resources has
interoperability by defining communication networks and stressed the need for modernizing the power system. Smart
functions. The SCL is a descriptive language in IEC 61850 on Grid is the term commonly used to describe the vision of the
the configuration of substation Intelligent Electronic Devices future power grid. Such a modernized power system is being
(IED) which describes the structure together with physical promoted as a way of addressing energy independence,
components and their relating functions. By using SCL, which global warming and emergency resilience issues. It is,
models the architecture of SA systems, and mapping it to according to the European Strategic Technology Platform, a
ArchiMate, stakeholders are assisted in understanding their vision for creating a flexible, accessible, reliable and
SA system and its architecture. The mapping is intended to economical grid for the future [3]. To be able to do so the
support the integration of SA systems applying IEC 61850 into capabilities of the power grid must be enhanced with new
the enterprise architecture. The mapping is demonstrated with technology.
an example applying the mapping to a SA configuration based A main component for the vision to become a reality is
on SCL. the development of technology standards. Without
standardizing the technology needed for a Smart Grid, power
Keywords-ArchiMate; Enterprise Architecture; IEC 61850; utilities and system vendors will not be able to construct a
Substation Configuration Language; Substation Automation.
flexible, accessible and reliable system in a cost efficient
way. IEC 61850 is a standard developed by the International
I. INTRODUCTION Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for the design of
Many enterprises of today are highly dependent on their Substation Automation (SA) systems. A SA system is
information systems and the trend is growing. Strategic and usually composed of 20-100 distributed Intelligent
efficient management of the portfolio of systems is thus Electronic Devices (IED) connected via high-speed
becoming an increasingly important concern. Thereby, communication networks [4] and can be referred to as the
stakeholders need support for creating transparency between backbone of a Smart Grid. One of the primary objectives of
the business and the supporting information systems and also IEC 61850 is free allocation of functions which either can be
between the information systems as such. Not only is there a executed locally, i.e. by a single IED, or in a distributed
need for a common understanding of an enterprise’s manner over multiple IEDs [4].
information system portfolio but also support for rational The need for proper management of SA systems is
decision making which prevents or reduces stakeholders motivated both by their complexity and also by their
subjectivism in their decisions. important role in the Smart Grid vision. The proposal of
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a discipline for managing using EA, which has proven successful in other information
an enterprise’s information system portfolio in relation to the system domains, hopefully can support stakeholders in
supported business. Metamodels, descriptive models on how managing their SA system portfolio and their integration to
to model the architecture, are one of the core components of other business domains.
EA and can serve multiple purposes [1]: (i) to document the Scope of the paper
EA, (ii) to plan and design the EA, and (iii) to analyze the
The scope of this paper is to present a mapping between
SCL of IEC 61850 and the EA framework ArchiMate. The
need for a mapping will be argued for, and a demonstration promoting for power industry standards development and
of the mapping will be presented applying the result to an SA merging.
configuration based on SCL.
Structure of the paper
ArchiMate is an open and independent modeling
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. language, i.e. metamodel, for enterprise architecture. The
Section II presents related work. Section III provides a brief primary focus of ArchiMate is to support stakeholders how
introduction to ArchiMate. In section IV a general to address concerns regarding their business and the
description on the domain of substation automation and a supporting ICT systems. It was first introduced by Lankhorst
description of the IEC 61850 standard including the SCL is et al. in [11] and is partly based on the ANSI/IEEE 1471-
presented. Section V is the locus of the main contribution, 2000, Recommended Practice for Architecture Description
presenting a mapping between ArchiMate and the SCL of of Software-Intensive Systems, also known as the IEEE 1471
IEC 61850. Section VI presents an example with the result of standard [12]. The Open Group accepted the ArchiMate
the mapping applied to a SCL configuration. Section VII metamodel as a part of The Open Group Architecture
discusses the implications of the contribution and future Framework (TOGAF) in 2009 [13].
work. Finally, section VIII concludes the paper. The ArchiMate metamodel consists of three layers; the
Business layer, the Application layer and the Technology
layer. Where, technology supports the applications, which in
Much work has been established in SA metamodeling turn supports the business. Each layer consists of a number
domain with different research focus. It is commonly the fact of entities and defined entity relations.
that domain specific standards, like the case for IEC 61850, The entities in each layer are categorized into three
is proposed by domain experts who in most cases are of aspects of enterprise architecture: 1) The passive structure -
insufficient knowledge about the Information and modeling informational objects. 2) The behavioral structure -
Communication Technology (ICT) systems in contrast to the modeling the dynamic events of enterprise architecture. 3)
software engineers who actually have the implementation The active structure - modeling the components in the
responsibilities. The implicit domain knowledge and rigor in architecture that perform the behavioral aspects.
the data specification makes the standard difficult to use by One concept that is not widely used in the power
developers often lacking the domain knowledge. In [4] and community is the concept of services. This is however used
[5] feasibility studies concerning mapping of IEC 61850 extensively in ArchiMate. Services aim to encapsulate and
standard to UML modeling language are presented with the hide the internal behavior of underlying layers and give the
ambition to enable both manual and semi-automatic (if overlying layers access to functionality from underlying
UML-based computerized analysis tools are available) layers through well-defined interfaces. For instance, an
analysis of the complex substation automation system Application Service is seen to encapsulate a number of
architecture. Moreover, a model driven IEC 61850 modeling internal Application Functions to make them useful to the
approach based an Automation Systems Modeling Language business actors of the business processes. By using services
(ASML), an extension of UML subset, can be found in [6]. the business actors neither have to consider the internal
Such an approach could facilitate next generation SA behavior of the information systems nor the technology used
systems, capable of handling system object models in an to realize the behavior. However, the use of services to
integrated engineering environment. model the relations between functions of separate layers is
In [7] the authors propose a modeling approach which is not a requirement. For example, a business function can
capable of automatically generating system configuration for directly be modeled with a relation to an application
security measures from description file together with its function. Figure 1. presents the complete ArchiMate
application to IEC 61850 Substation Configuration metamodel. For a more detailed description we refer to [13].
Description (SCD) files (part of SCL). Further, in [8] a
SCADA reference architecture is generated by object-role IV. SUBSTATION AUTOMATION AND IEC 61850
modeling approach. Its usage is two-folds; first to generalize It is commonly agreed upon that the prosperity of modern
security issues in automation systems within the power society is highly dependent of electricity. From a user
system domain and secondly to compare it with the initiated perspective, the requirements are put on the supply of high
system. When the non-applicability of the model indicates a quality power to a low cost. The generated power is
unique system configuration where significant security delivered through the network and finally distributed to the
analysis could be warranted. consumers. The nodes in such a grid, whose basic functions
In [9] an XML schema based solution for global power are transforming voltage and routing power flows, are called
quality analysis is proposed. Furthermore, in [10] Hughes substations. In the modern power system with a high
presents the Intelligrid project which captures a general view automation degree the substations are operated and
for the business in power utilities and this work aims at controlled by SA systems.
Information aspect Behavior aspect Structure aspect

Product Value

Represen- Contract Business Business

Meaning tation Service Collaboration

Business object Business

process/ Business role Business
function Actor


Application Application Application

Service Interface Collaboration

Data Object
Application Application
Function/ Component



Infrastructure Infrastructure
Service Interface

Artifact Node Communication


System Software Device Network

Information aspect Behavior aspect Structure aspect

Figure 1. The ArchiMate metamodel.

Besides the monitoring, control and protection framework for interoperability by defining communication
functionalities, SA systems also provide interfaces to the networks and functions.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Albeit the fact that IEC 61850 is proposed as a
systems and the Human Machine Interfaces (HMI), which communication solution for SA systems, it also supports the
realize both local and remote communication access. All operation functions of substations. Therefore, the standard
these aforementioned SA system functions are facilitated by has to take operational requirements into consideration.
several IEDs, which are interconnected by communication However, the purpose of the standard is neither to
networks together with primary equipment such as switches, standardize (nor limit in any way) the functions involved in
transformers, measurement units, etc. substation operation nor their allocation within SA systems.
Figure 2. illustrates a conceptual power grid model,
which can be viewed as a composition of two subsystems.
The major advances of IEC 61850 are summarized
One contains the primary equipment through which the
electricity is delivered and where the control and protection
of the grid is executed. Transmission lines, transformers, • Functional modeling: the functions described by
switches, etc are catalogued in this subsystem. The other IEC 61850 are realized by collaboration between a
system is the ICT infrastructure composed by devices, such set of atomic functional units. These functional
as communication networks, routers and IEDs, which units can be implemented in different IEDs and
realizes the aforementioned SA functionalities. communicate with each other. The communication
behavior of the parts is described by Logic Nodes
A. IEC 61850 Basics (LNs). The separation between physical
IEC 61850 is a standard developed by the International infrastructure and logic enables functional
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for the design of SA allocation independent for the ICT infrastructure,
systems [14]. The standard provides a vendor independent which has not been presented in prior SA systems
and standards.
object contained by a LogicNode. Router is a
function assigns the connection of a single IED to
multiple AccessPoint. Clock indicates the location
of a subnetwork master clock.
• Communication model: contains physical
communication network components such as
Subnetwork and AccessPoint. Subnetwork is the
aggregation of the process communication bus
where the measurements collected from the process
level are flowing though and the bay
communication bus along which the monitoring,
control and protection related signals are
exchanged. AccessPoint specifies connections of
LogicDevice in IED to Subnetwork.
Figure 2. Conceptual power system model illustrating the application of
IEC 61850.

• Data modeling: IEC 61850 provides not only the

syntax but also the semantics for the data exchange
within SA systems.
• Communication service modeling: IEC 61850 does
not restrict itself to any concrete communication
solutions. Instead it defines an abstract
communication interface which specifies the
mapping of communication services and data
models to the main stream communication
protocols. The flexibility of switching to future
communication solutions enables easy adaption
and reduces the investment on substation
refurbishment significantly.
• Engineering tool and testing: IEC 61850 is not only
limited to describe the communication and related
processes. The XML-based Substation
Configuration Language describing the SA systems Figure 3. The SCL object model [17]
and the communication topology is presented in
IEC 61850-6 [17]. It is worth mentioning that the SCL object model does
not cover communication services which are provided by
B. Substation Configuration Language (SCL)
IEDs and actually part of the SCL. Besides, from a modeling
Defining business goals and functions is not a main perspective, this model is not completed as well. For
objective of IEC 61850 and hence the business domain is not instance, the entire hierarchical structure is in absence, like
well captured in the standard. However, one relevant part the upper-class from which the used classes may be derived
that does define some objects that can be modeled according
as well as classes on a lower level, attributes etc. It restricts
to the ArchiMate metamodel is the Substation Configuration
Language (SCL) which is a descriptive language on the itself to those concrete object types related substation
configuration of substation IEDs. Its full scope covers functional designation. Furthermore, it does not contain the
primary power system structure description, desired SA levels below Data, which are structurally defined in IEC
function implementation based on LNs, and communication 61850-7-3 [20].
within substations. The SCL object model is presented in C. Motivation for mapping SCL to ArchiMate
Figure 3.
As stated in the previous section, ArchiMate is an open
• Product model: consists of hardware (IED) where and independent modeling language whose primary focus is
the SA functions are implemented. Server is an to assist stakeholders to address concerns regarding their
object within IED which specifies access to business and the supporting ICT systems, while IEC 61850
communication system. LogicDevice is a group of is an internationally accepted standard for substation
atomic piesce of SA function (LogicNode) that is automation in the power industry, used as a baseline to
contained in as Server of an IED. Data is the data configure substations. However, it is less common to
address the dependency of supporting ICT systems with the that an IED is located at substation X with voltage level Y,
business processes of power utilities. and hence not identified with an is a kind of or is a part of
The mapping between SCL and ArchiMate enables the relation to an entity of ArchiMate.
integration of SA system to power utility’s enterprise The business layer of ArchiMate primarily addresses
architecture. Furthermore, in the previous domain standards, entities of an organization with the interaction of business
the data model can be specified and maintained directly actors. SA systems however lack the interaction with people
given information or textual notations. However, due to the and their behavior. Instead the behavior is allocated to
growing number of data object types and their complexity primary equipment and their functionality. Since primary
equipment involved in substation automation is offering
together with the resulting specific communications
certain functionality, it is neither a kind of business object,
services, the informal textual notation is no longer capable
which is defined as a passive object, nor a kind of business
to handle entire specification in a consistent way [16]. As a actor, given that a business actor is defined as an
consequence SCL is mapped to ArchiMate partly with the organizational entity. Therefore, instead of mapping the
ambition to generate a more rigorous specification for data equipment to any existing entity in ArchiMate, a new entity
and communication service modeling. is introduced called equipment, much similar to an actor,
although without the need of being an organizational entity.
Figure 4. shows the equipment entity and its relation to the
This section presents a mapping between SCL of IEC ArchiMate entity business function.
61850 and ArchiMate. The objective of the mapping is to
identify objects defined in SCL which have the relation is a
kind of to entities defined in ArchiMate. Some SCL objects
may however be composed of multiple ArchiMate entities
with is a part of relation. The mapping is divided into three
parts - business, application and technology - in accordance
with the layers defined in ArchiMate. Figure 4. Introduced entity equipment
The method that we have applied for mapping SCL to
ArchiMate is quite straight-forward. First we identified Its relation to the application layer is the same as for the
objects in SCL together with their definitions using IEC entity business role of ArchiMate. Moreover, in contrast to
61850-6 and IEC 61850-7 (part 1 to 4). In case of any an actor the equipment does not allow temporary
ambiguity regarding definitions we used the glossary collaboration and thereby excludes the possibility of
presented in IEC 61850-2 [21]. Based on the profound performing business interactions. Equipment can be
understating, SCL objects that have the relation is a kind of, composed of subequipment, which is defined as a part of
or an is a part of, to any entity of ArchiMate are identified. equipment [17]. Equipment objects in SCL are: equipment -
Since ArchiMate is intended for modeling the interaction an apparatus within the switchyard; subequipment – a part of
between the business and the supporting information systems an equipment; and transformer – a special equipment. The
an important first step is to define what we refer to as a function object in SCL represents functions that are part of
business. Since SA systems are used for controlling and the switch yard functionality which is a kind of business
supervising the power grid, and the power grid being the function assigned to equipment. Functions may be composed
business for the power system operators, it is reasonable to of subfunctions - representing a hierarchical subpart of a
map the business domain to the actual power grid. Hence, function – also a kind of business function assigned to
the business of a power utility managing a power grid is the equipment.
monitoring, control and protection of the grid. The product is
thus the delivery of electricity from the “producers” to the Application layer: The objects identified in SCL that are
“consumers” with a certain quality. In the context of SA the mapped to entities in the application layer of ArchiMate are
business is delimited to the primary and secondary logical node, data, server and IED which are objects
equipment composing the substation. The behavior elements belonging to the product model of SCL.
of the business are represented by the primary equipment Applications in SA systems are not much different from
(e.g. breakers, switches, transformers, etc) which are any other type of ICT system applications. However, the
supported by secondary systems (e.g. control and protection purpose of IEC 61850 is not to standardize the application
systems). Each layer is presented in more detail below. The functions involved in substation operation. Instead,
complete result of the mapping in presented in TABLE I. application functions are identified and descried in order to
define their communication requirements [18] and are
Business layer: The objects identified in SCL that are conceptually realized by (collaborations of) primitive, atomic
mapped to entities in the business layer of ArchiMate are functional building blocks, the so-called Logical Nodes
function, subfunction, transformer, equipment and (LNs) [4]. A LN is the smallest part of an application
subequipment, which all belong to the Substation model of function that can exchange information over the network
SCL. Objects such as substation, voltage level, bay, terminal [19]. The realization relationship between functions and
and connectivity node from the Substation model does model services in ArchiMate indicates how logical entities, “what”,
structural hierarchy of a substation, for example describing such as services, are realized by means of more concrete
entities, “how” [13]. In [4], the functionality of a SA system providing both communication between two subnetworks
is described by a “logical system”, interpreted as “what”, that and the functionality of its assigned LNs.
is comprised of the set of functions (LNs), interpreted as The communication system model in SCL is used to
“how”, that operate in the substation environment. Hence, a model logical connections between components and not the
LN is interpreted as a kind of application function instead of physical structure. As for example, an access point may
as a service. model a physical port or a logical address of a server IED to
In ArchiMate an application function is defined as a which clients can connect, but not the physical components
representation of a coherent group of internal behavior of an connecting them. A subnetwork models the connecting node
application component [13]. The internal behavior is as for direct communication between access points [17]. A
previously motivated a kind of LN; however, its relation to suitable mapping is to view the subnetwork as a kind of
an application component is not explicitly described in SCL. network. Furthermore, the access point is a kind of
An IED (further described in the technology layer mapping) infrastructure interface where the functionality offered by a
does, although not described in SCL, include an application node can be accessed by other nodes and application
component module as a bundled part of it [19]. Hence, an components.
application component is a part of an IED. Communication services, although not included in the
Server is a communication entity which allows LNs to SCL object model, are also part of SCL and define services
access other LNs allocated to remote IEDs via the offered by IEDs. An IED contains a service capability list
communication system. It is only possible to remotely access with all offered communication services. A list of service
LNs contained in a server. An application interface in capabilities is presented in 61850-6, for example ReadWrite,
ArchiMate is defined as a declaration of how a component GOOSE, GetDirectory etc, all which are kinds of
can connect with its environment [13]. It specifies how the infrastructure services in ArchiMate.
functionality of a component can be accessed by other
components (provided interface), or which functionality the VI. EXAMPLE
component requires from its environment (required In this section the mapping is demonstrated by applying
interface) [13]. Hence, server is interpreted as a kind of the result to an example using SCL for the configuration of a
application interface. substation automation system. The SCL configuration used
The object data in SCL models the data contained in a for the example is based on a specification in IEC 61850-6
LN [17]. Data represents specific information, for example which includes the substation topology together with two
status or measurement, and is a kind of data object entity in IEDs and the data flow them between. The focus of the
ArchiMate. mapping is on the function syncro-check, a function for
connecting two unsynchronized power system or energize a
Technology layer: The objects identified in SCL that are feeder, which can be modeled using ArchiMate as presented
mapped to entities in the technology layer of ArchiMate are in Figure 5.
router, IED, access point and subnetwork which are objects Starting from the bottom, two IEDs D1Q1SB4 and E1Q1SB1
belonging both to the product and communication model of are defined in the SCL who are exchanging data for synchro-
SCL. Another object also part of SCL, however not defined check functionality. They are connected to each other over
in the SCL object model, is service capability which also is the subnetwork W01. The IEDs are modeled as nodes even
part of the mapping. though, as described in the mapping, are composed of
For the objects defined in SCL a central component is the hardware, a real-time operating system and an application
IED, which, if excluding the application, is a kind of device component. The IEDs are interfacing each other via the
or node in ArchiMate depending on the level of abstraction. assess point S1 which enables the use of GOOSE (Generic
In ArchiMate a device is a specialization of a node and is Object-Oriented Substation Events), an infrastructure service
defined as its physical part. Hence, a device together with realized by D1Q1SB1, and SMV (Sampled Measured
system software can constitute a node. For the case of an Values), realized by E1Q1SB1. The logical node RSYN
IED it can be said to be composed of hardware together with (synchronizing) uses the SMV service to access voltage
a real-time operating system and consequently constituting a measurements, Vol, offered by the LN TVTR (voltage
node. Depending on the context, an IED can represent either transformer) which models the logical association to the
an application component, as described in the application voltage transformer VTR. The required interface between
layer mapping, or a node, consisting of a physical device RSYN and TVTR is representing the required client-server
together with system software. In our case, an IED is association to obtain access to remote logical nodes and their
primarily mapped as a node, since applications are not part data. The mandatory data of RSYN is Rel (release) which is
of SCL. However, to address functional compatibility of sent to CSWI for breaker position control.
IEDs, i.e. support for certain functionality, application Two breaker control functions, CSWI, are used in the
components may also need to be taken into consideration. system setup; one for each circuit breaker (CBR). Since only
Moreover, all devices connected to a subnetwork can one of the control functions are remotely located, client-
directly communicate to each other, without an intervening server association is only required between them, as seen in
router which is a kind of node. A router however enables the figure.
communication access between subnetworks. The
functionality of a router can directly be hosted by an IED,


Data Object



New entity







SCL (IEC 61850)
Function(s) - - - - - - - - - - -
Subfunction - - - - - - - - - - -
Transformer - - - - - - - - - - -
Equipment - - - - - - - - - - -
Subequipment - - - - - - - - - - -
LNode - - - - - - - - - - -
Data - - - - - - - - - - -
Server - - - - - - - - - - -
Router - - - - - - - - - - -
IED - - - - - - - -
AccessPoint - - - - - - - - - - -
Subnetwork - - - - - - - - - - -
Service capability - - - - - - - - - - - -

Is a kind of
Is a part of

For remote access to the release data, Rel, of RSYN the into the structure of ArchiMate. A fact however worth
remote control switch function, i.e. the LN CSWI associated pointing out is that some entities used for architecture
with IED E1Q1SB1, uses the infrastructure service GOOSE. analysis is not explicitly described in the SCL configuration,
The data Pos (position) of CSWI can be set depending on the for example application components. Although application
input data Rel. The function provided by the LNs CSWI is components normally are a bundled part of an IED, and
then used by the two circuit breakers, CBR, for changing hence not independent from the physical infrastructure,
their position from either stare OPEN to CLOSED, or vice- future implementations and systems may offer stand-alone
versa. The circuit breaker is modeled as an equipment entity applications which can be implemented on any IED or PC.
with the business function Position. One part that does somewhat suffer from the limited
scope of the SCL is the mapping to business entities. For
VII. DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK example the business functions assigned to equipment are
What has been shown in the presented work is the not explicitly described in SCL. Instead functions of
possibility of integrating SA configurations based on SCL switchyard equipment are described by the relating LNs.
into ArchiMate models. Although ArchiMate mainly is Another interesting aspect, suitable for future work, is the
intended for modeling ICT intense organizations, other application of automated enterprise architecture modeling.
domains such as SA may also benefit from the capability of As described in the introductions, SA systems can be
integration into EA models. Furthermore, since the use of composed of 20-100 IEDs interconnected by networks and
ArchiMate has proven successful for quality analysis of thereby would require a fairly extensive modeling effort.
information system architectures, for example performance However, by using the XML configuration files, used for
and cost analysis [11], availability analysis [22], data configuration of SA systems according to SCL, it would be
accuracy assessment [23], etc., similar analysis can be possible to automate the extraction of SA system
applied to SA systems. By applying the result of the specifications using IEC 61850 and for instance import the
mapping, SCL configurations could possibly be translated architecture into an EA modeling tool.
Figure 5. An example showing the application of ArchiMate to an SCL configuration

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