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1. action /ˈækʃn/ (n) ['æk∫n]: hành động

2. affect /əˈfekt/ (v) [ə'fekt]: ảnh hưởng

3. Africa (n) ['æfrikə]: châu Phi

4. agriculture /ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)/ (n) ['ægrikʌlt∫ə]: nông nghiệp

5. co-exist (v) [kou ig'zist]: sống chung, cùng tồn tại

6. consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ (n) ['kɔnsikwəns]: hậu quả

7. destruction /dɪˈstrʌkʃn/(n) (n) [dis'trʌk∫n]: sự phá hủy

8. dinosaur /ˈdaɪnəsɔː(r)/ (n)['dainəsɔ:]: khủng long

9. disappear /ˌdɪsəˈpɪə(r)/ (v) [,disə'piə]: biến mất

Disappearence (n)

10. effort /ˈefət/ (n)['efət]: nỗ lực

11. endangered /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/ (a) [in'deindʒə(r)d]: bị nguy hiểm

12. estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt/ (v)['estimit - 'estimeit]: ước tính

13. exist /ɪɡˈzɪst/(v) [ig'zist]: tồn tại

14. extinct /ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ (a) [iks'tiηkt]: tuyệt chủng

15. habit /ˈhæbɪt/ (n) ['hæbit]: thói quen

16. industry /ˈɪndəstri/ (n) ['indəstri]: công nghiệp

17. nature /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ (n) ['neit∫ə]: thiên nhiên

18. pollutant /pəˈluːtənt/ (n) [pə'lu:tənt]: chất gây ô nhiễm

pollution (N)

pollute (v)

19. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/(a)[ri'spɔnsəbl]: có trách nhiệm.

20. result in (v) [ri'zʌlt]: gây ra

21. maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/ (n) ['meintinəns]: sự giữ gìn, duy trì

maintain (v)

22. abundant /əˈbʌndənt/(adj) (a) [ə'bʌndənt]: dồi dào, phong phú

Circle the word with the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from that of the
1. chemical discharge change feature
2. nature nation suggestion situation
4. danger village tiger origin
5. supply dirty energy happy
6. swallow switch sweet sword
7. wild prohibit environment survive,
8. danger race discharge maintenance
9. supply survive industry agriculture
10. scenic extinct decrease coexist
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others.

1. A. protect B. prohibit C. pollute D. cultivate

2. A. agriculture B. extinction C. environment D. establishment

3. A. nature B. dangerous C. interfered D. devastating

4. A. capture B. discharge C. survive D. extinct

5. A. fertilizer B. interference C. maintenance D. offspring

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentences.

1.     The panda’s ______ habitat is the bamboo forest.
a. nature          b. natural       c. naturalized d. naturally
2.     Learners can feel very ______ if an exercise is too difficult.
a. courageous      b. encouraging   c. discouraged  d. discouragingly
3.     The ______ friendly products are designed not to harm the natural environment.
a. environment                              b. environmental
c. environmentally                d. environmentalism
4.     The waste from the chemical factory is extremely ______.
a. harm            b. harmful             c. unharmed    d. harmless
5.     People are destroying the air by adding ______ to it.
a. pollutants    b. polluters            c. pollution     d. polluted
6.     14 per cent of primate species are highly ______.
a. danger         b. dangerous        c. endanger    d. endangered
7.     The ______ of old buildings should be taken into consideration.
a. preserve       b. preservation      c. preservative    d. preserves
8.     You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the ______ of wildlife.
a. extinct          b. extinctive           c. extinctions d. extinction
9.     Animal ______ supporters gathered to protest’ against hunting.
a. protect         b. protection        c. protective   d. protectionist
10.  The main threat to the ______ of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.
a. survive         b. survivor      c. survival      d. survivable

How would you express the sentences you have written above in a less formal way, putting
the preposition at the end of the relative clause?
1. My English teacher, Mrs Brookes, was someone ……..I had great respect for.
2. Until 1914 the pound sterling was the currency ……..most world trade was conducted in.
3. They have changed the date ……..the furniture is to be delivered on/ by.
4. Pasteurisation was discovered by the French chemist Louis Pasteur, …….. it was named
5. There are a number of safety procedures …… should be aware of.
6. Details are in the instruction manual ……..the printer was supplied with.
7.  Ms Peters was left the money by her former husband, ……..she was divorced from in
8. She is one of the few people …….. I look up to. Nguong mo
9. This is a photograph of our friends ……..we went on holiday with.
10. The book is enjoyed by adults as well as children, …….. was primarily written for.
Choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or Dthat best completes the sentence or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.

1. What exactly is the influence of air pollution...... human beings?

A. to B. with C. on D. for

2. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival...... the tiger.

A. of B. for C. to D. on
3. It is possible for local wildlife to coexist...... industry.

A. to B. of C. in D. with

4. The health of our children is being...... by exhaust fumes.

A. danger B. endanger C. dangerous D. endangered

5. The society was set up to...... endangered species from extinction.

A. prevent B. distinguish C. preserve D. survive

6. If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and

A. offspring B. ecology C. landscape D. benefit

7. People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables.

A. destroy B. grow C. develop D. support

8. Among the problems facing the national park's manager, the most serious ones are
those of...... and expansion.

A. improvement B. reassessment C. distinction D. maintenance

9. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean.
A. Powerful B. significant C. disastrous D. detectable
10. The factory was fined for...... chemicals into the river.

A. discharging B. dumping C. producing D. exposing

Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or Ii) that best fits the blank space in each sentence or
substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
11.  Several rare species are dying ______ owing to human beings’ deforestation and careless
a. up                               b. out                    c. away                  d. down
12.  They are all at work doing some research ______ alternative sources of energy.
a. for                      b. in                      c. on                     d. with
13.  If you have anything important to do, do it straight away. Don’t put it ______. Tri hoan
a. on                              b. off                     c. over                   d. up
14.  The headmistress is very competent. All the teaching staff look ______.
a. up to her            b. her up to            c. at her up            d. for her up
15.  He wouldn’t have failed his exam ______ he hadn’t been ill.
a. unless                 b. if                               c. in case               d. although
16.  We should responsible for the ____ humans are doing to the enviroment.
a. destroy                      b. destructive        c. destruction    d. destructibility
17.  She lost her balance when she ______ to reach out for the balloon.
Thang bang khi tha bong bay
a. had tried             b. was trying        c. tried            d. had been trying
18.  He suggested ______ a jumble sale to try and raise money for the scouts.
a. me to hold          b. me that I held     c. holding             d. to hold
19.  They are excellent students ______ I have complete confidence.
a. who                    b. that                   c. whom                d. in whom
21.  You have to be aware of the damage humans are doing to quicken the ______ of wildlife.
a. extinct                 b. extinctive           c. extinction          d. extinctions
22.  Cameron, ______ directed ‘The Titanic’, is one of the leading faces in Hollywood.
a. that                     b. whose                       c. whom                 d. who
24.  The teacher gave some suggestions on what could come out for the examination
a. effects                b. symptoms        c. hints          d. demonstrations
26.  Mohandas K. Gandhi, ______ Mahatma, lived a noble life of fasting and poverty in order to
work for peace and independence.
a. that was called     b. was called        c. called                d. calling
27.  Your failure is the consequence of not studying hard enough for the test.
a. cause                  b. motive               c. result                d. status
28.  She ______ to study more English before enrolling at the university.
a. was recommended                   b. recommended
c. has recommended                     d. recommends
30.  Historian Barbara Tuchman was the first woman ______ president of the Academy of Arts
and Sciences.
a. whose election as     b. to elect     c. was elected     d. to be elected
34.  New words are constantly being invented ______ new objects and concepts.
a. to describe    b. a description of       c. they describe    d. describe
35.  A home computer ______ an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home.
a. provides     b. to be providing     c. which provides     d. providing it

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