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Remedies for old age

Remedies For Old Age Persons According To ALLENS Agaricus: Old people, with week ,indolent circulation Agnus castus: Premature old age, melancholy, apathy, mental distraction, self co ntempt Aloes: Old people esp. women of relaxed phlegmatic habit, extreme prostration Ant crud: Old people with morning diarrhoea suddenly become constipated, alterna te diarrhea and constipation, pulse hard & rapid. Aurum met: Old people with vision corpulent, tired of life Bary carb: Old, cachectic people, scrofulous esp when fat or those who suffer fr om gouty complaints Bovista: Adopted to old maid with palpitation Conium mac: Balm of gilead for disease of old maids esp for disease old men, old maids , old bachelors, with muscular fibers, Inability of old people Eupatorium: Adopted to disease of old people; worn out constitution esp from ine briety, cachexia Flouric acid: Complaints of old age, in premature old age, in syphilitic mercuri al dyscrasia Kali carb: For diseases of old people, dropsy & paralysis with dark hair, lax fi bres include inclined to obesity. Nit acid: Old people with great weakness & diarrhea Nux mos: Weakness of old age, dyspepsia of old people Opium: Especially adopted to children & old people, Delirium tremens, in old peo ple, old emaciated person, bloated face, stupor, eyes burning, hot dry, with lou d snoring Phos: Old people with morning diarrhea Sec cor: Useful remedy for old people with shriveled skin , thin , scrawny old w omen Selenium met: indicated in old men esp for prostration & sexual atony

Staphysagaria: Urging and pain after urinating in prostratic troubles of old peo ple Sul acid: Adopted to old people, tendency to gangrene following mechanical injur ies esp of old people Verat alb: for old people or children

ACCORDING TO WILLIUM BOERICKE Aloes soco: adopted ton weary people, aged, phlegmatic & old beer drinkers. Urin ary incontinence in aged, bearing down sensation & enlaged prostate Alumen: Adopted old people; esp in bronchial catarrhs copious, ropy, morning expectoration in old people Alumina: old people, with lack of vital heat, or prematurely old, with debility, stool constipation in infants & old people from inactive rectum Ambra Grisea: for weakened by age or over work, who are anaemic & sleepless, a g reat remedy for aged with impairment of all functions, weakness, coldness & numb ness usually of single part, finger, arms etc. Ammo. Gummi: Remedy for aged & feeble esp in chronic bronchitis, coarse rattling in chest of old people Amm carb: Erysipelas in aged with mental symptom Ant crud: Sleep continuous, drowsiness in old people

Avena Sativa: Nervous tremors in aged Abis nigra: In dyspeptic problem of aged with functional heart symptom, also aft er tea or tobacco. Agaricus mus: Nose bleed in old people Ammon benzoium: Urinary continence in aged, skin: erysipelas in aged with mental symptom Anaca oreint: Nose: coryza with palpitation esp in aged Ant.tart.: emphysema in aged Bacillinum b.: especially indicated in lungs of old people with chronic catarrha l condition & feeble pulmonary circulation, attacks of suffocation at night with difficult cough Baptisia t.: in typhoid fever, intermittent pulse esp. in aged. Bartya carb.: especially indicated in infancy and old age disease of old people when degenerative, hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes, sensitive to cold , offensive foot sweat, weak & weary, dry, suffocative cough esp in old people f ull of mucus but lacking strength to expectorate, worse at every change of weath er. Bartya mur: different salts of bartya are indicated in organic lesions of aged w ho are dwarfish both mentally and physically, headache both without acute crisis occurring in old people, bronchial affection of old people with cardiac dilatio n Benzoic acid: enuresis, dribbling, offensive urine of old men

Capsicum annum.: older people who have exhausted their vitality, esp. by mental work and poor living

Carbo. animalis: seems to be especially adapted to scrofulous and venous constit ution old people and after debiliting disease with feeble circulation and lowere d vitality, skin: verruce on hands and face of old people with a bluish colour o f extremities Bellis perne.: vertigo in elderly aged people, it is primarly remedy for old lab ourer esp. gardeners Carbo veg.: A lowered vital power from loss of fluids in old people with venous congestion. Citrus vulgaris: disease of aged with coldness and chilliness. Coffea cruda: drinking of coffea is likely increase production of uric acid, cau sing irritation of kidney musle and joint pains with increased susceptibility of old people to stimulating tendency of many symptoms produced in proving for whi ch is an excellent remedy, such as venous congestion, locomotor ataxia, tremblin g, chorea, sudden loss of strength while walking, painful stiffness of legs etc such a condition is often foumnd in old age, at a time of weakness, languor, loc al congestion & sluggishness. Crotus horridus: nutritional problems associated with old age Damiana incontinence of old people. Equistum hyemale: urinary; incontinence of urine in old women, with involuntary stool Coco- erythroxylum: wants of breath, short breath esp in aged athletes alcoholic Conium: difficult gait, trembling sudden los of strength while walking, painful stiffness of legs etc. often found in old age. Cypripedium pub: headache in elderly people & during climacteric. Flouric acid; complaints of old age or prematurely aged with weak distended bloo d vessels, dropsy of limbs in old, feeble circulation

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