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The use of AI chatbots may or may not be a problem in Education

The use of AI in our current generation is growing by the minute. Right now, AI or
artificial intelligence apps that are open to everyone, like ChatGPT, Alexa, Google Maps, and
more greatly impact the lives of the new generation. The use of AI in schools is undeniably
helpful and can significantly assist the students and teachers in their work and tasks, and with the
right guidance on how to properly use AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Bing AI, or Mathway, it can be
a step into the future for the education system. These AI chatbots utilize artificial intelligence and
natural language processing (NPL). These chatbots are built to understand requests from users
and respond with accurate and useful details. Even though the use of these AI chatbot apps and
websites is helpful to us and makes our work easier the use of these AI chatbot apps to cheat is
an occurring problem and a part of the reason why AI ethics is needed. AI is truly a help in our
education system but the lack of proper guidance in the use of AI chatbots could affect the
learning of students. And here we face a conundrum, while I agree that AI is helpful, we cannot
guarantee that students will only use AI chatbots for assistance in their work, as students
continue to use these AI chatbots as tools frequently for their school tasks they grow to depend
more and more to these AI and resulting in a decline in their problem-solving and critical
thinking abilities.

AI chatbots are undoubtingly starting to change our education system with many students
using chatbots as a tool for their schoolwork, essays, and many more. As they continue to use
these as tools their capabilities to be creative and imaginative will slowly decline. They lose the
ability to think for themselves and with AI giving them the response they seek to find their work
will tend to be lifeless. The fun thing about learning is getting it correct after understanding what
mistakes we made and trying to get it correct but with the appearance of AI chatbots, students
rather than answering it they rather use AI to cheat and get answers there which is in truth a pain
to know. The way students think is slowly changing due to the emergence of the temptation to
cheat which are the AI chatbots. Yet we as humans must prevail and continue to think ethically
and morally in every decision we make.
A study from the Clayton Christensen Institute claims that personalized learning has the
potential to improve student learning outcomes, reduce the achievement gap between low-
income and high-income students, and increase teacher job satisfaction (Pane et al., 2017). A
personal learning experience for students is one of the so-called benefits of AI chatbots by
analyzing each student’s individual learning requirements and offering feedback, materials, and
tests that are specific to their learning pace and style. With the reason that students learn at
different speeds a number of online learning systems use AI chatbots to instantly resolve
students' concerns and questions about their courses with their recognized professors and resolve
the issues. While some of the e-learning courses and the use of AI chatbots may work here in the
Philippines it might as well be not thought of for the reason that the use of such AI chatbots will
just be used to answer and not to absorb the given knowledge. And yet with the appearance of
ChatGPT, AI chatbots have been used to cheat many times so instead of using AI in personalized
learning due to the lack of ethics in the use of ChatGPT cheating or plagiarism increases. In a
web article by Forbes, a survey was conducted, and according to it out of the 90% of students
who are familiar with ChatGPT 89% of the survey respondents used the AI chatbot to help with
homework or assignment, (Westfall, 2023).

AI chatbots also provide easy access to information 24/7, with this when students need
assistance or have questions that are related to their assignments, lessons, or other school-related
tasks there is always an answer to their queries no matter the time whenever they need it. Along
with the 24/7 availability of AI, they also answer fairly fast compared to human feedback.
According to BMC Medical Education, a recent study was conducted “a chatbot program allows
immediate corrections when incorrect knowledge is presented by nursing students, and offers
customized contents based on the feedback received, making it effective for acquiring complex
nursing knowledge.” (Han, JW., Park, J. & Lee, H., 2022). Using a chatbot for students learning
does not seem to be so bad and can even be beneficial for them as this study shows. They can
easily automate everything from their assignments, emails, and texts, to providing comments. In
spite of that, AI chatbots are constrained by predetermined rules and algorithms, making it
difficult for them to adjust to unusual or complicated circumstances. When compared to teachers
they cannot achieve the excellent capabilities of teachers to adapt the lessons they need to teach
each student. “Overall, because the average rate of getting correct answers from ChatGPT is too
low, the posting of answers created by ChatGPT is substantially harmful to the site and to users
who are asking and looking for correct answers.” a moderator of Stack Overflow said after
banning the answers of the AI chatbot ChatGPT on their site. Today the accuracy of AI chatbots
like ChatGPT is nowhere near amazing, with numerous reports where ChatGPT gives inaccurate
and wrong answers to simple questions.

As the use of AI chatbots continues to expand we must remember that along this we must
still have ethics. According to a survey made by BestColleges, one in five college students now
complete their coursework using AI even though 51% of them know that using ChatGPT on their
schoolwork can lead to cheating and plagiarism problems (Welding, 2023). Even though students
have the knowledge that AI chatbots are morally wrong and can be considered a form of cheating
and plagiarism they still do it. Studies about cheating say that the reasons students cheat can be
due to a lack of interest in the subject, laziness, and poor time management. These reasonings
can all lead to the use of AI chatbots as it is easy to use and responds fast even so as I said it is
not accurate and leads to wrong information in spite of that students are still willing to take the
gamble for the right answer. As stated by a web article by Forbes, “48% of students admitted to
using ChatGPT for an at-home test or quiz, 53% had it write an essay, and 22% had it write an
outline for a paper.” (Westfall, 2023). It might be hard to accept but the truth is that without the
proper guidance in the use of AI chatbots and AI ethics, the use of AI to cheat will prevail and
continue. The creation of AI chatbots might be with the intention to assist users and make their
repeating tasks easier but students that are willing to cheat will always find a new way to cheat.

In today’s point in time AI doesn’t teach anyone it simply becomes a tool for answering
questions that students deem to be hard, ending in a loss of knowledge. As we continue to use AI
for our tasks to make it easier, there is a possibility that we get addicted and be lazy to do our
own work. This issue is the overreliance on AI chatbots, as students continue to use AI in their
schoolwork, they risk the possibility of a decrease in critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
This is a terrible problem due to the lack of assistance and supervision on the use of AI chatbots.
According to Impact Research, students that are aged 12-14 are already aware of ChatGPT and a
third of students surveyed are using ChatGPT for their schoolwork. This is quite concerning
since the ages of these students are so young that if the continued use of ChatGPT or any form of
AI chatbots can be a harm to their way of thinking getting them addicted or relying too much on
the use of these chatbots, might even pose a threat to their problem-solving skills and critical
thinking. In the end, their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills can lessen to a
great degree if they keep relying on chatbots. AI chatbots should be used to aid students in
something they have a hard time doing it should not be a tool to do something that even the
students themselves are not able to accomplish.

As we continue to use AI chatbots we also need to remember the ethical implications it is

connected with it. The use of these kinds of chatbots to cheat is ethically and morally wrong. The
ethical ramifications must be taken into account even though the educational system may not
currently classify the use of AI chatbots as cheating. We must continue to reject the idea of using
AI chatbots as a tool for cheating and misuse the real idea of why these kinds of chatbots are
created in the first place. Kooli concluded his research that “The paper suggests that AI systems
and chatbots should be used as an aid and not a substitute for human expertise, judgment, and
creativity.” (Kooli, 2023). Recalling what I had previously said the most ethical thing to do is to
use AI chatbots as an aid of help to the students. We must look into the information given to us
by the chatbots before even using it as it can be misleading, biased, or fake information. By using
AI chatbots in our education system we must take a responsible and fair-minded manner, making
sure that the students do not rely on AI to make their own work.

The use of the most known AI chatbot ChatGPT is over the millions. Even with all these
users using ChatGPT as a source of information leaves students open to misinformation that the
AI generates. Open AI the company created ChatGPT even said that “it can occasionally produce
incorrect answers” and to check if the generated response was correct or not. In the end, the use
of AI chatbots to get information is a huge gamble when used. Another AI that has been
controversial is Google’s new Bard AI which after discovering that 78 out of the 100 storylines
analyzed by the technology produce convincing misleading content. AI chatbots are always
changing and getting better, with new features being added all the time. As a result, what was
once accurate or dependable may no longer be the case with regard to the data and responses
produced by AI chatbots. As AI chatbot capabilities develop, students need to keep informed
about the restrictions and potential threats involved. Another concern when handling AI chatbots
is the biases, as chatbots rely on existing data which can be, sometimes, be biased and even
discriminatory when not observed. So checking our information can also be applied when using
AI chatbots, for the reason that they are not accurate and tend to give false information. Overuse
of AI chatbots might undermine analytical thinking and the need to cross-check information from
many sources. Students' capacity to think critically, analyze sources, and form autonomous ideas
may be compromised if they become complacent and accept information without question.

AI chatbots in education are not limited to the use by students they can also be used by
teachers. Even though students’ use of chatbots is greater in number than those of teachers but
studies show that they can be used for lesson planning, developing training resources, and many
more. As mentioned in a survey by Impact Research, concluded that 40% of teachers use
ChatGPT weekly for their jobs and 10% of the teachers use it almost every day. Yet the negative
implications of AI chatbots that the students face also affect the teachers there might be a slight
difference even though it is still similar enough. Just like the student’s over-reliance on AI
chatbots is also a problem applicable to teachers, for them, over-reliance can lead to a
dehumanized educational experience. As AI does not have emotions, the responses it may give
when teachers ask the chatbots for an activity may have little to no social or emotional feel to it
which is meaningful in human connections. In retrospect, the use of AI chatbots is helpful to
teachers but still need to exert caution because prolonged usage can turn out to be more harmful
than helpful. Another problem this face is the loss of human judgment for the teachers, this is
because, in addition to imparting knowledge, education should also assist students develop their
moral character, stimulating critical thinking, and resolving moral conundrums. The moral sense
and ethical reasoning abilities that human teachers bring to the classroom are lacking in AI
chatbots. Students need human educators to teach values, empathy, and responsible decision-
making in them; AI chatbots cannot do this.
Our education system already faces the problem of cheating in different kinds of ways,
now AI chatbots represent a new threat to our education system. With how easy AI chatbots is to
use with almost perfect grammar where even essays can be made flawlessly. Students can use
sections of the paragraph that the chatbot provided and can make an entirely unique essay. It is
simpler for students to write essays that appear authentic and original because these kinds of
chatbots can produce information that is well-structured and cohesive. In this case as of today
still hard to verify with 100% certainty if the essay made this way is written by a chatbot. It
becomes more and more difficult to determine with absolute confidence whether an essay or a
section of it was created by a chatbot due to the complex nature of AI chatbot responses. This is a
huge problem for the reason that AI chatbots present students with responses that are easy to
plagiarize without the students even knowing due to using chatbots is still not considered
cheating by the system. However, with morals and ethics, it is clear that the use of chatbots this
way is a cheat and can be considered plagiarism as for the reason of the content of the submitted
paper is not made by the students.

AI chatbots, unlike humans, are not always able to understand the context of a
conversation, which means they may deliver inaccurate information or give erroneous replies to
inquiries. Additionally, chatbots could exhibit a variety of prejudices due to the way they are
programmed. In accordance with what I have said in previous paragraphs, AI chatbots frequently
have trouble understanding the subtleties of human language and the context of discussions.
They could misinterpret and give incorrect answers because they don't fully understand the
meaning of specific words, phrases, or cultural allusions. Human conversation partners excel in
providing relevant and helpful information because they have a strong understanding of context.
AI is not accurate and might give information that is wrong or answers with stereotypes. At first,
the response that AI chatbots give may look like a human-like essay which is lengthy in a matter
of seconds but the information is suspicious and might even be fake. When using chatbots we
must know their limitations, and so we must also keep in mind where and when we must use
these kinds of AI so as to not affect our morals and goals. AI chatbots lack the human ability for
common sense reasoning that comes naturally to them. They rely on trends and data correlations,
which might not always line up with logic or common sense. As a result, chatbot responses can
appear irrational or absurd, which causes confusion and false information. So the use of AI
chatbots in questions that require common sense will be difficult for them and can even give a
response that is wrong information entirely.

All in all the use of AI chatbots can be a huge problem in our education system due to it
facing many sub-problems like cheating, lack of ethics in the use of the chatbots, over-reliance
on AI chatbots that can cause loss of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and internal
problems within the systems of AI chatbots itself. While it affects students greatly may it be in
their class work or answering hard problems in math it can also affect the teachers by giving
them sample activities and other job-related quires they deem to ask the chatbots. It is hard to
identify works of chatbots in the works of students due to their complex and amazing wordplay,
but in recent months it can be now detected how sure we can be is still hard but with further
research, I believe that in the near future, we can know what are the works of a chatbot and the
works of the students. Even though it is not sure to work we must give proper assistance and
guidance so that the use of AI chatbots can be ethical and give students and teachers information
on how AI can be beneficial and harmful depending on how they use it. This can lessen the
misuse of AI chatbots and greatly benefit students instead of risking their learning capabilities
and risking in exposing them to misinformation AI brings. The beauty of learning will always be
through hard work and learning through our mistakes we must never give in to the temptations of
AI chatbots and think ethically and morally. As AI is always expanding and learning new things
we must also, as the future goes as human must catch up to the never-ending evolution of
artificial intelligence. The misuse of chatbots and AI intelligence systems has the potential to
defeat education's purpose as a tool for knowledge and capacity-building activities. Without a
doubt, a new era of teaching and learning is about to begin.

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