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Genie Script

Building websites can consume a lot of time especially if you did not choose a readymade script like WordPress,
Drupal, Joomla and Mambo. Usually webmasters try to do their best to make the website looks professional for
visitors as well as try to optimize the site for search engine. They need time not only to setup and configure the CMS
for their sites but also they need to find the best plug-ins that suits their needs and can helps their sites to get higher
position in search engines. Affiliate marketers also face this problem and they have more challenge than normal
webmasters because they build hundreds of websites. If any affiliate marketer take only one day to finish one site,
then if he has 100 sites he will needs 100 day to finish it which is really time consuming.

Chris Rempel and Matthew Chitty which are two of the most successful affiliate marketers face this problem also, but
they found the solution for it. They build a new script that looks like WordPress but optimized for affiliate websites.
The new script which called "Affiliate Genie" gives a simple and better way to build websites, this script contains the
following features:-

Does not need any advanced hosting configuration because it saves all the data on the hard-disk.
Contains build-in multi-rating system which makes the affiliate site looks unbiased.
Visitors can rate each product and also submit their own experience and feedback about any product.
Each product page is already optimized to generate the highest CTR.
The authors also know that building website is not only the problem but also generating traffic and back-links are bit
problems, and for that they give two bonuses with the course. The first bonus is an e-book that will makes you learn
how to generate traffic from twitter and social network sites, and the second bonus is an e-book that will makes you
learn how to build back-links to your site without the needs to pay for it.

We tested the Affiliate Genie script and we found it is really good, but it has some security issues because the
usernames and passwords for the script are saved in unsecure files on the hard-disk. Also the websites themes and
plug-ins are limited and not extendable like WordPress. If you are just looking for very high optimized affiliate site then
this script is good for you, but if you need more advanced options then it will not suite your needs.

Both e-books contain very useful information and it will help you especially if you are new to the affiliate marketing
world. This package is really all what you need to start building your affiliate websites . You should first read the
bonuses e-books first before you start to use the affiliate genie
[] script to make sure you
understood the fundamentals of website building and promotion first.

Click here to access the special Genie Script tailored just for you
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