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Test 8 din cartea verde, part 1

Nowadays, people tend to forget the importance of having school
facilities which are improved and which can help us evolve as students. I think
facilities like libraries and catering services should receive financial help from
our community.
Firstly, libraries are the ones in most need because of their crucial role.
Students spend most of their time in libraries doing research and homeworks. I
believe that they should be given the best conditions in order to do their work
and also spend a relaxing time. Implementing new computers which will ease
students’ lives can be a good first step in making libraries a better place. Also, a
better organization of the documents and books will also help students find
faster the materials they need. In my opinion, this facility should be the one
that the authorities give money, because of its importance among the students
and because of the time spent by them in libraries.
Secondly, catering facilities can be a good addition in the schools from
our town. Students need a place where they can enjoy a good meal and spend
some time socializing with their friends. This will especially benefit children in
need or those who don’t have the possibility to eat out of town.
In conclusion, both facilities from above can be useful, because they will
make students’ life much easier because they will have everything they need
near them and at their disposal.
Part 2, 2
To: local town council
From: Ana Smith
Subject: improving living conditions
I am writing to you to propose some improvements that can be done in
order to change the life of the citizens of our town.
One improvement that can be done among our city’s schools can be
implementing new devices that will help teachers present to their students the
materials more interesting and attractive. Besides, another change that can be
made is creating travelling programs for our children that will help them
explore not only our city, but also our country.
Another aspect that requires attention and support from our local
authorities is the public transport. A good change that can be done would be
the purchase of some new vehicles that will provide the passengers more
comfort. Besides, by improving public transports people will start to use them
more often and in this way we can reduce the air pollution generate by cars.
Our city has plenty of landmarks that should be capitalized. By
refurbishing and organizing these areas, our citizens will become aware of the
beauties of out town. Besides, these will also bring and attract tourists from
our or others countries which can have a great impact on our local economy.
I hope you take my recommendations into consideration, because they
can help us improve our lives and also make us see our city as a place that
should also be taking care of.

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