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The novel El coronel no tiene quien le escriba, depicts the dreadful life of a retired colonel,

alongside his wife, who suffers awaiting a pension letter that never arrives due to the unjust
government. Undoubtedly, two prominent themes that are evident in this novel are inequality as
well as injustice. The novel shows that many persons were treated unequally and others were not
given their just due.

Firstly, as the colonel continues to wait for his pension, the narrator adds that his companions
from the Army had all died waiting for their pensions and the colonel was left in solitude.
“Todos mis compañeros se murieron esperando el correo.”The friends of the colonel wanted
justice but did not live to seek it. However, there would have been no difference even if they had
lived on based on the life of the colonel. His life shows that it is better to be dead than to be
treated unjustly by an oppressive government. “Como todos los viernes regresó a su case sin la
carta esperada.”The colonel as well as his companions not receiving their just due portrays that
justice does not exist.

Furthermore, throughout the novel it was seen that the government was against the distribution
of clandestine literature according to martial law. The government censors information in the
newspapers that they don’t want to disclose to the town. This shows that the government isn’t
treating them as fairly as themselves. Citizens of the town try to bring equality to the people by
secretly circulating clandestine letters against the oppressive regime. Due to the action of trying
to bring equality to the town, the oppressive regime shoots the citizens in return, such as Agustín.
“Hijo acribillado nueve meses antes...por distribuir información clandestina.” This act shows that
equality is just an illusion.

Lastly, the colonel was persecuted for participating in a political party and was never able to reap
its benefits. He was persecuted so much to the extent that he had to live outside of town. “Vivían
en el extremo del pueblo.”Despite that, his friend Don Sabas was the only leader of his party that
escaped political persecution and continued living in the town reaping benefits. The fact that Don
Sabas is living a luxurious life while the colonel isn’t shows the level of inequality between
them. However, equality was still evident between the colonel and the Doctor. Despite the doctor
being a man of high stature, he was still considerate towards the colonel and his wife by giving
them checkups without a charge. “Por ahora nada, dijo el médico.”However, throughout the
novel he was the only man who genuinely treated the colonel equally.

In conclusion, the colonel and his companions never got justice for their war contribution, the
government treats the town unequally my withholding information and Don Sabas lived a
luxurious life contrary to the colonel despite being in the same party. Despite that, the doctor still
treated the colonel equally but he was the only one.

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