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Elastic lattice in a random potential

Eugene M. Chudnovsky and Ronald Dickman*
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Lehman College, CUNY, Bedford Park Boulevard West, Bronx, New York 10468-1589
~Received 17 October 1997!
Using Monte Carlo simulations, we study the properties of an elastic triangular lattice subject to a random
background potential. As the cooling rate is reduced, we observe a rather sudden crossover between two
different glass phases, with exponential decay of translational correlations, the other with power-law decay.
Contrary to predictions derived for continuum models, no evidence of a crossover in the mean-square dis-
placement B(r) from the quadratic growth at small r to the logarithmic growth at large r is found.

The structure of an elastic lattice in a random background lational correlation length, j } f 2/(d24) . This estimate seems
has received much attention in recent years, due to its rel- to be quite robust with respect to approximations and as-
evance to such systems as a Wigner crystal in a semiconduc- sumptions about the random potential. It has been pointed
tor with impurities,1 a charge density wave in a weakly dis- out, however, that the random-field model cannot provide the
ordered medium,2 an atomic monolayer on an imperfect correct rate at which translational correlations are destroyed
crystal surface,3 a magnetic bubble lattice in a ferromagnetic for r. j , as it does not take into account the periodicity of
film with defects,4 and a vortex lattice in a disordered the lattice. More sophisticated approaches based upon the
superconductor.5 The latter problem has been investigated Gaussian variational method8 and the functional renormal-
most intensively, both theoretically and experimentally, be- ization group9 suggest that B}(42d)lnr for r. j .10–12 An-
cause translational correlations in the vortex lattice are re- other renormalization-group approach13 suggests that the dis-
sponsible for such important properties of superconductors ordered lattice freezes below a certain temperature into a
as resistivity and critical current. glass state with B}ln2r. The upshot of these analytical re-
Most theoretical works on elastic lattices in a random sults is a much slower decay of translational correlations
background have concentrated on a continuum approach in than predicted by the random-field model.6,7
which the deformation of the lattice is described by the dis- The purpose of this paper is to compare the above predic-
placement field u(r). In this model the background is de- tions of the continuous model with Monte Carlo simulations
scribed by a random potential V @ r,u(r) # that satisfies of a discrete triangular lattice subject to a random back-
V @ r,u(r)1ai # 5V @ r,u(r) # which accounts for the periodic- ground potential. As in the continuous approaches mentioned
ity of the lattice. (ai is a lattice vector.! The energy of this above, we limit our consideration to lattices free of disloca-
system is tions. The results obtained under this assumption may be
relevant to real systems since patterns of vortex lattices ob-
U5 E d d r @ â ¹u¹u1V ~ r,u!# , ~1! served in decoration experiments show remarkably large ar-
eas free of dislocations.
where the first term represents elasticity; a iklm being the ten- We consider a two-dimensional triangular lattice of par-
sor of elastic moduli. When V50, that is in the absence of ticles coupled by a harmonic, nearest-neighbor interaction,
pinning, the energy is minimized by u5const, which repre- and subject to a static, random potential V(x,y). Let xi
sents perfect translational order. In the presence of pinning 5(x i ,y i ) denote the position of particle i. Then the potential
the lattice develops deformations, u(r), and the question energy of the system is
arises whether ~and how rapidly! these deformations destroy
long-range translational correlations. A convenient measure
of the disorder is
E5 ( ~ r 21 ! 2 1
2 ^ i, j & i, j (i V ~ xi ! , ~3!

B ~ r! 5 ^ @ u~ r! 2u~ 0 !# 2 & . ~2! where the first sum is over all nearest-neighbor pairs in the
triangular lattice, and r i, j 5 u xi2xju . @All quantities are di-
If pinning is weak and only a small area of the lattice is of mensionless in our formulation, with the basic length scale
interest, the deformation u is small compared to the lattice a51 set by the nearest-neighbor ~NN! separation in the un-
spacing a. Then V(r,u) can be written as 2f(r)•u and the strained lattice and the basic energy scale e51/2 set by the
problem reduces to the random force problem, for which the energy of a NN pair with u r21 u 51, so that the spring con-
solution is known: a random force, no matter how weak, stants have unit magnitude.#
destroys the long-range translational order in less than four To avoid severe distortions of the lattice we impose a
dimensions. Simple statistical arguments yield6,7 B planarity constraint, which prevents any particle from escap-
;( f 2 / a 2 )r 42d , where f 2 denotes the variance of the random ing the ‘‘cage’’ defined by the current positions of its six
force. That is, B}r in three dimensions and B}r 2 in two nearest neighbors. ~This is enforced by demanding that if x,
dimensions. Equating B to a yields an estimate of the trans- y, and z form a unit triangle in the unstrained lattice, then the

0163-1829/98/57~5!/2724~4!/$15.00 57 2724 © 1998 The American Physical Society


FIG. 2. B(r) versus lnr for M 560 and s 50.2. Solid line: sys-
tem in equilibrium at T50.3; broken line: T50.2; circles: system
FIG. 1. B(r) versus r for M 560, s 50.2, t A 5104 , and various cooled to T50.01 at G51; squares: G50.5.
cooling rates G.
terized by its standard deviation, s , which we control by
varying the constant A. ( s 50.2 and 0.5 are used in this
angle between x-y and z-y not exceed p .! We adopted this
study. All simulations were performed on DEC Alpha work-
constraint in preference to equipping the particles with hard
stations, and employed the random number generator sup-
cores, since hard cores of a size sufficient to prevent this kind
plied with the machine.!
of distortion yield a rather strong anharmonicity. In the
Thus the background potential differs from the kind typi-
present model the anharmonicity is weak, with the deviation
cally employed in studies of off-lattice systems subject to
from equipartition amounting to ,5% at the temperatures of quenched randomness which distributes a certain density of
identical centers of force, with potential v (r), at random po-
The background potential V(x,y) is generated in two
sitions, q i , and sets V(x)5 ( i v ( u x2qi u ). Our potential is a
steps. We first generate R(i, j), an N3N array ~we used N closer approximation to the Gaussian random field used in
5101) of uncorrelated random numbers, uniformly distrib- theoretical analyses.
uted on @-1/2, 1/2#. We smooth this array by replacing each We simulated hexagonal-shaped lattices of M particles to
entry R(i, j) by the sum of the entry and its four nearest a side @a total of 3M (M 21)11 particles#, with open bound-
neighbors, using periodic boundaries at the edges. The
aries. We report results for M 560 and M 5120. We used
smoothing process is applied a total of three times, so that
open boundaries to eliminate global periodicity as a restraint
elements up to six units apart have a nonzero correlation.
on the growth of particle displacements. In each step of the
~Each entry of R is now a weighted sum of 25 random num- simulation, a particle is selected at random and subjected to a
bers, and so represents a good approximation to a Gaussian
trial displacement uniform on a square of side D50.5, sym-
random variable.! To find V(x,y), we define a random, metric about the origin. The move is accepted if the total
piecewise constant ~on a scale of ;1023 ) map between change in energy DE<0; if DE is positive the new position
points (x,y) and a set of four entries R 1 , . . . ,R 4 , where is accepted with probability e 2DE/T . Our time unit comprises
R k [R(i k , j k ). The first entry is given by the modular expres- one attempted move per particle. A preliminary study of the
sion: i 1 5 @ 7x (mod101) # , where the brackets denote the lattice without the random background potential ~see also
largest integer, and similarly for j 1 . Then i 2 Ref. 14! revealed that the correlation function
5 @ f i 1 (mod100) # , where f [2049u R 1 u is a random multi-
plier; j 2 is defined similarly, yielding R 2 . We repeat the pro- g G~ r! 5 ^ e iG• ~ xi 2x j ! & ~4!
cess, this time using f 5513u R 1 1R 2 u , and then once more,
with f 5257u R 1 1R 2 1R 3 u . The resulting V(x,y) ~the thermal average is over all pairs with xi 2x j 5r in the
[A ( i51 4 R i is an ~approximately! Gaussian random field unstrained lattice; G is a reciprocal lattice vector! shows a
with short-range correlations; C V (r) power-law decay, g G(r);r 2 h with h proportional to tem-
[ ^ V(x)V(y) & u x2yu 5r / s 2 drops from unity to about 0.3 for perature, T, as expected.15
r.1023 , and then decays in roughly linear fashion, remain- Our primary interest is in the behavior of the mean-square
ing essentially zero for r>0.6. ~We found that choosing displacement from equilibrium,
prime factors in the multipliers hastened the decay of corre-
lations.! The strength of the background potential is charac- B ~ r! [ ^ @ xi 2x j 2r# 2 & , ~5!

FIG. 3. Mean-square displacement B(r) versus r̃ [r/ j . Dashed

line: M 5120, s 50.5, G5531024 ; solid line: M 5120, s 50.2,
G51023 ; dotted line: M 560, s 50.2, G51024 .

where we average over all pairs with xi 2x j 5r in the un-

strained lattice, and the angle brackets denote an average FIG. 4. Per-particle potential energy, v , elastic energy, u, and
over disorder. To avoid the effects of strong distortions that B(r550) versus G for the same parameters as in Fig. 1.
may appear at the boundary, we only average over particles
at least M /2 sites distant from it. Configurations are gener- length decreases as we reduce G; increased exploration re-
ated by taking the perfect, unstrained lattice and permitting it sults in greater distortion. An important open question con-
to relax, in the presence of V(x), for t A 5104 –105 time steps cerns the nature of B(r) in the ground state: Does it grow
at temperature 1. After this ‘‘annealing’’ phase the system is ;r 2 indefinitely, or cross over to a slower, perhaps logarith-
gradually cooled: the inverse temperature b 51/T increases mic growth law? As we reduce the cooling rate, and hence
at a constant cooling rate G, until T50.01, at which time we probe nearer the ground state of the model, we find that B(r)
compute B and other properties. ~At this point the system is maintains a faster than linear growth. Figure 3 shows that in
essentially at temperature zero, since the typical background this regime, B(r);r 2 to a good approximation. In no in-
energy s @T.! stance do we observe a crossover to logarithmic growth at
Depending on the cooling rate, we observe two qualita-
large r, even though our data extend to r/ j .14 for some
tively distinct kinds of B(r). In Fig. 1, for example, we show
B(r) for M 560, s 50.2, t A 5104 , and a variety of different
Figure 4 shows the elastic and potential energies (u and
cooling rates. For relatively rapid cooling (G.431024 for
v , respectively!, per particle as a function of G, for the con-
the parameters of Fig. 1!, B grows ;lnr for small r before
ditions of Fig. 1. While there are some fluctuations ~due to
crossing over to some slower growth whose precise form is
computer-time restrictions we average over sets of only five
unclear. The correlation length j , defined via B( j )51, de-
independent disorder configurations in this series of studies!,
creases with G and in many cases exceeds the system size M .
the energy decreases with cooling rate, as expected. We also
The logarithmic growth is reminiscent of a lattice in thermal
plot B(r550) as a measure of the character of the final state
equilibrium,15,14 suggesting that in this case the system has
~quenched thermal fluctuations versus optimized in the ran-
undergone a kind of glass transition, the final B(r) being a
dom background!. It appears that the change in the behavior
remnant of the thermal disorder when the lattice fell out of
of B occurs rather suddenly, at G.431024 .
equilibrium with the heat bath. In this situation the back-
In summary, we studied the mean-square displacement in
ground potential serves to ‘‘freeze’’ thermal fluctuations,
an elastic lattice subject to a static random potential, and find
even though the system does not have time to optimize its
no evidence of crossover to logarithmic growth in the well-
configuration with respect to V(r). Figure 2 illustrates the
relaxed regime. A crossover between two different glass
similarity between B(r) in thermal equilibrium and in a rap-
phases, one with exponential decay of translational correla-
idly cooled system.
tions, the other having power-law decay, is observed as the
For lower cooling rates, the particles have the opportunity
cooling rate is reduced.
to explore more of the local potential energy landscape, and
the lattice distortion, while more modest for small r, be- This work was supported by the U.S. Department of En-
comes sizable on large scales. In this regime the correlation ergy under Grant No. DE-FG02-93ER45487.

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