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The Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Academic Performances of the Grade 11

HUMSS students at Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School


Maria Leonora D. Medrano
Yuan James Jimenez
Carl Jeianne Domingo
Jennifer Telan
John Romel Calma

Sleep is a very important part of our life since it helps us recharge our batteries

and think more clearly. Adequate sleep is essentials for everyone’s health and well-being, but

given the present-day challenges, sleep which takes up about a third of our lives, should be given

priority in order to improve immunity. This according to Gulia and Kumar (2020). For our

bodies, it offers a lot of wonderful advantages. It not only lifts everyone’s in positive mood, but

it also keeps us from putting on weight. It also significantly affects our intelligence and

emotions. The same goes for eating, drinking, and taking a bath. It serves as a basic need in our


The 2016 Healthy Living Index Survey found that the Philippines has one of the highest rates of

sleep deprivation in Asia, with 46% of Filipinos reporting that they do not get enough sleep and

32% reporting that the sleep for less than six hours each night. Sleep deprivation is when

someone does not get enough sleep-in order to feel rested the next day, that person could be

suffering from sleep deprivation. According to (shruff 2020), teenagers between the ages of 12 to

18 should sleep for 8 to 9 hours every day, but sadly many of them seem to have a hard time to

reach this recommendation. These days, electronics are highly popular among this generation,

and some are anxious to succeed that they sacrifice their sleep.

In order to earn good grades and work harder. Studies in the student age population have found

that factors such as self-reported shorter sleep time, unpredictable quality have been proven to

negatively associated with school performance for teenagers from middle school through college.

However, there’s a lot of evidence to suggest that insufficient sleep at night might impair brain

function, which can then result to poor academic performance (Dr. Kushida). According to
Morgan (2017) studying as an honor student is not easy. You have to study hard, submit the

project on time, and most of all you must do your duty as a student for you to pass level and

consequences. Studying until midnight just to pass the projects on time.

The significant issue of sleep deprivation deserves our attention. According to Geddes (2018),

Matthews (2017), Dallaspezia and Benedetti (2015), it doesn't have any positive effects except

from this study that links sleep deprivation to depressive symptoms, and for some people, it's the

only thing that helps. The research has not yet produced any compelling proof, though.

According to a study conducted by Instrella, Francisco, and Aguilera in the Philippines, 46% of

Filipinos don't get enough sleep (2017). One of the key elements affecting Filipinos' productivity

is sleep deprivation. Phil Star, however, notes that research has revealed that over the past few

decades, children (and consequently, adults) have been sleeping less and less (2015).

It is a vital to found out how Sleep Deprivation impacts student’s Academic Performance on

school. The researcher’s goal was to increase public awareness of the effects of sleep deprivation

on Academic Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS in Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School. We

are going to use qualitative research method to investigate the problem.

Conceptual Framework

There were various reasons why students didn't get enough sleep, which affected their academic

performance. Sleep Deprivation affects the personality of a person in negative way. The

influence of 21st Century affects the student’s behavior. Students' lack of sleep was becoming an

alarming problem as the days went by.

Researchers paid close attention to investigating the value of sleep among students because they

believed it to be a crucial component of a happy and healthy existence. The risk of pupils

nowadays not getting the appropriate amount of sleep for their ages, especially those in higher

grades like senior high schools and colleges, is very significant. Teenagers sleep 97 percent less

than is advised (Sleep Statistics, 2018).

Even so, the consequences of inadequate sleep go beyond what you may imagine. You can die

from lack of sleep, as Peters (2019), Peri (2019), and Allan (2019) assert. However according to

Kittredge (2018), health line (2019), and National Sleep Foundation (2019), your age has a

significant impact on how much sleep you require each night. Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours;

adults (18-64 years): 7-9 hours; teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours; schoolchildren (6-13 years):

9-11 hours; preschoolers (3-5 years): 10-13 hours; toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours; infants (4-

11 months): 12-15 hours; and newborns (0- 3 months): 14-17 hours. These recommendations are

broken down by age group. Being a student is enjoyable, but it's also one of life's biggest

challenges. While they are still young, students can't possibly handle the strain alone as they face

a variety of challenges that frequently result in pressure. The effects of students' lack of sleep are

discussed in this study. According to Walker (2017) and Web MD (2019), sleep deprivation has

an adverse effect on every element of human biology. Despite the fact that it creeps into every

crevice and crack possible, nothing is being done to stop it. Change is necessary in all areas,

including the workplace, our communities, our homes, and our families.

The reasons for student sleep deprivation are many, including a wide range of social, cultural,

environmental, and biological factors (e.g., personal interests and problems; involvement with

“extracurricular” activities including technology and social media; academic demands; living

conditions that interfere with sleep). For many teens, other facets of their lives seem more
important than sleeping. For example, a large number of teens use social media before going to

bed (Richter, 2015). And even if they do want to go to sleep earlier and sleep longer, their

biological makeup and school schedules make it difficult for them. They have trouble falling

asleep earlier, and they are woken up before their brain has had sufficient time to recover from

the day before.

According to Philips' Unfiltered Sleep: A Global Prioritization Puzzle, an international survey

that focused on how individuals around the world interpret, prioritize, and prepare for sleep, and

over 8 in 10 adults (84%) admit that a number of activities prevail over a good night's sleep (as

cited by Junadi 2017). A study by (Toyong et al., 2020), discovered that 88 percent of

studentswere sleep-deprived, and they typically slept for less than 6 hours. Today, there are

many disturbances in our way of accomplishing important tasks. As result, it is difficult to avoid

having a short sleep. Our technology advances with the passage of time. Young adults, nowadays

become more dependent on social media and digital devices. This is why, this is without a doubt,

one of the factors contributing to sleep deprivation. Aside from the devices that we have today,

schoolwork also prevents students from sleeping. The anxiety of not being able to finish and

submit the tasks on time keeps them awake.

And so, the researcher aims to carry out this study to know how many students are sleep

deprived, by discovering the perspective and experiences of the selected students. In addition, to

promote a balanced lifestyle, wherein students can improve their academic performance without

being sleep deprived. In the end, the researcher will provide solutions and recommendations that

will help students to prevent sleep deprivation.

, the researcher aims to carry
out this study to know how
many students are sleep
deprived, by discovering the
perspective and experiences of
the selected students. In
addition, to
promote a balanced lifestyle,
wherein students can improve
their academic performance
being sleep deprived. In the
end, the researcher will provide
solutions and recommendations
will help students to prevent
sleep deprivation. More
importantly, this study seeks to
, the researcher aims to carry
out this study to know how
many students are sleep
deprived, by discovering the
perspective and experiences of
the selected students. In
addition, to
promote a balanced lifestyle,
wherein students can improve
their academic performance
being sleep deprived. In the
end, the researcher will provide
solutions and recommendations
will help students to prevent
sleep deprivation. More
importantly, this study seeks to
, the researcher aims to carry
out this study to know how
many students are sleep
deprived, by discovering the
perspective and experiences of
the selected students. In
addition, to
promote a balanced lifestyle,
wherein students can improve
their academic performance
being sleep deprived. In the
end, the researcher will provide
solutions and recommendations
will help students to prevent
sleep deprivation. More
importantly, this study seeks to
, the researcher aims to carry
out this study to know how
many students are sleep
deprived, by discovering the
perspective and experiences of
the selected students. In
addition, to
promote a balanced lifestyle,
wherein students can improve
their academic performance
being sleep deprived. In the
end, the researcher will provide
solutions and recommendations
will help students to prevent
sleep deprivation. More
importantly, this study seeks to
according to Philips' Unfiltered
Sleep: A Global Prioritization
Puzzle, an international
survey that focused on how
individuals around the world
interpret, prioritize, and prepare
for sleep,
and over 8 in 10 adults (84%)
admit that a number of activities
prevail over a good night's sleep
cited by Junadi 2017). A study
by (Toyong et al., 2020),
discovered that 88 percent of
were sleep-deprived, and they
typically slept for less than 6
hours. Today, there are many
disturbances in our way of
accomplishing important tasks.
As result, it is difficult to avoid
having a
short sleep. Our technology
advances with the passage of
time. Young adults, nowadays
more dependent on social media
and digital devices. This is why,
this is without a doubt, one of
factors contributing to sleep
deprivation. Aside from the
devices that we have today,
according to Philips' Unfiltered
Sleep: A Global Prioritization
Puzzle, an international
survey that focused on how
individuals around the world
interpret, prioritize, and prepare
for sleep,
and over 8 in 10 adults (84%)
admit that a number of activities
prevail over a good night's sleep
cited by Junaid 2017). A study
by (Toyong et al., 2020),
discovered that 88 percent of
were sleep-deprived, and they
typically slept for less than 6
hours. Today, there are many
disturbances in our way of
accomplishing important tasks.
As result, it is difficult to avoid
having a
short sleep. Our technology
advances with the passage of
time. Young adults, nowadays
more dependent on social media
and digital devices. This is why,
this is without a doubt, one of
factors contributing to sleep
deprivation. Aside from the
devices that we have today,
according to Philips' Unfiltered
Sleep: A Global Prioritization
Puzzle, an international
survey that focused on how
individuals around the world
interpret, prioritize, and prepare
for sleep,
and over 8 in 10 adults (84%)
admit that a number of activities
prevail over a good night's sleep
cited by Junadi 2017). A study
by (Toyong et al., 2020),
discovered that 88 percent of
were sleep-deprived, and they
typically slept for less than 6
hours. Today, there are many
disturbances in our way of
accomplishing important tasks.
As result, it is difficult to avoid
having a
short sleep. Our technology
advances with the passage of
time. Young adults, nowadays
more dependent on social media
and digital devices. This is why,
this is without a doubt, one of
factors contributing to sleep
deprivation. Aside from the
devices that we have today,
, the researcher aims to carry
out this study to know how
many students are sleep
deprived, by discovering the
perspective and experiences of
the selected students. In
addition, to
promote a balanced lifestyle,
wherein students can improve
their academic performance
being sleep deprived. In the
end, the researcher will provide
solutions and recommendations
will help students to prevent
sleep deprivation. More
importantly, this study seeks to
all students are negatively
affected by sleep deprivation.
Does sleep deprivation affect
performance in school? Or does
it simply depend on how it will
be handled?
Statement of the problem
'High school is the real danger
zone in terms of sleep
deprivation,' says William
founder of Stanford Sleep
Disorders Clinic. Teens face
intense pressure to perform, and
must start competing with an
increasing number of peers for
college spots that have largely
remained consistent (Ritcher
2015). Because the reality is
difficult to deal with, students
must work
hard in order to make the most
of their dreams.
According to Philips'
Unfiltered Sleep: A Global
Prioritization Puzzle, an
survey that focused on how
individuals around the world
interpret, prioritize, and prepare
for sleep,
and over 8 in 10 adults (84%)
admit that a number of activities
prevail over a good night's sleep
cited by Junadi 2017). A study
by (Toyong et al., 2020),
discovered that 88 percent of
were sleep-deprived, and they
typically slept for less than 6
hours. Today, there are many
disturbances in our way of
accomplishing important tasks.
As result, it is difficult to avoid
having a
short sleep. Our technology
advances with the passage of
time. Young adults, nowadays
more dependent on social media
and digital devices. This is why,
this is without a doubt, one of
factors contributing to sleep
deprivation. Aside from the
devices that we have today,
, the researcher aims to carry
out this study to know how
many students are sleep
deprived, by discovering the
perspective and experiences of
the selected students. In
addition, to
promote a balanced lifestyle,
wherein students can improve
their academic performance
being sleep deprived. In the
end, the researcher will provide
solutions and recommendations
will help students to prevent
sleep deprivation. More
importantly, this study seeks to
all students are negatively
affected by sleep deprivation.
Does sleep deprivation affect
performance in school? Or does
it simply depend on how it will
be handled?
Statement of the problem
'High school is the real danger
zone in terms of sleep
deprivation,' says William
founder of Stanford Sleep
Disorders Clinic. Teens face
intense pressure to perform, and
must start competing with an
increasing number of peers for
college spots that have largely
remained consistent (Ritcher
2015). Because the reality is
difficult to deal with, students
must work
hard in order to make the most
of their dreams.
According to Philips'
Unfiltered Sleep: A Global
Prioritization Puzzle, an
survey that focused on how
individuals around the world
interpret, prioritize, and prepare
for sleep,
and over 8 in 10 adults (84%)
admit that a number of activities
prevail over a good night's sleep
cited by Junadi 2017). A study
by (Toyong et al., 2020),
discovered that 88 percent of
were sleep-deprived, and they
typically slept for less than 6
hours. Today, there are many
disturbances in our way of
accomplishing important tasks.
As result, it is difficult to avoid
having a
short sleep. Our technology
advances with the passage of
time. Young adults, nowadays
more dependent on social media
and digital devices. This is why,
this is without a doubt, one of
factors contributing to sleep
deprivation. Aside from the
devices that we have today,
all students are negatively
affected by sleep deprivation.
Does sleep deprivation affect
performance in school? Or does
it simply depend on how it will
be handled?
Statement of the problem
'High school is the real danger
zone in terms of sleep
deprivation,' says William
founder of Stanford Sleep
Disorders Clinic. Teens face
intense pressure to perform, and
must start competing with an
increasing number of peers for
college spots that have largely
remained consistent (Ritcher
2015). Because the reality is
difficult to deal with, students
must work
hard in order to make the most
of their dreams.
According to Philips'
Unfiltered Sleep: A Global
Prioritization Puzzle, an
survey that focused on how
individuals around the world
interpret, prioritize, and prepare
for sleep,
and over 8 in 10 adults (84%)
admit that a number of activities
prevail over a good night's sleep
cited by Junadi 2017). A study
by (Toyong et al., 2020),
discovered that 88 percent of
were sleep-deprived, and they
typically slept for less than 6
hours. Today, there are many
disturbances in our way of
accomplishing important tasks.
As result, it is difficult to avoid
having a
short sleep. Our technology
advances with the passage of
time. Young adults, nowadays
more dependent on social media
and digital devices. This is why,
this is without a doubt, one of
factors contributing to sleep
deprivation. Aside from the
devices that we have today,
The Research Paradigm

Input Process Output

1. The demographic

characteristics of the

participants of the study.

Analysis of:
a. Sex
Impact of sleep
1. Profile of the students-
b. Age deprivation on the
c. Grade Level and Strand academic performance
2. Through
of the RSASHS students
2. Hours of sleep do
students-respondents get

3. Sleep Deprivation affects

the academic performance of

the students-respondents


Figure 1.

The researchers were guided by the research paradigm which illustrated the input such as the

profile of the students-respondents, the hours of sleep do students-respondents get, and the sleep

deprivation affects the academic performance of the students-respondents.

The profile variables include the sex, age, grade level, and strand of the respondents.
Figure 2.

To collect the data from the sample the researchers will have. The respondents will answer a

multiple-choice questionnaire, consisting of questions seeking their sleep quantity and their first

semester average.

Figure 3.

The research will analyze the data collected and input the sleep quantity and academic

performance of the sample in a table and pie charts

The feedback consists of informing the Senior High School students about the Effects of Sleep

Deprivation in Academic Performance. The result of this research can be the basis of the

researchers on how they will inform the students who are sleep deprived affects their academic


Statement of the Problem

This study examined how sleep deprivation affects the academic performance of Roxas Stand-

Alone Senior High School students. This research specifically aimed to respond to the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents?

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Grade level

1.4 Grade Level

2. How many hours of sleep do Grade 11 HUMSS students get on average?

2.1 9-8 hours

2.2 7-6 hours

2.3 5-4 hours

2.4 3-2 hours

2.5 Other answer

3. Average of students-respondents in first semester

4. What are the effects of not getting enough sleep?

4.1 sleepy

4.2 head ache

4.3 dizzy

4.4 blurry eyes

4.5 others_______

5. How does sleep deprivation affects the academic performance of the students-respondent?
Significance of the Study

This study aims to discover the effects of sleep deprivation on the academic performance of the

students in Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School. The findings of this study may contribute to

the better understanding of the effects of sleep deprivation on academic performance.

Parents. The result of the study will benefit the parents that have children who currently facing

lack of sleep. It may give them awareness of what Sleep Deprivation can do to their children

academic performance. It may need to monitor their child’s sleep schedule.

Students. By the end of this research the result may benefit the Grade 11 HUMSS students

because their teacher and parents will understand them better and this study will make the

students learn how Sleep Deprivation affects their academic performance.

Teachers. This study may help educators to better understand his or her student’s academic

performance in the class because of the effects of Sleep Deprivation for them. They incorporate

the result of the study to their personal teaching styles to be more effective educator.

Researchers. The findings or result of this study may provide the researchers a deeper

understanding about the given topic that they can use and apply in the future.

Future Researcher. This study can be used by the researcher in the future and will serve as a

basis for them in doing their research about the effects of Sleep Deprivation of the students’

Academic Performance.

Scope and Delimitation

This qualitative research aims to determine the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in Academic

Performance of Grade 11 HUMSS students in Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School S.Y 2022-

2023. This study uses Case study as a research design. According to Kothari 2004, case study is

about an investigation of a phenomenon with in the context of real-life situation.

This study is limited to the sixty (60) students from the Grade 11 HUMSS students who are

currently enrolled for the S.Y 2022-2023 in Roxas Stand-Alone Senior High School. In this

qualitative research, the researcher used interview guide is a researcher-made instrument based

from the objective of the study. The interview questions are formulated to assess and determine

the effects of Sleep Deprivation in Academic Performance of the study.

Definition of Terms

To further more understand the contents in this research paper, here are some key words to help

you out.

Academic Performance- Represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a

person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional

environments, specifically in school.

Sleep Deprivation-Defined as not obtaining adequate total sleep

Students- A person is actively learning, while pursuing academic studies and registered in a

public or private educational institution.



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