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Limestone Lily Cap


Yarn: Worsted or Aran Weight CO = Cast on
150 – 210 yards
BOR = Beginning of round
Gauge: 20 sts per 4”/10 cm
k = knit
Needles: 7 US (4.5 mm) 16” circular
p = purl
7 US (4.5 mm) DPNs
rnd = round
Notions: Darning needle
k2tog = knit two stitches together

p2tog = purl two stiches together

CN = cable needle

sm = slip marker

Finished Sizes: Adult (S/M) (19”x8.5”), Adult (L/XL) (21”x9.5”) | Pattern © 2023 NichKnit Designs

All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Limestone Lily Cap

There are three options for the brim, a joined double brim (A), folded brim (B), flat brim (C).


With provisional cast on, CO (96,112) with US 7
needles. Join in the round and place marker to
note BOR, make sure stiches aren’t twisted
before joining.

Knit 1 round.

Begin rib stitch: *p2,k2* repeat from * to end.

Continue working rib until piece measures
(4”, 4.25”) from cast on edge.
Transfer stitches from provisional cast on to a
second set of circular needles.
Fold brim in half, keeping the right sides out and the provisional cast on folded into the
inside of the hat. Both sets of needles will be next to each other and ready to knit.

Connect one live stitch and one from CO edge with *p2tog, k2tog* to seam the brim
together. Continue in the round until brim is closed. Place the CO tail in the middle of
the brim, no need to weave it in.

Video Instructions for brim connection.


CO (96,112) with US 7 needles.
Join to work in the round, careful not to twist, and place marker to indicate BOR.
Ribbing Round: *p2,k2* repeat to end of round.
Repeat ribbing instructions until ribbing measures (4, 4.5) inches from cast on edge.


CO (96,112) with US 7 needles.
Join to work in the round, careful not to twist, and place marker to indicate BOR.
Ribbing Round: *p2,k2* repeat to end of round.
Repeat ribbing instructions until ribbing measures (2, 2.25) inches from cast on edge.
Pattern ©| Pattern
2023 NichKnit
© 2023Designs
NichKnit Designs

All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Limestone Lily Cap


Switch to pattern (8-stitch, 16-row repeat).

2/1 LPC = slip 2 stitches to CN, hold in front, p1, k2 from CN.

2/1 RPC = slip 1 stich to CN, hold in back, k2, p1 from CN

Right Cross (RC) = slip 1 stitch to CN, hold in back, k1, k1 from CN.

Left Cross (LC) = slip 1 stitch to CN, hold in front, k1, k1 from CN.

Rnd 1-6: *p2, k2* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 7: *p2, 2/1 LPC, 2/1 RPC * repeat to end of round.

Rnd 8: *p3, k4, p1* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 9: *p3, RC, LC, p* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 10: repeat round 8.

Rnd 11: *p3, LC, RC, p* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 12: repeat round 8.

Rnd 13: *p2, 2/1 RPC, 2/1 LPC* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 14-16: *p2, k2* repeat to end of round.

Small/Medium: Repeat stitch pattern 2x.

Large/XL: Repeat stitch pattern 2x, then knit rounds 1-4 once more.

Both sizes: knit one round, placing markers every eight stiches to set up for crown decrease.

Charted directions on following page.
Pattern ©| Pattern
2023 NichKnit
© 2023Designs
NichKnit Designs

All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Limestone Lily Cap


Switch to pattern (8-stitch, 16-row repeat).

2/1 LPC = slip 2 stitches to CN, hold in front,

p1, k2 from CN.

2/1 RPC = slip 1 stich to CN, hold in back, k2,

p1 from CN

Right Cross (RC) = slip 1 stitch to CN, hold in

back, k1, k1 from CN.

Left Cross (LC) = slip 1 stitch to CN, hold in

front, k1, k1 from CN.

Small/Medium: Repeat stitch pattern 2x.

Large/XL: Repeat stitch pattern 2x, then knit

rounds 1-4 once more
Pattern ©| Pattern
2023 NichKnit
© 2023Designs
NichKnit Designs

All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Limestone Lily Cap

On last round, place markers every 8 stitches to set up for crown decrease.

Rnd 1: *p2, k2, p2, k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 2 & 3: *p2, k2, p2, k* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 4: *p2, k2, p, k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 5 & 6: *p2, k2, p, k* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 7: *p2, k2, k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 8 & 9: *p2, k3* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 10: *p2, k, k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 11: *p2, k2* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 12: *p2, k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 13: *p2, k* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 14: *p, k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 15: *k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Rnd 16: *k2tog* repeat to end of round.

Cut working yarn, leaving a long tail. Pull the tail through the remaining stitches and pull the top
closed tightly. Draw the working yarn through the top center of the hat and weave it in securely on
the inside. Weave in any remaining ends and add a pom-pom, if desired.
Pattern ©| Pattern
2023 NichKnit
© 2023Designs
NichKnit Designs

All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Limestone Lily Cap


On last round, place markers every 8 stitches to set up for crown decrease.

Cut working yarn, leaving a long tail. Pull the tail through the remaining stitches and pull
the top closed tightly. Draw the working yarn through the top center of the hat and weave it
in securely on the inside. Weave in any remaining ends and add a pom-pom, if desired.
Pattern ©| Pattern
2023 NichKnit
© 2023Designs
NichKnit Designs

All rights reserved. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

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