KET Answer Sheet

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Sample Answer Sheet for Reading and Writing sey ‘OFFICE USE ONLY- DO NOT WRITE OR WARE ANY MARK ABOVE THIS UNE PageT OT? BiB Cambridge Assessment English Candidate candidate Name Number Contre entre Name. Number Examination Examination Tie Details Candidate Assessment Signature Date ‘Supervisor: If the candidato is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here © Key for Schools Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet instructions Use a PENCIL ( or HB). Rub out any answer you wantto change wih an eraser, For Part 5: ite your answers leary nthe spaces nest For Parts 1, 2,3 and 4 tothe nombre (25t0 30 tke is Mark ONE later for each answer. ” For example: you tink Als the right answor to aa GENGLTSHA the queston, marcyour anawer shee tes te your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. Part Paz Pans Pana RES AES REE Et 11888 7/888 14/8 88 1918 8 8 aa C Rao z aE 2/888 3[888 15/88 & 20/6 86 Re aac ABC RBC 21888 9/888 16/886 21/8 8 8 RES za EC ze 4/888 103 8 8 17/886 22/8 8 8 ABC zee Ree REC 51888 [8 8 8 12/8 86 23[8 8 8 eC ¢ ac 6 {888 12/8 8 8 24/685 rae 13/8 8 8 Pans Ear] no 25 "d 0] [28 "O68 26 "oo | [29 Po 6 27 oo} {30 Loo OFFICE USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE OR MAKE ANY MARK BELOW THIS LINE. REPRODUCED WITH THE PERMISSION OF CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT ENGLISH © UCLES 2019 Continues over mp Page 1 of2 me [La Photocopiat Sample Answer sheets, [EE Sample Answer Sheet for Reading and Writing r a ‘OFFICE USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE OR WAKE ANY MARK ABOVE THIS LINE Pagezora Part 6: Write your answer below. 000000 [Part 7: Write your answer below. Tannera use 000000 Page 2.0f2. Dest x= ~~ oe Ca REPRODUCED WITH THE PERMISSION OF CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT ENGLISH © UCLES 2019 Photocopiabl [REIMET s2npe arswersiees OFFICE USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE OF MAKE ANY MARK BELOW THIS LINE Sample Answer Sheet for Listening ar a ‘OFFICE USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE OR MAKE ANY MARK ABOVE THIS LINE Page Toft Cambridge Assessment English Candidate Candidate Name Number Centre contre Name Number Examination Examination Tie Detale Candidate Assossment Signature Date ‘Supervisor: If the candidate Is ABSENT or has WITHORAWN shade here © Key for Schools Listening Candidate Answer Sheet instructions Use a PENCIL (@ or HB). Rab out any anger you want o change wih an eraser For Part 2: ite your answers layin the spaces net ee eareatal sant {oie number (610 10) hats Mark ONE ltr for each answer Forxpliyo fu Aste oh newer ENGLTSHA oe ‘Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. Pant Pan? Sees) Pend REE ; xe 1f8 8 8) oe] [nS 8 6 a 8c ae 2[8 8 § wz [12/8 8 6 A BC 7 come) A Bo 3/6 6 5 oo fs[8 8S a Be eo +[8 8 8 . oo} fulg 8s a8 o —F a3 6 5]0 0 6 9 oo 15]0 0 6 10] ( 8 Pana Pans x3 e Aa SEE EE [8 8 8| [2J8 888665 6 3c R-a-¢-0-E FGA 7/8 8 §| [2l8 8885 6 8 3 aE G RB eB EF SH [3 8 8| [2/8 8 § 86 & § 8 zB Se R-B-c DEF GR 2/6 6 8| [4/6 8885 6 § z-3-¢ R-B-c pe eH 20/8 8 S| [sl8 8 $85 55 6 OFFICE USE ONLY - DO NOT WRITE OR MAKE ANY MARK BELOW THIS LINE page tot Dat X= oe (Li REPRODUCED WITH THE PERMISSION OF CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT ENGLISH © UCLES 2019 = sample Answer Shoots: EER

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