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Reasons Why
Great Executive
Fail to Land.

Your Leadership Partner


Why Great Executive Leaders,

In-Transition, Fail to Land.
The leader’s ego keeps There are fewer seats at
getting in the way the top
Let’s address the elephant in the room. It has The simple fact is that at the top of the
been our experience that the first and most pyramid there are less roles that are similar to
important challenge in Executive Landings, is those that the executive may have been in. So
almost always the executive themselves, and the search will naturally take longer, and the
well deserved as well. Leaders work hard to executive’s frustration can be much greater,
get to where they are, and finding themselves adding to the executive’s stress levels. In
on the hunt, something that they may not have many cases this is not obvious to those who
had to do for a long time throughout their have for so many years found flow in their
career is not easy on their psychology. career transitions, by being moved seamlessly
Nonetheless, this is something that most from one role to the other.
leaders will need to learn to overcome.

Some of the fundamental pieces to this Over-reliance on executive

include, potential loss of self-esteem, identity, headhunters
self-worth, and self-concept; depending on the
situation, it may also include some feelings of The average Executive Leader will transition
embarrassment, shame, and “tarnished into a new role, through an Executive Search
image”. A feeling of loss of control or feeling Firm, about 15% of the times throughout their
“out of control” while they have been always career.
used to making BIG decisions and having
MAJOR impact throughout their career. One of the major misconceptions that
executive leaders have about headhunters, is
that they will be focused on helping the leader
to find their next role, and advocating
incessantly on their behalf. This couldn’t be
Lack of resources & further away from the truth. It would be a
infrastructure great coincidence, if at the time that you as a
leader start looking for your next role, that
Executive Leaders are not accustomed to any particular headhunter will have a role
doing the day-to-day administrative tasks ready for you, and that you would fit hand in
themselves, and perhaps they may lack some glove into this role that they have open. The
basic habits/skills for details and logistics; reality is that the likelihood of this happening
organization of tasks, etc… In a lot of cases, we is quite low.
have seen leaders being “technology
impaired” while they now have to think of While headhunters will be happy to place you,
everything, as well as be burdened with time- their primary focus will be on filling the
consuming planning and activities that used to assignment that they have currently open
be handled by support personnel. with their clients. While some may help out by
making a couple of introductions on a casual
Sometimes this may paralyze much needed basis, the reality is that if they introduce you
actions that are required to move ahead with to an organization without terms in place,
getting things done. Unless the executive finds they might just end up shooting themselves in
their feet around this topic, or finds support in the foot, for getting future retained work.
this area, it may end up being a great paralytic
agent, and hinder the whole journey, or at
least delay it tremendously.

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.


Maintaining that high- Executive roles are filled

level compensation Internally first
Being used to a high Compensation & Benefits Data from research tells us clearly that those
Package is especially difficult to maintain much coveted roles in larger organizations,
moving forward, especially during tough where succession planning has become part of
economic situations. Hiring someone at these a robust internal development and growth
typical high-salary levels in any organization, system, are more likely to be filled internally,
will most likely require a good number of rather than being sourced through external
approvals, which can be derailed at any point methods.
and can of course take a good amount of time.
So, simply put, while one may think that they
Of course, senior leaders who have been used may be looking at a substantial number of
to earning big, have most likely been used to potential employers that would be interested
living big. There is often a high burn-rate, and in hiring someone of caliber, the question
hence the pressure to get back into earning often comes down to who has priority. If you
“top dollar” is much greater. are not part of the internal pool, then you may
just be out of the pool completely.
In recent years, there has been a lot of push-
back on exorbitant packages for C-Suite
Executives, and one should expect to rethink Age as a factor in
their approach to that conversation, when the
time comes.
sustainability & law
A lot of organizations today are looking for
younger, up and coming leaders, who can give
the organization a good long tenure of high
performance, energy and sustainability. Some
may therefore be aiming at hiring from a
There is more & tougher younger bracket than yours, or sometimes
competition at the top older, if they are looking for a more tenured
and experienced leader.
You are not the only one trying to get that
coveted executive leader role. At any given
While in some countries age should not come
point, there may be an internal pool of
into the decision process, when you are
candidates fighting for it. There may also be a
looking at an international assignment, you
bunch of headhunters looking to hire into it,
might want to keep in mind, that asking how
each with a number of candidates to present.
old you are is not against the law in many
There may also be a substantial network of
countries around the world.
executives that have a line to the board or the
ExCom that are being engaged for the
In addition to the above, you should consider
potential role.
the mandatory and / or legal retirement age
that is perhaps specific to your industry of
Here you are trying to position yourself as the
most suitable candidate for the role, that every
other C-Suiter and their cousin is lobbying for.
All these elements play a substantial role in
how executive leaders should be designing
Unless you have a very clear and focused
their career transition program, so that
value proposition, a professional brand
consideration is given to both the enablers as
identity, as well as strong relationships on the
well as the inhibitors to attaining that next
inside, the chances of you landing that dream
dream executive leadership “gig”.
“gig” are going to be under continuous

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.


& Career

Your Leadership Partner


You are going about your Ability to reach the

networking all wrong appropriate contacts
Most open networkers are born that way and Depending on the level of role that you are in
they invest a substantial amount of time in today, or aiming for as your next executive
both their professional as well as their leader dream role, you may be faced with
personal life, because it’s an activity that gives higher barriers of entry. Some senior
them energy. While some people, after a long executives that you would want to reach, may
day at work, want to go home, lay down on a be just difficult to access, and protected by
comfortable couch and unwind, others get tough gatekeepers. Getting in front of the
energized by spending even more time in the appropriate people may be a challenge. In
company of a wide group of people. some cases, going through the Human
Resources route, may be of little or no help. If
Connecting with everyone and anyone that it is only appropriate to speak with C-level
comes your way may be interesting at times, leaders, they may also feel competitive or
especially as you go out enriching your threatened.
personal life. However, professional
networking needs to be mindful and Getting the right level access and outreach
purposeful and requires a very well-designed strategy can mean the difference between
strategy that serves your professional success and failure.
purposes, whether it is for growing your
business, or for growing your career.
You have not been
For some, networking is a way of life. For
Fear or dislike of others, this may not necessarily be your walk
networking in the park. If you have not been networking
as a matter of course, and building that ever
Have you noticed that some people are just more valuable network throughout your
natural born networkers and others will career, getting to building at the last minute,
simply avoid it like the plague. Well, this can only when you figure out you need it, may be
be identified in your personality profile. seen as opportunistic, and may not yield the
result that you need.
Understanding that upfront and then adapting
the right networking strategy that works for
you, regardless of whether you are a natural
extrovert or not, is crucial for your success.
You are not in with the
Being able to get over your dislike or fear of board or the ExCom
networking is fundamental to ensuring that
you have an active and supportive An estimated 80% of Senior Executive Roles
environment, that is ready to enable your are placed through direct and indirect
transition journey. networks connected to the Board or Executive
Team. If you don’t have that access, you will
So, it’s time to put your fears aside, because be left out in the cold, and not top-of-mind to
unless you get really good at this key activity, those who are part of the decision for the
you may find yourself on the bad end of a senior executive roles that you may be aiming
career transition experience. for.

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.

Locked in the paradigm of Not taking time to recover

being the boss from the situation
Losing a job at this senior executive leadership A major reason it’s so hard for senior
level may be devastating. The “bigger we are, executive leaders to land on their feet is that
the harder we fall”. Feeling “invulnerable” on most of them need time to recover from
the job, is typical for senior level executives, as having lost their job, to begin with. Taking the
they think “layoffs won’t affect me; after all, I time to dive into your current reality properly,
am the boss!” getting clarity and focus, and not over-
rationalizing the issue, is key to moving on.
These are typical examples of how some
senior executives may have put blinders on as Depending on the circumstances of why you
to their own potential situation. left, you may not be ready to dive head-first
into a new role. Losing a job takes an
Sometimes “being the boss” is a paradigm that emotional toll that must be accounted for.
we can get stuck into, and will make it feel Working through those emotions, figuring out
uncomfortable asking for help from others what went wrong, and reflecting on what you
who can advise us on the reality of our current want going forward is a timely and necessary,
situation. Having been isolated and step.
“cocooned” or “coddled” for too long, may
make you feel as if you “CAN’T hack it on the
outside”. Afterall, you have spent over a
More influencers involved
decade or two in the same company and job, at those Levels
and you don’t know if you can go out “on a There are simply many more influencers and
date”, so to speak. decision makers involved in the process of
hiring a new senior executive leader, than
The perceptions of others there are in hiring people at more junior roles.
You can expect to interview with several
of your position members of the company’s senior staff, and
you may need to get sign-off from the board if
Did you fail in your last role? Or perhaps it the new “gig” is at a publicly traded company.
may seem to others that you did. on the More interviews and more people to mull over
outside, did. As such, your failure may seem the candidates means it’ll take more time than
greater – because you were higher up on the you likely anticipate, and things can wrong at
corporate ladder. any given point of the process for a wide
variety of reasons. You can also expect those
Perhaps the opposite is true. You were too decision-makers to be picky, looking for the
much of a success. Whether it is true, or just smallest reason why the candidate is not
suitable, as everyone will be scrambling to put
the perception of others, you may just not be
themselves in the position of “I told you so”,
taken seriously as a job candidate (“s/he when things go wrong.
doesn’t really need to work”).

Other people may also project their own fears

onto you, as they feel threatened. Some people
will try to shame you. Others in denial act Success is not built on

dismissively, not believing that your crisis is
real, and then people act like you’re
“contagious” (if YOU lost YOUR job, then NO
ONE is safe!).

All these perceptions can play a significant It’s Built on the backs of giants
part in how people around you, including your who have tried and failed
network, react to your situation.
many times.

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.


& Career

Your Leadership Partner

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.

Your professional online You are not prepared with

profile is not up to… good interview answers
Most people at senior executive roles are busy Going in all gung-ho, having been used to
doing the job that they almost always forget to winging it, and being all over-confident can
take care of themselves. They don’t invest the put senior executive leaders in a precarious
time in ensuring that they are keeping their and rather unprepared position during an
professional profile(s), up to date with their interview.
current and most recent achievement.
Clarifying changes that are happening in their Most leaders at that level think, “Oh Dear, I
career path is important. This is an oversight have interviewed so many other senior
that will surely come back to bite them later, leaders in my career, that this should be a
when they find themselves not being walk in the park for me”. This couldn’t be any
approached early enough to catch the next further from the truth. Interviewing others is
role. a science that is totally different from being
interviewed, and so many senior executive
Aligning your CV, with your Bio, with your leaders make the mistake of mixing them up
LinkedIn Profile, with what is being written together.
about you in the news, is key to maintaining a
consistent brand image and reputation that The key is to get prepared by doing observed
can precede you ahead of the expiration of the mock-interviews that can help you
position that you are in. It can help you getting understand where your blind spots are, and
approached by other, especially executive consider at least how else you could answer
headhunters, and keep you abreast of certain questions.
potential opportunities that are out there.

You didn’t consider if the

job matches you
You are not asking the One of the main reasons why senior executive
right questions leaders need to prepare themselves with
questions to ask to the board, is to figure out
And you thought you were going in there to be whether the role is a good match with your
interviewed, which to you meant, that you are profile, background, experience, skill-set,
only answering questions. Not at all the case. leadership ability and most importantly, a
As a senior executive leader, going in for the cultural fit within the new organization.
interview, the quality and impact of the
questions you get to ask during your
interview, is probably more important than Focusing your efforts
how you answer questions from the board. If
you walk out with just a “thank you” at the primarily on online jobs
end, this might as well be the feedback you On-line job boards represent only around
will get from the board. Full Stop. 15% of executive job landings, as they focus
on more junior roles.

Those who succeed ask

So if your strategy to find your next executive
leadership role is to purely apply to online

jobs, you will be missing out on 85% of the
potential roles out there. Your effort should be
focused more on a purposeful strategy to
engage directly with the right organizations
and the right decision makers through
professional and mindful networking.

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.

You are not tapping into

the unpublish job market
Now What!
The unpublished job market represents 75%
of all executive landings. The unpublished job
market is basically all the jobs that don’t really If you have been in any of the
get announced, not even with the executive
headhunters. These are the jobs that get filled above situations, and you are still
through internal and external organizational in-transition, you might want to
networking and recommendations. The
question that you as an executive should be consider connecting with one of
asking yourself is, are you connected to the our Executive Career Transition
right executives, at the right level, within the Coaches and get clear on how they
right organizations?
can help you land your next role.
Your CV has not been
Follow These 3 Easy Steps
assessed professionally
Just because you have reviewed many CVs
over the period of your career, and you have 1
probably hired amazing leaders to work with
you across different organizations, does not
necessary ensure that you are able to nail Take a Look at the Overview of
down a CV of your own that can be effective. the Executive Career Transition
One of the simplest pitfalls of not getting the Program outlined on page 11.
right role is that your CV may not be well
positioned for the roles that you are aiming
for. Having it reviewed by the right
professionals that can give you advice on what 2
kind of changes you can consider will go a
long way to making sure your CV resonates,
when shared. Review the Profiles of the
Executive Coaches and see who
Applying to fake jobs you may prefer to work with,
posted online also on page 11.
At best, only 5% of Senior Executive Roles
advertised online are real. Can you imagine
that? Most jobs posted online, to fill Senior
Executive Roles are actually not real jobs. The
reality is, that it is normally best practice not
to advertise such roles, due to the sensitive
nature surrounding such positions. Book your Complementary
So why then are they advertised? Some
Discovery Session with one of
recruiters will actually post these jobs, so that them.
executive leaders will apply to them and
submit a CV, helping the recruitment company
enhance their database, and perhaps even use
the contact information to engage with the Book a Free Discovery Session
candidates for business development
purposes instead of helping support their

Why Great Executive Leaders, In-Transition, Fail to Land.


& Career

Your Leadership Partner


The Executive Career Transition Coaching Program



Evolve to a newer version of you that is best fit for your future.
o Survey Roll-Out 1
o Feedback Session
o Leadership Profile & Personal Drivers
FOCUS o Personal Vision & Values o Survey Roll-Out
o Feedback Session
DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING o Brand Audit & Design [CV / LI Profile / Bio]
o Outreach Material / Message Development
Job Search Strategy Planning & Development
o Exploring Options & Scenarios 3 OBSERVED INTERVIEWING SESSIONS
o Job/Career Search Strategy Development o Mock Interview with a Head-hunter
o Report Generation & Feedback Session


o Compensation Benchmarking & Negotiation
Achieving progress through clear actionable execution of
your executive transition strategy. 3 o Executive Networking Technique & Strategy
o Outreach Enablement & Methodology
o 4 to 5 Sessions of Accountability Coaching o Be-Spoke…


Access to an exclusive online platform, with content that will support your coaching your specific coaching journey.
Includes: Resources, Tools, Templates, Articles, Videos.

“A good coach can change your

game. A great coach can change
your life.”
John Wooden

Choose One of our Great Executive Coaches

Heidi-Mai Warren Wassim Karkabi Rose Hindy

Your Leadership Partner


Executive Career Transition Leadership Growth Board Effectiveness

Helping Executive Leaders Land the Next Gig Enabling Leaders to Lead at their Next Level Supporting Board Members to Lead more Effectively

Cross Cultural Leadership 100 Day Impact Women in the Lead

Empowering Leaders Across Cultural Values Delivering Faster & Smarter Leadership Impact Leaning In with Confidence

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