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Type 2 diabetes: Replacing fizzy drinks with water could reduce risk of c...

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Drinking water instead of fizzy drinks significantly reduces risk of diabetes

10 per cent of NHS budget spent on diabetes and complications, claims charity Diabetes can increase risk of heart disease five-fold
By Claire Bates Last updated at 5:19 PM on 16th September 2011
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Liquid refreshment: Experts say water is the only liquid our bodies need to hydrate

Drinking water instead of fizzy drinks could dramatically reduce your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes, scientists say. Researchers from Harvard University are presenting new evidence which shows replacing sugar-sweetened drinks with water can lead to weight loss and help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes by seven per cent. Professor Frank Hu, from the Harvard School of Public Health, said: 'There is convincing evidence that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with increased risk of obesity and diabetes, and emerging evidence that these beverages increase the risk for heart disease. 'To reduce risk of obesity and cardiometabolic diseases, it is important to reduce consumption of sugar-

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Type 2 diabetes: Replacing fizzy drinks with water could reduce risk of c...

sweetened beverages and replace them with healthier choices such as water and unsweetened tea or coffee.' More than 2.8 million people in the UK have the chronic condition of diabetes, while another one million have it without realising, according to NHS figures. People who develop the Type 2 condition lose the ability to break down glucose into energy, which causes blood-sugar levels to rise. The immediate symptoms of hyperglycaemia include feeling thirsty and drowsy. It can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, which can eventually cause unconsciousness and even death. Diabetes raises the risk of heart disease by up to five times. Over time it can cause sight problems and nerve damage leading to foot ulcers. Patients are encouraged to exercise more and eat a healthier diet to help control the condition. Diabetes UK says 10 per cent of total NHS spending goes towards treating the condition and its complications. The International Chair on Cardiometabolic Risk (ICCR), which conducted the research, says more than 100,000 people are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes every year, with 26 million Brits projected to be obese by 2030. ICCR scientific director, Dr Jean-Pierre Despres said: 'The epidemic prevalence achieved by abdominal obesity can be explained by our sedentary lifestyle and poor nutritional habits, among which an overconsumption of sugar-sweetened beverages plays a significant role. 'Until recently, these beverages have escaped the scrutiny that low-quality foods have received, but as our research shows, this certainly should not be the case.' Kinvara Carey, general manager at the Natural Hydration Council, said: 'With the rising concern about obesity rates, it is useful to remind people of simple steps that can help us all towards a healthier lifestyle. 'Taking notice of what we drink can be just as important as watching what we eat. Water is the only liquid our bodies need to hydrate. It contains no calories or other added ingredients and, as such, is one of the healthiest ways to hydrate.' The findings were published today at the Sustaining the Blue Planet: Global Water Education Conference in Montana, USA. A British Soft Drinks Association spokesman said: 'The cause of obesity and Type 2 diabetes is an excess of calories in the diet over calories expended in exercise, regardless of which food or drink those calories come from. 'Replacing drinks containing calories with drinks which are calorie-free can help those people who need to reduce their calorie intake. 'A range of drinks, including soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water, tap water, milk, tea and coffee, can help provide the hydration the body needs, but bear in mind that they may contain calories if you are trying to limit or reduce your weight. 'Soft drinks, like all food and drink, should be consumed as part of a balanced diet.'
Places: United Kingdom

Comments (30)

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9/17/2011 1:34 AM

Type 2 diabetes: Replacing fizzy drinks with water could reduce risk of c...

Oldest Best rated Worst rated View all This is all just global warming propaganda trying to stir up more hatred for carbon dioxide. The fizz has nothing to do with diabetes. It's the sugar, duh, but it's been decades since that was news. Perrier should sue this publication for libel! - Dan, Buffalo US, 17/9/2011 01:50 Click to rate Report abuse There's nothing wrong with FIZZY drinks. It's SUGARY drinks you should avoid. - Mike Tyner, Birmingham AL USA, 16/9/2011 23:47 Click to rate Report abuse ...papers full today of... dont do this, dont do that or is it, do this do that or you DIE....geezzzz. - dezi, wales, 16/9/2011 22:30 Click to rate Report abuse Well, as much as you do well to be wary of the tripe published in the Mail, the notion that a 600 calorie a day diet can cure diabetes was trialled at Newcastle University and the results were amazing. Patients who had been taking insulin for years were able to stop. Karen, UK, 16/9/2011 21:42========Type 2 Diabetes yes as the pancreas in these sufferers is still producing insulin. Not much use to type 1's whose insulin producing sites have been destroyed, usually by the bodies own immune system following illness or trauma. It is a horrible condition, especially in children who think the first injection after diagnosis will cure them, not realising it is a life sentence; but whilst the insulin producing companies are making billions of dollars creating the stuff, there will not be a cure any time soon. Not a sufferer BTW. - MH, Fleetwood, 16/9/2011 22:12 Click to rate Report abuse Did you run out of stories DM? I have a great headline next time you are short. 'Oxygen discovered as most healthy way to keep you living a longer life' .....oh and that will be lots and lots of money please for the 50 odd years reseach I have put into discovering this, ooh and I'd also like one of those degrees you get thrown in for just being you whilst we are all doing something for nothing! - Allie, Canterbury, 16/9/2011 22:06 Click to rate Report abuse but there's always the 600 calorie a day diet to cure it. I know that's true because I read it on here. - Kevin, Nottingham, 16/9/2011 15:07 ------------------------- Well, as much as you do well to be wary of the tripe published in the Mail, the notion that a 600 calorie a day diet can cure diabetes was trialled at Newcastle University and the results were amazing. Patients who had been taking insulin for years were able to stop. - Karen, UK, 16/9/2011 21:42 Click to rate Report abuse Rating (0) Rating 7 Rating 3 Rating 1 Rating (0) Rating (0)

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9/17/2011 1:34 AM

Type 2 diabetes: Replacing fizzy drinks with water could reduce risk of c...

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