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Common Assessment 3 Review

1. Fragile-X Syndrome is a recessive sex-linked disorder on the X chromosomes. Below is a pedigree

tracing the passing of fragile-X syndrome gene through three generations. Write in the genotypes on
the line next to / below each individual.

2. Base your answer to the following questions from the pedigree above: Supposed individual 13 marries
a man who is normal. Showing a punnett square, what is the probability that they will have the
a. A male with Fragile X?_________

b. A female with Fragile X?_________

c. A female who is a carrier for Fragile X?_________

3. According to the pedigree chart and the other information provided,

does individual 3 have fragile X syndrome? Explain your answer!!

4. Explain the difference between the two sides of the following diagram.
(Self-renewal & Differentiation)

a. What is the process that allows a stem cell to differentiate?

b. What happens when a stem cell undergoes differentiation?

5. What is a pro and a con for stem cell research?

6. Explain the following terms:

a. Pluripotent

b. Multipotent

c. Totipotent

7. The diagram below shows a cell undergoing two different processes. Word bank: haploid, diploid, 2n, n
a. Both parent cells begin as a
b. The 2 daughter cells for
image A are
c. The 4 daughter cells for
image B are
d. The process depicted in
image A is
e. The process depicted in
image B is

8. What is a somatic cell? Give an example.


9. The image shows some normal and some cancerous cells. What is
the cause of the cancer cell growth pattern?
a. In a healthy person, what would happen if your body
recognized the cancerous cell?
10. Label the image.

a. What is a gene?_______________________________________________________________

11. Fill in the table below to compare the 2 nucleic acids.

12. Complete the table below.

Name: Name: Name:

Location in cell: Location in cell: Location in cell:

Function for Protein Synthesis: Function for Protein Synthesis: Function for Protein Synthesis:
13. Explain DNA Replication.
a. How do the 2 strands at the end compare to the original DNA molecule?
b. What is responsible for breaking the hydrogen bonds?
c. What is responsible for reforming the hydrogen bonds?

14. Label the DNA Molecule.

a. Write the base pairs for the following strand:

15. What type of mutation is it if DNA bases change from A-T-T to A-T-G?
16. What is the image to the right called?
a. Male or Female?
b. How would you diagnose this individual?
17. Match the following to the image.

A. Amino Acid
B. Codon
C. DNA F. Protein I. Transport to cytoplasm
D. mRNA G. Ribosome J. Transcription
E. Nuclear Membrane H. tRNA K. Translation

18. What process is shown in the image to the right?

a. This process leads to an increase in genetic
b. When does this process occur?
c. Mitosis or Meiosis?

19. A diagram shows how human reproduction works.

a. The process that creates the egg (A) is
b. The process that creates the sperm (B) is
c. A zygote is created through the process of
d. The process that the zygote undergoes is
20. What is the only way that mutations can be passed from parents to their offspring?
21. What is differentiation?

22. Identify the process that is in each image below.

23. Which two images above represent the steps for protein synthesis? ________&_________
24. Explain each of the following inheritance patterns and provide an example.
a. Incomplete dominance
b. Codominance
c. complete dominance
d. multiple alleles

25. Which sex chromosome will most sex-linked traits be found?

a. Male chromosomes:____________ Female Chromosomes:_____________

b. Which gender is more likely to inherit sex linked traits? Why?


26. Put the pictures of mitosis to the right in the correct order.
a. What is the organelle labeled X?
b. What is Y and what is its function?

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